Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association
Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association
700, 333 11th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 1L9
(i) Members of the Law Society of Alberta ("Law
Society") who are required by the Rules of the Law
Society to pay the professional liability assessment
for indemnity under this Part А and who have paid
such assessment prior to the Error for which
coverage is being sought
(ii) others identified as Subscribers in the policy
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
Occurrence Limit - $1,000,000, subject to any sublimit
expressly provided for in Part A
Aggregate Limit - $2,000,000
$5,000 per Occurrence
As determined by the ALIA Board.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(i) Members of the Law Society who are required by
the Rules of the Law Society to pay the
misappropriation assessment for indemnity under
this Part B and who have paid such assessment
(ii) others identified as Subscribers in the policy
(b) POLICY PERIOD: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
(с) LIMITS OF LIABILITY: Misappropriation Limit - $5,000,000
Profession-wide Annual Aggregate Limit -$25,000,000
(d) PREMIUM: As determined by the ALIA Board.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
In this Part А:
Additional Subscriber means, with respect to а particular Individual Subscriber:
(a) a present or former partner of the Individual Subscriber;
(b) any Law Firm through which the Individual Subscriber has practised law, whether as
partner, associate, employee, counsel, contract lawyer or otherwise; and
(c) a present or former partner of any Law Firm through which the Individual Subscriber
has practised law,
provided, however, Additional Subscriber does not include a Subscriber who committed or is alleged to
have committed an Error that is the same as, or which is Related to, the Error committed by the Individual
Administrative Costs means:
(a) Costs incurred by ALIA in managing а Claim, including, without limiting the foregoing,
Costs of coverage determinations, recovery and subrogation, and adjuster's fees incurred
in managing a Claim;
(b) post-judgement interest on that portion of Damages (or any part thereof) for which ALIA
is responsible under this Part А; and
(c) out-of-pocket Costs of a Subscriber in connection with a Claim to the extent authorized
for reimbursement by ALIA in writing in advance, including, without limiting the
foregoing, reasonable travel Costs to attend trial to the extent so authorized.
Adult Interdependent Partner has the same meaning as in the Adult Interdependent Relations Act, SA
2002, c. A-4.5.
Aggregate Limit has the meaning given by clause 2.5(c).
ALIA means the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association, a company incorporated under Part 9 of the
Companies Act, RSA 2000, c. C-21.
Ancillary Activities means activities of a quasi-legal or non-legal nature (including, without limiting the
foregoing, financial, investment, accounting and brokerage advice or services; and the carrying on of any
business or undertaking that is not the provision of Professional Services including, without limiting the
foregoing, real estate development and appraisal) that are ancillary to or independent of the provision of
legal services normally provided or supervised by a lawyer within the scope of a usual lawyer-client
relationship and are provided by a Subscriber, regardless of whether such activities are for compensation,
personal benefit, or otherwise.
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Approved Law means any legal services that are expressly identified as an Approved Law in an
endorsement to this policy.
Circumstance means:
(a) any circumstance which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a Claim, however
unmeritorious; or
(b) any circumstance which could reasonably be expected to constitute an Occurrence;
Claim means:
(a) a written or oral allegation of an Occurrence; or
(b) a written or oral demand for money, property or services arising out of an actual or alleged
including the threat or institution of a suit or other legal proceeding that is made against one or more
For greater certainty, all Claims arising out of the same Occurrence are subject to a single Occurrence
Limit, regardless of the fact that such Claims may have been made in different policy periods. Nothing in
this clause relieves the Subscriber from the obligation to report such Claims in accordance with the
requirements of Conditions 4.1 and 4.2 of this policy.
Claimant means a Person who has made or may make a Claim.
Costs includes fees, costs, charges, disbursements and expenses.
Counterfeit Certified Cheque or Counterfeit Bank Draft means a fraudulent instrument purported to be
drawn upon a Canadian financial institution that resembles a certified cheque or bank draft to such an extent
that it is reasonably capable of passing for a certified cheque or bank draft, but not a certified cheque or bank
draft that has merely been altered or for which a signature of endorsement forged.
Damages means:
(a) compensatory damages;
(b) Repair Costs;
(c) pre-judgement interest on that portion of Damages (or any part thereof) for which ALIA
is responsible under this Part А (other than Damages under this paragraph (c)); and
(d) Costs of a Claimant that are taxed or fixed by а court;
but does not include:
(i) fines or penalties;
(ii) aggravated, punitive or exemplary damages (whether or not such damages are
compensatory damages);
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(iii) billed or unbilled legal fees and disbursements, whether paid or not, even if
claimed as special or general damages;
(iv) any profit, remuneration or any other gain which the Subscriber has directly or
indirectly received; or
(v) the cost of complying with declaratory, injunctive or other non-monetary relief.
Defence Costs means Costs incurred by ALIA in defending or settling a Claim, including, without limiting
the foregoing, legal fees and disbursements of counsel appointed by ALIA (other than Repair Counsel);
notional legal fees and disbursements incurred by in-house defence counsel of ALIA, if any, as determined
by ALIA; the fees and disbursements incurred for investigators, experts, appraisers and witnesses; Costs
of alternative dispute resolution; and adjuster's fees incurred on the instructions of counsel in defending or
settling a Claim.
Dishonest means conduct which a reasonable person would consider to be, in the context of the expected
conduct of a lawyer:
(a) deceptive and morally reprehensible;
(b) untruthful and morally reprehensible; or
(c) lacking in candour and integrity;
even in the absence of an actual dishonest purpose, motive or intent.
Enterprise means any proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, co-operative, society, business,
association, joint venture, syndicate, company, corporation, firm, trust, municipality, government,
governmental or regulatory authority, university, court or other legal or commercial entity.
Error means an actual or alleged inadvertent error by act or omission.
Finding means a finding by the trier of fact in the case against the Subscriber, after the exhaustion of all
appeals or, if no such appeals have been commenced, after the time for commencing such appeals has
Incidental Services means services that are connected with and incidental to legal services normally
provided or supervised by a lawyer within the scope of a usual lawyer-client relationship, including, without
limiting the foregoing, those services for which the Subscriber is responsible as a Member and which arise
out of such Subscriber’s activity as an executor, administrator, trustee, personal representative, committee,
guardian, or patent or trademark agent.
Individual Deductible has the meaning given by clause 2.5(a).
Individual Subscriber means a Member who has caused or is alleged to have caused an Occurrence and
who is one of the following:
(a) a Member who is required by the Rules to pay the professional liability assessment for
indemnity under this Part А and who has paid such assessment; or
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(b) a Member or former Member who was previously, but is no longer, insured or
indemnified by the indemnity program mandated by the Legal Profession Act (Alberta),
but only with respect to Occurrences that took place or are alleged to have taken place:
(i) while that Member was insured by mandatory insurance; or
(ii) before the date of commencement of mandatory insurance.
In this definition, "mandatory insurance" means professional liability insurance or indemnity for errors and
omissions required by legislation or the Rules to insure or indemnify Members, in the form that was
required at the relevant time; and "Individual Subscriber" includes а Professional Corporation through
which the Individual Subscriber was practising law at the time of the Occurrence.
Ineligible Costs means:
(a) Costs incurred and earnings lost by an Individual Subscriber or Additional Subscriber
in connection with an attempt to correct an Error in the rendering of Professional
Services, to prevent the threat, institution or advancement of a Claim, or to reduce or avoid
any liability, damages or loss arising out of an Error, or in the defence or settlement of a
Claim, including, without limiting the foregoing, those associated with:
(i) photocopying documents;
(ii) expending time and effort;
(iii) preparing for and attending questioning or cross-examinations, or interlocutory
(iv) preparing for and attending alternate dispute resolution;
(v) preparing for court and testifying; and
(vi) otherwise cooperating with ALIA in the repair, defence or settlement of a Claim;
(b) out-of-pocket Costs of an Individual Subscriber or Additional Subscriber that are not
authorized for reimbursement by ALIA in advance, including, without limiting the
foregoing, Costs of independent or personal counsel retained by the Subscriber (except
in the circumstances set out in Exclusions 3.7, 3.9 and 3.10) and Costs of disputing issues
relating to coverage, deductibles or apportionment of liability (subject to an award
otherwise by a court or arbitrator); and
(c) Costs awarded personally against a Subscriber as a result of the Subscriber's conduct in
litigation, whether or not connected with an Occurrence.
Law Firm means:
(a) a sole proprietorship through which an Individual Subscriber practises law; or
(b) two or more Individual Subscribers who are, or appear to be, holding themselves out to
the public as practising law together, whether or not a partnership exists in fact and
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regardless of the form or forms of business organization through which the practice is
Law Society means the Law Society of Alberta.
law society means a law society, barristers' society, bar association, or a similar regulatory organization of
a jurisdiction other than Alberta.
Legal Services Organization Lawyer means a Member who is an employee of, or who is exempted from
the requirement to pay a professional liability assessment pursuant to the Rules but who is otherwise acting
within the scope of their duties in providing pro bono legal services as a volunteer through, an organization
which has been designated by the Executive Director of the Law Society under the Rules as an approved
legal services provider of pro bono services and such designation is in full force and effect at the time of the
Occurrence or which is a legal clinic, or any organization, in whatever form, providing legal services to
members of the public or other organizations as authorized by the Rules and approved by the President and
Chief Executive Officer of ALIA.
Limits of Liability means the Occurrence Limit and Aggregate Limit set out in Item 4(c) of the
Member means a lawyer who, at the date of the Occurrence, was enrolled with the Law Society pursuant
to the Legal Profession Act (Alberta).
Misappropriation means, for the purposes of this Part A, a theft, wrongful taking, or wrongful conversion
and may include multiple thefts, wrongful takings, or wrongful conversions concurrently, or over time, of
Money, Securities or Property, whether to the use of a Subscriber or a third party, which was entrusted
to or received by an Individual Subscriber or Additional Subscriber in their capacity as a barrister or
solicitor or such other capacity as the Law Society may designate, regardless of the form or forms of
business organization through which the practice as a barrister or solicitor is conducted.
Mobility Rules means those rules of a Canadian law society that govern the ability of members of other
Canadian law societies to provide Professional Services in that jurisdiction on a temporary or permanent
Money, Securities or Property means:
money including currency, coins, and bank notes having а face value and in current use;
securities including all negotiable and non-negotiable instruments or contracts representing
money, debt, an equity interest or an interest in property and includes revenue and other
stamps, tokens and tickets in current use; and
personal property including trust money, in cash or on deposit, and chattels, which have
been entrusted.
Non-qualifying Services means advice or services provided or supervised by a Subscriber in relation to
one or more Ancillary Activities conducted by that Subscriber.
Occurrence means an Error in the rendering of Professional Services to others, provided in either case
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(a) a sole Error shall be considered one Occurrence regardless of:
(i) the number of Claimants or Claims arising out of the Error;
(ii) the number of Subscribers against whom Claims are made in connection with the
Error; or
(iii) the fact that Claims arising out of the Error were made at different times or in
different policy periods; and
(b) two or more Errors that are the same or that are Related shall be considered a single
Occurrence, regardless of:
(i) the number of Claimants or Claims arising out of the Errors;
(ii) the number of Subscribers against whom Claims are made in connection with the
(iii) the fact that the Errors occurred in the same or different retainers for the same or
different clients; or
(iv) the fact that the Errors took place, or that Claims arising out of the Errors were
made, at different times or in different policy periods.
Occurrence Limit has the meaning given by clause 2.5(b), subject to clause 2.52.5(f).
Overdraft means a negative balance in the Subscriber’s trust account, whether or not related to or caused
by a Counterfeit Certified Cheque or Counterfeit Bank Draft.
Person includes an individual and an Enterprise.
Policy Period is that indicated in Item 4(b) of the Declarations.
Professional Corporation means a corporation to which a permit has been issued pursuant to subsection
131(3) of the Legal Profession Act (Alberta).
Professional Services means services normally provided or supervised by a lawyer within the scope of a
usual lawyer-client relationship which are with respect to:
(a) the law of Canada, of Alberta, or of any other province or territory located within
(b) an Approved Law; or
(c) a combination of the laws referred to in clauses (a) and (b) above;
and includes:
(d) services rendered as an arbitrator or a mediator of legal disputes, or in an
equivalent role with respect to such disputes; and
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(e) Incidental Services that are substantially Related to the services described in
paragraphs (a), (b) and (c);
but does not include:
(f) Ancillary Activities;
(g) the mere receipt and distribution of funds by a Subscriber, whether through that
Subscriber's trust account or otherwise; or
(h) Unauthorized Practice.
Reciprocal Jurisdiction means a Canadian jurisdiction the law society of which has adopted Mobility
Rules that are not substantially more restrictive than the Mobility Rules of the Law Society.
Related includes factual relationships, logical relationships, causal relationships and any other relationship.
Related Party means, with respect to а particular Individual Subscriber:
(a) a present or former partner of the Individual Subscriber;
(b) any Law Firm through which the Individual Subscriber was practising at the time of the
Occurrence, whether as partner, associate, employee, counsel, contract lawyer or
(c) a present or former partner of any Law Firm through which the Individual Subscriber
has practised law; and
(d) a Spouse, Adult Interdependent Partner, parent, child, sibling or other relative of the
Individual Subscriber or any other individual set forth in the foregoing paragraphs (a)
through (c).
Repair Costs means Costs incurred by ALIA in an attempt to:
(a) correct an Error in the rendering of Professional Services;
(b) prevent the threat or institution of a Claim or legal proceeding against one or more
Subscribers arising out of an Error in the rendering of Professional Services; or
(c) reduce or avoid any liability, damages or loss, including taxed costs and interest, arising
out of an Error in the rendering of Professional Services.
Repair Counsel means counsel retained by ALIA pursuant to clause 2.4(a).
Rules means the Rules of the Law Society, as amended.
Social Engineering Fraud includes the intentional misleading of:
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(a) a Subscriber or a Law Firm;
(b) a client of a Subscriber or a Law Firm;
(c) a partner, associate, employee, counsel, contract lawyer or other agent or representative of
a Law Firm; or
(d) a bank or other financial institution of any Person listed in clauses (a) to (c) above,
into sending or paying money based on fraudulent information that is provided to any such Person in a
written or verbal communication.
Spouse means the husband or wife of a married individual.
Subscriber means:
(a) an Individual Subscriber;
(b) an Additional Subscriber; or
(c) а Legal Services Organization Lawyer.
Unauthorized Practice means legal services normally provided or supervised by a lawyer within the scope
of a usual lawyer-client relationship by a Subscriber in contravention of the rules of a law society.
Notwithstanding any other term of this policy, the onus is on the Subscriber to prove that the Subscriber
has not engaged in Unauthorized Practice.
In consideration of payment of the premium when due, and subject to the Limits of Liability,
deductibles, exclusions, conditions and all other terms of this Part А, ALIA agrees with each
Subscriber as follows:
2.1 Damages
Subject to Conditions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 of this Part A, which are conditions precedent to coverage,
and subject also to all other provisions of this Part A, ALIA will pay on behalf of each Subscriber
the Damages that the Subscriber becomes legally obligated to pay arising out of an Occurrence.
2.2 Defence of Claims and Payment of Costs
In respect of the indemnity coverage given by this Part А, ALIA will:
(a) defend that portion of any Claim against a Subscriber alleging an Occurrence and
seeking Damages that would fall within the coverage provided by this Part А. As part of
this obligation to defend such a Claim, ALIA shall have complete and exclusive control
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over the conduct of the defence of a Claim, including the appointment and instruction of
(b) pay all Administrative Costs incurred by ALIA in connection with the Claim, it being
understood that the payment of Administrative Costs by ALIA will not erode the Limits
of Liability provided in this Part А;
(c) pay all Defence Costs and Repair Costs, incurred by ALIA, in connection with that part
of the Claim that falls within the coverage provided by this Part A, it being understood
that the payment of Defence Costs and Repair Costs by ALIA will erode the Limits of
Liability provided in this Part А; and
(d) pay all premiums on appeal bonds and on bonds to release attachments, for bond amounts
not exceeding the applicable Limit of Liability (as such Limit of Liability may be eroded
in accordance with this policy from time to time), in connection with the Claim that have
been authorized in advance by ALIA, it being understood that the payment of such
premiums will erode the Limits of Liability provided in this Part А and that ALIA will
have no obligation to furnish, apply for or give security for any such bonds.
2.3 Limits on Defence and Payment of Costs
(a) Uncovered Claim. ALIA has no duty to defend, and has no duty to pay any defence Costs,
Repair Costs, Administrative Costs or other amounts, regarding a Claim or а part of a
Claim that falls within an Exclusion of this Part А or that otherwise is not covered by this
Part А.
(b) Ineligible Costs. ALIA is not responsible for and will not pay any Ineligible Costs.
(c) Uncovered portion of defence or damages: ALIA has no obligation to pay any defence
Costs or other amounts with respect to parties, allegations, or Damages that are not covered
by this Part A, and such defence Costs or other amounts are the sole responsibility of the
Subscriber. If there are uncovered parties, allegations or Damages in the Claim, the
following shall apply:
With respect to payment of Defence Costs and Repair Costs:
(i) ALIA and Subscriber will use reasonable efforts to agree upon an allocation of the
Defence Costs and the Repair Costs attributable to the covered and uncovered
parties, allegations or Damages. If ALIA and Subscriber cannot reach such an
agreement, then ALIA is entitled to decide the appropriate percentage, acting
reasonably, for the Defence Costs and the Repair Costs attributable to the covered
parties, allegations or Damages and shall be entitled to pay only that percentage;
(ii) any determination of such a percentage allocation shall apply only to Defence Costs
or Repair Costs and shall not apply to or be considered with respect to allocation
of Damages (other than Repair Costs);
(iii) if ALIA pays Defence Costs or other amounts that would be allocated to a
Subscriber hereunder, the Subscriber shall pay such amounts to ALIA on demand;
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With respect to payment of Damages:
(iv) the allocation between covered and uncovered Damages (other than Repair Costs)
may proceed after judgment in, or settlement of, the Claim and will be based on the
relative legal and relative factual exposure of ALIA and the Subscriber with
respect to the covered and uncovered Damages.
2.4 Repair of Errors
ALIA may determine, in its sole discretion, whether an attempt should be made to repair an Error
in the rendering of Professional Services; however, ALIA has no obligation or duty to attempt to
repair an Error. If ALIA determines that an attempt should be made to repair an Error, then as
between ALIA and the Subscriber, ALIA shall be entitled to have complete and exclusive control
over the repair. Such exclusive control includes, without limiting the foregoing, ALIA’s ability to:
(a) retain counsel to act on behalf of ALIA, which retainer may provide that such counsel may
be exclusively instructed by ALIA and may contain such other terms and conditions
(including that it may be a joint retainer) as ALIA may determine in its sole discretion;
(b) incur Repair Costs;
(c) take such steps as ALIA decides are appropriate to prevent the threat or institution of a
Claim or legal proceeding against one or more Subscribers arising out of an Error in the
rendering of Professional Services; and
(d) take such steps as ALIA deems appropriate to reduce or avoid any liability, loss or
damages arising out of an Error in the rendering of Professional Services.
2.5 Deductibles and Limits of Liability
(a) Individual Deductible.
(i) Each Subscriber against whom one or more Claims are made in respect of an
Occurrence shall be liable for Defence Costs and Damages (including Repair
Costs) for that Occurrence up to a maximum amount of $5,000.00 in the
aggregate (the Individual Deductible).
(ii) ALIA does not have any obligation to pay to a Claimant an amount attributable
to an Individual Deductible although ALIA may pay all or part of the Individual
Deductible amount to a Claimant to effect settlement of a claim, or to pay Repair
Costs or Defence Costs. If ALIA pays any part or all of the Individual
Deductible amount to a Claimant to effect settlement of a claim or to pay Repair
Costs or Defence Costs, the Subscriber shall promptly reimburse ALIA the
amount paid.
(iii) If a Claim is made against more than one Subscriber from the same Law Firm
in respect of the same Occurrence, only one Individual Deductible will be
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charged for that Occurrence. ALIA has the sole discretion to decide which of
such Subscribers is responsible for paying the Individual Deductible.
(b) Occurrence Limit. Subject to clause 2.5(f) of this Part A, for each Occurrence, the
maximum amount payable by ALIA collectively for Damages, Repair Costs, Defence
Costs and any other amounts combined is $1,000,000.00 (the Occurrence Limit) less the
applicable Individual Deductible.
(c) Aggregate Limit. The maximum amount payable by ALIA collectively for Damages,
Repair Costs, Defence Costs and any other amounts combined on behalf of any
Individual Subscriber, including all Additional Subscribers, for all Claims made during
the Policy Period, regardless of the number of Occurrences, is $2,000,000.00 (the
Aggregate Limit) less the applicable Individual Deductibles.
The Aggregate Limit applicable to an Individual Subscriber shall not be eroded by
Claims made against that Individual Subscriber in their role as an Additional
Subscriber in respect of the same Occurrence.
(d) Application of Occurrence Limit and Aggregate Limit to Multiple Claims, Claimants,
Subscribers and policy periods. The maximum liability of ALIA for each Occurrence and
for Claims made during the entire Policy Period is as set forth in clauses 2.5(b) and 2.5(c)
above, regardless of: the number of Claims or Claimants arising out of a particular
Occurrence; the number of Subscribers against whom Claims are made in connection
with the Occurrence; the fact that the Occurrence occurred in the same or different
retainers for the same or different clients; or the fact that the Occurrence took place, or
that Claims arising out of the Occurrence were made, at different times or in different
policy periods. Multiple Claims, Claimants, Subscribers, retainers, or policy periods
involved in a single Occurrence will not increase or cumulate the Occurrence Limit or
the Aggregate Limit.
However, if one or more Claims arising out of the same Occurrence are made jointly,
severally, or jointly and severally, against two or more Law Firms, then the Individual
Deductible and the Occurrence Limit and Aggregate Limit shall apply separately to each
Law Firm unless the involvement of more than one Law Firm is attributable solely to the
fact that an Individual Subscriber causing the Occurrence has relocated from one Law
Firm to another.
(e) Exhaustion of Limits of Liability. ALIA shall not be obligated to pay any Damages,
Repair Costs, Defence Costs, or any other amounts, or to undertake or continue the repair
of any Error or the defence of any proceeding, after the respective Limits of Liability
have been exhausted, or after deposit of the applicable Limits of Liability into a court of
competent jurisdiction. In such a case, ALIA shall have the right to withdraw from further
defence or repair by tendering control of the defence or repair to the Subscriber.
(f) Applicable Sublimits. Notwithstanding any other term of this policy, there is a $250,000
Occurrence Limit, less the applicable Individual Deductible, for each Claim that is
against a Subscriber or an Additional Subscriber alleging an Occurrence and seeking
Damages that would fall within the coverage provided by this Part А and that is brought in
a jurisdiction other than Canada or any of its provinces or territories.
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The indemnity coverage given by this Part А does not apply to a Claim arising out of or from:
3.1 [Intentionally deleted];
3.2 Professional Services provided in a Subscriber's capacity as a member of a non-Canadian law
3.3 Non-qualifying Services;
3.4 the mere receipt and distribution of funds by a Subscriber, whether through that Subscriber's trust
account or otherwise;
3.5 the theft or Misappropriation of trust funds or property or in any way Related to such theft or
3.6 a Dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act or omission that does not fall within Exclusion 3.5;
3.7 a malicious act or omission, except that ALIA will reimburse to a Subscriber reasonable legal fees
and disbursements incurred by independent counsel retained by the Subscriber in the defence of
allegations of an allegedly malicious act or omission, if there is a Finding that the Subscriber did
not commit the malicious act or omission. However, such legal fees and disbursements will only
be reimbursed if the Claim against the Subscriber otherwise would have been covered under this
Part A, but for the existence of this exclusion. In addition, such reimbursement is subject to
allocation between covered and uncovered amounts in accordance with clause 2.3(c);
3.8 any loss due to Misappropriation which is covered under Part B of this policy, or which would
have been covered under Part B but for:
(a) the exhaustion of the limits set out in clauses 2.4(a) or 2.4(b) of Part B; or
(b) the failure of any Subscriber to comply with any term of Part B including, without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, the Conditions set out in Section IV of Part B;
3.9 a penalty assessed against a Subscriber under section 163.2 of the Income Tax Act, except that
ALIA will reimburse to the Subscriber reasonable legal fees and disbursements incurred by
independent counsel retained by the Subscriber in the successful appeal of such penalty, if there
is a Finding that the Subscriber did not commit the acts or omissions which gave rise to the
potential penalty. However, such legal fees and disbursements will only be reimbursed if the Claim
against the Subscriber seeks Damages against the Subscriber as a result of the same or Related
conduct of the Subscriber which gives rise to the Subscriber’s potential liability under s. 163.2
of the Income Tax Act and such Damages would otherwise would have been covered under this
Part A.
In addition, such reimbursement is subject to allocation between covered and uncovered amounts
in accordance with clause 2.3(c);
3.10 a fine or penalty assessed against a Subscriber under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering)
and Terrorist Financing Act, except that ALIA will reimburse to the Subscriber reasonable legal
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fees and disbursements incurred by independent counsel retained by the Subscriber in the defence
of a prosecution of an offence under such Act, if there is a Finding that the Subscriber did not
commit the acts or omissions which gave rise to the potential fine or penalty. However, such legal
fees and disbursements will only be reimbursed if the Claim against the Subscriber seeks
Damages against the Subscriber as a result of the same or Related conduct of the Subscriber
which gives rise to the Subscriber’s potential liability under the Proceeds of Crime (Money
Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and such Damages otherwise would have been covered
under this Part A.
In addition, such reimbursement is subject to allocation between covered and uncovered amounts
in accordance with clause 2.3(c);
3.11 the bodily injury, sickness, disease or death of any Person (other than mental illness, emotional
distress, or humiliation of a claimant that is the direct result of an Occurrence);
3.12 physical damage to tangible property, including, without limiting the foregoing, physical damage
that results in the loss of use of the property, unless such damage is the direct result of an
3.13 a Subscriber's acting in the capacity of director or officer of any Enterprise; or
3.14 damage to or loss of use of tangible or intangible property, alteration or loss of data, disclosure of
confidential information, theft or other loss of money or property, or any other loss which arises,
directly or indirectly, from:
(a) the receipt or transmission of a computer virus or other program via the internet or in any
other electronic manner;
(b) the failure or violation of the security of computer, telecommunication or other devices,
systems, or networks;
(c) computer code or programming, including but not limited to a computer virus, that does or
which is intended to:
(i) delete, distort, corrupt, manipulate, or prevent access to: internet connections or
systems; computer programming; computer, telecommunication or other devices,
systems or networks; or electronic data;
(ii) impair the performance of computer, telecommunication or other devices, systems
or networks;
(iii) obtain or disclose electronic data without the consent or authority of the
Subscriber; or
(iv) gain remote control of or access to computer, telecommunication or other devices,
systems or networks for uses other than those intended for authorized users of such
devices, systems or networks; or
(d) Social Engineering Fraud.
In addition, the coverage given by this Part A does not apply to:
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3.15 a Claim made against a Member who is an employee of, or who contracts with, a government,
municipality, university, Person or Enterprise, other than a Law Firm, and who practises law
solely within the scope of that employment or contract. This exclusion applies whether the
Member is employed, or contracts to provide services, individually or through a Professional
Corporation, and whether or not the Member's employment agreement or contract permits the
Member to provide Professional Services outside of the scope of the Member's employment or
contract. This exclusion does not apply to a Member who is a Legal Services Organization
3.16 a Claim made against a Member who is an employee of, or who contracts with, a government,
municipality, university, Person or Enterprise, other than a Law Firm, except to the extent such
Claim arises from Professional Services provided outside the scope of such employment or
3.17 any Claim in any way relating to or arising out of the Subscriber’s assumption of responsibility
for the Subscriber’s own or another’s performance of:
(a) an undertaking;
(b) an agreement; or
(c) a promise;
to pay a debt, including but not limited to an Overdraft.
3.18 a Claim against a Subscriber made by the Subscriber's employer at the time the Claim was made
or the Occurrence happened;
3.19 a Claim against a Subscriber made by the Subscriber's Law Firm at the time the Claim was
made or the Occurrence happened;
3.20 a Claim against an Individual Subscriber by an Additional Subscriber;
3.21 a Claim for which proper notice has not been given in accordance with Conditions 4.1 and 4.2, or
which was reported to ALIA after the Policy Period;
3.22 a Claim made, or deemed to have been made, prior to or after the Policy Period;
3.23 a Claim excluded under Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause (attached); or
3.24 a Claim made by or in any way Related to an Enterprise in which the Individual Subscriber or
Related Parties of the Individual Subscriber, or any combination thereof, held, directly or
indirectly, at the time of the Occurrence or at any time thereafter, beneficial ownership in an amount
greater than ten per cent (10%), to the extent that the damages the Individual Subscriber is legally
obligated to pay represent the share of ownership in such Enterprise held by the Individual
Subscriber or Related Parties of the Individual Subscriber or any combination thereof.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
The coverage afforded by this Part А is subject to the following Conditions:
4.1 Claims First Made and Reported
(a) This Part А gives the described coverage to a Subscriber for an Occurrence only if the
Claim is first made against the Subscriber during the Policy Period, and is reported in
writing to ALIA in accordance with Condition 4.2 of this Section IV.
(b) A Claim is first made against the Subscriber during the Policy Period:
(i) If a Subscriber first becomes aware during the Policy Period of a Claim or a
Circumstance; or
(ii) a Claim is first made during the Policy Period against a Subscriber for Damages
that are or might be covered under Part A of this policy;
whichever is earlier, provided, in either case, that the Subscriber had no knowledge before
the commencement of the Policy Period of the Claim or Circumstance and could not
reasonably have foreseen before the commencement of the Policy Period that a Claim
might arise; and provided further, that where a Claim is first made against an Individual
Subscriber but has not, at that time, been made against their Additional Subscribers, the
Claim shall be deemed to have been first made against the Additional Subscribers at the
same time that the Claim was first made against the Individual Subscriber.
(c) When the Policy Period expires, ALIA shall be free of liability for Occurrences except
for those in respect of which a Claim has been both first made during the policy period
and which has been reported to ALIA in accordance with Condition 4.2(a) or 4.2(b).
4.2 Notice Requirements
(a) Written notice. Each Subscriber shall, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of a
Claim or Circumstance, give written notice thereof, during the Policy Period, to ALIA
at the local address for service shown in the Declarations.
(b) Late notice. Notwithstanding the requirement in clause 4.2(a) that the written report of the
Claim or Circumstance be reported to ALIA as soon as practical and during the Policy
Period, a Subscriber may provide such notice at a later time if the Subscriber proves that
such late notice has caused no prejudice to ALIA. If late notice of the Claim or
Circumstance is provided to ALIA for the first time, pursuant to this paragraph 4.2(b),
(i) There shall be no coverage for any Subscriber if ALIA has been prejudiced by
the late notice;
(ii) Subject to clause 4.2(b)(iii), the policy terms and conditions (including the Limits
of Liability) applicable to the Claim or Circumstance for all Subscribers are
deemed to be those in effect at the time when the Claim was first reported to
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(iii) The amount of the applicable Aggregate Limit of Liability for the Individual
Subscribers and all Additional Subscribers will be the lesser of the following:
A. The amount of the remaining Aggregate Limit of Liability of the policy
in force at the time the Claim was first made; and
B. The amount of the remaining Aggregate Limit of Liability of the policy
in force at the time the Claim or Circumstance was first reported to
taking into account erosion, if any, of such limits by Defence Costs or other
For greater certainty, this paragraph 4.2(b) shall not apply to any Claim that is first made
against a Subscriber prior to July 1, 2020.
(c) Information. After notification, the Subscriber shall submit, as soon as practicable, to the
Person(s) designated by ALIA all information reasonably required by ALIA that the
Subscriber is reasonably capable of providing. In addition, the Subscriber shall
immediately forward to the Person(s) designated by ALIA any demand, notice, summons
or other process received by the Subscriber in connection with the Claim or Occurrence.
If a Subscriber fails without reasonable excuse to comply with this paragraph, ALIA may
withdraw coverage under the Policy for that Subscriber. If a Subscriber is unable by
reason of death or mental or physical incapacity to comply with this paragraph, ALIA may,
at its option, take the place of the Subscriber to ensure compliance but is not obliged to do
(d) Acceptance of notice from other Subscribers or Persons. ALIA may, in its discretion:
(i) deem notice of a Claim or Circumstance by an Individual Subscriber to be
notice of such Claim or Circumstance by their Additional Subscribers; and
(ii) accept notice of a Claim or Circumstance which is provided to ALIA during the
Policy Period by a Person other than the Subscriber who was required to give it.
However, this discretion will not be exercised if ALIA has been prejudiced by late notice
of a Claim or Circumstance.
4.3 Cooperation, Admissions and Settlement
(a) Co-operation. The Subscriber shall co-operate fully with ALIA. Without limiting the
generality of this requirement to cooperate fully, this includes the requirements that the
Subscriber shall respond promptly to all communications from ALIA and any Person
appointed by and acting on its behalf, and shall, upon request:
(i) assist in investigations;
(ii) assist in settlement attempts;
(iii) attend at questionings and other interlocutory proceedings;
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(iv) attend at alternative dispute resolution;
(v) assist in enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against any third party;
(vi) attend at hearings and trials;
(vii) assist in securing the attendance of witnesses; and
(viii) otherwise assist in the repair, defence or settlement in all other reasonable
(b) Non-compliance. If a Subscriber fails without reasonable excuse to comply with
Condition 4.3(a), ALIA may withdraw coverage under the Policy for that Subscriber. If a
Subscriber is unable by reason of death or mental or physical incapacity to comply with
Condition 4.3(a), ALIA may, at its option, take the place of the Subscriber to ensure
compliance but is not obliged to do so.
(c) Admission of liability. The Subscriber shall not make any admission, make any offer to
settle or take any other action with respect to a Claim or Occurrence (including an attempt
to correct an Error in the rendering of Professional Services, prevent the threat, institution
or advancement of a Claim, or reduce or avoid any liability, damages or loss arising out of
an Error) unless ALIA is aware of and consents in writing to the admission, offer or action
in advance. Any such admission, offer to settle or other action taken without the consent
referred to in this Condition 4.3(c) shall be at the sole risk of the Subscriber. However,
this clause shall not apply to any such admission, offer or other action that occurs after
ALIA has granted the permission referred to in Condition 4.3(e).
(d) Payments, etc. Any payment, obligation or expense in connection with a Claim or
Occurrence that is made, assumed or incurred by the Subscriber, without obtaining the
prior consent of ALIA, shall be the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.
(e) Compromise or settlement. The decision to settle or compromise а Claim is within the sole
discretion of ALIA, which has the exclusive right and authority to enter into а compromise
or settlement without the consent of the Subscriber. If the Subscriber objects to а
compromise or settlement, the Subscriber may request that the Subscriber be permitted
to contest or continue legal proceedings in connection with the Claim. ALIA has no
obligation to grant such permission but may do so within the exercise of its sole discretion.
Any permission so granted shall be in writing and is subject to the express condition that
the amount payable under this Part А in respect of the relevant Claim shall not exceed the
amount for which the Claim could have been settled, including Defence Costs up to the
date of the Subscriber's objection, subject to the other Conditions of this Part А.
4.4 Innocent Additional Subscriber Provisions
(a) Fraud or malice. Subject to Condition 4.4(d), if coverage under this Part А is excluded,
suspended or lost for an Individual Subscriber due to the operation of Exclusion 3.6 or 3.7
(that is, a Dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission by the Individual
Subscriber other than one relating in any way to theft or Misappropriation of trust funds
or property), coverage shall continue to apply for the benefit of any Additional Subscriber
against whom a Claim is made arising out of the Occurrence caused by the Individual
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(b) Failure to provide information or cooperate. Subject to Condition 4.4(d), if coverage under
this Part А is excluded, suspended or lost for an Individual Subscriber due to that
Individual Subscriber's failure to provide information or copies of any demand, notice,
summons or other process as required by Condition 4.2(c), or to cooperate with ALIA in
accordance with Condition 4.3(a), coverage shall continue to apply for the benefit of any
Additional Subscriber against whom the Claim in question, or a Claim arising out of the
Occurrence in question, is made; provided, for greater certainty, that nothing in this
paragraph shall be construed as providing coverage to an Additional Subscriber where
such coverage was not available to the Additional Subscriber pursuant to Conditions 4.1
or 4.2.
(c) Non-Qualifying Services. Subject to Condition 4.4(d), if coverage under this Part A is
excluded, suspended or lost for an Individual Subscriber under Exclusion 3.3 because the
Individual Subscriber has rendered Non-Qualifying Services, coverage shall continue
to apply for the benefit of any Additional Subscriber against whom a Claim is made
arising out of the Occurrence caused by the Individual Subscriber.
(d) Condition of coverage. It is a condition precedent to the coverage referred to in this
Condition 4.4 that the relevant Additional Subscriber shall not have concealed,
acquiesced or participated in the conduct that has disqualified the Individual Subscriber,
nor have breached any other provision of this Part А.
4.5 Other Insurance
(a) If a Subscriber has or had at any time insurance (other than excess insurance) under
another Canadian law society's policy (or Canadian law societies' policies) that applies to
а Claim covered by this Part А, the total amount of insurance and indemnity provided
under these policies together will not exceed the total value of the Claim or the most that
is available under either (any one) of these policies alone, whichever is less. The decision
as to which of these policies will respond, or as to any allocation between (or amongst) the
policies, will be made by the Law Society together with that other law society (or, if more
than one, with those other law societies) and the Subscriber agrees to be bound by that
decision. However, the aggregate coverage provided under all applicable policies will not
exceed the applicable Limits of Liability regardless of the number of policies involved.
(b) Except to the extent that Conditions 4.5(a) or 4.6(a) apply, if a Subscriber has or had at
any time insurance (other than excess insurance) placed with another indemnifier or insurer
that applies to a Claim covered by this Part А, this Part А will apply only as excess
coverage over the other insurance to the extent that the other insurance is valid and
collectible. This is regardless of whether:
(i) this policy is in any way, whatsoever, described (specifically or otherwise) as
anything other than excess indemnity or insurance, in any such other insurance; or
(ii) that other insurance is primary, contingent, excess, umbrella, or contains any form
of excess or escape “other insurance” clause, condition or provision.
Further, ALIA will not be called upon to contribute or otherwise pay any amounts,
whatsoever, where any such amounts are covered under or are otherwise included in other
valid and collectible insurance.
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4.6 Inter-jurisdictional Coverage
(a) Subject to Condition 4.5(a), if a Claim is made against a Subscriber in а Reciprocal
Jurisdiction in connection with Professional Services rendered in that jurisdiction
pursuant to the Mobility Rules, and the professional liability coverage provided to the
Subscriber by this Part A is narrower in scope than that required of the members of the
law society of the Reciprocal Jurisdiction, then ALIA shall provide in respect of such
Claim the same scope of coverage under this Part A as that of the Reciprocal
Jurisdiction’s policy; subject to an Occurrence Limit of $1,000,000.00 and an
Aggregate Limit of $2,000,000.00. This Condition applies for the benefit only of a
Subscriber who was a Member at the time the Professional Services were rendered.
(b) For clarity, if a Member (other than a Legal Services Organization Lawyer) is exempt
under the Rules from the requirement to pay the professional liability assessment, whether
pursuant to the Mobility Rules or otherwise, this Part А will not respond or be applicable
to a Claim arising out of an Occurrence taking place during the period of exemption.
4.7 Cancellation
(a) For all Subscribers. This Part А may be cancelled at any time by ALIA. Such cancellation
shall terminate the coverage provided under this Part A to all Subscribers without prior
notice to any Subscriber.
(b) For any Subscriber. ALIA may, with the consent of the Law Society, terminate the
coverage provided by this Part А to a particular Subscriber on 60 days' written notice
given to that Subscriber delivered by personal delivery or registered mail to the last
address of the Subscriber shown on the records of the Law Society. Such notice shall be
deemed to have been given on the day of delivery in the case of personal delivery or three
(3) business days in Calgary, AB after the registered letter is delivered by ALIA to the post
office in the case of registered mail.
(c) No return of premium. There shall be no return of premium to any Subscriber on the
cancellation or termination of this Part А.
4.8 Subrogation
(a) General. If any payment is made under this Part А on behalf of a Subscriber, ALIA shall
be subrogated to all of that party's rights of recovery against any Person in respect of the
(b) Exercise against Subscriber. ALIA will not exercise its subrogation rights against any
Subscriber, except ALIA may exercise such rights against an Individual Subscriber:
(i) whose conduct has caused payments to be made on behalf of one or more
Additional Subscribers by virtue of the operation of Condition 4.4(a) or 4.4(b)
of this Part А;
(ii) who has failed to comply with Conditions 4.3(a) or 4.3(c) of this Part A; or
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(iii) who committed the Error in rendering Professional Services while not authorized
by the Law Society to practice law, or while not authorized by the Law Society
to practice law in that practice area.
(c) Preservation of rights. The Subscriber shall do nothing to prejudice ALIA's subrogation
rights and, in addition, shall execute and deliver all documents and take any other action
that ALIA considers necessary or appropriate, acting reasonably, to secure those
subrogation rights.
(d) Application of amounts recovered. Any amounts recovered through exercise of ALIA's
subrogation rights, net of recovery Costs, shall be applied as follows:
(i) first, to repay a Subscriber or an excess insurer who, pursuant to an agreement
with ALIA, has paid an amount on the Subscriber's behalf in respect of the Claim
over and above payments under this Part А;
(ii) second, to reimburse ALIA (and, on a pro rata basis, any other insurers who have
contributed to the Claim pursuant to an agreement with ALIA, except for those
referred to in Condition 4.5(b) for Damages and Defence Costs paid in respect of
the Claim;
(iii) third, to reimburse ALIA for Damages and Defence Costs paid in respect of the
Claim; and
(iv) fourth, to reimburse the Subscriber for deductibles paid that are referable to the
4.9 Miscellaneous Conditions
(a) Effect of bankruptcy or insolvency. The bankruptcy or insolvency of a Subscriber shall not
affect the obligations of ALIA under this Part A and shall not relieve a Subscriber of
personal responsibility for their obligations under this Part А.
(b) Effect of death or incapacity. The death or incapacity of a Subscriber shall not affect the
obligations of ALIA or a Subscriber under this Part А with respect to Occurrences before
the death or incapacity. The legal or personal representatives of the Subscriber shall be
entitled to enforce any coverage provided by this Part А for the benefit of the Subscriber,
but shall be bound by the conduct of the Subscriber in connection with the Occurrence(s)
in question.
(c) Notice to ALIA. Notice to ALIA shall be given to ALIA at the local address for service
shown in Item 3 of the Declarations and shall be delivered by personal delivery or
registered mail. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the day of delivery in
the case of personal delivery or three (3) business days in Calgary, AB after the registered
letter is delivered by the sender to the post office in the case of registered mail. Notice to
any other Person (including the Law Society), or knowledge by that Person, of such
matters does not constitute notice to ALIA, does not affect ALIA or its rights under this
Part А, and does not affect the applicability of the terms and conditions of this Part А.
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(d) Notice to Subscriber. Subject to Condition 4.7, notice to any Subscriber must be given to
the Subscriber at the last address of the Subscriber shown in the records of the Law
Society and shall be delivered by personal delivery or registered mail. Such notice shall be
deemed to have been given on the day of delivery in the case of personal delivery or three
(3) business days in Calgary, AB. after the registered letter is delivered by the sender to the
post office in the case of registered mail.
(e) Waiver. No provision of this policy shall be waived by ALIA in whole or in part unless:
(i) the waiver is stated in writing;
(ii) the clause being waived is specifically identified; and
(iii) the fact that the clause at issue is being waived is specifically stated.
(f) Arbitration against ALIA. The following are conditions precedent to an arbitration against
ALIA by a Subscriber:
(i) the Subscriber must have complied in all respects with the terms and conditions
of this Part A; and
(ii) the amount payable for damages or settlement in respect of the Claim must have
been finally determined by:
(A) a court of competent jurisdiction;
(B) an arbitration to which the Subscriber must submit or does submit with
ALIA’s prior written consent; or
(C) a settlement to which the Subscriber and ALIA have both agreed in
writing with the Claimant.
Clause 4.9(f)(ii) does not apply to an arbitration by a Subscriber against ALIA for a
declaration that ALIA has a duty to defend a Claim.
(g) Arbitration. This provision applies to any dispute under or in relation to Part A of this
Policy, including, without limiting the foregoing, as to:
(i) the interpretation of this Part A;
(ii) the validity or existence of this Policy; or
(iii) the payment of an Individual Deductible;
that arises between a Subscriber and one or more of the following:
(iv) ALIA; or
(v) another Subscriber who is not presently at the same Law Firm as the Subscriber
and was not at the same Law Firm at the time of the Occurrence.
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Such a dispute shall be adjudicated only by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted
in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act (Alberta) by a single arbitrator and
may be initiated by any party to the dispute on written notice to all other parties at any time
after the expiration of 90 days from the date the dispute arose. The parties agree that such
an arbitration will be confidential, and that they will not disclose any aspect of the
arbitration, including, without limiting the foregoing, the facts, the issues, the evidence, or
the result; provided however, that ALIA may disclose any aspect of the arbitration to the
Law Society. The arbitration will be final and binding.
(h) Assignment. The rights of a Subscriber under this Part A that are exercisable against
ALIA cannot be assigned to any other Person.
(i) Third Persons. For greater certainty, nothing herein, express or implied, is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon any Person who is not ALIA or a Subscriber any rights
or remedies under or by reason of this Part A.
(j) Service. Service of any action to enforce the obligations of ALIA under this Part A shall
be made on ALIA at the local address for service shown in the Declarations.
(k) Currency. All Limits of Liability and deductibles under this Part A
are stated in lawful
currency of Canada and all payments under this Part A
shall be made in the same currency.
(l) Information Sharing. Personal information collected from the Subscriber, whether
pursuant to Part A or Part B, will be used by ALIA for one or more purposes contemplated
by the Legal Profession Act (Alberta), the Rules, the Law Society’s Code of Conduct,
and/or any resolution of the Benchers of the Law Society or the Board of Directors of
ALIA; and may be accessible to all departments of the Law Society. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the information may be used or disclosed by ALIA, now or in
the future, for regulatory purposes including Law Society investigations and proceedings.
(m) Governing law. This Part A shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the Province of Alberta.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
In this Part B:
Adult Interdependent Partner has the same meaning as in the Adult Interdependent Relations Act, SA
2002, c. A-4.5.
ALIA means the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association, a company incorporated under Part 9 of the
Companies Act, RSA 2000, c. C-21.
Claim means a demand for money, an action, or institution of proceedings against a Subscriber arising
from an alleged Loss.
Claimant means a Person who has made or may make a Claim.
Compensation Program means the Assurance Fund as provided under the Legal Profession Act (Alberta).
compensation program means:
(a) any statutory program, as provided for by a legislative act; and
(b) any fund established by a law society to pay for Losses from any misappropriation,
wrongful conversion or dishonesty by members of a law society as may now or
subsequently be established.
Costs includes costs, charges, disbursements and expenses.
Defence Costs means Costs incurred by ALIA in defending or settling a Claim, including, without limiting
the foregoing, legal fees and disbursements of counsel appointed by ALIA; notional legal fees and
disbursements incurred by in-house defence counsel of ALIA, if any, as determined by ALIA; the fees
and disbursements incurred for investigators, experts, appraisers and witnesses; Costs of alternative dispute
resolution; and adjusters fees incurred on the instructions of counsel in defending or settling a Claim.
Dishonest means conduct which a reasonable person would consider to be:
(a) deceptive and morally reprehensible;
(b) untruthful and morally reprehensible; or
(c) lacking in candour and integrity;
even in the absence of an actual dishonest purpose, motive or intent.
Enterprise means any proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, co-operative, society, business,
association, joint venture, syndicate, company, corporation, firm, trust, municipality, government,
governmental or regulatory authority, university, court or other legal or commercial entity.
Ineligible Costs means:
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(a) Costs incurred and earnings lost by a Subject Lawyer or an Innocent Subscriber in
connection with investigation, defence, or settlement of a Claim, including, without
limiting the foregoing, those associated with:
(i) photocopying documents;
(ii) expending time and effort;
(iii) preparing for and attending questioning or cross-examinations;
(iv) preparing for and attending alternate dispute resolution;
(v) preparing for court and testifying; and
(vi) otherwise cooperating with ALIA in the investigation, defence or settlement of
a Claim;
(b) out-of-pocket Costs of a Subject Lawyer or Innocent Subscriber that are not authorized
for reimbursement by ALIA in advance, including, without limiting the foregoing, Costs
of independent or personal counsel retained by the Subscriber and Costs of disputing
issues relating to coverage; and
(c) Costs awarded personally against a Subscriber as a result of the Subscriber's conduct in
litigation, whether or not connected with a Misappropriation.
Innocent Subscriber, with respect to one or more Subject Lawyer(s), means:
(a) a present or former partner of the Subject Lawyer(s);
(b) any Law Firm through which the Subject Lawyer(s) have practised law, whether as
partners, associates, employees, counsel, contract lawyers or otherwise; and
(c) a present or former partner of any Law Firm through which the Subject Lawyer(s) have
practised law;
provided that the Innocent Subscriber did not conceal, acquiesce, or participate in the conduct of the
Subject Lawyer(s) that gave rise to a Loss.
Law Firm means:
(a) a sole proprietorship through which a Subject Lawyer practises law; or
(b) two or more Members who are, or appear to be, holding themselves out to the public as
practising law together, whether or not a partnership exists in fact and regardless of the
form or forms of business organization through which the practice is conducted.
Law Society means the Law Society of Alberta.
law society means а law society, barristers' society or similar organization of a jurisdiction other than
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
Limits of Liability means the Misappropriation Limit and the Profession-wide Annual Aggregate
Loss means direct financial loss sustained by a Person of no more than the value, at the time of the
Misappropriation, of Money or the equivalent cash value of Securities and Property that is the subject
of a Misappropriation by a Subject Lawyer(s), but does not include any amount which the Claimant or
Subscriber has or is entitled to claim under any other policy or form of indemnity, insurance, title
insurance, or any compensation program.
Member means a lawyer who, at the date of the Misappropriation, was enrolled with the Law Society
pursuant to the Legal Profession Act (Alberta).
Misappropriation means, for the purposes of this Part B, a theft, wrongful taking, or wrongful conversion
and may include multiple thefts, wrongful takings, or wrongful conversions concurrently, or over time, by
а Subject Lawyer of Money, Securities or Property, whether to the use of the Subject Lawyer or a third
party, which was entrusted to or received by that Subject Lawyer or by another Member in the Subject
Lawyer’s Law Firm, in their capacity as a barrister or solicitor or such other capacity as the Law Society
may designate, regardless of the form or forms of business organization through which the practice as a
barrister and solicitor is conducted. All such thefts, wrongful takings, or wrongful conversions shall be
deemed to be one Misappropriation and shall be subject to one Limit of Liability, even if such thefts,
wrongful takings, or wrongful conversions may have occurred or been reported during more than one
policy period.
Misappropriation Limit has the meaning given by clause 2.4(a).
Money, Securities or Property means:
money including, without limiting the foregoing, currency, coins, and bank notes having а
face value and in current use;
securities including, without limiting the foregoing, all negotiable and non-negotiable
instruments or contracts representing money, debt, an equity interest, or an interest in
property and includes revenue and other stamps, tokens and tickets in current use; and
personal property, including, without limiting the foregoing, trust money, in cash or on
deposit, and chattels, which have been entrusted.
Occurrence has the same meaning as in Part A of this policy.
Person includes an individual and an Enterprise.
Policy Period is that indicated in Item 5(b) of the Declarations.
Profession-wide Annual Aggregate Limit has the meaning given by clause 2.4(b).
Related includes factual relationships, logical relationships, causal relationships and any other relationship.
Spouse means the husband or wife of a married Person.
Subject Lawyer means a Member who has committed or is alleged to have committed a
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Subscriber means:
(a) the Law Society;
(b) an Innocent Subscriber; and
(c) a Subject Lawyer.
In consideration of payment of the premium when due, and subject to the Limits of Liability, exclusions,
conditions and all other terms of this Part B, ALIA agrees with each Subscriber as follows:
2.1 Payment of Loss
(a) ALIA will pay:
(i) the amount of the Loss suffered by a Claimant as determined by a court; or
(ii) the amount of the Loss suffered by a Claimant as determined by the Law Society
or ALIA and, in the case of a determination by the Law Society, subject to the
approval of ALIA.
(b) At ALIA’s sole discretion, such payments may be made, in whole or in part, to:
(i) the Claimant, subject to the Claimant providing a release on such terms as
required by ALIA (which may include an assignment of the Claim); or
(ii) to a custodian appointed in respect of the Subject Lawyer’s practice.
2.2 Defence of Claims
In respect of the indemnity coverage given by this Part B:
(a) ALIA has the right, but not the duty, to defend any Claim against a Subscriber alleging
a Loss that would fall within the coverage provided by this Part B;
(b) if ALIA elects to defend a Claim against a Subscriber alleging a Loss that would fall
within the coverage provided by this Part B, ALIA has the right to:
(i) investigate the Claim alleged to have caused the Loss;
(ii) select and instruct defence counsel; and
(iii) withdraw from the defence of the Claim without seeking the consent of the
Subscriber; and
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(c) the decision to settle or compromise a Claim is within the sole discretion of ALIA, who
has the exclusive right and authority to enter into a compromise or settlement without the
consent of the Subscriber.
2.3 Limits on Payment of Costs
ALIA is not responsible for and will not pay any Ineligible Costs.
2.4 Coverage Limits
(a) Misappropriation Limit: The maximum amount payable by ALIA collectively for all
Losses and Defence Costs in respect of any Misappropriation is $5,000,000, regardless
of the number of: Claims made; Losses arising from the Misappropriation; Claimants or
retainers; or Subject Lawyers or Innocent Subscribers involved, or alleged to be
involved, in the Misappropriation. For clarity, multiple Claims, Losses, Claimants,
Subject Lawyers or Innocent Subscribers involved in any Misappropriation will not
increase or cumulate the Misappropriation Limit, even if such Misappropriation took
place during more than one policy period;
(b) Profession-wide Annual Aggregate Limit: The maximum amount payable by ALIA
collectively for all Losses and Defence Costs on an aggregate basis for all Losses and
Claims made and reported in the policy period is $25,000,000. For clarity, all payments
by ALIA of all Losses and Defence Costs incurred during the Policy Period will reduce
the Profession-wide Annual Aggregate Limit for that Policy Period in the amount of
those payments.
The indemnity coverage given by this Part B does not apply to:
any Claim or Loss that falls within Part A of this policy;
an Occurrence to which Part А of this policy responds, or would have responded had there been
compliance with the Conditions set out in Section IV of Part A, regardless of: the Limits of
Liability of Part А of this policy; compliance, or lack thereof, with the notice and/or reporting
requirements of Part А of this policy; and whether Part А of this policy has been cancelled;
bodily injury, sickness, disease or death of any Person;
physical damage to tangible property, including, without limiting the foregoing, physical damage
that results in the loss of use of the property;
a Claim or Loss:
(a) resulting from a Misappropriation reported to the Law Society; or
(b) which formed the basis of a claim for compensation under the Compensation Program
or any other compensation program;
prior to July 1, 2014.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
a Claim or Loss that arises out of or is in any way Related to, in whole or in part, the Dishonest
or unlawful conduct, fault or neglect committed by or on behalf of the Claimant; the Claimant's
Spouse; the Claimant’s Adult Interdependent Partner, or any parent, child, sibling or other
relative, or agent, of the Claimant.
a Claim by an Enterprise that arises out of or is in any way Related to, in whole or in part, the
wrongful or unlawful conduct, fault or neglect of a director, officer, employee or agent of the
Enterprise; or a Person who had, at the time of the Loss, directly or indirectly, effective control
of the Enterprise or beneficial ownership of the Enterprise in an amount greater than ten per cent
(10%) or any Spouse, Adult Interdependent Partner or parent, child, sibling or other relative,
or agent, of any individual referred to in this clause.
a Claim brought by a Claimant who knew prior to the time of the Misappropriation of any
Dishonest act by the Subject Lawyer(s);
а Claim or Loss sustained by аny Person or Persons who committed, participated in committing,
consented to (expressly or implicitly), or acquiesced in the Misappropriation, or who were
reckless or wilfully blind to the Misappropriation;
а Claim or Loss sustained by аny Person or Persons who had unlawfully obtained the Money,
Securities or Property that was the subject of the Misappropriation;
a Loss that does, or is alleged to arise out of or from, a purported investment, or a Ponzi or similar
investment scheme, in which the Subject Lawyer or the Subject Lawyer's Law Firm merely
received and distributed money, whether through their trust account or otherwise;
a Claim against a Subject Lawyer made by or on behalf of the Subject Lawyer's Law Firm or
its current or former partners;
a Claim against a Subject Lawyer made by or on behalf of the Subject Lawyer's employer,
or made by or on behalf of any government, municipality, university, Person or Enterprise by
whom the Subject Lawyer is contracted to practise law solely within the scope of that contract;
a Claim or Loss for which proper notice has not been given in accordance with Conditions 4.1 and
4.2 (other than notice by a Subject Lawyer).
The coverage afforded by this Part B is subject to the following Conditions:
Claims First Made and Reported
(a) Coverage under this Part B shall only apply to Claims or Loss arising out of
Misappropriations that occurred while the Subject Lawyer was a Member and
provided that a Claim is first made against the Subject Lawyer, and reported in writing
to ALIA, during the Policy Period. All Claims arising from a Misappropriation,
whenever made (including if made during different policy periods), shall be deemed for
purposes of this policy to have been made and reported on the date the first such Claim is
made and reported.
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
If, during the Policy Period, a Subscriber, other than a Subject Lawyer, learns of a
Claim or becomes aware of any Misappropriation or of circumstances that might
constitute a Misappropriation or which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a
Claim, however unmeritorious, that Subscriber shall give written notice to ALIA of such
Misappropriation or circumstances during the Policy Period. For the purposes of this
policy, the date upon which such written notice is given by that Subscriber to ALIA shall
be the date on which any resulting Claim or Loss is deemed to be first made and reported
to ALIA.
(b) Subject to Condition 4.1(a), when the Policy Period expires, ALIA shall be free of
liability for all Losses except for those in respect of which a Claim has been both made
during the Policy Period and reported during the Policy Period in accordance with
Condition 4.2.
Notice Requirements
(a) Notice by Subscriber. The Subscriber shall, as soon as practicable after learning of а
Claim or becoming aware of any Misappropriation or of circumstances that might
constitute a Misappropriation or which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a
Claim, however unmeritorious, give written notice to ALIA at the local address for
service shown in the Declarations. Subject to Condition 4.1(a), this is a condition
precedent to ALIA’s liability under this Part B.
(b) Acceptance of notice from other Persons. ALIA has the discretion, but is not required, to
accept notice of any Claim, Misappropriation or of circumstances that might constitute
a Misappropriation or which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a Claim,
however unmeritorious, which is provided to ALIA during the Policy Period by a Person
other than the Subscriber.
(c) Information. After notification, the Subscriber shall submit promptly to the Person(s)
designated by ALIA all information reasonably required by ALIA that the Subscriber
is reasonably capable of providing. In addition, the Subscriber shall immediately
forward to the Person(s) designated by ALIA any demand, notice, summons or other
process received by the Subscriber in connection with the Claim or Misappropriation.
Co-operation of Subscriber
The Subscriber shall co-operate fully with ALIA. Without limiting the generality of this
requirement to fully cooperate, this includes the requirements that the Subscriber shall respond
promptly to all communications from ALIA and any Person appointed by and acting on its behalf,
and shall, upon request:
(a) assist in investigations;
(b) assist in settlement efforts;
(c) attend at questionings and other interlocutory proceedings;
(d) attend at alternative dispute resolution;
(e) assist in enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against any third party;
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(f) attend at hearings and trials;
(g) assist in securing the attendance of witnesses; and
(h) otherwise assist in any investigation, defence or settlement efforts in all other reasonable
Other Insurance
If a compensation program (or programs) provided by another Canadian law society (or
Canadian law societies) other than the Law Society applies to a Loss covered by this Part
B, the total amount of coverage provided under this Part B and those compensation
programs together will not exceed the total value of the Loss or the most that is available
under either (any one) of this Part B or those compensation programs alone, whichever
is less. The decision as to which policy or compensation program will respond, or as to
any allocation between (or amongst) them, will be made by ALIA together with the other
law society (or, if more than one, with those other law societies) and the Subscriber
agrees to be bound by that decision.
Except to the extent that Condition 4.4(a) applies, if there is available to a Subscriber or
a Claimant any other insurance or indemnity against the Loss, this Part B will apply only
as excess coverage over the amount recoverable or recovered under such other insurance
or indemnity and will not be called upon in contribution.
For all Subscribers. This Part B may be cancelled at any time by agreement between
ALIA and the Law Society. Such cancellation shall terminate the coverage provided to
all Members without prior notice to any Member.
For any Subscriber. ALIA may, with the consent of the Law Society, terminate the
coverage provided by this Part B to a particular Subscriber on 60 days written notice to
that Subscriber delivered by registered mail to the last address of the Subscriber shown
on the records of the Law Society. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the
day of delivery in the case of personal delivery or three (3) business days in Calgary, AB
after the registered letter is delivered by ALIA to the post office in the case of registered
No return of premium. There shall be no return of premium paid for this Part B coverage
to any Member on the cancellation or termination of this Part B.
ALIA's Right to Recover Payments (Subrogation)
If a Subject Lawyer is determined to have committed a Misappropriation, it is agreed
between ALIA and the Subscribers that ALIA has the right to recover from that Subject
Lawyer all Losses and Defence Costs paid by ALIA.
In the event of any payment under this Part B ALIA shall be subrogated to and entitled to
an assignment of:
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(i) all of the Claimant's rights of recovery therefore against any Person, including,
without limiting the foregoing, the Subject Lawyer(s), in respect of said payment
and the Claimant shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and render
assistance to secure such rights. The Claimant shall do nothing after the Loss to
prejudice such rights;
(ii) all of the Innocent Subscriber's rights of recovery against any Person, including,
without limiting the foregoing, the Subject Lawyer(s), in respect of said
payment, and the Innocent Subscribers shall execute and deliver instruments
and papers and render assistance to secure such rights. The Innocent Subscribers
shall do nothing after the Loss to prejudice such rights. The Innocent
Subscriber's rights to which ALIA is subrogated or entitled to an assignment,
shall extend to the value of any Subject Lawyer's interest in any Law Firm as
determined by the Law Firm's books as of the date of the discovery of the Loss
by a Subscriber, including, without limiting the foregoing, any amounts owing
to the Subject Lawyer by the Law Firm. ALIA acknowledges that it waives all
rights of recovery against any Innocent Subscriber(s) in respect of the
Misappropriation resulting in any Loss paid under this Part B, unless the Loss
was caused or contributed to by the fault or neglect of the Innocent
The Subject Lawyer shall, upon payment by ALIA of any amount to a Claimant or other
Person hereunder be deemed to have irrevocably waived any limitation period applicable
to the Claim in respect of which such payment has been made.
Any amounts recovered through exercise of ALIA's subrogation rights and/or by salvage
net of recovery Costs, shall be applied as follows:
(i) first, to reimburse ALIA for payments under this Part B; and
(ii) second, to the satisfaction of the Losses which would have been paid but for the
fact that the Loss is in excess of the Limit of Liability under this Part B.
Miscellaneous Conditions
Effect of bankruptcy or insolvency. The bankruptcy or insolvency of any Subject Lawyer
or Innocent Subscriber(s) will not affect the obligations of ALIA under this Part B and
will not relieve ALIA of responsibility for its obligations under this Part B.
Effect of death or incapacity. The death or incapacity of any Subject Lawyer or Innocent
Subscriber will not affect the obligations of ALIA or any Subject Lawyer or Innocent
Subscriber under this Part B with respect to Misappropriations before the death or
Notice to ALIA. Notice to ALIA must be given to ALIA at the local address for service
shown in item 3 of the Declarations and shall be delivered by personal delivery or
registered mail. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the day of delivery in
the case of personal delivery or three (3) business days in Calgary, AB after the registered
letter is delivered by the sender to the post office in the case of registered mail. Notice to
any other Person, or knowledge by that Person, of such matters does not constitute notice
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
to ALIA, does not affect ALIA or its rights under this Part B, and does not affect the
applicability of the terms and conditions of this Part B.
Notice to Subscriber. Subject to Condition 4.5, notice to any Subscriber (other than the
Law Society) must be given to the Subscriber at the last address of the Subscriber
shown in the records of the Law Society and shall be delivered by personal delivery or
registered mail. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the day of delivery in
the case of personal delivery or three (3) business days in Calgary, AB after the registered
letter is delivered by the sender to the post office in the case of registered mail.
Waiver. No provision of this policy shall be waived by ALIA in whole or in part unless:
(i) the waiver is stated in writing;
(ii) the clause being waived is specifically identified; and
(iii) the fact that the clause at issue is being waived is specifically stated.
Arbitration. This provision applies to any dispute that arises between ALIA and the
Subscriber(s) under this Part B. Such a dispute may be adjudicated by arbitration if the
Subscriber(s) and ALIA agree to such arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act (Alberta) by a single arbitrator and
may be initiated by any party to the dispute on written notice to all other parties at any
time after the expiration of 90 days from the date the dispute arose. The arbitration will
be final and binding.
Assignment. The rights of the
under this Part B that are exercisable
cannot be assigned to any other Person.
Third Persons. For greater certainty, nothing herein, express or implied, is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon any Person who is not ALIA or a Subscriber any rights
or remedies under or by reason of this Part B.
Service. Service of any action to enforce the obligations of ALIA under this Part B
be made on ALIA at the local address for service shown in the
Currency. All Limits of Liability under this Part B
are stated in lawful currency of
and all payments under this Part B shall be made in the same currency.
Governing law. This Part B shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the Alberta.
In Witness Whereof
has caused this policy to be executed the 1
day of July
Per: (signed)
David Weyant
Name: David Weyant, Q.C.
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
is agreed that this policy does not apply:
(b) to liability imposed by or arising from any nuclear liability act, law or statute, or any law
amendatory thereof; nor
(c) to bodily injury or property damage with respect to which an indemnified party under this policy
is also
insured under a contract of nuclear energy liability insurance (whether the Subscriber is
unnamed in
such contract and whether or not it is legally enforceable by the Subscriber) issued by
the Nuclear
Insurance Association of Canada or any other insurer or group or pool of insurers or
would be an
nsured under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of
liability; nor
(d) to bodily injury or property damage resulting directly or indirectly from the nuclear energy hazard
arising from:
the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of a nuclear facility by or on behalf of a
the furnishing by a Subscriber of services, materials, parts or equipment in connection
the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility; and
the possession, consumption, use, handling, disposal or transportation of fissionable
substances, or of other radioactive material (except radioactive isotopes, away from a
nuclear facility, which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for
any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose) used, distributed,
handled or sold by a Subscriber.
As used in this policy:
The term "nuclear energy hazard" means the radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other hazardous
of radioactive material.
2. The term "radioactive material" means uranium, thorium, plutonium, neptunium, their respective
derivatives and compounds, radioactive isotopes of other elements and any other substances which
may be designated by or pursuant to any law, act or statute, or law amendatory thereof as being
prescribed substances capable of releasing atomic energy, or as being requisite for the production,
use or application of atomic energy.
3. The term "nuclear facility" means:
(a) any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction
or to contain a critical mass of plutonium, thorium and uranium or any one or more of
(b) any equipment or device designed or used for (i) separating the isotopes of plutonium,
thorium and uranium or any one or more of them, (ii) processing or utilising spent fuel, or
(iii) handling, processing or packaging waste;
ALIA Policy 2021-2022
(c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of plutonium,
thorium or uranium enriched in the isotope uranium 233 or in the isotope uranium 235, or
any one or more of them if, at any time, the total amount of such material in the custody
the Subscriber at the premises where such equipment or device is located consists of or
contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination thereof, or
more than 250 grams of uranium 235;
(d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the storage or
disposal of waste radioactive material;
and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, together with all operations
conducted thereon and all premises used for such operations.
4. The term "fissionable substance" means any prescribed substance that is, or from which can be
obtained, a substance capable of releasing atomic energy by nuclear fission.
5. With respect to property, loss of use of such property shall be deemed to be property damage.
It is understood and agreed that, except as specifically provided in the foregoing to the contrary, this
is subject to the terms, exclusions, conditions and limitations of the Policy to which it is attached.
(Applies to Part A Only)
It is understood and agreed that, for the purposes of Condition 4.6(a), coverage provided under (a)
"Part B: Trust Protection" of the Law Society of British Columbia's professional liability insurance
policy, (b) any trust protection indemnification or other coverage provided by a policy issued by the
Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (“
”) in respect of any law society, which policy
provides coverage for misappropriation, theft or wrongful conversion, and (c) similar coverage
provided by any law society or by any entity providing coverage to members of any such law society,
shall not
be considered to be insurance or indemnification required of the members of the law societies
of British Columbia, any law society in respect of which a policy is issued by CLIA, or any other law
society, respectively. For greater
certainty, it is understood and agreed that Condition 4.6(a) shall not
apply to broaden coverage under Part
A as a result of the provisions of any of the foregoing policies.
All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations remain unchanged.
Attached to and forming part of Policy Number 2021-2022 of the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity
Association. This endorsement shall be effective from July 1, 2021, 12:01 a.m. at Calgary, Alberta.
Per: (signed)
David Weyant
Name: David Weyant, Q.C.
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer
(Applies to Part A Only)
It is understood and agreed that the following are identified as an Approved Law under Part A: (a)
the practice of immigration law pursuant to and in compliance with written authorizations provided
to Canadian lawyers generally by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to practice immigration
law in front of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; (b) practice in front of the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office (
”) to the extent expressly permitted by them through written
authorizations provided to Canadian lawyers generally by the USPTO; and (c) international trademark
applications and subsequent country designations, made directly or indirectly to the International
Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (
”) pursuant to treaties to which
Canada is party, but specifically excluding advice or other professional services provided in respect
of the actions of any particular country designated in respect of such application or any patent or
trademark registered therein.
All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations remain unchanged.
Attached to and forming part of Policy Number 2021-2022 of the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity
Association. This endorsement shall be effective from July 1, 2021, 12:01 a.m. at Calgary, Alberta.
Per: (signed)
David Weyant
Name: David Weyant, Q.C.
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer