Program Guide
Department of Computational and Data Sciences
Doctoral Program in Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI)
Spring 2022 version (Last update February 06, 2022)
Prepared by Eduardo López
Welcome to CDS
Dear Student,
Welcome to the Computational Science and Informatics PhD program at Department of
Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) at George Mason University.
In this guide, we explain some of the basics of being a student of the program. Below, you will
find general guidance on what the program is about in practice, what you should expect and
prepare for, and how to maximize the benefit of being here. There are some practical diagrams
and tables, and suggested programs of study to help you get started.
It is important that you understand the official rules of the program as laid out in the University
Catalog that corresponds to your term of admission or any subsequent change of catalog year
you may request. Another important source of information is contained in the University
Graduate Policies, which outline general rules that all graduate students at George Mason
University must follow. Our program complies with both the College of Science and George
Mason University rules. Students should also be mindful of the university calendar, updated
regularly, which specifies a variety of information including dates for finals, dates for
submission of important documents (including dissertations).
Important supplementary documents/links:
University Catalog for CSI PhD
GMU Academic Graduate Policies
COS graduate/faculty Handbook
University Calendars (part of the University Registrar’s website)
The CDS department website contains additional information
Department website
Table of contents
Explanation'of'Candidacy'Exa m ination'...................................................................'12!
Computational and Data Sciences Department Officers
Department Chair
Jason Kinser
Research Hall, Room 230, MSN 6A12
Director of Graduate Studies CSI PhD
Eduardo López
703 993 1516
Research Hall, Room 254, MSN 6A12
Director of Graduate Studies CSS PhD
Anamaria Berea
Research Hall, Room 226, MSN 6A12
CDS Academic Programs Administrator
Karen Underwood
Research Hall, Room 227, MSN 6A12
Schematic of PhD requirements and approximate timeline
*Gray shadow reflects approximate (but highly advisable) times. Note that the advancement to candidacy and dissertation
defense deadlines are exact.
CSI PhD Quick Start Guide
Newly admitted students about to start the CSI PhD should take the steps below to
get going quickly. Any doubts or question should be addressed to either the program
administrator or the director of graduate studies.
1) Before you start in the program:
2)#Either#before#you#start#or#in#the#first#couple#of # months#from#starting:#
Brief Description of the PhD Milestones
To complete the PhD program, students need to satisfy various requirements, schematically
outlined in on
Schematic of PhD requirements and approximate timeline.” In
summary, a student must complete:
1) coursework/credits requirements,
2) research activity supervised by their research adviser, and
general examinations which include, in order, the candidacy exam, doctoral
dissertation proposal, and dissertation defense. These examinations require
the formation of a dissertation committee.
These requirements have certain rules and need to be achieved in a certain sequence.
Coursework requirements and reduction of credit
These consist of a total of 72 credits distributed as follows: 6 core courses, 18 area
of emphasis courses, 23 of elective courses, 1 of colloquium/seminar, and 24
dissertation credits obtained through CSI 998 and CSI 999 courses. Our PhD
program admits a maximum reduction of 23 credits, based on the completion of
relevant graduate coursework in another graduate degree. With few exceptions,
these credits serve to reduce electives and colloquium credits.
Research requirement and research advisor
Although there is a large course requirement, a PhD is fundamentally a research
degree. Students need to maintain this foremost in their planning. Students, part-time
or full-time, should seek a research advisor promptly. Ideally, by the end of the first
year after the start of their PhD, students should have explored supervision options
and be finalizing arrangements with a research advisor. Students who delay in this
process may encounter administrative complications and possible termination from
the program due to various factors including an inability to meet certain university
deadlines. Typically, research advisors should be chosen from among deparment
faculty members, although in a few cases, a advisor from another deparment may be
more appropriate.
To find a research advisor, discuss with several department faculty members whose
research interests match yours. Mention any possible funding needs and
opportunities in these discussion. It is also a good idea to discuss with each member
their supervision expections, style, and even to discuss with their other current
graduate students so that you know what to expect.
Your research advisor will help set up your dissertation committee (see rules on
dissertation committee below which discuss the case of a advisor outside CDS),
candidacy exam, dissertation proposal, and ultimately your dissertation and defense.
Some of your coursework beyond the basic core courses and some area of
emphasis courses should also be discussed with your research advisor.
It is highly recommended that students take a proactive approach to completing
these examinations in a timely manner. The rules for each of these examinations are
explained in detail below.
Sources of Funding
University Presidential Fellowships (cover tuition, stipend including summers, and
university health insurance):
These are available only to new PhD students who have not yet taken any courses of the PhD
program. University Fellowships are offered for 4 years for students that received them in a fall
term, and 3.5 years for students that receive them in the spring term. The university assigns
each PhD program a limited number of these fellowships and, consequently, they are not
always available to new students in a given admissions cycle.
Departmental teaching assistantships (cover tuition, stipend, and university health
The department is currently able to support a number of PhD students simultaneously via
teaching assistantships (GTA), distributed equitably between the CSI and CSS PhD degrees
(both offered by the CDS department). Any student holds a GTA for 1 year at a time. A GTA
can be renewed on the basis of good simultaneous academic (course work and research) and
teaching performance, and it is ultimately granted at the discretion of the department. It is
current department policy to grant GTA positions only to those students who hold a prior MS or
have completed at least 18 graduate credits as recognized by GMU. Also, only full-time
students are eligible for GTA support. A student holding a GTA is considered to be enrolled
full-time with 6 credit hours. This funding source requires initial college training when you first
take it on (schedule of trainings is updated yearly and requires the recipient to be available
before the start of the semester).
Students holding assistantships may not engage in
other on- or off-campus employment, including additional assistantships, during the
period they hold an assistantship without explicit written approval from the
department chair, program director, or dean.
Grant-based graduate research assistantships (cover 9 credits of tuition,
stipend, and university health insurance): !
Departmental faculty holding grants can support graduate research assistants, as
allowable per grant, for varying periods. The grant Principal Investigator (PI) is the
supervising entity, and the graduate researcher can work 20 hours per week,
receives a stipend, 9 credits of in-state tuition and is eligible for health insurance.
Graduate research positions are handled by the PI. In general, these assistantships
are set up in 1-year increments, renewable on the basis of performance and funding.
Students holding assistantships may not engage in other on- or off-campus
employment, including additional assistantships, during the period they hold an
assistantship without explicit written approval from the department chair, program
director, or dean.
Departmental graduate lecturer positions (paid salary based on Mason adjunct
faculty salary matrix): !
The department hires graduate lecturers on an as-needed basis. It is current
department policy to hire graduate lecturers only when students hold a prior MS or
have completed at least 18 graduate credits as recognized by GMU. A graduate
lecturer must be a student in good academic standing and hires are made based on
a review of relevant qualifications not limited to academic standing. These positions
are advertised via the departmental website and listservs.
Departmental graduate STARS positions (paid hourly wages): !
The department hires between 2-4 graduate STARS (CDS Student Teaching
Assistants) on an as-needed basis. The graduate STAR serves as an in-class
teaching assistant, helping students as needed via one-on-one methods, and assists
the instructor with grading homework assignments in lower-level classes. This
position pays an hourly rate salary based on hours worked per week. The graduate
STAR reports to the STARS program coordinator and is asked to attend meetings
and training, as required. These positions are advertised via the departmental
website and listservs.
Provost Office grants for specific purposes or specific groups:
The University Provost offers a number of funding opportunities for a variety of purposes and
groups. These funding sources are explained in detail at https://provost.gmu.edu/academics-
and-research/graduate-education/awards-and-grants, and include grants for thesis completion,
travel, and access and inclusion.
External funding sources:
For students that do not have department or university support, it is encouraged that they seek
support from external funding bodies including NSF, foundations, private funders, or (for
foreign students) governments.
Help with External Fellowship applications:
The George Mason Office of Graduate Fellowships is an information and support center
dedicated to helping graduate students search for and apply to external fellowships that can
help them pay for their graduate studies. Consult with them if you are considering preparing
applications to external fellowships and/or sources of funding. Website:
Where to start each process
First point of contact
Filing program of study
CDS Academic Programs
Reduction of credit
CDS Academic Programs
General academic questions
(e.g. more appropriate course)
Director of Graduate Studies or
Research Advisor
General administrative questions
(e.g. procedures to follow)
CDS Academic Programs
Candidacy examination
Committee Chair
Dissertation Proposal
Committee Chair and/or
Research Advisor
Dissertation Defense
Committee Chair and/or
Research Advisor
Explanation of Course Requirements
The CSI PhD course credit requirements are divided in the following categories: core
courses (6 credits), area of emphasis courses (at least 18 credits), electives (up to 23
credits), seminar/colloquium (1 to 3 credits), and dissertation credits (up to 24 credits
of CSI 998 and CSI 999 with at least 6 credits of CSI 999).
A minimum of 72 credits are needed to complete the credit requirements of the PhD.
It is allowed to complete more than 72 credits, but not advisable (cost, time).
Core courses (6 credits)
Choose two among CSI 690, CSI 695, CSI 702, and CSI 703
Area of emphasis courses (at least 18 credits)
A complete list of courses that count towards this category can be found in the
catalog (https://catalog.gmu.edu/colleges-schools/science/computational-data-
sciences/computational-sciences-informatics-phd/#requirementstext). This list can
change over time (but not often). After choosing your two core courses, the other
courses that could be chosen as core courses can count towards area of emphasis.
Not all CSI coded classes can count towards area of emphasis (see below).
Electives (up to 23 credits)
These classes can be taken from among the list of valid area of emphasis classes,
from other departments in the university, from universities that belong to the
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area (up to 6 credits), or
be satisfied as part of a reduction (or transfer of credits). Combinations of these
choices are valid to complete the needed credits.
Seminar/Colloquium (1 credit, cannot be counted towards area of emphasis)
These are taken as 1-credit semester classes and involve attending (generally)
weekly seminars presenting current research from members of the department and
beyond. Up to 3 credits can be used to satisfy the PhD credit requirement.
Dissertation credits (up to 24 credits, with a minimum of 6 credits of CSI 999,
cannot be counted towards area of emphasis)
These are labeled CSI 998 and CSI 999. You can take CSI 998 once you have an
approved dissertation committee. You are required to take a minimum of 6 credits of
CSI 999 and maintain continuous enrollment in it until your final dissertation is
submitted to the library. Once you have completed all other requirements, including
the 72 credits, but are still working to complete your dissertation, you are considered
registered full-time by registering 1 credit of CSI 999 per semester.
Special and Remedial Courses (500-level count towards area of emphasis)
Due to the diversity of backgrounds in the department, some students require
preparatory courses to undertake the bulk of the PhD program. Students needing to
quickly improve their programming skills are encouraged to take CSI 500
(Computational Science Tools) and CSI 501 (Introduction to Scientific Programming).
Students needing to improve their general mathematical skills are encouraged to
take CSI 600 (Quantitative Foundations of Computation Science) although the
credits for this course cannot be counted towards the 72 credits of the PhD. In
addition, the department offers special topic courses (normally new courses in trial),
coded CSI 709. Per semester, there may be one, several, or none. Topics change.
Explanation of Candidacy Examination
The Candidacy Examination consists of a written, an oral, and (if applicable) a
computational part. All parts are mandatory. The Candidacy Examination should
determine mastery of fundamental knowledge and familiarity with current research in
topics that contribute directly to the student’s dissertation research area.
Dissertation committee requirement
To organize the candidacy exam, a student must have identified a research advisor
and formed a dissertation committee with the help of the advisor. In case the
research advisor is not core faculty of the CDS department, the candidacy exam will
require a committee chair that is CDS core faculty. If the research advisor is a CDS
core member, then they also function as chair of the committee.
Recommendation of Timeline of Candidacy Exam
Students should aim to take their candidacy exams around 1.5 to 2 years from the start of the
PhD (for full-time students) and around 2.5 to 3 years (part-time students). Practical
considerations make it problematic to take the exams after 2.5 years for full-time students and
3.5 years for part-time students.
Exam rules and procedures
1) The composition of the Candidacy Examination is defined by a list of topics
that are reasonably well understood in the scientific and technical community.
Material covered may include content from courses taken by the student.
After agreement is reached between the student and the committee, the list of
exam topics and the proposed exam date are documented on Form #3, which
is filed with the CDS office.
2) The written and computational parts of the exam must be submitted to the
Director of Graduate Studies by the chair of the student’s committee at least
one week prior to the examination.
3) The written portion will be administered and taken on campus and completed
without collaboration, in a room assigned by the committee chair. The exam
can be designed so that the student has the option of choosing a subset of
questions to answer.
4) After completion of the written portion of the exam, the computational project
is assigned, if applicable. In general, the student will have two weeks or less
to complete the computational project.
5) The oral exam will be scheduled and administered by the committee, and can
include discussion of the student's computational project, the student's
proposed dissertation research, and the student’s performance on the written
portion of the exam.
6) The Candidacy Examination is graded by the committee, which informs the
student of the results in a timely manner. The entire exam process should be
concluded within one semester.
7) Students have two opportunities to pass the Candidacy Examination. In some
cases, only some parts of the exam may require retaking.
Results of Candidacy Examination
Upon successful completion of all parts of the exam, Form #4 is filled and signed by
the committee members and the Director of Graduate Studies and added to the
student’s file by the Academic Programs Administrator along with the graded exam.
Formation of Dissertation Committee
Current rules of the CSI PhD program require at least 4 members in the committee, satisfying
the category of Mason Graduate Faculty. The following rules have to be observed:
1) At least two members of the committee must be core faculty members of the CDS
2) One member has to be the committee chair. The committee chair has to be a core
faculty member of the CDS department. The committee chair has the responsibility of
organizing examinations for the student.
3) If the student’s research advisor is a core faculty member of the CDS department, then
this member is also the committee chair.
4) If a member of the committee is not a core faculty member of GMU, they must then be
submitted for approval as Mason Graduate Faculty through the CDS office. This
requires that the committee member possess a PhD, and a CV and possibly other
documents are required to complete this process.
5) It is possible to have a fifth member in the dissertation committee. This is normally done
when the student’s research can benefit from the expertise of an external member of
the scientific community. Fifth members need approval of the Dissertation Chair and
Director of Graduate Studies.
Who are core faculty members of CDS: The PhD program core faculty is composed of
tenured and tenure-track members of the Mason faculty whose primary affiliations are with the
CDS Department. Term faculty members of CDS can be committee chairs with written
permission from the College of Science.
Mason Graduate Faculty status requests are handled by the College of Science. The process
starts by filling out the corresponding form and submitting it to the CDS Academic Program
Administrator for further processing.
Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
Students must prepare a detailed Dissertation Proposal and present the proposal to
their committee for approval. Proposals must be approved by the research advisor
and the dissertation committee and will also be reviewed by the Director of Graduate
The proposal should contain sufficient text, illustrations, tables, equations, and
bibliography to represent a clear explanation of the student’s proposed research
The proposal should include a detailed description of the work to be undertaken; its
relation to previous published work; and the scientific, mathematical, and
computational methods to be employed. Proposals should also include a clear set of
goals, methods, and models, and a discussion of the expected results and their
anticipated significance. The discussion should also include any limitations on the
generality of the expected results.
Proposals should discuss hardware/software issues including computational tools,
techniques, and algorithms to be utilized in the research.
An abstract of the dissertation proposal is submitted on Form #4.
Please note: Advancing to candidacy consists of the following:
Finishing all coursework
Passing candidacy exam
Successfully defending dissertation proposal
Students admitted into the PhD program have six years minus one semester to
advance. It is very important that the advancement forms are submitted to the
academic programs administrator no later than the date given below. Forms
submitted after this date are not guaranteed to be processed in time to meet the
advancement deadline. Here are the deadlines for semester advancement:
November 8
March 8
May 25
Doctoral Dissertation
A dissertation is a written piece of original, independent work that demonstrates the
doctoral candidate's mastery of the subject matter, methodologies, and conceptual
foundations in their chosen field of study. Another term of the dissertation is a thesis.
The content of the dissertation should:
1) be relevant and current in the chosen research area,
2) demonstrate an understanding of theoretical/experimental research and,
when applicable, development (as in R&D) issues,
3) demonstrate a mastery of computational tools and techniques,
4) make a research and/or development contribution through either new results
and/or new techniques, and
5) be acceptable for publication in a refereed journal.
A pre-defense in front of the committee should take place a month prior to the
dissertation defense. This allows the committee to make final recommendations and
corrections to the student in preparation to the final public defense of the dissertation.
The final dissertation defense is done as a public presentation, arranged with the
dissertation committee. Upon the successful completion of the defense, Form #7 is
signed and completed by the student and dissertation committee, and submitted to
the CDS office for further processing.
Note: The written dissertation volume must be submitted to the Library along with all
approval signatures per their requirements and instructions. Guidelines for the
content and general format of the doctoral dissertation may be found at
Checklist for Research Advisors (including Forms)
To help research advisor help their students remain in both good standing and making
progress towards the completion of their PhD, the following list of recommendations is offered:
1) Be aware of the your students Program of Study (CDS department Form 1): this
helps to keep an eye of a student’s progress and adherence to academic and
research plans.
2) Know your student’s deadlines: be aware of the term they entered the program,
how long they have to advance to candidacy and to graduate.
3) Form your student’s committee early: Since candidacy examination requires the
dissertation committee to be formed, please do this with enough time to be ready for
the candidates exam.
4) Remember the steps involved in moving the student through the PhD
a. Form dissertation committee (fill out CDS department Form 2)
b. Organize and administer candidacy exam (fill out CDS department Forms 3
and 4); if you are not in CDS, coordinate with the committee chair who must
be a CDS tenured or tenure track faculty member)
c. Organize Dissertation Proposal approval by the Dissertation Committee (fill
out CDS department Forms 5 and 6).
d. Organize Pre-defense about a month before final dissertation defense.
e. Organize Dissertation Defense (fill out CDS department Form 7).
Table of forms and requirements
Form #
Program of study
Dissertation Committee
Candidacy exam topics/date
Candidacy exam results
Dissertation Proposal abstract
Dissertation Proposal
Approval of Dissertation proposal and
advancement to candidacy
Doctoral Defense
Where to find department forms
All department forms can be found on the CDS department website.
Some other frequently used forms
Re-enrollment form: Required if a PhD student misses two consecutive semesters
Reduction of Credit: Students with a conferred MS/MA degree from a regionally
accredited U.S. academic institution may be eligible for a reduction of credit
Substitution/Waiver: Request that a requirement in an academic program be met
by: 1) a transfer course even though not considered equivalent to a Mason course, or
2) a Mason course not usually applied to meet the requirement. Also, to request that,
on some clearly detailed basis, a requirement in the student’s academic program be
waived (does not waive of give credit hours).
For additional registrar forms, https://registrar.gmu.edu/forms/!
Suggested Preliminary Programs of Study by student’s
areas of interest
Two templates (below) are provided in this guide to help students begin the process
of creating their own Programs of Study. One template is for students with interest in
Data Science, and the other for students interested in Modeling and Simulation.
Once the tentative plan is completed, fill it out in a blank Form 1 and hand it in
to the Program Administrator for processing. Any academic questions should
be addressed to the Director of Graduate Studies.
Complete this template within the first 4 weeks in the PhD.
The core courses in each template are aligned with each of the two possible areas
of interests and are therefore suggested to be taken as indicated.
The area of emphasis courses allow more flexibility and depend on the students
research interests. The courses in each template are those with widest general
interest for each area. However, before advancement to candidacy, the courses can
be substituted by others that more closely match the student’s research interests,
and should be discussed and revised with the student’s research advisor. Changes
are possible and even encouraged on the basis of research direction. In some cases,
it may be decided that a student should take more than 18 credits of area of
emphasis, which would reduce the credits needed in electives and also credits that
can be reduced or transferred from graduate work prior to joining the CSI PhD. An
updated list of the courses with CSI codes taught in recent years is attached and
updated every term to help create a program of study.
Elective courses: Elective courses should generally be used to emphasize or
complement training in relevant areas and techniques that students require for their
dissertation. Reduced/transferred credits are almost always counted towards
electives and are explicitly written into the program of study. Taking CSS courses
counts as elective courses.
Remedial skills courses: Students requiring courses to improve or refresh their
programming/quantitative skills should consider CSI 500 (Computational Science
Tools) which teaches scientific packages such as R, and CSI 501 (Introduction to
Scientific Programming) which focuses on programming languages. Only one 500
level course will count towards the 48 coursework credits. CSI 600 and
undergrad level courses will not count for credit. However, if the material is
needed it is advisable to take such courses even if credits are not counted.
Admissions with Provisions: The proposed program of study of students
provisionally admitted needs to include all the courses in the provisions in the
first 2 semesters. Follow the rest of this guidance for all other courses.
Semester each course is to be taken: The list of courses taught in recent years
should help frame a tentative timeframe. Some courses are taught in the Fall, some
in Spring, and some are taught in non-consecutive years. All such details must be
considered. Please also consider this on courses from other departments.
Sample Coursework- Data Science Template
Core Requirements (6 credits)
CSI 695 Scientific Databases
CSI 703 Scientific & Statistical Viz
Areas of Emphasis (18 credits)
CSI 672
Statistical Inference
CSI 674
Bayesian Infer Decis Theor
CSI 678
Time Series Analys Forecast
CSI 747 Nonlinear Optimization Apps
CSI 777 Princpls of Knowledge Mining
CSI 873 Comp Learn and Discovery
Electives (23 credits)
Seminar/Colloquium (up to 1 credits)
Dissertation Requirements (24 credits with minimum of 6 999s)
CSI 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
CSI 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
CSI 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
CSI 999 Doctoral Dissertation
CSI 999 Doctoral Dissertation
CSI 999 Doctoral Dissertation
Crosslisted as STAT 652
Crosslisted as OR 664/SYST 664
Crosslisted as STAT 658
Crosslisted as OR 719
Sample Coursework- Modeling Template
Core Requirements (6 credits)
Cred Hrs
CSI 690 Numerical Methods
CSI 702 High Performance Computing
Areas of Emphasis (18 credits)
CSI 678
Time Series Anlys Forecast
CSI 695 Scientific Databases
CSI 703 Scientific & Statistical Vislz
CSI 747 Nonlinear Optimization Apps
CSI 758 Visualiz/Model Complex Sys
CSI 786 Molecular Dynamics Model
Electives (23 credits)
Seminar/Colloquium (up to 1 credits)
Dissertation Requirements
CSI 998 up to 18 credits plus
CSI 999 minimum of 6 credits
Crosslisted with MATH 685/OR 682
Crosslisted with
Course Offering Rota
The following list is the active list of courses for CSI. Other courses that may
appear in the catalog are likely to be inactive and therefore should not be assumed
available unless confirmation that they will be offered is obtained. The CSI program
offers courses under various frequencies due to demand, lecturer availability, gradual
changes in interest of students, and other factors. Some courses are offered by other
departments, but cross-listed with CSI.
Color scheme:
1. Regular black (courses in area of emphasis),
2. Bold black (core courses),
3. Red (courses from other departments crosslisted with CSI),
4. Blue (courses not in area of emphasis),
5. Magenta (Red+Blue categories).
Note: CSI 709 is taught on initiative from individual faculty members and could be
taught in any term
Course Code
Course Title
Even, odd
CSI 500
Computational Science Tools
CSI 501
Introduction to Scientific Programming
Fall yearly
CSI 590/600
Quantitative Foundations for Computational Sciences
CSI 639
Ethics in Scientific Research
CSI 672
Statistical Inference
CSI 690
Numerical Methods
CSI 695
Scientific Databases
CSI 711
Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CSI 777
Principles of Knowledge Mining
CSI 780
Principles of Modeling and Simulation in Science
CSI 674
Bayesian Inference and Decision Theory
CSI 678
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
CSI 702
High-performance Computing
CSI 703
Scientific and Statistical Visualization
CSI 739
Topics in Bioinformatics
CSI 742
The Mathematics of the Finite Element Method
CSI 783
Computational Quantum Mechanics
CSI 786
Molecular Dynamics Modeling
CSI 973
Mathematical Statistics II
CSI 986
Large Scale Molecular Simulations
Fall bi-
CSI 685
Fundamentals of Materials Science
CSI 721
Computational Fluid Dynamics I
CSI 782
Statistical Mechanics for Modeling and Simulation
CSI 873
Computational Learning and Discovery
Spring bi-
CSI 747
Nonlinear Optimization and Applications
CSI 758
Visualization and Modeling of Complex Systems
CSI 789
Image Operators and Analysis
Courses by Topic
Modeling and
Data Science
CSI 780
CSI 672
CSI 678
CSI 639
CSI 500
CSI 782
CSI 674
CSI 690
CSI 685
CSI 501
CSI 786
CSI 695
CSI 702
CSI 711
CSI 590/600
CSI 986
CSI 703
CSI 747
CSI 721
CSI 747
CSI 742
CSI 758
CSI 783
CSI 777
CSI 789
CSI 873
CSI 973
Note: The course CSI 709 is a general topics code, used by faculty to offer courses
that are new or have been requested by students. A CSI 709 course taught in the past
on a particular topic does not guarantee the same topic will be taught again in the
future, and if it is, its schedule and timing is uncertain.
! !
Reductions and Transfers of Credit
Reductions of credit are a process by which a student who has completed another
graduate degree before joing the PhD can request that credits from that prior degree
be accepted in liu of required credits in the CSI PhD.
Transfers of credit are a process by which a student who has taken graduate level
courses that do not form part of a graduate degree before joing the PhD can request
that those credits be accepted in liu of required credits in the CSI PhD.
Rules for reductions and transfers:
1) normally granted towards the electives and colloquium credit requirement,
2) limited to a maxium of 23 credits,
3) for every course used as part of a reduction or transfer request, the course
syllabus must be submitted, and
4) the process should be done in the first year of the student’s study.
This process should be initiated with the Academic Programs Administrator.
Key dates for Term
File to graduate
Check out Registrar’s website for deadlines for online and paper
Draft Dissertation
to Committee
week of
1st week of
1st seek of
Draft to
week of
Week of
Week of
week of
Week of
Poll committee
members to get
date/time then let
Academic Programs
know so she can
schedule a room for
Week of
Week of
Same as above.
Dissertation Title
and Abstract to
Manager for
advertising the
Minimum of 2
weeks before
Minimum of 2
weeks before
Minimum of 2
weeks before
You will be sent a
template when the
time comes to prepare
your defense
Dissertation to
Check out library’s website for submission procedures and deadlines:
http://libra ry.gm u .edu /u dts
IMPORTANT: Frequently visit the University Dissertation and Thesis Services website for
procedures/timelines: http:// library .gm u .edu/ ud ts!
! !
Useful Contacts and Resources
Graduate admissions
Office Location: 213 Johnson Center (2nd Floor)
Director of Graduate Programs, College of Science
Melissa Hayes
Suite 1450 Exploratory Hall
Office of International Programs and Scholars
(703) 993 2970
Student Health Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
Disability Services
Office of Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics
(703) 993-1000
Office of the University Registrar (including FERPA)
University Library
Stearn Center Student Support Resources Webpage
Many of the links above, as well as many other University offices and resources
useful students can be found in the link below