Recommendations for Freeboard
Standards for State-Owned
Buildings in the Commonwealth of
October 23, 2019
Version 1.5
Carol Considine, Associate Professor Engineering Technology
Dr. Michael Seek, P.E., Associate Professor Engineering Technology
Dr. Mujde Erten-Unal, Associate Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering
George McLeod, Center for Geospatial & Visualization Computing
Emily Steinhilber, Research Assistant Professor, Office of Research
Contact: Carol Considine, [email protected]
The project team acknowledges the contributions of Clark Nexsen for their expert review and
comments of these recommendations.
Executive Summary
This report responds to a joint request from The Secretary of Natural Resources and Special Assistant to
the Governor for Coastal Adaptation and Protection to assist with meeting the Executive Order Number
Twenty-Four (2018), Increasing Virginia’s Resilience to Sea Level Rise and Natural Hazards directive set
forth in Section 1 Part D requiring a freeboard standard for state-owned buildings. This report was
prepared by an interdisciplinary team from Old Dominion University, supported by the Commonwealth
Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency.
The research team combined best available sea level rise data, professional engineering standards and
guidelines, GIS visualizations of Coastal Virginia in various flood scenarios, and a survey of other
standards implemented on a local or statewide scale. This document also refers to the Virginia Institute
of Marine Science recommendations for Sea Level Rise Projections: a Report for the Governor’s Coastal
Climate Resilience Plan of February 2019, submitted in support of Executive Order 24 Section 1 Part C,
by the Center for Coastal Resources Management. The VIMS relative sea level rise projection for
Coastal Virginia extends to 2050, and is based on tide gauge projections for the Sewell’s Point Tide
Gauge, as derived from the VIMS Sea Level Rise Report Card. (Boon et al. 2017.) Due to continued rising
seas, and increasing uncertainty beyond 2050, VIMS recommends using NOAA curves for considering
planning requirements for infrastructure beyond that point. Specifically, VIMS recommends that
projects with lifespans beyond 30 years use NOAA climate scenarios for the target lifespan, and in
addition they recommend incorporation of higher curves for flood intolerant infrastructure. ASCE
Manual of Practice No. 140 Climate-Resilient Infrastructure guidelines recommend utilizing a 50-year
mid-term outlook for the life of a project for climate change informed design. Thus, recommendations
are based on the NOAA Intermediate-High curve, which would suggest approximately 4 ft of relative sea
level rise in 50 years, by 2070.
With regard to the siting of new state-owned structures that begin design after January 1, 2020, this
report recommends the following: Except in circumstances as determined by the Commonwealth of
Virginia’s Chief Resilience Officer - first, avoidance of siting buildings within areas likely to be inundated
by sea level rise (SLR) or within areas where access or services will be significantly impacted by SLR
during the design life of the building and second, not siting buildings within the Special Flood Hazard
Area (Zone A or AE) or the Zone B or Zone X (shaded) as designated under the National Flood Insurance
Program (100-year and 500-year floodplains).
With regard to freeboard for new state-owned structures that begin design after January 1, 2020, the
report recommends that the Commonwealth lead the nation and adopt a Climate Informed Science
Approach for establishing the elevation of buildings sited in Coastal Areas. In this report the Coastal
Areas are defined as the Coastal Special Flood Hazard Area and the Combined Coastal/Riverine
Flood Hazard Area and their adjacent Zone X (shaded) (100- and 500-year floodplains). This strategy
requires that the minimum elevation of the top of the lowest floor of a structure be above the maximum
of the FEMA Base Flood Elevation plus anticipated SLR based on the Virginia’s unified SLR projection at
year 50 of anticipated service life, and an additional three feet of freeboard. Flood elevations shall be
determined from the highest elevation from either the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) or the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the jurisdiction. For new state-owned
buildings located outside of, but adjacent to the 500-year floodplain, best engineering practice would
dictate analysis and consideration of the need to elevate the first floor to account for future sea level
rise and freeboard to minimize future risk. At a minimum, adaptive design measures should be
implemented so that future protection of the structure is possible. Importantly, the state must
continue to review and revise these standards, at a minimum of every four years, as best available
climate science and building codes evolve.
With regard to freeboard for new state-owned buildings that begin design after January 1, 2020, in the
riverine area, the report recommends that the current Commonwealth standards are modified to a
freeboard of three feet, to ensure FEMA compliance. The standard is provided below:
FEMA. (2015). Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping, Combined Coastal and Riverine Floodplain.
Retrieved from
Coastal Zone Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = max
500-year flood El. +Freeboard
FBFE = FEMA 100-year BFE + anticipated SLR at 50-year service life
Anticipated SLR is based on the NOAA 2017 Intermediate-High Scenario
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
For Coastal High Hazard and Coastal Zone A above requirements apply to the Bottom of the
Lowest Supporting Horizontal Structural Member of Lowest Floor.
Riverine Area Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = BFE + Freeboard
BFE = FEMA 100-year BFE
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
Coastal Area Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = FBFE + Freeboard
FBFE = FEMA 100-year BFE + anticipated SLR at 50-year mid-service life
Anticipated SLR is based on the NOAA 2017 Intermediate-High Scenario
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
For Coastal High Hazard and Coastal Zone A above requirements apply to the Bottom of the
Lowest Supporting Horizontal Structural Member of Lowest Floor.
Implementation of these recommendations will allow the Commonwealth to lead amongst states also at
risk to coastal flooding and to lead by example within the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth of Virginia issued Executive Order Number Twenty-Four (2018), Increasing
Virginia’s Resilience to Sea Level Rise and Natural Hazards, on November 2, 2018. The order recognizes
that climate change impacts have and continue to increase risk from natural hazards across the
Commonwealth, and sets forth a plan to protect Virginia’s assets and empower communities and
residents of the Commonwealth to build resilience. Citing best available science, the Executive Order
states that Coastal Virginia has the highest rate of sea level rise (SLR) on the East Coast, and is
threatened by extreme weather events and natural hazards which will impact public health and safety,
the environment, and the economy and that fiscally responsible planning is necessary to reduce
In order to increase statewide resilience to natural hazards and extreme weather Section 1, Part D of the
directive requires a freeboard standard for state-owned buildings be established to ensure their
resilience. It is our interpretation of EO 24 that these requirements apply only to state-owned buildings
that begin design after January 1, 2020.
Executive Memorandum (EM) 2-97 (July 1, 1997) signed by former Governor George Allen and still in
effect, provided floodplain management policies and requirements for the Commonwealth and assigned
responsibility for leadership and coordination to the Department of Conservation and Recreation under
the Secretary of Natural Resources. EM 2-97 aimed to ensure Commonwealth compliance with the
National Flood Insurance Program and other related federal programs, and implemented a policy that
prohibited the construction of “new state-owned buildings … within a 100-year floodplain” without a
variance granted by the Director, Division of Engineering and Buildings.
This report provides recommendations for a statewide freeboard standard based on current standards
and manuals of practice published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) including ASCE
Standard [ASCE/SEI 24-14], Flood Resistant Design and Construction, and the ASCE Manuals and Reports
on Engineering Practice No. 140, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk
The Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency (CCRFR), established by Virginia Chapter
440 of the 2016 Acts of Assembly (HB 903), is a partnership between Old Dominion University, the
Virginia Institute of Marine Science and William & Mary Law Schools’ Virginia Coastal Policy Center.
CCRFR is charged with providing research services to the Commonwealth in furtherance of building
flooding resilience. As such, researchers at Old Dominion University provide this report at the request
of the Special Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Adaptation and Protection, Ann C. Phillips, and the
Secretary of Natural Resources and Chief Resilience Officer, Matthew J. Strickler.
Sea Level Rise Projections for Coastal Virginia
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
and Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) have each developed and continually update SLR
scenarios reflecting rates of relative sea level rise in Hampton Roads Virginia. Figure 1 below, available
Commonwealth of Virginia, Office of Governor. (2018). Executive Order Number Twenty-Four, Increasing
Virginia’s Resilience to Sea Level Rise and Natural Hazards. Retrieved from:
on the AdaptVA website shows the relationships between these different curves for Norfolk, VA based
on the Sewell’s Point tide gauge
Figure 1. Comparison of Sea Level Rise Scenario Projections for Sewell’s Point developed by NOAA, USACE and
The VIMS projection (shown in orange) is based on analysis of the water observations over the past 40
years and only extends to 2050. Considering that new construction building life would extend beyond
the VIMS preferred projection, it is necessary to consider NOAA climate scenarios. Additionally, VIMS
recommend that while the “NOAA 2017 Intermediate curve is a potential target for infrastructure that
can tolerate moderate flooding, flooding intolerant infrastructure should incorporate higher curves.”
Buildings are not typically designed to be flooded and based on this guidance from VIMS the NOAA 2017
Intermediate-High curve is recommended for use in developing freeboard standards for state-owned
buildings. Using the NOAA 2017 Intermediate or Intermediate-Low scenario curves would represent a
higher tolerance to risk and using the High or Extreme scenario curves would represent a lower
tolerance to risk.
As part of the Commonwealth’s Executive Order Twenty-Four, a regional or statewide SLR projection will
be developed concurrently with the freeboard recommendations that will provide a standard approach
for predicting SLR when scoping, designing, siting and constructing state-owned buildings. Selection of
SLR scenarios to use in planning should consider tolerance to risk, however, the Commonwealth could
AdaptVa. (2018) Virginia Sea Level, Evidence-based planning for changing climate. Retrieved from:
Center for Coastal Resource Management. (2019). Recommendations For Sea Level Rise Projections. Virginia
Institute of Marine Science.
choose, based upon VIMS recommendations or emerging data, to use another SLR scenario and still
implement the process for determining freeboard presented in this report. For the purpose of this
report, the NOAA Intermediate-High scenario curve is used, which represents a moderate tolerance to
risk. Figure 2 below provides a table summarizing the NOAA and VIMS scenarios:
NOAA2017 VLM: 0.00810 feet/yr
Adjustment to MSL(83-01) Datum: 0.093 feet applied
Adjustment to NAVD88 Datum: -0.26 feet applied
All values expressed in feet
Figure 2. Table of NOAA and VIMS Coastal Virginia Sea Level Rise Scenarios for Sewell’s Point using
NAVD88 values.
Building design life is a key factor to consider in understanding SLR impacts to the structure and
effective use of the structure over the life of a structure. While there is little information on building
design lives in the literature, the ASCE Manual of Practice No. 140, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure:
Adaptive Design and Risk Management, recommends that a mid-term outlook for the life of a project,
approximately 50 years, be used for climate change informed design. The reasoning is that there is
great uncertainty in the SLR curves past this time frame and relying on projections to 100 years “may
prove overly conservative or insufficient,”
and thus building for such an extended timeline now may
result in ineffective use of resources. It is important that adaptive design strategies be incorporated
US Army Corps of Engineers, Sea-Level Change Curve Calculator, (Version 2019.21). Retrieved from:
American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Adaptation to Climate Change. (2018). Climate-Resilient
Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management. American Society of Civil Engineers.
VIMS 2017
into the building design so that future capital improvements to the structure can be made, accounting
for changed conditions over the remaining life of the structure, past 50 years. Further, this point
reiterates the need to continually review the SLR scenarios in use, based on best available science.
As stated in Commonwealth Executive Order Twenty-Four (2018) additional freeboard requirements for
state-owned buildings will be implemented in 2020, which means that the mid-term outlook for the life
of a new state-owned building extends to 2070. Based on the table above, using the NOAA
Intermediate-High scenario, new construction guidelines should consider sea level rise of 3.74 feet,
which is rounded to 4.0 feet for this recommendation. This value lies between the mid-term (2050-
2080) recommendation of 3.0 feet of relative sea level rise above MHHW and the long-term
recommendation of 4.5 feet of relative sea level rise above MHHW for long-term (2080-2100) planning
and engineering decisions
adopted by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) as
part of their Resolution 2018-01, Resolution of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
Encouraging Local Governments in Hampton Roads to Consider Adopting Policies to Incorporate Sea
Level Rise into Planning and Engineering Decisions.
While this report recommends a minimum elevation of the top of the lowest floor calculation that
includes freeboard based on a 50-year building life, it is important to consider future conditions in siting
and design as well. SLR scenario curves often show the projection of SLR to 2100. As the
Commonwealth sets standards related to SLR, it is important to acknowledge that all scientific data
indicates that SLR will continue to increase past 2100. Based on the Sewell’s Point tide gauge, figure 3
below provides the relative SLR projections from the Sea-Level Change Curve Calculator (Version
for Norfolk VA, that extend to 2200.
Hampton Roads Planning District Commission. (2018). Resolution of the Hampton Roads Planning District
Commission Encouraging Local Governments in Hampton Roads to Consider Adopting Policies to Incorporate Sea
Level Rise into Planning and Engineering Decisions. Retrieved from:
US Army Corps of Engineers. (2017) Sea-Level Change Curve Additionally, as more scientific studies are
completed findings suggest that we are underestimating the impacts of climate change on our environment, sea
levels rise is accelerating
, and future temperatures may be higher than projected
Calculator. Retrieved from:
Gauge/Grid Selected: SEWELLS POINT
NOAA2017 VLM: 0.00810 feet/yr
Adjustment to MSL (83-01) Datum: 0.093 feet applied
Adjustment to NAVD88 Datum: -0.26 feet applied
All values expressed in feet
Figure 3. Relative SLR Change Scenarios for Sewell’s Point, VA.
Additionally, as more data is collected and scientific studies are completed, findings suggest that the
impacts of climate change on our environment are underestimated; SLR is accelerating
, more frequent
and intense rainfall will contribute to flooding impacts
, and future temperatures may be higher than
. It is not a matter of if SLR will rise 4.0 feet, it is a matter of when, and based on current
NOAA SLR scenarios, 4.0 feet of SLR may occur as early as 2055 (Extreme scenario) or after 2200 (Low
scenario). It is this uncertainty of timing of impacts that supports the adaptive design approach.
In summary, the VIMS projections extend only to 2050, which is 20 years short of the 50-year mid-
term building life recommended by the ASCE. The VIMS Center for Coastal Resource Management
states that “The Intermediate curve is potential target for infrastructure than can tolerate moderate
flooding; flood intolerant infrastructure should incorporate higher curves” in their report titled
Recommendations for Sea Level Rise Projections, dated February 2019.
Buildings are not typically
designed to tolerate moderate flooding and ASCE 24-14 requires that buildings that will be flooded
meet additional design requirements. Thus, it is recommended that the NOAA Intermediate-High
NASA, Global Climate Change. (2018) New study finds sea level rise accelerating. Retrieved from:
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. (2018). Analysis of Historical and Future Heavy Precipitation. Retrieved from:
Brown, P.T., and Caldeira, K. (2017). Nature. Greater future global warming inferred from Earth’s recent energy
budget. Retrieved from:
Center for Coastal Resources Management. (2019) Recommendations for Sea Level Rise Projections. Virginia
Institute of Marine Science.
curve be adopted. This would result in 3.74 feet increase in relative sea level along Virginia’s coasts
by 2070. Further, the recommended methodology for determining the minimum elevation of the top
of the lowest floor, that includes appropriate freeboard, for state-owned buildings presented here can
be utilized with any chosen SLR scenario, and it is strongly recommended that the Commonwealth
adjust SLR scenarios with best available scientific data on a regular basis, specifically every four years.
GIS Analysis of 100- & 500-year Floodplains based on SLR Projections for the
Hampton Roads Planning District
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyses were performed to discern the first order impact of
rising sea level on high risk Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and areas at moderate risk of flooding.
High risk areas are those which comprise the 100-year floodplain (1% annual chance of flooding) and
include the following SFHAs: Zone A, Zone AO, Zone AH, Zones A1-A30, Zone AE, Zone A99, Zone AR,
Zone AR/AE, Zone AR/AO, Zone AR/A1-A30, Zone AR/A, Zone V, Zone VE, and Zones V1-V30. Moderate
risk areas are those falling between the limits of the 100- and 500-year flood (0.2% annual chance of
flooding) which include B and X (shaded) zones.
The examined geographic region includes the 17 member cities and counties of the Hampton Roads
Planning District, which are as follows: Chesapeake, Franklin, Gloucester County, Hampton, Isle of Wight
County, James City County, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Southampton
County, Suffolk, Surry County, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, and York County. The Hampton Roads
region (Fig. 4) includes both rural and urban areas, providing a testbed with diverse topography, land
use, and population density. The methods employed for this study are easily extensible to other coastal
regions within the Commonwealth and beyond.
FEMA. (2018, 09/14/2018). "Flood Zones." Retrieved 1/25/2019, from
Figure 4. Study area: 17 cities and counties of the Hampton Roads Planning District.
Flood zone GIS data were acquired through the Virginia Flood Risk Information System (VFRIS).
data were aggregated into region-wide 100- and 500-year floodplain layers.
Total areas of 100-year (high risk, 1% annual exceedance probability) and 500-year (moderate risk, 0.2%
annual exceedance probability) flood zones were calculated for the entire study region and separately
for each municipality. Appendix 1 provides a table detailing the area (mi
) and % of inundation of the
100 year and 500-year flood zones for each municipality.
Spatial modeling of future SLR of 3.0 feet above Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) was performed in
order to delineate which portions of the present day 100- and 500-year floodplains will be permanently
inundated at these levels. All land elevation and inundation data were referenced against the MHHW
datum, which is the average of the higher high water height of each tidal day observed over the 19-year
National Tidal Datum Epoch.
Use of the MHHW datum ensures that areas of predicted inundation
occur over non-tidal areas which are normally not flooded.
The modeled 3.0 feet SLR inundation layer was overlain atop the SFHA risk layers, allowing for the
calculation of the area and percentage of inundation of the 100- and 500-year floodplains. Figure 5
shows this overlay for both a rural (Gloucester) and an urban (Norfolk) area.
DCR. (2019, 06/28/2018). "Virginia Flood Risk Information System." from
NOAA. (2018, 08/08/2018). "Tidal Datums." Retrieved 01/25/2019, from
Figure 5. Overlay of 3’ of sea level inundation (blue) atop SHFA high risk zones (green) for portions of Gloucester
(left at 1:50k scale) and Norfolk (right at 1:20k scale).
As shown in figure 6, approximately 38% of the total area of the current 100-year floodplain will be
permanently inundated by +3 feet SLR. It should be noted that inundation percentages are not uniform
and vary significantly by municipality, ranging from 10% to 89.3%. These differences are the result of
wide variance of topography and SFHA zones between municipalities and should be the subject of
further examination.
Figure 6. Map shows percentage of 100-year floodplain (by municipality) which will be inundated by 3.0 feet SLR.
Approximately 189 square miles, 38%, of the entire 100-year floodplain in the Hampton Roads Region will be
perpetually flooded.
Figure 7 illustrates that approximately 5% of the total area of the current 500-year floodplain will be
permanently inundated by +3ft SLR. As is the case with the 100-year floodplain, the impacts of SLR are
not uniform regarding the 500-year floodplain. Most Hampton Roads municipalities show little or no
inundation, while the moderate hazard zones of Virginia Beach (18.7%) and Chesapeake (13.6%)
experience non-trivial areas of inundation.
Figure 7. Percentage of 500-year floodplain which will be permanently inundated by 3.0 feet SLR.
It is recommended that this work be extended, and additional analysis performed to quantify the
regional impacts of SLR in smaller geographic areas considering parcel level data. Areas of potential
critical impact should be identified for high-resolution, focused analyses of the physical and economic
impacts of SLR.
Building Codes
This report recommends aligning requirements for Commonwealth-owned buildings with standard best
engineering practice and allowing for adaptation as additional information and data on SLR and flooding
becomes available. Below is an explanation of standards and guidelines from ASCE, a review of
freeboard requirements adopted in other states at similar risk and in communities in the
Commonwealth, as well as recommendations for application to Section 1 Part D of Executive Order
Twenty-Four with regards to new construction that begins design after January 1, 2020.
ASCE Standard, [ASCE/SEI 24-14], Flood Resistant Design and Construction
ASCE Standards provide technical standards for engineering professionals worldwide, undergo rigorous
review and regular updates, and are a basis for model building codes. ASCE Standard 24-14, revised in
2015, provides minimum requirements for flood resistant design and construction of structures that are
subject to building code requirements and that are located, in whole or in part, in Flood Hazard Areas.
Further, ASCE Standard 24-14 meets or exceeds FEMAs requirements for buildings or structures. The
standard applies to: (1) new construction, including subsequent work to such structures, and (2) work
classified as substantial improvement of an existing structure that is not a historic structure.
The standard establishes a Flood Design Class for buildings and structures. Buildings are assigned a
flood design class 1 through 4. The flood design class is similar although not equivalent to the
occupancy category or risk category (I-IV) assigned to buildings according to the ASCE 7 standard or
building code. Description of the Flood design class is shown in figure 8 below (taken from ASCE 24-14
Table 1-1).
Figure 8. Flood Design Class of Buildings and Structures, ASCE 24-24, Table 1-1
Flood Zones are defined according to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Using the definitions
provided in ASCE 24-14:
Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA)Area within a special flood hazard area extending from
offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area
American Society of Civil Engineers. (2015). Flood Resistant Design and Construction. American Society of Civil
that is subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. This area is
designated on FIRMs as velocity zones V, VO, VE, or V1-30.
Coastal A Zone (CAZ)Area within a special flood hazard area, landward of a V Zone or landward
of an open coast without mapped V Zones. In a Coastal A Zone, the principal source of flooding
must be astronomical tides, storm surges, seiches, or tsunamis, not riverine flooding. During the
base flood conditions, the potential for breaking wave heights shall be greater than or equal to
1.5 ft. The inland limit of the Coastal A Zone is (1) the Limit of Moderate Wave Action if delineated
on a FIRM, or (2) designated by the authority having jurisdiction.
Within the standard, separate provisions are provided for each flood zone. Within ASCE 24-14, Chapter 4
contains provisions for Coastal High Hazard Zones and Coastal A Zones; Chapter 2 contains provisions for
flood hazard zones that are not classified as a Coastal High Hazard Zone or a Coastal A Zone. Additionally,
Chapter 3 contains provisions for special High Risk Flood Hazard areas subject to one or more of the
following hazards: alluvial fan flooding, flash floods, mudslides, erosion, high-velocity flows,
wave action, breaking wave heights greater than or equal to 1.5 feet (Coastal High Hazard Area and
Coastal A Zone) and damage-causing ice or debris. Areas classified according to Chapter 3 must also
satisfy requirements of Chapter 2.
Siting and Elevation Requirements
Separate siting and elevation requirements are established in ASCE 24-14 for Coastal High Hazard and
Coastal A zones versus zones that do not fall within those zones. Elevations are specified relative to the
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or the Design Flood Elevation (DFE). The Base Flood Elevation is the elevation
of flooding including wave height that has 1% annual probability of exceedance. Similarly, the Design
Flood Elevation is elevation of the design flood, including wave height, relative to the datum specified
on the community’s flood hazard map. The design flood is the flood associated with the greater of the
following two areas: (1) area within a floodplain subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any
year, i.e., the BFE, or (2) area designated as a flood hazard area on a communitys flood hazard map or
otherwise legally designated. FEMA maps are based on the BFE, so if a locality has adopted the FIRM,
the DFE will correspond to the BFE. However, communities may elect to adopt Design Flood Elevations
that are higher than those provided by FEMA.
Zones Not Classified as Coastal High Hazard or Coastal A
New construction and substantial improvements are required to set the elevation of the top of the
lowest floor (including basements) above a minimum level depending on the Flood Design Class. The
elevations are shown in figure 9 (Table 2-1 from ASCE 24-14).
Figure 9. Minimum Elevation of the Top of Lowest Floor Flood Hazard Areas Other Than Coastal High Hazard
Areas, Coastal A Zones and High-Risk Flood Hazard Areas, (ASCE 24-14, Table 2-1).
Zones Classified as Coastal High Hazard or Coastal A
For new construction and substantial improvements in Coastal High Hazard and Coastal A zones, the
minimum elevation is specified in figure 10 (Table 4.1 from ASCE 24-14). Whereas for areas not classified
as Coastal High Hazard or Coastal A, the elevation limit was at the top of floor elevation, for areas
classified as Coastal High Hazard or Coastal A, the minimum elevation specified is to the bottom of the
lowest horizontal structural member. Foundation elements (piles, pile caps, spread footings, grade
beams, mat foundations) provided that they are designed to handle the loads imposed by flooding in
accordance with section 4.5 Foundation Requirements of ASCE 24-14 are not required to meet the
minimum elevation.
Figure 10. Minimum Elevation of Bottom of Lowest Supporting Horizontal Structural Member of Lowest Floor
Coastal High Hazard Areas and Coastal A Zones (ASCE 24-14, Table 4-1).
Coastal High Hazard and Coastal A zones must also satisfy the following siting requirements
1. New construction, not including substantial improvements, shall be located landward of the reach
of mean high tide;
2. New construction and substantial improvements shall be sited landward of shoreline construction
setbacks, where applicable; and
3. New construction and substantial improvements shall not remove or otherwise alter sand dunes
and mangrove stands, unless an engineering report documents that the alterations will not increase
potential flood damage by reducing the wave and flow dissipation characteristics of the sand dunes
or mangrove stands.
Per ASCE 24-14, buildings are assigned to a Flood Design Class 1-4.
ASCE Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure is an ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 140. While
not a Standard, a Manual of Practice consists of an orderly presentation of facts on a particular subject
as it would apply to an engineer engaged in day to day work on the subject. Manuals of Practice often
serve to inform future developments and updates to Standards.
Manual of Practice #140 includes background information as well as perspective on FIRM Mapping as it
relates to engineering design. It also incorporates and reiterates important FEMA definitions, including
SWEL - the still water elevation level. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the still water elevation level
plus the greater of 1) the maximum wave crest elevation or 2) the maximum vertical extent of wave
runup. According to FEMA FIRM mapping, the base flood elevation is given by the extents of the Coastal
A and Coastal High Hazard Zones which correspond to the 1% annual exceedance probability (100-year
storm). It should be noted that the 0.2% annual exceedance probability (500-year flood which
corresponds to the FIRM Zone X) does not include additional flooding resulting from wave crest
elevations or wave runup. The recommended best practice is that engineering design decisions be
made with the Base Flood Elevation as the basis.
The Design Flood Elevation, DFE, is defined as the Base Flood Elevation in addition to some freeboard.
The freeboard can be considered a factor of safety to account for modelling and mapping uncertainties
or the many uncertainties that could affect flood heights. Freeboard is not intended to account for
future SLR. As previously discussed, according to ASCE 24, the recommended freeboard varies according
to the risk category of the asset and the flood hazard zone within which the asset is sited. The values of
freeboard in ASCE-24 vary from one to three feet.
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure references Presidential Executive Order 13690 which was signed in 2015
and established a federal flood risk management standard (FFRMS). The executive order has since been
rescinded, but it established a useful framework for flood protection initially intended for federal
buildings and infrastructure. It provides recommendations similar to ASCE 24, however it incorporates
recommendations for accommodating SLR. The executive order proposed three methodologies for
selecting an elevation for flood protection.
1. Climate Informed Science Approach (CISA) Use the best available hydrologic and hydraulic
data that integrate climate science and other factors to determine the flood elevation and
corresponding floodplain.
2. Freeboard Value Approach use the BFE (or 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)) and add
an additional freeboard height.
3. 0.2 Percent Change Flood Approach (0.2PFA). Use the 0.2 AEP flood elevation (500-year flood
The climate informed science approach is the preferred approach. Of note, the 2019 National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) essentially adopted this standard for defense- related infrastructure
Climate Informed Flood Design Elevation
Since most areas have FEMA FIRM maps, unless it is a large scale project that warrants more detailed
analysis or FIRM data is not available, it is recommended that the FEMA base flood elevation (which is
generally based on a 1% AEP) be used as the basis for design elevation.
ASCE Manual of Practice No. 140 recommends that current freeboard standards used in ASCE 24 be
adopted when considering climate informed flood design.
For assets intended to have a long service life, considerations of future SLR should be included in the
determination of the elevations, so it is recommended that the projected SLR be added to the BFE to
obtain a Future BFE (FBFE). Freeboard should then be added to this FBFE to serve as a factor of safety.
It should be noted that with increases in sea-level, the effects of surge, wave heights or wave runup will
change, potentially extending the hazard area beyond the zone quantified by the BFE + SLR.
ASCE Manual of Practice No. 140 further recommends that long-term structures include an
accommodation for SLR based on a benefit-cost or feasibility assessment that weighs costs against
various SLR projections (e.g. low, middle, high). When project elements can be designed without
significant implications to a higher level (up to a plausible upper-bound SLR projection) they should be,
otherwise they should be designed so that additional protection can be added at a later date if SLR
levels in the future make that appropriate.
Because the uncertainty of future SLR predictions increases exponentially with time, making design
decisions at projected times too far into the future (100 years) may prove overly conservative, or
inefficient. It is recommended that engineering design decisions be made at a mid-term outlook on the
order of 50 years. When making such mid-term projections, provisions should be included in the initial
design to accommodate adjustments to the design flood elevation as necessary. Flood elevations should
be evaluated periodically, and updated as necessary.
Climate Informed Design for Riverine Flooding
To plan for flooding in Riverine zones, the amount of rainfall is estimated using Intensity-Density-
Frequency (IDF) curves that relate the intensity of the rainfall to the duration of the rainfall. IDF curves
are derived from historical rainfall data and published for different levels of storm frequency (10-year
recurrence interval, 100-year recurrence interval, etc.) A shorter duration storm will have a higher
intensity of rainfall (measured in inches per hour) than a longer duration storm. The total volume of
water generated by a rainfall event is the product of the intensity and the duration. During a rainfall
event, a portion of the water infiltrates and the remainder must be managed as surface runoff. The
amount of surface runoff is determined by estimating the area of permeable surfaces versus
impermeable surfaces. Naturally, areas that are developed are converted from largely permeable
surfaces to impermeable surfaces, which increases the amount of runoff. The interaction between
runoff and infiltration, while simplified in this discussion, is quite complex making understanding the
Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives. (2019). National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2019. Retrieved from
potential impacts of changes in precipitation on flood probability difficult to quantify. As the area of a
watershed increases, the variability increases exponentially.
Engineering design is based on designing for the most extreme event that the structure will encounter in
its lifetime with additional consideration for the consequence of failure. Therefore, a critical flood works
project may be designed for an event with a recurrence interval of 100 years, whereas a typical building
would be designed for an event with a recurrence interval of 50 to 100 years. To climate scientists, an
extreme event is typically defined on a much shorter return interval on the order of 10 years, and many
trends are observed and projected based on the changing climate. It is likely that some areas of the
globe will see an increase in the frequency of heavy rainfall events or an increase in the total
precipitation from a heavy rainfall event. Furthermore, while the number of tropical cyclones is
projected to remain nearly constant, the intensity of these storms is likely to increase, bringing higher
wind speeds and higher total precipitation amounts. It stands to reason that the projected increases in
precipitation volumes will contribute to rain generated flooding. While logical reasoning leads to this
conclusion, there is limited statistical data at this point to support this conclusion. More high fidelity
data collection is required over longer periods of time to be able to make meaningful engineering
predictions on increased riverine flooding risks.
There are several resilience strategies proposed for adapting to climate change. In general, initial design
is performed based on the most probable event during the project life. Future deviations are
anticipated, and a course of action or design modifications are developed at the onset. Performance is
monitored over time and modifications implemented as changes are observed. This type of resilience
strategy is appropriate for changes that occur slowly over time, such as sea-level rise. Rainfall-induced
flooding events are less suited for this strategy as a result of the uncertainty of predicting the impacts of
future rainfall events. As additional data is collected and methods for improving the projection of the
impacts of future events improve, this methodology may be implemented. Furthermore, as great a
threat as climate induced changes in precipitation is changes in urban development represent additional
risk. As more land is developed, permeable surfaces are converted into impermeable surfaces and rain
induced flooding risks are likely to change. As with climate change, development changes are a time-
dependent phenomenon. Philosophies for design considering the effects of changes in development
should be applied to and used in conjunction with changes in climate.
Given the uncertainty of the future impacts of climate change on rainfall induced flooding, it is
recommended that a freeboard of three feet be used for all riverine area design classes. The standard
is provided below:
Riverine Area Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = BFE + Freeboard
BFE = FEMA 100-year BFE
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
It is recommended that this topic be revisited every four years as it is anticipated that as additional data
is collected, better methodologies will be developed for predicting the impacts of the anticipated
changes in precipitation on engineering works.
Freeboard Standards on Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coastlines
In determining recommendations for freeboard for the Commonwealth of Virginia other coastal state
requirements have been researched. Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey, and Louisiana have adopted
ASCE 24 as the flood design standard, which include freeboard standards based on building flood class.
These standards were adopted prior to the ASCE Manual of Practice # 140, Climate-Resilient
Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management publication in 2018. New York State has adopted
a Climate informed Science Approach (CISA), requiring structure design to consider hydraulic data that
integrates climate science and other factors to determine the flood elevation plus 2-3 feet of freeboard
depending on type of facility outside of tidal areas, and for tidal areas, they are requiring base flood
elevation plus the applicable high sea-level rise projection applicable for the full, expected service life of
the facility, plus two to three feet of freeboard, depending on facility type. Delaware, Maryland,
Georgia, Maine and Rhode Island set freeboard standards that vary, based on location and type of
facility from one foot to three feet.
Freeboard Standards Adopted by Communities in Virginia
Communities in Virginia, especially many of those located in the coastal plain have already begun
requiring freeboard standards generally in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), but sometimes in
additional areas to be adopted for new construction or renovation meeting a certain threshold. Further,
in 2015, the HPRDC adopted a Resolution 2015-01 a “Resolution of the Hampton Roads Planning District
Commission Encouraging Local Governments in Hampton Roads to Consider Adopting New or Higher
Freeboard Requirements to Reduce the Impacts of Recurrent Flooding and Sea Level Rise on Public and
Private Property. The Resolution does not recommend adoption of a particular freeboard nor does it
recommend a particular methodology.
As a component of its Sea Level Rise Adaptation Guide, the non-profit organization Wetlands Watch
maintains case studies, sample ordinances, and resources for use by communities.
As a part of the
FEMA NFIP, participating localities may receive Community Ratings System (CRS) points for adoption of
freeboard. Locality freeboard requirements in the SFHA range from BFE to 3 feet. Freeboard
requirements outside of the SFHA are less common, however Norfolk and Hampton require freeboard of
18 inches above grade in the Shaded X-Zone. Localities may also require V-Zone standards to apply in
the Coastal A-Zone or in the case of York County an additional foot of freeboard in Coastal A-Zones and
V-Zones resulting in a total of 4.0 feet of freeboard.
Executive Order Twenty-Four, Section 3, though not the primary focus of this report, directs increased
coordination and empowerment of localities and individuals to reduce risk. Adoption and adherence to
strong freeboard standards for state-owned structures does just that, and will incentivize localities to
adopt and enforce similar standards.
Stiff, Mary Carson and Ross Weaver, “Sea Level Rise Adaptation Guide: Freeboard Requirement”, Wetlands
Watch, Available:
Executive Order Number Twenty-Four (2018), Section 1: Making Commonwealth Holdings More
Resilient, Item D. Freeboard Standard for State-Owned Buildings requires that a minimum freeboard
standard be set for state-owned buildings. While establishing a freeboard standard for the
Commonwealth is important because it can be adopted by the local municipalities for a consistent
freeboard standard throughout the state, providing siting and design guidelines offers a broader
strategy to minimize risk to state-owned buildings under design. Siting and design standards can also
provide guidance for coastal communities as they plan to increase their resilience.
New State-Owned Building Siting Guidelines:
The following are recommended siting guidelines that would apply to all state-owned projects beginning
initial design on or after January 1, 2020:
1. New state-owned buildings of the Commonwealth of Virginia may not be sited within areas
likely to be inundated by SLR or within areas that SLR will cause significant loss of access or
services within the design service life of the building based on the Commonwealth’s unified SLR
projections for state owned buildings.
2. New state-owned buildings of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall not be located within the
Special Flood Hazard Area or Zone X (shaded) designated under the National Flood Insurance
Program (100-year and 500-year floodplains) and shall be protected from damage and
significant loss of access as a result of projected SLR based on the Commonwealth’s unified SLR
projections for state owned buildings.
3. It is recommended that these guidelines be updated on a regular basis or at a minimum every
four years to take into consideration continued refinement of climate change impacts and any
building code recommendations.
Exceptions to these guidelines may be warranted under extenuating circumstances as determined by
the Commonwealth of Virginia Chief Resilience officer.
Making the Case for Restricting Siting of New State-Owned Buildings in the 100-
and 500-year Floodplain:
While it has been Commonwealth policy to avoid construction within the 100 year floodplain since the
issuance of EM 2-97 by former Governor George Allen, it is important to reiterate present best practices
with regards to siting within the 100 year floodplain as the pre-existing policy allows for variances to be
granted by the Chief Building Official for state-owned buildings if certain conditions are met.
GIS analysis has shown that 38% of the 100-year floodplain in the Hampton Roads Region will be
inundated with 3.0 feet SLR. While only 5% of the total area of the 500-year floodplain will be
permanently inundated by 3 feet of SLR, the impacts are not uniform. While most cities show little or no
inundation both the cities of Virginia Beach (18.7%) and Chesapeake (13.6%) experience non-trivial
areas of inundation. This could occur as early as 2044 (NOAA extreme scenario) or, based on SLR
planning timelines developed by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and based on NOAA
Intermediate/Intermediate-High scenarios, within 50-80 years (mid-term). It is clear from SLR
projections, and projections of inundations of floodplains that the horizontal boundaries of 100- and
500-year floodplains will change as SLR conditions change, shifting landward.
Sustainable building design practices and green building rating systems restrict new site development in
the 100-year floodplain, with the purpose of minimizing the environmental or ecological system impact.
The Living Building Challenge rating systems specifically restricts development in the 100-year
floodplain. This restriction will reduce risk to new state-owned buildings, by removing them from future
inundation pathways.
The Federal government, via the United States General Services Administration (GSA), has restricted
siting of buildings in the 100-year floodplain since 2010 by Executive order and GSA policy. Additionally,
it restricts the siting of “critical action” buildings within the 500-year floodplain.
The Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise Preparedness and Resilience Intergovernmental Pilot Project, Phase
2 Report: Recommendations, Accomplishments and Lessons Learned, recommended developing
building code strategies to mitigate against flooding, severe wind and SLR, including 500-year floodplain
management strategies
Currently the 500-year floodplain (0.2% annual exceedance probability) does not include additional
flooding resulting from wave crest run-up or wave run-up. As SLR increases, and floodplains migrate
landward, wave impacts will become a factor in areas that are now the 500-year floodplain, and that will
become the 100-year floodplain.
New State-Owned Building Freeboard Standard Guidelines:
The following are recommended design guidelines that apply to all state-owned projects beginning
initial design on or after January 1, 2020:
1. The minimum elevation of the top of the lowest floor (see Figure 11) for new state-owned buildings
in the coastal area shall be the Future Base Flood Elevation (FBFE) (defined below) plus three feet of
freeboard. In this report the Coastal Areas are defined as the Coastal Special Flood Hazard Area and
the Combined Coastal/Riverine
Special Flood Hazard Area and their adjacent Zone X (shaded) (100-
and 500-year floodplains).
Steinhilber, E., Boswell, M., Considine, C., and Mast, L. (2016). Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise Preparedness and
Resilience Intergovernmental Pilot Project, Phase 2 Report: Recommendations, Accomplishments and Lessons
Learned. Retrieved from:
FEMA. (2015). Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping, Combined Coastal and Riverine Floodplain.
Retrieved from
The use of a freeboard of 3 feet is intended to supersede the provisions of ASCE 24-14 which
prescribe a variable freeboard according to the Flood Design Class of the building. The Future Base
Flood Elevation (FBFE) is defined in the ASCE Manual of Practice No. 140, Climate-Resilient
Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management, as the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) plus an
accommodation for sea level rise. The BFE shall correspond to the elevation of the nearest 100-year
floodplain (1% annual exceedance probability) and the anticipated SLR shall be based on the NOAA
2017 Intermediate-High Scenario at year 50 of anticipated service life. Flood elevations shall be
determined from the highest elevation from either the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) or the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the jurisdiction. For new state-
owned buildings located outside of, but adjacent to the 500-year floodplain, best engineering
practice would dictate analysis and consideration of the need to elevate the first floor to account for
future sea level rise as well as freeboard to minimize future risk. At a minimum, adaptive design
measures should be implemented so that future protection of the structure is possible. The
Commonwealth of Virginia will lead as the first state to incorporate sea level rise into first floor
2. The minimum elevation of the top of the lowest floor (see Figure 12) for new state-owned buildings
in the riverine area shall be:
Riverine Area Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = BFE + Freeboard
BFE = FEMA 100-year BFE
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
Coastal Area Building Elevation Requirements:
Minimum Elevation of the Top of the Lowest Floor = FBFE + Freeboard
FBFE = FEMA 100-year BFE + anticipated SLR at 50-year mid-service life
Anticipated SLR is based on the NOAA 2017 Intermediate-High Scenario
Freeboard = 3 feet for all projects.
For Coastal High Hazard and Coastal Zone A above requirements apply to the Bottom of the
Lowest Supporting Horizontal Structural Member of Lowest Floor.
3. It is recommended that these guidelines be updated on a regular basis or minimum of every four
years to take into consideration continued refinement of climate change impacts and any building
code revisions.
Exceptions to these guidelines may be warranted under extenuating circumstances as determined by
the Commonwealth of Virginia Chief Resilience officer.
Figure 11. Coastal Area Finished Floor Elevation relative to the Base Flood Elevation. (Note: For Coastal
High Hazard and Coastal Zone A above requirements apply to the Bottom of the Lowest Supporting
Horizontal Structural Member of Lowest Floor.)
Figure 12. Riverine Area Finished Floor Elevation relative to the Base Flood Elevation.
100 year Base Flood Elevation
Future Base Flood Elevation
Finished Floor Elevation
100 year Base Flood Elevation
Finished Floor Elevation
Recommendations for Additional Data Needs and Evaluation
The following data and analysis needs have been identified as a result of these recommendations:
1. Additional GIS analysis should be performed to quantify the regional impacts of SLR in
smaller geographic areas considering parcel level data. Areas of potential critical impact
should be identified for high-resolution, focused analyses of the physical and economic
impacts of SLR.
2. Percentage of land inundated by +3 feet of SLR are not uniform and vary significantly by
municipality, for the 100-year floodplain, ranging from 10% To 89.3%. These differences
are the result of wide variance of topography and SFHA zones between municipalities and
should be the subject of further examination
3. Accurate mapping of 100- and 500-year floodplains is still needed in some localities within
the Commonwealth. Where 100- and 500-year floodplain data is out of date, inaccurate, or
not available additional hydrologic and hydraulic modeling will be required to determine
extent of floodplains prior to siting state-owned building.
4. The Commonwealth should designate Coastal and Riverine Areas explicitly based on tidal
influences. Currently the boundary between coastal, combined coastal and riverine and
riverine only boundaries are not labeled on the FIRM.
5. Analysis of how floodplains will migrate landward as sea level rises and the extent of
additional flooding resulting from wave crest run-up or wave run-up is needed. From this
data, freeboard recommendations outside the 500-year floodplain should be developed for
future coastal flood zones.
While there is some uncertainty of the timing of the impacts of SLR, it is clear that SLR poses a threat to
coastal communities in Virginia and that the rising seas will change the boundaries of the 100- and 500-
year floodplains in coastal regions, moving them inland. It is prudent for the Commonwealth of Virginia
to consider the risks of SLR and the threats of extreme weather and natural hazards in establishing siting
and freeboard standards for state-owned buildings, which will ultimately reduce the impact of these
conditions to public health and safety, the environment, and the economy of the Commonwealth.
Appendix 1
The table below summarizes the areas (mi
) and percent inundated of the 100 year and 500-year flood
zones by +3 feet SLR for each municipality in Hampton Roads.
100-yr FP
500-yr FP
100-yr area flooded
by 3' SLR
100-yr % flooded
by 3' SLR
500-yr area flooded
by 3' SLR
500-yr % flooded
by 3' SLR
Chesapeake 35.577 8.797 30.14 84.7 1.2 13.6
Gloucester 36.883 10.623 20.22 54.8 0.0001 0.0
Hampton 19.349 5.365 7.057 36.5 0.049 0.9
Isle of Wight 32.803 3.416 10.26 31.3 0.002 0.1
James City 21.5 1.111 13.74 63.9 0.00014 0.0
Newport News 12.127 1.4098 6.659 54.9 0.0375 2.7
Norfolk 10.596 8.196 4.108 38.8 0.038 0.5
Poquoson 13.221 1.581 9.725 73.6 0.007 0.4
Portsmouth 6.088 4.414 1.848 30.4 0.011 0.2
Southampton 95.525 12.552 9.565 10.0 0.05 0.4
Suffolk 98.816 1.103 11.609 11.7 0.006 0.5
Surry 27.015 0.115 4.364 16.2 0.0001 0.1
Virginia Beach 68.844 10.997 51.002 74.1 2.051 18.7
York 14.19 2.681 6.814 48.0 0.015 0.6
Williamsburg 0.238 0.019 0.123 51.7 0 0.0
Franklin 0.028 0.002 0.025 89.3 0 0.0
Smithfield 1.77 0.017 1.519 85.8 0 0.0
Total 494.57 72.3988 188.778 38.2 3.46684 4.8