Law School Demographics
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Total
Class Size 154 151 126 0 431
Men 67 82 62 0 211
Women 87 67 64 0 218
Hispanic/Latino Men 6 3 1 0 10
Women 5 5 3 0 13
White Men 51 66 52 0 169
Women 54 51 40 0 145
Black/African American Men 1 4 2 0 7
Women 11 2 4 0 17
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Men 0 0 0 0 0
Women 0 0 0 0 0
Asian Men 2 5 3 0 10
Women 6 3 4 0 13
American Indian/Alaska Native Men 0 0 0 0 0
Women 0 0 0 0 0
2 or more races Men 1 0 0 0 1
Women 5 1 2 0 8
Persons with Disabilities Men NC NC NC NC 0
Women NC NC NC NC 0
Openly LGBT Men 4 NC NC NC 4
Women 10 NC NC NC 10
Non–Resident Alien Men 2 1 2 0 5
Women 1 1 6 0 8
Basic Information
3320 Market Street
Room 320
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA), 19104
United States
(215) 571-4720
Career Service Administrator:
Donna Gerson
Associate Dean, Career Strategies
Phone: 215-571-4720
Theresa Gallo
Contact Information for Other Career Services Staff
Elizabeth E. Dunn, Director, Career and Professional Development Amy Weiss,
Director, Private Sector and Government Employment Jennifer Moore,
Manager, Employer Relations
Admissions Profile (J.D. Candidates only)
Applications received 1463
Size of entering class: 154
# of undergraduate colleges represented: 89
# of states represented (incl. D.C.) 25
In-state enrollment: 84
Out-state enrollment: 70
Foreign countries represented: 2
Grade Point Average / Law School Admission Test
25th% 50th% 75th%
Grade Point Average Full-Time 3.08 3.43 3.61
Part-Time n/a n/a n/a
Overall 3.08 3.37 3.64
Law School Admission Test Full-Time 153 156 158
Part-Time n/a n/a n/a
Overall 153 156 158
In determining GPA and LSAT averages, are all students included? No
If not, what percentage is not included and why?
Less than 1%: GPA not calculated from foreign transcript
For more details, visit
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Degree Programs
Number of Students Enrolled:
Full-Time: 431
Evening: 0
Part-Time: 0
Other: 0
Fields of Study:
LL.M. Degrees Offered: Yes
Is LL.M. grading system equivalent to JD system? No
Joint degree programs offered? Yes
Number of LL.M. degrees awarded in previous year: 6
JD Programs:
Civil Litigation Field Clinic Interview
Criminal Litigation Field Clinic Interview
Appellate Litigation Clinic Interview
Entrpeneurial Law Clinic Interview
Community Lawyering Clinic Interview
Special Training and Certification Programs:
Concentrations: Business & Entrepreneurial Law; Health Law, Intellectual
Property Law; Criminal Law Co-Op: The Co-Op Program is generally a
one-semester field placement that allows a student to work in a corporation, law
firm, judicial office, public interest organization or governmental agency. Each
Co-Op is chosen for the quality experience that it can provide law students as
part of their overall academic experience.
Is Moot Court a required activity? No
Moot Court Program Description:
Requirements of Membership: Compete in 1 interscholastic competition during
3L year anywhere in the country* Assist teams in preparation for competition
(~6 hours/semester - when not competing) Conduct practice oral argument
sessions for 1Ls (spring semester) Participate in conducting annual internal
competition Organize annual internal competition Attend Board Meetings
(usually twice per semester) *With faculty advisor. All reasonable expenses paid
Explanation of Grading System
Letter Grades Other Grading System? Numerical Equivalents
A+ n/a 4.0
A n/a 4.0
A- n/a 3.67
B+ n/a 3.33
B n/a 3.0
B- n/a 2.67
C+ n/a 2.33
C n/a 2.0
C- n/a 1.67
D n/a 1.0
F n/a 0
Minimum Grade Required to Attain:
Top 10%: 3.62
Top 25%: 3.44
Top 33%: 3.39
Top 50%: 3.25
Top 75%: 2.90
Median GPA: 3.15
Minimum grade required for graduation: 2.20
Do you have a pass/fail option? Yes
By course, not election
Are students ranked in their class? Yes
If so, how often? 2-3 times per year, depends on program
Will the school verify student grades? Yes
School's Verification Policy
Only with a signed FERPA waiver from the studentp>
For more details, visit
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Pre-Graduation Academic Honors
Outstanding Oral Advocate 15 Top oral advocate in Legal Methods Class
CALI Excellence for Future Award 130 CALI award (All subjects)
Dean's List 143 term GPA of 3.30 on at least 5 graded credits
Graduation Honors
% of Class Receiving GPA Required # of Students
Order of the Coif N/A N/A N/A
Summa cum laude Top 3 3.72 5
Magna cum laude Top 10 3.62 10
Cum laude Top 25 3.44 20
Other 0 0 0
Areas of Practice & Employment
Philadelphia Metropolitan Region; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Areas of practice include both legal and non-legal positions: % of
employed students with jobs in area
Private practice 52
Business and industry 13.4
Government 7.1
Judicial clerkship 21.4
Military 0
Public interest organization 3.6
Academic 0
Job category not identified 1
% of students with known location who are in employment
New England (CT,ME,MA,NH,RI,VT) 1
Middle Atlantic (NJ,NY,PA) 88.4
East North Central (IL,IN,MI,OH,WI) 0
West North Central (IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,ND,SD) 0
South Atlantic (DE,DC,FL,GA,MD,NC,SC,VA,WV) 7.1
East South Central (AL,KY,MS,TN) 0
West South Central (AR,LA,OK,TX) 2
Mountain (AZ,CO,ID,MT.NV.NM,UT,WY) 0
Pacific (AK,CA,HI,OR,WA) 1
Non-US 1
For more details, visit
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OCI / Job Posting
OCI Reservations
OCI requests accepted by:
Mail - beginning date: 02/01/2019
Phone - beginning date: 02/01/2019
Email to - beginning date: 02/01/2019: [email protected]
Online, URL - beginning date: 02/01/2019:
Any changes in OCI procedures or policies that will be in effect for the first time
during Fall 2015:
No changes at this time
OCI Date Assignment Procedure: First come first served
OCI Fee? no
OCI Date Confirmation Sent to Employers: 03/01/2019
If requested, our school will coordinate with:
The Career Strategies Office strives to accommodate all employer requests.
Required Employer Forms:
OCI is administered through Symplicity.
OCI Dates:
August: 07/29/2019-08/30/2019
Fall: 09/03/2019-10/25/2019
Spring: 02/04/2019-03/15/2019
Flyback dates: n/a
Is video conferencing available? No
Comments: Employers are always welcome to interview on campus. The
Career Strategies Office will happily tailor a free and flexible recruitment plan to
help employers connect with our students and graduates for either summer,
part-time, and full-time positions through on campus interviews, resume
collections or job postings.
Pre-OCI Material Distribution:
Are employers permitted to prescreen? Yes
OCI Drop date: 06/03/2019
Date student materials sent to employer: 07/03/2019
Date interview schedule sent to employer: 07/26/2019
Postage/express mail fee? No
Comments: OCI is administered through Symplicity. Materials are batched by
CSO staff and emailed to employers.
Do you provide resume collection or direct mail option for employers not
participating in OCI?
Are all OCI conducted in campus buildings? Yes
Other Interview Programs
Greater Philadelphia Area Law Schools (GPALS) sponsors four annual
recruiting programs. The GPALS Washington DC Resume collection takes
place in August and the GPALS Philadelphia Job Fair is held in September.
These programs are open to rising second and third-year students. GPALS
sponsors the Public Interest/Public Service (PI/PS) Career Fair in early February
which is open to all classes. The Feds in Philly Program & resume collection is
held annually and is open to all students. Our students also participate in
Loyola's Intellectual Property Career Fair in July.
Diversity Interview Programs
Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair Delaware Minority Job Fair Philadelphia
Diversity Law Group 1L Fellowship Summer Program MABLSA (Mid Atlantic)
Job Fair Lavender Law Conference & Career Fair Association of Corporate
Counsel Diversity Corporate Summer Internship Program
For Employers who do not interview students on-campus, will
send,uponrequest,onepackagecontainingresumes/transcripts? Yes
post a notice directing students to apply directly to employer? Yes
Job postings are advertised to students and alumni several ways. The Career
Strategies Office utilizes Symplicity as our online career services management
tool which is accessible at Employers can
register in Symplicity and create job postings which are reviewed and approved
by a staff member. Job postings may also be sent to a staff member for posting
in Symplicity. Postings are included in CSO newsletters. In addition to
Symplicity, postings may be sent directly to students and alumni through class
specific email distribution lists. CSO programs are advertised in the law school
Are employers permitted to prescreen? Yes
If no, explain:
First Year Students
First-year students are treated in accordance with NALP guidelines. They are
eligible for Spring OCI and other recruiting programs.
For more details, visit
NALP Copyright 2015
Drexel Law Review 65 Y Y N
Student Organizations
Criminal Law Society
Intellectual Property Law Society
Jewish Law Students Association
Latin American Law Students Association
American Constitution Society
Brehon Law Society
Family Law Society
Sports and Entertainment Law Society
Transactional Lawyering Team
Veterans Law Society
Business Law Organization
Environmental Law Society
Health Law Organization
International Law and Human Rights Society
Justinian Society
Law Students for Reproductive Justice
The Career Strategies Office (CSO) works with the legal community to sponsor,
encourage and create opportunities for students of racial and ethnic minorities
to have equal access to professional development and career services. Many
of those opportunities include professional networking and career education
programs designed specifically for law students of color. The CSO facilitates the
participation of members of racial and ethnic minorities in many professional
development events and programs. The concrete steps taken by the law school
to promote equality of opportunity for students and create a pipeline of diverse
talent include annual participation in the following: Resume Writing and
Interview Workshop for Minority 1Ls, hosted by Ballard Spahr; Philadelphia
Diversity Law Group (PDLG) 1L Summer Internship Program; Martin Luther
King, Jr., Summer Internship & Fellowship Program, sponsored by the
Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc. (providing summer internship
opportunities for minority law students; Job fairs for minority students, including
the Philadelphia Area Minority Job Fair, the Delaware Minority Job Fair, DuPont
Minority Job Fair, Hispanic National Bar Association career fair, Mid-Atlantic
Black Law Students Association Job Fair, Lavender Law career Fair, IMPACT
Career Fair for law students with disabilities, and the National Black Prosecutors
Association Conference & Career Fair. The Career Strategies Office promotes a
variety of other events and programs to students including: Association of
Corporate Counsel (Phil) Summer Internship Program GlaxoSmithKline's
Summer Diversity Summer Program DELVACCA Diversity Corporate Internship
Program York County Diversity Pipeline Program ABA Business Law Diversity
Clerkship Program Capital Area Managing Partners (CAMP)Diversity Initiative
Bristol Myers Squibb Diversity Program Leadership Council on Legal Diversity
(LCLD) events & fellowships State & local bar association diversity programs &
summer internships. Contact the CSO directly for more information.
Pro Bono
All students are required to perform a minimum of 50 hours of pro bono service
to graduate. Students can begin performing pro bono service in the second
full-time semester of the first year of law school and must complete all 50 hours
by the last day of classes of the final semester of law school. A maximum of 50
hours of pro bono work completed during the summer semester can be counted
towards the requirement. In order to qualify for credit towards the requirement,
the pro bono service must be law-related. In addition, students may not receive
financial compensation or academic credit for providing pro bono service.
Moreover, a licensed attorney or other qualified supervisor must adequately
supervise and review any and all work. The service must be: • On behalf of
people who cannot afford to pay for legal services, have limited access to legal
services, or are underserved by the private bar, or • Aimed at protecting the
rights of an individual or individuals in situations raising important public interest
concerns and/or important rights belonging to a significant and underserved
segment of the public. Government work, including working for the district
attorney or public defender (or their federal/local equivalents) qualifies for credit
towards the Pro Bono Service Requirement under our definition of pro bono.
Judicial internships, however, do NOT qualify for credit towards the Pro Bono
Service Requirement because they do not fall within the parameters of pro bono
service for Drexel's program. Students who significantly exceed the 50-hour
requirement will receive a Pro Bono Recognition Award and be specially
acknowledged in the graduation program.
Student Bar Association
Black Law Student Association
Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
Women's Law Society
Labor and Employment Law Society
Community Service Initiative
Law and National Security Society
Mindfulness in the Law
Law and Philosophy Society
Civil Litigation Society
Education Law Society
Public Interest Experience
National Lawyers Guild
Alternative Dispute Resolution Society
The Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law is a pioneer in experiential learning where the curriculum integrates experience with professional practice and
scholarly excellence. Our signature Co-op and Clinical programs and mandatory Pro Bono requirement ensure that every graduate has acquired hundreds of hours of
practical experience and worked with community members who struggle most to find advocates. Our Trial Advocacy program is headquartered in the Thomas R. Kline
Institute of Trial Advocacy, located in a meticulously restored historic building just footsteps from Philadelphia’s City Hall and federal and state courthouses. Our hands-on
programs provide students with experience working and interacting with diverse members of Philadelphia’s vibrant legal community. Kline students frequently outperform
their peers in mock trial competitions, and our Trial Team has been ranked #3 in the U.S., based on its performance in the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic years. We
provide students with memberships in the American Bar Association Law Student Division, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, and the Philadelphia Bar Association.
Students may also apply for professional development funds to underwrite expenses related to attend CLE programs, attend job fairs and conferences and join specialty
bar associations. Our diversity initiatives are designed to give students fluency and insights that will inform their practice in firms, government agencies, corporate offices
and public interest organizations. The Career Strategies Office takes a leadership role in preparing students for the job market and the workplace. We work closely with our
students on an individual basis to help them evaluate their strengths and interests to ensure that their employment strategies are well-aligned with their values. At the
Kline School of Law, students gain a multiplicity of opportunities to experience legal practice, to learn, and to grow as attorneys.
For more details, visit
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