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USC Progressive Degree Program
Program Eligibility and Application Instructions
A Pr
ogressive Degree is a highly individualized program that allows a student to begin work on a master’s degree while
completing the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. Applications for Progressive Degree require approvals from both
the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Program Eligibility
Applicants to the progressive degree program may apply once they have at least 64 total units of undergraduate
course work completed, excluding AP, IB, or transfer units earned prior to graduation from high school.
Applicants may apply in their junior or senior year, but no later than the semester prior to beginning graduate
Applicants do not need to submit GRE, GMAT or other graduate entrance exam scores but should have at least a
3.0 cumulative USC GPA at the time
of application. Please note that some academic programs have higher GPA
Application Requirements
Students must complete all necessary sections on the Application for Admission to a Progressive Master’s
Program form. Admission requires approval from the program/department chair and the dean of the student’s
undergraduate major, and by the program/department chair and the dean of the master’s degree program at USC.
The completed application form must show all signatures required for approval.
Students must complete a Progressive Degree Program Proposed Course Plan form as part of the
process. This is necessary to determine how future terms of registration apply to
remaining undergraduate and
graduate degree requirements. Course work taken to fulfill degree requirements will show on the Course Plan, as
will an indication of whether the course work fulfills undergraduate or graduate degree requirements.
Students may be required to submit letters of recommendation and other supplemental materials at the
discretion of the academic program.
Instructions to Students and Departments:
1. Program Selection
Students identify a master’s degree that is of interest and consult with the Graduate Advisor or Admissions Officer
of the program to determine the availability of the Progressive Degree option. The department or school that offers
the master's program determines whether to offer the Progressive Degree option.
The master’s program need not be from the same department as the student’s undergraduate major, but typically the two
programs are at least loosely related. Students may also pursue a master’s program based on an associated minor
program at the undergraduate level.
2. Proposed Course Plan
The Progressive Degree Program application requires a Proposed Course Plan that incorporates all of the
remaining requirements for the student’s undergraduate major(s) and minor(s), and the intended master’s
program. The Proposed Course Plan should be constructed in consultation with advisors for both the
undergraduate and graduate programs. The course plan must include all remaining undergraduate course
requirements and at least two-thirds of the graduate program requirements. All coursework for the undergraduate
program(s) must be completed.
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3. Letters of Recommendation
Students may be required to submit letters of recommendation and other supplemental materials at the discretion
of the academic program.
4. Undergraduate Approvals
The Application for Admission to Progressive Master's Program form and the Proposed Course Plan form each
require signed approval from:
a. The student’s current undergraduate department chair
b. The student’s current undergraduate program dean
5. Graduate Approvals
The Application for Admission to Progressive Master's Program form and the Proposed Course Plan form each
require signed approval from:
a. The student’s proposed master’s program department chair
b. The student’s proposed master’s program dean
6. Application Submission
Students should submit their complete application to the office of the master’s program in which they hope to
enroll. If final approval is granted by the master’s program, the graduate program department will submit a
of the approved Application for Admission and Proposed Course Plan to Degree Progress for final review, entry of
the master's degree Program of Study on the student’s record, and designation as a Progressive Master’s student.
If the graduate program department does not admit the student to the requested program, the department will
communicate the decision to the student and retain the application for record keeping. Denied applications
should not be forwarded to Degree Progress.
7. Recorded on USC Record (if admitted)
The Master’s department should forward the approved Application for Admission and Proposed Course Plan to:
Degree Progress will retain a copy of the Proposed Course Plan and the Application for Admission
graduation, and the student’s master’s program should retain the original application in the student’s file.
8. Course Plan Changes
If the student’s course plan needs to be changed at any point during the Progressive Degree Program, an updated
Proposed Course Plan must be submitted to Degree Progress with all appropriate signatures. Updates to the
STARS report cannot be completed without an approved revised course plan.
Program Requirements
Progressive degree program students must fulfill all specified degree requirements for both the bachelor’s
and the master’s degree with a minimum two-thirds of the units required for the master’s degree at or above the
500 level.
Progressive degree students are classified as undergraduate students, until they attain one of the following
conditions, whichever comes first:
a. up to and including the semester they complete 144 units *(see top of next page);
b. their first bachelor’s degree is conferred; or
c. they receive a research or teaching assistant award.
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*Transfer units, including AP and IB units, and all units completed at USC, including both undergraduate- and
graduate-level coursework during any semester, count toward the 144-unit limit. If applicants transferred pre-
matriculation units, including AP or IB units, they should request a Progressive Degree Status Check to
determine how many undergraduate units remain before they transition to graduate status. In rare cases, transfer
course work that does not count toward subject requirements, electives or the bachelor degree program’s
minimum unit requirement may increase the 144-unit threshold. Again, upon completing 144 units a student
transitions from undergraduate to graduate status.
Progressive degree program students are subject
to undergraduate academic progress standards while
undergraduate status and to the master’s academic progress standards while in graduate status.
While classified as undergraduates, students are assessed the undergraduate tuition rate, and their enrollment
status and financial aid eligibility are determined by undergraduate standards. Undergraduate-level progressive
degree students maintain their eligibility for Federal Pell Grants, Federal SEOG Grants, Cal Grants, Direct
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Direct Parent PLUS Loans, and any applicable eligibility for USC Merit
Scholarships or USC University Grants, as long as they are enrolled in courses that are required for, or that can be
applied as an eligible elective credit toward, their undergraduate degree. The Registrar’s Office determines when
a student has completed their undergraduate degree and manages the process of posting degrees to a student’s
record. The Financial Aid Office relies on the Registrar’s determination of the applicability of a course to a degree
program and the completion of the bachelor’s degree.
While classified as graduate students, progressive degree students are assessed the graduate tuition rate, and their
enrollment status and financial aid eligibility are determined by graduate standards. Graduate students are not
eligible for federal, state, or university need-based grants. Graduate-level progressive degree students are eligible
to borrow Direct Unsubsidized Loans and Direct Graduate PLUS Loans, up to the maximum yearly amounts
established for graduate students.
The bachelor’s degree may be awarded separately, but the master’s degree will not be awarded before the
undergraduate degree.
The time limit for completing a progressive degree program is 12 semesters (6 years) beginning from the first term
of college enrollment. Transfer students whose transfer coursework extends beyond this timeline may have their
coursework evaluated for semester-equivalency by the admitting master’s program. The admitting program will
determine a completion term as part of the application process and list this term on the proposed course plan.
Students may complete only one master’s degree as part of the progressive degree program.
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USC Progressive Degree Program
Application for Admission
to Progressive Master's Program
Submit this application to the graduate department to which you are applying with the following: 1) Proposed Course Plan; 2) Two letters of
recommendation; and 3) a current USC STARS report. Check with the department for additional requirements. Failure to comply with these
instructions will delay processing of your application.
To be Completed by the Student
Printed name of student (Last) (First) (Middle)
USC ID Number Email address Phone Number
USC GPA Units Completed Current Major/Minor
Proposed Master’s Program
Degree: M.A. M.S. Other Proposed Admit Semester/Year:
Department/School: Expected Graduate Semester/Year:
I hereby apply for admission to the Progressive Master’s Degree. My Proposed Course Plan is attached and has been approved by the Chairs and Deans of
the respective departments/schools.
Student Signature: Date:
To be completed by the Undergraduate Program
Recommended Not Recommended
Major Department/School Admission to Progressive Master’s Degree
Dean’s Signature Printed Name Date
Recommended Not Recommended
Second Major Department/School (if applicable) Admission to Progressive Master’s Degree
Second Major Dean’s Signature Printed Name Date
To be completed by the Master’s Program
Approved to Begin (Semester/Year) Denied Date of Approval/Denial
Post code: Master’s Program Name:
The Proposed Course Plan has been approved and a copy is on file in the student’s master’s program department.
Master’s Program Chair’s Signature Printed Name Date
Master’s Program Dean’s Signature Printed Name Date
The department should forward the approved Application for Admission and Proposed Course Plan to:
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USC Progressive
Degree Program
Proposed Course Plan
Enter all remaining requirements for the bachelor’s degree and all master’s degree requirements chosen in consultation with the graduate advisor. This
information will be used to create your master’s program STARS report if your application is accepted. In addition to the master’s courses identified on
the course plan, all other requirements for Master’s degree completion must be satisfied/waived on the STARS report.
Please type or print)
Printed name of student (Last) (First) (Middle)
USC ID Number Email address Phone Number
Bachelor’s Program Master’s Program
This is the original course plan submitted with the program application This is a REVISED course plan for an existing approved program
List courses and units to be taken to fulfill degree requirements. Exact courses must be listed for each master’s core requirement; electives may be
listed as “graduate degree elective. Elective coursework can be decided later by the student with approval from their graduate program advisor.
Begin with the current semester. If this is a revised course plan, begin with the term in which the first master’s course was or will be completed.
Check "UG" for courses to be taken to fulfill bachelor's requirements; check "GR" for courses to be taken for the master's degree.
Only ONE box (UG or GR) should be checked for each course.
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
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Proposed Course Plan (continued)
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
Dept / Course #
Course Title
Total Units
Total units required for the master’s program:
Total units to be completed in the masters program:
Semester and Year of first College Coursework:
Semester/Year in which 144 total units will be completed:
Total semesters of registration after completion of 144 units:
Semester and Year of Progressive Degree Completion:
he Proposed Course Plan must be approved by the student, and by
the Chairs and Deans of both the Undergraduate and Master’s Departments
Course Plan Approval
Student’s Signature Date
To be completed by the Undergraduate Program
Undergraduate Department Chair’s Signature Printed Name Date
Undergraduate Department Dean’s Signature Printed Name Date
To be completed by the Master’s Program
Master’s Program Chair’s Signature Printed Name Date
Master’s Program Dean’s Signature Printed Name Date
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USC Progressive
Degree Program
Recommendation Form
Instructions for student: Fill in the top portion of this form and present it to your recommender.
Instructions for faculty: Return this form to the department coordinator listed below.
Department coordinator for application Coordinator’s email address
(Please type or print)
Printed name of student (Last) (First) (Middle)
Department to which you are applying Email address
I waive my right to inspect the contents of the following recommendation.
I do NOT waive my right to inspect the contents of the following recommendation.
Student Signature: Date:
Recommender Section: Please write candidly about the student’s qualifications and potential to pursue advanced study in the field specified.
Admission to Progressive Degree Program is:
Strongly recommended Recommended Recommended with reservations Not recommended
Signature Printed Name Date
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USC Progressive Degree Progra
Recommendation Form
Instructions for student: Fill in the top portion of this form and present it to your recommender.
Instructions for faculty: Return this form to the department coordinator listed below.
Department coordinator for application Coordinator’s email address
(Please type or print)
Printed name of student (Last) (First) (Middle)
Department to which you are applying Email address
I waive my right to inspect the contents of the following recommendation.
I do NOT waive my right to inspect the contents of the following recommendation.
Student Signature: Date:
Recommender Section: Please write candidly about the student’s qualifications and potential to pursue advanced study in the field specified.
Admission to Progressive Degree Program is:
Strongly recommended Recommended Recommended with reservations Not recommended
Signature Printed Name Date