Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2022 (4):120–139
Majed Almansoori*, Andrea Gallardo*, Julio Poveda, Adil Ahmed, and Rahul Chatterjee
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use
Applications Used in Intimate Partner
Abstract: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive
societal problem that affects millions of people around
the world. IPV perpetrators increasingly weaponize digi-
tal technologies like mobile applications (“apps”) to spy
on, monitor, and harass victims. Surveillance-capable
apps can have legitimate use cases, for example, locat-
ing children, and are therefore easily available on vari-
ous mobile app stores like the Google Play Store. Nev-
ertheless, these applications are easily repurposed by
abusers to track their victims. The problem of such
dual-use apps in IPV is global. However, current un-
derstanding of the ecosystem of such apps is limited
to English-language apps, potentially limiting its rele-
vance to non-English speaking IPV survivors across the
world. In this paper, we study the prevalence of dual-
use applications found in 15 languages and 27 coun-
tries. We collected 51,868 unique apps in 2020 from
the Google Play Store, using queries such as “track
wife’s location. Through a semi-manual analysis of a
subset of these apps, we discovered
unique dual-
use apps, and estimate that among the apps collected
from Google Play, 3,988 are dual-use apps. We found no-
table differences in app search results, suggested queries,
and marketed capabilities of dual-use apps across differ-
ent languages. For instance, we identified that 18% of
dual-use apps do not have an English description, and
28% could not be found using English queries. Google
Play (cursorily) blocks certain queries referring explic-
itly to intimate partner surveillance (IPS) to discour-
age potential abusers, but the blocking efficacy varies
across languages. For example, we found that 80% of ex-
plicit IPS queries for English are blocked, but none for
Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Malay, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Thus, abusers fluent in those languages can evade such
blocking with no effort.
Keywords: intimate partner violence, dual-use android
apps, technology-facilitated abuse
DOI 10.2478/popets-2022-0102
Received 2022-02-28; revised 2022-06-15; accepted 2022-06-16.
*Corresponding Author: Majed Almansoori:
1 Introduction
Intimate partner violence (IPV) and technology-
facilitated abuse are severe societal problems that af-
fect a large number of people in the US and around the
world [49, 54, 60, 70]. A recent study reports that glob-
ally one in four ever-partnered women between the age
of 15-49 years experience IPV [54]. Digital technologies
are increasingly being used to spy on, stalk, and harass
intimate partners [19, 24, 25, 62, 64, 65]. Among other
tools, abusers regularly use mobile applications (“apps”)
to monitor or control the victim’s phone and thereby
track their whereabouts. A number of apps available on
mobile application stores for benign use cases, such as
locating a phone if it is lost or recording calls for busi-
ness purposes, can be used to surreptitiously surveil an
intimate partner. Chatterjee et al. [19] use the term dual-
use apps to refer to apps that have legitimate use cases
but can easily be used for intimate partner surveillance
(IPS). These dual-use apps not only harm victims emo-
tionally [71], but can also lead to physical violence [25]
or even murder [61].
Dual-use apps are used globally to surveil vic-
tims [39, 47, 67], and their use has soared following
COVID-19 pandemic shelter-in-place restrictions [16,
18, 42, 55, 66]. Yet, prior work on dual-use apps has
only focused on apps available in English, potentially
limiting its applicability in non-English contexts.
In this work, we conduct the first multilingual mea-
surement study of Android apps available on Google
Play that can be used to conduct IPS. We attempt to
answer the following three research questions:
(1) How many and what types of dual-use apps are
of Wisconsin-Madison, [email protected]
*Corresponding Author: Andrea Gallardo:
Mellon University, [email protected]
Julio Poveda: University of Maryland, jpov[email protected]
Adil Ahmed:
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Rahul Chatterjee:
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 121
available in non-English languages on Google Play?
(2) What is the overlap of these apps with English-
language dual-use apps?
(3) Are there differences in the ways dual-use apps are
described in different languages in the context of
Knowing answers to these questions is essential to build
effective defense tools for victims of IPS around the
globe and the support services that help them.
The main challenge in conducting such a study con-
sists in language constraints. Dual-use apps are hard to
identify through static or dynamic analysis, as their be-
havior is identical to other legitimate apps, even when
they are being used in malicious use cases (as we show
in Section 3.4). Thus, the only known way to detect
dual-use apps at scale is by looking at app descriptions
on app marketplaces and identifying app capabilities us-
ing natural language processing tools. (App developers
report app capabilities to advertise to potential users
legitimate or abusive.) Therefore, detecting dual-use
apps in different languages requires language-dependent
Chatterjee et al. [19] developed a semi-manual
pipeline to identify dual-use apps with English descrip-
tions. We extended their search pipeline to look for dual-
use apps in 15 different languages (with more than 5 bil-
lion native speakers) and 27 different countries. First, for
each language, we created a seed set of queries by trans-
lating the seed queries used in prior work [19] (queries
such as “track wife’s location,” which are likely to be
used by abusers seeking dual-use apps on popular mo-
bile app stores) and adding new queries as appropriate,
based on grammar and usage, with the help of native
speakers of each language. We expanded the query set
to include semantically related queries in each language,
using Google Play’s query suggestion API. We crawled
the Google Play Store with these queries for each lan-
guage for 47 days in 2020, downloading query sugges-
tions, search results, and app metadata.
In total,
unique apps were returned for our
queries across 15 languages. We filtered the apps using a
machine learning (ML) classifier created by Chatterjee
et al. [19], after translating the non-English descriptions
to English using Google Translate. We then manually
coded the capabilities of 350 randomly sampled apps
from each language based on their descriptions and im-
ages posted on Google Play, and flagged them as dual-
use or not. We labeled
dual-use apps, and we es-
timate that there are around 3,988 apps that can be
used for IPS in our dataset of
apps. These apps
provide a broad range of capabilities, such as tracking lo-
cation, recording audio/video, and remotely controlling
the phone.
Of the labeled dual-use apps, 563 are found in
English searches using the US country code (English-
US). This is significantly fewer than the 2,473 dual-
use apps found in 2018 using only English-US search
queries [10, 19, 36], of which 2,062 (about 83%) have
been taken down from Google Play. As our search
pipeline mirrored that of Chatterjee et al. [19] and
was conducted for a longer period of time, we believe
this reduction in dual-use apps may also be due to
Google’s August 2020 addition of a policy against stalk-
erware [29, 33]. However, we also found some new egre-
gious dual-use apps in our new crawl of Google Play
Store (Section 4.3).
Of all
apps we collected, more than half
(52%) have an English description available on Google
Play, but only 13% were found using only English search
queries. Of the dual-use apps we manually flagged, 72%
were found via searches using English queries. This
shows that searching with multiple languages and coun-
tries provides better visibility into the ecosystem of dual-
use apps available on Google Play. We estimate that in
our dataset more than 500 dual-use apps (per language)
can be found with Chinese, English, and Spanish queries,
and that fewer than 200 such apps can be found with
Bengali and Japanese searches, as shown in Fig. 4.
We also audited Google Play’s query suggestions
based on our queries for finding dual-use apps. We found
that in some languages, Google Play blocks queries re-
ferring to spying or tracking an intimate partner, for
example, “app to track girlfriend”. However, such block-
ing is not consistent across languages, and Google Play
often fails to block translations of blocked queries (e.g.,
the same query in Arabic “tatbiq litatabue sadiqatih”) or
misspelled versions (e.g., “app to track girl friend”). In
general, query suggestions led to better coverage of dual-
use apps, but the quantity and quality of suggestions
vary widely among languages. For example, we did not
receive any suggestions in Japanese and the majority of
the suggestions in Bengali were not relevant. Neverthe-
less, we also found several queries suggested by Google
Play that directly show IPS intention, such as rastrear
a tu esposo (track your husband). Since Google Play
is blocked in China, we could not get visibility into one
of the largest Android user groups [59] via our analysis
of Google Play. Therefore, we also crawled four popular
Android app stores available in China and discovered
110 dual-use apps. We observe that, similar to Google
Play, the policies of these stores prevent overt spyware
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 122
from being distributed, but dual-use apps are still avail-
able for download.
Contribution. Our main contributions are:
We did the first comprehensive study of dual-use apps
found in 15 different languages and 27 countries. We
collected 51,868 apps from Google Play, which is the
largest dataset of dual-use apps analyzed in multiple
languages. We hand-labeled 350 apps found in each
language. We found
unique dual-use apps and es-
timate that there are 3,988 potentially dual-use apps
among the apps we collected from Google Play across
all 15 languages.
We compare the distribution of dual-use apps and
their capabilities found in different languages, and
also compare our findings with prior work.
We also analyzed the query suggestions by Google
Play and show that (a) query suggestions lead to bet-
ter coverage of dual-use apps, and (b) query sugges-
tions vary widely between languages (e.g., we did not
receive any suggestions in Japanese, and the majority
of the suggestions in Bengali were not relevant).
Dual-use apps can be dangerous when used for stalk-
ing or IPS, and one of the ways to combat them is
by creating awareness. We have therefore added our
list of dual-use apps found in English and non-English
languages to the database used by ISDi [10] to scan
survivors’ devices. We reported our findings to Google,
specifically the issue of IPS query suggestions in En-
glish and non-English languages, easy evasion of query
blocking, and the dual-use apps we found. We also re-
ported our results to the Chinese app stores we crawled,
namely Xiaomi, Baidu, Tencent, and Huawei. Our data
is publicly available for use by researchers.
2 Background and Related Work
Technology Abuse and Intimate Partner Vio-
lence. Prior work has shown that abusers exploit tech-
nology, including spyware and dual-use apps, to harass,
impersonate, threaten, monitor, intimidate, stalk, and
harm their victims [19, 24–26, 44, 62, 71]. There is a
vast marketplace for spyware apps and hacking services
in English [35, 48]. In 2018, Chatterjee et al. [19] com-
piled a list of dual-use apps that an abuser might be
able to find by simply searching Google Play and the
Apple App Store. They also showed that existing tools
for programmatically detecting such apps are ineffective,
as they do not flag IPS-capable dual-use apps [19]. The
list of dual-use apps found in this study was incorpo-
rated in a novel IPS-oriented dual-use detection tool
called ISDi [10], which can scan IPS survivors’ devices
for dual-use apps [36]. The tool was tested in a tech-
nology clinic that supports IPS survivors in New York
City (NYC), and it proved to be a valuable tool for
both IPV professionals and survivors during their con-
sultations [36]. The efficacy of such tools depends on
knowledge about dual-use apps available on app stores.
ISDi cannot comprehensively help victims whose
abuser might use non-English languages to search for
dual-use apps, a limitation noted by Havron et al. [36].
While studies have pointed out that dual-use apps are
used in countries around the world [39], prior work
has not analyzed the dual-use app ecosystem in other
languages. Thus, there is a need to expand current
knowledge about dual-use apps across countries and lan-
guages. In this study, we focus on Android apps found
on Google Play because Android is the most used smart-
phone operating system in the world [27], and Google
Play is the official store for Android apps, hosting more
than 3.5 million apps that are available in 77 languages
and in more than 150 countries [12, 22].
App Usage Across the Globe. User behavior and
app installations (“installs”) can vary based on region.
Prior work has looked into how mobile users acquire
and use apps, predicting user traits such as language
based on apps present on the device [40, 50, 56]. Guo et
al. [34] provide a comprehensive survey of studies that
analyze user behavior, including user reviews and app
installs across different languages and regions. Peltonen
et al. [50] studied how cultural background affects app
usage and installs, analyzing app usage of 25,323 An-
droid users from 44 countries, and show that app usage
differs significantly by country. However, this prior work
has not considered the factor of users’ languages in app
search results.
Auditing Algorithms. Our work could be viewed
as auditing the Google Play search mechanism when
searched with queries related to spying, tracking, or
monitoring intimate partners. Prior work has audited
algorithms, such as those used by YouTube [37] and
Amazon [38], by using queries and analyzing search
results. Despite not having access to proprietary algo-
rithms, such algorithmic auditing is one way to gain
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 123
insight into how recommendation or ranking systems
work [46, 52].
Prior work has looked into web search engine be-
havior in different languages or locations. For example,
Arif et al. [15] audited Google search results for anti-
vaccine web pages in five languages and found that the
information quality algorithm used by Google varied
by language. Ballatore et al. [17] investigated the lo-
calness of Google’s HTML search results pages for 144
countries and 99 languages when searching for informa-
tion about the capital city of the given country, and
found that “wealthy and well-connected countries tend
to have much more locally produced content that is vis-
ible about them than poor and poorly connected coun-
tries. In our study, we also use location and language
parameters to analyze aspects of search, here for Google
Play’s query suggestions, blocking, and search results.
3 Crawling Apps in 15 Languages
We adapted the pipeline created by Chatterjee et al. [19]
to analyze apps in multiple languages. We first describe
how we picked the languages and countries for the study,
then explain our modified crawling pipeline for finding
dual-use apps on Google Play in those languages. We
also discuss our methods for crawling several popular
app stores in China.
3.1 Choosing Languages and Countries
We picked 15 languages and 27 countries for this study
based on three factors: number of speakers, number
of Android users, and availability of Google Play in
that language and country. We first considered lan-
guages with over 100 million speakers worldwide [13, 69].
From these languages we removed Urdu, as Google does
not support localization in Urdu [12]. Additionally, we
added Turkish (tr), Vietnamese (vi), and Thai (th), as
they are the languages spoken by most residents in
Turkey, Vietnam, and Thailand—countries that have
one of the highest Android app download rates [7, 21].
Next, we decided which countries to crawl by consider-
ing the ones with the highest number of speakers for
each chosen language. The list of the languages and
countries we crawled is shown in Fig. 1. Since Google
Play is blocked in China, for Chinese-Mandarin (zh)
we considered countries with the largest Chinese dias-
pora populations: Indonesia (id), Thailand (th), and the
# Language Countries we crawled
5 Arabic (ar) Egypt (eg), Algeria (dz), Saudi (sa)
6 Bengali (bn) Bangladesh (bd)
2 Chinese (zh) Thailand (th), US (us), Indonesia (id)
1 English (en)
US (us), UK (gb), Bangladesh (bd),
Australia (au), Nigeria (ng), Pakistan
(pk), India (in), South Africa (za)
7 French (fr)
France (fr), Algeria (dz), Morocco (ma),
Canada (ca)
12 German (de) Germany (de)
3 Hindi (hi) India (in)
13 Japanese (ja) Japan (jp)
Indonesian /
Malay (ms)
Indonesia (id)
Portuguese (pt)
Brazil (br), Portugal (pt)
8 Russian (ru) Russia (ru), Ukraine (ua)
4 Spanish (es)
Mexico (ms), Colombia (co), Spain (es),
US (us)
30 Thai (th) Thailand (th)
16 Turkish (tr) Turkey (tr)
Vietnamese (vi)
Vietnam (vn)
Fig. 1.
Combinations of 15 languages and 27 countries crawled.
The left-most column shows the rank of the language based on
the number of native speakers according to Ethnologue [
]. The
language and country codes are shown in parentheses.
United States (us) [51]. We also conducted a brief inves-
tigation into dual-use apps available in other popular
Android app stores in China (see Section 4.4).
3.2 Defining Dual-Use Apps
We aim to find applications that can be used by an
abuser to remotely spy on, track, or stalk their victims,
also called IPS-relevant applications [19, 53]. Not all
IPS-relevant apps, however, are designed for spying or
tracking intimate partners; many apps designed for non-
IPS-relevant purposes, such as tracking a child’s loca-
tion, have features that can be used for IPS-relevant pur-
poses, making them dual-use apps, as noted by Chat-
terjee et al. [19].
Such an app enables a non-tech-savvy
abuser to remotely monitor a victim’s whereabouts after
installing it on the victim’s device. We expand their def-
inition of dual-use apps to assert that: (a) the app must
provide capabilities that can be used for spying, track-
Chatterjee et al. [
] consider an app to be dual-use if: (1) its
primary purpose is giving another person the ability to collect
data, track location, and/or remotely control a device; (2) it
functions, after initial installation and configuration, without
interaction with the current user of the device; and (3) the victim
most likely does not want it on their device.
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 124
ing, and/or stalking, even though they are not meant
for such (ab)use, (b) such capability is automated; does
not require (ab)user interaction with the victim’s device
after installation and configuration (if the app requires
access to the victim’s device), (c) such capability is de-
scribed in app metadata (text or screenshots) (We ac-
knowledge we might miss apps advertising full capabili-
ties outside of the Google Play Store), and (d) the app
might not be installed on the victim’s device and might
use external hardware such as GPS trackers. Apps in the
last category leave no trace on the victim’s device; thus,
they are difficult to detect and are dangerous from the
perspective of an IPS threat model [53]. As we included
new apps in the dual-use category, when applicable, we
report the number of dual-use apps according to the old
definition [19] as well.
3.3 Crawling Pipeline
There are six steps in our measurement pipeline (shown
in Fig. 2).
(1) Creating Seed Queries. Our pipeline begins with
the manual translation of the English seed queries used
in prior work [19] into 14 languages. Specifically, we
used Google Translate [2] to create the initial trans-
lations and received the assistance of native speakers
of those languages who are also proficient in English
to verify and correct the translations. Additionally, we
added new seed queries recommended by the native
speakers, who paid special attention to sociolinguistic
differences. The number of seed queries varies across
languages (see Fig. 3) due to such differences.
(2) Query Snowballing. As in the study by Chatter-
jee et al. [19], we used Google Play’s query completion
API [30] to expand the set of seed queries for each lan-
guage using a “query snowballing” approach. We started
with the seed set of queries, and then for each searched
query, we collected search suggestions from Google Play
until no new queries were found or the total number of
collected search terms for a language reached 10,000.
Due to query suggestions’ variation between languages
and countries, the final set of queries we obtained also
differed across languages.
(3) Collecting Apps. We used a modified version of
an unofficial scraper for Google Play called google-play-
scraper [11] to search for apps, adding language (hl) and
geolocation (gl) parameters to conduct a global search
without requiring physical servers in multiple countries
(Google Play search results may vary slightly based on
the IP address of the client). For each language-country
pair, we searched Google Play with the final set of seeds
and snowballed queries with language (hl) and loca-
tion (gl) set accordingly. For each query, we collected
metadata, such as app title, descriptions, appId, gen-
res, and permissions, for the top 50 apps shown on the
Google Play search results page. Overall, we crawled
Google Play for 47 days (from April 28, 2020 to June
13, 2020) per language-country pair listed in Fig. 1. We
also distributed crawling across multiple Amazon EC2
instances and grouped all the downloaded data onto a
single server for further analysis.
(4) Translating App Metadata. We used spaCy [8]
to detect the language of the apps’ description, as not
all apps’ metadata language matches with the language
used in the search query or the language parameter
hl. This situation happens because some developers do
not localize their apps (i.e., they do not provide trans-
lated versions of their apps for certain search query lan-
guages) [31]. Thus, if an app is not translated for the
queried language, it is returned in a default language. Af-
ter detecting the languages of the apps’ descriptions, we
used the Google Translate API [2] to translate the titles,
descriptions, and summaries of the apps into English (if
they were not already available in English), in order to
utilize our pipeline’s rich English-language training data
to build machine learning (ML) classifiers for identify-
ing dual-use apps. Hence, we avoided building separate
classifiers and preparing the required training data for
each language. Further, since many apps are found in
multiple languages, we translated each unique app only
once if not already found in English.
(5) Classifying Apps. To identify dual-use apps from
the set of all apps we found, we used an adapted super-
vised linear classifier from prior work [19]. The classifier
was trained on English apps only. Due to the difficulty of
preparing training data and creating separate classifiers
for each language, we applied the classifier to translated
metadata instead. We recorded the classifier confidence
score for each app, picking a threshold of 0.4, such that
apps scoring below 0.4 are classified as not dual-use. Af-
ter examining the classification scores, we chose a lower-
than-normal threshold (which is usually 0.5) to avoid
failing to flag dual-use apps due to low classification
scores. Chatterjee et al. [19]) used a threshold of 0.3,
but we found that in this translated multilingual app
descriptions the threshold of 0.4 provides as few false
negatives as threshold of 0.3, and the number of false
positives increases significantly from 0.4 to 0.3; there-
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 125
Fig. 2.
Measurement pipeline expanded from [
] to find dual-use apps on Google Play in fifteen different languages. This semi-
automated pipeline has six stages.
fore, we used 0.4 as our threshold for considering an
app as dual-use.
(6) Human Labeling. Finally, we randomly sampled
250 apps that scored more than 0.4 and 100 apps that
scored less than 0.4 for each queried language (5,250
apps in total) and manually flagged them. One re-
searcher reviewed every app from the samples and la-
beled it as dual-use or not based on the app’s metadata
(mainly title, summary, and description, with occasional
reference to the app page on Google Play). Although
each app had a single reviewer, the research team dis-
cussed the reviewed apps and their labels as a group.
We also assigned each app to a category (e.g., vehicle
tracker, auto call recorder, etc.) and coded its spying
capabilities. For many apps, the metadata is not con-
clusive as to whether the app has spying capabilities or
not, usually due to short descriptions. In these cases,
the researcher evaluated screenshots, reviews and per-
missions obtained by searching for the app identifiers of
these apps on Google Play or other Android apps down-
load websites (e.g., APKPure), if the app was no longer
available in Google Play. For example, we found sev-
eral call recorder apps advertising screenshots showing
an “automatic recording” option not mentioned in the
description. Furthermore, some apps, such as “Phone
Number Locator” apps, received high scores from the
classifier (considered dual-use), despite having no dual-
use capabilities. Thus, using screenshots, reviews, and
permissions in such cases helped correctly determine
the dual-use capabilities of ambiguous apps. When we
could not conclude whether apps were dual-use due to
the lack of descriptive metadata and screenshots, we de-
cided to label them as dual-use, to err on the side of
caution. Based on our labeling, the estimated percent-
age of such apps in our dataset is 1.22%. In total, we
found 854 unique dual-use apps through manual coding.
3.4 Limited Efficacy of Static Analysis
We explored the use of static analysis of Android pack-
age (APK) files to further prune the results returned
by the NLP classifier, developing a static analysis clas-
sifier. Apps that received an NLP classifier score
were downloaded using a utility called gplaycli [43]. We
selected a sample of 1,655 apps (about 50% of them
had been manually flagged as dual-use apps). Of these,
9% could not be downloaded by gplaycli, often due to
the app being a paid app. We downloaded 1516 apps
in total. We then used the droidlysis [20] framework to
extract static features from the apps. Droidlysis can ex-
tract several properties, e.g., imported libraries, use of
certain permissions, etc. but does not work well for APIs.
We used androguard [23] for extracting API calls from
the APKs. The features we included in the analysis are
permissions, receivers, content providers, services, API
calls, and additional properties, such as whether a set of
specific methods are used that could be a sign of exfil-
trating sensitive data or malicious behavior (e.g., code
for hiding the app icon from the app drawer, which was
often used by some APKs from the 2018 study). Some
apps could not be parsed correctly using droidlysis. In
the final sample, 1333 were used for analysis. We treat
each app as a “bag of features” and then apply one-hot
encoding. We tried several ML algorithms, including de-
cision trees, logistic regression, and random forest. We
used k
= 4
fold cross-validation to compute the accu-
racy of the classifier. For the 1,333 apps we analyzed,
the best precision we could achieve was 60% when us-
ing Random Forest. However, this also has a low recall
value of 70%, indicating a high number of false nega-
tives i.e. dual-use apps missed by the classifier. To re-
duce the false negatives, we used a lower than normal
threshold of 0.29, which resulted in a recall of
, but
the precision decreased significantly to 40%. The high
false discovery rate means that a large number of apps
flagged by the static analysis classifier are not dual-use
apps. We estimate that a static analysis classifier could
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 126
prune approx. 30% of apps that are assigned
by the NLP classifier.
We may have achieved low accuracy because the
classifier was used only on apps that had a high NLP
classifier score (
) and also because these apps were
likely to have similar functionalities with minor differ-
ences that are hard to differentiate. For instance, the
app “Smart GPS Tracker” was correctly identified as
dual-use while the app “Find lost phone: Anti-theft pro-
tection” is incorrectly flagged as dual-use while hav-
ing more dangerous admin permissions and similar lo-
cation tracking functionalities. Yet, the latter app can
only help find lost phones by responding to claps and
whistles, and dangerous device admin permissions are
requested to prevent unwanted removal of the app by
the thief. Therefore, this app cannot be used for stalk-
ing. Although static features such as permissions and
API calls have been used with some success to detect
malware [14, 72, 73], we hypothesize that the dual-use
apps returned by the NLP classifier do not differ sig-
nificantly on a static level. Thus, static analysis cannot
replace manual analysis. We decided that the overhead
downloading APK files and extracting static analysis
features incurred in integrating static analysis into
our app analysis pipeline outweighs the potential ben-
efit of saving some manual labeling and, therefore, did
not pursue this approach further.
3.5 Ethical Considerations
Minimal-impact automated scraping of publicly avail-
able information not containing personal identifiers is
generally considered acceptable research behavior. We
made sure to not make more than ten queries per sec-
ond, and we believe such a load would have a negligible
impact on the Google Play service’s normal operation.
Similarly, we ran rate-limited search queries on Chinese
app stores. Our research does not introduce new harms
or exploit existing vulnerabilities in novel ways. Instead,
we audit readily available search results and analyze
them to shed light on what types of dual-use apps are
available in app stores.
4 Results
From our 47-day multilingual search on Google Play us-
ing our measurement pipeline, we collected thousands
of query suggestions and applications. We analyzed the
types of queries suggested (Section 4.1), the prevalence
of dual-use apps in different languages (Section 4.2),
and their capabilities to surveil an intimate partner
(Section 4.3).
4.1 Google Play Query Suggestions
Google Play provides search query recommendations to
help users search for apps more effectively. Chatterjee
et al. [19] used this feature (in English) to gather rel-
evant search terms that an abuser might use to search
for apps to conduct IPS. They refer to this process as
query snowballing. We extended the approach to gather
and analyze search queries in 15 different languages.
Query Snowball Sizes. We find that query sugges-
tions differ significantly by language and also, within
the same language, by country. For each language, the
number of seed queries used and the cumulative num-
ber of new queries gathered over the whole measurement
period is shown in Fig. 3 (columns: “Seed”, “New”, and
“Total”). As can be seen, there is a huge variance in
the number of unique queries obtained and used for
searching in each language. For example, we searched
in eight countries with English and thus obtained 2,576
new unique query suggestions in total. Yet, for some lan-
guages, such as Bengali, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese,
we received only a handful (
) of query suggestions.
For Japanese, we received no query suggestions.
IPS Query Suggestions. We define an IPS query as
a query explicitly referring to tracking or monitoring an
intimate partner. We reviewed all 7,244 search queries
to identify IPS queries, by translating queries into En-
glish using Google Translate and then manually flagging
whether they were IPS queries. If a translation was not
clear, possibly due to an error in translation, we used
Google search to determine if the query refers to IPS.
We found 1,012 IPS queries across all languages.
Fig. 3 shows the number of IPS queries we used
for searching. The majority of seed queries are IPS
queries, as intended. However, Google Play also sug-
gested several IPS queries, especially in non-English lan-
guages. For example, in Indonesian/Malay (ms), the
store suggested 97 additional IPS queries, like ap-
likasi melacak no hp pacar (“application to track girl-
friend/boyfriend’s cellphone number”) and “apk pela-
cak lokasi pacar (“boyfriend/girlfriend location tracker
apk”). Similarly, several IPS queries were suggested in
Spanish (es), such as rastreador de mi esposo” (“my
husband tracker”) and aplicación para rastrear a mi
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 127
Queries IPS Blocked
Lang Seed New Seed New Total IPS
Arabic 190 454 77 6 13 9
Bengali 117 58 72 0 0 0
Chinese 73 136 37 0 0 0
English 79 2,576 41 12 23 22
French 128 231 66 18 4 2
German 119 320 79 7 6 0
Hindi 68 239 20 0 0 0
Japanese 76 0 42 0 1 0
Malay 133 674 77 97 0 0
Portuguese 113 322 56 34 9 9
Russian 79 269 43 2 4 2
Spanish 101 606 48 56 8 6
Thai 48 73 29 0 0 0
Turkish 69 48 28 1 1 0
Vietnamese 86 90 51 0 0 0
Fig. 3.
Numbers of unique queries used by our scraper: original
“Seed” queries, “New” queries suggested by query snowballing,
queries showing explicit “IPS” intent, and “Blocked” queries that
return no search results. The highest and least values in each
column are highlighted in bold.
mujer (“application to track my wife”).
Minimal Blocking of IPS Queries. We suspect that
Google Play is blocking some queries to prevent users
from searching for apps with malicious intent, such as
“tracking my wife”. For these blocked queries, Google
Play returns no apps and no query suggestions. Though
the majority of such blocked terms are IPS queries, not
all IPS queries are blocked (as shown in Fig. 3, “Blocked”
columns). Also, query blocking varies widely between
languages. For example, among the 41 English seed
queries with IPS intent, 23 (56%) are blocked. However,
of IPS seed queries are blocked in Portuguese, Ara-
bic, and Spanish and
in French and Russian. None
of the IPS seed queries are blocked in 9 of the 15 lan-
guages. This also means it is easy to bypass the query
blocking by simply translating a query (see Section 5).
Google Play does not block queries that it suggests.
4.2 App Search Results
By querying with all the (not blocked) seed terms and
their suggestions for 47 days, we obtained
apps across 15 languages. On average, we downloaded
5,628 apps per day across all languages (some apps were
downloaded multiple times in different languages). The
total number of apps obtained per language (shown
in Fig. 4, “Apps Found” column) differs significantly.
Due to technical issues, our scraper failed to collect any
apps on certain days for some stores, and our scraper
for Vietnamese failed to collect any data after May 1,
2020. Since we still obtained thousands of apps for all
languages, we kept them for further analysis. We believe
the number of apps obtained for a language is directly
related to the size of the query snowballs and the num-
ber of countries searched for that language. For exam-
ple, the five lowest counts of apps found correspond to
the five languages with the lowest number of queries
searched, which were also each searched for one country.
While some of our queries were blocked by Google Play,
the blocking did not significantly reduce the number of
App Localization. We found that app descriptions
are not always in the language used in the search query
or specified by the language parameter hl. Also, the
metadata of an app does not specify the languages the
app is localized for the languages into which the de-
veloper translated the app metadata. Therefore, we con-
sider an app localized for a language if the app descrip-
tion can be found in that language. We used spaCy [8] to
detect the language of each app. The detected language
results are shown in Fig. 4 (“App Language” columns).
In total, nearly 52% of the apps obtained across all
queried languages had English descriptions, although
only 13% of the apps were found via English queries.
This shows that some apps were not localized for the
given search language. However, we also found that at
least 46% of apps in each language are available in
the queried language, except for Hindi (33%). We also
found that a small number of apps per language had
descriptions in languages other than English and the
queried language. Understanding these distributions re-
quires further investigation into how Google Play works,
which is left for future research.
To find the number of apps that are localized for
English, we downloaded the description of each of the
apps after setting hl
en and gl
us, and then
detecting the language of the downloaded apps using
spaCy. We found that
(52%) of these apps have
English descriptions on the Google Play Store, and thus
that 48% of them are not available in English. Thus,
multilingual searches resulted in better app coverage.
We evaluated the accuracy of language detection by ran-
domly sampling 20 apps for each detected language with
more than 100 apps. We found that all languages were
detected with an accuracy of more than 95% except for
Korean, which was detected for a set of mostly Chinese
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A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 128
Apps App Language (%) Clf. Acc. (%) # dual-use Capabilities (%)
Lang Found Eng. Query Other Recall Precision Lab. Estim. L C A S R
Arabic 7,969 31 68 2 100 33 83 581 46 24 12 63 24
Bengali 2,861 48 48 4 73 30 78 315 77 24 12 51 29
Chinese 6,649 46 48 7 84 53 135 846 62 21 16 40 8
English 15,967 99 - 1 86 39 98 1,120 47 13 6 43 36
French 6,742 36 60 5 83 40 103 783 50 21 6 54 27
German 7,660 50 48 3 74 42 107 596 68 17 13 40 2
Hindi 3,735 65 33 3 100 46 116 245 54 19 5 53 37
Japanese 2,756 21 74 5 91 42 107 293 74 28 8 51 8
Malay 5,432 51 48 2 100 33 83 321 55 27 13 65 14
Portuguese 7,997 42 52 7 69 38 98 760 55 15 9 52 21
Russian 5,869 31 67 2 75 40 103 691 49 17 15 45 26
Spanish 9,915 28 71 1 89 47 118 886 64 14 7 39 15
Thai 2,821 51 46 3 79 52 133 391 66 25 14 53 14
Turkish 3,241 24 74 2 100 39 97 303 58 23 14 48 29
Vietnamese 2,354 39 60 2 84 50 128 292 48 22 20 51 25
Fig. 4.
This table shows: 1) the total number of unique apps we collected by searching in each language; 2) the detected language of
app description “Eng. if in English, “Query” if in the same language as the queried language, and “Other” for any other language
(Note that an app might exist in multiple languages); 3) the accuracy of the ML classifier (“Clf. Acc.”) in terms of “Recall” and
“Precision”; 4) the number of dual-use apps found by manually labeling a sample of 350 apps in each language (“Lab.”) followed by
the estimated number of dual-use apps in this language (“Estim.”); and 5) the distribution of capabilities of found dual-use apps to
Locate (L), Control (C), Access (A), Share (S), or Record (R) a victim’s information (a single app can have multiple capabilities). The
highest and least values in each column are highlighted in bold.
apps; thus, we counted these apps as Chinese.
Dual-Use Apps Found in Multiple Languages. Of
the 1,587 apps that we labeled as dual-use across all lan-
guages, only 854 are unique. This suggests that many
dual-use apps are found in more than one queried lan-
guage. To understand how these apps are distributed
across languages, we plot the cumulative distribution of
apps found in multiple query languages; specifically, the
fraction of apps that are found in at least x languages.
We first plot the curve for all
apps we found
through our crawling (solid “All apps” line in Fig. 5).
Then, we also plot the curve for
dual-use apps (solid
“Dual-use apps” line in Fig. 5), showing that they are
typically found in multiple languages. While only 5% of
apps, in general, are found in six or more languages, 45%
of dual-use apps are found in six or more languages. In-
deed, 77.4% of them are found in at least two languages.
Thus, dual-use apps are typically localized for many lan-
guages, making it easier for abusers to find them.
We also found that 192 (22.5%) of labeled dual-use
apps are unique to only one queried language, indicating
that some dual-use apps have limited availability and
may not be found using other languages but only via a
language-specific app search (as in our pipeline).
In Fig. 5, we also plotted the percentages of apps
with metadata found in multiple languages as detected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# of languages
% apps found in at least x languages
Dual-use apps
All apps
Fig. 5. The percentages of dual-use apps and all apps found using
at least
queried language(s) (solid lines) and the metadata
found in x detected language(s) (dashed lines).
by spaCy. About 53% of dual-use apps had metadata in
only one language, suggesting that half of dual-use apps
are not localized even though they are found using
those languages; even fewer have metadata in more than
two languages. This suggests that although many apps
are found using multiple query languages, fewer apps
are localized.
Estimating the Number of Available Dual-Use
Apps on Google Play. Although our search proce-
dure found
apps, not all qualify as dual-use. We
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 129
pruned the list using a semi-manual filtering process. We
used a machine learning classifier to remove the apps
that are obviously not relevant, scoring below 0.4 (see
our measurement pipeline (5) in Section 3).
For each language, we manually labeled a sample of
100 apps scoring <
and 250 apps scoring
compute the precision and the recall of the classifier. We
compute the precision as
, where TP is the number of
apps (scoring
) that are manually flagged as dual-
use. For recall, we need to estimate the total number of
dual-use apps for each language. We estimate the total
number of dual-use apps in a language as
× n
, where n
and n
are the total numbers
of apps scoring
and <
, respectively. Here, FN
is the number of apps flagged as dual-use in the sample
of 100 apps scoring <
. Then, recall of the classifier
in a language is calculated as TP/
P. The precision and
recall are shown in Fig. 4 (“Clf. Acc. columns).
In Fig. 4, we also show the estimated number of apps
that were found by searching each language individ-
ually. We estimate that in our sample, searching in Chi-
nese and English resulted in more than 600 apps, and
in French and Spanish, we estimate having found more
than 500 dual-use apps in Google Play.
Not all apps across languages are distinct. There-
fore, we cannot add them to get the total number of
estimated dual-use apps. Instead, we consider the total
number of unique apps with a score
which is
8,226 and multiply it with the average precision of
our classifier across languages, which turned out to be
41.7%. Thus we obtain the total estimated number of
dual-use apps as
. Note, this is a lower bound, as
our classifier’s recall is not always 100%, and this esti-
mate is missing those dual-use apps that score below
ML Classifier is Fooled by Irrelevant Apps. We
obtained lower precision for classifying dual-use apps
than prior work [19], despite raising the classifier score
threshold to 0.4. Many apps were unrelated to spying or
tracking but used keywords such as “GPS,” while some
apps mention tracking capabilities in their description
but do not actually possess any of them. Some apps re-
peatedly mention a single term such as “GPS” or “SMS”
in their descriptions, which likely made the classifier as-
sign a very high score, although the app is not dual-use.
Many of these apps are obtained through seed terms
such as “SMS tracker,” which suggests that the store
search engine also gets confused, or “poisoned,” by such
terms. Search engine poisoning (“SEP”) [41] is a well-
known strategy for boosting websites’ search engine
rankings. App developers may be using similar meth-
ods to boost the Google Play search rankings of their
apps, even if some queries are related to IPS or stalking.
Across all languages, we noticed that app descriptions
are normally poisoned with “family locator”, “GPS lo-
cator”, and “location finder”, hinting that developers
might be trying to exploit the interests of some users
for such apps. We did not classify some apps as dual-
use because they lack automated spying capabilities. For
example, many call recorders are manual, making them
benign since the abuser cannot automate recording. Sim-
ilarly, some location-tracking apps do not allow contin-
uous location tracking, and they require explicit user
interaction each time the location is shared. Such seman-
tic details are hard to parse with the ML classifier we
used, and thus these apps received high scores from the
classifier, leading to false positives. Future work could
explore ways to improve the classifier so that it consid-
ers such nuanced details in app descriptions. For now,
we rely on manual inspection.
4.3 Characteristics of Dual-Use Apps
Among the 5,250 apps we manually labeled, 832 are con-
sidered dual-use, and only three dual-use apps explicitly
stated that their app can be used for IPS. We assessed
the stalking capabilities of the dual-use apps, including
differences across languages.
Distribution of Stalking Capabilities. We ana-
lyzed the labeled dual-use apps and categorized them
based on five stalking capabilities, described below and
shown in Fig. 6. Detailed descriptions of the capabilities
are given in Appendix B. We modified the categories
created by Chatterjee et al. [19] slightly to include ad-
ditional types of dual-use apps found by our crawlers.
The five categories we used are:
Locate (L): Apps that can find the precise location of
a device and share it remotely.
Record (R): Apps that can automatically record calls,
videos, the screen, or voice audio.
Share (S): Apps that can record and share data other
than location data or data recorded by the app. This
includes call logs, SMS, keystroke logging, etc.
Access (A): Apps that can remotely access the cam-
era, microphone, or screen of another device.
Control (C): Apps that can provide any type of con-
trol over another device’s settings (including and be-
yond camera and microphone).
An app can have multiple capabilities, or even all of
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 130
Category App Type Description
Locate (L)
Personal Tracking Track your own device’s location remotely
Mutual Tracking Mutual location sharing with friends, family and partners
Subordinate Tracking Track the location of children or employees
GPS Trackers Apps Track GPS trackers installed on cars, attached to pets, etc.
Record (R)
Voice Call Recorder Record incoming and outgoing voice phone calls automatically
Video Call Recorder Record incoming and outgoing video calls with audio automatically
Screen Recorder Record the screen in the background at given intervals
Voice Recorder Schedule automatic voice recording in the background
Video Recorder
Use the camera to record videos in the background at predefined times
Share (S)
Auto Backup/Sync Automatically backup data locally or sync to the cloud
SMS/Logs Forwarder Forward SMS or call logs to another phone or send them via email
SIM Change Detector Get notified when a phone’s SIM is removed or changed
Last Seen Tracker Get notified when people appear online on WhatsApp and other apps
WhatsApp Cloner Use the same WhatsApp account on two or more devices
Keylogger Record which keys were selected by the user; logs keystrokes
Device Reports Provide reports about battery, app usage, websites visited etc.
Access (A)
Camera Access Control IP cams remotely or turn your phone into an IP cam
Microphone Access Access the microphone of a device remotely
Screen Mirroring Mirror the screen of another device onto your device
Control (C)
Parental Control Limit screen time, delete apps, block websites, and more
Phone/Tablet/PC Control Gain remote access and control of the device and its data
Fig. 6.
Categories of dual-use apps based on their capabilities. The “Locate” category includes apps that can track the location of
another device or share the location of the current device automatically. The “Record” category contains apps that can record the
screen, calls, or videos automatically or in timed intervals. The “Share” category includes apps that collect or send any information to
other devices automatically. The “Access” category is for apps that grant the user real-time access to the device’s camera, microphone,
or screen. The “Control” category is for apps allowing full or partial control over the device.
them. One researcher manually assigned relevant capa-
bility flags to each app. The research team randomly
picked a sample of apps to discuss and came to agree-
ments regarding definitions and assignments of the la-
bels. The percentage of dual-use apps that possess each
capability is shown in Fig. 4.
At least two-thirds of dual-use apps in Bengali, Ger-
man, and Japanese can locate (L) a device remotely
through a phone connection, smart device, or a dedi-
cated GPS device. Locate (L) is indeed the most preva-
lent capability that dual-use apps have in all languages,
except in Arabic, French, and Malay (where most apps
have share capability). These apps are advertised with
the use-case of tracking family members, friends, and
children, finding stolen or lost devices, storing and shar-
ing location history, and keeping track of vehicles.
The second most prevalent capability was Share (S).
Dual-use apps had various types of sharing capabilities,
such as a remote (pre-configured) alert about SIM card
changes or wrong unlock patterns. Some apps share re-
ports about battery, app usage, browser logs. We also
include social media “last seen trackers” as having the
share capability.
Access (A) was the least prevalent capability in our
dataset, with less than 10% of apps in six languages and
less than 21% in the remaining nine languages having
the capability of remotely accessing the camera, micro-
phone, or screen. A higher number of apps had Parental
Control capabilities that prevent the user from access-
ing certain apps or websites at certain times. Although
apps with this type of control (C) capability might not
enable spying on someone, they can be used to attempt
to control a victim by limiting their access to the device.
Most dual-use apps in our samples had one or two
dual-use capabilities, and less than 20% had at least
three capabilities. We found 6 (<
) dual-use apps that
had all five capabilities. Typically, these are anti-theft
applications, such as the app titled “Lost Android”. This
dual-use app allows location tracking, remote recording,
camera control, device control, and data sharing. Such
apps seem to be limited, even in our dataset. Overall,
the results suggest that dual-use apps found using our
search terms across all fifteen languages would likely
be capable of tracking location, sharing information, or
controlling access. Thus, these dual-use apps can be dan-
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 131
gerous in IPV contexts.
Popularity of Dual-Use Apps Based on Installs.
To learn more about the use and popularity of dual-use
apps, we looked at the number of installs for each dual-
use app. Most apps were downloaded at least a thousand
times, while few were downloaded more than a hundred
million times. We found that 80 English and 73 non-
English dual-use apps were downloaded more than a
million times. The distribution of download counts was
similar for English and non-English apps in general.
4.4 Prevalence of Dual-Use Apps in
Chinese Android App Stores
China has nearly a billion Android users [59], but
Google Play is blocked in China. Therefore, we crawled
four popular app stores in China, namely Xiaomi [6],
Baidu [1], Tencent [9], and Huawei [4], and measured
the prevalence of dual-use apps in these stores.
Crawling Chinese App Stores for Two Days. We
searched for dual-use apps using seed queries translated
into Mandarin and the set of relevant search queries
in Chinese obtained from Google Play (step 2 in our
pipeline described in Section 3.3). (Some app stores sug-
gest related queries, as Google Play does, but we did not
look into those suggested queries.) We observed that the
results of search queries for some stores varied based on
the user’s region. Hence, we ran the crawler for all stores
from a server based in Hong Kong. We then repeated the
remaining stages of the pipeline for each app store. We
crawled the stores twice, on September 24, 2021, and
October 1, 2021. We collected consolidated data from
both runs for analysis. A total of 2,484 apps were col-
lected across stores (Xiaomi: 445, Baidu: 244, Tencent:
562, Huawei: 1,233), of which 2,325 were unique. Of the
2,325 unique apps, 654 were also available on Google
Play, based on their app IDs. We manually coded all
2,325 apps after translating their metadata into English
and found 110 dual-use apps, only 17 of which are avail-
able on Google Play. Of the stalkerware apps repeated
across the Chinese app stores, 13 apps appear in at least
two stores, two apps appear in at least three stores, and
one app appears in all four stores. To verify that app IDs
across different stores correspond to the same app, we
randomly sampled 25 apps and found all apps sharing
an app ID to be the same. The majority of the 110 dual-
use apps (65%) can locate devices and some also possess
capabilities to Record (20%), Share (20%), Access (27%),
and Control (25%).
5 Takeaways and Discussion
Dual-use apps present a significant threat to victims of
IPV, and identifying them is challenging not only for
victims but also for developers building tools to help vic-
tims and advocates automatically detect dual-use apps.
As our measurements suggest, thousands of these apps
are marketed across languages for different use cases,
many of them being dual-use apps that are not easily
classified as dual-use. Comparing searches across four
years (2018, 2020, and 2022), we found that there is sig-
nificant turnover in the Google Play Store market and
that even the wording of app descriptions has changed
over time. Yet, our findings suggest that a multilingual
and global approach can detect more dual-use apps than
a monolingual approach, encouraging a broader scope in
IPS research.
Comparison With Prior Work. Prior work [19]
found 2,473 dual-use apps in 2018. Of these apps, only
411 (17%) were still present on Google Play in 2020, 387
were found via our crawling, and only 320 of these were
found using English queries. This is surprising, as the
English seed terms we used for finding dual-use apps
were exactly the same as the ones used by Chatterjee et
al. [19]. We believe that differences in suggested terms
and query blocking may have contributed to this differ-
ence, though we do not have access to all search queries
found in this study [19] and therefore cannot verify the
reason for this disparity concretely.
The majority (83%) of dual-use apps flagged in the
2018 study are no longer available from Google Play.
We suspect this is due to the 2020 revisions to Google’s
policies regarding spyware and stalkerware, in which
apps that explicitly promote stalkerware, as well as the
ads that market apps for IPS, were banned [3, 32, 33].
Among the 411 apps that are still present in Google
Play, there are apps for tracking family members’ or chil-
dren’s locations, such as Life360 or MMGuardian, apps
for finding stolen or lost phones, such as Mobile GPS
Location Tracker, and apps for automatic call record-
ing. All couple tracking apps reported in the 2018 study
were discontinued. However, we note these apps are still
available on unofficial Android application stores and
can be found via a simple Google Search.
Among the 854 unique apps we manually flagged,
we only found 605 (71%) apps that meet the defini-
tion of dual-use from 2018 (ignoring the vehicle tracking
apps and apps for tracking social media activity). Thus,
the precision of the NLP-based classifier is significantly
lower than what was seen in 2018. We tried retraining
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 132
the classifier, but that did not improve the accuracy.
We suspect that the set of dual-use apps is smaller
due to a few reasons. First, we believe the overall
number of dual-use apps has decreased significantly on
Google Play since 2018, also due to the aforementioned
changes in Google’s policies. Second, there could have
been a significant concept drift [58] among how dual-
use apps describe themselves since 2018, for example,
by suppressing mentions of their (spying or IPS) capa-
bilities. Thus, our NLP classifier may fail to identify
potential dual-use apps.
Multilingual Search Helps Find More Dual-Use
Apps. Searching Google Play using non-English search
queries helped find many dual-use apps that we would
not have found otherwise. We found 1,018 dual-use
apps in our 2020 app dataset (including apps manu-
ally flagged in 2018, in addition to the 854 we manu-
ally flagged in 2020). We analyzed the language data
for all 1,018 dual-use apps’ descriptions and found that
a total of 849 (83%) apps had English descriptions on
Google Play, but only 739 (73%) were found via En-
glish searches. Thus, multilingual searches help to find
more apps, even in English. In our dataset of apps, the
likelihood that a dual-use app is available in English is
higher (83%) than the likelihood that an app, in general,
is available in English (52%). However, there are 279
(27%) dual-use apps that were never found in English
searches. Then, to obtain better coverage of dual-use
apps, we can search in multiple languages.
As shown in Fig. 5, dual-use apps are mostly avail-
able in only one to three languages, suggesting that lo-
calization in more languages (among our 15 languages)
is not that common across dual-use apps, or that our
crawler did not manage to find apps localized in many
languages within the top 50 apps returned per query.
Surveillance Capabilities of Dual-Use Apps. The
majority of dual-use apps across all languages had the
capability to locate (L) (see Fig. 4). While most of the
dual-use apps we found were advertised as family safety
tools to track family members or anti-theft apps to find
stolen devices, we also found several GPS device trackers
that work with specific proprietary GPS devices. Other
surveillance capabilities of dual-use apps vary across lan-
guages. For example, in German, we found only one app
(out of 105) with automatic recording (R) capability, and
very few in Chinese and Japanese; whereas in Hindi, we
found 37% of apps had recording (R) capability. Few
apps, on average, had the capability to remotely access
(A) information in a device. However, we found that
20% of dual-use apps in Vietnamese had this capability.
2018 2020 2022 Total
# apps found 14,461 51,868 27,584 78,544
New apps found 46,370 18,177
# apps 0. 4 score 3,884 8,226 4,979 15,139
Estm. # dual-use 2,473 3,988 2,025
Fig. 7.
Survey of dual-use apps on Google Play across four years.
Note, in 2018, Chatterjee et al. [
] only looked for apps in En-
glish (en) and in the USA (us).
Differences in capabilities could stem from privacy reg-
ulations across countries we crawled, but investigating
such possibilities was not within the scope of this study.
Searching Other App Stores. In some countries,
other stores are more popular than Google Play (es-
pecially if it is blocked in the country) and may have
different dual-use apps. Of the 110 dual-use apps found
on Chinese app stores, 93 (84%) were not found in the
Google Play Store. The number of apps found varies
greatly across the analyzed stores, indicating that the
ecosystem of dual-use apps in these stores is varied and
complex. Prior work has shown that dual-use apps are
available for iOS, the second most popular mobile oper-
ating system [19, 48]. Future work should seek to under-
stand the ecosystem of dual-use apps across more app
stores in different languages and regions.
Survey of Dual-Use Apps on Google Play Over
Multiple Years. To understand the changes in the
dual-use app ecosystem on Google Play since our crawl-
ing in 2020, we crawled Google Play again in all fifteen
languages for one day in February 2022 with the queries
we obtained and used in our 2020 crawling. We found a
total of 27,584 unique apps, out of which 18,177 (68%)
were only found in 2022. This shows a high churn rate
of Google Play apps and search results. We report the
apps found for each language in Fig. 9. We found the
distribution of apps in different languages was similar
to what we found in 2020. For each language, we also
flagged 50 random apps classified as potentially dual-
use by the NLP classifier with confidence
, and 50
random apps with confidence <
. Based on this sam-
ple, we estimate that nearly 2,025 dual-use apps are in
the 2022 dataset. The apps retrieved via crawling and
the estimated number of dual-use apps we found in the
crawl are noted in Fig. 7 for different years. We also
include a Total column, because while many apps from
2018 were removed from Google Play, they can be found
on unofficial Android application stores. As we can see,
there is a drop in the number of dual-use apps after the
2018 study.
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 133
Evading Query Blocking. Google Play blocks some
IPS-specific queries, such as “track your husband”, prob-
ably to prevent potential abusers from finding dual-use
apps (Section 4.1). However, we found that this query
blocking can be easily bypassed. We tested a small set of
variations and obtained relevant results that contain sev-
eral dual-use apps. These are some variations we tested
to avoid query blocking: (a) translating the query to a
different language, e.g., “track my wife” (en, blocked)
to “menjejaki isteri saya” (ms, not blocked), (b) insert-
ing a simple typo, such as “track my wifes” and “track
my wifè”, (c) adding irrelevant words, as with “spy wife
may”, (d) replacing words with synonyms (e.g, “track
my couple” instead of “track my spouse”, and (e) switch-
ing word order (e.g., “wife my track”). Of course, this
is not an exhaustive list of changes and there are poten-
tially other variations to evade query blocking. While
this blocking might have affected our survey of Google
Play (as we did not try query evasion during our au-
tomated crawling), how current IPS query blocking is
handled by perpetrators needs to be further analyzed.
A persistent abuser a real threat, as observed in
prior work [36] can easily bypass Google Play query-
blocking to obtain dual-use apps. Such easy evasion tac-
tics could be prevented by blocking semantically similar
queries, as evidenced by Varelas et al. [68]. Implement-
ing these types of strategies to prevent successful block-
ing evasion can leverage the fact that Google Play search
utilizes semantic search (we empirically evidenced this
by obtaining relevant results even after modifying the
query). We recommend future research on the efficacy
of blocking, as well as interventions, such as warning
boxes like those shown for searches on self-harm, that
discourage people from engaging with the search result
Dual-Use Apps Outside Official Stores. We only
focused on popular application stores such as (the of-
ficial Android app store) Google Play, and application
stores popular in China, such as Xiaomi, Baidu, Ten-
cent, and Huawei app stores. Installing apps from these
stores is much easier than installing apps from outside of
these stores; for example, users do not have to explicitly
enable the flag for installing from “unknown sources” in
Android settings. Nevertheless, it is possible that many
dual-use apps are distributed outside these stores, and
our current study will miss those apps. Future work
should look into the prevalence of dual-use apps outside
of official stores in different languages and countries.
Disclosure of Dual-Use Apps. Prior work has influ-
enced Google Play’s policies and helped reduce the num-
ber of apps that promote IPS explicitly. All manually-
flagged dual-use apps, including three dual-use apps
that explicitly stated that their app can be used for IPS,
as well as recording apps (in violation of a recently im-
plemented Google policy [28]), were reported to Google.
We also reported the suggested IPS-relevant queries and
different effective query-blocking evasion techniques we
found. For the Chinese app stores, we reported the dual-
use apps and any policy-violating apps we found.
Limitations of Our Pipeline. Although we tried
to capture a comprehensive view of dual-use apps, our
approach is not without limitations. First, we did not
download, install, and execute each app to measure its
dual-use capabilities. Instead, we used Google Play app
descriptions and other content (such as images, reviews,
and permissions) to manually determine if an app can be
used as dual-use. This approach was also used by Chat-
terjee et al. [19]. This can lead to both false positives and
false negatives: apps might promote capabilities not ac-
tually offered, and apps might hide capabilities from the
description and disclose them after installation. We ar-
gue the former false positive is harmless [19, 36], though
it might inflate our estimates of dual-use apps available
on the Google Play Store. The latter issue of false nega-
tives is concerning, as we might not account for a dual-
use app that poses a real threat, since we assume that
apps marketed to users on Google Play tend to disclose
and highlight all of their capabilities. Future research
could use static and dynamic analysis [57] to improve
the accuracy of detecting dual-use apps. However, such
analysis will require access to the app executable file,
and obtaining tens of thousands of app files could be
challenging. We do not know all the dual-use apps in
our dataset, as this would require manually labelling
at least 8,250 apps scored higher than
by our ML
classifier. We instead took fixed-size stratified samples
from the apps found in each language. This might not
give us an unbiased sample from all dual-use apps in
our dataset but provides an understanding of dual-use
apps available in different languages.
Our study was limited in its global reach. First,
Google, an American company, runs the Google Play
Store, which may influence its availability or appeal in
some countries. Since Google Play is blocked in multi-
ple countries, including China, we did a small study on
app stores available in China (Section 4.4). For a more
comprehensive understanding of the dual-use ecosys-
tem in multiple languages, future work should look at
other popular app stores. Second, we often cannot tell
where an app originated. While Google Play provides
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 134
the names of companies and developers, it does not
always indicate their addresses. Language and country
data for apps do not necessarily indicate their origin.
Our seed queries are not a comprehensive set of
variations on our original English queries that abusers
might use to search for IPS apps. Our team is multilin-
gual and can understand seven of the fifteen languages,
and we verified each search term’s translation with a na-
tive speaker and made recommended changes. Yet, some
languages or dialects have great varieties of expression.
(e.g., Malay and Indonesian, or various dialects of Span-
ish or Arabic). Thus, we might miss out on some spe-
cific synonymous queries for some languages. We believe
Google Play query suggestions made up for some of the
IPS queries missed in our seed sets, in some languages
more than others, as we show in Section 4.1.
App search results vary significantly between lan-
guages and countries, and when analyzing our results,
we observed patterns in app results, such as a significant
number of certain types of apps for some languages, e.g.,
“love SMS” apps that provide romantic quotations. We
hypothesize that this may be based on the popularity
of searches or search results, but our lack of insight into
Google Play analytics prevents us from confirming this.
App results were also influenced by query snowballing.
We do not treat patterns identified on the basis of query
suggestions or app search results as representative of a
culture [45]. The locations (IP addresses) from which
the searches were done may affect the results returned
by Google Play. The EC2 servers we used for our crawl-
ing in 2020 and 2022 were all located in the US. We
believe the geolocation (gl) and language (hl) are the
two primary parameters affecting the search results and
did a small study to test this hypothesis: we used two
machines, one located in the UAE and another in the
US, and searched with 10 Arabic search queries from our
seed set with gl
ar and hl
sa. We did not find any
significant difference in the search results (<3% apps).
To avoid this small discrepancy, future work could try
to use an IP address in the same country as the gl.
Finally, we relied on machine translation to trans-
late app metadata, since it would have been impractical
to rely on human translation for the large number of
apps found. We admit that machine translation has lim-
itations and inaccuracies; however, recent work showed
that Google Translate has high accuracy for many lan-
guages [63]. Moreover, we observed that the translated
text was still relevant and understandable; thus, we be-
lieve that machine translation was sufficient in our case.
6 Conclusion
This measurement study expands the current under-
standing of dual-use apps available in various languages
and countries in the largest mobile application store,
Google Play. We searched for apps related to spying on,
tracking, monitoring, or controlling intimate partners in
15 different languages in 27 countries for 47 days. We
unique apps, out of which
are not available in English. We found that 17% of dual-
use apps do not have an English description and 26% of
them were not found using English queries, underscor-
ing the utility of using multilingual search techniques
to better understand the availability of dual-use apps
on Google Play. We highlight several key findings in the
way Google Play suggests and blocks queries. Further-
more, search results found in multiple languages with
IPS-specific queries yielded a high rate of dual-use apps.
We also identified problems in Google Play’s current
blocking mechanisms to prevent IPS-specific queries: an
abuser could use simple blocking-avoidance techniques,
such as translating the query, to find apps that can be
used for IPS. Compared to prior work, we found fewer
dual-use apps, but our results indicate that the dual-use
app market is still thriving globally. More work is needed
to mitigate the threats posed by apps with surveillance
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful
feedback and Urs Hengartner for shepherding this paper.
This work was partially supported by the University of
Wisconsin—Madison Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Research and Graduate Education with funding from
the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
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A Multilingual Seed Terms
We translated the seed terms used by Chatterjee et
al. [19] with the help from native speakers who are also
proficient in English. The full list of seed terms in 15
languages is available in GitHub [5]. We provide a set
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 137
of examples from each language in Fig. 8.
B Capabilities of Dual-Use Apps
Dual-use apps can have different capabilities of collect-
ing information and sharing it with the abuser. They
also provide different levels of control over the victim’s
device. We categorize these capabilities based on what
dual-use apps we found in our dataset. The five cate-
gories are shown in Fig. 6.
Locate. Apps in this category allow the abuser to track
the location of the victim. Four types of location track-
ing dual-use apps belong to this category:
(1) Personal Tracking: These apps are designed to al-
low users to track their own devices. Usually, dif-
ferent devices are linked to the same account, and
users can track the location of their devices by ac-
cessing their account on the web or the app itself,
which should be installed on a second device. No
consent is required to track devices since the app
assumes all devices belong to the same user. Dis-
abling tracking, which can be done remotely or on
the device itself, usually requires inputting a user
password. An example is “Google Find My Device.
(2) Mutual Tracking: Apps belonging to this group are
different from personal tracking apps in that you
cannot track the second device without getting con-
sent from that device. Moreover, the second device
can track the location of the first device as well
since it is mutual tracking. Each party has the op-
tion to disable tracking and usually does not re-
quire inputting any passwords. Moreover, disabling
tracking can be done only by accessing the device
itself. Widespread apps include family and friend
tracker apps.
(3) Subordinate Tracking: These apps provide one-way
tracking of remote devices. They usually come with
two types of users: administrators (admins) and
members. Admins can track all members linked to
their accounts, but members cannot track the ad-
min. In some cases, members are allowed to track
each other. The primary purpose of these apps is
to allow a person or group of people to track an-
other group. Such apps imply non-consensual but
socially approved tracking, such as tracking chil-
dren or employees.
(4) GPS Tracker Apps: These tracking apps rely on
GPS trackers that can be installed on vehicles,
bikes, etc. Users must purchase a GPS tracker to
be able to use such apps. Popular examples are ve-
hicle and pet trackers.
Record. These apps allow the user to record audio and
video automatically. We identified five different types of
recording apps:
(1) Voice Call Recorder: Records voice calls of the de-
vice automatically, including incoming and outgo-
ing calls. Such apps only record audio, so they may
not work with video calls or they might just record
the audio of the call, depending on the app.
(2) Video Call Recorder: Similar to voice call recorders,
these apps record video calls automatically. These
recorders usually work on third-party video chat
apps, such as Skype, and not just built-in video
(3) Screen Recorder: Allows the user to schedule times
to record the screen, with audio, in the background.
Recording can be scheduled to be daily, weekly, and
so on.
(4) Voice Recorder: Uses the device’s microphone to
record the surrounding audio in the background.
The app starts recording automatically at times
specified by the user.
(5) Video Recorder: These recorders use at least one of
the cameras (front, back or both) to record video
automatically in the background. Recording times
are specified by the user.
Share. Apps that share data, other than location, with
a remote device. Seven types of apps were identified and
(1) Auto Backup/Sync: Automatically backs up some
or all device data and syncs it with another device
or a cloud account. These data could be gallery
data only (photos and videos), recorded calls, con-
tacts, or even a full backup of the device. Data
is usually uploaded to Google Drive, Dropbox, or
similar cloud services.
(2) SMS/Logs Forwarder: Automatically forwards
SMS and call logs from the device to a given phone
number, an email or even to a server.
(3) SIM Change Detector: Sends a text message to a
pre-specified phone number whenever the SIM card
of the target device, on which the app is installed,
is removed.
(4) Last Seen Tracker: Tracks the time spent online by
users on texting apps, without the need to install
an app on the target device, using phone numbers
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 138
Language Agent terms Language Agent terms
Arabic (ar) hbib , habibati , zujati , zuji , shrik , shrikati
Indonesian /
Malay (ms)
pacar, kekasih, istri, suami, pasangan, cewek,
cowok, pelakor
Bengali (bn)
premik, premika, bondhu, bandhabi, stri, sbami,
pati, patni, bou
Portuguese (pt)
namorado, namorada, esposa, marido, cônjuge,
esposo, parceiro, parceira, mulher
Chinese (zh) nan peNjou, ny peNjou, lao puo, laokoN, peiou Russian (ru) paren, podruga, zhena, muzh, suprug, muzh
English (en) boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, spouse Spanish (es) novio, novia, esposa, esposo, hombre, mujer
French (fr)
petit ami, petite amie, copain, copine, mari,
femme, épouse, époux, conjoint
Thai (th) faen, phrrya, sami, khusmrs
German (de)
freund, freundin, ehefrau, mann, ehepartnerin,
Turkish (tr) erkek arkadaş, kız arkadaş, eş, koca, eş, koca
Hindi (hi) premi, premika, p@tni, p@ti, p@ti, p@ti
Vietnamese (vi) ban trai, ban gái, vo, chong, nguoi đàn ong, nguoi
phu nu
Japanese (ja) kareshi, kanojo, tsuma, otto, haig
usha, otto
Language Example queries Language Example queries
altajasus ealaa al{agent}, taeaqub al{agent}, tatabae
hatif al{agent}, altanasut ealaa almukalamat, taeaqub
/ Malay
melacak {agent}, memata-matai {agent}, membaca
email pribadi {agent}, mencari tahu perselingkungan
{agent}, tidak setia {agent}
{agent}-er protarona dhorar app, Thog {agent}-er
abosthan track kora, oporer call sonar app, amar
{agent}-er opor nojordari kora, amar agent er opor spy
descobrir {agent} traindo, espionar meu {agent}, in-
fiel {agent}, rastrear {agent}, rastrear o telefone do
ongshí de {agent}, zhu
a zhù zh
ong de
{agent}, g
ong {agent}, g
ong {agent} de diàn-
huà, ji
anshì w
o de {agent}
nevernyy {agent}, poymatńevernykh {agent},
{agent} obman, otslezhivat
{agent}, treker
catch {agent} cheating, cheating {agent}, spy my
{agent}, track {agent}, apps for spying on my {agent}
apps para espiar mi {agent}, atrapar {agent} infiel,
descubrir a {agent} infiel, leer el correo electrónico de
mi {agent}, saber si {agent} te está engañando
attraper {agent} infidèle, des applications pour espi-
onner mon {agent}, espionner mon {agent}, suivre
téléphone de {agent}
Thai (th)
nxkcı {agent}, pêuua dtìt dtaam {agent}, pêuua dtìt
dtaam toh-rá-sàp k
ong {agent}, pêuua àan ee men
jàak toh-rá-sàp k
ong {agent}
apps zum ausspionieren meines {agent}, {agent} be-
trügen, fang betrügerischen {agent}, track {agent}
{agent} betrügen, {agent} casusluk için başvurular,
{agent} hile yakalamak, sadakatsiz {agent}, {agent}
üzerinde casusluk yapmak
Hindi (hi)
sunne ke liye app, {agent} ko pakadne ke liye app,
paribar tracker, bebafa {agent} ko pakadne ke liye
khon chung thwi {agent}, de băt xoŋ cuŋ then
{agent}, de băt {agent} zan lan, de thew zoj {agent},
de thew zoj dien thwaj kwa {agent}
fuseijitsuna {agent}, fuseijitsuna {agent} o tsuka-
maeru, {agent} o tsuiseki suru, {agent} torakk
{agent} no denwa kara m
eru o yomu
Fig. 8.
Example of (transliterated) seed terms used in 15 languages. Top table shows the different
terms that are replaced in
the {agent} in the bottom table. The full list of terms was posted in GitHub [5].
to track time spent on WhatsApp, Telegram, and
sometimes other texting apps linked to the user’s
phone number.
(5) WhatsApp Cloner: Although WhatsApp does not
allow two devices to be logged into the same ac-
count, these apps “clone” a WhatsApp account on
another device, allowing two devices to access the
same WhatsApp account.
(6) Keylogger: Keylogging apps can record or log all
keystrokes on the device on which they are in-
(7) Device Reports: Sends reports about the target de-
vice. These reports could be as simple as battery
level, or as comprehensive as a report including
what apps were used and for how long, newly in-
stalled apps, deleted apps, surfed web pages, and
more. The reports are usually accessible from an
admin account in the same app (or a companion
app by the same developer) or from a web page.
Not final; page numbers may change before publication
A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Apps 139
Apps App Language (%) Clf. Acc. (%) # dual-use Capabilities (%)
Lang Found EN Query Other Recall Precision Lab. Estim. L C A S R
Arabic 2,665 65 29 6 100 8 4 23 - - 100 - -
Bengali 1,589 93 3 4 69 28 15 88 33 20 27 60 -
Chinese 2,602 74 18 5 85 40 21 280 81 14 - 24 14
English 8,146 99 - 1 100 58 29 911 41 3 7 28 31
French 3,643 47 50 3 90 48 25 569 36 30 16 44 20
German 4,525 62 36 2 85 48 25 511 72 12 4 48 4
Hindi 1,356 80 13 7 100 10 8 12 - - 88 - 13
Japanese 1,648 77 17 7 100 10 8 24 25 - 63 25 -
Malay 3,052 60 37 3 100 50 25 344 40 24 16 72 -
Portuguese 3,531 46 48 6 88 52 27 489 48 33 11 44 26
Russian 2,306 55 37 8 100 42 21 177 67 5 24 14 -
Spanish 5,301 32 68 1 100 58 29 575 55 17 3 41 17
Thai 1,336 80 14 7 74 48 26 170 46 12 27 42 8
Turkish 2,258 53 41 6 79 44 24 334 58 8 13 38 13
Vietnamese 3,131 80 14 6 100 48 24 225 42 - 46 17 4
Fig. 9. Summary of the data collected in Feb 2022. The figure is structured similarly to Fig. 4.
Access. Some applications allow users to gain live ac-
cess to other devices. However, this access is usually par-
tial and does not grant control over the device. Three
types of apps belong to this category:
(1) Camera Access: Uses the camera of a remote de-
vice to stream a live video. These accessed devices
could be IP cameras, baby cameras, or even a smart
device’s camera.
(2) Microphone Access: Allows access to the micro-
phone of a remote device and broadcasts its sur-
rounding audio.
(3) Screen Mirroring: Projects and shares the screen of
a remote device with the user’s phone, without nec-
essarily granting control over that remote device.
Control. These apps are powerful, as they allow the
user to remotely control other phones and smart devices.
Only two types of apps belong to this category:
(1) Parental Control: These apps target parents as pri-
mary users and provide them with multiple fea-
tures to control children’s devices. Some features
include but are not limited to: limit total screen
time, limit the usage of apps, block and delete
apps, block websites, restrict app installation, and
remotely turn off the device. These apps usually
come in two versions, one to be installed on the
child’s device, and the second to be installed on
the parent’s device. In many cases, such apps hide
themselves from the child’s device.
(2) Phone/Tablet/PC Control: Unlike parental control
apps, device control apps allow users to fully con-
trol other devices. Users can access another device
remotely and access it as if the device were in their
hands. A few apps in this category do not provide
complete control over the other device, but only a
few features, such as turning the device on and off
or adjusting volume.
We coded a total of 21 types of apps belonging to
five categories, which were identified based on app capa-
bilities. We note that apps can belong to multiple cat-
egories. For example, many parental control apps can
find the location of the child and collect reports from
the child’s device, such as app usage and browsing his-
tory. Such an app belongs to Locate, Share, and Control
categories. Moreover, an app can belong to several types
within the same category. For example, some apps can
access the camera and microphone at the same time, or
record both voice and video calls automatically.
C Current Status of Google Play
We present the results of our February 2022 crawl
in Fig. 9. While qualitatively the results are very simi-
lar to our crawl in 2020 (Fig. 4) for all languages except
for Arabic, Hindi, and Japanese, we found significantly
fewer dual-use apps in these languages. We are not sure
what caused this change.
Not final; page numbers may change before publication