Anomalicious: Automated Detection of Anomalous
and Potentially Malicious Commits on GitHub
Danielle Gonzalez
Rochester Institute of Technology
Thomas Zimmermann, Patrice Godefroid
Microsoft Research
Max Sch
Abstract—Security is critical to the adoption of open source
software (OSS), yet few automated solutions currently exist to
help detect and prevent malicious contributions from infecting
open source repositories. On GitHub, a primary host of OSS,
repositories contain not only code but also a wealth of commit-
related and contextual metadata what if this metadata could be
used to automatically identify malicious OSS contributions?
In this work, we show how to use only commit logs and
repository metadata to automatically detect anomalous and
potentially malicious commits. We identify and evaluate several
relevant factors which can be automatically computed from this
data, such as the modification of sensitive files, outlier change
properties, or a lack of trust in the commit’s author. Our
tool, Anomalicious, automatically computes these factors and
considers them holistically using a rule-based decision model. In
an evaluation on a data set of 15 malware-infected repositories,
Anomalicious showed promising results and identified 53.33% of
malicious commits, while flagging less than 1% of commits for
most repositories. Additionally, the tool found other interesting
anomalies that are not related to malicious commits in an analysis
of repositories with no known malicious commits.
Index Terms—anomaly detection, malicious commits, supply
chain attacks
Modern software development heavily relies on third-party
libraries. Developers share and find them using registries such
as the Node Package Manager (NPM), which hosts JavaScript
packages and, with over 1 million packages, is one of the
largest registries in the world. Supply-chain attacks target
development ecosystems and package repositories [1], [2], and
in recent years many have succeeded in injecting malware into
package managers [3], [4]. This poses a significant security
risk for developers and end users, as dependence on malicious
packages will compromise their software supply chain.
Protecting against supply-chain attacks is difficult because
many attacks are possible. For example, malicious depen-
dencies can be introduced to a project from a compromised
(“hijacked”) account [5] or via typo squatting, which preys
on minor typographical mistakes in package names by de-
velopers [6]. Another attack pattern has an attacker commit
malicious code to a well-known package that many others
depend on. A recent example is the popular event-stream
repository (1.9 million weekly downloads on NPM), which
infamously fell victim to a back-door injection by a contributor
granted elevated privileges by the repository owner [7].
In this paper, we focus on attacks that make malicious
contributions via commits to open source repositories. To
address challenges in preventing such attacks, we’ve developed
a tool, Anomalicious, that automatically detects and flags
anomalous and potentially malicious commits (Section III-D).
Anomalicious mines commit and repository metadata to learn
a project’s history, using this data to compute several security-
related factors for each commit. A rule-based decision model
is used to compare factor values for an individual commit
to threshold values based on “normal” values learned from
the history and other settings users can customize to suit
their individual needs. Based on this analysis, Anomalicious
flags commits exhibiting suspicious properties and produces a
detailed report to explain why they were flagged.
A successful commit-anomaly detector should satisfy ve
criteria: (1) language agnostic, to accommodate projects using
any (or multiple) languages, (2) customizable, to suit indi-
vidual needs and concerns, (3) produce explainable alerts, so
developers can take informed action, and (4) make infrequent
alerts (low positive rate), as anomalies are expected to be rare
by definition [8]. Finally, a security-oriented anomaly detector
such as ours must be able to (5) detect malicious commits. The
first 3 criteria are directly addressed in the tool’s design by
using language-agnostic data and a rule-based decision model
allowing customization and explanations. We show through
experiments that Anomalicious succeeds in having a low
positive rate and in detecting malicious commits (Section V).
The main contribution (Section VI-A) of this work is
showing that malicious commits can be detected with
high accuracy using a security-focused rule-based anomaly
detector relying only on commit-related metadata.
Before discussing Anomalicious design and evaluation,
we discuss the context and motivation for this work. Many
software products are developed using an open-source model,
where code and other artifacts are hosted publicly on a
repository platform like GitHub so anyone interested can
contribute. While there are many benefits to this, OSS projects
face an increased risk of being compromised by mali-
cious contributions. Of particular concern are supply-chain
attacks [1], [2], which inject malware into the code of popular
software packages in order to infect the supply chain of
other systems depending on these. The Open Web Application
Security Project (OWASP) lists “Using Components with
Known Vulnerabilities” as one of the Top 10 Web Application
Security Risks [9], and findings from prior studies illustrate the
scope and impact of these attacks. There are several types of
attack, such as typo squatting, i.e. naming malicious packages
with slightly-misspelled names of popular packages or, most
relevant to this work, injecting malicious code into existing
packages [3]. The impact of these attacks are severe: adding
a single package dramatically increases a system’s attack
surface due to the “nested” nature of dependencies [10],
[11]. Duan et al. [4] built a “vetting pipeline” that uses
metadata, static, and dynamic analysis to scan registries for
suspicious packages; they identified 339 malicious packages,
of which 82% were previously unknown. This effort aligns
with ours, but we aim to prevent malicious injections and use
only repository and commit metadata available from GitHub.
There are few automated solutions to help maintainers
detect and prevent malicious contributions, especially those
affecting parts of the software supply chain [1] other than
source code. Anomaly detection is a promising technique that
could be used for this purpose: something is anomalous when
it is “inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal,
or expected” [8]. Anomaly detectors monitor activities within
an environment (e.g. repository) and raise alerts when anoma-
lies are detected. Unusual behavior is not always malicious,
but alerting maintainers to anomalies increases their awareness
so they can quickly decide if action is needed.
Several prior studies have demonstrated how anomaly
detection techniques can be successfully applied to repos-
itory data from GitHub. Alali et al. [12] did not build
an anomaly detector, but used similar techniques to define
a “typical” commit based on change properties e.g. lines of
code (LOC) mined from commit logs. Three studies built and
applied anomaly detectors to address the problem of notifica-
tion overload [13] by detecting several types of unusual events
and identifying those developers most wanted to be alerted to.
Goyal et al. [14]’s experiment considered 10 commit factors,
and found developers were more interested in alerts when they
explained why the commit was anomalous. This supported
earlier findings from Leite et al. [15]; their anomaly detector
considered 12 unusual commit events, presenting alerts in
the form of a dashboard. In their evaluation, they received
feedback on the importance of providing developers with “jus-
tification”. We have applied these findings to Anomalicious
flagged commit reports, as shown in Figure 3. Treude et al.
[16]’s experiment found that developer’s were interested in
6 of the 30 “unusual events” considered for commits (12),
issues (6), and pull requests (12). All of these approaches used
statistical outlier detection to define and identify anomalies,
and while unique factor sets were considered they all found
change properties to be effective for this purpose. This factor is
also considered by Anomalicious as described in Section III-A.
While not an anomaly detector, Rosen et al. [17] built a
prediction model for “risky” commits that used 12 commit and
repository factors, including change properties. Anomalicious
unique rule-based decision model and security-oriented
factors can identify suspicious and potentially malicious
changes to code and development infrastructure (e.g. build
tools). It is also highly customizable and explainable, so users
can easily configure it to suit their individual needs.
To identify anomalous and potentially malicious commits,
Anomalicious mines commit logs and repository metadata
(Section IV-A) to compute a set of relevant factors. A factor
represents properties of a commit or contributor for which
certain values may indicate suspicious or unusual behavior.
We do not claim any single factor can be used to determine if
a commit is anomalous or malicious. Anomalicious computes
values for each factor individually, but a commit is only
flagged if multiple factors have values violating a set of
rules (Section IV-C). The tool currently considers 5 factors,
described herein: (1) outlier change properties, (2) sensitive
files, (3) file history, (4) pull requests, and (5) contributor
trust. In Section IV, we describe how Anomalicious collects
the relevant data, computes each factor, and evaluates their
values to reach a decision.
A. Outlier Change Properties
Identifying anomalous commits first requires understand-
ing what a “typical” commit looks like [12]. The simplest
approach is to quantify properties of a commit, measure
their values over the repository’s history, and use descriptive
statistics to define average values for each. Commit objects, as
time-stamped “snapshots” of a repository, store several types
of information that could be considered. For example, an
anomaly detector could measure the average time-of-day that
commits are pushed to a repository; commits made at “odd”
times would be flagged, where “odd” is based on a pre-defined
threshold for difference from the average value.
For this factor, Anomalicious analyzes seven change prop-
erties for each commit, looking for outlier values. Change
properties are quantified characteristics of the changes made
to the repository’s files (e.g. number of files added, deleted)
and their contents (e.g. lines of code added, removed) between
the commit and its predecessor/parent. Our selection criterion
was simple: each change property should only require data that
is easily extracted from the commit log, and have been proven
effective for anomaly detection by at least one prior study. The
first five factors were used in all prior studies of typical [12]
or anomalous [14]–[17] commit studies: lines of code (LOC)
(1) added and (2) removed, and the number of files (3)
added, (4) removed, and (5) modified. We also consider (6)
the number of files renamed, first used by Treude et al.
[16], and (7) the number of unique file types modified, first
used by Goyal et al. [14]. Considering these properties can
be generated for any pair of commits, our approach computes
those for each commit and its immediate parent.
Anomalicious uses the repository history built by the data
pipeline (Section 2) to parse commit data and consider the
outlier change property factor at two scopes. First, the mean
value of each change property across all commits in the
repository is computed to get the repository’s mean change
properties. Second, each contributor’s mean change properties
are computed from all their authored commits. Based on prior
work [12], [16] and preliminary experimentation, we selected
an anomaly value of two standard deviations from the mean
for this factor. This anomaly value and the minimum number
of outliers that must be found are customizable.
B. Sensitive Files
Storing files containing sensitive data in a publicly ac-
cessible location is a well-known bad practice [18]. Files
storing private or confidential data (e.g. credentials) are clearly
sensitive, but it is also important to consider those which
are part of the software supply-chain [1] like build (e.g.
pom.xml) and configuration (e.g. package.json) files.
These are also sensitive because they can be leveraged in a
supply-chain attack (see Section II), for example, to inject a
backdoor into the system. Their access should therefore be
closely monitored to detect malicious modifications [2].
To support such monitoring, we include changes to sensitive
infrastructure files as a factor in Anomalicious. We were first
motivated to do so by the Octopus Scanner Malware [19],
which affected NetBeans projects by injecting malicious pay-
loads and modifying build files to spread itself. However, to
ensure that this factor can generalize to detect other past and
future attacks, we consider more than just specific build files.
In our implementation of Anomalicious, any files of these
types are considered potentially sensitive: .xml, .json,
.jar, .ini, .dat, .cnf, .yml, .toml,
.gradle, .bin, .config, .exe, .properties,
.cmd, .build. But this list can also be customized to
consider other file types or specific file names instead.
C. File History
Another useful consideration for anomaly detection is the
history of each file in the commit, specifically the proportion
of ownership each contributor has to the file, and whether the
commit author has ever modified the file before. As defined
by Bird et al. [20], a contributor’s proportion of ownership
for a file is the ratio of the file’s commits authored by the
contributor to the total number of commits made to the file.
Furthermore, the file owner(s) authored the highest proportion
of commits, and the majority contributor(s) proportion of
commits is above a specified threshold [20].
In the context of anomaly detection, knowledge of owner-
ship can be used to identify commits where the author has
modified files that they do not own or have not made signifi-
cant contributions to in the past. We acknowledge that it may
be normal for this to occur in any specific repository. However,
this behavior could become suspicious when combined with
other factors. For example, consider a commit whose author
has made an unusually large addition (LOC) to a configuration
file. This could be benign or suspicious, depending on who
made this change - e.g. why is a contributor, who has only
made 1% of prior changes, adding so much to the file?
We also note when it is a commit author’s first time
modifying a file, also used by Rosen et al. [17] and Leite et
al. [15]. Similar to commit proportions, first file changes must
be considered in the context of other factors because it is
critical that new contributors are not automatically deemed
suspicious. However, a commit whose author has made several
past contributions but now modifies a sensitive file for the first
time might be worthy of investigation.
Anomalicious is implemented to allow multiple contributors
to have the owner role, accounting for situations such as
two contributors who both authored 50% of a file’s com-
mits. Multiple majority contributors are also allowed; in our
implementation the commit proportion threshold (minimum
percentage of total commits) for ‘majority’ is configurable,
but defaults to 50% or more of the file owner’s commit
proportion. In other words, if the file’s owner made 20% of its
commits, anyone with a commit proportion between 10% and
19% would be a majority contributor. These proportions were
chosen to avoid a restriction for minimum number of commits
a file must have, which would occur if we used a static number
of commits to define the roles. Further, our default threshold
for majority contributor prevents a contributor from holding
both roles, which makes analysis more efficient. The decision
model uses rules to determine if first or atypical file changes
are suspicious, as discussed in Section IV-C.
D. Contributor Trust
Open-source projects often use a development model where
new contributions must be peer-reviewed before they are
merged by a “core” contributor with push access. When
studying these projects, it is important to consider that these
decisions are influenced by technical and social factors [13],
[21]. One very influential social factor identified in prior work
is trust among contributors [13], [21]–[25]. A reviewer’s trust
in the author can influence the rigor of evaluation [21], [25]
and the decision to merge or reject a contribution [22], [24]. To
address this, we’ve designed a technique to label contributors
as trusted or untrusted based on their contribution history
for the repository being considered. We feel this will help
contextualize anomalous behavior, e.g. a maintainer might care
less about a commit with outlier change properties and a first-
time file change if the author is trusted.
There is no standard technique for quantifying trust, so we
chose six trust factors inspired by prior work and malicious
attacks: identifiable username, account age, number of
commits, time since first commit, commit-time distribution,
and proportion of pull requests rejected. These factors
can be used to reason about a contributor’s past engagement
and participation in the project, and detect suspicious activity
outside the scope of an individual commit. For example, a
maintainer may be more interested in the activities of a con-
tributor with a day-old account who rapidly authored several
commits in that time. In Section IV-B, we describe how these
values are holistically considered to infer trustworthiness.
Step 2: Factor Evaluator
Uses History to Compute
Commit Factor Values
First Output:
Factor Evaluation Report
(Persists Relevant Data)
Step 3: Decision Model
Checks Values Against Rules,
Uses Violation Proportion to
Flag Anomalicious Commits
Commit Report
Step 0: Cloning
Clone a Local Copy of
Repository Using URL
Step 1: Data Pipeline
Mines Logs & API to Build
Repository History
Anomalicious Overview
Fig. 1. Overview of Anomalicious Commit Detector Components, Data Flow, and Output
E. Pull Requests
It is common for open source projects to use a fork-and-pull
model, where only a core set of contributors have direct push
permissions to the main repository, and contributions undergo
peer review via pull requests (PRs). These artifacts provides a
lot of contextual data for a commit such as discussions, labels,
assignee, etc. that can be used to better understand what a
commit is doing and why. Based on the other factors selected
for use with Anomalicious, we chose to include rejected pull
requests as a contextual factor. Specifically, Anomalicious
analyzes all pull requests associated with a given commit to
identify any whose status is “closed” and has no “merged at”
date. If a commit is found to exhibit suspicious behavior,
association with a rejected pull request could amplify this
suspicion or provide additional context for the maintainer
reviewing an anomaly alert. We also consider if contributors
have rejected pull requests for our contributor trust factor
(Section III-D). The tool can be extended to consider other
scenarios such as association with a merged PR or no PR at
all. These were not used for our experiments because they were
not effective when analyzing collections of repositories due to
varying numbers of contributors or development models used.
However, the tool is implemented to retrieve all data available
from the GitHub API for each pull request so additional
attributes could easily be added.
Figure 1 is an overview of Anomalicious design. There are
3 components: the Data Pipeline, the Factor Evaluator, and
the Decision Model. When the tool is run, it produces an
Anomalicious Commit Report. In this section, we describe
each component and give an example of how the tool’s
findings are explained for each flagged commit in a report.
A. Data Pipeline
The first component of Anomalicious is the Data Pipeline.
This is the process in which the repository and commit data
needed to compute each factor is collected, organized, and
stored. An important design requirement for this component
was that the relationships between data must be preserved;
simply collecting and logging all filenames, commit hashes,
etc. in the repository would hinder factor computation. For
example, a commit will reference one or more files, each
of which has one or more contributors. These connections
are necessary to measure factors such as file ownership.
Anomalicious stores the collected data as a series of objects
which represent the Repository History as shown in Figure 2.
Contributors Type
API Metadata
# LOC added, removed
# Files added, removed, modified
# File Types
All Authored
All Modified
Clone Repository Build Repository History
Fig. 2. Organization of Repository History Built by the Data Pipeline
Data collection begins by cloning a local copy of the repository
and initializing a Repository object that acts as a “root”
for the rest of the data. This object stores references to
all files, commits, and commit authors, metadata from the
GitHub API, and other repository-level information needed
for the factors (e.g. average change properties across all
commits). The pydriller [26] Python library was used to
identify and iterate through each of the repository’s commits,
and Anomalicious’ Repository and Commit objects maintain
references to the corresponding objects generated by this
library. We excluded merge commits from the analysis, so
each commit (except the first) has a unique parent. A Commit
object is initialized for each, which stores the descriptive
details (committer, author, hash, etc.), change properties, and
lists of file names and file types modified in the commit. For
each file in the repository, a new File object is initialized to
store references to all prior contributors, specifying the creator,
owner(s), and majority contributor(s), commits, the file type,
and module. Finally, the set of Contributors to the repository
is identified by extracting the name and email of each unique
commit author during commit processing. Contributor objects
store data related to a specific repository as a Contribution
History object. Each contribution history object stores a
dictionary of all files modified by the contributor (with a list
of commit hashes for each file) and a list of Commit objects
authored by the contributor.
B. Factor Evaluator
Once built, the Repository History is passed to the Factor
Evaluator to compute values for the five commit factors
defined in Section III-D. For the outlier commit properties
factor, all modifications in the commit are parsed to aggregate
the “count” (e.g. LOC added) for each change property. These
aggregates are used to compute a list of outlier properties
and their values, as described in Section III-A. The value
computed for the sensitive files factor is the subset of commit
files that have any of the sensitive types/names specified
in the configuration. The Evaluator uses the links between
contributors and repository files to compute the file history
factors: the commit files are parsed again to create two subset
lists of files that have the commit author in their set of owners
or majority contributors. To compute the pull request factor,
each commit’s list of associated PRs is parsed to identify any
rejects as described in Section III-E.
The contributor trust factor is the most complicated to
compute. As described in Section III-D, it is is based upon six
“sub-factors” from each commit author’s Contribution History.
These basic properties (e.g. number of commits) are easily
extracted from the data without additional computation; the
Evaluator uses them to compute a binary (untrusted or trusted)
value for this factor. To do so, a rule-based decision model
compares sub-factor values to configurable thresholds. Next,
a contributor is labeled untrusted if the proportion of violated
rules meets another threshold. This model is used only for the
trust factor, but Anomalicious uses the same type of rule-based
decision model (described in the next Section) to consider the
values for all factors and make the final decision for a commit.
Below are the Trust Rule violation criteria:
T1: The contributor’s GitHub username cannot be identified
T2: The contributor’s GitHub account was created within the
last [threshold] days (at time of analysis)
T3: The contributor has made [threshold] other commits
T4: The commit is the contributor’s first
T5: The contributor has made [threshold] % of their
commits on the same day
T6: The contributor authored their first commit within the past
[threshold] days (at time of analysis)
T7: [threshold]% of the contributor’s PRs were rejected
This “nested decision model” allows trust to be defined using
several sub-factors, ensuring that commits from new/untrusted
contributors are not automatically suspicious, and that trusted
contributors are not automatically above suspicion.
C. Decision Model
Once all the factors have been computed, their values are
passed to the Decision Model. A customizable configuration
file is used to determine which rules should be considered,
the decision threshold (% rules violated of total), and other
thresholds and settings for individual rules. Based on the
configuration used, some rules will not apply for all commits;
for example file history is not considered for “first commit”
situations. These rules are designed to check if factor values
meet a “violation condition” based on thresholds.
Below are the Decision Rule violation criteria:
R1: Commit has touched [threshold] sensitive files
R2: Commit is not the author’s first AND [threshold]% of
files have not been touched by the author before
Commit: e3163361fed01384c986b9b4c18feb1fc42b8285
Authored on 2018-09-09 at 08:07:49 by
Committed on 2018-09-09 at 08:07:49 by 北川
Commit Message: add flat map
This commit modified 4 files.
33.33% of Rules were Violated
The commit changed 2 potentially 'sensitive' files:
package-lock.json - MODIFY - commit proportion: 100.00%
package.json - MODIFY - commit proportion: 5.26%
Several properties of this commit aren't typical for
3 Files Modified -
's average is 1.31
4 Files in Commit -
's average is 1.69
3 Unique File Types -
's average is 1.19
Commit: [Hash]
Authored on 2018-09-09 at 08:07:49 by [Author Name]
Committed on 2018-09-09 at 08:07:49 by [Committer Name]
Commit Message: add flat map
This commit modified 4 files.
33.33% of Rules were Violated
[Author Name] is TRUSTED
The commit changed 2 potentially 'sensitive' files:
package-lock.json - MODIFY - commit proportion: 100.00%
package.json - MODIFY - commit proportion: 5.26%
Several properties of this commit aren't typical for [Author Name]:
3 Files Modified - [Author Name]'s average is 1.31
4 Files in Commit - [Author Name]'s average is 1.69
3 Unique File Types - [Author Name]'s average is 1.19
Fig. 3. Example Anomalicious Commit Report from event-stream
R3: Commit is not the author’s first AND they are not
majority contributor or owner for [threshold]% of files
R4: Commit adds an outlier [author or repository] number of
files AND does not touch any files the author owns or is
a majority contributor to
R5: Commit has [threshold] change properties that are
outliers for the [author or repository]
R6: Commit author’s contribution history for the repository
indicates they are untrusted (See Section IV-B)
R7: Commit is linked to [threshold] rejected PRs
Once the Model has identified all violated rules, the proportion
of violated rules to total rules is computed. This is compared
to the decision threshold: if the proportion is greater than or
equal to this threshold, the commit is considered anomalicious
and the commit’s violations and other attributes are added to
the final report, described in the next section.
D. Output: Commit Reports
After Anomalicious completes its analysis it produces
a Commit Report detailing all violated rules and helpful
contextual information for each flagged commit. Figure 3
shows a sample report, with identifiable information for the
repository owner and commit author redacted for privacy.
First the commit hash, GitHub URL, contributors, dates,
the commit message, and the total number of files modified
in the commit are listed for context. Next, the proportion
of violated decision model rules is given followed by the
trust decision (and any violated trust rules) for the commit’s
author. For each violated rule, details are provided to help
the maintainer understand how it was violated. In the example
report, the author modified two sensitive files; the change type
is given (MODIFY) alongside the author’s proportion of the
file’s commits. Similar details are given for the outlier change
properties; for this rule, the author’s average value for each
property is shown. We wanted the reports to explain exactly
how the model decided the commit was anomalicious, and give
enough details for a repository maintainer to quickly decide if
action is needed. The time required to generate reports depends
on the number of unique artifacts the repository has, due to
the GitHub API’s hourly request limit. In our experiments, the
time needed to run Anomalicious on a repository ranged from
approximately 30 seconds to 2 hours.
In Section VI-B we discussed how Anomalicious was
designed to meet our ve criteria (Section I) for effective
security-oriented anomalous commit detection: language ag-
nosticism, customizability, low false-positive rate, explainabil-
ity, and (most importantly) ability to detect actual malicious
commits. The first three criteria are satisfied in the tool’s
design and implementation: no language-dependent data is
collected, the factors and rules for the decision model are
easily customizable, and the rationale of the decision model is
clearly explained by the rules used. In this section, we discuss
two experiments we conducted to verify that the positive
rate and malicious commit detection criteria are met when
Anomalicious is executed on real repositories.
A. Positive Commit Rates and Patterns
Even with the best of intentions, an anomaly detector that
is overly sensitive is not an effective solution to detect and
prevent suspicious activity. Our first experiment evaluated
Anomalicious when run on repositories with no known mali-
cious commits. We wanted to investigate (1) the proportion
of commits flagged, i.e. the positive rate, and (2) patterns
of attributes and violated rules amongst these positives. We
envision using our tool to notify repository maintainers of
anomalicious commits using a comprehensive report that
clearly explains why the commit was flagged, allowing them
to quickly decide if action is needed. Prior studies have shown
that contributors on GitHub already feel overwhelmed by the
amount of notifications they receive [13], [14], [27], so it is
extremely important that Anomalicious has a low positive rate.
1) Data Collection: For this experiment, we used a set
of 100 repositories for NPM packages that have at least
100 commits [28]. We have set this commit restriction to
better evaluate the ratio of flagged commits (positives) to
the total commits per repository. We chose to use NPM
packages for this experiment due to the history of supply-chain
attacks [3] targeting packages in this registry. As we discuss
in Section II, these attacks are especially problematic due to
modern development’s heavy dependence on third-party code.
The number of commits per repository ranged from 100 to
18,603 with mean 1,567.83 and median 418.
2) Experiment Design: We used Anomalicious to ana-
lyze the commit histories of all 100 repositories. Using the
anomalicious commit reports generated for each repository, we
measured the proportion of flagged commits to total commits.
The same configuration was used for the whole data set to
fairly compare results. It was “tuned” by running the tool
Setting Value
Decision Model Rule Threshold 0.5
Outlier Change Properties Threshold 0.5
Contrib. Trust: Min. Time as Contributor 7 days
Contrib. Trust Rule Threshold 0.5
Contrib. Trust ”Few Commits” Threshold 0.05
Contrib. Trust Same-Day Commit Threshold 0.5
Contrib. Trust Un-merged PR Threshold 0.5
File History Excluded Files README, .gitignore
File History Consider First Commit to File True
Exclude History for New Contribs. True
Sensitive Files Threshold 1
Ownership Excluded Files gitignore, class, md
Ownership Consider Major Contributors. True
Ownership Majority Contrib. Threshold 0.00
Ownership Min. un-Owned/Majority Files 0.75
% of Commits Flagged % of the 100 Repositories
Less than 5% 99%
Less than 2% 86%
Less than 1% 56%
on the data set 8 times using different value combinations
for the factor and decision model thresholds, keeping the
configuration producing the lowest proportions of commits
flagged per repository, shown in Table I.
3) Results: The results of this experiment show that
Anomalicious has a low positive rate for repositories with
at least 100 commits. Table II summarizes the positive rates
in terms of the proportion of total commits flagged and the
data set proportion with that percentage. For 99% of the
repositories, < 5% of their total commits were flagged,
and 56% of the repositories had < 1%.
4) Case Study - Anomalicious Commits in Angular.js:
We examined reports for flagged commits to reason about the
proportion of false positives and identify trends, patterns, or
opportunities for improvement of our factors and rules. To
this end, we conducted a qualitative examination on the set of
positives for Angular.js, an extremely popular framework
for JavaScript development. In our experiment, Anomalicious
flagged 0.38% (34) of the repository’s 8,978 commits.We
reviewed each commit report to identify the violated rules and
combined this with data from GitHub for context.
During analysis, we compared the commit messages to
the actual changes made, using the visual “diff” for each
commit available on GitHub. We made these comparisons to
understand what types of changes were made and to look for
potentially-suspicious inconsistencies. We observed that the
majority (89.25%) of positives for Angular.js made
changes to the software supply chain, i.e. development tools
and infrastructure, rather than source code for the project
itself. According to its developer guide
, commit messages are
required to follow a specific format that includes a type label.
We observed use of 6 labels in 31 flagged commits: ‘chore’
(20), ‘doc’ (5), ‘fix’ (2), ‘feat’ (2), ‘style’ (1), and ‘perf’(1).
The guide says the ‘chore’ label should be used for changes
to the build process or auxiliary tools and packages such
as documentation generation
. Ten ‘chore’ commits updated
or added individual dependencies, and another changed what
tool the repository used for dependency management. The
continuous integration and linting tools being used were also
changed by 2 other commits. Three commits changed locale
handling, 1 updated the project’s license, and another reverted
an unflagged ‘chore’ commit that modified documentation
versioning updates, but broke deployment. The final 2 ‘chore’
commits deleted “obsolete” config and settings files. Two
unlabeled commits deleted a namespace and “unused” files.
The ‘doc’ labeled commits made updates to the framework’s
documentation and its generator, and the ‘style’ commit mod-
ified how documentation is formatted. The 2 ‘feat’ commits
added new functionality to the framework, and the ‘perf
commit added dependencies and a new module for benchmark
testing. The 2 ‘fix’ commits removed a deprecated dependency
and addressed a code bug. The initial commit to the repository
was also flagged (due to the large number of files added), and
had no label. Only 5 (14.7%) commits made changes to the
source code of the framework: the 2 ‘feat’ commits, the bug
‘fix’ commit, and the ‘style’ commit.
We also observed patterns in the rule violations: 85.29% of
commits modified files for the first time, followed by 76.47%
of commits modifying sensitive files. This was also the most
common (70.59%) pair of violations. Twenty (58.82%) com-
mits had a large number of outlier change properties. Rules
related to file history were slightly less common: a majority of
files in 47.06% (16) of the commits were not owned or heavily
contributed to by the author, and an unusually large number of
files were added in 35.29% (12) of commits when no files the
author was a majority contributor or owner of were modified.
Only 2 of the 22 unique commit authors were untrusted due to
few total commits that were all authored on the same day. Each
authored 1 of the ‘chore’ commits; both modified sensitive files
for the first time. Every project and contributor is unique, so
we cannot objectively determine if each commit was “worth”
being notified of. However, as discussed in Section VI-B, the
behavior and sensitivity of Anomalicious rules and factors
is guided by thresholds and other settings in a configuration
file. A maintainer could easily adjust these to suit their needs.
For example, if they were more interested in changes to the
build system than changes to dependencies, the set of file types
considered sensitive could be changed to only .xml files, or
for even more granularity, individual files could be specified.
The majority of Angular.jss flagged commits made
changes to development infrastructure, and the strongest in-
dicators for these commits were first changes to files, outlier
change properties, and modifying sensitive files. In other
words, contributors were making anomalous changes to the
infrastructure when they had never/seldom done so before.
While we feel that these commits would be of interest to
a maintainer, our analysis revealed that the commit reports
lacked insight into the intent of each commit that would
help them determine if action should be taken. Anomalicious
considers some contextual factors (rejected pull requests, file
ownership, and contributor trust ), but these were weak indica-
tors for this repository. Our takeaway was that Anomalicious
contextual factors could be adjusted and extended to more
effectively reason about intent. The thresholds of the existing
contextual factors should be tuned for individual repositories,
and the decision model could use a higher threshold for rule
violations or require the presence of at least 1 contextual factor.
As we reviewed commit messages and other information
on each commit’s GitHub page, we noticed 50% of them
referenced a merged pull request or an issue - this evidence
of “peer review” was very helpful to understand the intent of
suspicious commits. In other words, considering positive and
negative factors could improve evaluation of intent.
B. Detecting Known Malicious Commits
In this section we discuss our second experiment evaluating
Anomalicious ability to detect malicious commits, our final
criterion for security-oriented anomaly detection.
1) Data Collection: To conduct this experiment, we needed
a data set of repositories with at least one known malicious
commit, for which the relevant data is still available on
GitHub. There are very few such repositories, but Table III
describes the 15 we found that fit this criterion. The results of
our experiment are also listed in this table, and discussed in
Section V-B3. The number of commits per repository ranges
from 5 to 1,830 with a mean 175.6 and median 13. Due to our
use of factors that look for statistical outliers in distributions,
we had to set a requirement for the minimum number of
commits a repository must have. After testing this factor on
repositories with 1 to 100 commits, we found at least 5
commits would suffice. Thirteen of these repositories were
infected with the Octopus Scanner Malware. As noted in the
disclosure report [19], this malware affects NetBeans projects;
it alters build files and injects a file into the nbproject
directory called cache.dat. To find repositories infected
by this malware, we conducted a simple GitHub search for
this file and manually analyzed each result to confirm other
characteristics of the malware were present, i.e. the same
changes made to the nbproject/build-impl.xml.
We also identified 2 repositories affected by other mal-
ware whose disclosures were familiar to the authors. The
event-stream repository fell victim to an infamous back-
door injection by a trusted contributor who was given elevated
privileges by the repository owner. The malicious actor added
a dependency to the project’s package.json file for a
malicious package called flatstream-map. minimap is
an open source code-preview package for the Atom editor. A
few years ago, an employee of the code-completion company
Kite authored and pushed a commit injecting advertising
popups. When the community noticed this [29], a heated
discussion erupted as users were outraged at Kite’s takeover
tactics, which had also been used in other packages [30].
Repository Contribs Files Commits Maliciousness Found? Flagged Proportion
minimap 41 112 1662 Backdoor Injection No 72 4.33%
event-stream 37 29 291 Backdoor Injection Yes 11 3.78%
pacman-java ia 10 266 119 Octopus Scanner Yes 10 8.40%
SuperMario-FR- 5 180 98 Octopus Scanner Yes 3 3.06%
VehicleRentalSystem 4 72 77 Octopus Scanner Yes 5 6.49%
KeseQul-Desktop-Alpha 2 205 30 Octopus Scanner No 4 13.33%
BdProyecto 3 19 15 Octopus Scanner Yes 2 13.33%
Punto-de-Venta 3 444 12 Octopus Scanner No 1 8.33%
Snake 1 21 9 Octopus Scanner Yes 1 11.11%
ProyectoFiguras 2 21 8 Octopus Scanner Yes 1 12.50%
Secuencia-Numerica 4 23 7 Octopus Scanner Yes 4 57.14%
JavaPacman 2 238 5 Octopus Scanner No 0 0.00%
V2Mp3Player 1 33 5 Octopus Scanner No 0 0.00%
RatingVoteEPITECH 2 38 5 Octopus Scanner No 0 0.00%
College-GPA-Calculator 1 25 4 Octopus Scanner No 0 0.00%
2) Experiment Design: The core design of this experiment
is the same as the first experiment (Section V-A2). To “tune”
the configuration settings for this data set, we used a procedure
similar to that used in the first experiment: several experiments
were run with different threshold values. For this data set,
we chose a configuration producing results that balanced the
number of repositories whose malicious commit was found
with the total number of commits flagged per repository. Only
three values were different from the configuration used for the
first experiment shown in Table I: the decision model threshold
(0.33), the outlier change property threshold (0.4), and the
majority contributor threshold (0.25).
3) Results: Table III shows the results of this experiment;
with such a small data set, we consider them to be promising
but preliminary. In total, Anomalicious identified the mali-
cious commit in 53.33% (8) of the 15 repositories. Each
row in the table reports results for an individual repository;
the yes/no values in the “Found?” column indicate whether
the malicious commit was detected, and the “Flagged” col-
umn reports the number of commits that were labeled as
anomalicious. Similar to our first experiment (Section V-A3),
we evaluated positive rates. We found that the proportion of
flagged-to-total commits is higher for this data set, but we note
that there is a much smaller range in its commit distribution:
only 3 (20%) of these repositories have over 100 commits.
Table III shows that for two out of the eight “hit” repositories,
only the malicious commit was flagged, the others had at
least one other flagged commit. Four of the seven repositories
whose malicious commit was not detected had zero flagged
4) Case Study: Next, we examined 39 commit reports
from 3 groups: 7 undetected malicious commits, 8 detected
malicious commits, and 24 other positives from 3 repositories.
Our analysis procedure was the same used in Section V-A4.
Each of the 8 detected malicious commits violated the
sensitive files rule, and the second most common violation (5
commits) was outlier change properties. None of the commits
violated the rule about not being a major contributor or
owner to 75% or more of the commit’s files, but 3 commits
modified a smaller proportion of such files while also adding
an unusually large amount of new files. Two of the commits
had untrusted authors; for one it was their first commit and
the other had only made 2 commits on the same day. While
7 of these repositories were victims of the Octopus Scanner
malware [19], the backdoor injection in event-stream was
also detected by the same set of violations (sensitive files,
outlier properties) - supporting our claim Anomalicious is not
restricted to specific malware.
Six of the seven undetected malicious commits also violated
the sensitive files rule; two commits also had outlier change
properties, but not enough to meet the threshold (40%) for
that rule. Six commits added most of their files, but the
number of new files was not an outlier for the authors. In the
seventh case, the author owned the majority of files modified.
All authors were trusted. These characteristics indicate that
additional factors are needed to more accurately identify
malicious commits from top contributors.
We chose 3 repositories for our analysis of “other” positives;
the malicious commit was been detected in all three, but
they differ in their number of commits and positive rates.
The first two, pacman-java_ia and SuperMario-FR-
were infected by the Octopus Scanner Malware and the third
(event-stream) was victim to a backdoor injection. Ten
(8.40%) of pacman-java_ias 117 commits were flagged;
9 were not previously known to be malicious. Two actually
removed the malicious files and were flagged because the files
were sensitive, it was the authors first time modifying them, and
they were untrusted due to few commits that were all made on
the same day. Four commits were refactorings that modified
sensitive files and made first file changes; three modified build
and settings files and the fourth renamed a package and had
outlier change properties. We observed suspicious behavior
in three of pacman-java_ias commits that could not
be explained by any contextual information. One commit
message claims that a .jar file was deleted and others were
rebuilt, but actually two .jars were renamed and none were
deleted. The renaming itself was also suspicious: “Pacman”
was changed to “Piacman” in both cases. Anomalicious flagged
this commit for modifying sensitive files (the .jars) for
the first time. The author of another commit added new
sensitive configuration files, and in a first-time change to a
code file, listed themselves as a file author while only adding
1 comment. There was already an author listed, but they were
not a contributor to pacman-java_ia implying the file was
“borrowed”. The third commit was flagged because sensitive
files were added when no owned or majority contributor files
were modified. The author of this commit actually adds credit
to the unknown person in the README, and added a .md
file containing Java code that mentions them again. They also
added a new .jar file not mentioned in the commit message.
Three out of 98 commits (3.06%) were flagged for
SuperMario-FR-. The first was known to be malicious,
and followed the common pattern of modifying sensitive files,
first file changes, and outlier change properties. The second
removed the malware and the third was the repository’s initial
commit. Because Anomalicious considers commit history as a
whole, this commit was flagged for outlier change properties
and adding an unusual number of files without modifying
any owned/majority contributor files. To change this behavior,
the tool could be modified to only consider commits older
than the commit-under-analysis. Finally, we analyzed the 11
commits (3.78% of 291) flagged for event-stream. The
rationale for flagging these commits aligned with our earlier
analysis of NPM repositories in Section V-A4. Namely, all
of the commits performed some refactoring or added package
dependencies, but the contributors lack of prior history with
these files triggered the flags. Only 1 of these commits did not
modify a sensitive file,6modified a large proportion of files
they did not own or majorly contribute to, and 5 had outlier
change properties. Aside from the known-malicious commit,
we observed no other suspicious behavior in this repository.
A. Contribution and Novelty
The main contribution of this paper is to show that it is
possible to detect malicious commits with high accuracy using
security-focused anomaly detection of only commit-related
metadata that can easily be retrieved from GitHub. In contrast,
prior work on anomalous commit detection [12], [14]–[17],
[31] did not consider security. Moreover, prior work on mal-
ware detection [32], [33] is based on the detection of low-level
detailed malware signatures or behaviors (e.g. API calls), not
on behavioral factors from high-level metadata. Using precise
malware signatures, these tools can detect malware with low
false positives, but they are also restricted to known malware
signatures they cannot detect any other form of malicious
commits. Anomalicious is different as it can detect malicious
commits using only metadata, and attempts to abstract and
generalize malicious commit patterns. Thus, our approach can
be used to detect previously-unknown malware signatures, but
at the cost of possibly more false positives.
Designing a good rule-based model for malicious commit
detection is hard due to several reasons. The main reason
is simply the lack of public data available; repositories in-
fected with malware are usually either deleted or have the
malicious commits expunged from their history in order not
to scare potential users. Moreover, a simple model based on
contributor-trust only is insufficient due to the prevalence of
account hijacking for introducing malware in OSS reposito-
ries; it is then necessary to detect anomalous commits from
trusted contributors in order to handle account-hijacking cases.
Sometimes, the malicious commit is the first commit in the
commit history: this was observed for seven repositories in
the Malicious Commit data set. An existing repository was
copied/cloned, infected with malware, and then used to start a
new repository; in such cases, analysis of the previous commit
history is impossible, and code ownership metrics are useless
and even misleading/dangerous. Designing a single model that
can handle all such scenarios is challenging.
B. Satisfying Our Criteria for Effective Anomaly Detection
In Section I we outlined a set of criteria that any effective
anomalous commit detector should meet: language-agnostic,
customizable, explainable, and low false positives. We also
specified an extra criterion for security-oriented anomalous
commit detectors - able to identify malicious commits. These
criteria served as foundational requirements in the design and
construction of the Anomalicious tool.
To ensure language agnosticism, none of the factors (Sec-
tion III-D) considered by the decision model depend on the
contents of source code artifacts. Instead, only data that can
be easily extracted from a local commit log or retrieved
publicly from the GitHub API is used. Anomalicious is also
customizable. Users can easily modify the Data Pipeline
(Section IV-A) to collect any additional data available from
the GitHub API or the local repository. They can also modify
the settings file used by the Evaluator and Decision Model
to adjust the number of commits being flagged, and achieve a
low positive rate, as shown in Section V-A. When a commit is
flagged, it is important for the reason to be explainable so that
a repository maintainer can easily understand why the commit
was flagged and quickly decide whether it is worth taking
further action. To support this criteria, Anomalicious outputs
a report (e.g. Figure 3) on each run that provides for each
flagged commit (1) contextual details (e.g. commit message),
(2) an enumeration of violated rules, and (3) quantitative de-
scription of how each rule was violated. Finally, Anomalicious
is a security-oriented anomaly detector: it is able to detect
malicious commits as shown in Section V-B.
C. Threats to Validity
In Section V-B, we showed that our approach was able to
successfully detect 8 (53%) of 15 known malicious commits
with relatively few total positives among more than 2,000
commits. Our rule-based model can be further refined, as
discussed earlier, which we expect will further increase the
detection rate and reduce the positive rate. Overall the results
are encouraging but limited due to the lack of available data for
malicious commits. Many times when a malicious commit is
detected the commit is purged from history. The main obstacle
to further improvements in this line of research is the lack
of training data available with known malicious commits in
OSS repositories. We encourage readers who are aware of any
examples to tweet them to us at @saintesmsr #anomalicious.
Supply-chain attacks target software development ecosys-
tems and package repositories and have increased over the
past years. We presented the Anomalicious tool that identified
53.33% of malicious commits in 15 malware-infested repos-
itories, while flagging less than 5% of commits for 99% of
repositories in a large-scale experiment with NPM packages.
Our future work will focus on adding contextual factors to the
tool. We also plan to add a mechanism to automatically adjust
thresholds based on maintainer’s feedback. Another direction
for future work is to work on approaches to detect and prevent
account hijacking and typo-squatting attacks.
Acknowledgements. We thank Oege de Moor, Bas Alberts,
Adam Baldwin, and Ravi Gadhia from GitHub for encouraging
us to pursue this line of research, for their help in collecting
OSS malware datasets, and for their thoughtful feedback.
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