BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd., 825 Exhibition Way, Suite 209, Ottawa, ON K1S 5J3
1-844-294-2714 |
Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability)
Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance protects
you against liability or allegations of liability for injury or
damages that have resulted from a negligent act, error,
omission, or malpractice that has arisen out of your
professional capacity as a planner. This insurance protects
planners by ensuring that your legal defence is coordinated
and paid for if a claim is made against you. Your policy also
covers the cost of client compensation and damages.
Professional Liability
$5,000,000 per
Policy Form
Geographical Limits
Disciplinary Defence Costs
Criminal Defence Costs
Reputation Management Coverage
Court Attendance Costs
$500/day for
$250/day for
Occupational Health & Safety Act
Cyber Security & Privacy Liability
Libel and Slander
Breach of Copyright
Out of Country
Extended Reporting Period
10 years
Coverage Definitions
Disciplinary Defence Costs
Provides coverage for legal costs associated with having to
appear at a disciplinary hearing with a professional
regulatory organization or agency. In the event of a
complaint or investigation, members are provided with
superior legal representation and defence protection.
Criminal Defence Costs
Provides reimbursement to an insured member for defence
costs associated with a case filed under the Criminal Code,
with respect to their professional services and as long as the
member is found ‘not guilty’ of the criminal charge.
Occupational Health & Safety Act
Provides reimbursement of legal expenses necessarily
incurred in the defence of proceedings brought under an
Occupational Health & Safety Act.
Reputation Management
Coverage to pay for fees, costs and expenses incurred to
retain a public relations consultant for the purpose of
protecting the insured's professional reputation in
connection with an insured claim.
Extended Reporting Period
The policy automatically provides 10 years of extended
reporting at no charge for professional liability claims that
are first discovered and filed after you have retired and/or
discontinued practice.
How to Report a Claim
In the event of an occurrence likely to result in a claim under
this insurance, immediate notice should be given to the
Insurer. You must see to it that the Insurer is notified as soon
as practicable of any injury, act, error, or omission, or of an
occurrence or an offence which may result in a claim. Please
ensure to formally document the incident, including details
of those involved. When reporting, please include:
Your certificate of insurance
Statement of claim, Declaration, Motion, College
complaint letter, or other legal process, as
Other relevant documentation
To report a claim, please contact Crawford & Company at
[email protected] or 1-877-805-9168.
BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd., 825 Exhibition Way, Suite 209, Ottawa, ON K1S 5J3
1-844-294-2714 |
Additional Coverage Options
Commercial General Liability Insurance
Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL) provides
coverage to protect against claims arising from injury to
property damage that you (or your business) may cause to
another person as a result of your operations and/or
premises and not related to your delivery of professional
services (for example, a client may slip and fall on a wet floor
and injure themselves).
This coverage is recommended for members who own or
operate a business. Coverage is also recommended for
members who operate independently and contract out their
services or bill under their business name.
Legal Entity Professional Liability Insurance
In the event of a claim, both the individual planner and your
business name are likely to be named in a statement of claim
or lawsuit. Legal Entity Coverage protects the business and
its assets in such circumstances.
This coverage is recommended for businesses with
professionals working for or on behalf of your business
and/or billing under your business name. The limit is shared
with the business owner’s individual Errors & Omissions
(Professional Liability) Insurance policy limits.
Cyber Security & Privacy Liability Insurance
Members can purchase a comprehensive Cyber Security and
Privacy Liability policy to manage the risk of holding
increasingly large quantities of personally identifiable data of
clients, employees, and others, and to mitigate the
reputational damage resulting from a data security breach.
Employment Practices Liability
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPL) includes
coverage for defence costs and damages related to various
employment-related claims including allegations of wrongful
termination, discrimination, workplace harassment and
Other Liability Insurance Products and Services
Please contact BMS if you required additional insurance
solutions for your professional services and/or business,
Property/Contents & Crime
Legal Services / Legal Expense Insurance
How to Apply
Please contact APPI to purchase Errors & Omissions
(Professional Liability) Insurance. For all other insurance
products and services, please contact BMS.
Alberta Professional Planners Institute (APPI)
Box 3099 Sherwood Park, AB, T8H 2T1
Toll Free: 1-888-286-8716
BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd. (BMS)
825 Exhibition Way, Suite 209 Ottawa, ON K1S 5J3
Toll Free: 1-844-294-2714
More information
This brochure is a summary of coverage and is for information purposes only.
Full terms and conditions of the policy, including all exclusions and limitations
are described in the policy wordings, a copy of which can be obtained from BMS.