Data Download Instructions
Downloading multiple netCDF data files:
All the WOA
netCDF files are uncompressed. Multiple netCDF files can be downloaded using
the 'wget' command line tool.
Instructions by Operating System
UNIX USERS: Download data files with the following command line:
'wget -N -nH -nd -r -e robots=off --no-parent --force-html[path to data files location]/'
For example, to get the WOA18 temperature files for 5564 decade, use the following
command line:
wget -N -nH -nd -r -e robots=off --no-parent --force-html
WINDOWS USERS: Download wget software for windows at wget software for windows.
Downloading Individual Files
All the WOA ASCII output files are in GZIP compressed format. Each web browser handles
GZIP compressed files differently. Mozilla Firefox automatically decompresses the data file
during download, but maintains the file extension ('gz'). This will cause problems with programs
such as "gzip" or "WinZip" because they will try, and fail, to decompress the already
decompressed file. Internet Explorer (IE) downloads the file in compressed format and
maintains the file extension ('gz').
Download Instructions by Browser:
MOZILLA: There are two download methods: (1)
a. Hold the "shift" key and click on the link to the data file
b. Right-click on the link and select "Save Link Target As ...".
INTERNET EXPLORER USERS: Copy the link location to your browser and then save
the file in your local working directory.
FAST TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) USERS: Use the following URL to download from
any browser or download the data directly via
A. ftp
B. login:
C. Password:
your complete e-mail address
D. cd
E. bin
(to set binary transfer type)
F. get
G. bye
(to exit the ftp access)
Decompressing Data:
After downloading the file, unzip it using software that can handle zip-archives (WinZip,
WinRAR, StuffIt, MacZip, UnZip, etc). The WOA18 utilities documentation describes how to use
the GZIP tool on the DOS and UNIX platforms. After downloading and decompressing the file,
view the data using any ASCII text editor.
Reading WOA18 Data Format:
The WOA18 data format description can be found in the WOA18 documentation. For technical
help or to report problems, please e-mail [email protected].