Oracle® Fusion Middleware
Using Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud
12c (
March 2023
Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, 12c (
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About Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Before You Begin with Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Installed Software and Patches
Oracle Reports
Creating an Instance
Creating an Instance Using the Compute Instance Console 5-1
Creating an Instance Using the Marketplace 5-2
Using this Environment
Server Information
Extend the OCI Instance Disk Space
Security Information
Learn how to provision and use Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure when deployed
from Oracle Cloud Marketplace.
This document is intended for users of Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit
or visit if you are hearing impaired.
Related Documents
Refer to these resources for more information:
For 12c Oracle Forms information, see Oracle Forms Documentation Library.
For information about Oracle Reports, see Documentation Library.
For Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation, see Middleware Documentation.
For Oracle Database documentation, see Oracle Database Documentation.
For Oracle Autonomous Database documentation, see Oracle Autonomous Database.
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which
you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
About Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud
Use Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to create a Forms environment in
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in a fraction of the time it would normally take to do so on
Oracle Forms for OCI is available as an application in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. It
supports Bring Your Own License (BYOL) and Universal Credits Model (UCM) images.
If you use BYOL images, you will need a valid and current license that includes Oracle Forms
entitlements. A Support agreement with Oracle is also recommended but not required. Cloud
usage is obtained and billed separately.
Oracle Forms for OCI BYOL is available in Marketplace at: https://
If you use Oracle WebLogic Suite for OCI UCM Image with Forms, you are billed per OCPU
per hour for the entitlement and support to use Oracle WebLogic Suite which includes Forms.
The Oracle WebLogic Suite for OCI UCM Image with Forms is available in Marketplace at Follow the steps
to create a WebLogic Suite UCM Image, selecting from the Version list a version that
includes “Forms” and the desired Linux version in the name. For example, 23.3.1-ol7.9-
Forms- The Forms version names use this format:
<release date to Cloud>-<OS>-<Forms-version>_<build date>.
This periodic billing does not include the general use of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
and other Cloud services that may be required to host this environment.
After launching this application, you can connect to the instance for the first time using SSH.
Upon first connection, you will be presented with a series of questions that will be used to
help configure the environment. Once the instance and the software on it have been
provisioned, you can customize it to meet your needs.
The default settings for this VM image provides enough basic operational scope for most user
cases. However, if you want to emulate something more typical of a true enterprise
deployment (like hosting hundreds or thousands of concurrent users), you may need to adjust
the VM shape, operating system, and/or your server software settings accordingly.
While this image can be used for production purposes, Oracle recommends that you perform
a thorough testing and a security review before doing so.
Before You Begin with Oracle Forms for
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Before you use this Oracle Cloud Marketplace image, review these permission and database
considerations carefully.
Required Permissions
Ensure you have the necessary permissions to:
Create new Compute instances.
Create new Virtual Cloud Networks or select an existing one.
Create a Database Cloud Service instance or connect to an existing instance as the SYS
user (only required if planning to use DBCS with this Forms instance).
Create an Autonomous Database instance or connect to an existing instance as the
admin user (only required if planning to use ADB with this Forms instance).
Create an Identity Dynamic Group and Policy or modify existing ones (only required if
planning to use ADB with this Forms instance)
Database Options
The database you choose at provisioning is configured for both the Oracle Fusion
Middleware repository and application data.
You can easily change your configuration to use a different database for application data, but
attempting to change the database used for the FMW Repository is not recommended.
Local database: If you elected to configure this instance using the locally installed
database, it will be configured and running upon completion of the provisioning.
Database Cloud Service: If you elected to configure this instance using DB Cloud
Service, you must ensure it has been configured, is running, and you have SYS
credentials to access it. You will also need the Easy Connect String and the Long
Connect String in order to complete the provisioning. This information can be found on
the DB Cloud Service dashboard for that instance.
Autonomous Database: If you elected to configure this instance using Autonomous
Database, in addition to having the instance created and accessible, you will also need
the "admin" user password and complete the following pre-setup steps:
Set Up Oracle Forms to Use Autonomous Database
1. Create an Identity Dynamic Group:
a. From the Cloud navigation pane, click Identity and then Dynamic Groups.
b. Click Create Dynamic Group.
c. Type a name for your group, such as "Forms_ADB_Access".
d. Click the Rule Builder link to the right of the Rule 1 box.
e. Select Compartment OCID from the Match instances with list.
f. Enter your Compartment OCID in the Value field.
You can match by Compute Instance OCID if the instance has not
yet been accessed the first time.
g. Click Add Rule and then Create.
2. Create an Identity Policy:
a. From the Cloud navigation pane, click Identity and then Policies.
b. Click Create Policy.
c. Enter a name for your policy, such as "Forms_ADB_Policy".
d. Click Policy Builder Show manual editor.
e. Enter the policy as shown below. Use the Policy and Compartment name used
for Step 1c above.
allow dynamic-group <YOUR DYNAMIC GROUP NAME> to use autonomous-
in compartment <YOUR COMPARTMENT NAME>
The above policy should be enter on a single line.
f. Click Create.
3. Access the new Compute instance using SSH to begin the provisioning process.
Chapter 2
Installed Software and Patches
This chapter lists software titles and versions installed, as well as installed patches. Because
some of these software titles include other software as part of their installation, additional
software may be available in the instance although not listed here.
Here are the licensable software products and versions installed on the machine, irrespective
of your entitlements for usage:
Oracle Linux 7.9
Oracle JDK 8u361
Oracle Database EE 19.3.0 (only when not selecting ADB or DBCS)
Oracle WebLogic Server
Oracle Forms and Reports
FMW Patching Utility Tool (for UCM instances)
Make sure that you have obtained the appropriate licensing to use the software
installed in this virtual machine. If you are not sure of your entitlements, contact
your Oracle Account Manager or an Oracle Sales Representative.
Only the patches noted below have been pre-installed. It is strongly recommended
that you install the latest Critical Patch Updates for the operating system, database,
and all installed Fusion Middleware software before using this environment for
production purposes.
See Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins.
Table 3-1 Pre-installed Patches for the Fusion Middleware Oracle Home
Patch Affected Components
30540494 RCU
30754186 RCU
31676526 RCU
Table 3-1 (Cont.) Pre-installed Patches for the Fusion Middleware Oracle Home
Patch Affected Components
34883826 WLS
34974729 WLS
For BYOL users with the appropriate Oracle Support account, additional patches can
be downloaded from My Oracle Support. For UCM users, use the Patching Utility Tool
included in the instance to download and apply patches. Refer to Patch Management
Using Patching Utility in Using Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI.
Chapter 3
Oracle Reports
Although Oracle Reports has been installed in the Middleware home, it has not been
configured in the WLS domain, nor have the required Tools and Reports Server components
been created.
For more information about setting up Oracle Reports, see Installing and Configuring Oracle
Forms and Reports.
Oracle Reports has not been Certification tested in Oracle Cloud and therefore Oracle cannot
guarantee it will work properly in this environment. If you plan to use Oracle Reports despite
its certification status, be sure to thoroughly test before using it in a critical deployment.
It is important to note that because multi-cast communication is not permitted in Cloud, the
Reports Naming Service is required. As a result, this also means that Reports HA
configurations are not possible, since they require multi-cast support. For more information
about the Naming Service and how to configure it, refer to How to Enable Namingservice
Discovery Mechanism for all Reports Server in Reports 12c (Doc ID 2205595.1) on My
Oracle Support.
Support for using Oracle Reports in this environment may be limited. In fact, Oracle
recommends that Oracle Reports users migrate to Oracle BI-Publisher or Analytics Publisher
(also available in Analytics Cloud Service) for their reporting needs, as no new certifications
or features are planned for Oracle Reports.
Because Oracle Reports has been deprecated, refer to the Documentation Library
for setup and usage information.
Creating an Instance
You can create a new Oracle Forms instance from the Marketplace Repository in the
Compute Instance Console or directly from the Marketplace.
Two images are available: Oracle Forms for OCI Images (for BYOL) or Oracle WebLogic
Suite UCM Images (for UCM).
Creating an Instance Using the Compute Instance Console
You can create a new Oracle Forms instance from the Marketplace Repository in the
Compute Instance Console, using either the Oracle Forms for OCI Image (for BYOL) or the
Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (for UCM).
To create an instance using the Compute Instance Console:
1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
2. Click the navigation menu, select Compute, then Instance.
3. Click Create Instance.
4. Provide an Instance name.
The names chosen will become the machine’s host name so do not include blank spaces
or other characters not supported for a machine host name.
5. Select the compartment where you want to create the instance.
6. Under Placement, select the Availability Domain in which to create the instance.
To specify capacity type and fault domain, click Show Advanced Options.
7. Under Image and Shape, click Change Image, click Marketplace, then do the following:
a. Select Partner Images.
b. In the search field, search for one of the following images and select it by checking
the corresponding check box:
Oracle Forms Services Image (BYOL only)
Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (UCM only)
c. From the Image Build list, select the desired image.
For UCM images, be sure to choose one that specifies “Forms” in the name.
The UCM naming format for images that include Oracle Forms is:
<release>-<OS version>-Forms-<version>_<build date>.
For example, 23.3.1-ol7.9-Forms-
The BYOL naming format is: <Forms version>_<build date>.
For example,
d. Review the terms and conditions, then select I have reviewed and accept the
Oracle Terms of Use.
8. Under Image and Shape, click Change Shape.
9. Select the Virtual Machine, then select the desired shape.
The minimum recommended shape will include at least 1 OCPU and 16 GB
Memory. Only AMD and Intel processors are supported for use with Oracle Forms.
For more information about Oracle Cloud Shapes, see Compute Shapes in the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
10. Configure the Network for the instance.
To specify advanced network settings, click Show Advanced Options.
11. Under Add SSH Keys, generate a key pair, upload your public key, or paste the
12. Under Boot Volume, specify the size and encryption options for the instance's
boot volume.
The Forms image creates a default disk size of 75 GB. See Extend the OCI
Instance Disk Space.
13. Click Show Advanced Options to configure advanced settings.
14. Click Create.
For more information about creating instances, see Creating a Linux instance in the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
Creating an Instance Using the Marketplace
You can create a new Oracle Forms instance directly from the Marketplace using
either the Oracle Forms for OCI Image (for BYOL) or the Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM
Image (for UCM).
To create an instance using the Marketplace:
1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
2. Click the navigation menu, select Marketplace, then click All Applications.
3. Search for and select one of the following images:
Oracle Forms Services Image (for BYOL only)
Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (for UCM only)
4. From the Version drop-down list, select the desired image.
For UCM images, be sure to choose one that specifies “Forms” in the name.
The UCM naming format for images that include Oracle Forms is:
<release>-<OS version>-Forms-<version>_<build date>.
For example, 23.3.1-ol7.9-Forms-
The BYOL naming format is: <Forms version>_<build date>.
For example,
5. Select the Compartment in which to create the instance.
6. Review the terms and conditions and select the I have reviewed and accept the
Oracle Terms of Use.
7. Click Launch Instance.
Chapter 5
Creating an Instance Using the Marketplace
8. Provide an Instance name.
The names chosen will become the machine’s host name so do not include blank spaces
or other characters not supported for a machine host name.
9. Under Placement, select the Availability Domain in which to create the instance.
To specify capacity type and fault domain, click Show Advanced Options.
10. Under Image and Shape, click Change Shape.
11. Select the Virtual Machine, then select the desired shape.
The minimum recommended shape will include at least 1 OCPU and 16 GB Memory.
Only AMD and Intel processors are supported for use with Oracle Forms. For more
information about Oracle Cloud Shapes, see Compute Shapes in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Documentation.
12. Configure the network for the instance.
To specify advanced network settings, click Show Advanced Options.
13. Under Add SSH Keys, generate a key pair, upload your public key, or paste the keys.
14. Under Boot Volume, specify the size and encryption options for the instance's boot
The Forms image creates a default disk size of 75 GB. See Extend the OCI Instance Disk
15. Click Show Advanced Options to configure advanced settings.
16. Click Create.
For more information about creating instances, see Creating a Linux instance in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Documentation.
Chapter 5
Creating an Instance Using the Marketplace
Using this Environment
Refer to this chapter for information about accessing the OCI instance, locating installed
software, and using the Oracle Linux desktop.
Connecting to the Instance and Provisioning the Software
You can access the Oracle Forms for OCI images as follows:
Ensure that you specify an SSH key when you create an instance using the image. You
need this SSH key to access the instance and launch the instance.
Connect to an instance as the opc user using the SSH command:
ssh –i <private_key_file> opc@<public-ip-address>
Where, private_key_file is the corresponding private key for the public key used during
Upon first logon, the user/admin will be presented with a variety of questions where their
answers will be needed to provision the software. After the software has been provisioned,
the servers will be automatically started and ready to use.
For version, the software is installed and owned by the “opc” user. However, in the software is installed and owned by “oracle”. When using, be sure to
administer the Fusion Middleware and Database (if installed) as the “oracle” user.
To access the oracle user login as opc user the use the “su” command to switch to the oracle
sudo su - oracle
A unique SSH certificate can also be configured in order to allow authorized users to connect
directly as the oracle user and control their access to opc. Refer to the Cloud documentation
for information about such a configuration.
Do not attempt to create a new “oracle” user as this user already exists. The
configuration step necessary is to provide a unique certificate to the SSH authorized
keys list.
See Connecting to a Linux Instance and Adding Users to an Instance in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure documentation.
Software Locations
Once provisioning has completed, all the software will be installed and owned by the oracle
user. The Oracle Middleware and Database software can be found here:
Database software is installed only if you choose to have a local database
during provisioning.
: /u01/oracle/database/base/Oracle_Home
Database connect string:
: /u01/oracle/middleware/Oracle_Home
: /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/
WebLogic Server repository (RCU) schema prefix:
WebLogic Server Administrator user name:
: /u01/oracle/jdk
in and default.env includes: /home/oracle/
Linux Desktop
For information on how to connect to the Linux desktop using VNC, refer to
Connecting to the VNC Console in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.
The Oracle Linux desktop created with this instance includes a variety of useful
desktop application launchers (shortcuts). Upon first attempt to use these launchers, a
warning is displayed that suggests the launcher is "Untrusted". This warning is
expected. Choose Trust and Launch to continue. This will permanently trust the
launcher and display the appropriate desktop icon associated with the launcher.
Launchers added by this provisioning include the following:
Forms Builder
Instance Controller
Chapter 6
Server Information
Refer to this chapter for information about server ports, the Oracle HTTP Server, and
provisioned Oracle Fusion Middleware server configuration.
Server Ports
Server Port Notes
Database Listener Port 1521 Only if using a local database
WLS Administration Server 7001 Non-SSL port
WLS_FORMS 9001 Non-SSL port
Server Port Notes
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 7777 & 4443 (7777 & 4443
opened in Linux firewall)
Use the firewall-cmd Linux
command to list all open ports or
change the current operating
system firewall settings. Refer to
the firewall-cmd "man"
page for more information on this
re it
Chapter 7
Server Port Notes
y to
Oracle HTTP Server
OHS has been configured to forward requests for /forms/ and /fadsui. If this is not
desirable, remove the associated entries from forms.conf through Oracle Fusion
Middleware Control. The OHS KeepAliveTimeout setting has been changed from its
default of 5 to 10, which you can verify in httpd.conf.
All Servers
The Oracle Fusion Middleware servers have been configured with a "" for
each Managed Server (including the Admin Server). This allows the Managed Servers to
start without being prompted to log in. These can be removed/deleted if interactive login is
desired. All servers configured during the provisioning are configured to autostart with the
machine. This means that if the machine is rebooted, these servers should start automatically
unless you have disabled that functionality. Refer to this documentation for details on starting
servers and working with "":
If using the locally installed database, it is also configured to autostart on reboot.
Refer to the Oracle Forms Installation and Working with Oracle Forms guides for additional
configuration and usage instructions.
Chapter 7
Extend the OCI Instance Disk Space
On initial access to the instance, only about 40 GB of disk space is available. You can
recover extra disk space by using the growpart command.
After executing this command and rebooting the machine, about 75 GB will be available
unless a custom size was selected at provisioning time.
To recover the extra disk space:
1. Execute the growpart command as the root user:
growpart /dev/sda 3
2. Reboot the machine.
Security Information
This chapter includes important information regarding some security aspects of this
environment and its configuration. Although various security considerations were taken into
account when this environment was created, it is important that a thorough security review be
completed before using this environment in production.
Default Settings
All installations/configurations include default settings unless noted otherwise. Any
dependencies required by the included software for installation have also been installed. Be
sure to check the various component configuration settings to ensure they are using the most
secure values.
Securing the Software
Although some patches may be pre-installed, other software updates may be available since
this image was created. It is very important that all the installed software be updated with the
latest security patches available. It is recommended that the latest Database, Fusion
Middleware, and operating system updates be applied before exposing this system to
production users and/or sensitive data. Not taking this precaution could put your environment
in risk of a security breach.
For information on the latest security updates available for Oracle software, refer to the
Oracle Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins web page.
When installed, the local Oracle Database and Fusion Middleware installations include a
"demo" SSL/TLS certificate. This certificate should be replaced with an appropriate and
current certificate. The provided demo certificate is not intended or supported for any other
purpose beyond demonstrating how to configure and use SSL/TLS.
For more information about Oracle Fusion Middleware security, refer to the documentation
available from the Secure the Environment page of the Oracle Fusion Middleware site.
Listener Ports
Most inbound ports are blocked by the Linux firewall. However, several ports have been
opened in order to make the Fusion Middleware software easier to use. If having these ports
accessible by other nodes is not desirable, the firewall settings can be changed in order to
block them. The firewall-cmd command can be used to make the needed changes. Refer
to the Oracle Linux Security Guide for more information.
For a list of TCP ports opened as part of the Fusion Middleware software installed in this
instance, refer to Server Information.
Tiger VNC has been installed and configured to start automatically and to provide access to
the Desktop as the "oracle" user.
Tunneling through an SSH connection is recommended to access using VNC.
Opening the VNC ports to the public Internet is not recommended.
Refer to Troubleshooting Instances Using Instance Console Connections in the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
Chapter 9