UC San Diego
UC San Diego Previously Published Works
High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) for broad-band, long-term marine
mammal monitoring
International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2007 and International Workshop
on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables & Related Technologies 2007, UT07
Wiggins, Sean M
Hildebrand, John A
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
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University of California
High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) for broad-band,
long-term marine mammal monitoring
Sean M. Wiggins
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0205 USA
John A. Hildebrand
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0205 USA
Abstract - Advancements in low-power and
high-data-capacity consumer computer technology during the
past decade have been adapted to autonomously record
sounds from marine mammals over long periods. Acoustic
monitoring has advantages over traditional visual surveys
including greater detection ranges, continuous long-term
monitoring in remote locations under various weather
conditions and independent of daylight, and lower cost.
However, until recently, the technology required to
autonomously record whale sounds over long durations has
been limited to low-frequency (< 1000 Hz) baleen whales. The
need for a broader-band, higher-data capacity system capable
of autonomously recording toothed whales and other marine
mammals for long periods has prompted the development of
a High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP)
capable of sample rates up to 200 kHz. Currently, HARPs
accumulate data at a rate of almost 2 TB per instrument
deployment which creates challenges for processing these
large data sets. One method we employ to address some of
these challenges is a spectral averaging algorithm in which
the data are compressed and viewed as long duration
spectrograms. These spectrograms provide the ability to view
large amounts of data quickly for events of interest, and they
provide a link for quickly accessing the short time-scale data
for more detailed analysis. HARPs are currently in use
worldwide to acoustically monitor marine mammals for
behavioral and ecological long-term studies. The HARP
design is described and data analysis strategies along with
software tools are discussed using examples of broad-band
recorded data.
Used as a method for monitoring marine mammals,
underwater acoustic recordings have provided ecological,
geographical, and behavioral information on a variety of
species. For example, recorded calling patterns have given
clues to whales’ daily calling behavior and seasonal
presence (e.g., [1],[2]). Also, acoustic monitoring can aid
in studying behavioral responses of calling animals to
acoustic events, either anthropogenic or natural. When
combined with other data such as visual, environmental
and satellite measurements, long-term acoustic monitoring
can be an especially powerful observational tool for
studying marine mammals.
Since the 1990’s several forms of autonomous acoustic
monitoring systems with various capabilities have been
developed and used in various settings throughout the
world’s oceans for recording whale sounds
(e.g.,[1],[3]-[7]). However, these systems have been
limited in sample rate and record only low-frequency
baleen whales (<1000 Hz) such as blue (Balaenoptera
musculus), fin (B. physalus), humpback (Megaptera
novaeangliae), and right (Eubalaena spp.) whales. More
recently, autonomous acoustic systems capable of higher
sample rates have been used in very small packages
attached to whales for behavioral studies [8] and in larger
packages for seafloor deployment in very shallow water
[9], but these newer systems are not capable of providing
both long-term (months) and broadband (up to 100 kHz or
more) recordings which are required for monitoring
toothed whales (odontocetes) (e.g., [10]). As the need
grows to conduct long-term studies on odontocetes to learn
about their behavior and population dynamics, including
understanding their responses to anthropogenic sounds,
autonomous recorders with enhanced capabilities are
Until recently, long-term high-bandwidth acoustic
monitoring was not feasible using autonomous instruments
because of data acquisition hardware limitations.
However, with the proliferation of new, low-power
consumer electronics such as laptop computer hard disk
drives, low-power microprocessors, and high-speed
digitizers, these limitations can be overcome. In this paper,
we describe an instrument called HARP (High-frequency
Acoustic Recording Package) which is capable of
recording long-term, high band-width acoustic data. We
present example data to show some of the challenges and
current solutions for processing these high-capacity data
A. Data Logger Design
To provide long-term acoustic records of odontocete
calls from an autonomous instrument, there are three main
requirements for the data acquisition electronics:
low-power, high-speed digitizing, and high-capacity data
storage. As with any battery-powered autonomous
instrument, low-power components are essential for long
duration deployments. High-speed digitizing is needed to
record broad-band odontocete calls and to provide enough
bandwidth for call differentiation. High-speed digitizing
coupled with long duration recordings requires
high-capacity data storage be used. Various forms of
digital data storage devices are currently available, but
laptop computer disks were chosen because their
widespread use in the consumer electronics market allows
them to be cost effective and readily available.
Furthermore, their design provides a rugged, small form
factor (high capacity density), and most importantly,
low-power device; all desired characteristics which will
likely continue to improve.
We use 16 integrated drive electronics (IDE) laptop
disk drives (2.5” form-factor) for our high-capacity data
storage. The disks are arranged in a block and are
addressed sequentially with all disks connected to a
common 50-pin bus (Fig. 1). Only one disk is addressed
and powered at a time. To allow for efficient instrument
refurbishment, the block of 16 full disks can be easily
removed and replaced with a new block of recently
formatted disks upon instrument recovery. The removed
disk block then can be connected to a computer and the
data can be uploaded to a smaller number of large capacity
desktop computer disk drives for data backup and analysis.
In 2003, 40 GB laptop computer disk drives were readily
available and provided a total of 640 GB per deployment.
In early 2006, 120 GB disks became cost effective and
allowed for a total of 1.92 TB of data space per
deployment. It is anticipated that the disk capacity
increasing trend will continue for the near future.
Fig. 1. HARP data logger mounted on aluminum pressure
case end cap (7” diameter x 2” thick) with underwater
connectors. The data logger consists of a backplane
populated with five primary printed circuit boards (clock,
A/D, CPU, RAM, Ethernet/IDE controller), a disk block
with 16 laptop computer disk drives and 48 D cell alkaline
batteries. Another pressure case filled with alkaline
batteries can be included for long-term deployments.
In addition to the disk block, the data logger consists of
five printed circuit boards (PCBs) connected via 96-pin
connectors to a backplane circuit board (Fig. 1). The
backplane has two additional connectors for future PCB
enhancements. The five PCBs are identified as the
central processing unit (CPU), analog-to-digital converter
(ADC), static random access memory (SRAM) buffer,
Ethernet/IDE communication, and clock cards. The
primary component on the CPU card is a 32-bit, 20 MHz
microcontroller from Motorola (http://www.motorola.com)
which controls all data logging operations. Also included
on the CPU card are FLASH memory chips for data
buffering and a RS232 transceiver for user communication
with the data logger via a standard computer terminal with
a serial communications port. For converting the analog
sensor signal into digital data, a low-power, low-noise
ADC from Analog Devices (http://www.analog.com) was
chosen that provides 16-bit resolution and up to 250,000
samples/second sample rate. Eight sample rates ranging
from 2000 to 200,000 Hz were chosen to be available for
various mission configurations and are software selectable
prior to mission initiation. Also included on the ADC card
are a power supply for the hydrophone sensor and a 4-pole
anti-alias filter for the analog signal that can be easily
modified for the various sampling corner frequencies. The
SRAM card consists of 32 MB of data buffer space in the
form of sixteen 2 MB chips. After digitizing, the data are
stored in the SRAM buffer until about 30 MB is occupied,
at which point one of the disk drives is turned on and the
data are flushed to the disk while the ADC continues to fill
up the free buffer space on the back end. The disk writing
process requires about one minute to complete and then the
disk is turned off. The Ethernet/IDE card provides
10BaseT file transfer protocol (FTP), telnet connectivity,
and IDE communication between the data logger and the
disk drives. The FTP functionality can be used to upload
individual 30 MB files from the data logger disks (i.e.,
individual SRAM buffer flushed disk writes) without
connecting the disk block directly to a computer.
Uploading these files through the data logger housing
allows the data acquisition system to be evaluated and
tested prior to deployment and allows the data quality
recorded on the seafloor to be evaluated immediately after
recovery without opening the housing. The final card is the
clock card which is populated with a temperature
compensating phase-lock circuit and a low-power Seascan
clock oscillator module which provides low, long-term
clock drifts on the order of 1 part in 10
. Precise clocks are
needed for tracking calling whales with multiple
instruments deployed in an array configuration.
Data storage capacity dictates monitoring duration and
sample rate. The 1.92 TB data storage capacity allows for
approximately 55 days of continuous sampling at 200 kHz
or about one year continuously at 30 kHz. To extend
monitoring durations when using high sample rates,
non-continuous sampling can be used; for example, record
five continuous minutes on a 10 minute duty cycle.
However, there is a tradeoff between minimizing the
non-sampling period and maximizing the monitoring
duration which must be considered along with the
scientific monitoring requirements and species temporal
acoustic behavior. For example, a sampling scheme of 12
hrs on and 12 hrs off each day would not provide adequate
ta coverage to test for a diel calling pattern hypothesis.
The rate at which power is consumed by the data logger
is dependent on sample rates and data acquisition sampling
schemes (i.e., continuous or non-continuous).
Approximately 250 mW is required by the data logger
during sampling at the maximum sample rate, but only
about 25 mW when in the non-sampling mode. The disks
require an additional 2.2 W for one minute while writing
data and peak near 5 W upon initial disk spin up.
Batteries are required to operate HARPs autonomously,
and the longer the deployment and the higher the sample
rate, the larger the number of batteries that are needed to
accomplish the mission. To a large extent, batteries drive
the design of an autonomous instrument packaging, for
instance, pressure cases are often used to house the
batteries and additional instrument flotation is required to
buoy the weight of the batteries during instrument recovery.
In the current HARP seafloor instrument configuration, a
total of 192 D size alkaline cells (140g each) are arranged
in four sub-packs. Each 14.5 cm diameter sub-pack has 48
D cells arranged in four layers of 12 cells. Twelve Volts
per sub-pack are provided by six parallel strings of 8 cells
in series, and all sub-packs are connected together in
parallel between pressure case housings via underwater
cables and bulkhead connectors. One sub-pack is housed
with the data logger electronics and provides power for
testing the data acquisition system without the need of the
additional sub-packs packaged in the battery-only pressure
case. For this configuration of twenty-four 12 V strings,
an estimated 330 Amp-hours are available per deployment.
When recording continuously at the maximum sample rate,
the disks become full before the battery pack capacity is
reached, but as disk capacity continues to increase,
additional alkaline batteries or higher energy capacity
batteries (e.g., lithium chemistry) will be required. An
alternative approach to housing the batteries with the
instrument package would be to jettison the battery pack
during instrument recovery resulting in less required
buoyancy and smaller instrument packaging.
B. Hydrophone Design
The HARP acoustic sensor is a broad-band (10 Hz -
100,000 Hz), low-power (50 mW), high-sensitivity (more
than -120 dB re 1V/µPa) hydrophone which includes two
types of transducers and signal conditioning preamplifiers,
pre-whitening filters and anti-alias filter electronics. To
produce a hydrophone that has low self-noise, high gain
(over 80 dB), and can pre-whiten the ocean ambient noise
across four frequency decades, we developed a
hydrophone with two separate stages of signal conditioning,
one for the frequency band from 10 Hz to 2000 Hz, and the
other from 1000 Hz to 100,000 Hz. After signal
conditioning, the signals for the two stages are added
together via a differential receiver before being digitized
by the ADC and stored on disk.
The two stages use different transducers and provide
the ability to record both baleen whale low frequency
sounds and high frequency sounds from odontocetes. The
high frequency stage uses a spherical omni-directional
transducer (ITC-1042, www.itc-transducers.com) which is
constructed from lead zirconate titanate ceramic and has an
approximately flat (+/- 2 dB) sensitivity response of about
-200 dB re 1Vrms / µPa from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. The low
frequency stage uses six cylindrical transducers (Benthos
AQ-1, www.benthos.com) connected in series to provide a
total sensitivity of about -187 dB re 1Vrms / µPa with a
flat response (+/- 1.5 dB) from 1 Hz to 10,000 Hz. The
signals from the transducers are fed into preamplifiers with
approximately 40 dB of gain for the low frequency stage,
and about 80 dB for the high frequency stage. The
signals are pre-whitened with a frequency response similar
to the reciprocal of the ocean ambient noise as a function
of frequency (i.e., ocean ambient noise decreases as
frequency increases; [11]). The pre-whitening filter
flattens the response of the hydrophone system in the
presence of ocean ambient noise, adding more gain at
higher frequencies where ambient noise levels are lower
and sound attenuation is higher. The pre-whitening is
accomplished through the two preamplifiers and through
the low-end rolloffs of the high-pass filters of the two
stages (i.e., below 30 Hz on the low frequency stage and
below 10 kHz on the high frequency stage). After
pre-amplifying and pre-whitening, a 4-pole low-pass filter
is used to reduce high-frequency aliasing effects (above 2
kHz for the low frequency stage and above 100 kHz for the
high frequency stage). Line drivers send the signals
separately through a 10m cable to a differential receiver in
the data logger which combines the signals, and another
4-pole low-pass filter with a -3 dB point at 100 kHz is
included in the data logger to further reduce high
frequency aliasing effects. Fig. 2 shows the hydrophone
system sensitivity as a function of frequency.
Fig. 2. Hydrophone sensitivity plot showing two stages of
preamplification, pre-whitening, and anti-aliasing filters.
The shape of the hydrophone sensitivity was designed to
follow the reciprocal of ocean ambient noise so that the
sensor’s response would allow for large amplitude signals
across the wide band of frequencies above ambient noise.
The transducer and signal conditioning electronics are
packaged in a soft, oil-filled polyurethane tube to provide
good acoustic coupling with the seawater. The signal
conditioning surface mount electronics are populated onto
a 2 cm x 8 cm, two-sided printed circuit board which is
mounted on a bulkhead connector to allow easy electronics
changing based on experimental requirements (i.e.,
different sample rates require different anti-alias and
pre-whitening filters).
C. Seafloor Package Design
The size of a HARP seafloor package is dictated by the
requirement to buoy and bring back to the sea surface the
data logger and acoustic release electronics, pressure cases,
frame, and about 27 kg of batteries. The batteries are the
major weight component of the system, but also control the
deployment duration. Currently, the HARP seafloor
package has about 60 kg of buoyancy in the form of six
30.5 cm diameter glass spheres rated to 6600m (Fig. 3).
The seafloor HARP has an acoustic release system
which utilizes an EdgeTech (www.edgetech.com)
electronic board and ITC transducer to receive acoustic
commands from a support ship and in turn power a motor
activated release of the ballast weights. The ballast
weights are standard athletic weight lifting plates and are
readily available worldwide. In addition to being lower
cost than fabricating comparable ballast weights, these
plates come with a center mounting hole, are smooth and
appropriate size for easy handling and stacking, and are
painted which reduces rust accumulation during transport
and storage. Two acoustic release systems can be used on
one seafloor package to provide a redundant system and
increase the likelihood of instrument recovery in the event
of failure of one of the release systems.
Fig. 3. HARP Seafloor package including data logger
and acoustic release electronics pressure cases, ballast
weights, glass flotation sphere in yellow hard hats, and
hydrophone tethered ~ 10m above seafloor.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic panels and
tubes are used to provide the framework for the seafloor
package design. HDPE is low cost, easily machined,
durable, and buoyant in sea water. The panels include
holes for direct mounting to a ship’s deck, for lifting points,
and for lines when controlling the package during
deployments and recoveries. The panels also act as runners
allowing a fully loaded frame to be easily slid on deck into
launch position by two people. The HDPE cross-frame
tubes house the aluminum pressure cases and provide
structural strength for the frame. All frame-fastening
hardware is unalloyed titanium to minimize corrosion
The hydrophone sensor is tethered to the seafloor
seafloor by floats. The floats are either glass spheres as
used to buoy the frame or syntactic foam-filled plastic
tubes which are more durable than glass during
deployment and recovery operations. The hydrophone is
buoyed off of the seafloor to minimize noise from spinning
disk drives in the data logger or flow noise from the
seafloor package, and to provide reception of acoustically
refracted sound waves arriving at low incident angle.
instrument via polypropylene line and buoyed 10 m off the
. Data Processing
ng-term, high-frequency (200 kHz)
e 16 raw laptop disks in the
essing files are generated in a format we
ment results in about 2000
Working with lo
ustic data collected by HARPs can be challenging
because of the large size (2- 12 TB/yr per instrument) of
these data sets. Just the process of uploading from the
raw disks and backing up the large amounts of data can be
difficult and time intensive.
Data are uploaded from th
k block to a smaller number of larger form-factor (3.5”),
higher capacity disks to make data handling more
manageable. The larger disks are also more cost effective
than the laptop disks, do not need to be low-power, and
typically operate at faster rates. During the uploading
process, the data are copied from the HARP specialized
file system to a standard file system so that the data can be
read by a desktop computer. Each raw HARP disk is
copied to a single file (e.g., 120 GB) to provide a complete
backup of the original disk. The size of these backup
files requires the use of a 64-bit computer so that locations
within the file can be addressed to generate smaller and
more manageable working files. We use a computer
running a Linux operating system and the dd command to
upload the raw data into the backup files. The backup
files are then parsed into smaller (~1 GB) processing files
using MATLAB (www.mathworks.com). We found this
size to be a good optimization of the tradeoff between
having the fewest number of files per
instrument-deployment to manage and file sizes small
enough to easily process. Also, standard computers and
readily available software are currently limited to 32-bit
addressing, which prohibits easily working with files larger
than about 4 GB.
The 1 GB proc
l XWAV which is similar to a WAV formatted file but
which include additional information in an expanded
header. For example, the XWAV header also includes data
timing information (i.e., start and stop times), latitude,
longitude and depth of instrument deployment, and other
experiment specific information. The raw data are
evaluated for timing accuracies before including in the
XWAV file header. XWAV files have a single header
followed by a stream of data as in WAV files to allow for
more efficient data processing than a file format with
timing headers interleaved throughout the data. XWAV
files can be viewed and played with standard audio
software that can read WAV files. The XWAV header
also can be modified to adjust the gain and speed at which
the file is played in standard audio software, but still retain
the original amplitude and sample rate for processing with
XWAV-capable software.
Each instrument deploy
AV time series files, and viewing and analyzing each
one of these files in a non-automated way is not practical,
so we use a means of file compression for data overview
based on long-term spectral averages (LTSA).
Spectral-averaging is a method of searching for acoustic
events such as whale calls in long-term data sets (e.g., [12]
– [14]). Instead of inspecting short duration spectrograms
for individual calls, successive spectra are calculated and
averaged together. These averaged-spectra are arranged
sequentially to provide a time series of the spectra. The
averaging time determines the resolution of the resulting
plot and the data compression factor. Essentially,
spectral-averaging is a spectrogram over long time periods
and provides a coarse map or table of contents to groups of
events in the finer time scale XWAV data. Depending on
number of samples used for the spectra and the averaging
time used, data compression factors of 4000 or more are
possible while still providing enough resolution to observe
short-term events above the ambient noise.
s an example of our processing technique, an LTSA
and, offshore of southern
SA in Fig. 4 denoted
y thin vertical black lines at approximately 0.4, 1.2, and
Fig. o
s were
generated from HARP data sampled at 200 kHz
offshore of southern California in the fall of 2006 and is
shown in Fig. 4. The two hour LTSA was calculated using
1000 point fast fourier transforms (FFTs), Hanning
windows, no overlap, and averaged over 5 seconds.
Figure 4 shows quiet periods for approximately the first
and last one-third hours, with sounds of various intensities
and frequencies in-between. In this data set, marine
mammal sounds with similar characteristics lasting one to
two hours occur only two to four times per day, so a large
portion (70% – 90%) of these data do not contain calls, but
with the LTSA technique, the quiet times can be easily
passed over during analysis.
a site south of Santa Catalina Isl
Fig. 4. Two hour long-term spectral average (LTSA) fro
California and approximately 330m deep. The LTSA was
generated using 1000 point FFTs, Hanning windows, no
overlap and averaged every 5 seconds on HARP data
recorded at 200 kHz. Sections A, B and C are shown as
uncompressed spectrograms in Fig. 5
Three different sections of the LT
hours and are labeled A, B, and C, respectively. The
corresponding short time-scale spectrograms are calculated
and shown in Fig. 5. These spectrograms use 1000 point
FFTs, Hanning windows, and no overlap. Fig. 5a shows
mostly dolphin whistles from around 5 – 30 kHz, whereas,
Fig. 5b is full of broadband clicks from about 20 kHz to
presumably beyond our recording Nyquist frequency, and
many intense whistles at lower frequencies. Matching
these characteristics back to the LTSA plot shows most of
the energy from the whistles is clustered between 8 – 18
kHz and clicks are broad-band events primarily between
20 and 70 kHz. The spectrogram of Fig. 5c is not from
dolphins but from a passing boat using a 50 kHz echo
sounder which is easily observed in both Fig. 4 and Fig. 5c
in addition to the wideband noise at low frequency (< 2
kHz) presumably from the boat propulsion system.
sections A, B and C from Fig. 4. Spectrogram
5. Short time-scale spectrograms corresponding t
calculated using 1000 point FFTs, Hanning windows, and
no overlap. Note A and B are recordings of dolphins where
as C is from a passing boat with a 50 kHz echosounder.
The motivation for HARP development is based on
providing enhanced capabilities to record mid-frequency
whistles and high frequency clicks from toothed whales
over long periods. While the preceding examples show
we have accomplished these goals along with the ability to
record low frequency baleen whales and anthropogenic
noise, we are still striving to improve the HARP’s
capabilities by increasing its sample rate, data storage
capacity and deployment duration.
Currently, HARP deployments are limited in duration
by the amount of data storage available and can record for
almost two months at maximum sample rate. However, as
larger capacity disks become available, longer
deployments will be possible with additional batteries.
These additional batteries may require HARPs to be
deployed as part of large oceanographic moorings where
the additional weight can be easily compensated with
additional buoyancy. On the other hand, lower power
electronics and faster data transfer rates from the memory
buffer to data storage disks (i.e., disks are powered for
shorter periods) also could provide for longer deployments
with the same or fewer batteries. Data compression
schemes may provide a means in which to decrease power
consumption rates and therefore increase deployment
duration, so these approaches also should be investigated.
Perhaps in the near future with the advancement of digital
cameras and other similar memory devices, low-power,
solid-state memory costs will decrease and their storage
capacities will increase enough to make it feasible to use
these devices to replace the energy-intensive, motorized
disk drives currently used in HARPs.
Long-term, broad-band, ocean acoustic recordings
from HARPs can provide detailed information on a variety
of sources including natural sounds from baleen and
toothed whales, other marine mammals like pinnipeds and
sirenians, fish, wind, rain, earthquakes, and from
anthropogenic sources such as ships, sonars, and seismic
exploration. Not until recently has an autonomous
acoustic system been capable of recording mid- to high-
frequency sound over long periods and if the trend in
consumer computer electronics continues as it has for the
past 30 years, we should expect longer-term, higher sample
rate, larger capacity, lower cost, and smaller instrument
packages to evolve.
We thank Chris Garsha, Greg Campbell, Ethan Roth,
Graydon Armsworthy, and Kevin Hardy for their
excellence in providing design and technical assistance
with development and deployment of HARPs throughout
the world’s oceans. Thanks also go to Erin Oleson, Melissa
Soldevilla, Jessica Burtenshaw, Lisa Munger, Marie Roch
and Mark McDonald for discovering new information on
marine mammals by processing HARP data. We thank
our funding sources and collaborators for their support of
HARP development and deployments: Center of Naval
Operations N45 Frank Stone, Ernie Young and Linda
Petitapas; Office of Naval Research Ellen Livingston and
Bob Gisner; Naval Postgraduate School Curt Collins;
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Sue Moore, Brad Hanson, and Jay Barlow; Alaska
Department of Fish and Game Bob Small; Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California Sur Jorge Urban.
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