TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for
User Manual
Applies to Dynamics 365 (online), version 9.x
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Features ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Language support ................................................................................................................................ 4
Solution configuration ............................................................................................................................. 5
Using TeleSign SMS solution ................................................................................................................... 7
Sending SMS text messages ................................................................................................................ 7
Extending the Customer Journey .................................................................................................... 7
Sending a single SMS text message ................................................................................................. 9
Delivery reports ............................................................................................................................... 9
Receiving SMS text messages.............................................................................................................. 9
Contact identification ...................................................................................................................... 9
Subscription list management ......................................................................................................... 9
Keyword processing ...................................................................................................................... 10
Auto-reply messages ..................................................................................................................... 10
Non-Matching Auto-reply messages ............................................................................................. 10
Customer Journey interaction ....................................................................................................... 10
Compliance ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Compliance attributes ................................................................................................................... 11
Handling opt-in and opt-out requests ........................................................................................... 11
Examples ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Create a new keyword .................................................................................................................. 13
Create a new personalized SMS text message template .............................................................. 13
Create a Customer Journey using TeleSign SMS tile ..................................................................... 13
Configure the short/long code to use two-step opt-in ................................................................. 15
Create an auto-reply message ...................................................................................................... 16
Using a subscription list ................................................................................................................. 16
Create a Non-Matching auto-reply message ................................................................................ 16
Solution administration ......................................................................................................................... 18
Phone number cleansing ................................................................................................................... 18
Change contact phone number attribute ......................................................................................... 18
Security roles ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Automatic Record Creation ............................................................................................................... 19
Honor Opt-In/Opt-Out Messages for Short/Long Codes with None Opt-In ..................................... 19
TeleSign SMS solution entities .............................................................................................................. 21
TeleSign SMS Message ...................................................................................................................... 21
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Understanding entity status .......................................................................................................... 22
TeleSign SMS Message Template ...................................................................................................... 23
TeleSign SMS Keyword ...................................................................................................................... 23
TeleSign SMS Short/Long Code ......................................................................................................... 25
Default TeleSign SMS Short/Long code ............................................................................................. 27
TeleSign SMS Subscription Log .......................................................................................................... 28
TeleSign SMS Auto-Reply Message ................................................................................................... 28
Subscription List (Marketing List) ...................................................................................................... 29
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Easily add SMS text messaging to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing to reach, engage and directly
communicate with your customers using TeleSign’s Messaging API extension. Communicate more
effectively and provide critical touchpoints throughout the customer lifecycle using SMS, user’s
preferred communication channel. Ninety-eight percent of text messages sent are read and help
businesses attain response rates of 45% or more, compared to email with an average of 6%. Send
SMS-based marketing campaigns including alerts, reminders and notifications directly from your
Dynamics 365 for Marketing implementation to increase engagement, usage and brand awareness.
Extend Customer Journey with SMS text messaging capabilities
SMS text message deduplication
Reuse SMS text message templates
Auto-reply on inbound SMS text message
Manage subscription lists
Define custom keywords
Handle opt-in and opt-out requests
o Per short/long code
o Two-step opt-in
o Automatic opt-out after specified amount of time
Cleanse phone numbers
Language support
The solution is supported for following languages:
Language Code
Chinese - Traditional
Chinese China
Chinese - Hong Kong SAR
Russian - Russia
Spanish (Traditional Sort) - Spain
Sending the SMS text messages to recipients to the following countries is blocked by default:
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Solution configuration
Once TeleSign SMS solution is installed from the AppSource, open the TeleSign SMS settings page by
navigating to Marketing Settings > TeleSign SMS > TeleSign SMS Configuration.
The registration form will appear, allowing you to register the application and create a TeleSign Portal
trial account. If you already have an existing TeleSign Portal account, make sure to enter the valid email
address associated with that existing account. This will link your existing Portal account to the TeleSign
SMS solution.
Once the trial period has ended, the customer should upgrade to the full self-service account in order
to continue using the solution.
After the registration form has been submitted the popup will appear requesting the required
privileges. You will need Office 365 tenant administrator privileges to complete this step.
After the consent process has been successfully completed, you will receive a verification email.
Clicking the “Verify Email Address” link in the received email message will require you to complete
the verification process on the TeleSign Portal.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
For each Dynamics 365 for Marketing environment, that you want to use the TeleSign SMS solution
with, you have to use a dedicated TeleSign Portal account. The scenario of multiple Dynamics 365 for
Marketing environments with the same TeleSign Portal account is not supported.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Using TeleSign SMS solution
Sending SMS text messages
Extending the Customer Journey
TeleSign SMS solution introduces a new Customer Journey component (tile) called “TeleSign SMS
Message” that you can use to extend the existing Dynamics 365 for Marketing functionality to create
an even more interactive customer journeys.
More about Customer Journeys can be found here:
Generate activities from a Customer Journey
Create a simple Customer Journey with email messaging
See Create a Customer Journey using TeleSign SMS tile example.
Phone number deduplication
If segment contains duplicate contacts or multiple contacts with the same phone number, the solution
will send only one SMS text message to the phone number in a single Customer Journey iteration. After
the first message is successfully sent to the specific phone number, all others will be completed with
state “Not Delivered”, with descriptive message visible on the SMS text message record stating
Customer Journey duplicate contact identified”.
Using the Trigger tile
Trigger tiles add interactivity to the journey by splitting the pipeline and establishing logical criteria for
deciding which path each contact will take.
Find more about triggers at Create an interactive Customer Journey with triggers and signup.
TeleSign SMS solution introduces three (3) trigger interactions:
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Triger_Condition_Sent - message has been successfully sent off to the customer, but has not
yet been delivered to the handset.
Triger_Condition_Delivered - the message has successfully been delivered to the handset.
Triger_Condition_Keyword - the customer replied to the sent SMS message using a specific
As a prerequisite to reacting to specific keywords within the customer journey, you must define the
keywords on the customer journey itself. This can be done directly form the Customer Journey form,
navigating to the “Related” tab and selecting the “TeleSign SMS Keywords” related records. All
keywords that will be a part of Customer Journey trigger conditions must be specified on this list.
When validating the trigger conditions based on keyword responses and proceeding through the
customer journey, we need to keep in mind that we always assume that the customer is replying to
the latest Delivered SMS message within a specific customer journey. Additionally the received SMS
responses must come from the same short/long code that used to send the customer journey
message. Please refer to the Customer Journey interaction chapter of this guide.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Sending a single SMS text message
The solution supports sending of a single SMS text message to the selected recipient. To send a single
SMS text message navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > TeleSign SMS Messages and
click on the NEW button in the command bar.
Choose a recipient in the “To” attribute. If selecting the Contact record the solution automatically
copies the contacts phone number in the “Phone Number” attribute. The phone number is copied
from the contacts Mobile Phone attribute by default (this is configurable in the TeleSign SMS
solution settings. For details please refer to the Solution administration section of this guide.).
A short/Long code can be entered, but it is not necessary. If a short/long code is not entered, the SMS
text message will be sent using one of the default TeleSign’s long/short codes for the recipients
When the message is saved and ready to be sent, you should click the “SEND button in the command
Delivery reports
The TeleSign SMS solution enables you to receive individual message delivery reports, providing you
with further information of not only if the SMS text message was sent, but if it was actually delivered
to the recipient.
Information about the status of each individual SMS text message is stored on the TeleSign SMS
Message entity record.
For more information about TeleSign SMS Message entity statuses refer to the Understanding entity
status section of this guide.
Receiving SMS text messages
The solution supports inbound SMS text messages sent to configured short/long codes. Such messages
are stored in the system with a “Received” message status.
If the message is received from phone number, which is associated to several contacts, the TeleSign
SMS Message” record will be linked to all the contacts having this phone number.
If the message is received from phone number, which is not associated with any contacts, the TeleSign
SMS Messagerecord will be created, but not linked to any contact at all (the originating phone
number is visible).
Upon receiving the SMS text message into the system, there are several business processes that take
Contact identification
When the SMS text message is received, the system will search for all the contacts in the system
based on the sender’s phone number and associate all found contacts to the inbound “TeleSign SMS
Message” record.
Subscription list management
The short/long code and keyword from the received SMS text message are used to either subscribe or
unsubscribe the sender to or from the configured “Subscription List”. For details regarding the
Subscription List setup, please refer to the Subscription List (Marketing List) section of this guide.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Keyword processing
First word in the SMS text message is compared against the keyword code list that is defined in the
solution. If a word is identified as a valid keyword in the system, the processing takes place based on
the type of keyword identified (e.g. opt-in request).
Auto-reply messages
If a published “TeleSign SMS Auto-Reply Message” record is found based on the received SMS text
messages’ short/long code and identified keyword, the system automatically sends out the SMS text
message to the sender’s phone number.
If multiple contacts were identified based on the received SMS text messages’ phone number, the
system only sends out a single SMS text message.
The auto-reply functionality will not be executed in case the short/long code of the received SMS text
message is configured for two-step opt-in functionality.
See Create an auto-reply message example.
Non-Matching Auto-reply messages
If an end user sends a message that does not match a keyword associated with the Short/long code,
you can send back a "Non-Matching" auto reply message. This auto reply message must be set on each
short / long code you wish to use this functionality (section “Non Matching Keyword”).
Non-Matching auto reply will only be sent if received keyword was NOT associated with short/long
See Create a Non-Matching auto-reply message example.
Customer Journey interaction
TeleSign SMS solution enables you to leverage existing Dynamics 365 for Marketing functionality for
creating interactive customer journeys with the use of triggers. One of the options is the Customer
Journey interaction based on received SMS text messages’ keyword.
The received SMS text message can turn out to be a reply to the specific Customer Journey currently
in progress. In order to determine if a Customer Journey interaction is required, there are a couple of
preconditions that need to be met before the interaction is invoked:
1. The contact, identified by the phone number, was indeed included in the Customer Journey.
2. The identified keyword in the received SMS text message must match one of the keywords
defined on the Customer Journey.
3. The short/long code of the received SMS text message must match the one that was used for
outbound SMS text message.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Compliance attributes
In order to ensure the compliance requirements, the TeleSign SMS solution introduces a new attribute
on the Contact entity called “Do Not SMS” (only “SMS” label is displayed on the form, in the section
called “CONTACT PREFERENCES”) that enables to you regulate sending of SMS text messages. By
default, the value is set to “Do not allow”, blocking all outbound SMS communication towards the
Additionally, the solution is also taking into consideration the global compliance attribute called
“Marketing Materials” that also must be set to Allow” in order for SMS text messages to be sent to
the contact.
Upon every explicit opt-in request (regardless of the short/long code) from the customer both
compliance attributes are automatically switched to the value “Allow”.
Handling opt-in and opt-out requests
All opt-in and opt-out requests are handled on the short/long code level and are initiated by the
received SMS text message. This means that the customer specifically gives you the permission to
communicate with him/her via a specific short/long code.
Each individual short/long code has an “Opt-In Type” attribute specifying how the opt-in requests and
the sending of SMS text messages are handled:
None SMS text messages will be sent to the customer, using this short/long code, regardless
if they have explicitly opted-in or not.
Single (default) SMS text messages will be sent to the customer, using this short/long code,
only if the customer explicitly opted-in by sending a SMS text message with an opt-in keyword
defined on the short/long code itself. If the customer has opted-out for whatever reason
(manually or automatically), the opt-in process must be repeated in order for the customer to
receive SMS text messages again via this short/long code.
Two step similarly as the process for single opt-in, but with a key difference of requiring
explicit opt-in confirmation. Upon the receival of the first opt-in request, a confirmation SMS
text message is automatically sent to the customer. Only when the confirmation keyword is
received, is the opt-in process completed. A confirmation timeframe is one (1) day if the opt-
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
in confirmation is not received within this timeframe, the two-step opt-in process will need to
be initiated again. In order to configure a short/long code for two-step opt-in process, you
must specify the “Auto-Reply Message” attribute value (published auto-reply message
template). The keyword, defined on the auto-reply message record, is used as a confirmation
keyword in the two-step opt-in process.
See Configure the short/long code to use two-step opt-in example.
Subscription logs
Each opt-in and opt-out request is logged in the “TeleSign SMS Subscription log entity record.
Subscription log records are created in the following scenarios:
In case the short/long code “Opt-In Type” is set to “Single”, the subscription log is created
when the opt-in keyword from the received SMS text message matches the opt-in keyword
defined on the short/long code.
In case the short/long code “Opt-In Type” is set to “Two-Step”, the subscription log is created
when the confirmation keyword is received in the SMS text message.
In case the short/long code opt-out keyword is received in the SMS text message.
In case the contact is automatically opted out based on the opt-out interval specified on each
individual short/long code.
Subscription logs for each individual Contact record are accessible from the Contact form by
navigating to the Related > TeleSign SMS Subscription Logs.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Create a new keyword
1. Navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > Keywords
2. Create a new record by clicking “+ New” button in the command bar
3. Set the “Keyword” attribute value to “PIZZASTART”
4. Set the “Action” attribute value to “Opt-In”
5. Click “Save & Close”
The keyword is ready to be used in all scenarios leveraging keyword functionality.
Create a new personalized SMS text message template
1. Navigate to Marketing > Templates > TeleSign SMS Message Templates
2. Create a new record by clicking “+ New” button in the command bar
3. Set the “Name” attribute value to “Welcome message”
4. Set the “Short/Long Code” attribute value if available
5. Set the “Message” attribute value to{{fullname}}, welcome to TeleSign SMS for Dynamics
365 for Marketing.”
6. Click the “Save” button in the command bar
7. Click the “Go Live” button in the command bar and confirm the dialog box by clicking “OK”
The SMS text message template is ready to be used in the Customer Journey.
Create a Customer Journey using TeleSign SMS tile
1. Navigate to Marketing > Marketing Execution > Customer Journeys
2. Create a new record by clicking “+ New” button in the command bar
3. Select a “Blank Template” from the popup window titled “Select a customer journey
template” and click theSelect” button
4. Drag and drop a Segment group tile on the canvas and select a segment from the
“Properties” tab
5. Add “TeleSign SMS Message” tile on the right of the segment group tile
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
6. On the “Properties tab, set the “Name” to “Send welcome message” and select an existing
TeleSign SMS Message record called “Welcome message”.
7. Drag and drop a Trigger tile to the right of the TeleSign SMS tile.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
8. On the “Properties tab, click “+ New” next to the “Set rules” section
9. Set the “Source” attribute value to “Send welcome message”
10. Set the “Condition” attribute value to “Trigger_Condition_delivered”
11. Drag and drop “Marketing Email Message” tile to each of the trigger branches, specifying
different email templates in the “Properties” tab in regards to whether the SMS text message
was successfully delivered or not.
12. Click the “Save” button in the command bar
13. Click the “Go Live” button in the command bar
The Customer Journey will send a SMS text message to every contact in the specified segment
(considering compliance prerequisites). Depending on the successfully delivery of the SMS text
message, the appropriate email will be sent to the customer’s email address.
Configure the short/long code to use two-step opt-in
A bought short/long code is a prerequisite for using this functionality. See TeleSign SMS Short/Long
1. Create a new keyword called “CONFIRM. See Create a new keyword example.
2. Create a new auto-reply message named “Two-step confirmation message”, informing the
customer to send the “CONFIRM” keyword in order to confirm the opt-in request. See Create
an auto-reply message example.
3. Navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > Short/Long Codes
4. Select and open an existing short/long code record form
5. Set the “Opt-In Type” attribute value to “Two-Step”
6. Click the “Save” button in the command bar or the bottom lower
7. Set the “Auto-Reply Message” attribute value to the previously created Two-step
confirmation message”.
8. Click the “Save” button in the command bar or lover right corner of the form.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
User must now opt-in to the specified short/long code by initially sending a SMS text message
containing one of the specified opt-in keywords (e.g. “START”) and then confirming the opt-in
request by sending the second SMS text message containing the “CONFIRM” keyword.
Make sure that the confirmation keyword, specified on the auto-reply message, is not on the list of
opt-in keywords for the short/long code itself (sub-grid on the right side of the form).
Create an auto-reply message
1. Navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > Auto-Reply Messages
2. Create a new record by clicking “+ New” button in the command bar
3. Set the “Name” attribute value to “Help message
4. Set the “Keyword” attribute value to “HELP”
5. Set the “Short/Long Code” attribute value if available
6. Set the “Message attribute value to “Visit to find answers and
advice for getting the most out of TeleSign.”
7. Click the “Save” button in the command bar
8. Click the “Go Live” button in the command bar and confirm the dialog box by clicking “OK”
The auto-reply rule is now live and will ready to react on SMS text messages containing the “HELP”
Using a subscription list
A bought short/long code is a prerequisite for using this functionality. See TeleSign SMS Short/Long
1. Using the “standard” Dynamics 365 user interface, open the main menu and navigate to
Marketing > Marketing Lists
2. Create a new record by clicking “NEW” button in the command bar
3. Set the “Name” attribute value to “Pizza subscription list”
4. Set the “Subscription” attribute value to “True
5. Set the “Use As TeleSign SMS Subscription List” to “Yes”
6. Set the “Short/Long Code” attribute value to the desired short/long code
7. Set the “Opt-In Keyword” attribute value to “PIZZASTART”
8. Set the “Opt-Out Keyword” attribute value to STOP”
The subscription list is ready to gather contact expressing explicit interest by sending SMS text
messages to the specified short/long code using the “PIZZASTART” keyword.
Create a Non-Matching auto-reply message
1. Navigate to Marketing > Keywords
2. Create new keyword (name is not important, but do use something descriptive) and set
action to “Non-Matching”
3. Navigate to Marketing > Auto-Reply Messages
4. Create new auto-reply message. Make sure to choose previously created keyword and
desired short/long code. In “Message” write auto reply message that will be sent to end
5. In the ribbon, click on “Go Live” button to activate auto-reply message
6. Navigate to Marketing > Short/Long Codes
7. Open short/long code for which you wish to send non-matching auto replies
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
8. Select previously created auto-reply message in “Non Matching Keyword” section (lookup
field “Auto-Reply Message”.
9. Make sure you associated all keywords on short/long code. Non-Matching auto reply is sent
only if keyword is not associated with short/long code.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Solution administration
Phone number cleansing
The TeleSign SMS solution enables you to leverage TeleSign’s internal phone number cleansing
algorithms to help you clean up your contact phone numbers.
You can toggle on the phone number cleansing functionality by navigating to Marketing Settings >
TeleSign SMS > TeleSign SMS Configuration > TeleSign SMS Settings.
In the “PHONE NUMBER CLEANSING” section of the form set the “Allow Phone Number Cleansing”
attribute to “Yes or “No”, depending on your preference.
Change contact phone number attribute
The TeleSign SMS solution enables you change the phone number attribute of the Contact entity that
will be used when sending SMS text messages. Custom attributes are supported.
You can change the phone number attribute by navigating to Marketing Settings > TeleSign SMS >
TeleSign SMS Configuration > TeleSign SMS Settings.
Set the “Contact Mobile Phone Number Schema Name” attribute to the desired value.
Security roles
TeleSign SMS solution introduces three new security roles that are needed to use administer the
TeleSign SMS: Administrator
o manage settings for solution
o has all organization privileges to autoreply messages
o has all organization privileges to templates
o has all organization privileges to short/long codes
o has all organization privileges to keywords
TeleSign SMS: Advanced User
o can not administer TeleSign solution
o has user level privileges for create/write/delete autoreply messages
o has organization level privileges for read/append/append to and user level privileges
for create/write/delete to short/long codes
o has full organization privileges for templates
o has all organization privileges to keywords
TeleSign SMS: User
o can not administer TeleSign solution
o has user level privileges for create/write/delete autoreply messages
o has user level privileges for short/long codes
o has full privileges for templates
o has all organization privileges to keywords
All three security roles are NOT self-sufficient and should be used (at least) in addition to the out-of-
the-box „Marketing Professional Business” security role.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Automatic Record Creation
The TeleSign SMS solution enables you to automatically create contacts or leads in your CRM system
when end user replies with SMS message. New records are created only when this feature is enabled
and when no contact and no lead is found in CRM system.
If contact with end user’s phone number is found in CRM, search will NOT be performed on leads.
Search on leads is only performed if contact isn’t found in system (contacts have higher priority than
This feature can be enabled / disabled on the TeleSign SMS Settings entity with setting field
Automatically Create Contacts / Leads” to “Yes / “No. If selecting Yes, you must also specify if you
want your newly created records to be contacts or leads.
To keep created records as unique as possible, they are created in the following way:
first name = end users phone number
last name = TeleSign Record
Honor Opt-In/Opt-Out Messages for Short/Long Codes with None Opt-In
If your process of collecting opt-in consents for SMS sending is mostly done via web or some other
channel where users don’t directly send “Opt-In” SMS and you want end-user to be able to unsubscribe
from these kind of messages, you can enable feature “Honor Opt-In/Opt-Out for None Opt-In”.
If enabled (Allow Subscription SMS For None Opt-In set to “Allow Subscription SMS”), system will
process received Opt-in/Opt-out SMS messages, even if you have set Noneas an Opt-In type on
short/long code. In simpler words, this feature provides end-user the ability to subscribe/unsubscribe
from SMS messages, even if short/long code’s “Opt-In” type is set to “None”.
You can globally enable / disable this functionality on the TeleSign SMS Settings entity, but you can
always override this option on every short/long code that has “None” set as “Opt-In Type. If override
is specified on short/long code, this option always takes priority over the one set in global settings.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
When sending SMS message, system checks TeleSign SMS Subscription Logs entity if user decided to
opt-out from SMS messages. If yes, SMS will not be sent. If user for specified short/long code didn’t
unsubscribe, SMS will be sent.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
TeleSign SMS solution entities
TeleSign SMS Message
Each individual SMS text message in the system is represented as a single “TeleSign SMS Message”
entity record. The “TeleSign SMS Message” is an activity entity and therefore shares the common
functionalities of other activity entities.
You can access the SMS text messages by navigating to Marketing > My Work > TeleSign SMS Messages
and using one of the predefined views to display the records:
All TeleSign SMS Messages
Closed TeleSign SMS Messages
Delivered TeleSign SMS Messages
Draft TeleSign SMS Messages
Pending TeleSign SMS Messages
Received TeleSign SMS Messages
Sent TeleSign SMS Messages
Opening a single entity record provides you with the insight of all the necessary information about the
SMS text message:
General tab
o Subject
o To
o Contacts
o Phone Number
o Short/Long Code
o Message
o Date Created
o Message Status
Details tab
o Reference ID a TeleSign unique identifier of each individual SMS text message.
o Error Message a detailed error message in case an error occurred while processing
the SMS text message.
o Code please refer to the TeleSign SMS API for details. Visible for sent message only.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
o Description please refer to the TeleSign SMS API for details. Visible for sent message
o Updated On date and time of the last status update from the TeleSign platform.
Visible for sent message only.
o Country Code (ISO2) the country code of the originating SMS text message. Visible
for received message only.
o Keyword the identified keyword from the originating SMS text message. Visible for
received message only.
o Timestamp date and time of the received SMS text message. Visible for received
message only.
Understanding entity status
TeleSign SMS Message entity supports standard Dynamics 365 activity entity status and status
reason combinations:
o Draft this status reason is only available when manually creating the SMS text
message record. When the message is in this status, you have the possibility to click
the “SEND” button, manually sending the message to the recipient.
o Pending send either as a manual send operation or as the SMS text messages
generated directly by the Customer Journey, the message is scheduled to be sent off
to the customer.
o Sent the message has been sent to the customer but has not yet been delivered. The
majority of validations were passed (e.g. compliance attribute, phone number format)
and the message is on the way.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
o Not delivered the message was not delivered. See the message details for the exact
reason (e.g. duplicate phone number in a single Customer Journey, contact has not
opted in).
o Delivered the message was successfully delivered.
o Received this is the only status for incoming or received SMS text messages.
o Invalid phone number the phone number is not valid. The message was not sent.
TeleSign SMS Message Template
Having a published (live) “TeleSign SMS Message Template” is a prerequisite for using the newly
introduced Customer Journey tile for sending the SMS text messages.
To manage your templates navigate to Marketing > Templates > TeleSign SMS Message Templates.
When the template is ready to be used make sure you publish the template by clicking the Go Live”
button in the command bar!
Keep in mind that you can use dynamic content by pulling the contact information into the SMS text
message body. Just make sure to include the attribute schema name between two curly brackets
(e.g. {{firstname}}).
See Create a new personalized SMS text message template example.
TeleSign SMS Keyword
Keywords are a way for customers to interact with you using SMS text messages. The solution allows
you to define as many keywords as you like, in any language that you prefer and use them for various
scenarios. Carefully defined keywords are essential for the following functionalities:
Customers opting in or opting out
Driving the Customer Journey
Automatically replying to customers (e.g. HELP)
Managing subscription list memberships
To manage your keyword navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > Keywords.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
When introducing a new keyword you have the option to define the following attributes:
- Keyword an actual keyword you want to interact with
- Action information about the behavior of this keyword
o Opt-In the keyword will be used to process opt-in requests
o Opt-Out the keyword will be used to process opt-out requests
o Help the keyword will be used to send automatic help messages
o Undefined value no specific action associated. The keyword can still be used for
subscription list management, two-step opt-in confirmation and other auto-reply
- Associate With Short/Long Code By Default should this keyword be automatically
associated with newly bought short/long codes.
- Description general description that helps you distinguish between keywords. For
informational purposes only.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
The solution comes with the following predefined keywords:
The “START”, “STOP” and “HELP” are default keyword for every short/long code and they cannot be
Keyword phrases are not supported. Only single word keywords are supported.
TeleSign SMS Short/Long Code
Short codes are short digit sequences, significantly shorter than telephone numbers, used to address
SMS messages. Purpose is to be universal and easy to remember.
Long codes enable businesses to have their own number, rather than short codes , which are generally
shared across many brands.
One way of obtaining a short/long code is purchasing it directly with TeleSign. Once the short/long
code has been purchased it will be automatically transferred to your Dynamics 365 for Marketing
To manage your short/long codes navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > TeleSign SMS
Short/Long Codes.
When managing a specific short/long code you have the possibility to view and/or modify the
following data:
Short/Long Code purchased short/long code
Country Code (ISO2) country of purchased short/long code. Same short/long code can be
used in multiple countries.
Automatic Opt-Out After (Months) duration period after which the customers are
automatically opted out and new opt-in is required. By default this value is set to six (6)
Opt-In Type for detailed explanation see chapter Handling opt-in and opt-out requests
Auto-Reply Message used for two-step opt-in process. For detailed explanation see
chapters Handling opt-in and opt-out requests and Configure the short/long code to use two-
step opt-in.
Description - general description that helps you distinguish between short/long codes. For
informational purposes only.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Keywords list of keywords that can be used by the customers to either opt-in or opt-out of
this specific short/long code.
When a new short/long code is created (either manually or automatically upon purchase), all existing
keywords, that have the attribute “Associate With Short/Long Code By Default set to “Yes”, will be
automatically added to the list.
If there is a requirement that you don’t want to give a user full permissions to short/long codes, you
can use a standard CRM functionality of “sharing” the short/long code record. Open short/long code
that you want to share and click on “Share”. A new window will open, where you can select user or
team that you want to give access to. Desired user / team apart from read access, also needs “Append”
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Default TeleSign SMS Short/Long code
Sometimes you may wish to always set a specific short/long code when sending manual SMS messages.
This can be achieved by setting a “Default Short/Long Code on a system user record in CRM.
When this user creates new manual SMS message, short/long code will be set to a value set in default
short/long code field for this user (if it’s specified).
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
TeleSign SMS Subscription Log
“TeleSign SMS Subscription Logs” are a way for you to keep track of all customer’s opt-in and out-out
requests. For details regarding creation of log records please refer to chapter Subscription logs.
Subscription logs for each individual Contact record are accessible from the Contact form by navigating
to the Related > TeleSign SMS Subscription Logs.
Each “TeleSign SMS Subscription Log” contains the following information:
Short/Long Code - the short/long code for which the subscription log was created.
Country Code the short/long code country for which the subscription log was created.
Contact the contact subjected to the opt-in change.
Keyword identified keyword from the received SMS text message that resulted in a log
record creation.
Timestamp date and time of the opt-in/opt-out request.
Status request type (opt-in, opt-out).
Status Changed By - the log record could be a result of a received SMS text message (explicit
customer request) or a result of an automatic opt-out job after the short/long code interval
has expired.
SMS Activity a link to the specific SMS text message that resulted in a log record.
TeleSign SMS Auto-Reply Message
The solution enables you to set up automatic replies based upon received SMS text messages. The
automatic reply is triggered based on the received keyword, short/long code and country code
combination. A predefined SMS text message is sent to the customer when a published (Live) “TeleSign
SMS Auto-Reply Message” record exists in the system.
To manage your auto-reply messages navigate to Marketing > TeleSign SMS Marketing > TeleSign SMS
Auto-Reply Messages.
When managing a specific auto-reply message you have the possibility to view and/or modify the
following data:
Name short description to easily identify specific records when using then throughout the
Keyword a specific keyword, based on which you would like to send an automatic SMS text
Short/Long Code a specific short/long code, based on which you would like to send an
automatic SMS text message.
Country Code (ISO2) a specific country code, based on which you would like to send an
automatic SMS text message.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual
Message SMS text message body that will be sent as an automatic reply.
Description general description that helps you distinguish between short/long codes. For
informational purposes only.
Status Reason the status of the auto-reply message can be either “Draft” or “Live”.
Make sure you publish the desired TeleSign SMS Auto-Reply Message” record by clicking the Go Live”
button in the command bar in order to enable it.
Subscription List (Marketing List)
You can define your various target groups by setting up segments and lists. Each list or segment
represents a collection of contacts that you can use to target a customer journey. You will also use
marketing lists in your subscription center to enable contacts to manually opt-in or opt-out of various
types of newsletters and other marketing communications.
To learn more about Dynamics 365 for Marketing subscription lists see:
Set up subscription lists and subscription centers
Market segmentation, marketing lists, and subscription lists
TeleSign SMS solution extends the existing subscription list functionality by providing the possibility
for you to capture customer interest via SMS communication channel. Keywords are defined for opting
in to and opting out from a subscription list.
In addition to existing functionality of Dynamics 365 for Marketing, the following extensions are
introduced to the Marketing List entity:
Use As TeleSign SMS Subscription List should be set to “Yes” in order to be considered as a
SMS subscription list upon receival of the SMS text message.
Short/Long Code mandatory when talking about SMS subscription lists. Should be set to
specific short/long code.
Opt-In Keyword mandatory when talking about SMS subscription lists. A specific keyword
that will be used for opting in a contact to the subscription list.
Opt-Out Keyword mandatory when talking about SMS subscription lists. A specific keyword
that will be used for opting out a contact from the subscription list.
Make sure you target the subscription list to contacts - “Target At” attribute should be set to
“Contact” - and that the “List Type” is set to “Static”.
When multiple contacts (duplicates) are identified based on the received SMS text message phone
number, only one of the contacts is added to the subscription list.
Keep in mind that if a contact has not explicitly opted in to a specific short/long code, he/she will not
receive any SMS text messages regardless if the contact is part of one or many subscription lists.
Multiple subscription lists can have the same short/long code and keyword combinations.
TeleSign SMS for Dynamics 365 for Marketing User Manual