You are subject to a 25% penalty if you started this business acvity before paying this tax. This is a state law.
State the date you began or will begin this business acvity from this locaon:
Applicant Name: Title:
Home Address:
Home Phone: Business Email:
Business Address: Zip:
If this address is your residence, signing this applicaon ceres that, if a rental or a condominium, the condo
associaon or owner of the property approves of this use.
For residence, check one: Home Occupaon Address of Convenience
Business Name:
Business Phone: Website URL:
Federal Employer ID # OR Social Security #: Numbers of Employees:
Mailing Name:
Mailing Address:
Business Tax Division
One 4th St. N.
Descripon of Business Acvies: Please note all independent contractors require their own business tax. No contracng
permied with this tax. Check all that apply:
Carpet cleaning
Hauling Landscaping & tree service Pressure cleaning
Carpet & rolled vinyl
Install A/C* Lawn service Wall covering
oor installaon
Janitorial service Painng Window cleaning
Change light bulbs
Laborer** Patch wall cracks
* Package units only – maximum three tons or 36,000 BTU’s with no ducts or remote controls
** General labor working under the guidance of a licensed contractor
Type of Ownership: Individual Partnership Corporaon LLC Other (indicate):
List name and addresses of all owners, partners, and, if a corporaon, all ocers:
Name: Residenal Address: Title:
Name: Residenal Address: Title:
City of St. Petersburg Use Only
Renewal Counter
Mail Email Home Occupaon P.O. Box Commercial Locaon
St. Petersburg City Code – Chapter 16, Land Development Regulaons: Establishment: Home occupaon is a business which is an accessory use to a single or mul-family dwelling
unit where a residence is the principal use of the property, and which has obtained a business tax receipt.
Home occupaon must comply with regulaon set forth in Florida Statute §559.955 and City Code 16.50.180.
(As amended).
For quesons related to locaon specic requirements for parking, outdoor display, and size of structures please contact
our Zoning Department at 727-893-7471.
Exempons are limited to reasons in Florida Statute §865.09. This statement is a requirement of Florida Statute §205 as a
prerequisite to receiving a business tax receipt. If you do not qualify for one of these exempons, you must have or obtain
a current cous name registraon issued by the Florida Div. of Corporaons.
Checking the appropriate exempon ceres that compliance with the Ficous Name Act IS NOT REQUIRED because:
I am using only my own name.
I am cered with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulaon to pracce this acvity.
The applicaon is for a corporaon which has a cercate of authority to transact business in the state of Florida
pursuant to chapter 607, the “Florida Business Corporaon Act,” or chapter 617, the “Florida Not for Prot
Corporaon Act”.
I am using a cous name. (If this is the case, return a copy of your cous name registraon State of Florida, Department
of State. If you have quesons about cous name registraons, please contact them at 850-245-6000).
Page 2
Depending on the business conducted, you may be entled to a tax exempon. Please indicate below if you are one of
the following: legally blind, disabled and unable to perform manual labor, a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, a spouse
of a veteran, a spouse of an acve duty U.S. armed forces service member, 65 years of age or over, or are currently
receiving public assistance.
Indicate possible category: (all exempon claims must be supported by wrien evidence and are subject to review by the
Business Tax Division for compliance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 205)
Except as otherwise provided by law, informaon submied to us is public record. Informaon on this applicaon may be
provided to government agencies such as the St. Petersburg Police Department, and the Florida Department of Revenue.
Some General Requirements:
1. The employees of the business who work at the residenal dwelling must also reside in the residenal dwelling, except
that up to a total of two employees or independent contractors who do not reside at the residenal dwelling may work
at the business. The business may have addional remote employees that do not work at the residenal dwelling
2. Home occupaons which create noise not usual to a residenal district or which involve the use of power tools are
prohibited between the hours of 7 p.m. and 9 a.m. Doors and windows of the principal or accessory structure shall be
closed when such noise is created, or power tools are in use.
The informaon on this applicaon is correct. I understand that St. Petersburg City Code makes it unlawful to apply for a
business tax receipt based on false informaon. Any person who provides false informaon in the applicaon process may
be prosecuted for an ordinance violaon, and is subject to the penales provided in Secon 1-7, St. Petersburg
City Code.
Page 3
Applicant’s Signature: Date: