Handbook for Rering Ocials
The handbook has been prepared for the benet of rering
employees. The book is not intended to be a substute for bank
circular instrucons. For any doubt, readers are advised to refer
to bank circular for claricaon.
Dear Colleagues,
I am immensely happy to introduce the ‘Handbook for Rering ocials’
which I am sure will be of great help to you. The booklet is designed in such
a way as to guide you step by step in planning your superannuaon. Besides
providing informaon on what is required to be done for selement of
your rerement benets in mely manner, it also gives you a glimpse of the
benets available to a reree.
The booklet contains very useful informaon for the rerees as regards various
facilies made available to them through HRMS. Besides the informaon
on Pension, Provident Fund, Gratuity, EMWS and REMBS, the booklet also
contains the list of Holiday Homes and Diagnosc Centers under e up etc.
It is proposed to update the booklet on ongoing basis and make it accessible
to rerees on the pensioners’ portal for ready reference.
I place on record my sincere appreciaon to Shri. K. T. Ajit, CGM(HR), Shri.
Somnath Adhya, Dy. General Manager (PM &PPG) & Shri. C. P. Mulye,
Chief Manager (S), PPG Department, Corporate Centre, Mumbai for having
performed a commendable task in the compilaon of this booklet in the
service of the elders fraternity.
I have great pleasure in releasing this handbook and trust you shall nd it
With warm regards
  
Provident Fund
02 Gratuity
04 Commutaon of Pension
05 Table of commutaon factors
06 Dearness Relief Payable to Bank’s Pensioners
07 Overdue Interest on Pension, Gratuity and Provident Fund
08 Standard Operang Procedure for payment of Family Pension
09 SBI Employees Mutual Welfare Scheme
Leave Encashment
11 Retenon of Accommodaon, Car & Telephone aer rerement 20
Travelling Expenses on rerement
13 Retenon of Furniture/Fixture aer rerement 20
14 Retenon of Mobile Handset 20
15 Retenon of Laptop 21
16 Retenon of I Pad 21
17 Availing LFC / HTC aer rerement 21
Payment of 1% addional rate of interest on deposit
Connuance of Sta Housing Loan aer rerement
Connuance of Sta Vehicle Loan aer rerement
21 Presentaon of Memento 22
Availing Holiday Home, Transit House & Vising Ocers’ at
23 Transion to Rerement Programme for TEGS-VI & above 22
24 Permission for Employment aer rerement 22
Pensioner’s Identy Card
26 Pension Slip & Investment Declaraon 23
Medical facilies at Bank’s Dispensaries
28 Entertainment Facilies 23
Canteen Facilies
30 Mobile No., Email ID and HRMS login aer rerement 23
31 Admissibility of superannuaon benets to VRS optees 24
  
32 Grievance Redressal and Sanjeevani 25
33 Extending legal & nancial support to rered employees/ocers 26
34 Pensioners’ Portal 26
35 Submission of Life Cercate 26
36 Assistance to Rered Employees in case of Crical Illness 27
37 SBI Scheme for Compassionate Appointment in exceponal circumstances 31
38 Group Life Insurance - Sampoorna Suraksha 32
39 Voluntary Life Insurance - Swarna Ganga 32
40 Rered Employees Medical Benet Scheme - REMBS 33
41 Table of Eligibility for terminal benets 59
42 Applicaon for rerement
43 Applicaon for Refund of Provident Fund Balance on rerement
44 Applicaon for Payment of Gratuity
45 Applicaon for Payment of Pension
46 Money Receipt of Provident Fund
47 Money Receipt of Gratuity
Applicaon for Leave Encashment
Mandate for Keeping proceeds of Leave Encashment
50 Declaraon of Family Members
51 Declaraon of Loans & Advances
Applicaon for Pensioners Identy Card
53 Applicaon for Refund under SBI-EMWS
54 Life Cercate format
55 Applicaon To Be Submied By The Rered Ocial Seeking Permission
Taking Up Employment Aer Rerement Without Prejudice To Pension
56 List of Diagnosc Centers Empaneled with Bank 79
57 Details of Holiday Homes 88
58 To do list before rerement 96
When a member resigns or reres from service of the Bank he shall, if he has served
the Bank for a period of ve years or more, be entled to receive the balance
(Members Contribuon + Bank’s Contribuons) at his credit in the Provident Fund.
When to apply : Within 3 months before rerement date.
How to apply : Member should apply through HRMS portal as under:
Log on to HRMS portal
Go to Employee Self Service -> PPFG -> Full &
Final Selement ->Fill up the Form ->Submit the
Print the submied form
Submit following (duly signed) forms to Salary Disbursing Authority:
i. Printed copy of the applicaon submied through HRMS
ii. C.O.S. 448 (Annex-5)
iii. Parcular of loans (Annex-10)
First Level Recommendaon in HRMS is accorded by the Branch Manager /
Then the proposal is sent to RBO Admin Oce for checking the
correctness of the data – especially leave on loss of pay, if any, aecng the
payment of Provident Fund.
RBO sends the proposal to Admin Oce and Admin Oce, aer scruny
sends the same to PPG Department, Local Head Oce.
At PPG Department, Local Head Oce, consolidated statement of PF Refund
Proposals is generated and Second Level Recommendaon is accorded by
AGM PPG. The consolidated statement duly signed by AGM (PPG), DGM &
CDO and CGM of the Circle & is sent to PPG Department, Corporate Centre.
At Corporate Centre, PPG Department, Circle-wise summary is prepared
and submied for sancon of Trustees. On sancon, third level approval is
accorded in HRMS.
On approval at Corporate Centre the amount of Refund is credited to the
BGL account of the Branch / Oce where the reree was last posted and
Branch Manager aer recovering dues/loans outstanding, if any, credits the
amount to the reree’s account.
If you have Overdra sanconed in Current Account, please arrange to
cancel the limit else even if the Overdra Balance is NIL, the full amount of
PF will not be released.
An employee who has put in a minimum of 5 years service is eligible for payment of
gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. The amount will be payable @ 15
days wages for each completed year of service on the basis of 26 working days in a
month, subject to a ceiling of Rs.20 lacs w.e.f. 29.03.2018.
For the purpose of Gratuity, wages include the following:
    Wages = Basic Pay + D.A. + Personal Allowance + Acng
Allowance + Fixed Personal Allowance (FPA) + Professional Qualicaon Pay
 Wages = Basic Pay + D.A. + FPA + PQA
Formula for calculaon of Gratuity:
Wages x 15 x No. of completed years of service / 26
Example: Name - MR. AJIT KUMAR
Total Service (for Gratuity Calculaon): 30 years.
Gratuity Payable= (99,340.09 x 15 X 33)/26 = 49173344.55/26 = Rs. 18,91,282/-
Maximum amount of Gratuity Payable = Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rupees twenty lacs only)
When to apply : Within 3 months before rerement date.
 :
Log on to HRMS portal
Go to Employee Self Service -> HR Iniaves -> PPFG ->
Apply Gratuity Payment Request ->Submit the form
Take out the print by clicking on the ‘Printbuon & submit
(duly signed & witnessed) forms to Salary Disbursing
First Level Recommendaon in HRMS is accorded by the Branch Manager /
Then the proposal is sent to RBO / Admin Oce for checking the correctness
of the data – especially leave on loss of pay, if any, aecng the payment of
RBO sends the proposal to Admin Oce and Admin Oce aer scruny
sends the same to PPG Department, Local Head Oce.
At LHO, AGM PPG is the sanconing authority for Award Sta. For Supervising
Sta, DGM and CDO of the Circle is authority to sancon. At Corporate
Centre, AGM (OAD) is the sanconing authority for Award Staand DGM
(PM & PPG) is the sanconing authority for Ocers.
On approval at Corporate Centre / LHO, the amount of Gratuity is credited to
the BGL account of the Branch and Branch Manager aer recovering dues/
loans outstanding, if any, credits the amount to the reree’s account.
Date of Birth 15.01.1960
Date of Joining 02.08.1984
Date of Conrmaon 02.02.1985
Date of Rerement 31.01.2020
Eligible Service Yrs Months Days
Total Service 35 5 0
Temporary Service 0 0 0
Suspension Period 0 0 0
EOL Not counted for service 0 0 0
Eligible Service 35 6 0
Basic Salary 60820
D.A. 44812
PQA 1680
Increamental FPP 1650
Special Pay 0
Acng Allowance 0
Total Wages 108962
Gratuity Under Act. 35*15/26*108932 
Gratuity Calculaon
One Months Pay * 15 962250 64150*15
Pay * Years (15 To 30)/4
Pay * Years (Above >30 )/2 160375 64150*5/2
Award / Service / Comp. 1122625 1122625
Maximum Payable 2000000
When to apply: Within 3 months before rerement date.
How to apply Log on to HRMS portal
• Go to Self Service -> HR Iniaves -> PF/Pension/Gratuity -> Apply Pension
Proposal Request -> Fill up the necessary details -> Click on ‘submit’ buon.
• Click on the ‘Print buon -> four copies will be printed along with the
forwarding leer.
• Put signature on all the copies in original, ax joint photographs (self-
aested) and submit to Branch Head / OAD.
• Status can be viewed in the HRMS portal
1. A member of the State Bank of India Employees’ Pension Fund shall be
entled for pension under Rule 22 (i) while rering from the Bank’s service:
a. Aer having completed 20 years’ pensionable service provided
that he has aained the age of 50 years; or
b. If he is in the service of the Bank on or aer 01.11.1993 aer
having completed 10 years pensionable service provided that he
has aained the age of 58 years. Further, if he is in the service of
the Bank on or aer 22.05.1998, aer having completed 10 years’
pensionable service provided that he has aained the age of 60
c. Aer having completed 20 years’ pensionable service irrespecve
of the age he shall have aained, if he shall sasfy the Authority
Competent to sancon his rerement by subming approved
medical cercate that he is incapacitated for further acve
d. Aer having completed 20 years pensionable service, irrespecve
of age he shall have aained, at his request in wring, if accepted
by the Competent Authority with eect from 20th September
e. Aer having completed 25 years’ pensionable service.
The maximum amount of pension for members of the Fund eligible for pension, who
rered / rere while in service or otherwise cease to be in employment on or aer
01.11.2012, shall be computed as under:
(a) No. of years
pensionable service
X Average substanve salary drawn during the last
12 months’ pensionable Service (not to be rounded o)
(b) (i). Where the average of monthly substanve salary drawn during the last 12
months’ pensionable service is upto Rs. 51,490/- p.m.:
50% of the average of monthly substanve salary drawn during the last 12
months’ pensionable service + ½ of PQP + 1/2 of incremental component of
FPP, wherever applicable.
(ii). Where the average of monthly substanve salary drawn during the last 12
months’ pensionable service is above Rs. 51,490/- p.m.:
40% of the average of monthly substanve salary drawn during the last 12
months’ pensionable service subject to minimum of Rs. 25,745/- + ½ of PQP
+ ½ of incremental component of FPP, wherever applicable.
In the case of (b)(i) : Lower of (a) and (b)(i) will be the Basic Pension.
In the case of (b)(ii) : Lower of (a) and (b)(ii) will be the Basic Pension.
Name - MR. AJIT KUMAR (Date of Birth: 14.07.1960)
(a) (Rs. 66,070 +1,990+1,680= 69,740) x 366 months/720 months = Rs. 35,451/-
(b) (i) (40% of Rs. 66,070) = Rs. 26,428 +
(ii) (1/2 of incremental component of FPA (1,990/-) = Rs. 995.00) +
(iii) (1/2 of PQA (Rs. 1680/-) = Rs. 840.00
Total: Rs. 28,263/-
Basic Pension = Lower of (a) and (b)= Rs. 28,263.
(iv) Dearness Relief (75.90% as on 29/02/2020) (+) Rs. 21,451
Total Pension (without commutaon) = Rs. 49,714
Dearness Relief on the Basic Pension is payable on the basis of quarterly
average of the All India Consumer Price Index gures for Industrial workers
(base 1960=100).
Circulars on Dearness Relief are issued by Corporate Centre on half yearly basis in the
month of February and August every year as per the guidelines prescribed by IBA.
Rerees on or aer 01.01.1986 are eligible for commutaon of pension up to 1/3rd
of their Basic Pension. Request for commutaon may be submied by the rered
employee within one year of the date of rerement. However, if he applies for
commutaon aer one year from the date of rerement the amount of commutaon
is payable only aer he has been medically examined by the Medical Ocer
designated by the Bank.
Commutaon factor is arrived at depending upon the age of the pensioner as on his
next birthday. If a member reres at the age of 60 years, for commutaon, factor will
be taken into account applicable for the age of 61 years, which is 6.60.
Formula for Commutaon:
1/3rd of Basic Pension x Commutaon Factor as on next Birthday x 12
In the above example Basic Pension : Rs. 28,263.00
1/3rd of Basic Pension = 9421
Age on next Birthday = 61 years (Commutaon Factor = 6.60) Total Commutaon=
9421 x 6.60 x 12 = Rs. 746143.00
Total monthly pension aer commutaon will be Rs. 49,714 Rs. 9,421 = Rs. 40,543/-
Commuted poron of pension will be recovered from monthly pension over a
period of 15 years from the date of commutaon.
Commuted poron of pension will be restored aer the expiry of a period of 15
years from the date of commutaon.
No Medical examinaon is required if the pensioner opts for commutaon within
one year of his rerement.
An employee is empowered to revoke his opon for commutaon any day up
to the date of rerement. However, aer the date of rerement, revocaon of
opon for commutaon is not possible.
21 17.62 54 08.82
22 17.46 55 08.50
23 17.29 56 08.17
24 17.11 57 07.85
25 16.92 58 07.53
26 16.72 59 07.22
27 16.52 60 06.91
28 16.31 61 06.60
29 16.09 62 06.30
30 15.87 63 06.01
31 15.64 64 05.72
32 15.40 65 05.44
33 15.15 66 05.17
34 14.90 67 04.90
35 14.64 68 04.65
36 14.37 69 04.40
37 14.10 70 04.17
38 13.82 71 03.94
39 13.54 72 03.72
40 13.25 73 03.52
41 12.95 74 03.32
42 12.66 75 03.13
43 12.35 76 02.94
44 12.05 77 02.75
45 11.73 78 02.56
46 11.42 79 02.38
47 11.10 80 02.20
48 10.78 81 02.02
49 10.46 82 01.84
50 10.13 83 01.67
51 09.81 84 01.50
52 09.48 85 01.33
53 09.15
17 19.28 52 12.66
18 19.20 53 12.35
19 19.11 54 12.05
20 19.01 55 11.73
21 18.91 56 11.42
22 18.81 57 11.10
23 18.70 58 10.78
24 18.59 59 10.46
25 18.47 60 10.13
26 18.34 61 9.81
27 18.21 62 9.48
28 18.07 63 9.15
29 17.93 64 8.82
30 17.78 65 8.50
31 17.62 66 8.17
32 17.46 67 7.85
33 17.29 68 7.53
34 17.11 69 7.22
35 16.92 70 6.91
36 16.72 71 6.60
37 16.52 72 6.30
38 16.31 73 6.01
39 16.09 74 5.72
40 15.87 75 5.44
41 15.64 76 5.17
42 15.40 77 4.90
43 15.15 78 4.65
44 14.90 79 4.40
45 14.64 80 4.17
46 14.37 81 3.94
47 14.10 82 3.72
48 13.82 83 3.52
49 13.54 84 3.32
50 13.25 85 3.13
51 12.95
A) PRIOR TO 1.11.1987 AND
B) BETWEEN 1.11.1987 AND 31.10.1992 / 30.06.1993
Basic Pension + F.D.R.
(as applicable)
Dearness Relief for the months February
2020 to July 2020
(Average Index – 7479) (Slabs – 1719)
i) Upto Rs. 1250.00 1151.73% of aggregate of Basic Pension &
ii) Rs. 1251.00 to Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 14,396.62 + 945.45% of aggregate of Basic
Pension & F.D.R in excess of Rs. 1250.00.
iii) Rs. 2001.00 to Rs. 2130.00 Rs 21,487.49 + 567.27% of aggregate of Basic
Pension & F.D.R in excess of Rs. 2000.00.
iv) Above Rs. 2130.00 Rs. 22,224.94 + 292.23% of aggregate of Basic
Pension & F.D.R in excess of Rs. 2130.00.
WHO RETIRED ON OR AFTER 1.11.1992 / 1.7.1993 UP TO 31.10.1997 / 31.03.1998
Basic Pension Dearness Relief for the months February 2020
to July 2020
(Average Index – 7479) (Slabs – 1582)
i) Upto Rs. 2400.00 553.70% of Basic Pension.
ii) Rs. 2401.00 to Rs. 3850.00 Rs. 13,288.80 + 458.78% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 2400.00
iii) Rs. 3851.00 to Rs. 4100.00 Rs. 19,941.11 + 268.94% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 3850.00
iv) Above Rs. 4100.00 Rs. 20,613.46 + 142.38% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 4100.00
ON OR AFTER 1.11.1997 / 1.4.1998 UPTO 31.10.2002
Basic Pension Dearness Relief for the months
February 2020 to July 2020
(Average Index – 7479) (Slabs – 1448)
i) Upto Rs. 3550.00 347.52%
ii) Rs. 3551.00 to Rs. 5650.00 Rs. 12,336.96 + 289.60% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 3550.00
iii) Rs. 5651.00 to Rs. 6010.00 Rs. 18,418.56 + 173.76% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 5650.00
iv) Above Rs. 6010.00 Rs. 19,044.09 + 86.88% of Basic Pension in
excess of Rs. 6010.00
ON OR AFTER 1.11.2002 UP TO 31.10.2007
Average Index (CPI) for quarter ended December 2019 7479
No. of Slabs 1297
Rate of dearness relief on pension for the months February 2020
to July 2020
(ignore decimals from 3
place onwards)
ON OR AFTER 1.11.2007 UPTO 31.10.2012
Average Index (CPI) for quarter ended December 2019 7479
No. of Slabs 1160
Rate of dearness relief on pension for the months February 2020
to July 2020
(ignore decimals from 3
place onwards)
ON OR AFTER 1.11.2012
Average Index (CPI) for quarter ended December 2019 7479
No. of Slabs 759
Rate of dearness relief on pension for the months February 2020
to July 2020
(ignore decimals from 3
place onwards)
Dearness Relief for Family Pensioners who died or rered
(a) before 1.11.1992 / 1.7.1993
(b) on or aer 1.11.1992 / 1.7.1993 but before 1.11.1997 / 1.4.1998
(c) on or aer 1.11.1997 / 1.4.1998 but before 01.11.2002
(d) on or aer 1.11.2002 but before 1.11.2007 and
(e) on or aer 1.11.2007 but before 1.11.2012
(f) on or aer 1.11.2012
will be paid as per the tables given for the pensioners.
• Overdue interest or payment of interest on delayed selement of superannuaon
benets is payable only when delay is on the part of the Bank. However, where
the delay is aributed to administrave reasons, the request for overdue interest
should be considered and recommended on merits of each case. The Circle
may submit their recommendaons for payment of interest with full details of
the case and along with their specic comments on sta lapses (if any) to the
Dy General Manager, PPG department at Corporate Centre who shall obtain
sancon from the appropriate Authority. The period of delay will be from the
date it is due or the date of order by the Appropriate authority to the preceding
date of actual payment of pension to the pensioner. The rate of interest will be
same as applicable to the Provident Fund for respecve periods vide Corporate
Centre Circular NoPA/CIR/83 dated 16
May 1986.
• Overdue interest on delayed payment of P.F. is calculated at the interest on
SB Account if the reason is aributable to the employee and fund was laying
with the Bank. However, if the delay is aributed to the Bank then the overdue
interest is payable to the reree at the exisng P.F. interest rate.
• Payment of Gratuity is to be seled within 30 days from the date of rerement.
However, if it is delayed for more than 30 days overdue interest is payable from
the date of rerement at the rate 10%.
The delegaon of discreonary powers for sancon of interest on delayed payment
of pension upto Rs.5000/- is as below:
   
For Circles CGM of the Circle
For Corporate Centre, Mumbai General Manager (Corporate Services)
For other Corporate Centre
establishment at Mumbai
An authority not below the rank of TEG Scale
VII (GM). Where the incumbency is below
the rank of GM, the GM (CS) at State Bank
For Corporate Centre establishments
located outside Mumbai
An authority not below the rank of TEG Scale
VII posted at the relave establishment, who
processes the pension proposals.
For Ocers on deputaon to
subsidiaries like SBI Caps, SBI Fund
Mgmt. Etc. and other Organisaons/
other Banks located in Mumbai
General Manager (Corporate Services),
Corporate Centre.
For Ocers on deputaon to
subsidiaries like SBI Caps, SBI Fund
Mgmt. Etc. and other Organisaons/
other Banks located outside Mumbai
CGM of the Circle, where oce of the
Subsidiary/Organisaon/other Banks is
The CGM (HR) at Corporate Centre will sancon proposals for payment of interest
beyond Rs.5000/-. All the Circles are required to submit a report to the DGM (PPG)
at Corporate Centre on the number of cases and amount of interest paid to the ex-
employees at quarterly intervals, which will be controlled by the DMD (HR) & CDO
at Corporate Centre vide Corporate Centre leer No. CDO/PPG/BHD/169 dated the
May, 2006.
Rering SBI employees are not required to open a separate SB/CA for the purpose of
geng pension. Pension can be credited to the exisng sta SB/CA of the pensioner.
On death of the sta pensioner, the family pensioner need not open a new SB/CA for
the purpose of geng family pension. Family pension can be credited to the exisng
joint SB/CA of sta pensioner with ‘E or S’ facility.
Procedure required to be followed for sanconing/payment of family pension for
the employees who died in service.
PPG Department at Circles and Oce Administraon Departments at
Administrave Oces are responsible for processing and selement of Family
Pension of those employees who die while in service.
i) Spouse of the employee, if the member dies during service aer pung in a
minimum of one-year pensionable service.
ii) Eligible only if the deceased employee is / was eligible to become a member of a
pension fund. If the employee was not eligible / deprived of pension benets or
is a member of NPS, then his family will not get benets under this scheme.
iii) Family pension is payable: -
(a) To widow / widower up to her / his death or remarriage whichever is earlier.
(b) Failing (a) above, to the eldest surviving children in order of their birth up to
the age of 25 years or he/she is gainfully employed whichever is earlier.
(c) In case the beneciary is an unmarried daughter, unl she aains 25 years
of age or is married or is gainfully employed whichever occurs rst.
(d) This process will connue ll the last beneciary aains the age of 25 years
or is gainfully employed or married in case of daughter, whichever is earlier.
(e) Fresh sancon should be obtained in respect of every beneciary as and
when there is change of beneciary as above, where simultaneous sancon
of family pension was not obtained along with sancon of pension as per
new instrucons.
(f) In case of twin children, family pension will be payable to both in the
proporon of 50:50.
(g) Family pension will be payable even if the widow/widower is working in the
Bank on compassionate grounds.
(h) If the pensioner leaves two legally wedded wives, the family pension is
payable to both the wives in equal proporons.
(i) The family pension shall be payable to such son or daughter for life if he/she
is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn
a living even aer aaining the age of 25 years. Only that disability, which
manifests itself in the child before rerement or death of the employee
while in service, shall be taken into account.
         
       
Vide cicular no. CDO/P7HRD-PM/83/2012-13 dated March 04,2013 vide Cicular No.
CDO/P7HRD-PM/83/2012-13 dated March 04,2013 Family Pension will be paid to the
deceased ex-servicemen employees / pensioners of the Bank who are also drawing
family pension from the Government. The revised instrucons will be eecve from
September,2012 and thereaer. The benets of these provisions shall be allowed
to past cases and the nancial benet shall be granted from 24
September, 2012.
Vide Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/87/2014 - 15, March 04,2015. Family pension is
payable to the parents who were wholly dependent upon the employee when he/
she was alive provided the deceased employee has le behind neither a widow nor a
child. Among the parents, mother will have precedence over father.
1. Obtain the death cercate of the deceased and PAN card, Aadhar Card, Account
number of family pensioner.
2. Ocer from Branch has to update date of death in HRMS to stop the monthly
salary and for running separaon acon in HRMS.
3. On behalf of the employee who has died, some funconary from Branch /
Department has to apply in HRMS- MSS (Manager Self Services) and ocial has
to approve the same – First Level Recommendaon.
4. Four copies of the proposals are then sent to RBO and Admin Oces for scruny
and to check the extra ordinary leave not counng for service, if any.
5. Then three copies are forwarded to PPG Department, Local Head Oce. At LHO
it is scrunized again and approved in HRMS – Second Level Recommendaon
6. LHO PPG prepares a Consolidated Statement of proposal through HRMS for
sancon of Trustees at PPG department, Corporate Centre.
7. Consolidated Statement of Proposal for sancon of family pension is duly
approved by Execuve Trustee. (Tracking mechanism is available in HRMS under
PF/Pension/Gratuity as ‘Dashboard for Death Cases’).
8. Then it is approved at PPG department, Corporate Centre in HRMS as nal
9. HRMS calculates the amount of family pension ll date from the date of death of
an employee. Branch has to rst recover the salary paid aer the date of death
and then only family pension is credited to the account of the family pensioner.
10. If the family pension is recommended to a beneciary other than the spouse,
it should be ensured by the Branch Manager that either the spouse who was
drawing family pension has died or he/she has pre-deceased the pensioner/
employee or has remarried. Hence in such a case either the spouse should
declare having re-married or his/her death cercate should be forwarded with
the family pension proposal.
On scruny of the applicaons submied by Circles for sancon of family pension it
is observed that in a few cases Death Cercates are omied to be enclosed to the
applicaon. Further, the death cercates in many cases are issued in the regional/
local language. As it is extremely dicult to decipher the informaon furnished on
such Death Cercates, vital informaon, such as Date of Death, Name of Deceased
etc. be translated into either English or Hindi before submission to Corporate Centre
for obtaining sancon of family pension from the Trustees (Corporate Centre leer
No PPG/KPE/3828 dated 30th October 1993).
A. On the death of an employee, an ocer of Sta Cell / Branch should be deputed
to call on the legal heirs of the deceased employee as early as possible to guide
and help them in compleon of necessary papers/formalies relang to release
of terminal benets to be submied by them.
B. The informaon of death of an employee should, however, be sent to PPG
Department without loss of me, so that the original nominaon registered with
Central Accounts Oce, Kolkata may be called for well in me.
1. Government of India vide their leer No. 4/8/6/2006-IR dated 7th December,2007
advised that family pension in SBI may be revised in line with the Family Pension
Scheme in the Naonalized Bank.
The Central Board in its meeng held on 29th December, 2007 approved
Revision in Family Pension in our Bank on the same lines as that applicable
in the Naonalized Banks and as menoned in the approval accorded by the
Government of India. The revised rates are eecve from 1st May, 2005. The
Revised Family Pension should be approved by the Trustees’ for individual cases
vide Corporate Centre Circular No. CDO/P&HRD/PM/62/2007-08 dated 28th
For Ocers : Basic Pay + PQP + FPP
For Award Sta :Basic Pay + PQP + FPP + SPL. Pay
The family pension is revised w.e.f. 01.05.2005
Those who died or rered before 01.11.1993:
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs. 1500.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to minimum
of Rs.375.00 p.m.
Rs.1501.00 to Rs.3000.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.450.00 p.m.
Above Rs.3000.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.600.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.1250.00 p.m.
In respect of employees who rered/died on or aer 01.11.1993 but before
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs.2870.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to minimum
of Rs.720.00 p.m.
Rs.2871.00 to Rs.5740.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.860.00 p.m.
Above Rs.5740.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.1150.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.2400.00 p.m.
Those who rered/died on or aer 01.04.1998but before 31.10.2002
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs.4210.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to minimum
of Rs.1056.00 p.m.
Rs.4210.00 to Rs.8420.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.1262.00 p.m.
Above Rs.8420.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.1687.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.3521.00 p.m.
Those who rered/died on or aer 01.11.2002 but before 31.10.2007
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs.5720.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to
minimum of Rs.1435.00 p.m.
Rs.5720.00 to Rs.11440.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.1715.00 p.m.
Above Rs.11440.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.2292.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.4784.00 p.m.
Those who rered/died on or aer 01.11.2007 but before 31.10.2012:
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs.7090.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to minimum
of Rs.1799.00 p.m.
Rs.7091.00 to Rs.14180.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.2186.00 p.m.
Above Rs.14181.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.2841.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.5930.00 p.m.
Those who rered/died on or aer 01.11.2012:
Substanve Salary Per Month Rates of Family Pension Per Month
Rs.11100.00 and below 30% of the substanve salary subject to minimum
of Rs.2785.00 p.m.
Rs.11101.00 to Rs.22200.00 20% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.3422.00 p.m.
Above Rs.22200.00 15% of the substanve salary subject to a
minimum of Rs.4448.00 p.m. and maximum of
Rs.9284.00 p.m.
NOTE: - In the case of part me employees, the minimum and maximum amount
of family pension shall be in proporon to the rate of scale wages drawn by the
a) The words “gainfully employed” shall mean that he/she is either self-employed
or is otherwise employed and is earning from such employment an income
more than the amount of family pension to which he/she is entled. Where the
earning is less than the entled family pension, the amount of family pension
will be payable but be reduced by the amount of such income.
b) In case where the employee leaves behind him more than one wife, if the personal
law applicable to such an employee permits such marriage, family pension shall
be payable to the widows in equal proporon. In the event of remarriage or
death of one widow, her share of the family pension shall be payable to her
surviving son or unmarried daughter as the case may be for such period as he or
she is eligible in terms of para 1(iii) above.
c) In the case of minor child, the family pension shall be payable through the natural
guardian, unl he or she aains legal majority.
d) The substanve salary for the purpose of Family Pension shall mean the average
substanve salary drawn during the last 12 months pensionable service as taken
for calculaon of pension.
e) In the event of the eldest eligible child, who is entled to family pension, becoming
ineligible thereto aer 25 years of age or on being employed or married (in case
of daughter), as the case may be, the family pension shall become payable to the
next child in line of eligibility under the scheme.
f) In no case the amount of family pension determined shall exceed the pension
drawn by the pensioner vide CDO/PPG/CPM/711 dated 29th November, 2008.
g) Cercate of re-marriage/unemployment and a Life Cercate should be
obtained by the Branch Manager from family pensioner annually in the month of
November each year.
h) In case the Life cercate, or other required Cercates to be submied annually
in the month of November are not forthcoming before February next year, the
amount of family pension should not be credited the Savings Bank Account and
beneciary advised accordingly. The payments may be restored only on receipt
of the required cercates.
i) In case of both natural guardians, i.e. father as well as mother, have expired
and the beneciary child is minor, either the guardian will have to be appointed
by the competent Court or the minor will have to wait ll he/she aains legal
majority, for claiming Family Pension.
j) Step-mother or father cannot be construed to be a natural guardian of the minor
k) If both the family pensions are payable to the eligible child then the aggregate
amount of two pensions shall be limited to the corresponding maximum ceiling
of family pension payable in respect of any of the parents, whichever is higher,
for the specied period as per biparte selement Circular No. CDO/P&HRD-
PM/82/2012-13 dated March 04, 2013.
 
The following benets are available to the rered employees and their spouse who
are the members of SBI Employees’ Mutual Welfare Scheme:
(i) Full refund of contribuons at the me of rerement without interest.
(ii) Medical Benets are payable as under:
Unit 90% of cost of
subject to life me
limit of (Rs.)
Serious / special
diseases with
or without
subject to life me
limit of (Rs.)
General diseases
life long as per
column (c) within
nancial limit of
Rs. 20/- 6,000/- 6,000/- 500/- per year
Rs. 40/- 15,000/- 15,000/- 1,000/- per year
Rs. 60/- 22,500/- 22,500/- 1,500/- per year
Rs. 80/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 2,000/- per year
(iv) One-me Lumpsum payment on death of member during service or aer
rerement; and
(v) Payment of Monthly Financial Relief on death of member during service or aer
rerement as under:
Unit One-me lumpsum payment Monthly Financial Relief
Rs. 20/- 10,000/- 200/- p.m.
Rs. 40/- 10,000/- 250/- p.m.
Rs. 60/- 15,000/- 375/- p.m.
Rs. 80/- 20,000/- 500/- p.m.
Ø One-me Lumpsum payment is made to spouse and to nominees / legal
heirs (if the member is unmarried)
Ø Monthly Financial Relief is given to spouse and to nominees / legal heirs (if
the member is unmarried) lifeme.
Ø For geng refund - applicaon is to be submied as per the specimen in
Rerees are eligible for encashment of Privilege Leave upto a maximum of 240 days
against available leave balance on the date of rerement (IT exempon available
upto Rs. 3.00 lac).
When to apply Within 3 months before rerement date.
How to apply Submit the following forms to the Salary Disbursing Authority:
i. Applicaon as per specimen in Annex-7.
ii. Mandate as per Annex-8.
Ø Ocers may retain the accommodaon (including designated house), telephone
and car upto the maximum period of 2 months from the date of normal
rerement without any approval.
 
Voluntary Rerement 1 month from the date of Voluntary Rerement
(with or without re-employment)
Resignaon from service 15 days from the date of resignaon.
Dismissal: Removal from
15 days from the date of receipt of order of
dismissal / removal from service.
An ocer is eligible to claim travelling allowance, baggage and other expenses for
himself / herself and his / her family as on transfer from the last staon at which he
/ she is posted to the place where he / she proposes to sele down on rerement.
The period of extension sought for in availing the facility of travelling allowance aer
rerement must not exceed the period for which residenal accommodaon has
been allowed to be retained. In other words, the period for extension of the facility
should be co-terminus with vacaon of the ocial residence.
Furniture Items: (i) If the date of purchase of furniture is more than ve years-
Ownership will be transferred without any recovery. (ii) If it is less than 5-year-old
– depreciated value based on the actual age of furniture / xture will be recovered.
Electronic Items: (i) If the date of purchase is > 3 years – free of cost
(ii) If the date of purchase is <3 years – depreciated value
(iii) If the date of purchase is < 1 year – full cost
To be retained without any cost on normal rerement.
To be retained at book value at voluntary rerement/resignaon.
To be retained without any cost irrespecve of period of use on normal rerement.
However, in case of VR / resignaon, it can be retained aer paying the book value
of the laptop.
To be retained without any cost irrespecve of period of use on normal rerement.
However, in case of VR / resignaon, it can be retained aer paying the book value
of the I-PAD.
LTC / HTC may be permied to be carried forward for maximum period of 4 months
beyond the date of rerement and in exceponal circumstance upto 6 months.
l The benet of addional 1% interest is payable to a rered member of Bank sta
if eligible as per the provision of Circular No. CDO/P&HRD-IR/17/2019-20 dated
l On advances against specied securies as applicable to sta members, provided
the employee / ocial is eligible for pensionary benets.
In the cases of normal rerement repayment of Sta Housing Loan may be connued
upto 75 years of age, irrespecve of date of joining, subject to adequate and veriable
cash ows for repayment of the loan to the sasfacon of sanconing authority.
To be reviewed at the me of rerement, wherever necessary to ensure adequate
repayment capacity.(Circular No.: CDO/P&HRD-IR/15/20178- 19 dated 21.05.2018)
In case the employee / ocial reres on superannuaon or takes voluntary rerement
aer 58 years of age as per approved Scheme (30 years of service) but before full
repayment of loan, the outstanding as on the date of rerement shall be repaid in
equal instalments over a period of 60 months from the date of rerement.(Circular
No.: CDO/P&HRD-IR/61/2017 - 18 dated 15.11.2017)
Circular No. CDO/P&HRD-PM/64/2016 – 17, September 06,2016.
In terms of the extant instrucons, every rering sta member (excluding voluntary
rerement or compulsory rerement) is presented with a memento on Bank’s behalf
preferably in the form of a silver salver/ arcle with suitable inscripon/ legend which
could be preserved with pride and cherished memories, with cost ceiling in respect of
various categories of employees as under:
Subordinate Sta 4000/- TEGS VI 47000/-
Clerical Sta 6000/- TEGS VII 48500/-
JMGS-I 10000/- TEGSS I 73000/-
MMGS- II 11250/- TESGSS II 75000/-
MMGS III 14000/-
SMGS IV 22500/--
SMGS V 23500/-
The benet can be availed aer rerement.
Available to execuves in TEGS VI & Above with their spouse. 3 days training
programme to enable the Execuve to self-introspect and plan for the change in
their lives on deming oce to ensure a smooth and enjoyable transion to post-
rerement life.
Prior permission from competent authority is required for seeking employment in any
other Bank at any me or any other commercial employment within one year from
the date of rerement to protect their pension. Commercial employment includes
business and self-employment also.
Can be obtained from the Pension Paying Branch. Joint photograph with spouse
required along with applicaon as per specimen in Annexure -11.(aached)
The Bank has shied the payment and processing of sta pension to HRMS
from CPPC. Investment Declaraon Form and Pension Slip are now available on
hps://www.hrms.onlinesbi.com wherein a reree can log on using his/her PF Index
as user ID and the same password may be connued as used before rerement.
Medicines are provided from the available stock at dispensaries run by Corporate
Centre, Local Head Oces, Administrave Oces and at a few selected dispensaries
to the pensioners and their eligible family members. Services of specialist doctors are
also available in some of these dispensaries.
Pensioners can avail the benet of Bank’s Library at SBLCs & ATIs. They can also ulize
the facilies of Book Bank wherever it is maintained.
Pensioners can avail Canteen Facility, wherever it is available at the Bank’s Oces.
Please note that the outgoing as well as incoming mails from ‘@sbi.co.in’ domain will
be stopped from the date of rerement / resignaon. Please therefore, arrange to
save the important emails received on ocial email Id. However, pensioners can use
any other mail ID (yahoo, Gmail etc.) aer rerement. For registering other Email ID
it can be provided while subming pension proposal in HRMS or can be updated by
the pension paying branch or by PPG Department of the Circle on the basis of mail
send by the pensioners.
For using facilies under HRMS, pensioners are supposed to connue PF ID as USER
ID even aer rerement and same password to be connued. In case a password is
forgoen, then go to opon FORGOT PASSWORD, then the password will be reset by
HRMS and will be mailed to registered mail ID of a pensioner. For all purposes the
MOBILE Number and MAIL ID should be necessarily available in HRMS.
  
i. Pension
(Not applicable to Members of
New Pension Scheme: those
employees who joined the
Bank on or aer 01.08.2010)
For Ocers: Payable, on compleon of 20
years of pensionable service (excluding
probaon period in case of non-direct
ocers), if permied by the Competent
Authority to rere from Bank’s service
subject to giving three months’ noce in
wring or pay in lieu thereof, unless this
requirement is wholly or partly waived by
the Competent Authority [Proviso 4 of Rule
19(1) of SBI Ocers’ Service Rules, 1992].
For Clerical Sta : Payable, on compleon of
20 years of pensionable service (excluding
probaon period), if permied by the
Competent Authority to rere from Bank’s
service subject to giving one month’s noce
in wring or pay in lieu thereof.
ii. SBI Rered Employees Medical
Benet Scheme (SBIREMBS)
Eligible if the VRS optee has completed 30
years of service and 58 years of age. Both
the condions are to be fullled.
iii. Retenon of Accommodaon
/ Car / Telephone aer
Ocer may retain the accommodaon
(including designated house), telephone
and car upto the maximum period of
1 month from the date of Voluntary
iv. Laptop to TEGS-VI and above It can be retained aer paying the book
value of the laptop.
v. Ownership of Car (applicable)
to TEGSS-I & above
Not available
vi. i-Pad to TEGS-VI and above It can be retained aer paying the book
value of i-Pad.
vii. Availing LTC / HTC aer
Not eligible
  
vii. Connuance of Sta Housing
Loan aer rerement.
Not permied under Voluntary Rerement.
However, the same can be connued
on public terms on producon of an in-
principle approval from the authority
competent to sancon the Housing Term
Loan on Public Terms before Voluntary
viii. Presentaon of Memento Not eligible
x. Transion to Rerement
Programme for rering Ocers
of applicable grades and their
Not eligible
x. Engagement in Bank on
contract basis
Not eligible
xii. Medical facilies in Bank’s
Same as normal rerement if he is not
gainfully employed elsewhere.
In terms of e-Circular No. P&HRD-PM/67/2018-19 dated 31.10.2018, employees
who rere aer pung in at least 30 years of pensionable service and aer aaining
the age of 58 years and above (both the condions to be fullled) as on the date
of applying for voluntary rerement have been made eligible for all the benets /
facilies as available on normal rerement on opng for Voluntary Rerement
In case of grievance the pensioner can approach AGM (PPG) of the LHO controlling
his / her pension paying Branch on email-id as under:
  
[email protected] PA AHMEDABAD
[email protected] PB BANGALORE
[email protected] PD BHUBANESWAR
[email protected] PE CHANDIGARH
[email protected] PG GUWAHATI
agmppg.lhohy[email protected] PH HYDERABAD
  
agmppg.lhok[email protected] PI KOLKATA
agmppg.lhok[email protected] PN KERALA
[email protected] PP AMARAVATHI
A new plaorm for lodging complaints and grievances introduced for the benet of
pensioners / family pensioners by mail is SANJEEVANI. Aggrieved pensioner can sent
mail to 
As per Circular No. CDO/P&HRD-PM/58/2011-12 dated 23
August,2011 and CSO/
P&HRD-PM/25/2018-19 dated 11
          
Pensioner is supposed to submit the Life Cercate in the month of November every
year to the pension paying Branch or at any nearby Branch. It is updated in HRMS and
accordingly SMS and E-mail conrming the updaon is sent to the pensioner. Regular
SMS and E-mails are also sent to the defaulng pensioners. Pensioner can also submit
Life Cercate biometrically through Jeevan Praman for which Aadhar number is to
be seeded in HRMS as well as in CBS.
However, if Life Cercate is not submied even upto the end of January, then the
Pension payment is disconnued from the month of February. There is a provision
in HRMS to restore the payment of the Pension and payment of arrears along with
monthly Pension as soon as the Life Cercate is submied.
A scheme for Assistance to Rered Employees in case of Crical Illness’ has been
introduced to provide assistance to rered employees/ family pensioners for meeng
medical expenses in respect of idened crical diseases. The fund allocated under
the head is kept at Corporate Centre for centralised payment of medical bills. The
details of the Scheme, Standard Operang Procedure (SOP) and the format of
Applicaon by Rered Employees/ Family Pensioners for Assistance’ are enclosed as
All employees of State Bank of India on superannuaon from the Bank or those who
have taken VRS aer aaining 58 years of age, their spouses and disabled children, if
any, shall be covered under the scheme. The coverage shall also be extended to family
pensioners. The employees who were discharged/ dismissed/ removed/ compulsorily
rered/ terminated from service will not be covered. The scheme will cover medical
expenses incurred by the rered employees/ family pensioners on or aer 1st April
of the nancial year for crical diseases.
Medical expenses incurred on crical illness in respect of specied diseases as
menoned below shall be covered-
 
1 Cancer
2 Cardiac Surgery/ Serious Heart Ailments
3 Kidney/ Liver Transplant
4 Dialysis
5 Illness/ Accidents of serious nature involving major surgeries/ life support
i) In case of rered employees / family pensioners covered under ‘SBI Health Assist
/ ‘SBI Health Care’, the Bank Shall provide assistance to the extent of 50% of the
medical expenses incurred above the amount payable under the medical scheme
/ insurance policy. The maximum amount of assistance shall be restricted to Rs.
5.00 lacs.
ii) In case of rered employees / family pensioners not covered under ‘SBI Health
Assist’ / ‘SBI Health Care’ the Bank shall provide assistance to the extent of 50%
of the medical expenses incurred above Rs. 3.00 lacs. The maximum amount of
assistance shall be restricted to Rs. 5.00 lacs.
iii) The assistance shall be provided on rst come rst serve basis, subject to
availability of fund.
iv) The facility can be availed only on one instance per rered employee / family
pensioner in a year in respect of specied diseases.
The ‘Standard Operang Procedure’ for submission of claims under the scheme is
placed as Annexure ‘B’.
i) The rered employees / family pensioners shall submit their applicaon for
assistance regarding their medical expenses for crical illness at the respecve
Administrave Oces, under whose control they are geng pension. The
doctors prescripon along with discharge summary of hospitalisaon and other
original bills / receipts should be aached to the applicaon.
ii) The Chief Manager (HR) shall be the Nodal Ocer at Administrave Oces. He/
she will arrange to enter the details of applicaon immediately in the portal
opened for the purpose. The Link for the portal is available on intranet at:
Human Resources - Important News- Assistance to Rered Employees/ Family
Pensioners in case of crical illness.
The user ID of employee at each AO shall be created by the IR Department,
Corporate Centre, Mumbai. The details of applicaons shall be entered within
the portal under ‘User Menu’ Create new Applicaon. A cket number will be
generated, which shall be menoned on the applicaon form.
iii) The bills shall be scrunized by the Bank Medical Ocer at Administrave Oce
before submission. The Administrave Oces shall ensure that all relevant
papers as menoned in para 2 (i) above are aached to the applicaons and
shall forward the same to the Deputy General Manager (IR), State Bank of
India, Industrial Relaons Department, Corporate Centre, Madame Cama Road,
Mumbai, under the signature of the Deputy General Manager (B&O).
iv) The Industrial Relaons Department at Corporate Centre shall be responsible
for processing of applicaons and obtaining the approval of the concerned
v) Once approved by the Commiee, the Industrial Relaons Department at
Corporate Centre shall enter the date of approval in the portal and forward the
approved applicaons to Oce Administraon Department at Corporate Centre
for payment.
vi) In case the applicaon is not approved, the Commiee shall specify the reason
and the same shall be menoned in the portal by the Industrial Relaons
Department at Corporate Centre.
vii) The Oce Administraon Department at Corporate Centre will make payment
by debing the BGL Account ‘Sta Welfare Fund’.
viii) The declined applicaons shall be returned by the Industrial Relaons Department
at Corporate Centre to the concerned Administrave Oce, assigning the reason
of return.
ix) The Administrave Oce will, in turn, return the applicaons to the applicant at
the recorded address.
Medicines are provided from the available stock at dispensaries run by Corporate
Centre, Local Head Oces, Administrave Oces and at a few selected
dispensaries to the pensioners and their eligible family members. Services of
specialist doctors are also available in some of these dispensaries.
i. Up to the
scale of
In Circles:
An Authority not below the rank of DGM.
In CC & its establishments:
An Authority not below the rank of DGM.
If DGM or above is not available, DGM (PM &
No Change
ii. SMGS-IV &V In Circles: Authority not below the rank of GM of
respecve Network. For other establishments
in the Circles, senior-most
GM will be the authority.
In CC & its establishments/ on deputaon:
Authority not below the rank of GM.
If the Department is not headed by GM or
above, GM (CS).
No Change
iii. TEGS VI & VII CGM (Circle)/ An authority not below the rank
of CGM for CC/ CC establishments/deputaon
to other organizaon. If the Department is not
headed by CGM or above, CGM (HR) is the
competent authority.
No Change
iv. TEGSS-I DMD (COO) for Circles and DMD (HR) & CDO
for CC & CC Establishments/deputaon to
other organizaons
No Change
v. TEGSS-II Respecve MD of the Vercal/If the vercal is
not headed by MD, Chairman is the competent
No Change
vi. Ex-MDs &
ECCB No Change
 
1. Name of the Rered Employee/ Family Pensioner
2. Name of the Rered Employee (in case of family pensioner)
3. PF No.
4. Address & Mobile No.
5. Grade in which the employee rered
6. Name & Code of Pension Paying Branch
7. Account No.
8. Name of the family member hospitalised/undergoing treatment & Relaonship
with the Rered Employee
9. Parculars of Treatment
a) Name of the Disease
b) Period of Hospitalisaon / Treatment
10. Total Expenses Incurred
11. Insurance Cover Available, if any
a) Policy No.
b) Amount
We have scrunised the applicaon and recommend it for Corporate Centre
Stamp/Seal 
Sr. No.
Parculars Details
1. Total expenses
2. Amount payable under Medical Scheme/Insurance Policy, if any
3. a) Amount (1 minus 2)
b) 50% of the above amount i.e. 3 (a)
c) Admissible Assistance (Maximum Rs. 5.00 lacs)
4. a) Amount (Item 1 minus Rs. 3.00 lacs)
b) 50% of the above amount i.e. 4 (a)
c) Admissible Assistance (Maximum Rs. 5.00 lacs)
  
Ex-graa lumpsum amount will be paid to the dependents/s of employee who dies in
service of prematurely rered due to incapacitaon before reaching 55 years of age,
subject to fullment of laid down eligibility norms.
The scheme will be applicable in the following cases of employees:
(i) Employees dying in harness
(ii) Employees seeking premature rerement due to incapacitaon before reaching
the age of 55 years.
Amount of Ex-graa
The amount of ex-graa to be calculated as 60% of the last drawn salary, net of taxes,
for each month of remaining service of the employee up to the age of superannuaon
at the me of his death/ incapacitaon, subject to cadre wise ceiling and oor amount
as menoned below:
 
Supervising Rs.14.00 lacs Rs. 7.00 lacs
Clerical Rs. 12.00 lacs Rs. 6.00 lacs
Subordinate Rs. 10.00 lacs Rs. 5.00 lacs
Sampoorn Suraksha
Bank has taken graded group life insurance policy “Sampoorn Suraksha Policy” from
SBI Life Insurance Ltd. to cover the life of all permanent employees in the Bank. This
policy is uniformly applicable throughout the country and covers all deaths during
service, whether on duty or otherwise. The sum assured for various grades of the
employees as per the exisng policy is as under:
Grade Chairman/
Clerk Sub-
Sum Assured 24 lacs 20 lacs 16 lacs 14 lacs 12 lacs 10 lacs 8 lacs 6 lacs
Path to download claim form:
SBI Times>Human Resources> PM & PPG> PMD> SBI Life Claim Form
The branch last served by the employee, would advise the nominee regarding the
procedure of applying for the claim on death of the employee. The nominee will have
to submit the claim form along with requisite document at the branch for further
submission to SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Swarna Ganga
Bank had launched on a one me basis, a voluntary Group Saving Linked Insurance
scheme for the employees and their spouse in the year 2011-12. Under this product
monthly regular premiums are deducted from the salary of the employees who have
already enrolled under the scheme.
 
Sub-sta Rs.2,00,000/- Rs. 2,00,000/-
Award Sta Rs. 4,00,000/- Rs. 4,00,000/-
Ocers Rs. 6,00,000/- Rs. 6,00,000/-
*Accident Death and total permanent disability rider.
i. Death Benets: If the member is in-force on the date of death, SBI Life will pay
Basic Sum Assured. It will also pay Fund Value. If the member cover is in lapse
status on the date of death, only Fund Value will be paid.
ii. Rider Benets: If the member opts for ADTPD rider and the rider cover is in force,
SBI Life will pay the rider sum assured on death due to accident. On occurrence
of total permanent disability due to accident, the rider sum assured and Fund
Value will be paid.
iii. Maturity Benets: Fund Value will be paid.
How to claim:
1. On rerement-
The rered employee has to submit the applicaon for claiming the maturity
amount through online portal of SBI Life.
The employee can extend the term of the policy up to the age of 65 years by
applying to SBI Life through the branch & making payment of monthly premium
2. On death during currency of the policy:-
The branch last served by the employee would inmate the nominee of the
deceased employee and would arrange for submission of requisite claim form
through online portal of SBI Life.
Path: (hps:/www.sbilife.co.in)
Ø Services
Ø Claim & Maturity
1. Please refer to e-circular No. CDO/P&HRD-PPFG/70/2018-19 dated 1
2019 advising renewal of Group Mediclaim Policy for SBI rerees (Policy ‘B’) with
eect from January 16, 2019 and modicaons in terms and condions of the
policy. The policy is due for renewal on 16.01.2020.
2. In view of rising annual premium under both the above policies coupled with
inaon in cost of medical treatment, it has now been decided to recast the
exisng schemes with the following objecves;
i. To provide holisc soluon with new Health Care plans
ii. To provide good health care to our rerees at an aordable cost
iii. To subsidize a part of the health expenditure of rerees
3. The policies are renamed as under;
 
Policy ‘B’ Annual Payment Plan (APP) “SBI Health Assist
SBI-REMBS One Time Payment Plan (OTPP) “SBI Health Care”
A. “SBI Health Assist”
has been selected for serving both the
policies i.e. APP and OTPP      with a provision for
annual renewal. Membership of Annual Payment Plan (exisng Policy ‘B’)
will be voluntary and those eligible can obtain membership of the same by
paying the annual premium from their own sources.
a) Exisng members under Policy ‘B’.
b) Employees who rered during the months of October, November &
December 2019 would be eligible to join the policy and no waing
period clause will be applicable for them.
c) Eligible new rerees (rered on or aer 16.01.2020) may join APP (Policy
‘B’) within 90 daysfrom the date of rerement by paying the premium
from their own sources. Pro-rata premium would be applicable in case
of such rerees.
d) Spouses of deceased employees may join APP (Policy ‘B’) within 120
daysfrom the date of death by paying the premium from their own
sources. Pro-rata premium would be payable in such cases.
            
(a) Members of SBI-REMBS will be given the opon to join APP (Policy-B)
irrespecve of their residual balances. It is also proposed that they
would be able to opt for any Sum Insured with or without Crical
Illness cover at any point of me during the cover period by paying
full years premium as per the plan chosen. However, for such rerees,
there will be 30 days’ waing period from the date of their joining APP
(Policy-B) and Sum Insured under APP (Policy-B) for these members will
not be available for reimbursement of expenses incurred on ongoing
hospitalizaon at the me of taking such membership.
(b) All le out rerees, e-AB rerees, spouses of le out rerees & e-AB
rerees will be eligible to become members of APP (Policy-B) by paying
premium from their own sources. However, for these members, there
will be a waing period of 30 days from the date of their joining APP
(Policy-B). Sum Insured under APP (Policy-B) for these members will
not be available for reimbursement of expenses incurred on ongoing
hospitalizaon at the me of taking such membership.
Employees who are / were discharged / dismissed / compulsorily rered
/ terminated from service will not be eligible to join the policy.
 “SBI Health Assist”
The exisng structure of four plans has been done away with. Now,
there will be only two Basic Sum Insured limits of Rs. 3.00 lakhs & Rs.
5.00 lakhs under the APP. There will be no bar for rerees in opng for
any Sum Insured :
3.00 16,542 2,978 19,520
5.00 36,771 6,619 43,390
 
Super Top-up plan will be available to all members for Rs. 6.00 lakhs
along with the Basic Plans as an addional health cover.  
(Rupees in Lakhs)
3.00 6.00 9.00 2.50
5.00 6.00 11.00 2.50
There will be a ‘Deducble’ limit of Rs. 2.50 lakhs under the Super Top-
up cover. In case of a claim being raised, Basic Sum Insured will trigger
rst and only aer Basic Sum Insured is completely exhausted, Super
Top Up policy will be acvated / ulized. The ‘Deducble’ amount will
be taken from the Base policy, if triggered.
For example, in case there is a claim of Rs. 5.00 lakhs under Super Top-
up plan of Rs. 6.00 lakhs with a Base policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs, base policy
of Rs. 3.00 lakhs will be used rst and it will be considered that the
pensioner has contributed his poron of ‘Deducble’ amount out of the
Base plan, and thereby, remaining amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs of the claim
will be seled from the Super Top-up plan. The rerees will not have to
pay the ‘Deducble’ amount of Rs. 2.50 lakhs from their own pocket.
 
The ailment wise cappings were introduced in the year 2017-18 with the
idea to restrict the premium from increasing abnormally. The cappings
have been revised commensurate with the present cost for treatment
of these ailments as under:
(Amount in Rupees)
  
1 Angioplasty 1,50,000  
2 Coronary Artery
Bypass Gra
2,50,000  
3 Cataract 30,000  
4 Cholecystectomy 70,000  
5 Hernia 70,000  
6 Knee Replacement -
1,75,000  
7 Knee Replacement -
2,50,000  
8 Prostate (Other than
treatment of Prostate
80,000  
 
Based on reports regarding deducons on account of lower Room Rent
/ ICU Rent / ICCU Rent eligibilies, it is also proposed to revise Room
Rent / ICU Rent / ICCU Rent caps under the policy as under :
(Amount in Rupees)
(Rs. in Lakhs)
 
 
 
3.00 4,000 7,500 5,000 9,500
5.00 4,000 7,500 7,500 12,000
 
As a measure of nancial support to family pensioners / senior rerees,
it has been decided to allow 50 % subsidy on Base Premium of Rs. 3.00
lakhs under APP (Policy ‘B’) to all Family Pensioners and to pensioners
70 years of age and above on the date of renewal (i.e. on 16.01.2020).
Rerees 70 years of age and above & family pensioners, who are not in
the exisng policy, shall also be eligible to avail subsidy on enrolment.
(Amount in Rupees)
(Rs. in Lakhs)
3.00 16,542 8,271
5.00 36,771 8,271
GST or other taxes / surcharges, if any, on premium will be borne by the
Members would be required to make payment of premium in full. Aer
compleon of renewal process, member wise list of eligible rerees
will be prepared by concerned Administrave Oces and sent to their
LHOs for compilaon of data. LHOs shall submit the consolidated data
to Corporate Centre for reimbursement of subsidy to eligible members.
Reimbursement of subsidy will be made by Corporate Centre directly to
the pension accounts of members.
 
As per the terms and condions of our Request for Proposal (RFP),
premium quotes were obtained for three year period with a provision
of annual renewal. Annual renewal will be done as per the terms of the
RFP accepted by SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. This is done with a view
to ensure connuity of Insurance Co. / TPAs etc. The premium will not
undergo an upward revision during the three year period, if the policy is
connued with SBI General Insurance Co.
It has been observed that rerees / family pensioners face dicules
with the two policies (Policy ‘B’ and Policy A’) running with two dierent
companies. Operaonal funconaries at Administrave Oces also face
dicules in idenfying the TPA for members. Therefore, it has been
decided to make both the policies co-terminus from 16
January, 2021
onwards. AAP (Policy ‘B’) will be renewed with SBI General Insurance
Co. Ltd. on its due date i.e. on 16
January, 2020 and OTPP (Policy A’)
will be renewed with SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. from 1
June, 2020
to 15
January, 2021. From 16
January, 2021, both the policies will
run concurrently. Exisng Policy-A will connue to be with IFFCO Tokio
General Insurance Co. Ltd. unl 31
may, 2020.
 
There will be no provision of domiciliary cover in APP (Policy ‘B’). To
support the members of APP meet the domiciliary medical expenses, it
has been decided to provide e-Pharmacy facility to all members of APP
(Policy ‘B’) upto Rs. 18,000/- with an own contribuon of Rs. 6,000/-.
Bank is in the process of making arrangements with a reputed company
in e-Pharmacy eld for provision of such services.
(Amount in Rupees)
(to be provided outside
Insurance Policy)
Rs.18,000/- Rs.6,000/- Rs.12,000/-
The details of the scheme / modus of operaon etc. will be circularized
 
An oponal Crical Illness cover for Rs. 5.00 lakhs was provided in the
policy during the last renewal for the undernoted six specied diseases:
i) Stroke resulng in permanent symptoms
ii) Cancer of specied severity
iii) Kidney failure requiring regular dialysis
iv) Major organ / bone marrow transplant
v) Mulple sclerosis with persisng symptoms
vi) Open chest CABG (Coronary Artery Surgery)
It is proposed to include the following addional diseases under the
Crical Illness cover:
i) First Heart aack
ii) Coma of specied severity
iii) Heart valve replacement
iv) Permanent paralysis of limbs
v) Motor neuron disease with permanent symptoms
vi) Aorta Gra surgery
vii) Total blindness
viii) Open heart replacement or repair of heart valves
The premium applicable for the oponal Crical Illness cover is as under:
(Amount in Rupees)
5,00,000 13,774 2,479 16,253
Other terms & condions for availing Crical Illness cover shall be
as under:
a) Crical Illness Cover will not be available separately and can only be
taken with Basic and Super Top up covers taken together.
b) Entry shall be available only upto the age of 65 (as on 16.01.2020).
However, renewals can be done beyond 65 years on a connuous
c) There will be a waing period of 90 days and surviving period of 30
days under the policy.
d) Members who have opted for Crical Illness Cover in the past may
connue to take the cover. Waing period of 90 days will not be
applicable to such members.
e) Pre-exisng ailments will not be covered under the Crical Illness
f) Crical Illness Cover will be available only to the primary member
and not to spouse / dependent.
In an event of the insured person being diagnosed with one of
the crical illnesses dened in the policy aer the lapse of waing
period of 90 days and surviving period of 30 days, the Insurance
Co. would pay the full sum insured under the crical illness cover
to the insured member. However, waing period & entry age
of 65 yrs. would not be applicable for those Rerees who are
exisng members of Crical illness cover under the expiring Policy
for ailments from serial number I to VI. Thus, for a claim to be
admissible under Crical Illness cover, two condions have to be
complied with – (i) no claim would be admissible for rst 90 days (ii)
Aer the waing period of 90 days, if the insured is diagnosed with
any of the 14 listed ailments and survives for 30 days aer the rst
detecon of the disease, total cover amount (Rs. 5.00 lakhs) under
the crical illness will become admissible.
The Insurance company shall pay the insured person only once
in respect of any one of the covered illness under the policy. The
Crical Illness Cover ceases aer admission of any claim and no
further claim will be admissible under the said Cover. However,
benets under the Base plan or the Super Top-up Plan would
connue to be available as per the terms & condions of the said
coverage and the available sum insured.
The opon for Crical Illness plan has to be exercised simultaneously
with the Base Plan + Super Top-up Plan taken together and the
premium for the same is to be paid along with main policy (premium
on Super Top-up cover will be paid by the Bank). Crical Illness plan
cannot be availed at a later date if it is not opted for at the me of
enrolment / renewal.
 
The policy will cover reimbursement of expenses on dental treatment
only for Root Canal Treatment up to a maximum of Rs. 7,500 per annum
per family. Dental cover will not include extracon, lling, crowning or
restoraon. This will be an add-on benet to the members and will form
part of the Basic Sum Insured.
 
It is proposed that the membership under present structure to SBI-REMBS
will be frozen as on 31
December, 2019 and memberships will be allowed
to subsequent rerees only under a new structure / plan. All the members
(exisng & new) will connue to avail their benets upto their residual
balances under the REMB Trust Rules as at present.
One Time Payment Plan (OTPP) – “SBI Health care” :
The plan under SBI-REMBT will be applicable for the employees rering
on or aer 1
January, 2020. Based on actuarial assessment, members
contribuon towards the Life me Limits under the new plan have been
revised as under :
(Rupees in lakhs)
 
7.00 1.63
10.00 2.30
15.00 3.00
20.00 3.75
Eligibility criteria for membership will be same as exisng SBI Rered
Employees’ Medical Benet Scheme. However, rerees eligible for cover
under OTPP can choose any of the Life me Limits as per their medical need
by paying the contribuon amount and the same shall not be designaon
linked. The plan will cover pensioners, their spouses and disabled children, if
any. Other terms & condions of the scheme will be as under:
a. New members under OTPP will be migrated to an insurance policy as
is done in case of exisng members of SBI-REMBS one month aer
racaon of their membership in the Trust.
b. The exisng policy with IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Co. Ltd. will
connue up to 31
May, 2020 with no changes in policy terms.
c. Old and new members joining OTPP will be covered under the exisng
policy ll 31
May, 2020.
d. Insurance cover for members under SBI-REMBS / OTPP will be provided
by SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. from 1
June, 2020 onwards.
Modied Policy ‘A’ (OTPP) with eect from 1
June, 2020
Insurance cover for SBI-REMBS / OTPP members w.e.f. 1
June, 2020 will be
as under:
a. The insurance cover will be provided by SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd.
b. Insurance will be taken for the members whose residual balance is Rs.
3.00 lakhs and above.
c. Medical claims of members having balance below Rs. 3.00 lakhs will be
paid by the Trust and they will be out of the insurance scheme.
d. Any amount of claim beyond total allocated limit in the Insurance Policy
will be paid by the Trust.
 
As a measure to control the premium and for allocang jused
Basic Cover, members having residual balance of Rs. 3.00 lakhs to
Rs. 10.00 lakhs will be provided Basic Cover of Rs. 3.00 lakhs with a
Super Top Up cover of 6.00 lakhs. Proposed insurance cover under
OTPP will be as under w.e.f. 01.06.2020:
(Rupees in lakhs)
Rs. 3.00 lakhs to
below Rs. 10.00 lakhs
3.00 6.00 9.00
Rs. 10.00 lakhs and
5.00 6.00 11.00
Premium on both the Base Plan and Super Top-up cover will be
paid by the Trust.
 
There will be a ‘Deducble’ poron of Rs. 2.50 lakhs within the
Super Top-up cover. If Super Top-up cover is triggered, ‘Deducble’
poron will be taken from Base Plan, and members will not have to
pay from their own pocket.
For example, in case there is a claim of Rs. 5.00 lakhs under
Super Top-up plan of Rs. 6.00 lakhs with a Base policy of Rs. 3.00
lakhs, base policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs will be used rst and it will
be considered that the pensioner has contributed his poron of
‘Deducble’ amount out of the Base plan, and thereby, remaining
amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs of the claim will be seled from the Super
Top-up plan. In case the claim exceeds total cover taken by the
Bank, the excess amount over and above total cover will be paid by
the Trust (up to the residual amount under SBI-REMBS).
 
The domiciliary limit under OTPP will be upto 1 % of Life me Limit
annually subject to a cap of total 10 % for the life me. Annual
domiciliary limit under various Life me limits will be as under :
300000 3000
400000 4000
500000 5000
700000 7000
1000000 10000
1500000 15000
2000000 20000
 
Ailment wise expenditure capping under OTPP (SBI Health Care)
will be as under :
  
1 Angioplasty 1,50,000  
2 Coronary Artery
Bypass Gra
2,50,000  
3 Cataract 30,000  
4 Cholecystectomy 70,000  
5 Hernia 70,000  
6 Knee Replacement -
1,75,000  
7 Knee Replacement -
2,50,000  
8 Prostate (Other than
treatment of Prostate
80,000  
 
The Room Rent / ICU Rent / ICCU Rent under OTPP will be as under:
(Rs. in
 
 
 
3.00 4,000 7,500 5,000 9,500
5.00 4,000 7,500 7,500 12,000
 
The policy will cover reimbursement of expenses on dental
treatment only for Root Canal Treatment up to a maximum of Rs.
7,500 per annum per family. Dental cover will not include extracon,
lling, crowning or restoraon. This will be an add-on benet to the
members and will form part of the Basic Sum Insured.
 
a) Exisng members of Policy ‘B’, willing to renew their policy, will ll up the
simplied Consent Form (enclosed as Annexure -II) manually by obtaining
from branches/AO and submit to the pension paying branch along with
cheque/debit authority for applicable premium amount as per premium
b) Exisng Members of Policy A who are willing to obtain addional cover
under APP (Policy ‘B’) will ll up the Applicaon Form (enclosed as Annexure
-I) manually by obtaining from branches/ A.O. and submit to the pension
paying branch with cheque/debit authority for applicable premium amount
as per premium chart.
c) Old rerees of SBI who are willing to enrol in APP for rst me and rerees
of e-ABs who are willing for enrolment under APP will ll up the Applicaon
Form (enclosed as Annexure-I) manually by obtaining from branches/ AO
and submit to the pension paying branch with cheque/debit authority for
applicable premium amount as per premium chart.
d) Post merger rerees of e-ABs should menon their HRMS ID instead of PF ID
on the Applicaon Form in column no. 1A. Old rerees of e-ABs who rered
before merger should menon the name of the e-AB (SBM, SBT, SBBJ, SBP,
SBIN, SBS & SBH) against their PF ID (for example ) in column no.
e) In respect of new enrolments by members who rere/have rered on or
aer 16.01.2020, the premium is to be collected on pro-rata basis as per the
extant guidelines. Branches can contact CMs(HR) at their respecve A.O. to
obtain exact pro-rata premium applicable to the new reree. The Pro-rata
calculator will be supplied to all CMs(HR).
f) New rerees who rere/have rered on or aer 16.01.2020, willing to enroll
for the policy, will also be required to ll up the Applicaon Form (enclosed
as Annexure-I) manually by obtaining from Branches/A.O. and submit to the
pension paying branch along with cheque/debit authority for applicable
pro-rata premium amount.
g) The branch will arrange for debing the applicant’s account with the
amount of gross premium (i.e. Basic Premium plus GST) and credit the same
to Current Account opened by each A.O. for collecon of premium.
h) Once premium is deposited in the designated account at A.O., the branch
will forward duly lled-in applicaon forms [menoning (a) Transacon
No. (b) Date of Transacon; and (c) Amount] to concerned A.O. for further
i) A.Os on receiving the applicaon form, will verify the same and check the
eligibility of the applicant and ensure that all necessary details have been
lled and also correct amount of premium has been deposited in the Current
Account maintained at A.O.
j) A.Os will simultaneously prepare a list (as per Annexure -IV) containing details
of the applicants and send the so copy through email to HR Department
at their respecve LHO and also transfer the consolidated amount to Main
Collecon Account maintained by PPG department, Corporate centre,
Mumbai. Specic dates for transfer of consolidated premium to Corporate
Centre and data le sharing will be communicated by Corporate Centre to
LHOs / A.Os.
k) The A.Os should ensure that the amount remied to Corporate Centre tallies
with the column total of ‘Premium Paid by pensionerin the excel le sent
by them to their respecve LHO. 
l) HR Department at each LHO, on receiving the enrolment details / les from
their A.Os, will verify and collate the details in a single le in dierent sheets
(as per Annexure-IV) for each A.Os and send the same to PPG Department,
Corporate Centre on the dates communicated to them.
m) PPG Department, Corporate Centre, on receiving the les from each
LHO, will prepare a consolidated list and send the same to the Insurance
Company along with the total premium amount i.e. collected premium
amount by means of a single cheque drawn on the main collecon account
at fortnightly intervals.
As all renewal enrolments are supposed to be completed by 15.01.2020 it
has been decided that rst payment of premium will be made on 04.01.2020
and second payment of premium will be made on 10.01.2020 to ensure
mely and smooth enrolments. Aer remiance on 10.01.2020, premium
collected from 11.01.2020 upto 15.01.2020 should be sent to Corporate
Centre on 15.01.2020 itself. Tallied enrolment details must be sent by LHOs
to Corporate Centre on the date of remiances without fail.
Annexure-I : Applicaon form for new rerees / prospecve members
Annexure-II : Consent form for renewal
Annexure-III : Premium Chart
Annexure-IV : Reporng Format
“SBI Health Assist” Scheme
Chief Manager
State Bank of India,
Branch / Administrave oce,
Dear Sir,
I am interested in joining the Family Floater Group Health Insurance Policy of State
Bank of India (Annual payment Plan SBI Health Assist Scheme) and furnish the
required informaon as under:
  
1A P.F Index No. / HRMS ID
(for post merger e-ABs
1B PF ID (for pre merger
rerees of e-ABs)
for example 
2 Name
3 Date of joining the Bank
4 Date of Rerement
5 Rered as 
Ax coloured joint photograph
of the member and spouse
6 Age (in years) as on the
date of rerement
7 Gender i. Male
ii. Female
8 Type   
  
9 Category
(Please ck mark)
i. SBI rerees on compleon of pensionable
service in the Bank.
ii. Surviving spouses of SBI employee who died
whilst in service or aer rerement.
iii. Exisng members of Policy-A.
iv. Old reree/ surviving spouses / family
pensioners of erstwhile Associate Banks of SBI
v. Pensioners removed from service and
receiving pension.
vi. Pensioners / Rerees who could not join
Policy-B in the past and now wish to join.
10 Whether dismissed or
terminated from service.
Yes / No
11 Whether Rule 19(3) was
invoked on aaining the
age of rerement
(If yes, please furnish the
details of the disciplinary
case, date of its
conclusion and penalty, if
any imposed )
Yes / No
12 Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy
13 Date of Death (in case
of deceased employee /
14 Address for
15 Landline No. (with STD
16 Mobile No.
17 Email ID
18 Name of Spouse (if any)
19 Date of Birth of Spouse
20 Name of disabled Child /
Children (if any).
(Aach valid disability
cercate issued by
medical ocer not below
the rank of Civil Surgeon)
 
21 Name of the pension/
family pension paying
 
22 Pension Account No. (11
23 IFSC Code
24 
 
25 
 
26 
  
I, Mr./Mrs./Ms. _____________________ , a rered employee / spouse of the
deceased employee / pensioner of the Bank do hereby assign the money payable
by      in case of my death to Mr. / Mrs./ Ms.
_________________________ Relaon ______________ and further declare that
his/her receipt shall be sucient discharge of the company.
I am aware that I along with my spouse and disabled child/children (if any) will be
eligible for a health insurance cover of Rs. ________ lakhs under the Family Floater
Group Health Insurance Policy. I hereby authorize the Bank to debit the insurance
premium amount of Rs. _________ to my pension / family pension account No. ___
I undertake to keep sucient balance in my above account for debing insurance
premium failing which the policy may not be issued to me. I am also aware that
Bank may at its sole discreon can modify the terms and condions of the policy
from me to me.
 
For oce use only
Cered that Shri / Smt. _______________________ is a rered employee /
spouse of the rered / deceased employee of SBI / e-ABs and he / she has remied
the insurance premium as per the following details:
 
“SBI Health Assist”
(to be given to the applicant by the branch receiving the Form)
Received from Shri/Smt.___________________________________________
PF Index No.______________
Applicaon for membership of Family Floater Group Mediclaim Policy(APP) along
with Insurance Premium including GST for Rs.________________________ for
onward submission to Administrave Oce.
Date ______________
Branch _____________ Stamp of the Branch Signature of the ocer
receiving the Form
“SBI Health Assist” Scheme
Date of payment of premium
Journal No,
Amount paid
The Branch Manager
State Bank of India,
_______________________ Oce/ Branch
Dear Sir,
PF No.
Name of Pensioner/ Spouse of
Deceased Pensioner
Gender (M/F) Dt. of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Name of Spouse Gender (M/F) Dt. of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Name of disabled child (if any)
Gender (M/F) Dt. of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Name of the Nominee Relaonship of Nominee
Date of Rerement :
Pensioner Type ( Pensioner / Reree / Family Pensioner)
Address of pensioner
Mobile No. / Landline No.
Email Id.
Name of Zonal/
Administrave oce
Name of LHO
Name of Pension Branch
Pension Branch code
Pension Account no.
IFSC code
Date of payment of
premium (dd/mm/yyyy)
I intend to join the Family Floater Group Health Insurance under Annual Payment
Plan of State Bank of India. I hereby exercise my opons as per the following :
Sum Insured
(Rs in Lakhs)
Premium details for Basic Cover (Without Domiciliary)
Basic Premium GST @ 18% Gross Premium
Please Tick
Opted Plan
Sum Insured Basic Premium GST @ 18% Gross Premium
Please Tick
Opted Plan
**Crical Illness Cover will not be available separately and can be taken only with
a base plan.
Premium for Basic Plan
Opted with GST
Crical Illness Plan
Premium (If any) with GST
Total Premium (with GST)
A+B = C
I am aware that I along with my spouse and disabled child/children will be eligible
for a health insurance cover of Rs. ________________ lakhs under the Family Floater
Group Health Insurance policy. I hereby authorize the Bank to debit the insurance
premium amount of Rs. _______________to my pension / family pension account /
Savings Bank Account No. ___________________________.
 
“SBI Health Assist”
(to be given to the applicant by the branch receiving the Form)
Received from Shri/Smt.____________________________________________
PF Index No.______________
Applicaon for membership of Family Floater Group Mediclaim Policy(APP) along
with Insurance Premium including GST for Rs.________________________ for
onward submission to Administrave Oce.
Date ______________
Branch _____________ Stamp of the Branch Signature of the ocer
receiving the Form
 
   
300000 16,542 2,978 19,520
500000 36,771 6,619 43,390
 
300000 500000 16,542 13,774 30,316 5,457 35,773
500000 500000 36,771 13,774 50,545 9,098 59,643
 
1. Applicant will submit duly lled Consent Form (Annexure-II ) to Pension
Paying Branch for renewal of the policy, if the applicant is applying for rst
me for AAP (Policy-B) then he/she will submit duly lled Applicaon Form
(Annexure -I).
2. Branch will collect duly lled form from the applicant and verify that all the
details required are correctly lled by the applicant.
3. Aer vericaon of the form, Branch will debit applicants account for
premium amount (as per premium chart) and branch will provide credit to
the current account maintained by their respecve Administrave oce/
Zonal oce.
4. Branch will sign the Acknowledgement and Cercate and provide to the
5. Branch will write transacon date and Journal No. of the transacon with
A.O. on top of the form and forward the original copy of Consent/Applicaon
Form to respecve Administrave oce.
i) Is it mandatory to be a member of SBI-REMBS to become a member of Annual
Payment Plan (APP)?
Membership in APP can be taken without having membership of SBI-REMBS.
ii) When a reree is a member of SBI-REMBS (and hence OTPP), why should he take
up membership of APP?
Whereas it is not mandatory for a member of SBI-REMBS to take up membership
of APP, his doing so would help him in conserving the balance under SBI-REMBS
(i.e. OTPP).
iii) When a reree is a member of both SBI-REMBS (i.e. OTPP) and APP, in case of a
claim arising, the same is seled out of which policy?
This is for the member to decide. However, payment under APP would help the
reree preserve the balance under the OTPP which is a life me limit.
iv) Can someone take APP (Policy ‘B’) for Rs. 3.00 lakhs this year and switch to Plan
for Rs. 5.00 lakhs at next renewal or vice versa.
A change in ‘Basic Sum Insured’ at the me of renewal is not envisaged as at
v) How does the ‘deducble’ under Super Top up operate?
In SBI Mediclaim Policies, the deducble’ mandatorily comes from Base Plan of
the same policy. The ‘deducble’ or threshold limit of Rs. 2.50 lakhs under the
Super Top Up cover will be fully taken care of by the Base Policy in all situaons.
By taking Base Policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs i.e. more than the threshold limit or
deducble of Rs. 2.50 lakhs, the eect of deducble has been nullied and the
members would get full benet of the total Sum Insured under the Base Policy
+ Super Top Policy. In other words, rerees will not be required to pay anything
from their pocket up to the total amount of Base Plan + Super Top-up plan.
(The above claricaon is applicable for both OTPP and APP)
Examples of dierent scenarios are given below:
a) A pensioner is having Base Policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs & Super Top Up of Rs. 6.00
lakhs. He had a claim of Rs. 2.00 lakhs. His enre claim within the policy terms &
condions would be paid by his base policy.
Subsequently, he had another claim of Rs. 3.00 lakhs. He would be paid Rs. 1.00
lakh from his remaining balance of Base Policy and Rs. 2.00 lakhs from the Super
Top Up cover as per the policy terms & condions.
Again, if he has a third claim of Rs. 4.00 lakhs, he would be paid enre Rs. 4.00
lakhs from the Super Top Up cover. Thus, in all circumstances, he can avail
reimbursement upto Rs. 9.00 lakhs without making any payment from his own
b) A pensioner is having Base Policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs & Super Top Up cover of Rs.
6.00 lakhs. He had a claim of Rs. 5.00 lakhs. He would be paid Rs. 3.00 lakhs from
Base Policy & Rs. 2.00 lakhs from Super Top Up cover. If he has another claim of
Rs. 5.00 lakhs, he would be paid Rs. 4.00 lakhs from the remaining balance of
Super Top Up cover as at this point his enre Sum Insured including Super Top Up
is exhausted and balance Rs.1.00 lakh will be borne by him.
c) A pensioner is having Base Policy of Rs. 3.00 lakhs and Super Top Up cover of Rs.
6.00 lakhs. He had a claim of Rs. 10 lakhs. He would be paid Rs. 3.00 lakhs from
the Base Policy and Rs. 6.00 lakhs from the Super Top Up and balance Rs. 1.00
lakh will have to be borne by him as the total Sum Insured is exhausted.
vi) If deducble’ is paid by another insurer or under another policy of SBI General
Insurance Co. Ltd., can Super Top up be ulized?
No. This is a tailor-made policy wherein other benets have also been allowed to
members. For availing Super Top up cover, deducble’ has to mandatorily come
from the Base Plan under the same policy.
vii) Can a member opt for a Room with rent higher than the entled amount?
Yes, but maximum ceiling on Room Rent / ICU Rent / ICCU Rent will be as per the
capping available in the Base Plan opted by the reree. However, it may be noted
that in the event of a member opng for a room higher than the entlement,
proporonate deducons will apply for all other charges incurred during
hospitalisaon, except for medicines.
viii) Is there any waing period for pensioners who enrol themselves under APP?
There shall be no waing period for those who are already enrolled under Policy
‘B and new rerees. However, 30 days’ waing period will be applicable for all le
out rerees, e-AB rerees, spouses of le out rerees & e-AB rerees enrolling
into APP (Policy ‘B’) from the date of their joining. Sum Insured under the policy
for these members will not be available for reimbursement of expenses incurred
on ongoing hospitalizaon at the me of taking such membership.
ix) Can a pensioner change the sum insured during the currency of the policy?
Opon once exercised cannot be revised. Mid- term change in Basic Sum Insured
is not allowed.
x) Is there any alternave method of treatment which is covered under these
Yes. Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathic (AYUSH) treatments are also
covered under these policies. However, treatment has to be taken from hospitals
registered under State / Central Govt.
xi) Are all family pensioners eligible for subsidy irrespecve of their age?
Yes. All Family Pensioners are eligible for subsidy irrespecve of their age.
xii) How does the Crical Illness cover benet a member?
If a primary member / dependent is inicted with any of the specied 14 ailments
aer 90 days from the date of membership and survives for another 30 days, full
cover amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs will be paid to the member in one go. Treatment
expenses will be addionally covered under the Base Plan / Super Top up.
xiii) In case primary members age is more than 65 years but spouse is aged less than
65 years, can Crical Illness cover be opted for?
The primary member’s age must be less than 65 years for enrolling under crical
illness cover. In case primary members age is less than 65 and spouse’s age is
more than 65, even then coverage will be valid on oater basis.
xiv) Can a person opt for Crical Illness Cover subsequent to enrolling under Basic
No, it can be taken only along with the Base Policy.
Nature of ceasing
from the service
Members own
contribuon to P.F.
Bank’s contribuon
to P.F.
Gratuity under
the Act
Gratuity under
Service Rules (who
are not eligible
for payment of
Pension Family Pension Leave encashment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
On rerement Yes Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 10
years of connuous
service otherwise
provision of Act
would be followed)
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
Yes (If eligible for
On Voluntary
under Biparte
Agreement with
Award employees
Yes Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 10
years of connuous
service otherwise
provision of Act
would be followed)
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
No (Unless it could
be treated as
rerement for the
purpose of pension)
On Compulsory
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes @@@ Yes
On removal Yes Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (Unless
provision of Secon
4(6) (a) & (b) is
No (But provision
of the Act would be
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
Yes (if eligible for
pension otherwise
On Discharge
(Award Sta
Yes Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes [Unless
provision of Secon
4(6)(a) or (b) is
Yes Yes (If required
years pensionable
of service
otherwise No)
Yes (if eligible for
pension otherwise
Nature of ceasing
from the service
Members own
contribuon to P.F.
Bank’s contribuon
to P.F.
Gratuity under
the Act
Gratuity under
Service Rules (who
are not eligible
for payment of
Pension Family Pension Leave encashment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
On Dismissal Yes No Provision of Secon
4(6)(a) or (b) would
be followed
No No No No
On Discharge
(Under DTCS Order
for Sup-Sta)
Yes Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes [Unless
provision of Secon
4(6)(a) or (b) is
Yes (If he has
completed 10 years
of service)
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
Yes (if eligible for
pension otherwise
Resignaon Yes
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 10
years of connuous
service otherwise
provision of Act
would be followed)
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
No (Unless it could
be treated as
rerement for the
purpose of pension)
On Voluntary
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 5 years
of service)
Yes (If he has
completed 10
years of connuous
service otherwise
provision of Act
would be followed)
Yes (If required
years of
service completed
otherwise No)
No (Unless it could
be treated as
rerement for the
purpose of pension)
Nature of ceasing
from the service
Members own
contribuon to P.F.
Bank’s contribuon
to P.F.
Gratuity under
the Act
Gratuity under
Service Rules (who
are not eligible
for payment of
Pension Family Pension Leave encashment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
On Death (Died in
service aer pung
in a minimum
pensionable service
of one year)
Yes Yes
Gratuity amount
calculated as per
Payment of Gratuity
Act 1972 or DTCS
whichever is higher
is payable
Gratuity amount
calculated as per
Payment of Gratuity
Act 1972 or DTCS
whichever is higher
is payable
Yes Yes
On Death (dies aer
rerement from
service and as on
the date of death
drawing pension)
--- ---- --- ----- --- Yes ---
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 
  No
       
The Chief General Manager,
State Bank of India,
Local Head Oce,
Through: The Branch Manager
State Bank of India
_________________ Branch
Dear Sir,
I beg to inform you that I shall aain 60 years of age as at the close of business on
___________ I shall be glad if you will kindly permit me to rere from Bank’s service
as from the above date. I give hereunder my address aer rerement.
Address aer rerement Yours faithfully,
Name :_____________________________
Designaon : _____________________________
State Bank of India
The Trustees,
State Bank of India Employees’ Provident Fund
State Bank of India,
Corporate Centre, MUMBAI
Through the :
State Bank of India
I beg to advise that I shall nally rere from the service of the Bank as at the close of
business on the ___________________.
I shall feel obliged if you will kindly arrange to refund me the balance standing at the
credit of my account in Provident Fund at an early date through Bank’s ___________
My present address is given below.
Yours faithfully,
Name :_________________________________
Designaon : ____________________________
State Bank of India
________________________________ Branch.
The Chief General Manager,
State Bank of India,
Local Head Oce,
Through : The ________________________
State Bank of India
_______________ Branch/Oce
Dear Sir,
I shall rere / have rered from the service of the Bank as at the close of business on
_________________ in terms of the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
I shall be glad if you will please arrange to pay me the gratuity for which I am eligible,
through your ____________________ Branch.
Yours faithfully,
Name :_________________________________
Designaon : ____________________________
State Bank of India
_________________________________ Branch.
Date : Signature veried
Branch Manager
State Bank of India
Date : _________________________________ Branch.
The Trustees,
State Bank of India Employees’ Pension Fund
State Bank of India,
Corporate Centre, MUMBAI
Through the : ___________________________
State Bank of India
I beg to inform you that I shall nally rere from the Bank’s service as at the close of
business on _______________.
I shall be feel obliged if you will kindly arrange to pay me pension for which I am
willing to drawn through the Bank’s ________________ Branch. ( Branch Code)
I also opt to commute 1/3rd of my pension : ( YES / NO)
My Present address is as under:
Yours faithfully,
Name :_________________________________
Designaon : ____________________________
P.F. Index No. :__________________________
State Bank of India
___________________________ Branch/Oce.
My present address:
Date : Signature veried
Branch Manager
State Bank of India
___________________________ Branch/Oce.
C.O.S. 448
Rs. ________________________
Received from the Trustees of the State Bank of India Employees’ Provident Fund the
sum of Rupees ________________________________________________________
(in words) being the balance at my credit in the Fund with interest thereon on the
date of my leaving the Bank’s service.
Revenue Stamp if
over Rs. 500/-
Place : ________________
Date : ________________
Signature _______________________________
Designaon _______________________________
Address _______________________________
Received from State Bank of India a sum of Rs. __________________________
(Rupees__________________________________________ only) being the amount
of Gratuity sanconed to me by the Chief General Manager in terms of the provisions
of payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Revenue Stamp if over
Rs. 500/-
Place :
Date : Receivers Signature
P.F. Index No. ____________________________
Name :
The Chief General Manager,
State Bank of India,
Local Head Oce,
Through : The _________________________
State Bank of India
________________ Branch/Oce.
Dear Sir,
As I will be rering from the Bank’s service as at the close of business on the _____
_______________________________, I shall be glad if you will please permit me to
encash the Privilege leave due to me at the me of my rerement.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Employee / Ocial)
Name : _________________________________
Designaon : _____________________________
P.F. Index No. _____________________________
Branch / Oce ___________________________
Date :
The Branch Manager /
AGM / CM, Oce Administraon Department,
State Bank of India,
__________________________ Branch / Oce
Dear Sir,
I have to state that I am rering from Bank’s service as at the close of business on
__________________________________ . Please keep the proceeds of my leave
encashment on rerement in TDR / STDR for a period of ______________ months
/ year and mark a Lien over it ll I vacate the Bank’s Quarter / Adjust my advance
amount taken against LFC / T.A. Bill.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Employee / Ocial)
Name : _____________________________________
Designaon : ________________________________
P.F. Index No. ________________________________
Branch / Oce ______________________________
Date :
I Name of wife (in full) : ________________________________________
Date of birth : ________________________________________
Occupaon : ________________________________________
II Name of dependent children : ________________________________________
(Unmarried daughter etc.) : ________________________________________
Name Date of birth Occupaon
1. ______________________ _______________ _______________
2. ______________________ _______________ _______________
3. ______________________ _______________ _______________
4. ______________________ _______________ _______________
III Permanent address aer rerement : __________________________________
IV Six (6) Joint passport sized photographs with spouse (enclosed).
Date :
The Branch Manager /
AGM / CM, Oce Administraon Department,
State Bank of India,
__________________________ Branch / Oce
Dear Sir,
I will be rering from the Bank’s service as at the close of business on _____________
Following are my liabilies towards the Bank as on the date of my rerement.
1. _____________ _____________ ______________ __________________
2. _____________ _____________ ______________ __________________
3. _____________ _____________ ______________ __________________
4. _____________ _____________ ______________ __________________
5. _____________ _____________ ______________ __________________
I propose to liquidate above loans / Advances from my Terminal Benets / own
sources / to connue aer my rerement (applicable only in case of Housing Loan)
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Employee / Ocial)
Name : ___________________________________
Designaon : ______________________________
P.F. Index No. ______________________________
Branch / Oce ____________________________
Date :
The Branch Manager /
AGM / CM, Oce Administraon Department,
State Bank of India,
__________________________ Branch / Oce
Date :
Dear Sir,
I request you to kindly arrange to issue me Pensioners Identy Card, as I am rering
on ________________. My Bio-data is furnished below. I am also enclosing one
passport sized photograph of myself.
1. NAME : ________________________________________________________
2. DESIGNATION (at the me of rerement) : _____________________________
3. P.F. INDEX NO. : ___________________________________________________
4. DATE OF BIRTH : __________________________________________________
5. DATE OF RETIREMENT :_____________________________________________
6. BLOOD GROUP : ___________________________________________________
7. POST RETIREMENT ADDRESS : ________________________________________
8. TELEPHONE NO. (at the above address): ________________________________
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Employee / Ocial)
P.F. Index Number: ______________
Name of the Pensioner:__________________
Rered from:__________________________
(SBI/IBI/e-AB – Name of the Bank)
(at the me of rerement)
Date of Birth:___________________________
Date of Rerement: _____________________
Blood Group:___________________________
Name of the spouse:_____________________
Date of Birth of Spouse: __________________
Mobile No.: ____________________________
Mobile No.:____________________________
(in case of emergency)
Pension Paying Branch: ___________________
_____________(Code No.)________________
Pension Account Number:_________________
Signature of the authority
Issuing Identy Card with seal.
(If found please return to nearest SBI Branch)
The Chief Manager (HR)
State Bank of India,
________________Zonal Oce,
Date :
Dear Sir,
I am a member of EMW Scheme. My unit of EMWS is Rs. ____________ from
_______________________. I have completed _______ years of age as on __________
and rered from Bank as ___________________ from _______________ Branch /
Oce on __________. The parculars of my membership/ posng since _________
ll date is given below:-
Sl. Name of the Branch No. of
From To
You are therefore, requested to refund my dues. Cheque may be sent to State Bank of
India, __________________ Branch Saving Bank Account No. ___________________
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Employee / Ocial)
Name : ________________________________
Designaon : ___________________________
P.F. Index No. ___________________________
Branch / Oce __________________________
Cered that Shri / Smt. ……………………………………. a pensioner of the Bank appeared
before me today and signed / axed his / her L.T.I below in my presence.
_____________ _____________________________
Signature / L.T.I Branch Manager/Gazeed Ocer
Date …………..............…. (Oce seal)
Name of the Pensioner : _____________________________________________
P.F. Index Number : _____________________________________________
Pension A/c No. : _____________________________________________
Name and Code of the
Pension paying Branch : _____________________________________________
(to be given to the applicant by the Branch receiving the Life Cercate)
Received from Shri/Smt. ______________________________________ his / her Life
Cercate on ________________________________________________________.
Date ___________________
Branch _________________ Signature of the ocer
receiving Life Cercate
Seal of the Branch
(To be submied through the controller under whom the ocer was posted at the
me of his rerement)
From: ………………......……………..
The ………….......................……, email ID : ………............…………………
State Bank of India, Ph. No. : ……………………................….
Date: …………............................………
Dear Sir,
I wish to take up employment aer rerement and the parculars are as under:
1. Name of the ocial :
P F Index :
2. Date of joining the Bank :
3. Date of rerement :
4. Grade at the me of rerement :
5. If rered voluntarily reasons for
6. Details of the proposed employment. :
7. Whether the proposed employer is
banking with us? If not, with whom?
8. Any other connecons of the rm with
our Bank
9. Whether the ocial had any dealings
with the proposed employer before
rerement/ employment?
10. Whether the knowledge and
experience of the ocial will give the
employer an unfair advantage?
11. Whether the proposed employment is
of a reputable kind?
12. Purpose of accepng the new
13. Emoluments expected
(Aach a copy of oer of employment)
14. Terms and condions of the proposed
(Enclose a copy)
15. Permission sought/obtained on earlier
occasions from the Bank for accepng
employment aer rerement. (Please
menon post/name of organizaon
and date of permission.
16. If Bank's accommodaon /leased
accommodaon provided, Flat No,
Name of the Bldg., etc. and date on
which vacated.
2. Please accord necessary permission in terms of SBI Employees’ Pension Fund
Rules to accept proposed employment without prejudice to my pension. All
the informaon/ parculars submied above are true and correct. In case any
informaon is found to be incorrect at a later date, I am liable for withdrawal of
my pension.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the rered ocial
Address for Communicaon :
  
AHMEDABAD Scienc Diagnosc Centre AHMEDABAD
AHMEDABAD Apollo Hospital Internaonal Ltd.
AHMEDABAD Rushab Pathology/ Laboratory/
Endocrine Centre
AHMEDABAD Green Cross Pathology & Molecular
AHMEDABAD Supratech Micropath Laboratory &
Research Inst. Pvt. Ltd.
AHMEDABAD Unipath specialty lab ltd.
AHMEDABAD Shraddhadeep Pathology Laboratory,
AHMEDABAD Life line pathology lab NADIAD
AHMEDABAD Sainath Sonography Centre BHAVNAGAR
AHMEDABAD Unipath specialty lab ltd.
AHMEDABAD Vision Laboraty Diagnosc Centre
AHMEDABAD Dr. Kadakias Laboratory VADODARA
AHMEDABAD Unipath specialty lab ltd.
AHMEDABAD K K Patel Vakal Nidan Kendra &
Physiotherapy Centre
AHMEDABAD Anand Pathology Laboratory ANAND
AHMEDABAD Diagnosc Centre of H.J.Doshi
Sarvajanik Hospital, Rajkot
AHMEDABAD R.B. Kothari polydiagnosc Centre &
AHMEDABAD Unipath specialty lab ltd.
AHMEDABAD Unipath specialty lab ltd.
AHMEDABAD Shree Sai Diagnosc Ahmedabad
BHOPAL Dr N K Jain Memorial Diagnosc
Centre (Religare SRL)
  
BHOPAL Peoples General Hospital Bhopal
BHOPAL Pioneer Pathology Lab, Indore Indore
BHOPAL CHL Hospitals Indore
BHOPAL Choithram Hospital & Research
BHOPAL Bhalla Pathology Centre Jabalpur
BHOPAL Ashirwad Digital X-Ray Ultrasound
2D Echo & Colour Dopler Centre
BHOPAL Real Diagnoscs Pvt. Ltd. Gwalior
BHOPAL Unique Pathology Gwalior
BHOPAL New Age X-Ray Gwalior
BHOPAL Central Pathology Gwalior
BHOPAL Gitanjali Hi-Tech Diagnosc Centre Raipur
BHOPAL Images Pathology Bhilai
BHOPAL Advanced Diagnosc Centre Bilaspur
BHOPAL Radia Assay & Pathology Laboratory Korba
BHOPAL Tejankar Health Care & Medical
Research Instute Pvt. Ltd.
BHOPAL CHL Hospitals Indore
BHOPAL CHL Medical Centre Ujjain
BHOPAL Mahavir Diagnosc Centre Ujjain
BHOPAL Tejankar Health Care & Medical
Research Instute Pvt Ltd
BHOPAL Shalby Limited Indore
NEW DELHI General william Masonic New Delhi
NEW DELHI Shri Ram Singh Hospital New Delhi
NEW DELHI Prognosis Laboratories New Delhi
NEW DELHI Saroj Hospital & Heart Instute New Delhi
NEW DELHI Kalra Hospital & Heart Centre New Delhi
NEW DELHI Shree Krishna Medical Centre New Delhi
NEW DELHI Life Line Diagnosc Centre New Delhi
NEW DELHI Green Park Diagnosx New Delhi
NEW DELHI Goyal MRI & Diagnosx Centre New Delhi
NEW DELHI Suraj Diagnosc & Research Centre Gurgaon
  
NEW DELHI Yash Clinic Fridabad
NEW DELHI Dr. L al Path Lab New Delhi / NCR
NEW DELHI X-Ray Centre & Ultra Sound Agra
NEW DELHI Medinova Tesng Centre Agra
NEW DELHI Jain Pathalogical Lab Aligarh
NEW DELHI Genome Diagnoscs Agra
NEW DELHI Seth Diagnosc Centre Agra
NEW DELHI Rangeshwar Pathlogical Laboratory Mathura
NEW DELHI Shobha Sikund Path Lab Dehradun
NEW DELHI Dr. Sikand Ultrasound Dehradun
NEW DELHI Dr. Chhabra Pathological Lab Dehradun
NEW DELHI Dr. Sanjana Nauyal Pathological Lab Dehradun
NEW DELHI Lokpriya Hospital Meerut
NEW DELHI Elabz Pathology Saharanpur
NEW DELHI Dev Nandini Pathology Hapur
NEW DELHI Jaswant Rai Diagnoc Centre Meerut
NEW DELHI Ajanta Heart Care Ghaziabad
NEW DELHI Clinical Pathological Lab Muzaarnagar
NEW DELHI Arjun Diagnosc Centre Ghaziabad
NEW DELHI Agarwal Eye Care & Pathology centre Bulandshahar
CHENNAI M/s Aarthi Scans Chennai
CHENNAI M/s Bharat Scans Chennai
CHENNAI M/s Ehrlich Lab Chennai
CHENNAI M/s V R R Diagnosoc Chennai
CHENNAI M/s Doctors Diagnosc Tiruchirapalli
CHENNAI M/s Immuno Ancillary Clinical
MUMBAI Suyash Diagnosc Centre Centre 6, Swaralata
Apts. Gr. Flr.,Gohale Rd.
Naupada, Thane (W),
MUMBAI Healthcare Medical Yogi Avenue, 1st oor,
Yogi Nagar, Borivali (W),
  
MUMBAI Shree Gangotri Clinic 3/ Gangotri Deen Dayal
rd, Behind Everest Hall
Dombivli (W), Thane
MUMBAI Saraf's Diagnosc Centre 103/104, Vyom Arcade,
First Floor, Tejpal Scheme
Road No. 5, O. Subhash
Road, Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai - 400 057
MUMBAI Care Hospitals 3, Farmland, Pansheel
Square, Nagpur-440010.
MUMBAI Shanmohan Hospitals 1st Floor, Opp. Saraf
Chambers, Mount Road,
Sadar, Nagpur - 440 001
MUMBAI Dr. Rivonkar's Imaging Centre 1st Floor, Campal Trade
Centre, Behind Military
Hospital, Campal, Panaji,
MUMBAI Dr. Fonseca's Pathology Laboratory Next to St. Sebasan
Chapel Fontainhas, Goa
MUMBAI Dr. Hedgewar Rugnalaya Garkheda, Aurangabad
MUMBAI Apollo Clinic Plot No. 50,
Jaivishwabhara Colony,
Opp Sapana Super
Market, Aurangabad -
431 005
AMRAVATI Konacc Diagnosc Centre Guntur
AMRAVATI Doctors Diagnoscs & Research
AMRAVATI Vijaya Diagnosc Centre Pvt., Ltd., Kurnool
AMRAVATI Vijaya Diagnosc Centre Nellore
AMRAVATI Crystal Diagnosc Centre Tirupa
AMRAVATI Goodwill Diagnosc Centre Kadapa
AMRAVATI Konacc Diagnosc Centre Vijayawada
AMRAVATI Super Hospitals Tirupa
AMRAVATI Vijaya Medical Centre Visakhapatnam
AMRAVATI Satyam Diagnoscs Anantapuramu
AMRAVATI The Apollo Clinic Tirupa
  
AMRAVATI Vijaya Diagnosc Centre Visakhapatnam
CHANDIGARH M/s Medicos Centre Sco 821-822, Sector 22-
A, Opp. Parade Ground,
CHANDIGARH M/S Chandigarh SCO9, Sector 16-D,
CHANDIGARH Clinical Laboratories
CHANDIGARH M/S Khandelwal SCO-108-109, Sector 8C,
CHANDIGARH Diagnosc centre
CHANDIGARH Dr. Shamer Singh SCF 13-14, Sector 16D,
CHANDIGARH Memorial Radio
CHANDIGARH Diagnosc Centre
CHANDIGARH M/s Batra X-Ray & SCO10, Sector 10,
CHANDIGARH Ultrasound Scan Centre Clinical Panchkula
CHANDIGARH M/s Altus Medical SCO 35, Sector 16D,
CHANDIGARH Laboratories
CHANDIGARH Jammu Diagnosc Centre Dr. Guran Dia Mal Eye
Hospital Buliding, Kachi
Chawani, Jammu
CHANDIGARH Dr. Rajiv Rana’s Path Lab 15-16-17, Melaram
School Market
CHANDIGARH Tricity Path Labs and DSS 307, Sector 20,
CHANDIGARH Diagnosc Panchkula Panchkula
CHANDIGARH Vijayanand Diagnosc Centre Basant Road, Civil Lines,
CHANDIGARH Siddharth Diagnosc Centre Mohali
CHANDIGARH Chandigarh Diagnosc Laboratory Mohali
PATNA M/s Clinical Lab Hazaribagh
PATNA M/s Popular Diagnosc & Research
PATNA Dr. Ruban Diagnosc, Patna Patna
PATNA Sri Sai Hospital, Patna Patna
PATNA Dr. Uday Diagnosc Centre,
PATNA M/s Shyam Baba Health Care Bhagalpur
  
PATNA One Point Diagnosc Centre Ranchi
PATNA Avishkar Diagnosc Centre Dhanbad
BHUBANESWAR M/S Ashok Diagnosc Centre Bhubaneswar
BHUBANESWAR M/S Apex Neuro Scan Research nd
Diagnosc Pvt. Ltd.
BHUBANESWAR M/s DAPS Diagnoscs Sambalpur
BHUBANESWAR Nidan Diagnosc & Research Centre Berhampur
KOLKATA Bharat Sevasram Sangha Diamond Harbour Road,
Kolkata- 700104
KOLKATA N G Medicare & Hope Inferlity
123A, Rashbihari Avenue,
Kolkata -700029
KOLKATA Ashok Laboratory 390B, Jodhpur Park,
KOLKATA SRL Ltd. Midland Park Building,
AN Block, Sector-V,
Salt Lake Bypass Road,
Kolkata- 700102
KOLKATA Chikitsa Medicare Centre Pvt. Ltd. 6, Diamond Harbour
Road, Kolkata-700034
KOLKATA Dr. Sudarshan Chakraborty Memorial
P-198, Ultadanga Main
Road, CIT Scheme VIIM,
Kolkata - 700067
KOLKATA North City Diagnosc Centre Pvt. Ltd. 35A, Canal West Road,
Gouribari, Ultadanga,
KOLKATA Eko Diagonsc Pvt. Ltd. 54, Jawaharlal Nehru
Road, Kolkata-700071
KOLKATA Dr. Roy's Diagnosc Centre 136/1, B.K. Pal Avenue,
Kolkata- 700005
KOLKATA Anandalok Sonoscan Pvt. Ltd. 3/3 Hillcart Road, Near
Mahananda Bridge,
KOLKATA Chiaranjan Ultrasonography &
33, Ramkrishna Road,
Khosbagan, Burdwan-
KOLKATA Tirupa Diagnosc Centre R.B. Ghosh Road,
Khosbagan, Burdwan-
  
KOLKATA Medi Scan Block-II, Stall-11,
Commercial Estate,
City Centre, Durgapur-
KOLKATA Calcua Medical Centre Ltd. Kolkata
KOLKATA Bhara Diagnosc Centre Chinsurah, Hooghly
BANGALORE Apoorva Diagnosc Centre Bengaluru
BANGALORE Kanva Diagnosc Centre Bengaluru
BANGALORE Raghav Diagnosc Centre Bengaluru
BANGALORE Richmond Polyclinic & Diagnosc
BANGALORE Magnus Diagnosc Centre Bengaluru
BANGALORE RV Metropolis Diagnosc Centre Bengaluru
BANGALORE Vikram Hospital Bengaluru
BANGALORE Sparsh Diagnsoc Centre Mangaluru
BANGALORE Disha Diagnosc Centre Belgaum
BANGALORE Bhagawan Pathology Mysuru
BANGALORE Hubli Scan Cnetre Hubballi
BANGALORE Baba Diagnsoc Centre Gulbarga
BANGALORE Sanjeevini Diagnsoc Centre Udupi
  
JAIPUR Mehta Diagnosc Clinic & Research
Centre, Jaipur
Raja Park, Jaipur
JAIPUR Dr.Goyal’s Path Lab &Imagine Centre,
New Sanganer Road,
JAIPUR Veena Dayal Charitable Diagnosc &
Research centre, Ajmer
Opposite Savitri School,
Civil Lines, Ajmer
  
GUWAHATI M/s Appollo Clinic, Guwaha Kanchan Road,
Opposite Bora Service
GUWAHATI M/s X-Ray Centre Guwaha Pvt. Ltd. G.S.Road, Ulubari,
GUWAHATI Alcare Diagnosc & Research PVt.
Dinesh Ojha Path,
Rajgarh Road, Bhangarh,
GUWAHATI M/s Chakraborty Medical Centre
Normal School Road,
GUWAHATI M/s Suhasini X-Ray & Laboratory
Centre, Karimganj
Main Road,
GUWAHATI M/s Woodland Hospital, Shillon Dhankhe,
GUWAHATI M/s Memorial Clinic, Shillong Wallang House, Three
Pins Colony, Laban,
GUWAHATI M/s Bethany Hospital, Shilong Nongrim Hills,
GUWAHATI M/s Sonic X-Ray Clinic, Agartala Agartala
GUWAHATI Dr. B.K.Paul, Eye Specialist, Agartala Agartala
GUWAHATI M/s Babina Diagnosc Centre,
RIMS Road,
GUWAHATI M/s Baruah X-Ray & Sonoscan Clinic,
A.T. Road, Tarajan,
GUWAHATI M/s Patholab Diagnosc Centre,
T.R. Phukan Road,
GUWAHATI M/s Spondon Diagnosc Centre,
Firtst Floor, Jabana,
Medical Hall, Hospital
Road, Golaghat-785621
GUWAHATI M/s Assam X-Ray Clinic, Golagaht Riju Complex Near
Kushal Konwar Hospital
 
1 North Eastern Guwaha Sabodaya Path Bhangagarh
2 North Eastern Shillong Pala complex, Last Stop, P.O. Laban,
3 North Eastern Kaziranga Lakosha Tourist Lodge, 1 No.
Kohora(Near ASEB Power Staon),
P.O. Kaziranga Naonal Park,
4 North Eastern Jorhat A.T Road, Jorhat(Assam)
PIN - 785001
5 Bengaluru Bengaluru Binnyston Gardens (Near Binny
Mills), Behind City Railway Staon,
Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560023
6 Bengaluru Mysore 1 No. 16/1 & 16/2, Shivanna
Complex, Kalidasa Road,
V.V.Mohalla, Mysore 570002
7 Bengaluru Mysore 2 D-1, Bhavana Apartments, New
Sayyaji Rao Road, Bamboo Bazar,
8 Bengaluru Mangaluru Woodside Hotel, Next to Don Bosco
School, Sbehind Bharath Motors
Building, Balmaa Road,
Mangaluru 575001
9 Bengaluru Kollur Hotel Kairali Residency, Kollur
Kundapur Taluk, Udupi District,
Pin Code 576220
10 Bengaluru Hubli Shannagar Bus Stop, 1st Floor, SBI
Madhura Colony Branch Building,
Keshawapur, Hubli 580023
11 Chandigarh Katra, Jammu SBI Holiday Home at Hotel Ambica,
Jammu Road, Katra
12 Chandigarh Srinagar SBI Holiday Home at Hotel New
Park,Boulevard Road, Opp Dal Lake,
13 Chandigarh Shimla SBI Holiday Home at Hotel Green
Woods, Dhingra Estate, Opposite
Petrol Pump, Below Boileauganj,
Kalka Shimla Highway, Shimla
 
14 Chandigarh Manali SBI Holiday Home at M/s Manali
Cooperave Housing Society Ltd,
15 Chandigarh Dalhousie SBI Holiday Home, Near Subhash
Chowk, Dalhousie
16 Chandigarh Chandigarh SBI Holiday Home, Sector 42C,
17 Chandigarh Katra SBI Holiday Home at Hotel Ambica,,
Jammu Road, Katra
18 Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Soleil, ETRA No.251, Near Jas
Hotel, Thampanoor,
Pin : 695 014
Ph : 0471 6549955
19 Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram TC 24/615, Near Police Training
College, Elangam Nagar, Thycaud,
20 Thiruvananthapuram Ernakulam Hotel Mareena Regency,
Hospital Road, Opp Kalyan silks,
Ph: 0484 2366618
21 Thiruvananthapuram Guruvayur Anjam Smrithi Mandiram Near
Railway Staon, East Nada
22 Thiruvananthapuram Guruvayur M/s.Krishna Gardens, Perumbilavil
Road Guruvayur-680101,
23 Thiruvananthapuram Guruvayur M/s.Hotel Elite, East Nada
Ph No.0487-2556215
24 Thiruvananthapuram Munnar M/S Sujatha Inn, A. M. Road,
Munnar (PO),
Idukki Dist, Kerala - 685 612.
Ph: 04865 232770, 04865 232880
25 Thiruvananthapuram Munnar M/s. Green Ridge Holiday Home,
Munnar, Ph.No.0486-5231164
 
26 Thiruvananthapuram Thekkady M/S HOTEL S. N. Internaonal,
K.K.Road, Thekkady,
Kumily. Pin- 685 509,
27 Thiruvananthapuram Thekaddy M/s. Hotel Kumily Gate Near
Kumily Bus Stand Kumily,Thekkedy,
Ph No.04869-222279
28 Thiruvananthapuram Kumarakom M/S.Ashirwad Heritage Resorts,
Ward No: 2, Chakrampady,
Kumarakom P.O, Koayam Dist,
Kerala , Pin 686 563.
Ph: 0481 2527100 , 0481 2527070
29 Thiruvananthapuram Wayand The Woodlands Main Road
Kalpea- Ph.No.04936-202547
30 Thiruvananthapuram Alappuzha-
Jacquelin Cruise & House Boat,
31 Hyderabad Hyderabad H No. 5-8-85/4, Abids to Nampally
Staon Road, Lane Between
Kamat Hotel & Andhra Furniture,
Hyderabad, Tel 040 23224652
32 Hyderabad Secunderabad Karishma Homes, Begumpet,
33 Hyderabad Hyderabad Basheerbagh, Hyderabad
34 Amrava Tirupa 3rd Floor,
Seshadri Sikhara Apartments,
Near Phalani Theatre,
Gopal Raju Colony,
RC Road, Tirupa-517501
35 Amrava Tirupa D NO.19-42-52-105,
(MRF Tyres Backside),
Reliance Mart Backside Rd,
Kakateeya Nagar (Kanady),
36 Amrava Visakhapatnam H. NO.11-3-8, Gangapur Layout,
Near Waltair Club,
Near Governor Bungalow,
Opp. Go Sons Lane,
 
37 Amrava Visakhapatnam SBI Administrave Oce Premises,
Balaji Nagar,
Siripuram Juncon,
38 Kolkata Gangtok Hotel Mountain Retreat
Tibet Road (Near M.G. Marg)
Gangtok, Sikkim, Pin- 737101
39 Kolkata Darjeeling Hotel Aristocrat
N.C. Goenka Road,
P.O. & P.S.- Darjeeling
West Bengal
Pin- 734101
40 Kolkata Digha Holiday Home Digha
Plot No : 17
Holiday Home Sector
Opp. Science Centre
New Digha – 721463
41 Kolkata Kolkata Hotel Swagath
37, Hazra Road,
Richi Road Crossing,
Kolkata - 700029
42 Kolkata Port Blair House of Smt. K.Prabha Wa
Rajiv Gandhi Nagar,
Near Raj Niwas,
Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar
Islands, Pin -
43 Kolkata Sanniketan Hotel Basundhara
Baganpara, Simantapally,
Sanniketan, Dist- Birbhum
Pin- 731235
44 Kolkata Pelling Hotel The Alpine Pelling
Upper Pelling, Dist- Geysing,
West Sikkim
Pin- 737113
 
46 Jaipur Jaipur HOTEL COSTARICA, F-301, SHYAM
47 Jaipur Jaipur HOTEL AROMA CLASSIC, SP-1(A)
49 Jaipur Udaipur HOTEL SAPHIRE
50 Jaipur Mount Abu SBI HOLIDAY HOME CUM
52 Bhubaneswar Puri SBI HOLIDAY HOME,
53 Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar SBI HOLIDAY HOME, SOUBHAGYA
54 Bhopal Bhopal Hotel Mayur Palace, Plot No.
11, Inter State Bus Terminus,
Habibganj, Bhopal Phone 0755-
55 Bhopal Gwalior Sugar Palm Hotel, Near Income Tax
Oce, Kailash Vihar, City Centre,
Gwalior 474011
Phone 0751-4013311
56 Bhopal Indore Hotel President, 163, R.N.T. Marg,
Indore 452001
Phone 0731-2528866
 
57 Bhopal Khajuraho Central Hotel, Opp. Pahilwaka,
Dis. Chhatarpur 471606
Phone 07676-274394
58 Bhopal Panchmari Hotel Pachmarhi, Patel Marg,
Pachmarhi 461881
Phone 07578-252170
59 Bhopal Ujjain Hotel Ashray, 77, Dewas Road,
Ujjain 456010 Phone 0734-2519301
60 Bhopal Jabalpur Hotel Samdareeya, Nepier Town,
Jabalpur 482001
Phone 0761-4004132
61 New Delhi Mussoorie Hotel Basera, Spring Road Library,
62 New Delhi Haridwar Hotel Jagat Inn, 789, Model Colony,
Opp. Prem Nagar Ashram, Ranipur
More, Haridwar
63 New Delhi Haridwar Hotel alpana, Lower Bazar,
Ram Ghat, Haridwar
64 New Delhi Nainital Hotel Woodland, Mallital, Nainital
65 New Delhi Agra Hotel Jyo ConnentalA-5, Vaibhav
Nagar, O Fatehabad Road, Agra
66 New Delhi New Delhi Hotel City Internaonal, Near Arya
Samaj Marg, Metro Pillar no. 88,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi
67 New Delhi New Delhi Hotel Crest Inn, 4/27, WEA,
Sarswa Marg, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi
68 New Delhi New Delhi South Indian Hotel, Padam Singh
Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi
69 New Delhi New Delhi Hotel Elegant Internaonal, C/28,
WEA, Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi
70 Patna Patna Back Side of Museum, Vidyapa
Marg, Patna
 
71 Patna Bodh Gaya Sakya Guest House, Near Root
Instute, Saxena Road, Bodhgaya
72 Patna Deoghar Baijan Bhawan, Near SBLC
Deoghar, Circular Road, Barmasia,
73 Patna Ranchi Vardaan Killburn Colony, Near Eylex
Mall, Hinoo, Ranchi, Pin-834002
74 Ahmedabad Dwarka Hotel Dwarka Residency, Near
ISKON Gate, Dwarka 361335
75 Ahmedabad Veraval Hotel Rajdev, 3rd Floor, Bansidhar
Complex, S T Road, Veraval
76 Mumbai Aurangabad SBI Sta quarters, Building No. 6,
Jadhav Wadi, CIDCO, N-7, Jalgaon
Road, Aurangabad 431003,
Tel 0240 2482864
77 Mumbai Lonavala Opposite "Redet" Woodland Hotel,
Raiwood, Lonavala (E) 410401,
Ph 02114 277393
78 Mumbai Matheran "Navneet Villa", Behind Diwadkar
Hotel, Near Matheran Railway
Staon, Dist Raigad, Pin 410102,
Tel 02148 230071
79 Mumbai Borivali, Mumbai E-502, F-502, G-703 - 704, Kan
Park, Near Nasal Vihar, Shimpoli
Road Chikuwadi, Birivali (W),
Mumbai 400 092
80 Mumbai Goa Hotel Campal, Opp. Kala Academy,
Near Military Hospital, Panaji,
Goa 403001
81 Mumbai Goa AS/2 & AS/3, Paraiso De Goa, H B
Colony, Alto Porvorim, Bardez,
Goa 403521
82 Mumbai Panchgani Hotel Shanvan Coage, Shahu
Nagar, Kondiba Shinde Marg, JKG
Estate, Behind Nachiket Academy,
Panchgani 415806
 
83 Mumbai Shirdi Hotel Sai Sahavas, Opp. Gondkar
Complex, Near Gautom Sahakar
Bank Ltd., Pimpalwadi Road,
Shirdi 423109
84 Mumbai Shirdi Hotel Sai Village, Opp. Eshosons
Hotel, Pimpalwadi Road,
Shirdi 423109
85 Lucknow Allahabad 15/1, Stenley Road, Patrika
Chauraha, civil Lines,
Allahabad 211001
86 Lucknow Lucknow Sector-D.S./120, SBI Ocers
Flat, Near Galla Mandi, Opposite
ELDECO Apartment, Sitapur Road
Scheme, Lucknow 226024
87 Lucknow Varanasi D-63/8A, Anand Nagar Colony,
Behind Krishna Complex, SBI Shivaji
Nagar Branch, Mahmoorganj,
Varanasi 221010
88 Chennai Chennai M/s Royal Regency, Poonamallee
High Road, Periamet, Chennai
91 Chennai Kodaikanal Hotel Golden Parks Inn, Anna Salai,
92 Chennai Kanyakumari Hotel Amutham Residency,
6/158/6-23, Main Road,
923 Chennai Rameshwaram Hotel Shri Savarna, 1/9A,
South Car Street, Rameswaram
94 Chennai Madurai Alagu Sundaram Nagar, 1st Street,
Thiruparankundram Road, Madurai
95 Chennai Ooty Hotel Khems, Shore Ham Palace
Road, Opp to Eness Road,
Near Charring Cross,
Udhagamandalam, Ooty
96 Chennai Vellore No. 298, 13th Street, Phase 2,
Sathuvachari, Vellore
97 Chennai Valankanni Hotel Sea Gate, Main Road,
Ø Obtain set of prescribed forms for payment of Gratuity, Pension, Leave
Encashment etc. and submit the same (duly lled / signed) together
with one passport sized photograph for Pensioners Identy Card and
6 joint photographs with spouse. (Specimen given in Annexures)
Ø Arrange for cancellaon of lien in respect of closed loan accounts
through HRMS and get the same approved by the Home Branch of
the loan accounts i) Car Loan ii) Other Sta Loan.
Ø Obtain in-principle approval from Housing Loan sanconing authority
for connuance and repayment of Sta Housing Loan upto the age of
75 years and / or Commercial Housing Loan, if any, aer rerement
(if desired).
Ø Arrange for repayment of all other loans and dues to the Bank on or
before date of rerement, or else, the same will be liquidated from
the proceeds of terminal benets.
Ø Retain the copy of Pension Payment Order (PPO) which is sent by
Circle PPG Department through Pension Paying Branch to you.
Ø Remember to submit Life Cercate at pension paying branch/
any other branch in the month of November every year (as per the
specimen contained in Annex-14)
Ø Remember to submit proofs of Investment at pension paying branch
for eecng calculaon of income tax.
Ø Remember to collect Form-16 from pension paying branch.