Principal Investigator
Prof. S. P. Bansal,
Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi University, Rewari
Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Prashant K. Gautam,
Director, UIHTM, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Paper Coordinator
Dr. Sandeep Walia,
Head of Department, UITHM, Chandigarh University
Paper Co-Coordinator
Dr. Jaswinder Sharma,
Assistant Professor UIHTM, Panjab University Chandigarh
Content Writer
Dr. Sandeep Walia,
Head of Department, UITHM, Chandigarh University
Content Reviewer
Prof. C. M. Parsheera,
Director, IVS, MTA, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
Paper 06: Hotel Housekeeping
Subject Name
Tourism & Hospitality
Paper Name
Hotel Housekeeping
Module Title
New Property Operations
Module Id
Module no-32
Pre- Requisites
Basic knowledge of new properties and its operations
To understand the concept of new properties and the tasks to be
performed by the housekeeping department in a soon to be
opened property
Housekeeping in a new property, new property operations,
housekeeper’s tasks in a new property
After completing this module students will be able to:
Make the lists of the tasks that are needed
to be done for setting up a housekeeping
department in a new property.
Understand the responsibilities of the
housekeeping department in a soon-to-be-
opened property.
Come to know about the planning and
organizing of staff, material resources,
and procedures to be followed by
housekeeping department in a new property.
To get oneself involved in a new property in which departmental planning is still to take
place, provides the executive housekeeper an opportunity of influencing the departmental
set up. Getting involved in such activities is rewarding, enlightening, and challenging.
However, one should keep this in mind that ‘good results without planning is good luck,
not good management’.
In the initial phase of any new property the housekeeping department consists of only one
employee i.e. the executive housekeeper. The position of the executive housekeeper
within the organization should be clearly defined. Because in many organizations the
executive housekeepers remain as department heads only, but many reach to the
corporate levels as well. It must be clearly defined to the housekeeper that if he/she has to
report to the rooms division manager, the resident manager, or the general manager.
Following are the some initial steps that every housekeeper has to follow in a soon-to-be
opened property to make the process of starting up the property smooth.
Finding your Place
In several occasions the executive housekeeper has to coordinate with other members of
the organization for e.g. for the planning of manpower in his department he has to
coordinate with the human resource department and for the procurement of essential
equipment he has to coordinate with the purchase department. Hence it is necessary for
him/her to know the different managers of different departments. He/she must also
develop an understanding of the roles and functions of various departments and their
significance in the functioning of the property. In turn, managers of the other departments
also should develop an understanding of functions of the housekeeping department and
the importance of housekeeping department in the hotel. By knowing each other roles and
functions, they would be able develop effective coordination among themselves. The
organization chart is a tool which helps the executive housekeeper and the managers in
knowing essential information on reporting relationships and coordination within the
Getting Acquainted
The next task in the priority list of the executive housekeeper is to make himself/herself
acquainted with the new surroundings. He/she should look into the set of working
architectural drawings of the rooms in the property. With the help of these drawings
he/she would be able to study the physical layout of the hotel thoroughly, which will in
turn provide him/her the base for deciding on the scope of involvement needed and the
various responsibilities which will come under his/her department and other departments
of the hotel. These working drawings will also help him/her in the on-site inspection and
will give a fairer idea of the necessary minimum manpower needed to carry out the tasks.
The executive housekeeper must also take a look at the temporary working area out of
which departmental planning may begin.
Planning, Organizing, and Priority Recruiting
It is one of the most important tasks of the housekeeper. Hence, he/she should give
adequate time to planning, organizing, and recruiting. The executive housekeeper has to
plan and organize for the:
Designing of systems
Formulation of procedures
Determining the supply and equipment needs
Establishment of the reporting and coordinating relationship within the
The executive housekeeper should determine the essential qualifications for his/her two
principal assistants i.e. the deputy housekeeper and the laundry manager. And he/she
should inform the human resource manager of these requirements as soon as possible.
And on the basis of which the personnel manager will place the advertisement and start
the recruitment process. The recruitment should be done within 10-15 days after the
placement of the advertisement. Because without these two managers, the entire
planning, organizing, and staffing functions rests on the shoulders of the executive
housekeeper. Due to which he/she is left with very little time for other supervisory and
planning duties which are very crucial at this initial stage of any new property.
Material Resources
Like any other department housekeeping staff also needs certain materials to accomplish
their tasks on time. The responsibility of making the arrangement of these materials lies
with the executive housekeeper. Hence, he/she should plan for the procurement of the
material resources before making the workforce ready for doing the tasks of the
department. To accomplish this task he/she should conduct market surveys to know about
the best supplies and equipment available in the market. While selecting the materials
he/she should keep in mind the needs of the hotel as well as the cost factor. The executive
housekeeper has to coordinate with the purchase department for procuring the various
material resources like cleaning supplies, guest supplies, linen, uniforms, and various
pieces of equipment.
Systems and Procedures
At this stage, the standardized procedures for carrying out various functions of the
housekeeping department are developed. The executive housekeeper with the help of his
assistants must establish the standard operating procedures for reporting to work,
cleaning procedures of various areas, safety and security and key control procedures. It is
a very crucial stage, since the results of the operations are directly linked to the
procedures developed for e.g. an effective standard operating procedure for cleaning of
public areas will result in effective utilization man and material resources. Before making
arrangements for induction of the employees’ one should ensure that standard operating
procedures, task lists, and the duties and responsibilities of the specific positions are
formally established.
Division of Work
At the next stage, the executive housekeeper tries to identify the responsibilities of the
housekeeping department in the whole property. In order to achieve this objective he/she
should take regular rounds of the whole property areas while they are under construction.
While taking these tours he/she should pay attention on the location of the service areas
and store rooms, which plays an important role in optimizing the whole process of
housekeeping. On the basis of these rounds he/she should make a division of work
document. It is a document which consists of all the areas and sub-areas which come
under the supervision of the housekeeping department and it also specifies the person to
whom the cleaning of each area is to be allotted. This document comes into force only
after the thorough review and approval of the executive committee of the property. This
division of work document should also be sent to the other departments of the hotel so
that they could also develop an understanding about the functioning of the housekeeping,
which will contribute in making the coordination with the housekeeping department
Area Responsibility Plan
s the
es of
s areas
ed in
division of work document and depicts various cleaning area boundaries on a copy of the
floor plan blueprint. These boundary lines plays a crucial role in ensuring that no space is
left unassigned and no overlaps in cleaning responsibilities occur. A well distributed area
responsibility plan is usually the result of the advance thinking and planning of the
executive housekeeper, who has made multiple tours of the property while preparing the
division of work document.After preparing this document, the executive housekeeper
gives it to the hotel’s executive committee which does the necessary amendments if they
are needed and finalizes it.
The next big task of the executive housekeeper is to develop the housekeeping
department organization. He/she should make the departmental organization chart. It
shows the relationship of various positions and the assigned responsibilities of the each
position. The executive housekeeper decides upon the supervisors for various areas for
e.g. floor supervisors, a public area supervisor, a desk control supervisor, a linen room
supervisor, and so on.
Once the laundry manager is recruited, the task of organizing the laundry workforce goes
on his/her shoulders. He/she should also delegate the responsibilities of laundry to his/her
At this stage, the executive housekeeper must also plan for zero-base budgeting, which
means hiring employees’ taking into account the actual occupancy for specified periods
of the year.
The next major planning step that the executive housekeeper must undertake is the
development of the house break- up plan. In order to ensure maximum familiarity with
the facility, it is highly recommended that the executive housekeeper personally develop
the pictorial representation of the location of all guestrooms as given in the physical
layout plan of the hotel. This is done by making a line drawing of the guestroom portion
of the hotel, showing the relative position of guestrooms, corridors, service areas, and
other areas significant to guestroom cleaning.
Further, on the house break-up plan the executive housekeeper should also mark the room
sections of 13-20 rooms at a time, which are adjacent to each other. This is done to
ensure that individual guest room attendants (GRAs) or a team s GRAs can be assigned
to a particular section each. For convenience, the room sections could be assigned
numbers as well.
Finally, the house divisions for supervisors is done and marked on the house break-up
plan. House divisions consists of 4-6 room sections along with the associated corridors,
elevators, stairways, service areas, and storage areas. They are done for the reference of
the housekeeping department staff. They can be named according to the theme of the
hotel as well.
Workload of GRAs and Supervisors
After finalizing the house break-up plan the executive housekeeper decides on the
number of rooms that should be assigned to each GRA and to each of their supervisors.
The number of rooms that should be cleaned by the single GRA may range from 13 to 20
rooms per day. The executive housekeeper determines the number of rooms by keeping
in mind several factors, such as the size of the guestrooms, the types of guestrooms, the
kinds of fixtures, furniture, and other contents in the guestroom, whether assignments are
made for team cleaning or individual
cleaning, and so on.
This step is centered at the hiring of
workforce. The executive housekeeper
must ensure that all documents which
play crucial role in management of
workforce are in place before the
completion of recruitment process for
example job description, position
description and job specification. For
keeping a record of the staff hired, the
executive housekeeper should prepare the staffing guide and staff hired on the basis of
zero-based budgeting. He/she should prepare the staffing requirements for particular
occupancy period in a tabular form for future reference. This table is known as the
staffing table and serve as the basis for achieving the objective of zero-base budgeting. It
acts as a reference tool for the executive housekeeper in preparing daily schedules for the
housekeeping personnel.
Orientation is the process of reorganizing a new employee and making him accustomed
to his department, job role and work culture. This process helps in communicating the
organization’s basic philosophy, policies, rules, and procedures. In this stage, a handbook
is provided to every new employee of the organization, which puts light on the basic
philosophies of the organization, policies and practices, rules and regulations,
information on various departments of the hotel, benefits available to staff, and safety
regulations. The orientation program can be carried out by the executive housekeeper
personally or may be done by the assistant housekeeper as per the wish of the executive
Training is given to the new employees for developing the necessary skills required for
performing the job tasks. It helps in improving the efficiency of the organization. At this
stage, the new employees are supplied with a procedure manual, which encompasses the
standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the job tasks in simple words. The responsibility
of giving training lies with the executive housekeeper. But, he/she can delegate this
responsibility to supervisors. Training is not a one-time process rather it is an ongoing
process since the employees require different types of skills for carrying out the
operations of the hotel at different intervals of time. Hence, the executive must ensure
that it turns out to be an ongoing process in the department.
Once the workloads for various positions of the department are decided and duty roasters
are planned out, the need of scheduling of staff (GRAs, supervisors, and houseman etc.)
to these positions arises. The responsibility of scheduling of new employees also lies on
the shoulders of the executive housekeeper. While scheduling he/she should consider the
benefits of team scheduling. Because, in the first weeks the new employees are not
confident in carrying out their tasks singly. Hence, team staffing can be applied in that
situation for example, a new houseman can be paired with another experienced
houseman. This technique is also referred as the ‘buddy system’.
While inaugurating a new property, the housekeeping department has to fulfill certain
responsibilities. The checklist of these responsibilities is given below:
Three Months before the Opening
The following activities need to be carried out three months prior to the opening.
Check the blueprints for the housekeeping department.
Check the layout of the linen and uniform rooms.
Check the layout of the laundry
Check the location and layout of the floor pantries.
Check the layout of the different types of guestrooms.
Appoint a horticulturist in coordination with the human resource department and
initiate the setting up of a plant nursery and greenhouse. Look into the purchasing
of saplings and seeds.
Consider the space allocation for all these areas in accordance with the total front-
of-the-house area.
Evaluate the function and maintenance of furniture and other hard surfaces.
Work in coordination with the interior designers and architects to plan the indoor
Carry out a market survey to identify the best equipment, cleaning supplies,
linen, and guest supplies available and work put the costs.
Coordinate the purchase of equipment, cleaning supplies, linen, and guest
supplies with the purchase department, keeping in mind the lead time available
(well before the inauguration) for the delivery of the goods.
Manpower planning needs to be initiated in coordination with the other
Discuss uniform requirements and designs with the various departmental heads.
Two Months in Advance
Two months ahead of the opening, the following activities need to be carried out.
Fin-tune the manpower requirement. Hire only the minimum staff required.
Consider contracted services to compensate for a possible high turnover of staff at
this initial stage of adjustments and learning.
Consider contracted services for pest control, florists, and so on so that
specifications, terms, and conditions can be worked out. Consider the feasibility
of these contracted services in terms of needs versus costs.
Orientation and training of staff should be started on a continuous basis.
Follow up with the purchase department regarding the indented items and
delivery dates.
Six Weeks in Advance
When there are about six weeks to go, the following activities need to be taken care of:
Hire the necessary lower-rung staff.
Clean up all the newly constructed areas and carry out a thorough inspection
before takeover from projects. Snag lists should be prepared for all areas and
snags rectified by the project team or the concerned staff.
After the entire construction is over, initiate actual horticulture activities such as
landscaping and gardening.
Organize the storage of all items purchased.
Work out systems and procedures
Check the standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Begin the purchasing of uniforms after getting relevant inputs regarding the staff
of all the hotel departments.
Organize orientation and training for the new staff and continue the training
schedule for the older staff.
Four Weeks to Go
With four weeks left for the opening, the following areas need to be looked at:
Check the cleanliness of all areas under the housekeeping department’s purview.
Check the quality and quantity of all the equipment and supplies delivered.
Ensure that lower-rung staff have had basic training in handling guests.
Move in and set up the department physically.
Redefine and fine-tune the systems and procedures as necessary.
Begin the stitching and issuing of staff uniforms.
One Week to Go
Finally, a week in advance of the opening, the following activities must be carried out:
Draw up the duty roasters and schedule staff accordingly.
Set up the relevant work areas and ensure their cleanliness.
Work out a frequency schedule for the cleaning up of various areas of the
Constantly tour the property and be available to the housekeeping staff for last-
minute queries and changes.
The housekeeping department of a hotel is the heart of hotel. It is responsible for the
cleanliness, maintenance, and aesthetic upkeep of the hotel. The role of the
housekeeping department unlike food and beverage units or the front of the house
department starts way before the hotel commences as a full-fledged operation. Hence,
it is necessary for the executive housekeeper to know about in detail the various
activities which are needed to be performed in a soon-to-be opened property for
making the future operations of the hotel hassle free.