H. R. 3775
To amend title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to
authorize the establishment of, and provide support for, State-based
universal health care systems that provide comprehensive health benefits
to State residents, and for other purposes.
8, 2021
Mr. K
(for himself, Ms. P
, Mr. R
, Mr. L
of Michi-
gan, Mr. B
, Ms. L
of California, Ms. J
, Mr. S
of Washington, Mr. P
, Ms. O
, Ms. N
, Mr. D
, Mr.
, Ms. T
, Ms. P
, Mr. G
, Mr. M
of Pennsylvania, Mr. H
, Ms. B
, Ms. S
, Mrs. W
, Mr. B
, Mr. G
of Illinois,
Mr. J
, and Mr. T
of California) introduced the following
bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and
in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Armed Services,
Oversight and Reform, and Education and Labor, for a period to be sub-
sequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of
such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To amend title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act to authorize the establishment of, and provide
support for, State-based universal health care systems
that provide comprehensive health benefits to State resi-
dents, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1
tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 2
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(a) S
.—This Act may be cited as the 2
‘‘State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2021’’. 3
(b) P
.—The purpose of this Act is to estab-4
lish a flexible framework under which States can provide 5
comprehensive universal health coverage to their residents. 6
(a) I
.—Subtitle D of title I of the Patient 8
Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18021 et 9
seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1334 the fol-10
lowing new section: 11
‘‘(a) A
.— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—Subject to paragraph (6), a 14
State may apply to the Secretary (as defined in sub-15
section (i)(3)) for the waiver of so much of the re-16
quirements described in paragraph (2) with respect 17
to health benefits coverage within the State for plan 18
years beginning on or after January 1, 2022, as is 19
necessary to implement a comprehensive State uni-20
versal health care plan in the State under this sec-21
tion. Such application shall— 22
‘‘(A) be filed at such time and in such 23
manner as the Secretary may require; 24
‘‘(B) contain such information as the Sec-25
retary may require, including— 26
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‘‘(i) a comprehensive description of 1
the State legislation, or other State legal 2
authority as applicable, and program to 3
implement a plan meeting the require-4
ments for a waiver under this section; 5
‘‘(ii) a plan for how the State will 6
achieve in 5 years health coverage for at 7
least 95 percent of residents of the State; 8
and 9
‘‘(iii) a 10-fiscal-year budget plan for 10
such plan that is budget neutral for the 11
Federal Government; and 12
‘‘(C) provide an assurance that the State 13
has legal authority to implement such plan or 14
has enacted the law described in subsection 15
(b)(2). 16
‘‘(2) R
.—The requirements de-17
scribed in this paragraph with respect to health ben-18
efits coverage within the State for plan years begin-19
ning on or after January 1, 2022, are as follows: 20
‘‘(A) Sections 1301 through 1324. 21
‘‘(B) Section 1402. 22
‘‘(C) Sections 36B and 4980H of the In-23
ternal Revenue Code of 1986. 24
‘‘(D) Title XI of the Social Security Act. 25
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‘‘(E) Title XVIII of the Social Security 1
Act. 2
‘‘(F) Title XIX of the Social Security Act. 3
‘‘(G) Title XXI of the Social Security Act. 4
‘‘(H) Chapter 89 of title 5, United States 5
Code. 6
‘‘(I) Chapter 55 of title 10, United States 7
Code, including coverage under the TRICARE 8
program. 9
‘‘(J) Section 514 of the Employee Retire-10
ment Income Security Act of 1974. 11
‘‘(3) P
.—With re-12
spect to a State waiver under paragraph (1), under 13
which the State assumes responsibility for health 14
coverage under one or more of the specified Federal 15
health programs, including under each of the Fed-16
eral health care or subsidy programs specified in 17
subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), (E), (F), (G), (H), and 18
(I) of paragraph (2), the Secretary shall not spend 19
Federal health or related administrative funds that 20
would otherwise have been spent for such a pro-21
gram, as applicable, for the time periods covered 22
under the waiver and shall provide for an alternative 23
means by which the aggregate amount of such funds 24
(determined by the Secretary in coordination with 25
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the State), including caseload growth, adjusted for 1
inflation in health care costs within the State, shall 2
be paid to the State for purposes of implementing 3
the State plan under the waiver. Any savings in 4
health care spending, including administrative sav-5
ings, shall be available to the State for reinvestment 6
in health care services under the State plan. Such 7
amount shall be determined annually by the Sec-8
retary, taking into account the amount that would 9
otherwise have been spent under each such Federal 10
health program, including for administrative activi-11
ties and caseload growth, with respect to residents 12
of such State, for those time periods covered under 13
the waiver, adjusted for inflation in health care 14
costs, if such waiver did not apply. Such amount 15
shall include funds equal to the aggregate amount of 16
premium tax credits, cost-sharing reductions, or 17
small-business credits, to the extent applicable to an 18
approved waiver, under sections 36B and 45R of the 19
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or under section 20
1402 that would have been available to individuals 21
and businesses in the State for those time periods 22
covered under the waiver, including caseload growth, 23
adjusted for inflation in health care costs, if such 24
waiver did not apply. 25
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‘‘(4) W
.— 2
‘‘(A) I
.—An application for a 3
waiver under this section shall be considered by 4
the Secretary, after taking into account rec-5
ommendations of the Panel under subsection 6
(g), in accordance with the regulations de-7
scribed in subparagraph (B). 8
‘‘(B) R
.—Not later than 180 9
days after the date of the enactment of the 10
State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 11
2021, the Secretary shall promulgate regula-12
tions relating to waivers under this section that 13
provide— 14
‘‘(i) a process for public notice and 15
comment in accordance with the public no-16
tice and comment requirements applicable 17
under regulations used for Medicaid waiv-18
ers pursuant to section 1115 of the Social 19
Security Act; 20
‘‘(ii) a process for the submission of 21
an application that ensures the disclosure 22
of— 23
‘‘(I) the provisions of law that 24
the State involved seeks to waive; and 25
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‘‘(II) the specific plans of the 1
State to ensure that the waiver will be 2
in compliance with subsection (b); 3
‘‘(iii) a process for providing public 4
notice and comment after the application is 5
received by the Secretary that is sufficient 6
to ensure a meaningful level of public 7
input and that does not impose require-8
ments that are in addition to, or duplica-9
tive of, requirements imposed under chap-10
ter 5 of title 5, United States Code (com-11
monly referred to as the Administrative 12
Procedure Act), or requirements that are 13
unreasonable or unnecessarily burdensome 14
with respect to State compliance; 15
‘‘(iv) a process for the submission to 16
the Secretary of periodic reports by the 17
State concerning the implementation of the 18
program under the waiver; 19
‘‘(v) a process for the periodic evalua-20
tion by the Secretary with respect to waiv-21
ers granted under this section; and 22
‘‘(vi) a process for providing technical 23
assistance on— 24
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‘‘(I) how to develop an applica-1
tion to any State seeking to submit an 2
application for a waiver relating to de-3
veloping a program of providing 4
health care for all residents for such 5
State; and 6
‘‘(II) how to improve such a pro-7
gram for purposes of a State seeking 8
assistance pursuant to subsection 9
(e)(2). 10
‘‘(C) R
.—The Secretary shall annu-11
ally report to Congress concerning actions 12
taken by the Secretary with respect to applica-13
tions for waivers under this section and pro-14
grams conducted pursuant to such waivers that 15
are approved. 16
‘‘(5) R
.— 17
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent 18
two or more States in a region from submitting a 19
single application under this section for a waiver 20
that establishes a plan that is applicable to all of the 21
States included in such application. In the case of 22
such an application and plan, the requirements of 23
this section shall continue to be applicable with re-24
spect to each State included in such application. 25
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‘‘(6) C
.—A 1
State may not apply for a waiver under this section 2
with respect to a plan year if such State has in ef-3
fect, with respect to such plan year, a waiver under 4
section 1332. 5
‘‘(7) A
.— 6
There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as 7
may be necessary for providing funds to States with 8
a waiver under this section for purposes of carrying 9
out activities described in subsection (b)(1)(E). 10
‘‘(b) G
.— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—The Secretary shall grant a 12
request for a waiver under subsection (a)(1) if the 13
Secretary determines that the State plan— 14
‘‘(A) will provide, in accordance with sub-15
paragraph (B), health benefits coverage to ap-16
plicable State residents that is at least as com-17
prehensive as the health benefits coverage that 18
such residents would have received under one or 19
more of the specified Federal health programs 20
(as defined in subsection (i)(4)), as applicable, 21
for which such residents would have been eligi-22
ble, absent such waiver; 23
‘‘(B) will provide, in the case of such a 24
waiver under subsection (a)(1) for the State to 25
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waive any of the requirements described in sub-1
section (a)(2)(F), as applicable, health benefits 2
coverage to applicable State residents who 3
would have otherwise received health benefits 4
coverage in the form of medical assistance 5
under the State Federal health program de-6
scribed in subsection (i)(4)(B) (regardless of 7
whether the State provides for such assistance 8
through a State Medicaid plan under title XIX 9
of the Social Security Act or a waiver of such 10
State Medicaid plan) that includes at least the 11
mandatory benefits under title XIX of the So-12
cial Security Act that are required of a State 13
without a waiver of a State Medicaid plan 14
under such title, including benefits for early 15
and periodic screening, diagnostic, and treat-16
ment, benefits for non-emergency transpor-17
tation, and retroactive coverage; 18
‘‘(C) will provide coverage and cost-sharing 19
protections against excessive out-of-pocket 20
spending to State residents that are at least as 21
affordable as the coverage and cost-sharing pro-22
tections under the specified Federal health pro-23
gram (as defined in subsection (i)(4)) for which 24
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such residents would have been eligible, absent 1
such waiver; 2
‘‘(D) will provide coverage to all residents 3
of the State, including those otherwise covered 4
under one or more of the Federal health care 5
or subsidy programs specified in subparagraphs 6
(B), (C), (E), (F), (G), and (H) of subsection 7
(a)(2), except individuals who are eligible for 8
benefits through the Indian Health Service or 9
for benefits and services under title 38, United 10
States Code; 11
‘‘(E) will provide for public education ac-12
tivities to raise awareness of the availability of 13
qualified health plans and the facilitation of en-14
rollment in such coverage in a manner similar 15
to an entity that serves as a navigator under a 16
grant under section 1311(i); 17
‘‘(F) will be publicly administered by an 18
agency or multiple agencies of the State, or an 19
independent public entity within the govern-20
ment of the State; 21
‘‘(G) will not preclude the purchase of in-22
surance that offers coverage for benefits that 23
are not offered under the State plan; and 24
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‘‘(H) will provide systems for complaints, 1
appeals, independent review, and other proce-2
dures for accessing and maintaining benefits 3
that are at least as accessible to applicable 4
State residents as those of one or more of the 5
specified Federal health programs (as defined 6
in subsection (i)(4)) for which such residents 7
would have otherwise been eligible without ap-8
plication of such waiver under subsection 9
(a)(1). 10
Subparagraph (D) shall not be construed as limiting 11
a State from contracting with one or more private 12
entities to administer the State plan. 13
‘‘(2) R
.— 14
‘‘(A) I
.—A law described in 15
this paragraph is a State law (including an ex-16
ecutive order by a State governor) that provides 17
for State actions under a waiver under this sec-18
tion, including the implementation of the State 19
plan under subsection (a)(1)(B). 20
‘‘(B) T
.—A State 21
may repeal a law described in subparagraph (A) 22
and terminate the authority provided under the 23
waiver with respect to the State. 24
‘‘(c) S
.— 25
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‘‘(1) I
.—The Secretary shall deter-1
mine the scope of a waiver of a requirement de-2
scribed in subsection (a)(2) granted to a State under 3
subsection (a)(1). 4
‘‘(2) L
.—Under this section, the Sec-5
retary may not waive any Federal law or require-6
ment that is not listed in subsection (a)(2). 7
‘‘(d) D
.— 8
‘‘(1) T
.—The Sec-9
retary shall, with respect to an application from a 10
State under this section and after taking into ac-11
count recommendations of the Panel under sub-12
section (g) for such application, make a determina-13
tion under subsection (a)(1) not later than 90 days 14
after the receipt of such recommendations. 15
‘‘(2) E
.— 16
‘‘(A) G
.—If the Sec-17
retary determines to grant a waiver under sub-18
section (a)(1), the Secretary shall notify the 19
State involved of such determination and the 20
terms and effectiveness of such waiver. 21
‘‘(B) D
.—If the Sec-22
retary determines a waiver should not be grant-23
ed under subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall 24
notify the State involved and the appropriate 25
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committees of Congress of such determination 1
and the reasons therefor. 2
‘‘(e) R
; 5-Y
.— 3
‘‘(1) I
.—As a condition of receipt of 4
a waiver under this section, after each 5-year period 5
of such waiver, a State shall submit to the Secretary 6
a report that is carried out by an independent, non- 7
partisan entity, with respect to such 5-year period 8
and after a process for public notice and comment 9
at the State level, including public hearings, suffi-10
cient to ensure a meaningful level of public input, on 11
the following: 12
‘‘(A) How waiver funds have been spent by 13
the State. 14
‘‘(B) The number of residents of the State 15
without health insurance and a description of 16
how the State plans to provide health insurance 17
coverage within the subsequent 5 years to resi-18
dents of the State without health insurance. 19
‘‘(C) How affordability in the State for 20
health care has changed over the period. 21
‘‘(D) Whether the State has achieved 22
health coverage for at least 95 percent of the 23
residents of the State. 24
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‘‘(E) Measurable changes in quality and 1
access. 2
‘‘(F) Any additional information specified 3
by the Secretary for purposes of determining 4
the successes and challenges of the waiver. 5
‘‘(2) 5-
.—In the case a State, 6
based on the report submitted under paragraph (1) 7
for a 5-year period— 8
‘‘(A) has been determined by the Secretary 9
to have not achieved health coverage for at least 10
95 percent of the residents of the State— 11
‘‘(i) the State shall have access to 12
technical assistance described in subsection 13
(a)(4)(B)(vii) to improve the health insur-14
ance program of the State implemented 15
through the waiver under this section; 16
‘‘(ii) the State shall have a grace pe-17
riod of 12 months after such determination 18
to achieve health coverage for at least 95 19
percent of residents of the State; and 20
‘‘(iii) if after such 12 months, the 21
State has not achieved such health cov-22
erage, the waiver under this section may be 23
terminated at the discretion of the Sec-24
retary; and 25
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‘‘(B) has been determined by the Secretary 1
to have achieved health coverage for at least 95 2
percent of residents of the State, the State, as 3
a condition of continuing such waiver, shall sub-4
mit to the Secretary a plan for achieving health 5
coverage for the remainder of the residents of 6
the State. 7
‘‘(f) A
.— 8
‘‘(1) I
.—Not later than 180 days 9
after the date of the enactment of the State-Based 10
Universal Health Care Act of 2021, the Secretary of 11
Health and Human Services, the Secretary of the 12
Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of 13
Labor, and the Director of the Office of Personnel 14
Management, shall, through the execution of an 15
interagency memorandum of understanding among 16
such Secretaries and Director— 17
‘‘(A) develop a process for coordinating 18
and consolidating the State waiver processes 19
applicable under the provisions of this section, 20
and the existing waiver processes applicable 21
under— 22
‘‘(i) titles XI, XVIII, XIX, and XXI 23
of the Social Security Act; and 24
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‘‘(ii) any other Federal law relating to 1
the provision of health care items or serv-2
ices; and 3
‘‘(B) ensure that— 4
‘‘(i) regulations (including regulations 5
required under subsection (a)(4)(B)), rul-6
ings, and interpretations issued by such 7
Secretaries and Director relating to the 8
same matter over which two or more such 9
Secretaries or Director have responsibility 10
under this section are administered so as 11
to have the same effect at all times; and 12
‘‘(ii) coordination of policies relating 13
to the granting, implementation, and con-14
tinuation of waivers through such Secre-15
taries and Director in order to have a co-16
ordinated strategy that avoids duplication 17
of effort by the States or Secretaries and 18
Director and ensures clarity about waiver 19
application status and approval. 20
‘‘(2) S
.—The process under 21
paragraph (1)(A) shall permit a State to submit a 22
single application for a waiver under all of the provi-23
sions of this section and the provisions of law listed 24
under clauses (i) and (ii) of such paragraph. 25
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‘‘(3) S
.—The Secretary of Health and Human Serv-2
ices, in coordination with the other Secretaries listed 3
in paragraph (1) (including the Director of the Of-4
fice of Personnel Management), shall submit to Con-5
gress such recommendations for such technical and 6
conforming amendments to law as may be appro-7
priate to assist in the implementation of this section. 8
‘‘(g) I
.— 10
‘‘(1) E
.—There is established a 11
committee to be known as the ‘Independent Assess-12
ment Panel for Comprehensive Health Care’ (in this 13
section referred to as the ‘Panel’). 14
‘‘(2) C
.—The 15
Secretary shall forward a copy of each waiver appli-16
cation submitted under this section to the Panel for 17
consideration under this subsection. 18
‘‘(3) D
.—The Panel shall— 19
‘‘(A) review any waiver application by a 20
State forwarded under paragraph (2) and any 21
report submitted under paragraph (1) of sub-22
section (e) for purposes of the review under 23
paragraph (2) of such subsection; 24
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‘‘(B) not later than 90 days after submis-1
sion of such application (or report) by the 2
State, provide to the State and to the Secretary 3
the recommendations of the Panel regarding 4
the approval or disapproval of such waiver ap-5
plication (or regarding the status of the waiver 6
for continuation pursuant to subsection (e)(2)) 7
and, if applicable, possible improvements to 8
such application (or for purposes of subsection 9
(e)(2)); and 10
‘‘(C) submit to Congress an annual report 11
on waiver applications (and waiver reports 12
under subsection (e)) reviewed by the Panel 13
during the applicable year, including the num-14
ber of applications (and reports) received and 15
the number of applications recommended for 16
approval (and of reports with respect to which 17
recommendations for continuation were pro-18
vided). 19
‘‘(4) M
.— 20
‘‘(A) N
.—The 21
Panel shall consist of 11 members appointed by 22
the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 23
of whom— 24
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‘‘(i) one shall be appointed on the rec-1
ommendation of the Speaker of the House 2
of Representatives; 3
‘‘(ii) one shall be appointed on the 4
recommendation of the minority leader of 5
the House of Representatives; 6
‘‘(iii) one shall be appointed on the 7
recommendation of the majority leader of 8
the Senate; 9
‘‘(iv) one shall be appointed on the 10
recommendation of the minority leader of 11
the Senate; 12
‘‘(v) one shall be appointed on the rec-13
ommendation of the Republican Governors 14
Association; 15
‘‘(vi) one shall be appointed on the 16
recommendation of the Democratic Gov-17
ernors Association; 18
‘‘(vii) one shall be a representative 19
from the patient advocacy community; 20
‘‘(viii) two shall be representatives of 21
a labor organization representing health 22
care professionals who provide direct pa-23
tient care, including at least one labor or-24
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ganization that primarily represents reg-1
istered nurses; 2
‘‘(ix) one shall be a representative of 3
primary care physicians; and 4
‘‘(x) one shall be a representative of 5
health care professionals practicing in 6
rural or underserved areas. 7
‘‘(B) T
.— 8
‘‘(i) I
.—Each member of 9
the Panel shall serve a three-year term. A 10
member may serve after the expiration of 11
that member’s term until a successor has 12
been appointed pursuant to subparagraph 13
(A). 14
‘‘(ii) V
.—Any member ap-15
pointed to fill a vacancy occurring before 16
the expiration of the term for which the 17
member’s predecessor was appointed shall 18
be appointed only for the remainder of that 19
term. A vacancy in the Commission shall 20
be filled in the manner in which the origi-21
nal appointment was made. 22
‘‘(C) P
.—Members of the Panel shall 23
serve without pay. 24
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‘‘(D) C
.— 2
‘‘(i) C
.—The Secretary of 3
Health and Human Services, or a designee 4
of the Secretary, shall serve on the Panel 5
as the Chairperson of the Panel. 6
‘‘(ii) V
.—The Ad-7
ministrator of the Federal Emergency 8
Management Agency, or a designee of the 9
Administrator, shall serve on the Panel as 10
the Vice Chairperson of the Panel. 11
‘‘(5) S
.— 12
The Panel may— 13
‘‘(A) appoint such staff as the Panel con-14
siders to be appropriate, without regard to the 15
provisions of title 5, United States Code, gov-16
erning appointments in the competitive service; 17
‘‘(B) fix the pay of such staff, without re-18
gard to the provisions of chapter 51 and sub-19
chapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating 20
to classification and General Schedule pay 21
rates; and 22
‘‘(C) procure the services of experts and 23
consultants in accordance with the provisions of 24
section 3109(b) of such title. 25
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HR 3775 IH
‘‘(6) D
.—Upon 1
request of the Panel, the head of any Federal agency 2
may detail, on a reimbursable basis, any of the per-3
sonnel of the agency to the Panel to assist it in car-4
rying out the duties under paragraph (3). 5
‘‘(7) F
.— 6
The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. 7
App.) shall apply to the Panel. 8
‘‘(8) A
.— 9
There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as 10
may be necessary to the Panel for carrying out the 11
duties of the panel for each of fiscal years 2022 12
through 2027. 13
‘‘(h) G
.— 15
‘‘(1) I
.—The Secretary shall issue 16
guidance with respect to applying the provisions of 17
this section in a manner consistent with the fol-18
lowing: 19
‘‘(A) To further the goal that Federal 20
health services to maintain and improve the 21
health of Indians are consonant with and re-22
quired by the Federal Government’s historical 23
and unique legal relationship with, and result-24
ing responsibility to, Indians. 25
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‘‘(B) No enrollment fee, premium, or simi-1
lar charge, and no deduction, copayment, cost 2
sharing, or similar charge, is to be imposed 3
against an Indian who is furnished an item or 4
service through a waiver under this section. All 5
costs incurred in waiving such charges shall be 6
borne by the Federal Government in fulfillment 7
of the trust responsibility. 8
‘‘(C) A State may not require the enroll-9
ment of an individual who is an Indian in 10
health insurance offered through a waiver under 11
this section. 12
‘‘(D) Health insurance issuers offering cov-13
erage pursuant to a waiver under this section 14
must make good faith efforts to contract with 15
Indian health care providers operating within 16
the area served by the issuers. 17
‘‘(E) Health insurance issuers offering cov-18
erage pursuant to a waiver under this section 19
shall pay Indian health care providers, whether 20
such providers are participating or nonpartici-21
pating providers with respect to the coverage, 22
for covered services provided to those Indian 23
enrollees who are eligible to receive services 24
from such providers at a rate equal to the rate 25
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HR 3775 IH
negotiated between such entity and the provider 1
involved or, if such a rate has not been nego-2
tiated, at a rate that is not less than the level 3
and amount of payment which the entity would 4
make for the services if the services were fur-5
nished by a participating provider which is not 6
an Indian health care provider. 7
‘‘(F) Health insurance issuers offering cov-8
erage pursuant to a waiver under this section 9
will include a standard contract addendum 10
when contracting with Indian health care pro-11
viders. The contract addendum will be devel-12
oped in consultation with Tribes and in con-13
ference with urban Indian health programs op-14
erating within the service area of the State. 15
‘‘(G) The treatment of Indians under this 16
section does not constitute invidious racial dis-17
crimination in violation of the due process 18
clause of the Fifth or Fourteenth Amendments, 19
but is reasonable and rationally designed to fur-20
ther the health of Indians. 21
‘‘(H) In the case of any State in which 1 22
or more Indian health care programs furnishes 23
health care services, the State will provide for 24
a process under which the State seeks advice on 25
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a regular, ongoing basis from designees of such 1
Indian health care programs and urban Indian 2
organizations on matters relating to the appli-3
cation of a waiver under this section that are 4
likely to have a direct effect on such Indian 5
health programs and that— 6
‘‘(i) shall include solicitation of advice 7
prior to submission of any plan amend-8
ments, waiver requests, and proposals for 9
demonstration projects likely to have a di-10
rect effect on Indians or Indian health care 11
programs; and 12
‘‘(ii) may include appointment of an 13
advisory committee and of a designee of 14
such Indian health care programs to the 15
medical care advisory committee advising 16
the State on its waiver under this section. 17
‘‘(2) D
.—For purposes of this sub-18
section: 19
‘‘(A) The term ‘Indian’ has the meaning 20
given such term in section 447.50 of title 42, 21
Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on 22
July 1, 2010). 23
‘‘(B) The term ‘Indian health care pro-24
vider’ has the meaning given such term in sec-25
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tion 438.14(a) of title 42, Code of Federal Reg-1
ulations. 2
‘‘(i) D
.—In this section: 3
‘‘(1) H
.—The term 4
‘health benefits coverage’— 5
‘‘(A) means— 6
‘‘(i) health insurance coverage, as 7
such term is defined in section 2791(b) of 8
the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 9
300gg–(b)); and 10
‘‘(ii) coverage under a group health 11
plan, as such term is defined in section 12
2791(a) of the Public Health Service Act 13
(42 U.S.C. 300gg–(a)); and 14
‘‘(B) includes any medical coverage or 15
health benefits provided under one or more of 16
the specified Federal health program described 17
in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph 18
(4), as applicable to a waiver under subsection 19
(a)(1). 20
‘‘(2) R
.—With respect to a State, the 21
term ‘resident’ means an individual— 22
‘‘(A) who is— 23
‘‘(i) a citizen or national of the United 24
States; or 25
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‘‘(ii) an alien lawfully residing in the 1
State (including an alien who is granted 2
deferred action or who is otherwise author-3
ized to remain in the United States); and 4
‘‘(B) whose primary residence (as defined 5
by the State) is located in the State. 6
‘‘(3) S
.—The term ‘Secretary’ 7
means— 8
‘‘(A) the Secretary of Health and Human 9
Services with respect to waivers relating to the 10
provisions described in subparagraphs (A), (B), 11
and (D) through (G) of paragraph (2) of sub-12
section (a); 13
‘‘(B) the Secretary of the Treasury with 14
respect to waivers relating to the provisions de-15
scribed in subparagraph (C) of such paragraph; 16
‘‘(C) the Director of the Office of Per-17
sonnel Management with respect to waivers re-18
lating to the provisions described in subpara-19
graph (H) of such paragraph; 20
‘‘(D) the Secretary of Defense with respect 21
to waivers relating to the provisions described 22
in subparagraph (I) of such paragraph; and 23
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‘‘(E) the Secretary of Labor with respect 1
to waivers relating to the provisions described 2
in subparagraph (J) of such paragraph. 3
‘‘(4) S
.— 4
The term ‘specified Federal health program’ means 5
one or more of the following programs, as applicable 6
to a waiver under subsection (a)(1): 7
‘‘(A) The Medicare program under title 8
XVIII of the Social Security Act. 9
‘‘(B) The Medicaid program under title 10
XIX of the Social Security Act. 11
‘‘(C) The Children’s Health Insurance Pro-12
gram under title XXI of the Social Security 13
Act. 14
‘‘(D) The Federal Employees Health Bene-15
fits Plan under chapter 89 of title 5, United 16
States Code. 17
‘‘(E) Medical coverage under chapter 55 of 18
title 10, United States Code, including coverage 19
under the TRICARE program. 20
‘‘(F) An Exchange established under this 21
subtitle. 22
‘‘(G) Subsidies under section 1402. 23
‘‘(H) Tax credits under sections 36B and 24
45R of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.’’. 25
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(b) C
.—The table of contents 1
in section 1(b) of the Patient Protection and Affordable 2
Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18001 note) is amended by inserting 3
after the item relating to section 1334 the following new 4
item: 5
‘‘1335. Waiver for State universal health care.’’.
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