Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
ABS is a dance club where we belly dance to modern songs as well as
traditional belly dancing beats. Contrary to the name you deinitely do not
need abs (nor prior experience) to try out!! If you are interested in trying out,
please email one of the co-heads so that we can send more information.
Activism in Art is a club for artists (both aspiring or experienced - whether you
are interested in dance, music, writing, speech, visual arts, or fashion) AND
activists. Our goal is to use our artistic talents to raise awareness on topics
you care deeply about or would like to speak out for. During the Spring Term,
we typically organize a inal art show in the Lamont Gallery where all our
works are displayed. Each piece will be made around a central theme for the
show. We will have many opportunities to share, create, discuss and present
art throughout the year.
ASA (African students association) invites those who identify as African,
have ties to their African roots and also seek to explore and strengthen their
ancestral ties to Africa to join our club. We aim to create an open space for
dialogue to grow and strengthen the bond between the African community
on campus. Celebrating the richness of culture, language, food,etc.of the
dierent African countries represented on campus.
Afro Shade is the only Afrobeats club on campus. Afrobeatsoriginated from
Ghana, but the style is anchored in West African music, particularly highlife
music, American jazz, and funk are also added to the mix. This creates a
hybrid sound from across continents. We welcome all experience levels and
cultures to immerse themselves in the richness of African dance!
ALES is a club dedicated to discussions about Black and Latinx history, issues,
and culture. Everyone (regardless of racial identity) is welcome to join us for
good fun and great conversations! In addition to discussions, you can also
expect to learn more about advocacy and how to transform your passion for
these issues into action. We are also proud to be a space for Black and Latinx
students to heal, ind support, and connect with one another.
Club list 2023-24
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Anime Club meets weekly. Come in to watch new genres and diversify
your palette, as well as to join a welcoming and close-knit community.
We will host casual events such as anime themed cookie decorating,
sticker making, “Guess the Anime Song” tournaments, and anime watch
parties!However, anime is far from perfect. As a club, we recognize
that there are many underlying messages and depictions of characters
in Japanese animation that are inherently discriminatory. We think it is
extremely important to address these issues, and will host discussions
throughout the year where people can express their feelings and engage in
constructively criticizing said shows.
If you like spending time with your friends and the coolest advisor while
learning about the rich background between the cultural objects you see
around us, then Archaeology Club is the place for you! Each meeting, we
will discuss the process of archaeology and eventually get some hands-on
experience in this ield. The Archaeology Club is a club for all. You don’t
have to be a world-class archaeologist (even though our advisor is) or
Indiana Jones to come to our meetings. Everyone of all interest levels and
experience is welcome to join us! Put on your gloves and boots and let’s
ind some fragments of history! Do you dig it?
We’re the coheads of the Architecture Club! Our club advisor is Ms.
Taylor, the campus Architect. As one of the oldest preparatory schools
in America, our school has amassed a great number of resources as well
as an extensive history. During our club meetings, we will learn about
the architecture occupation, get hands-on experience with practicing
architects, and provide input about what we’d like to see in future buildings.
Welcome to Exeter’s Visual Art Club! Here is a community for art
enthusiasts (anyone pumped about creating) to gather and continue their
art learning journey. We aim to provide every resource to pursue or begin
visual arts including the space, time, materials, and art theory education.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
A(rt): More Possibilities in STEM is a club dedicated to exploring and
recognizing the ‘A’ in STEM as a vital part of this rising ield. Through a
guest speaker, discussion, and activity-oriented club, our goal is to meet
people who are experts in their STEAM-related careers and make lifelong
connections. Some of the topics we discuss are the importance of STEAM
in ones academic and professional lives, AI’s rise in fashion, UI/UX design,
architecture and structural engineering, and exploring non-proits and
businesses related to STEAM. As guest speakers, we will have a UI/UX
designer, a structural engineer, and business and non-proit founders
come in to share their message and stories. Anyone and everyone are
Asian Voices is a community for all Asian-identifying students! This term,
we’ll be alternating between discussion meetings and some casual, fun
opportunities to get to know each other.
ALIE, the Association of Low-Income Exonians, is a club dedicated
to bettering the lives of Low-Income students at Exeter. We host our
meetings to allow these students to share their experiences and learn how
best to navigate life at a wealthy place like Exeter. This includes everything
from social life to assistance programs to making connections with the
faculty on campus that can help make the Exeter experience easier for
Low-Income students. (This is an ainity group)
Astronomy Club is an academic, science-focused group that promotes the
study and interaction with all things related to the science of astronomy,
including observing, instrumentation, astrophysics, and cosmology
ARJ (Athletes for Racial Justice) invites all athletes of color to an ainity
space where we will hold discussions and fun activities around combatting
racial injustice in sports. We aim to create an open space for conversation
while building a community for athletes on campus.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Hi guys! Welcome to the Exeter badminton club! We are a group of
athletes that love to play the game of badminton and would like to spread
our knowledge about it! Come to learn from a top US player or have fun
with your friends! We are low commitment, no experience necessary, and
you may get addicted! We also play tournaments around New England
(last year we went to Westborough, Mass) and competed against other
public/private high schools, if you are interested too!
We bake any culinary treats you can imagine. Send in a recommendation
and we’ll get to baking!
Beat ofAsia - We are a dance group dedicated to learning/performing
choreography by East Asian dancers and/or to music by East Asian artists.
We welcome dancers of all levels and from all backgrounds!
Big Red Zone (BRZ) is an Instagram account and club that works
exclusively with the athletics program to grow spirit around our sports
games! We spread awareness of games and occasionally will theme a
game. Join our email list for updates about games, themes, and more!!
Biology Club is a community of students interested in the scientiic study
of life. In our club, students engage in compelling research projects, learn
from distinguished researchers across many biological ields, and hold
thought-provoking discussions. For fall term, we are scheduling webinars
with professionals making breakthroughs in COVID19 research and our
own amazing biology faculty. We also host the USA Bio Olympiad (USABO)
In Bird watching club, we will take walks in the surrounding woods and
schedule Zoom meetings with ornithologists. Bird watching club is an
excellent place to get out in nature and learn more about the birds native
to Exeter.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Come paint Bob Ross paintings and eat pancakes with us!
Buddhist Meditation club meets every Friday giving a chance for students
to go through a guided meditation and unwind to bring the week to
a close. Buddhist Meditation is a great way to become more aware of
the world around us and is welcome to people of all religions. After
meditations, we gather together to have tea and talk about how the
meditation went, life, and whatever may be happening in the world.
Catholic Exoniansis a group of students interested in learning about
Catholicism and growing in their faith. We meet weekly at 9 AM on
Sundays over breakfast to discuss the faith, Church history, theology,
and Scripture. When we are able to and the health conditions permit, we
will also attend Mass together. The club can also help students seeking
conirmation at Exeter. All are welcome!
Chemistry Club explores how microscopic processes shape the world
around us. Through labs and discussions, we look at the chemistry behind
industrial processes, natural phenomena, and various properties of
materials. Whether you’re a pyrotechnic or not, we look forward to having
you join us.
Chess club meets Fridays nights, and anyone (regardless of experience)
is free to drop in and play. We also attend multiple tournaments including
Nationals and occasionally have special events (like a GM simul).
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Chinese is known on the US department of state language scale as the
hardest language to learn. Often times, just language instruction is not
enough to reach luency. For dedicated and passionate Mandarin Chinese
Language learners, the Chinese Language Society will supplement in-class
instruction with fun and engaging competitions through written and spoken
The Chinese Language Society will allow Chinese students and speakers alike
to practice their Mandarin Chinese outside of a classroom setting and work
on their public speaking skills. In addition to speaking competitions, club
members are encouraged to participate in essay writing competitions
欢迎来到 CSO! Chinese Student Organization is a place for Chinese students
to come together and build community. We celebrate holidays together, host
activities like hot pot dinners and ield trips to Andover, and have fun.
If you want to listen to and learn more about classical music, join CODA
club! We will listen to and discuss composers such as Beethoven, Chopin,
and Ravel, and play games such as “name that tune” or “inish the melody”!
Possible conversations include discussinghowandwhymusic makes us
feel, and the pros and cons of dierent instruments. Join us to gain new and
exciting musical perspectives! No experience needed!
In this club, we explore the art of cosplay and costume building. We will
start with small projects like prop making and how to sew to creating a full
costume of your design.
Welcome to PEA Cricket Club! Dive into the world of cricket with us – no
experience or skills needed, just bring a positive attitude and maybe a friend
or two. We’ll teach you the ropes, watch epic cricket moments, and even play
some friendly matches. It’s all about having a blast and making new friends,
so swing by and let’s hit it a six!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
The Daniel Webster Debate Society (DWDS) is the oldest secondary
school debate team in the United States, dating back to 1807. We focus
on parliamentary debate, but debaters of all experience levels and
backgrounds are welcome. A parliamentary debate round consists of
two teams of two debaters attempting to convince a judge that their
arguments are stronger than their opponents. Each person gives 1 to 2
speeches ranging from 3 to 8 minutes. Parliamentary debate focuses
on logic, creativity, persuasive speaking style, and knowledge of current
events. Outside of improving your argumentative skills, participating in
DWDS will allow you to join a community of passionate, intellectually
curious debaters. We are one of the largest and most prominent clubs on
campus, and we welcome all students, regardless of skill level.
Democracy of Sound (Exeter), or DOS(e), uses sound, art, design, and
poetry to create installations and experiences that activate spaces on
campus. All ideas are welcome!
Dimensions is a contemporary dance club.
We plan to read articles and analyses of art in all mediums and become
familiar with the works of a variety of artists. Attempt to learn dierent
styles of criticism and analysis to deepen artistic experience and use it in
conversation. All art and media are on the table for discussion, regardless
of style, medium, or inluence.
Example of topics of discussion: artistic movements, pop vs high art,
classical art, styles of interpretation and much more.
This club is unique as it allows students to gain more knowledge about art
and skill in interpretation through discussion. It will aim to help students
become more familiar with the interpretive side of art and culture, rather
than pursuing their own creative expression.
The DJ Club is a place where any DJ of any level of expertise can come in
and share their sets, techniques that they have learned, and just have fun
listening to music and mixing away. If possible, we could also DJ for school
dances and other events.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Welcome to DRAMAT! We are the student-run theatre club on campus, with
the goal to make theatre accessible to every student! Join DRAMAT to act,
direct, or support your friends from the audience. Joining the email list
will keep you updated with important information such as audition slots,
director applications, and show times!
Échappé is the school’s ballet club!! We oer an opportunity for students
to take weekly ballet classes, learn variations, and perform classical
Electronic Music Club is Exeter’s extracurricular hub for electronic
music production and music technology. The club is open to members
of all experience levels, whether you are an avid producer of EDM, rap,
or dubstep, or you just enjoy listening and learning about music. You’ll
be introduced to the power of digital audio workstations and hardware
synthesizers, creating everything from rap beats to full tracks and remixes
as you explore the many sub-genres of modern electronic music.
Engineering Club is a great environment for curious newcomers and
seasoned engineers alike! Come use the state-of-the-art Design Lab to
design, prototype, and fabricate hands-on, student led projects. We
brainstorm, design, prototype and fabricate at least one project every
year. Completing whatever thing we build is only one part of the process,
however. Engineering Club is a learning oriented club, and we aim to pick
projects that introduce us to new concepts as we work. Club members
specializing in dierent types of engineering, design, etc. teach and learn
from their peers in an informal, hands-on environment. Engineering club
is great for Exonians who are looking to use the Design Lab but hesitant to
commit to some of the more time consuming and competitive clubs that
share the space. No previous experience is required. There are plenty of
ways to get involved if our meeting time doesn’t work for you.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Launch your own startup! Become an entrepreneur! We will help you
create your own business, with the chance to pitch at competitive startup
contests like the Diamond Challenge and the Conrad Spirit of Innovation.
With training and resources about marketing, inance, pricing, and more,
we will teach you to be an entrepreneur! (No experience is required.)
The Environmental Action Committee is a club that works on projects
to make our campus and wider community more aware of climate
solutions and tries to keep Exeter sustainably minded. In the past we have
broughtterracyclingto campus and worked with the PEA bookstore to
promote sustainable products. Although we will be meeting virtually this
term, we are still hoping to continue our work to the best of our ability.
This fall we are planning to promote reusable sporks on campus to limit
plastic waste from to-go meals and increase our online presence by
making a website to help educate our classmates about climate issues.
EProctors are advocates for sustainable living on campus. Other than
inspiring their dormmates to recycle and conserve resources, EProctors
implement and are responsible for environmental projects in the dorms,
like composting. The ideal EProctors is proactive and committed to
making Exeter a more sustainable community.
Ethics Forumis a club dedicated to exploring all sorts of modern ethical
issues in Harkness-style conversations. Wewill use our time to dive right
into case studies about ethical consumerism, research, government, and
just about every other area you can think of.
EAR is Exeters coolest rock/pop performance club! Form your own band
and rehearse for our concerts (in the past these have been coeehouses
in grill, Assemblies, after E/a pep rally, etc!) There are no weekly meetings
(everything from making bands to rehearsing is student-directed!) so it
is really important that you sign up for our email list to stay updated on
performance opportunities.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Board Game Alliance is an awesome club where we play board games
like Carcassonne, Monopoly, beta testing games, Who wants to be a
Billionaire, Game of Thrones the Board Game, and so much more. Come to
have fun and play games for an hour.
Exeter Business Club is a career-technical student organization dedicated
to providing our members the opportunity to learn, explore, and
experience business and leadership through our various competitions,
projects, and networking opportunities. Not only do we hold weekly
meetings where we discuss business principles, invite speakers, and
prepare for the FBLA and DECA State and National competitions, we
also organize interscholastic business conferences, attend collegiate
conferences, and visit numerous startups and companies in the Boston
Exeter Climate Lobby is a group ofExonianswho advocate for strong,
equitable climate policy. We attend climate strikes, write to our elected
oicials, and meet with legislators. If you’re concerned about climate
change and want to take real ACTION, this is the club for you!
Exeter Computing Club (ECC) is Exeter’s premier computer science club.
We build innovative projects that solve real-world problems and learn
about state-of-the-art techniques in ields ranging from machine learning
to algorithms. In the past, weve built the Exeter Course Map, and every
spring we run an internationally-attended hackathon.
If you’re looking for a break from d-hall or a place to polish up your
culinary skills, come to Cooking Club!
Exeter D&D lets students experience the ultimate tabletop role playing
game: Dungeons and Dragons. Join us to ight monsters and make friends
on epic adventures in our custom-created world—no experience required.
Whether you’ve never played D&D before but always wanted to try it, or
you’re a veteran who owns all the sourcebooks, this is the club for you!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Exeter Economics Club is split into a discussion group and a competitive
group (ECOMP). The discussion group meets once per week for an hour
to look at current events through the lens of economics, emphasizing
concepts and real-world impacts. Some topics this term will include
the Federal Reserve’s response to COVID19 and the resulting inlation,
Evergrande, American trade policy, the Exeter endowment, development
economics, and big tech companies.   The ECOMP group prepares for
end-of-year competitions by learning mathematical models and more
advanced economic concepts. We will cover the laws of supply and
demand, production, dierent forms of competition, economic indicators,
the business cycle, and economic stabilization. This group will loosely follow
the AP Macro/Microeconomics curriculums so you can take those exams as
well. We will be discussing material that is assigned in previous classes.
We screen great movies on a big screen in the Forumwith free snacks. We
bring arthouse, independent, classic cult ilms, and more to you. Join us for
a fun night, bring a friend or come alone to enjoy the power of cinema.
This club will focus on getting people out in nature while ishing in the local
bodies of water at Exeter. There is a lot of patience required for ishing,
which with the help of being out in the environment, can prove to be quite a
relective and therapeutic experience. This club will focus on strengthening
the connection Exeter students have for the natural world, each other, and
to themselves. Fishing is a great, healthy, and much needed break from
Exeters fast pace and busy lifestyle.
Exeter Forensics is a nationally ranked debate team focused on NSDA Public
Forum and Lincoln Douglas. This type of debate focuses on the quality
of research and evidence presented in round to evaluate arguments on a
topic announced at least a month ahead of the tournament. While we only
oicially started last year, our team has qualiied to all three national debate
tournaments and ranked top 50 in the country. However, no experience is
necessary to join, and you can join at any time! We attend 5 to 6 local, state,
and national tournaments each term suited for a variety of skill levels.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Welcome to Exeter Improv! The only Improv club on campus! We are a relaxed,
student-run club where members play a variety of improv-based games and
create scenes. There is no experience required to join this club and it is open
to all! Join our email list to stay updated. We hope to see you soon!
Learn to invest like a pro! Our goal is to make inancial education more
accessible. We teach fundamental investment concepts such as dierent
types of assets and how to analyze companies, and build o of them
throughout the year in a collaborative, large group setting. Throughout the
year, we set up multiple (fake money) investment simulators for a fun way to
compete amongst the club and participate in REAL TIME TRADING to improve
skills! We also complete in the globally renowned Wharton Global High School
Investment Challenge. Along with all of this, we will be providing members
with multiple opportunities to hear from executives in the ield of inance/
investment. Welcome to the Exeter Investment Society!
Almost every Friday night, the Exeter Jewish Community gathers together to
light Shabbat candles, bless the wine and challah, sing a few Jewish songs,
and then enjoy Shabbat dinner together. The EJC is a diverse, welcoming,
come as you are” kind of group. And Shabbat Dinner is a relaxed, fun, and
enjoyable way to end a hectic week at PEA. Everyone is welcome – you can
bring a friend or two with you if you like – or come to meet new friends
The Pinoy Society is a club for Filipino and non-Filipino students interested
in creating a close community while indulging in Filipino culture, food,
movies, and more. The club also takes part in events hosted by the Oice of
Multicultural Aairs and the Asian Advisory Board.
Join the Exeter Private Equity & Venture Capital Club to learn about the
growing ield of alternative investments. Venture capital represents inancing
given to start-up companies and small businesses that have the potential to
grow, whereas private equity inancing represents ownership or an interest
in a company that is not publicly listed or traded. We’ll discuss what PEVC is,
the similarities and dierences between them, learn important terminology,
practice applying concepts to case studies, and invite guest speakers to
share their experiences in this ield. This is one of the fastest growing clubs on
college campuses today, so come join us.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Join us in building a racing kart and competing with it! Test your racing skills
on our high-end racing simulator, and enjoy watching the weekly Formula 1
races. Help us modify a Ford Mustang, internally and on the exterior!
Want to get into research but don’t know how? Join Exeter Research Club!
We’re going to be introducing the scientiic method that researchers use to
develop research projects. Well also being doing research projects ourselves
along with facilitating individual research projects so make sure to join if
you’re interested in STEM research at all. No experience required at all.
Exeter Rocket Team is dedicated to educating and inspiring our generation
about the future of outer space and how they can be involved in it. We are
currently working on building a food computer, investigating conditions
needed to grow plants on other planets, and planning to launch our cube
satellite to collect raw data from space. We also casually launch rockets.
Among other projects, we’ve created several videos and written a handbook
as in-depth resources for students interested in space, all compiled in our
website. We also host discussion meetings with scientists, some of which
can be found on our YouTube channel along with other interesting videos.
Join the Exeter Sewing Society - our Sewing Club! All skill levels are
welcome- from beginner to advanced sewers! Learn how to sew, work on a
new project or share your newest creations! The Exeter Sewing Society is not
only a community but also a workshop to learn and teach sewing skills. The
meetings will likely be bi-weekly and we meet in the Goel sewing studio!
The mission of the Exeter Socialist Union is to educate our community about
political theory, the history of socialism, and the current struggles of the
working class. We hold weekly discussions. Our curriculum includes guest
speakers, mutual aid opportunities, and interactive workshops. ESU is open
to Exonians of all backgrounds and political ideologies. We believe in unity
between oppressed groups and plan to collaborate with other Exeter clubs
to discuss the intersections of gender, class, race, and the environment.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Hello Exeter! We are the Exeter Workout Club, or EWC for short. This term/
year, we will be helping you reach your itness goals, whether it be from the
comfort of your home or on Exeters campus. We will be providing you with
a specialized program catered to your speciic needs whether that be to lose
weight, to stay it without a gym, etc. Like in the past, we will be holding club
meetings but with proper social distancing requirements and a maximum
meeting attendance of 10 people.
Created in 2020 during the COVID19 pandemic, we knew that hearing from
each other’s experiences was the best way to prepare and bridge the gap
between classes.That’s why we created Exie Blog, a “run by students, for
students” website dedicated to preparing and sharing information with new
students. Join us to give advice to new students and create content (like
blogs, videos, social media, etc.) to give back!
We are a club committed to raising awareness about Domestic Violence.
In our meetings we plan to educate ourselves and organize events to
educate the Exeter Community.
EASA is a student-led group dedicated to educating students and spreading
awareness about issues surrounding sexual assault. In advocating for
healthy relationships and habits, we hope to make campus a safe space
for everyone. In meetings, we discuss current events from the media, as
well as the culture on campus. In addition to discussions, we work with the
administration and faculty to better understand our role as peer educators,
and together we work to continue conversation within the entire community.
Two hundred thirty-seven years. That is how long Exeter students went
without having a disabled student group on campus. We were founded
ive years ago on the principle of making the previously invisible visible.
Of making space for disabled students and faculty to ind community and
thrive. This includes Exonians who are undiagnosed and those with mental
illness, learning dierences, TBI, chronic illness, and more. We don’t need to
be silent anymore.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Totally new to Football? Don’t know what’s going on during E/a Football
games? Want to meet other avid Football fans? Everyone is welcome! Meeting
every week, we will talk about games from past weeks and future upcoming
ones. As the season goes on we will discuss trade rumours, injuries, playo
odds and more. Some fun things that we will also do, mock drafts, fantasy
football, playo predictions, team rankings, positional rankings, etc. This is a
low commitment club without any required meetings.
Feminist Union discusses topics surrounding feminism and the
intersectionality of feminism, providing a safe space forExoniansof
all genders to share their thoughts and ideas. We also hold fundraisers
throughout the year for organizations upholding women.
Fight Clubis a conidential peer-based grief support group for those who have
lost someone special in their lives. We meet weekly, to discuss grief, life, and
loss, to just hang out, and to share a meal (once we’re able to). There is no
obligation to attend -- Fight Club is here to be a community of friends and a
support structure to lean on.
Are you a fan of the Beautiful Game? Do you have a favorite club (preferably
Chelsea) and are looking for others who support your club? Are you looking to
get into watching soccer? If so, joinFútbolWatchers!! Exeter’s discussion club
for all thingssoccer. We’ll get together to watch matches, discuss players, and
generally have a good time talking about the best sport in the world.
Whether you’re a programming ace, an art designer, a music composer, or just
someone who likes video games, Game Dev Club is the club for you! Come
join us as we learn about game development, work on small projects, and
develop a full-ledged game throughout the year! We welcome everyone with
a passion for game design -- no experience necessary.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
A safe space to talk about queerness, culture, gender/sexuality, and
allyship. Typically we meet weekly, with a few extra events scattered
throughout the year. Students questioning their identity and allies are also
encouraged to attend! Often times we play games, discuss current issues,
and just hang out. We are also host events on campus, such as last year’s
art show, ice skating and hot chocolate, and the end of year GSA party!
The Exeter Geography Club aims to promote a deeper understanding
of geography by preparing for interscholastic tournaments, exploring
geographic topics, and playing quiz bowl. Check it out if you are
in the world!
Join geometry club to marvel at shapes – from triangles to trochoids!
Johannes Kepler insists, “Where there is matter, there is geometry.
Yet Exeter somehow lacked a geometry club until the winter of 2022.
We will ponder on puzzles, exchange proofs, build our own beautiful
patterns, and share the delight of geometric discovery with fellow
Euclideans.Prerequisite: a bit of curiosity.
We meet bi-weekly to discuss contemporary issues in German-speaking
countries and learn about German language and culture. We will also
watch popular German movies and cook delicious German foods. Feel free
to stop by if you need help with homework, are studying for a test, or want
to practice speaking German!
Aiming to make the gym less intimidating and create a safe space for all
women at Exeter, we welcome members of all experience levels with any
gym needs (connecting you to gym buddies, teaching form, providing
workout plans, and moral support).
We reserve the itness center once a week and lead group lifting sessions.
In addition to the once-a-week meeting in Downer, we’ll host other
meetings throughout the week at Ransome so you’ll always have lifting
buddies, no matter your schedule!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
This club is a safe space where Exonian girls can learn from each other but
also from themselves by inding value in self-care. We will focus on girls
bettering their own selves through meaningful conversations about life at
Exeter but also through dierent self-care practices such as meditation, nail
painting, face masks and more. Join if you just want to relax and have some
A space for female athletes to come together, support one another, ight for
gender equality in sports, and encourage female participation in sports.
The Go Club aims to bring the rich and venerable board game of Go to the
Exeter community. We will host Go tournaments and Go learning sessions.
Players of all experience levels are welcome!
Hindu Society is a space for those interested in learning about and/or
practicing Hinduism. We will celebrate religious holidays such as Diwali and
Holi, and come together as a community. We would love to see you there!
Hi! We are Hong Kong Society! This club is a great place to meet Exonians
from Hong Kong and share HK culture to other interested Exonians. We are
open to everyone willing to join! We also plan on watching classic Hong Kong
movies, sharing snacks, celebrating cultural holidays, and making MANY
Boston trips to eat dim sum and other traditional cuisine. Come join us!
A co-ed hip-hop dance group where all of the dances are choreographed
by our members. Auditions are held every term and there is no experience
necessary. We perform at assemblies and pep rallies!
One of Exeters all-girls acapella groups! We typically sing fun pop songs,
classic rock, or any good song the group wants to do. We’d love to have
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Exeters co-ed no-audition dance group that focuses on choreography
inspired by hip-hop, funk, and lyrical among other styles. Previous
performances include choreography from studios like TheKinjazDojo
and Millenium Dance Studios, and artists such as BrianPuspos, Sorah Yang,
Alexander Chung, and more. All levels of dance experience are welcome.
Join us for a fun jam session!
Join us in fostering strong relationships and collaboration with indigenous
leaders, raising awareness about indigenous injustice, celebrating native
cultures, and working to decolonize our community. Let’s learn together
and improve our community
The International Student Alliance is an ainity group for international
students at the Academy. We aim to bring together the dierent cultures
and backgrounds of students to celebrate our diversity. During club
meetings, we will discuss how to process and take part in conversations
regarding current events going on in America as international students,
while being culturally aware and inclusive.
A cultural club for students of Japanese heritage or students interested in
Japanese culture. Join us weekly for dinner, snacks, and good company.
Join us for termly events for (signiicantly) better dinner, better snacks, and
same company.
Ké Kontan is one of six a cappella clubs on campus. Our name means
“happy hearts” in Haitian Creole and we are a SATB group exploring various
genres! Past songs have included 715 CREEKS by Bon Iver and White Winter
Hymnal by Fleet Foxes. Come audition at the beginning of the year!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Welcome to Exeter Korean Language and Culture Club! The most important
purpose of this club is to spread the idea and knowledge of the Korean
Language. How to read and write, to understand the language. We will also
look into Korean ilms and shows, datas to analyze and understand the culture.
Korean is known as one of the hardest languages to learn. Many high school
institutions do not even oer the course, reducing the possibility to reach
luency for many foreign students. However, as the Korean wave has become
an inluential global phenomenon since the beginning of 21st century, intense
fandom culture inspired and motivated global populations to learn more
about the culture and language. Exeter Korean Language and Culture Club
will be available for more diverse students to learn the actual Korean language
and look at ilms and or presentations about its culture.We have seen and
encountered many Exonians, mostly non-Korean Exonians, who expressed their
interests in learning the Korean language (by inluence of K-pop, etc). We felt
that there isn’t a place where these devoted students to have the opportunity
to learn the Korean language. This club will best be a place to mutually
collaborate to gain what you desire.It will be a very low commitment club.
Korean Society is a great place to meet Korean Exonians and Exonians
interested in Korean culture; we are open to all! We meet once a week over
dinner (super low commitment). Once a term, we go to Sura, a Korean-BBQ
restaurant in Boston, and eat A LOT of food.
Legal Society is a discussion group about the law. In this club, you’ll look
at a range of concepts, cases, schools of legal thought, as well as some
scholarship. We will also hear from some guest speakers.
Lego Club is a group of like-minded individuals who are inspired to create with
Lego. Participants in this club will learn how to use simple software to design
original Lego creations that they will then build. Through a series of individual
and group activities, students will create and build their own Lego designs,
as well as collaborate on designing and building a larger creation, such as a
replica of the Academy Building.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Liber is a student-run publication which aims to breathe life into ancient/
classical literature, culture, history, languages, and art. The Latin words
liber and līber, homographs, mean “book” (noun) and “free” (adjective),
respectively. As its name denotes, Liber is a book consisting of the free
expressions of our ideas, opinions, and feelings in English, Latin, Ancient
Greek, or any other language. Articles cover a wide range of topics:
Archaeology, History, Literature, Beyond Classics, and Exonians. Through
Liber, we hope to explore classical antiquity and acknowledge its indelible
imprint on our world today.
Welcome to Linguistics Society, where we delve deep into the mysteries
of human communication, studying sound formation, cryptology, ancient
language reconstruction, and much much more. Are programming
languages real languages? Can animals understand languages? In what
ways and how quickly do languages change? How do you even begin
to read a language if neither the writing system nor the language itself
is familiar to you? All these questions and more will be answered. Join
if you’re passionate about modern languages, or want to learn how to
decipher like Indiana Jones, or want to lex your logic and computational
reasoning skills. Each year, we participate in NACLO, a computational
linguistics competition that requires no previous knowledge. We also work
on our own constructed language or conlang which, after learning the
basic building blocks of a language, we create together during our club
Lionettesis a Rockettes/jazz/commercial modern-inspired dance group.
We play weekly Magic:theGathering tournaments in all formats: limited,
modern, standard, etc. Competitive, casual, and new players are all
Come to Math Club to explore mathematical mysteries and learn from
fellow students, teachers, and visiting mathematicians. We’ll prepare for
competitions like AMC, AIME, and USA(J)MO. We also run the Exeter Math
Club Competition, which is an annual contest for middle schoolers hosted
entirely by students on campus in February.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Come join MATTER Magazine, Exeter’s sole STEM student publication! We
have been dedicated to making science more relevant and accessible
to the Exeter community since 2009. Join if you are interested in STEM,
writing, layout design or art! You’ll learn to do research, write articles,
design issues, and create graphics! No experience required. Past
topics weve covered include climate change, artiicial intelligence and
pandemics. 
In recent years on campus, there has been growing interest in the STEM
ields, and within that science category, many students have taken an
interest in medical science. The goal for this club is to educate students
on medical topics, and help break down a stigma and get awareness for
the people in health care that so often go overlooked. This is a low-key
club based mostly on dinner discussions and an occasional guest speaker.
Middle Eastern and North African Society is an ainity club for MENA-
identifying students. During our weekly club meetings, we will come
together to share food, participate in board games like Backgammon
or Okey, and promote conversation on a variety of topics relating to the
Middle East and North Africa. We hope to see you there!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
The Phillips Exeter Academy’s Mock Trial Team was founded in 2011.
Since then the team has claimed seventeen individual titles, ive all-
around state titles, and a top-ten spot at the National High School Mock
Trial Championship. Every season, the club is composed of roughly
30 members, split into three dierent teams. In the teams, students
work together, playing both lawyer and witness roles. Lawyers work
on presenting opening statements and cross examinations during
trials whereas witnesses work on developing their character in direct
examinations. Throughout the year, all club members collaborate to
analyze several dierent cases for the three tournaments we are typically
involved in: the Yale Bulldog tournament, BG, and states. Members
become familiar with courtroom presentation, public speaking, and
develop strong bonds with others. As one of our past coheads put it,
“When I irst started Mock Trial, I considered quitting. The material was
dense, the objections were confusing, and my understanding was foggy.
But I stuck with it. And I’m so glad I did. Mock Trial has truly been one
of the most positive inluences on my life during my time at Exeter. My
teammates have become some of my greatest friends, and the cases have
become some of my favorite problems to work through. I admit the cases
are diicult, the hours are long, but I promise, if you give it a chance, Mock
Trial can, and will, change your life.” — Samuel Farnsworth.
Model United Nations is a simulation of the real-life United Nations
designed to teach its members about speaking skills, global
policymaking, and eective persuasion. We host PEAMUN, our lagship
annual conference hosted on-campus, and also attend several of the
most competitive conferences in the country such as Harvard MUN,
Dartmouth MUN, Boston University MUN, and Cornell MUN. Our delegates
consistently win many awards and recognitions, including several Best
and Outstanding Delegates at Harvard Model UN as well as Best Small
Delegation at Dartmouth Model UN.
This club is a space to explore the accomplishments and struggles of
multiracial people in the past and present, as well as explore our own
identities and experiences as multiracialExonians. We are not an ainity
group, so everyone, of all dierent racial identities, is welcome to come!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Musical theatre club is a judgment-free space where all the musical geeks
meet up and be passionate about musical theatre together! We will meet
bi-weekly. Normally we will watch musical theatre clips, socialize, do small
skits together, and play trivia games. We will also occasionally host events
like Karaoke nights and potentially host one or two trips to local theatre to
view musicals during the school year.
Hello and welcome to the Muslim Student Association! We are a
community for Muslims on campus to connect, worship, and relax in a
safe space! Come join us on Fridays for Jummah prayer - lunch will be
provided! We also hold various community events throughout the year as
well as Ramadan and Eid activities. We’re very excited to have you join us
this year!
In Mycology Club, we celebrate and educate on ALL THINGS FUNGI!
We combine biology, sustainability, folklore, and walks in nature for an
experience that is sure to bring members closer to mushrooms, the earth,
and each other.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Natural history is a discipline of science that is often overlooked.
The 2020s is an era signiicant for two factors: the imploration of
extraterrestrial life and persisting climate change. The study of the path
that life has hitherto walked can provide great insights for lifes future:
how did life begin in a place previously deemed inhabitable, and how
did life persist through its greatest cataclysmic events? In this club, we
will not only be studying and familiarizing ourselves with a summary and
major events in the history of life on Earth, but we will also explore how
certain concepts can be applied to the challenges of today. How have
interglacial periods posed challenges for life, and how did life overcome
them? Looking at highly carbonated historical periods such as the
Carboniferous and the early Triassic, how can the severity and possible
solutions to today’s climate crisis be hypothesized? With the aid of human
technology, can the developmental process of complex life be replicated
on potential life-bearing destinations such as Titan or Europa to establish
a basis for a sustainable ecosystem? Our club will be answering such
questions through group discussions and other forms of exploration.
We may also may invite guest speakers and even obtain opportunities
of study to compare the past to the modern world or about similarities
between potential extraterrestrial life destinations and the Siderian Earth
undergoing rapid oxygenation and eukaryotic development. We also
aspire to share our ideals regarding natural history with the student body
through writing in the Exonian and other means.
Come to Neuroscience Club for a welcoming environment where we talk
about the latest and greatest in the ield. We plan to include fun activities
such as brain dissections, discussions about current research, brain
facts presentations, guest speakers events, ield trips to visit labs, and
to attend the Brain Bee competition! We have a goal to potentially have
research published in a peer-reviewed journal as well! There is no prior
neuroscience experience required. Come for a fun time!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Welcome! Here in O2AC, PEAs ocean club, we work to advocate and
raise awareness on ocean issues in our community and beyond through
games, ilm showings, petition signings, community engagement projects
at the Childrens Center, and more. In the past, we have won the regional
competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, planned PEAs irst Earth
Day student arts exhibition, and designed a digital collage on theoceanlink.
com. If you want to take action, have fun, and learn something new about
world oceans each week, you’ve come to the right place!
Hi! We are people who enjoy folding origami! In the past, we did projects
like igures,tesselations, modular origami, and even more! We even had
a ield trip and went to MITs origami convention. This year, we want to
continue our origami adventure as well as going into more topics like
designing origami and CP (crease patterns)! We welcome folders and
enthusiasts from all levels; please join us as we sail our boat into the
Greetings Adventurers! Do you love hiking, camping, building campires,
and exploring trails and mountains ridges? Do you want to experience
going out beyond the Exeter bubble during the school year? If so, the
Outing Club provides ample opportunity to do so; a couple of times every
term, we travel across New Hampshire, mostly to the White Mountains,
and embark on hiking trips with a small group of students. In the past, we
have done day trips to Mount Monadnock and Franconia Ridge, camped by
Crawford Notch overnight to scale Mount Washington the following day,
and stayed in a cabin by Lonesome Lake in the winter to go sledding and
snow-shoeing, and to bask in a stove heated hot-tub!
OutKast is the all-male step team at PEA. Founded over 20 years ago,
OutKast is the irst and longest running step team. Step is a form of dance
culturally tied to the black community. Brought to the Americas through
the slave trade, step has become popularized with black fraternities and
sororities across the United States. Step is the mix of both dance and
music, where one’s body becomes the instrument. OutKast performances
are loud, energetic, and the sight for any and all school performing events.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
PEADQUACS is Exeter’s oldest A Cappella group, est. 1952. We are co-ed
and sing SATB arrangements. We have many opportunities during the year
for performances, but our biggest concert is the A Cappella Assembly in the
spring. We learn and sing a variety of dierent styles of music, selected by
the members. PEADs does Valentines Day Serenades in the winter, where we
get requests to sing in certain dorms and have a whole night of performances
across campus. We would love to have people from any type of musical
background, whether you’ve been singing your whole life or just interested in
trying it out. Come to A Cappella auditions to learn more.
Welcome to PEAN, Exeter’s yearbook committee! PEAN is open to anyone
and everyone; experience with InDesign and Photoshop is amazing but not
required by any means (we will teach you!). We are a community of artists
who think deeply about how meaning emerges from design, and you can get
involved in a way that aligns with YOUR interests. If you love photography,
you can become a PEAN photographer (we have cameras available to lend!).
If you love graphic design and organizing photos, you can become an Ads,
Layout, Sports or Senior Pages associate and help design pages in each of
these sections. We also need artists to draw sketches to be incorporated
into the book, and business managers who deal with logistics. All of your
eorts will go toward building a memorable yearbook that will go out to the
entire Exeter community and be perused for years and years to come. PEAN
represents the themes, people, and events of the year, so we need YOUR
voice to make it complete. 
Peer Tutoring is a place for Exonians to give and receive help from each other
in assignments and subjects!. Come join, whether you’re looking to tutor
or be tutored! We hope to support as many students as we can -- if you’re
interested in tutoring hours earlier in the morning, please reach out!
Pendulum is Exeter’s premiere visual arts and creative writing club! We
meet over breakfast to discuss good reads, cool art we’ve seen, and plan an
annual magazine featuring the best of Exeters creatives. Come to try out art/
writing for the irst time, get feedback and hear about opportunities from
experienced editors, and make new friends!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Philosophy Club is a casual discussion-oriented club focused on the
interpretation and discovery of philosophical topics. Ranging from modern
ethical dilemmas to ancient doctrines, we’ll unpack and discuss them all.
Be prepared to question, to think, to believe, to trust, and to philosophize!
Welcome to Exeter Photography Club! Were really excited to run the club
this year! No need to worry if you don’t have any gear, you’re welcome to
use your phone camera, model, or simply tag along. We looking forward to
seeing you there!
Come to Physics Club to learn about the nature of our world. We’ll have
discussions about a variety of topics and prepare for competitions like
F=ma and USAYPT with students across the globe.
In this club everything will be centered around pickleball! At the beginning
of the year, our meeting would probably be based on teaching the rules
and basics of pickle ball. By the end of the year we would plan to have a
tournament in which all members and even faculty can play in.
POMS is Exeters cheerleading group! We boost school spirit while
having fun, performing at pep rallies and Exeter vs Andover football and
basketball half-times. We welcome everyone to try out!
Whether you have been lifting for years or have never touched a barbell
in your life if you are interested in improving yourself through weight-
training, this is the club for you. Powerlifting club works with its members
on an individual basis and can give whatever you want to get out of it.
Here are a few examples of what you may get out of your experience:
learning how to safely and eectively perform lifts, creating detailed
personal workout programs, meeting new friends/ lifting buddies,
tracking progress and being held accountable, and inding a supportive
community that celebrates the success of its members at every stage of
the lifting journey.
All female StepTeam
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
With recent attacks on womens reproductive rights, we feel it is more
pressing than ever to create a space on campus where we can take
tangible action, and where can students can talk about their frustrations.
We are going to focus on two main aspects within the wide agenda of
this club. The irst is going to be educational and the other is going to
be surrounding activism. We hope to organize fundraising for women’s
reproductive rights/justice organizations and a long-term goal of ours
is to eventually attend women’s marches and in-person protests. We are
excited to be starting this club! You do not have to identify as female to
join us, just bring your passion for reproductive rights and justice!
Come join PAN! We are a low-commitment club dedicated to learning
about and discussing psychology and neuroscience. We cover whichever
topics interest you, from how neurons communicate to how social biases
are perpetuated. We also have a few projects planned which you can take
part in! 
Reel Life Productions (RLP) is PEAs ilmmaking club. We work on projects
ranging from short ilms to coverage of school wide events. Club members
will have access to all the various ilm equipment and editing software the
Academy oers. This year, we are planning to host occasional, socially-
distanced movie screenings for the entire community. If you are interested
in ilming, acting, directing, ilm editing, or scriptwriting, we encourage
you to join us.
Republican Club is an open space for respectful political debate on
campus. The club is accepting of all viewpoints and welcomes anyone
seeking some great debate. Whether you have some ierce opinions, or
would simply like to drop by to listen, Republican Club would love to have
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
In Robotics Club, students combine fundamental design skills through
collaboration and innovation, merging science and engineering with
business and entrepreneurship. Learning labs and hands-on workshops
serve to introduce important concepts to beginners and keep experienced
members sharp. Trips to tech companies and collaborations with
professionals enable members to learn from the best. The club also oers
three competitive teams at all skill levels, ranging from our prestigious
championship-winning FIRST Tech Challenge team (https://ftcvertex.com/)
to our MATE and SeaPerch underwater robotics teams. Taking advantage
of a state-of-the-art design lab equipped with tools like laser cutters,
angle grinders, blowtorches, and other industrial shop equipment, the
possibilities are endless. No experience is required—there’s a place for
everyone, even those that don’t consider themselves STEM enthusiasts—
so come join us!
Want to get better at rock climbing? Never climbed before? Thought
the movie Free Solo was cool? This club is for you! We take trips either
to the climbing gym MetroRock in Newburyport or outside to boulder in
Pawtuckaway. We also have a new climbing wall open in Love Gym for
more frequent weekly meetings! All harnesses and shoes are included!
In this club, we will cook Russian food, watch movies and read stories,
discuss Russian culture, and practice speaking Russian.
Salaam Club is an inclusive cultural space, open to women-identifying
Exonians from Muslim communities and/or backgrounds. We cook and
eat amazing halal food together from around the globe. Salaam meets
biweekly on Sundays and weekly for iftars during Ramadan. Questions?
Have you ever wondered how to dance salsa? Do you have two left feet?
Come to Salsa Club! No prior experience needed! We will teach you
everything you need to know about salsa, and other Latin dances.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Science Bowl is a trivia style competition played between ive-person teams
that quizzes subjects including math, physics, chemistry, biology, and earth
and space science. Last year, we placed top 16 at Nationals and 1st and
2nd place at the New England regional competition. If you’re interested in
learning about science, or talented in any of the featured subjects, we hope
you’ll join us.
Science Olympiad is an American team competition in which students
compete in 23 events pertaining to various scientiic disciplines, including
earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. in the past few
years, the Exeter Science Olympiad has excelled in invitationals at Harvard,
Dartmouth, and Brown, as well as the New Hampshire state competition.
We learn and perform Bollywood dance choreographies at events like dance
assembly, Asian Night Market, hip-hop showcase, and more! No experience
or audition required.
Sign Language Club is a welcoming, inclusive space for students who are
interested in picking up American sign language and learning about the
disabled communities who use it. No prior experience necessary—the
point of the club is to learn together! We are a club dedicated to amplifying
disabled voices and including both language and culture in our learning. Join
us for fun language study, brilliant speakers, and snacks
The Ski Club provides the student body a fun opportunity to ski with your
friends! We are currently planning multiple trips throughout the year. No prior
experience is required, but is preferred.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
As cities struggle to keep up with the rise of urban populations around the
world, technology is being harnessed to manage rapid urbanization by
creating smarter cities. In this club, we will go over emerging innovations
that are becoming popular in the smart city sector (for example, smart
trash collection and oicer wearables.) We are a club dedicated to
exploring and implementing innovative solutions to enhance daily life
through technology to create a more equitable and environmentally
conscious future.
A club featuring the funniest students at Exeter. At the end of each term,
we host a massive show. And yes, we have samosas. 
TheStudent Admissions Ambassador Programis an exciting opportunity
for Phillips Exeter students to represent and promote Exeter to prospective
students and their families.Student Ambassadorswill be able to help
prospective students and their families gain a better sense of our inclusive
community and the incredible opportunities available to students both
in and outside of the classroom. Student Ambassadorswill be able
to share their personal experiences and information about campus
life, history, traditions and achievements of the Academy through:
-Conducting campus virtual tours -Participating in virtual recruitment
events -Supporting the admissions social media eorts -Connecting with
prospective students via email and postcard writing.
Please note that these are just a few of the ways we plan to engage
prospective students and their families. As we continue to build our virtual
engagement opportunities, we will be seeking input and support from
ourstudent ambassadors.Student Ambassadorsplay a critical role in
helping aprospective studentidentify which school is the best it as they
navigate the high school process.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
The Student Francophonie Coalition is a group that explores not only
the French language, but also the remarkably diverse cultures of many
dierent Francophone countries along with that of Franco-Americans.
During our weekly meetings, we will oer events such as watching
Francophone ilms, eating foods from Francophone countries, and just
having a great time.
Our clubs primary purpose is to cook dishes from Caribbean and African
Subcontinent Society is a cultural club for those from South Asia (India,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.) or those interested in South
Asian culture. Join us as we watch movies, eat samosas, celebrate cultural
holidays, and meet new people!
The Sunrise Movement is a national climate justice organization, building
an army of young people to create millions of sustainable jobs and stop
climate change. The movement is connected to a web of organizers,
activists, and public oicials across the country. It strives to build
interpersonal, creative, and technical skills through networking, writing
to newspaper editors and politicians, and artistic compositions. PEAs
chapter will work on phone banking, collaborating with local hubs, and
preparing for strikes and lobbying. Political activism through Sunrise will
have a particular focus on racial injustice and colonialism linked to climate
This is a group for anyone interested in suring. We go on multiple trips
per year to “The Wall” at Hampton Beach. All skill levels are welcomed and
beginners are encouraged to participate. If you know, deep down, that you
are a surfer at heart, you will want to be a member of this club. Boards,
wetsuits, transportation, instructors, lifeguards, and pizza are all provided. 
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
To all our fellow tea enthusiasts, debutants, and fanatics,
We invite you all to join the Exeter TEA CLUB. This is a very low-key club to
just drink tea, socialize, study, listen to music, and overall to just have fun.
Discover interesting facts about Thailand and play fun games to learn
about Thai culture. And of course, THAI FOOD! (and desserts as well!!) We
welcome everyone here, even if you don’t identify as Thai. Come hangout
and enjoy a stress-free time together!
The Asian Magazine is a literary and arts publication dedicated to amplifying
the stories and perspectives of Asian-identifyingExonians. We publish two
to three times a year and host writing workshops, discussions, and fun
The Exeter Review was born out of a feeling that although an intellectual
majority may not necessarily be harmful, if many people in a group share
common views then nobody is challenging and promoting tough discourse.
With Exeter’s values of “exacting inquiry and thoughtful discourse” in mind,
The Exeter Review acts on the goal of promoting freedom of speech and
diversity of thought. We publish student perspectives on the social sciences
throughout the term, acting as Exeter’s only nonpartisan political group on
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
TheExonianis the oldest continuously-running preparatory school
newspaper in America, founded in 1878. Operating as the free student
press, TheExonianis not subject to prior review or censorship. Sta of
TheExonianhave the right to report on all topics that may be relevant,
including those which may be controversial. TheExonianwill not publish
content that is defamatory or obscene. TheExonianis also a community,
run primarily out of the newsroom in the Elizabeth Phillips Academy
Center, which welcomes students from across grades. The paper
publishes a weekly1016 pagepaper. The sta of the paper includes
30 editors, between 2545 writers, associates from the other Business
and Web Board, three wonderful advisers, and a signiicant body of
contributors from across the Academy and the broader Exeter community.
As previously alluded to, the paper is comprised of three main boards—
the Editorial Board, the Web Board and the Business Board. The Editorial
Board, comprised of section and layout editors, directs article production
and print appearance. The Web Board updates the site theexonian.net
weekly and manages long-term endeavors. The Business Board directs
all inances and outreach of TheExonian, including subscriptions and
social media. Since its inception, TheExonianhas published news,
commentary, and content pertaining to
the Exeter community. Since 2010, it has published content online. 
The Business Board is the backbone of The Exonian, our school
newspaper. We are comprised of 6 departments, Advertising,
Subscriptions, Operations, Marketing, Accounting, and Outreach. As the
only club on campus that generates revenue, join us for opportunities
to interact with local businesses, get subscriptions from parents and
alumni, distribute the paper, and more. Together we learn about running a
business and support our hard-working journalists! 
The Exonian Webis the online component of our school newspaper,
The Exonian. The Web Board is responsible not only for maintaining our
website at theexonian.net, but also for the development of new digital
projects such as the creation of a new podcast series! Web Board is a
group for hardcore coders, graphic designers, artists, idea-makers, and
anyone else who would like to play a role in The Exonian’s online presence!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Transitions is an ainity space for women and genderqueer students who
identify as Black or Latinx. We meet as a group every Sunday from 34pm
in Club Room B. Please feel free to reach out with any questions to any our
We are the UNITE Publication and Coalition for Change. As a publication,
we facilitate conversations on identity, race, and equity in our community
by sharing the narratives and perspectives of fellow Exonians so that
we may better understand each other. As a coalition, we oer an
intersectional space for students of dierent cultures, races, religions,
genders, and sexualities to gather in discussion. Our mission is to create
intersectional dialogue, build empathy and awareness, spur action, and
maintain accountability. We invite you to take part by joining the coalition!
Upcycling Club would center around taking pieces of donated items that
would have otherwise remained unused or discarded (clothing, furniture,
etc.), and transforming them into new, usable items. This would allow for
collaboration between the Upcycling Club and others, as the donations
could be sourced from the Exeter Exchange, club members, and other
members of the Exeter community. Once upcycled, these items would be
donated to local thrift stores, charities, and non-proit organizations.
This club will focus on how our communities are designed and the impact
it has on our daily lives, the environment, and larger systems in our
Interested in the DELICIOUS Vietnamese food, VIBRANT culture, and the
AMAZING people in Vietnamese Society? Come check us out! We do
everything from gathering to cook a Vietnamese feast from scratch(or
our best attempt at doing so) to just sitting down with one another and
getting to know about one another’s backgrounds, cultures, and stories.
Regardless of whether you identify as Vietnamese or not, this is a space
where you can just meet new people, create new friendships, and learn
more about one another, and the Vietnamese culture! Vietnamese Society
is open to ALL, so feel free to pop by anytime, we would love to meet you!
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
WEVisions mission is to empower women through sharing their stories
and to advocate for the female narrative through creative writing,
journalism, and podcasting. Be on the lookout for our magazine -- new
editions are published each term! Outside of the literary realm, we
also plan events that feature prominent guest speakers and introduce
academic and social conferences for women to our club members. Follow
our Instagram, @wevisionorg, to learn more about the work that we do to
empower women in our community and beyond. WEVision welcomes all
genders and all backgrounds to engage in discussions and to work hand-
in-hand toward our goals. Come learn, grow, and create amazing work
with the WEVision community!
WHAT’S THE HAPS is a relevant current news discussion-based club. Our
mission is to aid the displacement of students and breaking headlines
around us. We want to encourage conidence, self-empowerment, and
satisied curiosity to help students prepare for the future. The main
purpose for this club is to provide a space for students to digest and
process current events. This club focuses on conversations between
individuals to inform Exonians through fact and impact We will meet bi-
weekly. In between meetings, you will have the opportunity to contribute
to three primary teams. These consist of the writing, design, and auditory
teams. The writing team is responsible for creating/editing the written
content. The design team oversees our club’s social media presence. The
auditory produces entertaining content such as videos and podcasts.With
WHAT’S THE HAPS, we hope to provide students with the necessary tools
to discuss, digest, process, express, and understand news for when the
time comes to make informed decisions about real world events. Hope to
see you soon!
Women in STEM connects female identifying students at Exeter who
are passionate about STEM with alumni in STEM ields. Through guest
speakers, discussions about gender inequality in STEM, and utilizing
mentorship opportunities, we hope to encourage Exeter women to pursue
passions and careers in STEM.
Phillips Exeter Academy Club List 2023-24
Word is Exeters poetry-writing and slam poetry club. We come together
weekly to explore the creative process and the written word. We will also
read and discuss poetry as a group, with occasional guest poets
In 1965, WPEA broadcasted its irst shows throughout the town of Exeter.
Nearly 60 years later, were still making quality content produced by
students, sta, and faculty. WPEA seeks DJs from every quarter and trains
them to become proicient broadcasters as they share the music and
stories they love with the Exeter community. A top-notch non-commercial
educational radio station, WPEA aims to entertain, engage, and inform the
Seacoast area and the world with unique student-run programming.