Edition | March 2021
The “Great Adult Animation
Boom” is in Full Swing
From mind-bending sci- comedies like The Midnight Gospel
to dramatic, action-based mini-series like The Liberator, to
comic book inspired shows like Harley Quinn, adult animation
has entered a period of rapid growth and genre diversication.
The streamers, broadcasters and cablers have caught on —
there are over 100 new adult animated series on order. That’s
a whopping 100% increase from a year ago. The upcoming
series includes a whole new class of video game spinoffs,
TV series reboots, and anime-inspired productions that will
signicantly expand the audience for adult animation. I am
calling this phenomenon ‘The Great Adult Animation Boom.
Figure 1: Harley Quinn – DC Comics
of Contents
1. About the Author 4
2. Sources 5
3. What This Report Covers 6
4. Sponsorship 7
5. Summary of the State of the Adult Animation Industry 8
6. Adult Animated Comedy 10
7. Fox’s Animation Domination 12
Fox’s Current Adult Animated Series 15
Fox’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series 16
8. Netix’s Unbridled Ambition for Adult Animation 17
Netix Comedy 20
Netix Anime 21
Netix Video Game Based Animated Series 21
Netix’s Current Adult Animated Series 22
Netix’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series 23
9. Comedy Central Makes a Hard Pivot 25
Viacom’s Current Adult Animation Series 26
Viacom’s Upcoming Adult Animation Series 26
10. WarnerMedia: HBO Max, Adult Swim & DC Comics 27
HBO Max’s Current Adult Animated Series 29
HBO Max’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series 29
Adult Swim’s Current Adult Animated Series 30
Adult Swim’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series 31
11. Sci-Fi Comedy Crossovers 32
Current Sci-Fi Comedy Adult Animated Crossovers 34
Upcoming Sci-Fi Comedy Adult Animated Crossovers 35
12. Syfy’s TZGZ Block and Short Format Pipelines 36
Current Adult Animated TZGZ Block Series 37
Upcoming Adult Animated TZGZ Block Series 37
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 2
of Contents
13. Blasts From the Past: Reboots and Spinoffs 38
Current Adult Animated Reboots and Spinoffs 40
Upcoming Adult Animated Reboots and Spinoffs 40
14. Is It Still Anime If It’s Not Produced in Japan? 42
Current Adult Animated Anime-Inspired
or Anime Based on Western IP 46
Upcoming Adult Animated Anime-Inspired
or Anime Based on Western IP 46
15. Drawing from Comics and Graphic Novels 47
Current Comic-Book Inspired Adult Animated Series 48
Upcoming Comic-Book Inspired Adult Animated Series 49
16. Why Video Games are the New IP Gold Rush 50
Current Adult Animated Series Based on Video Games 53
Upcoming Adult Animated Series Based on Video Games 53
17. The Rise of Dramatic “Non-Comedy Genre Shows” 54
Current Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series 56
Upcoming Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series 56
18. Production Technology 59
19. Social and Mobile Streaming 60
20. Notable Upcoming Shows 62
21. Opportunities in an Untapped Global Market 64
22. Critical Role: a Case Study in Crowdfunding Animation 66
23. The Great Adult Animation Boom 70
24. In Summary 74
25. The Adult Animation Database 75
Current Adult Animated Series – Ranked by Popularity 77
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order) 81
26. Index of Images 86
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 3
Figure 2: John Evershed, CEO High Concentrate
1. About the Author
John Evershed is the head of High Concentrate LLC, a company specializing in the
research, packaging, development, sale of animated TV series and movies for adult
audiences. Evershed is the founder and former CEO of Mondo Media, producer and
distributorof animation for young adults where he launched and programmed a
Mondo branded OTT channel on WarnerMedia’s VRV platform, and generated over
6billionviews on YouTube.
Evershed executive produced multiple TV series including Gary and His Demons,
currently airing on the Syfy channel, Happy Tree Friends on MTV International
and The Mondo Animation Hour, a mini-block, that aired on the El Rey Network.
Evershed has won multiple awards in his capacity as Executive Producer including
Dick Figures: The Movie,winner of the Berlin Film Festival Best Animated Movie
for Adults and Happy Tree Friends,winner of an Annie for Best Animated TV Series
for Adults.
Evershed serves on the boards and consults with entertainment and technology
companies including Chonky (crowd-based entertainment nancing), Trioscope
(hybrid live action animation studio), ZikVid (digital video platform), Mellow Manor
(animation festival), and Mondo Media (multi-platform animation channel and library).
For consulting on adult animation or help with packaging, development and selling,
please contact us at the email address below. High Concentrate is always looking
for IP (original books, comic books, video games, podcasts, etc.) to develop and take
to market. We are also looking for nished product including English and foreign
language series and movies. Please do not submit treatments, scripts, pitches, etc.
without reaching out rst and signing a submission release.
Contact jevershed@highconcentrate.com
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 4
2. Sources
This white paper is not for sale and is intended to be a free snapshot for anyone
with an interest in the adult animation industry. This document is for personal use
and nothing in it should be re-published without permission from the author. All the
information in this white paper was gathered from published material and general
industry knowledge. I have attributed sources wherever possible. The contents of
this report are one person’s analysis of the market for adult animation. I have made
an honest attempt to evaluate the market and back up my positions with as much
data as I can gather. Anyone with different points of view are encouraged to contact
me regarding any position in this paper, because you might be right! My hope is to
keep things interesting and avoid problems that I see with market analysis broadly
– especially in the entertainment eld – where press releases get regurgitated with
statistics that miss important trends due to disruption, shifts in technology, and
evolving consumer tastes.
The Adult Animation Database
The data in this report is a snapshot of the market as of Feb 21, 2021. The numbers,
where not attributed to a source, are derived from The Adult Animation Database.
The database is maintained by High Concentrate on a daily basis and we make it free
for anyone interested in visiting the site.
Figure 3:
Gary and His Demons
– Syfy
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 5
3. What This Report Covers
This is the second edition of the Adult Animation White Paper, which covers 2020
and provides an outlook for 2021. The report focuses exclusively on adult animated
TV series — mostly quarter, half and occasionally hour-long series. These shows are
typically written and produced in English. This research is limited to shows that are
currently airing as well as shows that are in development or production. It does not
cover library material except where noted. This document does not cover animated
movies for adults. (It’s a relatively short list.) While the report does cover Japanese
anime treatments of Western IP and Western animation produced in interpretations
of anime styles, it does not cover anime more broadly. This white paper does not
attempt to cover any children’s animation, which is both a distinct and considerably
larger market. The buyers covered in this report are streaming platforms, networks,
cable, and digital distributors. Many series share multiple production partners,
making it difcult to attribute any one show to any one production company. Where
possible, the report attempts to attribute all producing entities to each series.
Figure 4:
The Midnight Gospel
- Netflix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 6
4. Sponsorship
As opposed to charging for this research report, I elected to go the sponsorship
route to make it as widely available as possible. I am grateful to our sponsor,
Toon Boom Animation, for their nancial support in producing the Adult Animation
White Paper. Any opinions expressed in this white paper are strictly those of the
author and do not reect those of the sponsor.
Toon Boom Animation are the developers behind Harmony and Storyboard Pro.
Harmony is the industry's leading 2D animation software, while Storyboard Pro is
ideal for independent creators and production teams to layout stories and hit the
ground running in production. Fully-featured 21-day trials are available to download
at toonboom.com.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 7
5. Summary of the State of
the Adult Animation Industry
Over the past year, the total number of upcoming adult animated TV series
grew from 50 to 103.
Young adults prefer animated comedy over live action sitcoms.
3. REBOOTS AND SPINOFFs, from Good Times to Masters of the Universe, comprise
a disproportionately large crop of upcoming adult animated reboots and
4. ANIME is in demand. Sony acquires Crunchyroll from WarnerMedia while
Netix and HBO Max continue to buy new anime at a rapid clip. The line
between the Western and Japanese animation continues to blur.
5. VIDEO GAMES exploded on the scene with 15 new video game IP inspired
series in production, up from 2 last year. Many of these adaptations will be
produced as anime or in an anime style.
Figure 5:
Archer - FX
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 8
6. COMIC BOOKS are another fertile source of inspiration for adult animated
series, although proportionately not as dominant a source of IP as it is for
live-action adaptations.
7. SCI-FI COMEDY CROSSOVERS are over-represented in the current and
upcoming crop of adult animated series.
8. THE STREAMERS, especially Netix, are by far and away the most active buyers
of adult animation, accounting for 50% of all new projects in development
or production.
9. NETFLIX is the most aggressive buyer in the adult animation space with 22 new
series on order.
10. FOX is the only major broadcast network actively airing adult animation. The
channel continues to ramp up development and production of new series.
Most cable channels targeting 18-34s with scripted programming have ordered
at least one adult animated series.
12. YOUNG ADULTS watch less traditional TV. In percentage terms, the amount
of time 18-34-year-olds as a whole spent watching traditional TV in Q1 2020
dropped by about 15.3% from the previous year.
13. PACKAGING IS ESSENTIAL. Most buyers are looking for fully-formed packages
with proven writers, artists and voice talent leaving fewer opportunities for
quirky, off-beat series.
14. DIGITAL remains uncertain. Quibi’s quick rise and demise leaves only Facebook
Watch and YouTube Premium as limited active digital buyers of adult animation.
1 Marketing Charts, September 14, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 9
6. Adult Animated Comedy
One could argue that the enduring popularity of the adult animated sitcom is
due in large part to the massive popularity of one show: The Simpsons. The yellow
family from Springeld proved that the time-tested formula works. From Family
Guy to South Park, animated sitcoms are some of the most enduring and valuable
franchises in the history of television. However, consumer acceptance of animation
as a medium is widening to include new genres, including action, horror, and drama.
Adult animated comedy isn’t going away any time soon, but things are about to get
a lot more interesting. Here’s why...
In 2017, Rick and Morty surpassed Modern Family, and The Big Bang Theory to
become the most-watched comedy across all of television.
The adult animated
sitcom has proven to be more durable than the live-action sitcom, which has fallen
out of favor. The three act sitcom structure, with one main plot and two subplots,
is designed to maximize a limited, twenty-two minute, commercial-laden half hour
experience. These restrictions have fallen away with the proliferation of ad-free
subscription services becoming the primary platform of choice for 18-34s.
2 Vulture - Rick and Morty Is Now the No. 1 TV Comedy Among Millennials, Oct 4, 2017
Figure 5:
The Simpsons
- Fox
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 10
“Somewhere along the way, animated comedy
replaced live action sitcoms as millennials preferred
medium for consuming comedy.
Somewhere along the way, animated comedy replaced live action sitcoms as
millennials’ preferred medium for consuming comedy. Live-action comedic
TV series are becoming as rare as live-action comedic movies. Do a Google search
for the most popular live-action comedy TV series. It will call up a list of series
that are no longer in production — shows like Arrested Development, Community
and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Do the same for adult animated series and it’s almost all
current series — shows like South Park, Bob’s Burgers, and Archer. There are a total
of 60 new comedic adult animated series accounting for 60% of upcoming adult
animated series.
Figure 6:
Rick and Morty
- Adult Swim
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 11
7. Fox’s Animation Domination
Fox is the only broadcast network committed to adult animated comedy, with two
massive animation franchises — The Simpsons and Family Guy. In 2019, Fox Corp.
purchased Bento Box Entertainment, the studio behind the long-running Bob’s
Burgers, as it sought to strengthen its adult animation brand.
After a ve-year hiatus, Fox’s Sunday night Animation Domination returned in
September 2019. The programming block exclusively features prime-time animated
sitcoms and includes The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, Duncanville, Bless
the Harts, and The Great North. Fox is in the midst of a major expansion of its
animation portfolio, with 14 new series in development. Daniel Weidenfeld (The Eric
Andre Show and China, IL) is Fox’s senior VP of animation and oversees all animated
production and development, both for the network and third parties. According
to Weidenfeld, “Animation is a key part of our business; we are really looking to
growing our slate and potentially even adding another hour of animation on our
schedule in a targeted section of the year.
Fox Entertainment’s President Michael Thorn said earlier this year, “We are
looking to take our legacy and build on it.” He added: “Part of that is tied to
our programming goals and our Fox Entertainment goals in terms of having an
ownership stake in those animated series. When they work, they work extremely
well nancially as well.
It will be interesting to see which of these upcoming series
stick and whether the Fox expands beyond its Sunday night slot.
3 Deadline – Fox’s Michael Thorn On Net’s Animation Expansion & Future
Of The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers & Family Guy, Jan 7, 2020
4 Comicbook – “Greater Good” Animated Workplace Comedy in the Works at
Fox From American Dad Co,Creator, Nov 10 2020
Figure 7:
Animation Domination
Block - Fox
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 12
Animation is a key part of our business; we are really
looking to growing our slate and potentially even
adding another hour of animation on our schedule
in a targeted section of the year.
Fox works almost exclusively with experienced writing teams and world-class
voice talent. Their shows, on the whole, are targeted at an older, wider audience
than Netix or Adult Swim. The palette and style of all the family sitcoms are so
similar that, from a distance, it can be difcult to tell them apart visually. (See image
at top of page 12.) The Simpsons characters are arguably the most abstract and
there’s a trend towards realism that makes each subsequent series a little harder to
differentiate from what came previously.
Fox’s Animation Domination block is a little too safe for young adults who tend to
gravitate to the darker cynicism of Rick and Morty and Bojack Horseman. It’s worth
noting that The Simpsons and Family Guy were relatively controversial when they
rst aired on Fox. Most great comedy is at least a little dangerous – especially early
in a show’s incarnation. Bart Simpson seems harmless now but he was considered
a bad boy in the early days of the series, and Seth MacFarlane was pretty notorious
for pushing boundaries. HBO Max’s Harley Quinn is a good example of a comedy
series that is nding new buttons to push. Adult Swim’s comedic series have always
been the most experimental and young adults have rewarded them with ratings.
Fox is still the number one broadcast network with the 18-34 demo, but, like all
broadcasters, they’re ghting an inexorable decline in their 18-34 ratings. Fox has
stated they are committed to nding their next animated franchise, and from the
looks of their upcoming line-up they have made the determination that they need
to diversify the block beyond the family sitcom.
Fox’s last two functional/dysfunctional family sitcoms Bless the Harts and The Great
North haven’t received a lot of attention since their launch and rank 50th and 51st in
the most-popular adult animated series ranking. Fox was able to introduce a third
hit with Bob’s Burgers, but you wonder how far that formula can be pushed.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 13
To Fox’s credit, they stuck with Bob’s Burgers. According to Bouchard, in the early
days of Bob’s Burgers, “[the Fox execs] weren't necessarily seeing it in the numbers,
but they were hearing about it from their friends and from their kids and from social
It’s not clear if Fox will have the same patience with their new series —
especially with the volume of upcoming projects looking for a home on the block.
“When Loren Bouchard first introduced
Bob’s Burgers to Fox, it was a story about
a family of cannibals.
When Loren Bouchard rst introduced Bob’s Burgers to Fox, it was a story about a
family of cannibals. Coming from the Adult Swim school of irreverence, Bouchard
thought he had to push boundaries to get Fox to buy his show. Fox, however,
convinced him to abandon the humans-eating-other-humans angle and focus on
the family and character dynamics.
The line-up of upcoming shows looks more adventurous: Crag Banyon PI, a series
currently in development, “follows the supernatural adventures of an alcoholic
ex-cop and current private investigator, as he solves cases in an alternate noir,
otherworldly reality.Housebroken, another upcoming Fox series, is about “an
anthropomorphic therapy dog, who explores human dysfunctions and neurosis
by applying her knowledge of psychiatry through leading a group of other
anthropomorphic neighborhood animals in group therapy sessions.
These log
lines don’t sound very “Foxy.
Fox ordered two new series — one from Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty), and an
one-hour animated drama project from Jeff Davis (Criminal Minds) so they’re clearly
in the mood for breaking out of the family sitcom mold. Something tells me that if
Bouchard pitched the cannibal angle for Bob’s Burgers to Fox in early 2021, he might
have ended up making a very different show.
5 The Hollywood Reporter - 'Bob's Burgers' Originally Featured a Family of Cannibals
and Other Secrets Revealed in THR's Oral History, May 19, 2016
6 Deadline - Fox Orders ‘Housebroken’ Animated Comedy Series Starring
Lisa Kudrow From Sharon Horgan, Clea Duvall, Jennifer Crittenden,
Gabrielle Allan & Kapital, Dec 19, 2019
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 14
Fox’s Current Adult Animated Series
Show Description
(and Other Work)
Bless the Harts
Family Sitcom
Emily Spivey
(Up all Night, SNL)
Titmouse, Inc., Jessebean, Inc.,
Lord Miller Productions,
Fox Entertainment,
20th Television
Bob’s Burger
Family Sitcom
Loren Bouchard
(Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist)
Bento Box Entertainment,
Wilo Productions,
Buck & Millie Productions,
20th Television
Family Guy
Family Sitcom
Seth MacFarlane (American Dad,
The Cleveland Show)
Fuzzy Door Productions
20th Television
The Great
Family Sitcom
Wendy Molyneux,
Lizzie Molyneux and Minty
Lewis, Loren Bouchard (Bob’s
Bento Box Entertainment,
Double Molyneux Sister Sheux,
Wilo Productions,
Fox Entertainment,
20th Television
The Simpsons
Family Sitcom
Matt Groening, (Futurama,
Gracie Films,
20th Television,
20th Television (1989–2020),
Disney–ABC Domestic Television
Figure 8:
Bob’s Burgers
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 15
Fox’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series
Show Description
(and Other Work)
Spinoff from
Entertainment One,
Bento Box
Jack Amiel and Michael Begler
(The Knick)
Fox Entertainment,
Bento Box
Crag Banyon PI
Mystery Comedy
Shane Black (Lethal Weapon,
The Predator), David Silverman
(The Simpsons)
Fox Entertainment,
Bento Box
Hybrid Animated
Live Action
Katie Greenway (The Millers,
Bella and the Bulldogs)
Fox Entertainment
The Greater Good
Work place
Mike Barker (American Dad), Stoney
Sharp (Comedy Bang! Bang!)
Fox Entertainment
therapy dog
Jennifer Crittenden
(The Simpsons, Everybody
Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, Veep,)
Clea DuVall, Gabrielle Allan
Kapital Entertainment,
Bento Box Entertainment,
Fox Entertainment
Lil Kev
Story of Kevin Hart
as a young boy
Kevin Hart (comedian),
Michael Price (The Simpsons)
and Matt Claybrooks
(Everybody Hates Chris)
20th Century Fox TV,
Name TBD
Jermaine Fowler
Project based on
growing up in
Jermaine Fowler creator,
writer EP (Superior Donuts)
Fox Entertainment
Name TBD
Dan Harmon
Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty,
Fox Entertainment,
Bento Box
Name TBD
Jeff Davis One
Hour Drama
Jeff Davis (Criminal Minds)
Fox Entertainment,
Bento Box
Ocean Village
Florida Apartment
Building Comedy
Daniel Katz (Deep Space 69,
Trip Tank, Like Share Die)
Bento Box, Look Mom Prod.
Prince Wawa
Original about
a Merman
Tim Baltz, Lilly Sullivan
(Cobra Kai)
Sony Pictures TV
Shell Beach
Original Comedy
Tyler, The Creator (musician) &
Lionel Boyce & Davon Wilson
(Adult Swim’s Loiter Squad)
Fox Entertainment and
Bento Box
The X-Files:
X-Files “B-team
comedy spinoff
Chris Carter (X-Files) Rocky Russo
and Jeremy Sosenko
20th Television,
Fox Entertainment,
Bento Box
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 16
Figure 9: BoJack Horseman - Netflix
8. Netflix’s Unbridled
Ambition for Adult Animation
By 2028, Netix will spend $26 billion per year on content, up from $17 billion in
Netix has literally said out loud that they want to go head-to-head with
Disney. As a result, they’re making an enormous nancial commitment to animation
to back up their ghting words.
“Netflix was born in Silicon Valley. Early on,
BoJack’s numbers signaled to Netflix that adult
animation was the perfect “hack” to attract
young adult audiences.
Netix is home to BoJack Horseman, one of the rst original series to premiere
on the streamer in 2014, one year after House of Cards. Netix aired the last
of 77episodes before it put Bojack out to pasture in the beginning of 2020.
GQ magazine praised the show as one of the best of the decade, and IndieWire
ranked BoJack Horseman as the greatest animated television series of all time.
The show has been praised for its realistic take on depression, trauma, addiction,
self-destructive behavior, racism, sexism, sexuality, and the human condition.
The series received numerous accolades, including four Critics’ Choice Television
Awards for Best Animated Series, three Annie Awards and two Writers Guild of
America Awards. It also received three Primetime Emmy Award nominations,
including two for Outstanding Animated Program. This is a long way of saying that
BoJack Horseman was an important series for Netix.
7 Fortune - Netix will spend over $17 billion on content in 2020: Analyst, Jan. 16, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 17
Figure 10:
Big Mouth - Netflix
It’s not unusual for animation to help put channels (or in this case a streamer)
on the map. Fox was on the brink of shuttering when The Simpsons rst started
to gain traction and helped turn Fox into the 4th major network, while Beavis and
Butt-Head was one of the rst non-music, breakout shows for MTV. South Park
has been credited with saving Comedy Central from the brink of oblivion. Netix
was born in Silicon Valley. BoJack Horseman’s numbers signaled to Netix that adult
animation was the perfect hack” to attract young adult audiences.
Netix has a multi-tiered strategy aimed at locking in Netix as the denitive home
for adult animation:
Volume — Announced at least 24 new original series in development or production.
Quality — Sourcing packaged projects from top tier writers, voice talent and
animation studios.
Production Capacity — Signed a 171,000 square foot lease for an animation
studio in Burbank.
Titmouse — Signed a rst look with Titmouse, the most prolic adult
animation studio.
Anime — Signed deals with several key Japanese studios.
Video Games — Loading up on new animated series based on video games.
Comedy — Appears to be targeting Adult Swim as the new home for adult
animated comedy.
Non-Comedy Genre — More adventurous than most of their competition
in their appetite for non-comedy dramatic series.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 18
Netix’s adult animation division is headed up by Mike Moon. Tonally, Netix
animated series are wide ranging. This is unlike Adult Swim, which tends towards
a quirkier, more irreverent-branded house feel. The addition of the video game-
based series and anime will only serve to expand what denes Netix animation.
Streamers are more algorithmically driven than cable channels, so they can
afford to be more eclectic in their choices than a branded block like Adult Swim or
Animation Domination that rely heavily on cross promotions, branding and ratings.
Netix gravitates towards packaged originals from proven teams and studios, and
branded IP with major footprints, like their upcoming video game-based series,
anime series, reboots and spinoffs.
Netix is also home to Love, Death and Robots, the animation showcase anthology
series featuring animation from world-class creators and studios. The show is
presented by Tim Miller and David Fincher. Love, Death and Robots clearly signals
the direction that adult animation is heading – that is more dramatic genre projects.
One has to believe there will be a breakout from this series.
Figure 11:
Love, Death and Robots
- Netflix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 19
Figure 13:
- Netflix
Netflix Comedy
Netix current originals are primarily comedies, including Nick Kroll’s Big Mouth,
comedian Bill Burr’s F is for Family, Matt Groening’s Disenchantment and The
Midnight Gospel from Duncan Trussell and Pendleton Ward. Netix’s upcoming
comedies include Agent King, featuring Elvis Presley as a spy; Captain Fall, from the
creators of Norsemen; and Human Resources, a spinoff from Big Mouth.
Figure 12:
F is for Family
- Netflix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 20
Netflix Anime
Netix’s anime effort is headed by John Derderian, director of Japan and Anime.
Derderian has made public statements about Netix’s long-term commitment to
anime: “We’re going to partner with studios for ve years, ten years, so they can
take that money to have certainty of revenue and invest in space and tools and
people,” and, “We’re in an anime boom, but we’re not investing in boom-or-bust
cycle.” According to Derderian, demand for Japanese animation is especially high
in Southeast Asia, Europe and Latin Americas.
Netix now has deals with several
Asian studios including Naz, Science Saru, and Mappa (producing LeSean Thomas’s
upcoming Yasuke series) in Japan and Studio Mir in South Korea. According to
Cartoon Brew, Netix “has pushed hard into the anime space in recent years,
challenging dedicated services like Crunchyroll and Funimation. It has previously
struck non-exclusive partnerships with Japanese studios Production I.G, Bones,
Anima, Sublimation, and David Production. In February, it partnered with six
Japanese creators to develop anime shows.
Netflix Video Game Based Animated Series
Netix is doubling down on video game inspired animated series, including
The Cuphead Show!, Overwatch, Resident Evil: Innite Darkness, Shadowlands:
Afterlives, Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider. Many of these series based on game
franchises will be produced as anime or in an anime style. (See our chapter:
‘Is It Still Anime If It’s Not Produced in Japan?’).
8 Bloomberg - Netix bets on animation to battle Disney, Apple in streaming wars,
Nov 6, 2020
9 Cartoon Brew - Netix Strikes Partnerships With Four Animation Studios
From Japan And Korea, Oct 24, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 21
Netflix’s Current Adult Animated Series
Show Description
(and Other Work)
Big Mouth
Coming of Age Sitcom
Nick Kroll (Kroll Show, The Oh,
Hello Show, The League)
Danger Goldberg Productions,
Good at Bizness, Inc., Fathouse
Industries Titmouse, Inc.
Blood of Zeus
(formerly Gods
and Heroes)
Action Anime
Charley Parlapanides, Vlas
Parlapanides (Death Note,
Powerhouse Animation Studios
Bojack Horseman
(last season)
Sitcom, Tragicomedy,
Black comedy,
Surreal humor,
Comedy-drama, Satire
Raphael Bob-Waksberg (Undone)
Tornante Television, Boxer vs.
Raptor, ShadowMachine
Drama, Dark fantasy
Action, Adventure
Horror, Anime
Warren Ellis, (Transmetropolitan,
Global Frequency)
Frederator Studios, Powerhouse
Animation Studios, Shankar
Animation, Project 51 Productions
Mua Film,
Sitcom Black Comedy
Medieval Fantasy
Matt Groening (The Simpsons)
Josh Weinstein (The Simpsons)
The ULULU Company Rough
Draft Studios
F is for Family
Sitcom Comedy Satire
Bill Burr (comedian actor) and
Michael Price (The Simpsons)
Wild West Television, Loner
Productions, Big Jump Productions,
King of France Productions, Oasis
Animation, Gaumont Animation
The Liberator
War Drama – mini-
Jeb Stuart (Die Hard, Fugitive)
A&E Studios, Unique Features
Trioscope Studios
Love Death +
Anthology, Science
Tim Miller (Deadpool)
Blur Studio, Netix Studios
The Midnight
Science fantasy,
Surrealism Dark,
Comedy Adventure,
Pendleton Ward, Adventure Time
and comedian Duncan Trussell
Oatmeal Maiden Titmouse, Inc.
Paradise PD
Crime, Action, Black
Comedy, Surrealism
Animated Sitcom
Waco O’Guin (Brickleberry)
Roger Black (Yucko the Clown)
Damn! Show Productions, Bento
Box Entertainment, Odenkirk
Provissiero Entertainment
Seis Manos
Martial arts
Supernatural Action,
Brad Graeber, Álvaro Rodríguez
Powerhouse Animation Studios,
Viz Productions
Trailer Park Boys:
The Animated
Sitcom Black comedy
Crime comedy
John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells,
and Mike Smith.
Sunnyvale Productions, Swearnet
Pictures, Entertainment One
Tuca and Bertie
Note: heading to
Adult Swim
Sitcom, Surreal humor
Slice of Life
Lisa Hanawalt (Bojack Horseman)
The Tornante Company, Brave
Dummy, Boxer vs. Raptor,
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 22
Netflix’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series
Show Description
(and Other Work)
Agent King
Priscilla Presley, John Eddie,
Mike Arnold (Archer)
Sony Pictures Animation
Blue Eye Samurai
Action Adventure
Michael Green and Amber
Captain Fall Comedy
Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas
Torgersen (Norsemen)
The Cuphead Show!
Comedy based on video game Chad and Jared Moldenhauer
StudioMDHR and King
Features Syndicate
Action – Anime based on
Cyberpunk 2077 video game
Hiroyuki Imaishi (Kill la Kill,
Promare, and Gurren Lagann)
Studio Trigger
Fantasy Horror – Anime based
on video game
Andrew Cosby (Hellboy, Eureka)
DOTA: Dragons Blood
Fantasy – Based on
video game - anime
NA Studio Mir
Musical Kid Cudi (recording artist) Khalabo Ink Society
Sci-Fi Comedy
Roger Black & Waco O’Guin
(Paradise PD)
Odenkirk Provissiero
Entertainment, Bento
Box Entertainment
Godzilla: Singular
Action Atsushi Takahashi Bones and Orange
Good Times
Comedy – Sitcom
Carl Jones, (The Last O.G., The
Boondocks, and Black Dynamite)
Fuzzy Door
Heaven’s Forest
Fantasy – Epic
Warren Ellis (Castlevania)
Powerhouse Animation
The House
Comedy – Dark
Emma de Swaef and Marc James
Roels (This Magnicent Cake,
Oh Willy)
Nexus Studios
Human Resources
Comedy - (spinoff from Big
Nick Kroll (Big Mouth), Andrew
Goldberg, Mark Levin, Jennifer
Flackett, and Kelly Galuska
Brutus Pink
Inside Job
Shion Takeuchi (Gravity Falls)
Netix Animation
Kong: Skull Island
Action – Anime based on movie
Brian Dufeld (Underwater,
Spontaneous, Love and
Monsters) is writing and
exec producing.
Powerhouse Animation
Magic: The Gathering
Fantasy based on card game NA NA
Masters of the
Universe: Revelation
Fantasy – Based on TV Series
Kevin Smith (Clerks, Jay and
Silent Bob)
Jetlag Productions,
Mattel, Powerhouse
Tina Fey (SNL, 30 Rock) and
Robert Carlock (30 Rock)
3 Arts Entertainment,
Bento Box Entertainment
and Universal Television
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 23
Netflix’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series [con’t]
Show Description
(and Other Work)
Fantasy – Anime based
on video game
Nick van Dyk Blizzard
Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner,
Mike Schur, (Parks and
Recreation) Gabe Liedman
(Brooklyn Nine-Nine, PEN15)
Fremulon, Universal TV,
3 Arts
Resident Evil: Innite
Fantasy - based on World of
Warcraft video game
NA TMS Entertainment
Splinter Cell
Spy Thriller – Anime based on
video game
Derek Kolstad (John Wick) Ubisoft
Tomb Raider
Action – anime based
on video game
Tasha Huo, (The Witcher: Blood
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 24
Figure 14: Beavis and Butt-Head - Viacom
9. Comedy Central
Makes a Hard Pivot
Comedy Central is shifting their original programming focus from live-action to
animation. As part of this effort, ViacomCBS announced that they are rebooting
Beavis and Butt-Head, Ren and Stimpy, and Jodie, a Daria spinoff, while at the
same time closing down many of their live-action series. Upon the news of Comedy
Central cancelling Tosh.0, Daniel Tosh quipped, “I look forward to doing an animated
reboot of my show on MTV in 25 years.
It will be a challenge for ViacomCBS to reboot series like Beavis and Butt-Head.
Most comedy does not age particularly well. For those old enough to remember, try
re-watching the last episode of M.A.S.H. A staggering 106 million people watched
that episode, which was the most ever in the history of television.
It may trigger an
out-of-body response — as in, was I the same person who actually liked that show?
“Upon the news of Comedy Central cancelling
Tosh.0, Daniel Tosh quipped, “I look forward
to doing an animated reboot of my show on
MTV in 25 years.
For the record, Viacom had already tried rebooting both Beavis and Butt-Head
and Ren and Stimpy. Neither of these reboots were well received and, if anything,
attracted generally negative reviews from die-hard fans. One assumes ViacomCBS
will start to develop new original series to build up around these reboots. Will they
keep enough powder dry to invest in new content and give themselves enough
10 HITC – Is TOSH.O Cancelled? Fate of the Comedy Central Series Explained, Sep. 16, 2020
11 Washington Post – 106 million People Watched M.A.S.H.’’ nale 35 years ago.
No Scripted Show Since Has Come Close, Feb. 28, 2018
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 25
runway to make it all work? Personally, I hope I am proven wrong and this approach
works. It would be wonderful to have another serious adult animation buyer in the
market. Viacom is also looking for homes for other animated projects based on IP
from the Viacom vault. Its Clone High series, for example, is heading for HBO Max.
Figure 15:
Ren & Stimpy
- Viacom
Viacom’s Current Adult Animation Series
Show Description Creator(s) (Other Work) Studio(s)
South Park
Matt Stone, Trey Parker (Team
America, World Police, Book of
Celluloid Studios (1997) Braniff
Productions (1997–2006)
Parker-Stone Productions
(2006–07) South Park Studios
(2007–) Comedy Partners
Viacom’s Upcoming Adult Animation Series
Show Description Creator(s) (Other Work) Studio(s)
Beavis and
Comedy Reboot
Mike Judge (Silicon Valley,
King of the Hill)
Clone High
Comedy Reboot
Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
(Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,
The Lego Movie) and Bill Lawrence
For HBO Max
Comedy (Daria Spinoff)
Grace Edwards (Insecure,
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
Ren & Stimpy
Comedy Reboot John Krisfalusi TBD
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 26
Figure 16: Rick and Morty - Adult Swim
10. WarnerMedia:
HBO Max, Adult Swim & DC Comics
HBO Max, Adult Swim, and DC Comics are the three key components to
WarnerMedia’s adult animation strategy. HBO Max now has a landing page to
help viewers nd their favorite adult animation more easily. The hub includes
Crunchyroll, Studio Ghibli, Looney Tunes, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim.
Suzanna Makkos is HBO Max's EVP of Original Comedy and Adult Animation.
Michael Ouweleen is the President ofAdult Swim. Adult Swim, Cartoon Network’s
adult animation block, is home to Rick and Morty, the most-watched comedy series
for 18-34s on television. DC Comics is home to some of the world’s most-valuable
superhero characters, including Batman and Superman. HBO Max paid $500M
for the streaming rights to Viacom’s South Park franchise that will serve as the
cornerstone of their adult animation strategy. HBO Max also invested an estimated
$1billion (phew) for the animation rights to Roald Dahl's books.
Warner Brothers has a sizable world-class animation production capacity between
Warner Brothers Animation, Cartoon Network Studios, and Williams Street.
Sam Register is the president of Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Digital Series
and Cartoon Network Studios. This scale will be important because all the third
party studio’s capacity will be stretched thin with the surge in demand for adult
animation. HBO Max will continue to mine the DC vaults for IP that translates
into adult animated series. HBO Max has a bona de hit with critics and fans in
Harley Quinn, a DC Universe character. The SVOD is expanding to 18 new upcoming
adult animated series from its 3 current series (Close Enough, Harley Quinn and
Young Justice).
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 27
I have to believe that in the long run, WarnerMedia will abandon Adult Swim as a
cable channel to focus on becoming the adult animation producer and programmer
for HBO Max. I can’t see how any young adult-facing cable channel can survive
cord-cutting: This is the case across all the major entertainment companies that are
increasingly structuring their businesses around their streaming platforms.
For reasons I don’t understand, WarnerMedia sold Crunchyroll to Sony. Crunchyroll
is a successful standalone SVOD with 3 million paying subscribers and arguably
would have been a reliable anime feeder into HBO Max. I am not sure what anime
will be left for HBO Max or Adult Swim if Sony (Crunchyroll) and Netix continue
to aggressively lock up anime output from Japan. As I mentioned elsewhere in this
white paper, I fully anticipate doing a comprehensive analysis of anime next year
and by that time some of these open questions will become clearer.
Figure 17:
Close Enough
- HBO Max
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 28
HBO Max’s Current Adult Animated Series
Show Description Creator(s) Studio(s)
Close Enough
Surreal Comedy
J. G. Quintel, Sean Szeles,
Matt Price, Calvin Wong
Cartoon Network Studios
Harley Quinn
Black comedy Surreal comedy
Superhero Crime
Justin Halpern, Patrick
Schumacker, Dean Lorey
Warner Bros. Animation DC Entertainment Yes,
Norman Productions, Ehsugadee Productions
Young Justice
Action Adventure Science ction
Superhero Teen drama
Brandon Vietti Greg Weisman DC Entertainment Warner Bros. Animation
HBO Max’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series
Show Description Creator(s) Studio(s)
10-Year Old Tom
Steve Dildarian (The Life and Times of
Tomorrow Studios,
ITV Studios
Aquaman: King of
Superhero Mini-Series
James Wan (Saw, Insidious)
Warner Bros. Animation
Batman: The Animated
Series (rumored reboot)
Superhero TBD TBD
The Boondocks
Comedy Sitcom Aaron McGruder Sony Pictures Animation
Original Comedy
Eddie Huang Color Correct
Clone High
Comedy Reboot
Phil Lord, Christopher Miller (Cloudy
with a Chance of Meatballs, The Lego
Movie) and Bill Lawrence (Scrubs)
MTV Entertainment
(in development)
Espionage thriller Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack Rooster Teeth Studios
Fired on Mars
Workplace Comedy
starring Pete Davidson
Nate Sherman and Nick Vokey Warner Bros. Animation
Game of Thrones
(anime rumor)
Fantasy based on the
TV series
Gremlins: Secrets
of the Mogwai
Fantasy spinoff
from a movie
Tze Chun Warner Bros Animation
Hello Paul
(In development)
Comedy about a
neurotic cat Pete
Davidson to voice
Sean Solomon (AOK,Lucas Bros
Moving Co.,Animation) Domination
Keeping Up With the
Hugh Davidson (Mike Tyson
WB Animation
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 29
HBO Max’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series [cont’d]
Show Description Creator(s) Studio(s)
(in development)
Obi Arisukwu and Arthur Harris (The
Last OG).
Studio 71
The Prince
Royal Family
Political Satire
Gary Janetti (Family Guy, Will and
Bento Box Entertainment,
20th Television
Santa Inc.
Seasonal Comedy
starring Seth Rogen
and Sarah Silverman
Alexandra Rusheld (Shrill, Parks and
Point Grey Pictures
Uncanny Valley
(in development)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Ed Helms (The Ofce, The Daily Show)
with creators/executive producers
Brendan Walter and Greg Yagolnitzer
Universal Television,
Electric Picture
Scooby-Doo Spinoff
starring Mindy Kaling
(The Ofce)
Charlie Grandy, (The Daily Show, SNL,
The Ofce) Howard Klein, (Carnivàle),
Sam Register
Warner Bros. Animation
Young Love
Drama based on the
Oscar winning short
Matthew A. Cherry (Hair Love) and
Carl Jones (Boondocks)
Sony Pictures Animation
Adult Swim’s Current Adult Animated Series
Show Description Creator(s) (other work) Studio(s)
12 Oz Mouse
Matt Maiellaro (Aqua Teen
Hunger Force)
Williams Street, Radical Axis (series),
Awesome, Inc. (special)
Ballmastrz: 9009
Sci-Fi Comedy
Christy Karacas (Superjail)
Titmouse, Inc., C.C.K. Rad (Season 2),
Williams Street
JJ Villards
J.J. Villard (King Star King,
Chestnuts Icelolly, Monsters
Vs. Aliens)
Villard Film, Cartoon Network Studios,
Williams Street
The Jellies
Tyler, The Creator
Bald Fade Productions, Augenblick Studios,
Whalerock Industries, Williams Street
Lazor Wulf
Henry Bonsu, with Daniel
Titmouse, Inc. (Pilot), Bento Box Entertainment
(season 1), 6 Point Harness (season 2),
Williams Street
Momma Named
Me Sheriff
(Mr. Pickles)
sitcom Dark
Will Carsola and Dave
HotHouse Productions, Day by Day Productions,
Williams Street
Horror, Action
Genndy Tartakovsky
(Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack,
Star Wars: Clone Wars)
Cartoon Network Studios, Williams Street,
Studio La Cachette
Rick and Morty
Sci- Comedy
Justin Roiland (Solar
Opposites), Dan Harmon
Williams Street, Harmonious Claptrap, Starburns
Industries (seasons 1–2), Justin Roiland's Solo
Vanity Card Productions!, Rick and Morty, LLC.
(season 2–3), Green Portal Productions (season 4)
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 30
Adult Swim’s Current Adult Animated Series [cont’d]
Show Description Creator(s) (other work) Studio(s)
Robot Chicken
Seth Green and Matthew
Senreich along with co-
head writers Douglas
Goldstein and Tom Root
ShadowMachine Films (2005–2012) (seasons 1–5),
Stoopid Monkey, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (2012
present), (season 6–present) Sony Pictures Digital
(2005–2012) (seasons 1–5) Sony Pictures Television
(2012–present) (season 6–present), Williams Street
Andrew Koehler and
Benjamin Martian
Titmouse, Inc., Babyhemyth Productions,
Williams Street
The Shivering
Surreal, Sketch
Created by Vernon
Chatman (Wonder Showzen)
and directed by Chatman
and Cat Solen
ShadowMachine (season one), HouseSpecial
(season two), PFFR, Williams Street
Black Comedy
Jim Fortier and Dave Willis
(Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Williams Street
Tender Touches
Soap Opera
David Bonawits, (Fish
Center Live) Lauren Payne,
and Maxime Simonet
Six Point Harness (season 2), Awesome, Inc.
(season 3), Williams Street
The Venture
Bros. (last season)
Christopher McCulloch
Astro Base GO!, NoodleSoup Productions
(2003–04), World Leaders Entertainment
(2006–10), Titmouse, Inc. (2011–2018),
Williams Street
Yolo: Crystal
Comedy Michael Cusack Princess Pictures, Williams Street
Adult Swim’s Upcoming Adult Animated Series
Show Description Creator(s) (Other Works) Studio(s)
Comedy spinoff
from Harvey
Produced by Susan Shipsky and directed
by Rich Ferguson-Hull (Harvey Birdman,
Ugly Americans)
ME Productions, Awesome Inc.
Blade Runner:
Black Lotus
Anime series
based on movie
Shinji Aramaki, Kenji Kamiyama
(Ultraman, Ghost in the Shell)
Sola Digital Arts
ages comedy
Alissa Nutting (Made for Love) and
Emmy-Nominated Producer Alyson Levy
(Shivering Truth)
Tuca and
Comedy (formerly
Lisa Hanawalt (BoJack Horseman)
The Tornante Company,
Brave Dummy, Boxer vs.
Raptor, ShadowMachine
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 31
Figure 18: Futurama - Fox
11. Sci-Fi Comedy
There is a rich animated sci- comedy tradition that includes some of the all-time
most popular adult animated series — shows like Futurama, Gravity Falls and
Invader Zim. Creators have gravitated towards these sci- comedy hybrids because
they are an easy way to present more complex themes and, by their nature, push
the boundaries of the imagination. My prediction is that sci- comedy crossovers
are transitional and will be a gateway to more ambitious dramatic adult animation.
Comedic sci- is a exible platform for storytellers to tell funny, complex stories
packaged in a way that is relatively easy for audiences to enjoy and for buyers
to greenlight.
“Sci-fi comedy crossovers
are transitional and a gateway
to more ambitious dramatic
adult animation.
The stories are about almost anything and can take place almost anywhere in the
universe. They explore the human condition and the more ambitious ones (like
Rick and Morty and The Midnight Gospel) pose existential questions about our
existence from a unique point of view, with all the strengths inherent to classic
science ction. Although comedy plays less of a role in most science ction
literature, sci- premises are a reoccurring platform for animated comedy series.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 32
My expectation is that this will change as Western audiences (and the rest of the
world) increasingly accept animation as a vehicle for any kind of story. Japanese
audiences have already made this transition. Japanese anime can cover anything
from ghting robots to romance to a retired yakuza boss adjusting to life as a
stay-at-home dad. There’s no reason why the rest of the world will not get to the
same place.
Current animated sci- comedy series include Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites,
Final Space, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Close Enough and The Midnight Gospel. These
series consistently command some of the largest audiences for adult animation
— especially Rick and Morty. There’s a lot of shared genes amongst these series —
many of them have hired current and former Rick and Morty writers. Upcoming
sci- comedies include the spinoff X-Files: Albuquerque, and Chronicles of Frank.
Figure 20:
Final Space - TBS
Figure 19:
Solar Opposites
- Hulu
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 33
Current Sci-Fi Comedy Adult Animated Crossovers
Show Description
(Other Work)
Buyer Studio(s)
Close Enough
Sci-Fi Comedy
J. G. Quintel (Regular
HBO Max Cartoon Network Studios
Devil May Care
Douglas Goldstein (Robot
Syfy Psyop, Titmouse
Final Space
Space Opera
Comedy Drama
Olan Rogers (comedian) TBS
ShadowMachine, Jam Filled
Entertainment, Star Cadet New
Form Digital Conaco (S1–2) Studio
T (S1)
Magical Girl
Squad: Origins
Sci-Fi Comedy Kelsey Stephanides Syfy Cartuna
The Midnight
Sci-Fi Comedy
Pendleton Ward
(Adventure Time)
and Duncan Trussell,
Netix Oatmeal Maiden Titmouse, Inc.
Rick and Morty
Sci-Fi Comedy
Justin Roiland (Solar
Opposites), Dan Harmon
Adult Swim
Williams Street Harmonious
Claptrap Starburns Industries
(seasons 12) Justin Roiland’s Solo
Vanity Card Productions! Rick and
Morty, LLC. (season 2–3) Green
Portal Productions (season 4)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Justin Roiland (Rick
and Morty) and Mike
McMahan (Star Trek:
Lower Decks)
Solo Vanity Card Productions!,
Important Science, 20th Television
Star Trek:
Lower Decks
Sci-Fi Comedy
Mike McMahan (Solar
CBS All Access
CBS Eye, Animation Productions,
Secret Hideout, Important Science,
Roddenberry Entertainment,
Titmouse, Inc.
Wild Life
Adam Davies Dylan
Dawson Alex Plapinger
Nice Try, Octopie, Network
Valparaiso Pictures, TZGZ
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 34
Upcoming Sci-Fi Comedy Adult Animated Crossovers
Show Description
(Other Work)
Buyer Studio(s)
Sci-Fi Comedy –
Animated Workplace
Mo Mandel (Comedy Knockout),
Jason Fuchs (Wonder Woman)
3 Arts
The Black Hole
Sci-Fi Comedy
Dino Stamatopoulos (Creator,
Moral Orel) and Michael Waldron
(Producer, Rick and Morty)
The Chronicles of
Sci-Fi Comedy
Chris Osbrink (Writer/Director,
Trip Tank)
Syfy ShadowMachine
Sci-Fi Comedy
Roger Black & Waco O’Guin
(Paradise PD)
and Bento Box
Fired on Mars
Sci-Fi Comedy
starring Pete
Carson Mell and Dave Sirus
(King of Staten Island)
based on a short by Nate
ShermanandNick Vokey
The Hospital
Sci-Fi Comedy –
Natasha Lyonne, (Orange is
the New Black) Maya Rudolph
(SNL, Idiocracy)
Amazon Animal Pictures
The Pole
Matthew Bass (Future Man)
and Theodore Bressman
(Future Man). Mark Gordon
(Producer, Ray Donovan)
Syfy Yeti Farm Creative
Psycho Psalms
Stop Motion Dark
Comedy Sci-Fi
David Braun and Nicholas
Open The Portal,
Tractor Pants
Uncanny Valley
(in development)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Ed Helms (The Ofce, The Daily
Show) with creators/executive
producers Brendan Walter and
Greg Yagolnitzer
Electric Picture
Uncanny Valley
(in development)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Chris Carter (X:Files), Rocky
Russo, Jeremy Sosenko,
(Paradise PD)
Fox Bento Box
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 35
Figure 21:
Magical Girl Friendship
Squad - Syfy
12. Syfy’s TZGZ Block and
Short Format Pipelines
TZGZ is a late night programming block that rst premiered in April 2019 on Syfy.
Expanding Syfy’s programming into original adult animation has been a priority for
NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment according to President Chris McCumber, who
oversees USA Network and Syfy. The block features animated series aimed at adult
audiences with a focus on “animated comedy, which has to have some tie to science
ction, horror, and fantasy.
The block's name is derived from the letters of the
alphabet that come after those in Syfy's name.
The TZGZ block very neatly ts into my thesis about the importance and popularity
of sci- comedy crossovers. There are currently four original series in production
(Magical Girl Friendship Squad, Wild Life, Hell Den and Devil May Care) and six
series in various stages of development. They also license Futurama and Mondo/
Blue Ant’s Gary and His Demons.
I am a proponent of Short Format Pipelines, like TZGZ. This model has worked
well for programmers in the past. Comedy is so dependent on voice and POV that
the only way to nd successful shows is to start small, with a high volume of short
pilots, and then get behind the projects that show signs of traction. Using short
format pipelines, I was able to nd IP like Happy Tree Friends, Dick Figures and
Gary and His Demons — all of which scaled into successful TV series and movies.
12 Deadline - Syfy Ramps Up Animation Push With First Original Series & Pilot Orders
For New TZGZ Block, Jan. 17, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 36
This time-tested model has also worked for Fred Seibert during his stint at Hanna
Barbera, where he produced 28 short lms that eventually became hits, including
Genndy Tartakovsky's Dexter's Laboratory, David Feiss' Cow and Chicken and I Am
Weasel, Van Partible's Johnny Bravo, John R. Dilworth's Courage the Cowardly Dog,
and Craig McCraken's The Powerpuff Girls.
I look forward to seeing what shows break out of the TZGZ pipeline.
Current Adult Animated TZGZ Block Series
Show Description
(and prior/other work)
Devil May Care
Dark Comedy
Douglas Goldstein (Robot Chicken)
PSYOP, Titmouse
Hell Den
Sketch Comedy
Sean Cowhig ,Neil Garguilo, Brian
James O'Connell, David F. Park,
Justin Ware
Dr. God Productions, Rafael
Raffaele Entertainment, Shout!
Studios, TZGZ Productions
Magical Girl
Friendship Squad
Magical Girl Comedy Kelsey Stephanides Cartuna, TZGZ Productions
Wild Life
Sitcom Adam Davies
Nice Try., Octopie Network,
Valparaiso Pictures, TZGZ
Upcoming Adult Animated TZGZ Block Series
Show Description
(and prior/other work)
The Black Hole
Sci-Fi Comedy
Dino Stamatopoulos
and Michael Waldron
The Chronicles
of Frank
Comedy Chris Osbrink NA
Sci-Fi Comedy NA NA
The Pole
Matthew Bass and
Theodore Bressman
Yeti Farm Creative
Psycho Psalms
Dark Comedy
Stop Motion
David Braun and Nicholas
Open The Portal, Tractor Pants
The Summoner
Charlie Hankins
(New Yorker Cartoonist)
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 37
Figure 22: Good Times - HBO Max
13. Blasts From the Past:
Reboots and Spinoffs
Viacom isn’t the only network turning to reboots: CBS Television’s Star Trek:
Lower Decks is currently the one on-air spinoff, but there are at least 18 other
announced reboots or spinoffs in development or production. Many of these are
spinoffs from some of the most valuable franchises in the entertainment industry
including Game of Thrones, Godzilla, Blade Runner, and King Kong. Others are
spinoffs from classic animated and live action series, including Viacom’s reboots
like Beavis and Butt-Head and Ren & Stimpy. There are multiple upcoming animated
spinoff series based on live-action series, like X:Files and the sitcom Good Times.
“The benefit of the animated spinoff is
that streaming services can broaden their
big-name content without treading
on the toes of the live-action originals”
It will be interesting to see how far these animated spinoffs veer from their source
material. It’s difcult to see, for example, a straight handling of the Good Times
sitcom as an animated series. Unless it’s meant to be ironic, the voice of that show
will seem antiquated for today’s audiences. They are going to have to do something
very different from the original to make it work.
Comedy Central’s reboot mania, on the other hand, appears to be motivated by the
ratings success that Adult Swim and Netix have had with adult animation, and
possibly as a pivot in reaction to the decline in popularity of live-action comedy.
(Or they gave up on the challenge of nding new hit comedies.)
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 38
Figure 23:
Masters of the Universe:
Revelation - Netflix
Craig Elvy, writing for Screen Rant, makes an excellent observation about the
animated spinoff phenomenon: It’s a lower risk way of extending IP than big budget
features or series. According to Elvy, “The benet of the animated spinoff is that
streaming services can broaden their big-name content without treading on the
toes of the live-action originals — and usually at a lower cost. The more projects
exist simultaneously under a single franchise umbrella, the more the overall brand
risks being diluted. This phenomenon can be seen with The Walking Dead and
its three current live-action shows. But the medium of animation offers natural
separation. Jurassic World fans can enjoy Camp Cretaceous as both a show in its own
right and an extension of the wider dinosaur universe, but those who nd no merit
in the spinoff can easily stick to live-action. A poorly-received animated spinoff
is far less likely to damage the brand than a live-action one.
13 Screen Rant, Why So Many Franchises Are Getting Animated Spinoff Shows, Jan 28, 2021
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 39
Current Adult Animated Reboots and Spinoffs
Show Description
(and prior/other work)
Buyer Studio(s)
Star Trek:
Lower Decks
Sci-Fi Comedy
Mike McMahan
(Solar Opposites)
CBS All Access
CBS Eye, Animation Productions,
Secret Hideout, Important
Science, Roddenberry
Entertainment, Titmouse, Inc.
Upcoming Adult Animated Reboots and Spinoffs
Show Description Creators Buyer Studios(s)
Batman: The
Reboot of the classic
animated series
Beavis and
Comedy Reboot
Mike Judge (Silicon Valley,
King of the Hill)
Viacom TBD
Harvey Birdman
Paget Brewster Adult Swim Awesome Inc.
Black Lotus
Action Anime based
on the movie
Shinji Aramaki and Kenji
Adult Swim Sola Digital Arts
Aaron McGruder (original
HBO Max Sony Pictures Animation
Clone High
Comedy Reboot
Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
(Cloudy with a Chance of
Meatballs, The Lego Movie)
and Bill Lawrence (Scrubs)
Good Times
Sitcom Spinoff
Carl Jones (The Boondocks,
Black Dynamite) Tracy Morgan
(The Last O.G,)
Act III, Unanimous Media
(Steph Curry), Fuzzy Door
(Seth MacFarlane)
(spinoff from Big
Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg,
Mark Levin, Jennifer Flackett,
and Kelly Galuska
Netix Brutus Pink
Game of
Spinoff from Game
of Thrones Series
Action Anime based
on movie
Atsushi Takahashi Netix Bones and Orange
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 40
Upcoming Adult Animated Reboots and Spinoffs [cont’d]
Show Description Creators Buyer Studios(s)
Secrets of the
Fantasy Spinoff from
Gremlins feature
Tze Chun HBO Max
Amblin Television Warner
Bros. Animation
Jodie Comedy (Daria Spinoff)
Grace Edwards (Insecure,
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
Viacom TBD
Kong: Skull
Action Anime, Spinoff
from King Kong movie
Brian Dufeld (Underwater,
Spontaneous, Love and
Monsters) is writing and
exec producing.
Netix Powerhouse Animation
Masters of
the Universe
He Man Spinoff
Kevin Smith (Clerks) Netix
Powerhouse Animation
Ren & Stimpy
Comedy Reboot John Krisfalusi Viacom
Spümcø (seasons 1 and 2)
Games Animation
(seasons 3–5) Nickelodeon
Animation Studio
Tuca and
Lisa Hanawalt, (Bojack
Adult Swim
The Tornante Company,
Brave Dummy, Boxer vs.
Raptor, ShadowMachine
Velma Scooby-Doo spinoff
Charlie Grandy, Howard Klein,
and Sam Register
HBO Max Warner Bros. Animation
Comedy Spinoff from
X-Files TV Series
Chris Carter (X:Files),
Rocky Russo, Jeremy Sosenko,
(Paradise PD)
Fox Bento Box
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 41
Figure 24: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Netflix
14. Is It Still Anime If
It’s Not Produced in Japan?
Avatar: the Last Air Bender, a 12-year old Nickelodeon series, blew up on Netix
and exceeded everyone’s expectations with the longest-consecutive run on the
streamer’s top 10 TV series chart — ever since the service began promoting their
daily top 10s. At the same time, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the
show’s original creators abandoned a highly anticipated live-action spinoff due
to creative differences with Netix. Netix announced that despite the creators’
departure, they were proceeding with the live-action spinoff. It is not clear if this
will impact the possibility of new animated episodes for the franchise.
“Epic, serialized, anime-style story-telling
like Avatar that appeal to all ages might
be one of the formulas for success for
future adult animated series.
According to Collider’s Rafael Motamayor: “Avatar sat at the perfect intersection
between serious, adult storytelling and goofy yet fun children’s entertainment,
and it knew when to lean one way over the other.
Epic, serialized story-telling
like Avatar: The Last Air-Bender that appeals to all ages might be one of the keys
to success for future adult animated series. Avatar: The Last Airbender could still
become a key franchise for Netix. It’s a big enough world and there’s clearly an
appetite for the property. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a Burbank-produced series
that is clearly inspired by Japanese anime.
14 Collider, How A 15-Year-Old Cartoon Remained the Most Successful Netix
Show of the Summer, July 17, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 42
Figure 25:
Seis Manos
- Netflix
Anime-inspired, Western-produced hybrids like Avatar could become a category
unto itself and potentially challenge traditional Japanese-produced anime. Many
of the newly announced video game adaptations and spinoffs have been announced
as anime productions.
There are, however, limitations to how quickly the Japanese anime production
companies can respond to the surge in demand for anime. According to Roland
Kelts, writing for Nikkei Asia, “Japan’s anime industry has been plagued for years
by adverse conditions: long hours in cramped studios, razor-thin prot margins,
and domestic labor shortages.” Kelts goes on to explain: “Japan’s anime industry
has been reluctant to embrace global standards in digital, computer-generated
3D imagery, adhering instead to a 2D model of visual art, much of it hand-drawn
by employees crammed into tiny open-air cubicles, surviving on instant noodles
and sometimes sleeping under their desks. The environment is as antiquated as
company policy: working from home does not compute.
“There is a very real ceiling to Japan’s ability to
quickly ramp up to meet the demand for anime.
The reliance on hand-drawn paper animation is, of course, a large part of the appeal
of Japanese anime. But these limitations, coupled with Japanese COVID employment
15 Nikkei Asia, Japan's anime studios fall victim to coronavirus disruptions, May 20, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 43
restrictions and the increased competition between locally nanced anime and
international buyers like Netix and Crunchyroll, would indicate to me that there
is a very real ceiling to Japan’s ability to quickly ramp up to meet the demand for
anime series.
This is where I believe Western-produced anime inspired productions will start
to play a role. Companies like Texas-based Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania,
Seis Manos, Blood of Zeus) are realizing the benets of producing these types of
series using more efcient modern Western production pipelines.
There needs to be a word to describe western
produced anime. I am going to take a shot at coining
‘gaibume,’ which is a portmanteau of the Japanese
words for ‘outside’ and ‘anime.
The global anime market is valued at over US $24 billion with roughly half coming
from domestic Japanese sales and the other half from international. Today’s English
language adult animation market is a fraction of Japan’s. By my estimates, today’s
adult English language animation market is in the single digit billions. It’s largely
a domestic market but it is growing rapidly.
The 2019 Association of Japanese Animation Annual Report explains that “the global
adult animation market has historically been Japan’s monopoly, but if this trend
[towards Western produced anime] shifts into high gear, Japan’s dominance may
be threatened.
Japan’s animation industry is right to be concerned, although there will always be
a rabid fandom for authentic Japanese anime. The major opportunity for Western
animation producers is for adult animation to expand into more genre and dramatic
story-telling. Dramatic series account for the majority of the original content spend
on the streaming platforms. If Western-produced anime can start to tap into the
streamer budgets for drama, it will expand the adult animation market dramatically
over the next 10 years.
16 Japanese Animation Industry Report 2019
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 44
Figure 27:
Godzilla Singular Point
- Netflix
Figure 26:
Blade Runner: Black Lotus
- Adult Swim Crunchyroll
Figure 28:
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
- Netflix
Figure 29:
Splinter Cell
- Netflix
Here’s a handful of notable upcoming anime or anime-inspired productions:
Blade Runner: Black Lotus is a
co-production between Crunchyroll
and Adult Swim, in partnership with
Alcon Television Group. Based on the
classic sci- movie, the series is being
produced in Japan.
Godzilla Singular Point is an upcoming
Japanese anime TV series based on the
Godzilla franchise. Directed by Atsushi
Takahashi, the series is scheduled to air
in April 2021.
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is one of several
video game adaptations that will be
produced as an anime series. Anime
appears to be the style of choice for
video game spinoffs.
Splinter Cell – Netix and Ubisoft teamed
up to produce an anime series adaptation
of the video game. Derek Kolstad,
(John Wick) to write and produce.
2 season, 16 episode order.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 45
Current Adult Animated Anime-Inspired or
Anime Based on Western IP
Show Description Creators Buyer Studio(s)
Blood of Zeus
(formerly Gods
and Heroes)
Action Anime
Charley Parlapanides
Vlas Parlapanides
Netix Powerhouse Animation Studios
Drama, Dark fantasy
Action, Adventure
Horror, Anime
Warren Ellis,
Global Frequency)
Frederator Studios, Powerhouse
Animation Studios, Shankar Animation,
Project 51 Productions, Mua Film
Adventure, Dark
Fantasy, Anime
Shinya Sugai Netix Sublimation
Seis Manos
Martial arts
Supernatural Action,
Brad Graeber, Álvaro
Powerhouse Animation Studios, Viz
Upcoming Adult Animated Anime-Inspired or
Anime Based on Western IP
Show Description
(Other Work)
Buyer Studio(s)
Blade Runner:
Black Lotus
Action Anime based on movie
Shinji Aramaki and Kenji
Adult Swim,
Sola Digital
Fantasy Horror – Anime
Andrew Cosby (Hellboy, Eureka)
Netix Blizzard
Action – Anime based on
Cyberpunk 2077 video game
Hiroyuki Imaishi (Kill la Kill,
Promare, and Gurren Lagann)
Netix Studio Trigger
Original, Afro-futuristic
science ction series
Idris Elba
Adult Swim
DOTA: Dragons
Fantasy – Based on video
game, anime
NA Netix Studio Mir
Game of
Thrones (rumor)
Fantasy – Anime spinoff from
TV series
Singular Point
Action – spinoff from movie Atsushi Takahashi Netix
Bones and
Kong: Skull
Action Anime, Spinoff from
King Kong movie
Brian Dufeld (Underwater,
Spontaneous, Love and Monsters)
is writing and exec producing.
Fantasy – Anime based on
Overwatch video game
NA Netix Blizzard
Splinter Cell
Spy Thriller – Anime spinoff
from video game
Derek Kolstad (John Wick) Netix Ubisoft
Tomb Raider Action Anime TBD Netix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 46
Figure 30: Invincible - Netflix
15. Drawing from Comics
and Graphic Novels
Comics and graphic novels naturally extend themselves to animated series.
Harley Quinn, the DC comic-book based series, is a breakout hit. Advancing to its
third season and well-received by both critics and fans, the dark comedy is moving
from DC Universe (now focused exclusively on digital comics) to its new home
on HBO Max. This category accounts for about 10% of the upcoming adult animated
TV series.
Some of the more notable upcoming series include Invincible, an hour-long,
2D superhero series from Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, produced
by Atomic Cartoons. “The superhero space in lm and television is extremely
crowded, so I thought that one way to make [Invincible] stand out and be more
unique would be to have it in animated form,” said Kirkman.
“The superhero space in film and television is extremely
crowded, so I thought that one way to make ‘Invincible’
stand out and be more unique would be to have it in
animated form,” said Kirkman.
Hulu is producing two other comic based series, including the comedy M.O.D.O.K.,
a Marvel, stop-motion series from Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, and Hit Monkey, another
Marvel property. Live action TV series adaptations of comic books have surged in
the wake of live action features on the SVODs. There are a number of upcoming
comic-based projects and it is an important source of IP for adult animation but not
at the scale of live-action adaptations. It appears that Hulu is the most committed
to comic-based adult animated series, although I believe this to be a large enough
category to work on many channels and streamers.
17 Los Angeles Times - Why TV’s next Golden Age might come thanks
to adult animation, Nov 23, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 47
Current Comic-Book Inspired Adult Animated Series
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Harley Quinn
DC Comics Black comedy
Surreal, Comedy,
Superhero, Crime
Justin Halpern Patrick
Schumacker Dean
Warner Bros. Animation DC
Entertainment Yes, Norman
Productions Ehsugadee
Young Justice
Action Adventure Science
ction Superhero Teen
Brandon Vietti Greg
DC Entertainment Warner
Bros. Animation
Figure 31:
M.O.D.O.K. – Hulu
Figure 32:
Hit Monkey - Hulu
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 48
Upcoming Comic-Book Inspired Adult Animated Series
Show Description
Creator(s) (Other
Buyer Studio(s)
Aquaman: King of
DC Comics
James Wan (Saw, Insidious)
Atomic Monster and
Warner Bros Animation
Batman: The
Animated Series
D.C. Comics NA HBO Max NA
Comedy – Based on
NA NA Anima, Lunes
(in development)
D.C Comics
Brian Michael Bendis and
David Mack
HBO Max Rooster Teeth Studios
Depardieu Only
Comedy – based on
graphic novel
Based on story by Gerard
NA Toon Factory
Drama Superhero
from Image Comics
Robert Kirkman (The
Walking Dead)
Prime Video
Hit Monkey
Marvel Comics
Josh Gordon and Will
Hulu Marvel Studios
Hungry Ghost
Dark Horse, horror
Based on story by Anthony
Bourdain (chef, author, TV
Sony Pictures Animation
Marvel Comedy,
Science ction,
Jordan Blum and Patton
Oswalt (comedian, King of
Marvel Studios,
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
What If?
Marvel Comics,
Anthology, Superhero
A.C. Bradley Disney + Marvel Studios
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 49
Figure 33: Castlevania – (Konami) Netflix
16. Why Video Games
are the New IP Gold Rush
There are a staggering 10 new video game inspired adult animated series in the
works. That’s up from two on-air video game based series in 2020: Castlevania
and Alien Isolation – The Digital Series. Netix has ordered at least nine of the
upcoming video game based series. New adult animated series based on video
games now account for at least 10% of all the upcoming adult animated series. Many
of these video game series will be adapted as anime or anime inspired projects.
The quantity of upcoming TV series based on video games
and audience’s willingness to embrace adult animation
make this genre a potentially explosive new category.
According to Brandon Katz, writing for Observer: “When the Marvel Cinematic
Universe lms took the entertainment world by storm and became the highest-
grossing lm series in box ofce history, the franchise success propelled a
cataclysmic shift in pop culture: it transformed geek culture into cool culture.
Yohan Varella, CEO of accounting marketing agency Epic Firms, stated: “This
prowess alone obliterated the interest gap between teenage boys and middle-aged
moms (and everyone else in between) and is now dragging another IP sleeping giant
into the battle for lm and TV watchers’ dollars—the video game industry—which
generated more revenue than the lm and music industries combined.
There’s a generation of video game players who have grown accustomed to in-game
cinematics. As a result, there’s built-up pressure from these massive gaming
communities to see their favorite characters come to life in longer, linear formats.
However, adapting games into movies has been historically fraught with peril, with
most movies negatively received by critics and fans alike.
18 Observer – Video Games Will Soon Be Hollywood’s Next Great IP War, Dec 23, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 50
More recently however, Netix’s The
Witcher, a live-action dramatic series
based on the video game (and Andrzej
Sapkowski’s novels), became the most
in-demand TV show in the world. This
bodes well for the new class of video
game inspired animated series. The
quantity of upcoming TV series based on
video games and audience’s willingness to
embrace adult animation make this genre
a potentially explosive new category.
The list of upcoming games includes some
major franchises with massive global
footprints including League of Legends,
World of Warcraft, DOTA, Cyberpunk
2077, Diablo, Overwatch and Resident Evil.
Figure 34:
The Witcher - Netflix
Figure 35: Resident Evil:
The Infinite Darkness –
(Resident Evil, Capcom)
Figure 36: Diablo –
(Diablo, Blizzard)
Figure 37: Overwatch –
(Overwatch, Blizzard)
Figure 38: Arcane
(League of Legends)
– Riot Games
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 51
One of the video game inspired projects
I am looking forward to is The Cuphead
Show!. Based on the video game Cuphead,
the characters are designed with a
rubber hose art style similar to the
work of Fleischer Studios in the 1930s.
The Cuphead Show! is an upcoming
American-Canadian animated series for
Netix, produced by StudioMDHR and
King Features Syndicate, and animation
from Lighthouse Studios in Ireland.
Dave Wasson (director on Mickey Mouse
Shorts) is the executive producer on
the project with co-executive producer
Cosmo Segurson (director on Rocko’s
Modern Life: Static Cling).
Figure 39:
DOTA Dragons Blood
(DOTA) - Netflix
Figure 41:
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
(Cyberpunk 2077)
- Netflix
Figure 40:
Shadowlands Afterlives
(Blizzard, World of
Warcraft) - Blizzard
Figure 42:
The Cuphead Show!
- Netflix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 52
Current Adult Animated Series Based on Video Games
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Mike McMahan
(Solar Opposites)
CBS All Access
CBS Eye, Animation Productions,
Secret Hideout, Important Science,
Roddenberry Entertainment,
Titmouse, Inc.
Alien Isolation –
The Digital Series
Sci-Fi Horror Jeff Juhasz IGN
Reverse Engineering Studios (RES),
TitraFilm Dvgroup, 20th Century
Fox, IGN
Upcoming Adult Animated Series Based on Video Games
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
League of Legends Spinoff,
Fantasy Sci-Fi
Riot Games, Fortiche
ARK: The Animated
Action Adventure spinoff
from the video game
Jay Oliva
(Batman: The Dark Knight
Returns, Justice League:
The Flashpoint Paradox)
TBD Studio Wildcard
Captain Laserhawk:
A Blood Dragon Vibe
Spinoff from video game Adi Shankar TBD TBD
The Cuphead Show!
Chad and
Jared Moldenhauer
and King Features
Action – Anime based on
Cyberpunk 2077 video game
Hiroyuki Imaishi
(Kill la Kill, Promare,
and Gurren Lagann)
Netix Studio Trigger
Dragons Blood
Fantasy – Based on video
game, anime
NA Netix Studio Mir
Fantasy Horror – Anime
Andrew Cosby
(Hellboy, Eureka)
Fantasy – Anime based on
Overwatch video game
NA Netix Blizzard
Resident Evil:
Innite Darkness
Based on the Horror Video
Game from Capcom
Hiroyuki Kobayashi Netix
TMS Entertainment
and animated by
World of War Craft Game NA Ginx
Splinter Cell
Spy Thriller – Anime spinoff
from video game
Derek Kolstad (John Wick) Netix Ubisoft
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 53
Figure 44:
Undone -
Amazon Prime
17. The Rise of Dramatic
“Non-Comedy Genre Shows”
Dramatic “non-comedy genre shows” like Netix’s Castlevania, Adult Swim’s
Primal and Amazon Prime’s Undone have all gained enough traction to warrant
new season orders. To understand the importance of this development, you have
to look at the breakdown of spending on the streaming services. The vast majority
of spending is on scripted dramatic series. If adult animation can carve into a
fraction of this budget, it will open the door to a signicant amount of production
dollars for studios that make this transition.
Trioscope’s The Liberator, a hybrid-live war drama mini-series, stayed on Netix’s
top 10 most-watched list for three weeks in late 2020. The Liberator tells the story
of a ragtag unit of soldiers on a march to liberate prisoners from the notorious
Dachau concentration camp. It’s another series that signals that adult audiences are
increasingly accepting of animation as a serious, dramatic, story-telling medium.
Figure 43: Primal - Adult Swim
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 54
Figure 46:
Game of Thrones
- HBO Max
Figure 47:
Idris Elba, Dantai -
Adult Swim
Figure 45:
The Liberator
- Netflix
According to reporting from Nellie Andreeva and Denise Petski for Deadline,
An animated version of Game of Thrones may be headed to HBO Max. The streamer
is kicking the tires on a potential animated drama series in the world of Game of
Thrones. The project is believed to be in very early, exploratory stages, and there
is no concept or creative team on board.
Almost all of the upcoming video game, comic-book
and western anime series are in the ‘non-comedy genre’
category. This new era will be the single largest shift
in the history of adult animation.
Sony-owned Crunchyroll announced in
early 2021 that the streamer is partnering
with Idris and Sabrina Elba to produce
Dantai, an original anime series. The
series is described as an “Afro-futuristic
science ction series … set in a city where
the rise of biotechnology has created an
ever-widening gap between the haves
and have-nots. Two rising stars from
either side of this divide are pitted against
each other in a story that will ultimately
explore equality and kinship within a
corrupt society.
Almost all of the upcoming video game,
comic-book and western anime series
are in the ‘non-comedy genre’ category.
This new era will be the single largest
shift in the history of adult animation
since The Simpsons showed adult
audiences that cartoons were more
than just kids content.
19 Deadline ‘Game Of Thrones’ Animated Drama Series Eyed At HBO Max,
Part Of Suite Of ‘GoT’ Projects Explored By WarnerMedia, Jan 27, 2021
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 55
Current Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Sci-Fi Comedy
Mike McMahan
(Solar Opposites)
CBS All Access
CBS Eye, Animation
Productions, Secret
Hideout, Important Science,
Roddenberry Entertainment,
Titmouse, Inc.
The Liberator
War Drama –
Jeb Stuart
(writer Die Hard, Fugitive)
A&E Studios, Unique Features
Trioscope Studios
Fantasy, Horror,
Genndy Tartakovsky
(Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack,
Star Wars: Clone Wars
Adult Swim
Cartoon Network Studios,
Williams Street, Studio La
Seis Manos
Martial arts
Action, Anime
Brad Graeber Álvaro
Powerhouse Animation
Studios, Viz Productions
Raphael Bob-Waksberg
and Kate Purdy
Amazon Prime
The Tornante Company,
Boxer vs. Raptor, Submarine,
Amsterdam Hive House
Blood of Zeus
Charley and Vlas
Powerhouse Animation, Asia
Minor Pictures
Upcoming Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Alien Isolation –
The Digital Series
Sci-Fi Horror, Video
game spinoff
Jeff Juhasz IGN
Reverse Engineering
Studios (RES), TitraFilm
Dvgroup, 20th Century
Fox, IGN
League of Legends
Spinoff, Fantasy Sci-Fi
Riot Games, Fortiche
ARK: The
Animated Series
Action Adventure
spinoff from the video
Jay Oliva (Batman: The Dark
Knight Returns, Justice
League: The Flashpoint
TBD Studio Wildcard
Batman: The
Animated Series
DC Comic Superhero NA HBO Max NA
Laserhawk: A
Blood Dragon Vibe
Spinoff from video
Adi Shankar TBD TBD
(in development)
espionage thriller
based on D.C. Comic
Brian Michael Bendis and
David Mack
HBO Max Rooster Teeth Studios
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 56
Upcoming Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series [cont’d]
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Action – Anime based
on Cyberpunk 2077
video game
Hiroyuki Imaishi (Kill la Kill,
Promare, and Gurren Lagann)
Netix Studio Trigger
Original Afro-futuristic
science ction series
Idris Elba
Adult Swim
Fantasy Horror –
Andrew Cosby (Hellboy,
Game of Thrones
Spinoff from TV series TBD HBO Max TBD
Godzilla: Singular
Anime spinoff from
Godzilla movie
Atsushi Takahashi Netix Bones and Oranges
The Havana Job
Original Drama
Greg Nichols, Michael
NA Trioscope Studios
Heaven’s Forest
Fantasy Epic Warren Ellis Netix Powerhouse Animation
Hit Monkey
Action, based on DC
Josh Gordon and Will Speck Hulu Marvel Animation
Hungry Ghosts
Horror, Based on Dark
Horse Comic
Anthony Bourdain Sony
Sony Pictures
Drama Superhero
Based on Comic
Robert Kirkman
Prime Video
Image Comics
Kong: Skull Island
Action Anime, Spinoff
from King Kong movie
Brian Dufeld (Underwater,
Spontaneous, Love and
Monsters) is writing and
exec producing.
Magic: The
Fantasy Based on the
card game
Masters of the
He Man Spinoff
Kevin Smith (Clerks) Netix
Animation Studios
Fantasy – Anime based
on Overwatch video
NA Netix Blizzard
Craig Silverstein (Turn:
Washington's Spies, Nikita)
AMC AMC Studios, Titmouse
Resident Evil:
Innite Darkness
Based on the
Horror Video Game
from Capcom
Hiroyuki Kobayashi,
(Capcom game producer)
TMS Entertainment and
animated by Quebico
Baed on World of
Warcraft Game
NA Ginx Blizzard Entertainment
Splinter Cell
Spy Thriller –
Anime spinoff from
video game
Derek Kolstad (John Wick) Netix Ubisoft
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 57
Upcoming Adult Animated Non-Comedy Genre Series [cont’d]
Show Description Creator(s) Buyer Studio(s)
Tomb Raider
Action – anime based
on video game
Tasha Huo, (The Witcher:
Blood Orange)
Tomb Raider
Woman in
the Book
Original Drama, Latinx
Daniel Persitz and is written
by Eva Gonzalez Szigriszt
and Pamela Garcia Rooney.
Jeanette Moreno King will
serve as director and will
work with Jeanette Jeanenne.
Starburn Industries
Young Love
Drama based on the
Oscar winning short
Matthew A. Cherry (Hair
Love) and Carl Jones
Young Love
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 58
18. Production Technology
The release of the Epic Games Unreal 5 Engine attracted a lot
of attention in 2020. It looks like an increasingly important
tool for creating linear content. It’s pretty easy to envision
fully-animated or hybrid-animated series being produced using
the Unreal Engine. One problem remains though – capturing
the nuance of human performances using 3D characters on
a TV budget. This remains a big enough challenge, one has to
assume, that there’s a lot of energy being invested in guring
out how to overcome this problem.
Gaming worlds and characters built in Unreal Engine port relatively easily into linear
media. I would not be surprised if some of the upcoming video game to TV series
adaptations are not built at least in part using the Unreal Engine. We are not talking
about the expensive Mandalorian LED wall type productions that attracted a lot of
attention but entire series being built using the Unreal Engine. Zafari for example,
is a 2017 kid’s show and was the rst animated television series rendered entirely
with the Unreal Engine.
Trioscope, on the other hand, has decided
that there’s no replacement for the subtlety of
human performances so they’re focusing on
how to seamlessly integrate stylized live action
performances into rendered environments.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 59
Figure 48:
Little Baby Bum
— Moonbug
19. Social and
Mobile Streaming
Quibi quietly greenlit multiple adult animated series and promised to be an active
new buyer, only to shutter after six months, stranding several projects.
Quibi’s closure shut the door on almost all direct-to-consumer digital/mobile
possibilities for adult animation, leaving only Facebook Watch and YouTube as
active but limited digital buyers. My research is showing only one animated series
heading for Facebook Watch. It’s a Latinx, horror drama series called Woman in
the Book starring Diane Guerrero (Orange is the New Black), developed by Crypt TV
and animated by Starburns Industries.
There are a handful of children’s publishers that have developed really large
followings on YouTube, including Moonbug Entertainment (Little Baby Bum),
the third most-subscribed channel on YouTube. These are typically relatively
simple animations with nursery rhyme soundtracks. Some of the best performing
videos can generate billions of views.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 60
Figure 49:
Hazbin Hotel
— A24
At the same time, YouTube has been removing ads from adult animated series if
they’re deemed too sexual or violent, which really limits adult-skewing animation
and reduces the commercial viability of adult animation on the platform.
There have been exceptions, where shows originate on YouTube and get picked
up as long form TV series. A recent project that has made this transition is Hazbin
Hotel, created, directed, written and produced by the social media sensation
Vivienne ‘VivziePop’ Medrano. The pilot was made entirely by freelance animators
and is largely nanced by Medrano's Patreon followers. A24, the lm distribution
company responsible for movies like Uncut Gems, is developing a series based on
the pilot.
The recent success of Hazbin Hotel is a rare exception. At least a couple of series
that I was personally involved with during my tenure at Mondo Media have made
the jump from the internet to TV, including Happy Tree Friends (G4TV) and
more recently Deep Space 69 (Syfy). There are a number of other adult animated
properties that made the jump, including Ugly Americans and Annoying Orange.
There are very limited opportunities to make money with scripted content on
social video in general, and certainly not much room for expensive animation. This
has been one of my personal great disappointments. Call me a masochist, but I still
believe there’s a pathway for adult animation on digital. It seems like such a natural
t for a direct-to-consumer play. VRV made a stab at adult animation but it quickly
ran out of steam when they spread their investment out too thinly amongst too
many non-animation channels. This is 20/20 hindsight, but I maintain that VRV
would have been better to have focused their investment on Western-produced
animation to become a direct-to-consumer, complimentary animation offering
to Crunchyroll and a digital-facing competitor to Adult Swim.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 61
Figure 50: Critical Role:
The Legend of Vox Machina
— Amazon Prime Video
20. Notable Upcoming Shows
Here are some of the noteworthy, upcoming, and hard-to-easily-categorize shows.
Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina is scheduled to release in summer/fall
of 2021. The series — based on livestreamed Dungeons & Dragon games hosted
by Matthew Mercer, along with fellow voice actors Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray,
Taliesin Jaffe, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey and Liam OBrien — raised
a staggering $14M on Kickstarter. Titmouse is producing and the series will air on
Amazon Prime. Part of the appeal of the series on Twitch was the improv nature
of the tabletop games, but The Legend of Vox Machina will be scripted by Jennifer
Muro (Onyx Equinox).
Agent King, a Netix series scheduled to release in 2021, should be interesting.
Here’s the logline: “Elvis trades in his jumpsuit for a jetpack when he joins a secret
government spy program to help battle the dark forces that threaten the country.
Fashion designer John Varvatos is custom-designing Elvis’s wardrobe. I will be
looking for Elvis in distressed leather Chuck Taylors.
Figure 51:
Agent King
— Netflix
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 62
Comedy duo Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogen are teaming up to voice Santa Inc.,
a Christmas-themed animated comedy series for HBO Max. Lionsgate and Rogen’s
Point Grey Pictures are producing. The eight-episode half-hour series will be
written by Alexandra Rusheld, an EP on Hulu’s Shrill and co-EP on Parks and
Recreation. Will this series be the perennial adult equivalent to Elf? I can think of
many movies and TV specials but can’t think of another Christmas-themed series.
AMC ordered Pantheon, a one hour prime time sci- drama, based on Ken Liu’s
short stories, and loaded it up with an impressive voice cast, including Taylor
Schilling (Orange Is the New Black), Rosemarie DeWitt (Little Fires Everywhere),
Aaron Eckhart (Midway) and Paul Dano (Escape at Dannemora). Titmouse is
producing. The rst episode was scheduled to premiere in late 2020, so it is already
a little late. This is a pure dramatic science ction series (no comedy) so it’s in a
position to be a ground-breaking landmark series if it is successful.
Figure 52:
Santa Inc —
Figure 53:
Ken Liu’s novels
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 63
21. Opportunities in an
Untapped Global Market
Foreign governments are beginning to demand that the American streamers start
investing in locally-produced content, which will help create a diversity of voices on
their platforms. Canada, for example, is demanding that the streamers invest $635M
in Canadian produced content by 2023.
One could assume other countries will
implement similar regulations. If taken as a model for the rest of the world, it could
add up to many billions of dollars being spent by the streamers on local content in
the countries where they want to operate.
Because the streamers will be obligated to spend more on original content in the
markets where they want to distribute, foreign animation studios might want to
adopt the children’s nancing model and use the streamer’s licensing fees coupled
with tax credits (common in a lot of countries that produce animation) to nance
international productions.
20 Hollywood Reporter - Canada to Force Netix, Amazon Prime to Pay for Local
Content, Nov. 3, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 64
“Because the streamers will be obligated to spend
more on original content, foreign animation studios
might want to adopt the kid’s animation financing
model and use the SVOD licensing fees coupled
with tax credits to finance international productions.
The problem is that many of the streamers will demand that they control all
international markets. This might negate the opportunity for independent studios
to structure deals where they retain ownership and nance their productions
through pre-sales to select territories and preserve upside in unsold territories.
With the exception of Japanese anime and a handful of Canadian productions,
my research shows very few international studios actively producing for the adult
animation buyers (especially when compared to children’s animation). Because adult
animation has been so dominated by culturally-specic US comedy (Fox sitcoms,
Adult Swim, etc.), there’s been few doors open for foreign produced series.
The surge in demand for adult animation from domestic studios (many clustered in
Los Angeles) has them all maxing out on their capacity. As demand for non-comedy
genre series grows, and streamers are forced to start spending on local content
in the markets where they want to operate, foreign studios can step in to ll the
demand. Especially dramatic or genre series that are not US-specic comedy.
Alternatively, domestic animation studios might want to partner with live-action
studios with high level talent networks (writing, voice, etc.) to jointly produce more
ambitious dramatic projects that should increasingly gain acceptance in the market,
if my assumptions about the growth in non-comedy genre animation play out over
the next ve years.
French studios are particularly well-positioned to take advantage of the increasing
popularity of the style and the growth of dramatic animation as a category. Their
creators grew up on a steady diet of anime and you can see it in their work.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 65
Figure 54:
Dick Figures - Mondo
22. Critical Role: a Case Study
in Crowdfunding Animation
The clout and scale of the recent streamer launches and their massive content
investments has overshadowed an area of entertainment nancing that is quietly
growing. I want to draw attention to crowdfunding, because I believe this is a
legitimate and somewhat overlooked method for nancing new productions.
Any creator or property with a fandom would be well-advised not to overlook
crowdfunding, and it is about to get more sophisticated than a simple
Kickstarter raise.
“I want to draw attention to crowdfunding,
because I believe this is a legitimate and
somewhat overlooked method for financing
new productions.
Full disclosure, I am working with Chonky, a new
platform that will support entertainment raises up
to $5M USD. Launching in Q2 2021, Chonky takes
advantage of new FINRA/SEC rules that permits
creators to raise project nancing — much like
Kickstarter, but instead of fans pledging money for
rewards, they purchase shares and participate in the
prot generated by the project once it goes to market.
Way back in 2013 at the dawn of crowdfunding, I was
proud to play a small role in a Kickstarter campaign for
Dick Figures: The Movie, a 2D animated feature. Driven
by the charismatic duo of Ed Skudder and Zack Keller
and their 150 million views on YouTube, the pair pitched
their hearts out on Kickstarter and raised a record-
breaking $313K at the time. We made the movie and it
was protable within the rst 3 month of its release.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 66
Figure 55:
Hazbin Hotel
— A24
More recently Hazbin Hotel, a musical comedy web series — created, directed,
written and produced by Vivienne ‘VivziePop’ Medrano — raised enough money
on Patreon to pay friends and freelancers to produce a short that generated
65 million views on YouTube. It was enough that A24 picked up the project as
a television series.
Critical Role is an American web video series, in which a group of professional voice
actors play Dungeons & Dragons in front of a livestreamed audience. The series
has aired on various social video platforms since 2015. On March 4, 2019 Critical
Role launched a Kickstarter campaign for a TV series that generated a staggering
$11.3M for an animated series based on the property. The campaign started as
a raise for a single half hour for $750K. Within 24 hours, they had raised $4.3M.
By the time they were done, they had raised enough to fund 10 episodes. It was
one of the most quickly-funded campaigns in Kickstarter history, and was the
most funded Kickstarter for TV and lm projects.
“If you've got the patience and have the wherewithal
to grow a low cost franchise ‘seed format’ (web comic,
vlog, audio podcast, serialized fiction, etc.) there is
a point where you can turn to crowdfunding for a long
form linear show.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 67
There are several key ingredients that led to Critical Roles successful Kickstarter Raise:
1. Critical Role built a large audience for a dense, ever-evolving story. It is
compelling content with a passionate audience: The series has amassed over
150 million views on YouTube. No longer considered a fringe pursuit, Dungeons
& Dragons is the new cool, with Critical Role’s own campaign setting, Explorer's
Guide to Wildemount, at the top of the Publishers Weekly’s chart of best-selling
hardcover nonction books.
2. The global board games market is anticipated to reach values of more than
$12B by 2023, growing at a CAGR of over 9% during 2017-2023.
This seems like
a natural counter response for young adults (with 24/7 screens in their faces)
looking for face-to-face contact with their friends.
3. Animation is hugely popular with 18-34s. The streamers are all doubling down
on adult animation — especially Netix, Hulu and HBO Max. Adult Swim
consistently attracts the largest cable audience of young adults.
According to reporting from Todd Spangler for Variety, the team initially pitched
the idea to the major streamers and a few TV networks
. They thought it would be
a slam dunk, with the scale of the audience they had built. There was some interest
from the traditional buyers but mostly it was met with confusion. When they tried
to describe the weekly show, the buyers just didn’t get it.
21 Reportlinker, Board Games Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2018-2023,
Dec. 11, 2018
22 Variety — Critical Role Team, After Record-Breaking Fan Crowdfunding Response,
Vows to Make ‘The Best Goddamn Cartoon Anyone Has Ever Seen,’ Mar. 8, 2019
Figure 56:
Critical Role:
The Legend of Vox Machina
- Amazon Prime Video
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 68
Critical Role has shifted their windowing strategy as the social video landscape has
evolved. Today it's a blend of Twitch, VOD and YouTube. The format is a weekly
show that runs for three to ve (and in some cases six) hours, and is streamed live
on Critical Role's Twitch channel on Thursdays. The VOD is made available for
subscribers of Critical Role's Twitch channel immediately after airing, before being
uploaded to Critical Role's YouTube channel the following Monday, where it can be
watched for free.
The Legend of Vox Machina will be written by Jennifer Muro, and animated by
Titmouse, Inc. (Bigmouth, The Midnight Gospel). The project is slated for release
in summer/fall of 2021. It's interesting that Amazon Prime Video announced that
they had acquired the streaming rights to The Legend of Vox Machina, and had
commissioned 14 additional episodes. It seems to have come full circle. Amazon now
understands that the social media footprint of Critical Role is large and meaningful.
I am not sure why the Critical Role team felt it was safer to go with the streamer
than to go back to Kickstarter. Maybe it was too fraught with uncertainty?
Does the ‘starter’ in Kickstarter imply that you can only raise money once before
you grow up, or is it a well you can keep going back to for subsequent seasons or
sequels? If Amazon eventually decides to cancel the series, maybe the cast behind
Critical Role will take the animated series back to the social video platforms and
start the process all over again. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new animated
series turns out. Half of the fun of the live shows was their spontaneity, so hopefully
some of that spirit will be preserved in the animated series.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 69
23. The Great Adult Animation Boom
In summary, there are a total of 104 upcoming, adult animated series as of February
2021. That’s more than a 100% increase from one year ago. The streamers now
account for 50% of all the upcoming adult animated series. Netix is the most
active adult animation buyer accounting for roughly one quarter of all the upcoming
series. HBO Max announced several new series in early 2021 and appear to be as
bullish about adult animation as Netix. Animated comedies, reboots, spinoffs, video
games, comics and anime will all play a major role in what I am calling “The Great
Adult Animation Boom” that is about to play out over the next decade. And Fox, the
lone broadcaster in the adult animation game, has dramatically upped their orders
for new scripts, pilots and series for their Animation Domination block with at least
14 announced new projects (currently 5 on-air series).
Animated comedies, genre, reboots, spinoffs, video
games, comics and anime will all play a role in what I am
calling “The Great Adult Animation Boom”
Animated comedy has replaced sitcoms as young adult's preferred vehicle for
comedy. Comedy Central is re-branding themselves as a home for adult animation
and re-booting several Viacom classic animated series including Beavis and
Butt-Head, Ren & Stimpy and Jodie a Daria spinoff. Fox has signicantly upped
up the volume of new series they’re putting into development. It looks like Fox is
stepping out of their family sitcom template judging from the orders they’re placing
for new series. Adult Swim still has more on-air adult animated comedy than any
other channel or streamer but new series announcements appear to be slowing.
There are 11 new upcoming series based on video games – that’s up from two a year
ago. The list includes some of the most recognizable video game franchises like
Diablo, Splintercell, Overwatch, Tomb Raider and Cyberpunk. Netix is particularly
focused on adult animated video game adaptations. Many of these will be made with
anime-inspired art styles.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 70
There are 15 upcoming animated reboots and spinoffs. Many of these are spinoffs
from some of the most valuable franchises in the entertainment industry including
Game of Thrones, Godzilla, Blade Runner, and King Kong. Others are spinoffs from
classic animated and live action series like Viacom’s reboots or sitcoms or TV shows
like Good Times.
Series based on comic books are the underlying IP for several upcoming series
and include Invincible, a rumored reboot of Batman: The Animated Series and
an Aquaman: King of Atlantis mini-series. HBO Max will be the home for the
DC Universe series like Harley Quinn, and Disney-owned Hulu will be the home
for the upcoming Marvel adult animated series like M.O.D.O.K. and Hit Monkey.
This could be another important adult animation category judging by the reception
that Harley Quinn has received.
Western animation studios like Powerhouse Animation (Austin, Texas) are producing
what I am calling “gaibume” - that is anime produced in the US or jointly with
US and Japanese partners. Powerhouse produces Castlevania, Seis Manos and
the upcoming anime series Kong: Skull Island and Tomb Raider.
More American/
Japanese partnerships like Blade Runner: Black Lotus blur the line between
animation and anime. The recent Crunchyroll (Sony) announcement of the Idris Elba
sci- fantasy series Dantai is in keeping with this new trend. Many of the upcoming
video game series will be produced as anime. It’s clear that by the third edition of
the Adult Animation White Paper, we will have to cover animation and anime as
simply one category.
Sci- comedy cross-overs are very much in vogue in 2021. The line-up of sci-
comedy crossovers includes current series like Rick and Morty, The Midnight
Gospel, and Solar Opposites and upcoming series like X-Files: Albuquerque.
My theory is that the sci- comedy cross-overs are a gateway to more ambitious,
dramatic storytelling.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 71
And nally, non-comedy genre (sci-, horror, drama, etc.) is where much of the
growth in new audiences for adult animation will occur over the next decade.
Not that animated comedy is going anywhere. There is a whole new crop of
upcoming video game based series – many of these will be produced as anime or
with anime-inspired art styles. This type of content will export well internationally
because western audiences are ready for more ambitious animated story-telling and
they will appeal to a wider audience than US-based comedic animation which has
its own built-in limitations. I am reasonably condent that much of the non-comedy
genre content will work but remain concerned that talent will be stretched thin and
it’s somewhat of an unproven category. If this push into more ambitious animated
storytelling works, it will redene adult animation.
Netix and HBO Max have the most aggressive adult animation strategies. Almost
all of the other streamers have ordered adult animated series with the possible
exceptions of Disney+ and Apple TV+ that remains focused on family programming.
Disney is using Disney-owned Hulu as their home for more adult fare. You can
nd original series like Solar Opposites and Crossing Swords on Hulu. Amazon’s
current adult animated series include the critically acclaimed Undone and the highly
anticipated comic book adaptation Invincible.
All the cable channels that carry original scripted programming targeting young
adults have adopted their own adult animation strategies. This includes cablers like
Syfy’s TZGZ block, AMC - Archer and the upcoming sci- drama series Pantheon,
TBS - Final Space and American Dad!, and Showtime – Our Cartoon President.
Cable’s ratings are in decline but Adult Swim remains an important brand with its
agship series Rick and Morty.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 72
As a result of this unprecedented activity, the buyers are stepping up. According
to The Ringer, CBS TV Studio’s Katie Krentz “Every time I take a pitch out to sell,
there’s a new buyer. Oh, we’re pitching we’re pitching to Peacock. Oh, now we’re
pitching HBO Max. And that’s been so wild. It used to just be taking it to three
or four buyers. Now you have as many as 12 to 14 places you can be taking
[a show] to.
The unprecedented demand for adult animated series is going to put
pressure on animation studios. Is there enough talent to produce all of this new
content? Will the product suffer as a result of the talent being spread too thinly
across all of the projects that have been announced over the past year. Will some
producers turn to international studios for help to address the need? Animation has
benetted from the availability of all the out of work writers and actors. Hopefully
the world will return to normal sooner than later. Something that several of these
upcoming adult animated projects will break out over the next two years and the
talent that was attracted to adult animation during the COVID era will continue
happily working with the new medium.
23 The Ringer - TV’s Future Will Be More Animated, Sep 16, 2020
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 73
24. In Summary
There have been three major shifts on the pathway to consumer acceptance of adult
animation since the early nineties.
Broadcast Phase
Up until Bart Simpson rst rode his skateboard into our living rooms, animation
was pretty much exclusively a kid’s medium. Since that day, Fox has been playing
by the rules that The Simpsons animated family sitcom established. This resulted in
two of the largest TV franchises in the history of TV. It does appear however that
Fox is starting to adapt to 18-34s’ increasing interests in animated fare that’s strays
from the sitcom format. Fox is widening the dial out on the kinds of shows they are
developing going forward. And, Fox is expanding their Animation Domination block
because adult audiences have embraced animation as their preferred format for
consuming comedy.
Cable Phase
Shortly after The Simpsons rst aired, MTV kicked off the second era with shows like
Beavis and Butthead and the ground-breaking Liquid TV anthology series, but for
some reason, their animation efforts zzled out. Ten years later, Cartoon Network
needed something to prop up their late night ratings so they picked up the baton
that MTV dropped and emerged as the go to channel for quirky, irreverent adult
animation. To this day, Adult Swim still attracts the largest audiences of 18-34s of
all the cable channels. Rick and Morty is the full realization of the cable phase but
the series’ popularity happened to coincide with young adult’s abandonment of
broadcast and cable in favor of the streaming services.
Streamer Phase
One year after Netix’s rst original series House of Cards debuted and 10 years
after Adult Swim launched, Netix premiered a new, dark, animated comedy
about a washed up horse. BoJack Horseman showed the Netix programmers
that the best way to “hack” into a young adult audience was adult animation. The
streamers no longer needed to cram shows into 22-minute sitcoms with commercial
interruptions. They’re less expensive than most scripted live action series and they
have more staying power. Streamers can afford to make shows for more niche
audiences than the broadcasters or cablers. This shift has opened the doors to
more ambitious story-telling – genre series, dramas, etc. that will have international
appeal, which will be attractive to the streamers who all have global ambitions.
The cultural inuence of video games is seeping into adult animation. Netix,
in particular, has doubled down on this category. And, anime – either Japanese-
produced or anime-inspired animation seems to be a strong stylistic inuence for
many of the upcoming video game based animated series.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 74
25. The Adult Animation Database
Note – for Complete Up To The Minute Data Visit: The Adult Animation Database.
Current Original Animated Series – By Buyer (First Window)
Upcoming Animated Series – By Buyer (First Window)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Apple TV+
Ginx TV
Rooster Teeth
CBS All Access
Comedy Central
YouTube Premium
Facebook Watch
Amazon Prime
Adult Swim
0 5 10 15 20 25
Ginx TV
CBS All Access
Comedy Central
YouTube Premium
Facebook Watch
Adult Swim
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 75
Upcoming Original Adult Animated Series – By Genre
Upcoming Original Adult Animated Series – By Source IP
Upcoming Original Adult Animated Series – By Buyer
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit: The Adult Animation Database.
Fantasy • 10%
Superhero • 6%
Horror • 4% Musical • 1%
Action/Adventure • 6%
Sci-Fi • 7%
Drama • 8%
Comedy/Sitcom • 62%
Online Series or Short • 4%
Board Game • 3%
Book/Comic Book • 3%
Movie • 6%
TV Series • 13%
Comic Book • 10%
Video Game • 11%
Original • 54%
TBD • 9%
Digital & Mobile • 6%
Broadcast • 12%
Cable • 21%
Streamer • 56%
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 76
Current Adult Animated Series – Ranked by Popularity*
*Blended scores based on data from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Show Genre Buyer Studio(s)
Fantasy, Horror,
Cartoon Network Studios, Williams Street, Studio
La Cachette
Rick and Morty
Comedy, Sci-Fi
Williams Street, Harmonious Claptrap, Starburns
Industries (seasons 1–2), Justin Roiland's Solo
Vanity Card Productions!, Rick and Morty, LLC.
(season 2–3), Green Portal Productions (season 4)
BoJack Horseman
(last season)
Nefix Tornante, Boxer vs. Raptor, ShadowMachine 9.1
Comedy, Drama
Tornante, Boxer vs. Raptor, Submarine
Amsterdam, Hive House Project
Young Justice
Superhero HBO Max DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation 9.1
The Venture Bros.
(last season)
Comedy, Satire
Astro Base GO!, NoodleSoup Productions (2003–
04), World Leaders Entertainment (2006–10),
Titmouse, Inc. (2011–2018), Williams Street
Harley Quinn
Superhero HBO Max
Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment
Yes, Norman Productions, Ehsugadee
Trailer Park Boys
Comedy Sitcom Netix
Trailer Park Productions (2001–2008), Topsail
Entertainment (2001–2008), Showcase Television
(2001–2008), Sunnyvale Productions (2014–
present), Swearnet Pictures (2014–present)
The Midnight
Netix Oatmeal Maiden, Titmouse, Inc. 8.8
Sitcom Parody FX Floyd County Productions, FX Productions 8.7
Bob's Burgers
Sitcom FOX
Bento Box Entertainment, Wilo Productions,
Buck & Millie Productions (Seasons 2-10)
20th Television
Horror Action
Frederator Studios, Powerhouse Animation
Studios, Shankar Animation, Project 51
Productions, Mua Film
F is For Family
Sitcom Netix
Wild West Television, Loner Productions, Big
Jump Productions, King of France Productions,
Oasis Animation, Gaumont Animation
Blood Of Zeus
Fantasy Netix Powerhouse Animation Studios, Dongwoo, A&E 8.6
Close Enough
Surreal Sitcom HBO Max Cartoon Network Studios 8.6
Big Mouth
Coming of Age
Danger Goldberg Productions, Good at Bizness,
Inc., Fathouse Industries, Titmouse, Inc.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 77
Current Adult Animated Series Ranked by Popularity* [cont’d]
*Blended scores based on data from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Show Genre Buyer Studio(s)
South Park
Celluloid Studios (1997), Braniff Productions
(19972006), Parker-Stone Productions (2006–
07), South Park Studios (2007–), Comedy Partners
Love, Death and
Blur Studio, Netix Studios, Variety of 3rd Party
Robot Chicken
Sketch Comedy
ShadowMachine Films (2005–2012) (seasons
1–5), Stoopid Monkey, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
(2012 present), (season 6–present) Sony Pictures
Digital (2005–2012) (seasons 1–5) Sony Pictures
Television (2012–present) (season 6–present),
Williams Street
The Shivering
Surreal Sketch
ShadowMachine (season one), HouseSpecial
(season two), PFFR, Williams Street
Solar Opposites
Comedy Sci- Hulu
Justin Roiland's Solo Vanity Card Productions!,
Important Science, 20th Television
American Dad
Comedy Sitcom TBS
20th Television, 20th Animation, Underdog
Productions, Fuzzy Door Productions
The Simpsons
Comedy Sitcom FOX Gracie Films, 20th Television 8.3
Gary and His
Comedy Sitcom
Mondo Media, Solis Animation, Look Mom!
Productions, Blue Ant Media
Final Space
Space Opera
Comedy Drama
ShadowMachine (animation production), Jam
Filled Entertainment (animation services), Star
Cadet, New Form Digital, Conaco (S1–2), Studio
T (S1)
Sci-Fi Action
Rooster Teeth Productions 7.9
27 gen:LOCK
Sci-Fi Action
HBO Max Rooster Teeth Productions 7.9
Family Guy
Sitcom FOX Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th Television 7.8
Central Park
Musical Sitcom Apple TV+
Bento Box Entertainment, Wilo Productions,
Angry Child Productions, Brillstein
Entertainment Partners, 20th Television
Sugar and Toys
Sketch Comedy
Fuse This is Just a Test, 245 Enterprises 7.6
Fantasy Sitcom Netix The ULULU Company, Rough Draft Studios 7.4
The Jellies!
Bald Fade Productions, Augenblick Studios,
Whalerock Industries, Williams Street
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 78
Current Adult Animated Series Ranked by Popularity* [cont’d]
*Blended scores based on data from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Show Genre Buyer Studio(s)
The Liberator
Drama Action Netix A&E Studios, Unique Features, Trioscope Studios 7.2
Yolo: Crystal
Princess Pictures, Williams Street 7.2
Dragon's Dogma
Anime Dark
Netix Sublimation 7.1
Wild Life
Comedy Syfy
Nice Try, Octopie Network, Valparaiso Pictures,
TZGZ Productions
Ballmastrz: 9009
Sci-Fi Comedy
Titmouse, Inc., C.C.K. Rad (Season 2), Williams
Sitcom FOX
Bento Box Entertainment, Paper Kite
Productions, Scullys Productions, 3 Arts
Entertainment, Universal Television, Fox
Entertainment, 20th Television
Titmouse, Inc., Babyhemyth Productions,
Williams Street
Tooning Out the
Political Satire
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 6.8
Dark Comedy
BlackEye Productions, POW animations, Pow
Animation Studio
12 Oz Mouse
(series return)
Williams Street, Radical Axis (series), Awesome,
Inc. (special)
Black Comedy
Williams Street 6.5
Magical Girl
Friendship Squad:
Comedy Syfy Cartuna 6.5
Tender Touches
Soap Opera
Six Point Harness (season 2), Awesome, Inc.
(season 3), Williams Street
Alien: Isolation –
The Digital Series
Sci-Fi Horror IGN
Reverse Engineering Studios (RES), TitraFilm,
DVgroup, 20th Century Fox, IGN
Momma Named
Me Sheriff (Mr.
HotHouse Productions, Day by Day Productions,
Williams Street
Hell Den
Comedy Syfy
Dr. God Productions, Rafael Raffaele
Shout! Studios, TZGZ Productions
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 79
Current Adult Animated Series Ranked by Popularity* [cont’d]
*Blended scores based on data from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Show Genre Buyer Studio(s)
Our Cartoon
Political Satire Showtime
Spartina Productions, Licht Media Solutions, CBS
Television Studios, Showtime Networks
Bless the Harts
Sitcom FOX
Titmouse, Inc., Jessebean, Inc., Lord Miller
Productions, Fox Entertainment
20th Television
The Great North
Sitcom FOX
Bento Box Entertainment, Double Molyneux
Sister Sheux, Wilo Productions, Fox
Entertainment, 20th Television
You're Not a
Comedy Horror IMDb
Grammnet Productions, Bold Soul Studios,
Star Trek: Lower
Sci-Fi Comedy
CBS Eye Animation Productions, Secret Hideout,
Important Science, Roddenberry Entertainment,
Titmouse, Inc.
Paradise PD
Sitcom Netix
Damn! Show Productions, Bento Box
Entertainment, Odenkirk Provissiero
JJ Villards
Horror Comedy
Villard Film, Cartoon Network Studios, Williams
Lazor Wulf
Titmouse, Inc. (Pilot), Bento Box Entertainment
(season 1), 6 Point Harness (season 2), Williams
Crossing Swords
Sitcom Hulu
Buddy System Studios, Tom Is Awesome, Stoopid
Buddy Stoodios, Sony Pictures Television
The Freak Brothers
Sitcom TBD Starburns Industries, WTG Enterprises 0.0
60 Alpha Betas Comedy YouTube
(too early to
be measured)
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 80
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order)
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit The Adult Animation Database.
Show Genre Source Buyer Studio
Comedy Original HBO Max Tomorrow Studios, ITV Studios
Comedy –
Original Amazon 3 Arts Entertainment
Agent King
Comedy Original Netix Sony Pictures Animation
Alien vs. Predator
Horror -
Movie -
Netix NA
Alpha Betas
Comedy Original NA Starburns Industries
Comedy -
Original Amazon Prime Annapurna
Arcane (League of
Fantasy Video Game NA Riot Games, Fortiche Productions
ARK: The Animated
Video Game NA NA
Aquaman: King of
Superhero Comic Book HBO Max Warner Bros. Animation
Batman: The Animated
Superhero Comic Book HBO Max Warner Bros. Animation
Beavis and Butt-Head
TV Series –
3 Arts
TV Series –
Adult Swim ME Productions, Awesome Inc.
The Black Hole
Comedy Original Syfy Starburns Industries
Blade Runner: Black
Sci-Fi Movie
Adult Swim,
Sola Digital Arts
Blue Eye Samurai
Original Netix TBA
The Boondocks
Comedy -
TV Series –
HBO Max Sony Pictures Animation
Captain Fall
Comedy Original Netix TBA
Comedy –
Original HBO Max Color Correct
The Chronicles of Frank
Comedy Original Syfy Shadow Machine
Clone High (reboot)
Comedy -
TV Series –
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 81
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order) [cont’d]
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit The Adult Animation Database.
Show Genre Source Buyer Studio
Drama -
Board Game –
Fox Entertainment One, Bento Box
Comedy –
Original Fox Fox Entertainment, Bento Box
Comedy –
Comic Book TBD Anima, Lunes
Superhero Comic Book HBO Max Rooster Teeth Studios
Crag Banyon P.I.
Crime Drama Book FOX TBD
Critical Role:
The Legend of
Vox Machine
Fantasy –
Board Game Amazon Prime Titmouse
The Cuphead Show!
Comedy Video Game Netix TBD
Sci-Fi Video Game Netix Trigger
Sci-Fi Fantasy
Anime Original Crunchyroll
Green Door Pictures, Pink Towel
Depardieu Only Knows
Comedy –
Comic Book TBD Toon Factory
Devil May Care
Comedy Original Syfy Syfy
Fantasy -
Video Game Netix TBD
Dota: Dragons Blood
Fantasy Video Game Netix Studio Mir
Dr. Havocs Diary
Comedy Online Series Syfy
Dumb People Town
Comedy Original
Artists First
Musical Original Netix Khalabo Ink Society
Comedy Original Amazon Prime Titmouse
Sci-Fi -
Original Netix
Odenkirk Provissiero
Entertainment, Bento Box
Entertainment, Fox Entertainment
Fired on Mars
Sci-Fi -
Original HBO Max TBA
Game of Thrones (name
TV Series -
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 82
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order) [cont’d]
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit The Adult Animation Database.
Show Genre Source Buyer Studio
Godzilla: Singular Point
Action Movie Netix Bones and Orange
Good Times
Comedy –
TV Series Netix Fuzzy Door
The Greater Good
Comedy –
Original FOX FOX
Gremlins: Secrets of the
Fantasy -
Movie -
HBO Max Warner Bros
The Harper House
Comedy Original CBS All Access CBS Television Studios
The Havana Job
Drama Book NA Tricscope Studios
Hazbin Hotel
Comedy Online Series TBD A24, Vivziepop
Heaven’s Forest
Fantasy - Epic Original Netix Powerhouse Animation
Hello Paul
Comedy Original HBO Max TBA
Action Comic Book Hulu Marvel Animation
The Hospital
Comedy -
Original Amazon Animal Pictures
The House
Comedy -
Original Netix Nexus Studios
Comedy –
Original FOX 20th Century FOX, Kapital
Human Discoveries
Comedy Original
Human Resources
TV Series -
Spin Off
Netix Brutus Pink
Hungry Ghosts
Horror Comic Book
Sony Pictures Animation
Inside Job
Comedy Original Netix Netix Animation
Superhero Comic Book Amazon Prime Skybound
(Daria Spinoff)
Comedy -
TV Series -
Spin Off
Viacom Studios
Keeping Up with The
Comedy –
Original HBO Max WB Animation
Kong: Skull Island
Action -
Movie Netix Tractor Pants, Powerhouse
Lil Kev
Comedy –
Original FOX 20th Century FOX, Lionsgate
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 83
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order) [cont’d]
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit The Adult Animation Database.
Show Genre Source Buyer Studio
Magic: The Gathering
Fantasy Card Game Netix AGBO
Magical Girl Friendship
Comedy Original Syfy NA
Masters of the Universe:
Fantasy - Epic
TV Series -
Spin Off
Jetlag Productions, Mattel,
Powerhouse Animation
Mega City Smiths
Comedy –
Original AMC Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Superhero Comic Book Hulu Marvel Animation
Comedy Original Netlix
3 Arts Entertainment, Bento Box
Entertainment and Universal
Multifarious Maris
Comedy Original Showtime ShadowMachine
The Multivorce
Comedy -
Sci Fi
Original CBS All Access CBS All Access
Name TBA
Drama Original FOX Bento Box, 20th Century FOX
Name TBA
Comedy Original FOX Bento Box, 20th Century FOX
Comedy Original Amazon NA
Comedy Online Series HBO Max Studio 71
Ocean Village
Comedy -
Original FOX
FOX Entertainment, Bento Box
and Look Mom! Productions
Fantasy Video Game Netix NA
Sci-Fi Book AMC TBA
The Pole
Comedy Original Syfy Yeti
Comedy -
Original Syfy Brave Media, Yeti Farm
Sci-Fi - Action
Movie -
The Prince
Political Satire Original HBO Max
20th Century FOX Television,
Bento Box Entertainment
Price Wawa
Comedy Original Fox Sony Pictures TV
Psycho Psalms
Comedy -
Original Syfy Open the Portal, Tractor Pants
Comedy Original Netx Fremulon, Universal TV, 3 Arts
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 84
Upcoming Series – (Alphabetical Order) [cont’d]
For the complete up-to-the-minute list visit The Adult Animation Database.
Show Genre Source Buyer Studio
The Ren & Stimpy Show
TV Series –
Resident Evil: Inntie
Drama VIdeo Game Netix TMS Entertainment
Ricky & Cricket
Comedy Original Amazon 3 Arts
Santa Inc.
Comedy Original HBO Max Point Grey Pictures
Shadowlands: Afterlives
(World of Warcraft
Fantasy Video Game Ginx TV Blizzard
Shell Beach
Comedy Original Fox FOX Entertainment, Bento Box
Splinter Cell
Drama –
Video Game Netix Netix Animation
The Summoner
Comedy Original Syfy Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Superhero –
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Teenage Euthanasia
Comedy Original Adult Swim Augenblick
Tomb Raider Anime
Action Video Game Netix Anime Production TBA
Jermaine Fowler Project
- Name TBD
Comedy Original FOX FOX
Tuca and Bertie
TV Series –
Adult Swim
The Tornante Company, Brave
Dummy, Boxer vs. Raptor,
Uncanny Valley
Comedy -
TV Series –
HBO Max Warner Bros Animation
What If…?
Superhero Comic Book Disney+ Marvel Animation
Wild Life
Comedy Original Syfy TZGZ Project
Woman in The Book
Drama Original
Starburn Industries
The X-les:
Comedy -
TV Series –
FOX 20th Century FOX
Young Love
Drama Online Series HBO Max
Sony Pictures Animation, Lion
Forge Animation
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 85
26. Index of Images
Figure 1: Harley Quinn – DC Comics 1
Figure 2: John Evershed, CEO High Concentrate 4
Figure 3: Gary and His Demons – Syfy 5
Figure 4: The Midnight Gospel - Netix 6
Figure 5: Archer - FX 8
Figure 5: The Simpsons - Fox 10
Figure 6: Rick and Morty - Adult Swim 11
Figure 7: Animation Domination Block - Fox 12
Figure 8: Bob’s Burgers 15
Figure 9: BoJack Horseman - Netix 17
Figure 10: Big Mouth - Netix 18
Figure 11: Love, Death and Robots - Netix 19
Figure 12: F is for Family - Netix 20
Figure 13: Disenchantment - Netix 20
Figure 14: Beavis and Butt-Head - Viacom 25
Figure 15: Ren & Stimpy - Viacom 26
Figure 16: Rick and Morty - Adult Swim 27
Figure 17: Close Enough - HBO Max 28
Figure 18: Futurama - Fox 32
Figure 19: Solar Opposites - Hulu 33
Figure 20: Final Space - TBS 33
Figure 21: Magical Girl Friendship Squad - Syfy 36
Figure 22: Good Times - HBO Max 38
Figure 23: Masters of the Universe: Revelation - Netix 39
Figure 24: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Netix 42
Figure 25: Seis Manos - Netix 43
Figure 26: Blade Runner: Black Lotus - Adult Swim Crunchyroll 45
Figure 27: Godzilla Singular Point - Netix 45
Figure 28: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - Netix 45
Figure 29: Splinter Cell - Netix 45
Figure 30: Invincible - Netix 47
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 86
26. Index of Images
Figure 31: M.O.D.O.K. – Hulu 48
Figure 32: Hit Monkey - Hulu 48
Figure 33: Castlevania – (Konami) Netix 50
Figure 34: The Witcher - Netix 51
Figure 35: Resident Evil: The Innite Darkness
– (Resident Evil, Capcom) Netix 51
Figure 36: Diablo – (Diablo, Blizzard) Netix 51
Figure 37: Overwatch – (Overwatch, Blizzard) Netix 51
Figure 38: Arcane (League of Legends) – Riot Games 51
Figure 39: DOTA Dragons Blood (DOTA) - Netix 52
Figure 40: Shadowlands Afterlives (Blizzard, World of Warcraft) - Blizzard 52
Figure 41: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (Cyberpunk 2077) - Netix 52
Figure 42: The Cuphead Show! - Netix 52
Figure 43: Primal - Adult Swim 54
Figure 44: Undone - Amazon Prime 54
Figure 45: The Liberator - Netix 55
Figure 46: Game of Thrones - HBO Max 55
Figure 47: Idris Elba, Dantai - Crunchyroll, Adult Swim 55
Figure 48: Little Baby Bum — Moonbug 60
Figure 49: Hazbin Hotel — A24 61
Figure 50: Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina
— Amazon Prime Video 62
Figure 51: Agent King — Netix 62
Figure 52: Santa Inc — HBO Max 63
Figure 53: Ken Liu’s novels 63
Figure 54: Dick Figures - Mondo 66
Figure 55: Hazbin Hotel — A24 67
Figure 56: Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina
- Amazon Prime Video 68
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 87
Phew. If you made it this far you must be pretty dedicated. You may want to follow
me on Linkedin to read my most recent posts on adult animation.
And bookmark this link for the Adult Animation Database. The database is
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animated series. If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to connect with me
on LinkedIn so I show up in your feed.
Please contact me at jevershed@highconcentrate.com if you are in need of
consulting or have IP that you want help with packaging and taking to market. High
Concentrate is also looking for nished adult animated TV series or movies. We are
especially interested in animated foreign language movies or TV series and English
language books, graphic novels or comics that are intended for adult audiences.
© Adult Animation White Paper | High Concentrate LLC, 2021 | All Rights Reserved | 88