Apply the question-specific rubric first, which always takes precedence. Penalty points can only be deducted in a part of the
question that has earned credit via the question-specific rubric. No part of a question — (a), (b), or (c) — may have a negative point
total. A given penalty can be assessed only once for a question, even if it occurs multiple times or in different parts of that
1-Point Penalty
(w) Extraneous code that causes a side effect or prevents earning points in the rubric
(e.g., information written to output)
(x) Local variables used but none declared
(y) Destruction of persistent data (e.g., changing value referenced by parameter)
(z) Void method or constructor that returns a value
No Penalty
o Extraneous code that causes no side effect
o Extraneous code that is unreachable and would not have earned points in rubric
o Spelling/case discrepancies where there is no ambiguity*
o Local variable not declared, provided that other variables are declared in some part
o private qualifier on local variable
o Missing public qualifier on class or constructor header
o Keyword used as an identifier
o Common mathematical symbols used for operators (x
÷ < > < > ≠)
o [] vs. () vs. <>
o = instead of == (and vice versa)
o Array/collection element access confusion ([] vs. get for r-values)
o Array/collection element modification confusion ([] vs. set for l-values)
o length/size confusion for array, String, and ArrayList, with or without ()
o Extraneous [] when referencing entire array
o [i,j] instead of [i][j]
o Extraneous size in array declaration, (e.g.,
int[size] nums = new int[size];)
o Missing ; provided that line breaks and indentation clearly convey intent
o Missing { } where indentation clearly conveys intent and { } are used elsewhere
o Missing ( ) on parameter-less method or constructor invocations
o Missing ( ) around if/while conditions
o Use of local variable outside declared scope (must be within same method body)
o Failure to cast object retrieved from nongeneric collection
* Spelling and case discrepancies for identifiers fall under the “No Penalty” category only if the correction can be unambiguously
inferred from context; for example, ArayList instead of ArrayList”. As a counterexample, note that if the code declares
Bug bug; and then uses Bug.move() instead of bug.move()”, the context does not allow for the reader to assume
the object instead of the class.
© 2012 The College Board.
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Question 3: Horse Barn
Part (a) findHorseSpace 4 points
Intent: Return index of space containing horse with specified name
+1 Accesses all entries in spaces (no bounds errors)
+1 Checks for null reference in array and avoids dereferencing it (in context of loop)
+1 Checks for name equality between array element and parameter
(must use String equality check)
+1 Returns correct index, if present; -1 point if not
Part (b) consolidate 5 points
Intent: Repopulate spaces such that the order of all non-null entries is preserved and all
null entries are found contiguously at the largest indices
+1 Accesses all entries in spaces (no bounds errors)
+1 Identifies and provides different treatment of null and non-null elements in array
+1 Assigns element in array to a smaller index
ust have identified source as non-null or destination as null)
+1 On exit: The number, integrity, and order of all identified non-null elements in spaces
is preserved, and the number of null elements is preserved
+1 On exit: All non-null elements in spaces are in contiguous locations, beginning at
index 0 (no destruction of data)
Question-Specific Penalties
-1 (z) Attempts to return a value from consolidate
-2 (v) Consistently uses incorrect array name instead of spaces
© 2012 The College Board.
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Question 3: Horse Barn
Part (a):
public int findHorseSpace(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.spaces.length; i++) {
if (this.spaces[i]!=null && name.equals(this.spaces[i].getName())) {
return i;
return -1;
Part (b):
public void consolidate() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.spaces.length-1; i++) {
if (this.spaces[i] == null) {
for (int j = i+1; j < this.spaces.length; j++) {
if (this.spaces[j] != null) {
this.spaces[i] = this.spaces[j];
this.spaces[j] = null;
j = this.spaces.length;
Part (b): Alternative solution (auxiliary with array)
public void consolidate() {
Horse[] newSpaces = new Horse[this.spaces.length];
int nextSpot = 0;
for (Horse nextHorse : this.spaces) {
if (nextHorse != null) {
newSpaces[nextSpot] = nextHorse;
this.spaces = newSpaces;
Part (b): Alternative solution (auxiliary with ArrayList)
public void consolidate() {
List<Horse> horseList = new ArrayList<Horse>();
for (Horse h : this.spaces) {
if (h != null) horseList.add(h);
for (int i = 0; i < this.spaces.length; i++) {
this.spaces[i] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < horseList.size(); i++) {
this.spaces[i] = horseList.get(i);
These canonical solutions serve an expository role, depicting general approaches to solution. Each reflects only one instance from the
infinite set of valid solutions. The solutions are presented in a coding style chosen to enhance readability and facilitate understanding.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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© 2012 The College Board.
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Question 3
This question entailed understanding array operations, array traversals, loops, and interfaces. Students
were provided with an interface,
Horse, and the framework for the HorseBarn class. In part (a)
students were required to implement the method findHorseSpace that searches an array instance
variable and returns the index of an element of the array that refers to an object whose name matches a
parameter value. This could be done by traversing the array, skipping over null elements, and
comparing the parameter with the value returned by the getName method of each object referenced by
the elements. If no matching object was found, the method needed to return -1. In part (b) students were
required to move the elements of the array such that the order of non-null elements was maintained,
and those elements were clustered beginning at index 0 with no interspersed null elements. There
were many ways to achieve this result, including two common approaches of either shifting array
elements in place or using a temporary auxiliary collection.
Sample: 3A
Score: 8
In part (a) the student uses a loop to examine the elem
ents in spaces. During each iteration of the loop,
the student uses the equals() method to compare the name of the horse currently being examined
with the name of the horse to find. The student does not check if the current array element is
before invoking getName() to obtain the name of the horse. If the current element is null, an
exception will be thrown at runtim
e. This was a common error made by students and resulted in the loss of
1 point. Assuming that the comparison does not throw an exception, the student correctly returns the
index of the space containing the horse, if the horse is in the barn. If the specified horse is not in the barn,
the return statement after the loop correctly returns -1. Part (a) earned 3 points.
In part (b) the student creates a new array that is the same
size as the array spaces and holds
references to instances of Horse objects. The student uses a loop to iterate through spaces and copy,
in order, the non-null elements to the new array. A local variable count is used to keep track of where
the next reference should be copied to. Because count is initialized to 0 and is incremented by 1 each
time a reference is copied to the new array, the references are copied to the new array starting at index 0
with no spaces between any two references. Note that because array elements are initialized to null,
there is no need to make any further modifications to the new array. The last statement in the method
changes the instance variable spaces so that it refers to the new array. Part (b) earned all 5 points.
Sample: 3B
Score: 5
In part (a) the student uses a loop to examine the elements in spaces. During each iteration of the loop,
the student attempts to use the equals() method to compare the name of the horse currently being
examined with the name of the horse to find. The student does not use the method
getName() to
obtain a reference to the nam
e of the horse and so lost 1 point. Additionally, the student does not check if
the current array element is null and so lost 1 point. Assuming that the comparison is done correctly,
the student returns the index of the space containing the horse. If the specified horse is not in the barn,
the return statem
ent after the loop correctly returns -1. Part (a) earned 2 points.
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Question 3 (continued)
In part (b) the student attempts to consolidate the barn by looking for situations in spaces where a
null is followed immediately by a non-null element. Whenever this situation is detected, the elements
are swapped. If this is done until there are no situations where null elements are followed by non-null
elements, the barn will be consolidated. The loop in the solution iterates over the elements of the array
checking for situations where a null element is followed by a non-null element. Because the loop
runs through spaces.length, and element spaces
[k+1] is examined in the if statement, an out
of bounds error occurs, and 1 point was lost. Ignoring the out of bounds condition, the if statement
executes the swap correctly. Note that the loop control variable is reset whenever a swap is made,
ensuring that spaces will be examined until it is consolidated. The else clause of the if statement
introduces a second error in the solution, as it increments the loop control variable whenever a swap is not
made. This will cause elements in the array to be skipped, and consequently, it is possible that on exit
some elements in spaces may not be contiguous. This resulted in the loss of 1 point. Part (b) earned
3 points.
Sample: 3C
Score: 2
Part (a) is an exam
ple of an early return, as the method will return during the first iteration of the loop. If
the horse in the first space has the specified name, the method returns the correct index; otherwise, it will
return -1. As a result of the early return, 2 points were lost: the loop does not access all of the entries in
spaces (it only accesses the first one), and it will not always return the correct index. The solution lost an
additional point because it does not check for a null reference in spaces[i] before attempting to
obtain the name of the horse. Part (a) earned 1 point.
In part (b) the use of i++ in the assignment statement resulted in the loss of several points. One point
was lost because whenever i++ is evaluated, the loop control variable is incremented and, as a result,
the loop will skip over some of the entries in spaces. Additionally, the assignment statement does not
make any changes to spaces, because i is incremented after the expression spaces[i++] is
evaluated. This resulted in the loss of 1 point, because the solution does not assign an element in the array
to a smaller index. Note that because spaces is not changed, the number, integrity, and order of all
identified non-null elements are preserved, and the number of nulls is preserved. On the other hand,
because spaces is not changed, it is not the case that all non-null elements in spaces will be in
contiguous locations starting at index 0, which resulted in the loss of 1 point. The use of equals() to
determine whether or not the contents of spaces[i] is null will result in an exception if
spaces[i] is null. The student does not correctly differentiate between null and non-null
ents in the array, and so 1 point was lost. Part (b) earned 1 point.
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