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Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants
Article · May 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7992448
10 authors, including:
Arianna Dacanay
Giannah DV. Gonzales
St. Paul College of Bocaue
Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado
Nicolai Renz SP. Guballa
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Volume: 9
Pages: 412-418
Document ID: 2023PEMJ758
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7992448
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-31-5
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 412-418, Document ID:2023 PEMJ758, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7992448, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Dacanay et al.
Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants
Arianna S. Dacanay*, Giannah DV. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz SP. Guballa,
Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz,
Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis, Jhoselle Tus
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack
of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work.
Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work
experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to
investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential
data and achieve the objectives of the study, Multidimensional Work Motivational Scale (MWMS)
and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) were administered to the target respondents. The
collected data were then analyzed using a Multiple Regression Analysis; findings revealed that job
motivation has a significant impact on the job satisfaction of accountants. Additionally, the results of
this study were carefully evaluated and discussed, and recommendations were made to benefit the
stakeholders of the study and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
Keywords: job satisfaction, job motivation, accountants, multidimensional work motivational
scale, minnesota satisfaction questionnaire
Human resource is the most critical asset of an
organization because employees directly contribute to
the failure or success of a business. However, a
worker’s productivity largely depends on various
external and internal factors such as job motivation
and satisfaction. As a crucial workplace
component, job motivation influences people to work
effectively by giving job incentives or benefits to
attain the desired goal (Forson et al., 2021). According
to the University of Utah Health (2022), motivation
can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation refers
to a person’s desire to do an activity for internal
reward or satisfaction. In contrast, extrinsic motivation
pushes a person to work because of external forces
such as money, fame, power, and the like.
Job satisfaction is a measure of a positive attitude
toward one’s job that results from examining one’s
characteristics and job nature (Dharmiarto et al.,
2021). Several factors, such as salaries, flexible work
arrangements, relationships with co-workers, and
freedom, can influence job satisfaction. Job
satisfaction remains an area of concern and interest
among researchers because its definition and factors
are complex and have produced varying findings in
past related studies (George & Jones, 2012, as cited by
Nitafan & Camay, 2020).
According to the Institute for Management
Development World Talent Ranking (2021), due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, Filipino workers displayed low
motivational levels, as the Philippines ranked 42
of 64 countries worldwide in terms of workers
motivation. The same report found that the country has
the poorest economic performance among other
ASEAN countries in the index. This result shows that
job motivation among Filipino employees is a severe
issue that needs to be addressed; otherwise, it can
stimulate other problems, such as a decrease in the
country’s talent retention, a high unemployment rate,
and low work productivity.
Based on the State of the Global Workplace in 2022,
most employees worldwide are dissatisfied,
disengaged, and unhappy. Job dissatisfaction often
results in the withdrawal of organizational
commitment, unplanned employee turnover, lower
performance, and productivity, and reduced trust in
their employer (Ntimba et al., 2021).
In a study conducted by Bajpai and Rajpot (2018),
results showed that motivational factors, namely career
development, monetary and non-monetary benefits,
working conditions, and recognition programs,
significantly influence employees’ job satisfaction.
However, in contrast to the study mentioned above,
Nitafan and Camay (2020) conducted a research study
that investigated the relationship between work
motivation and job satisfaction among local
government employees; findings revealed that the
work motivation of the personnel does not
significantly correlate with their job satisfaction.
Although there is a low and positive relationship, the
association between the two variables has not been
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 412-418, Document ID:2023 PEMJ758, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7992448, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Dacanay et al.
proven since it was not statistically substantial.
In this light, the study will investigate the impact of
job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants in
Luzon. A survey conducted by Career Explorer in
2022 revealed that accountants rate their career
satisfaction with 2.6 out of 5 stars, making it one of the
least happy careers in the United States. In line with
this, the researchers decided to focus on accountants as
the subject of this study in order to determine whether
job motivation is one of the factors that significantly
influence job satisfaction.
Moreover, this study sought to answer the question:
Does job motivation significantly affect the job
satisfaction of accountants?
Literature Review
In a study conducted by Bajpai and Rajpot (2018),
they studied the impact of employees motivation on
job satisfaction and organizational commitment at
BALCO where a sample of 100 respondents were
selected to answer a self-administered questionnaire. A
regression analysis was used to investigate the
influence of job motivation on job satisfaction; with an
R2 of 0.691, findings revealed that the different
motivational factors affect job satisfaction by 69%.
Monetary benefits at 29.3% have the most influence
on job satisfaction while non-monetary benefits
recorded the lowest impact at 9.12%.
Furthermore, in the study of Pancasila et al. (2020),
they investigated the impact of work motivation and
leadership towards work satisfaction among 355
participants from the Bukit Asam Coal Mining
Company Ltd in Indonesia. The results showed that
job motivation has a significant and positive impact
towards job satisfaction. Employees with higher
positions are more likely to be satisfied because they
have more freedom. However, employees with lower
positions are more likely to experience dissatisfaction
with their work because their responsibilities are small
and less challenging. The study suggested that
improving employee performance may distribute a
higher increase in job satisfaction. However, they must
also pay attention to initiatives to boost employee
engagement, as this factor has a substantial impact on
job satisfaction.
However, Nitafan and Camay (2020) carried out a
local study about work motivation and job satisfaction
and yielded contrasting results. The findings showed
that there is no significant correlation between work
motivation and job satisfaction. Although there is a
low and positive relationship between the two
variables, since it was not statistically significant, this
correlation was perceived to be untrue and caused only
by probability.
A study conducted by Baah (2010, as cited in Syamsir,
2020) shared similar findings. The study concluded
that employees who are satisfied with their work do
not necessarily mean they are highly motivated and
vice versa. This means that job motivation does not
greatly affect the level of job satisfaction of the
employees. However, she still acknowledged that
employee satisfaction may be associated with job
performance and motivation to some extent depending
on the level of empowerment, training, performance
appraisal, incentives or benefits, flexible work hours,
and the job itself.
Research Design
This study employed a descriptive-correlational
research design to explore the impact of job motivation
on job satisfaction. This research design will aid the
researchers in conducting the present study as it
provides a framework, sets the direction, and ensures
that the research methods, gathered data, and analysis
will allow the researchers to achieve research
objectives and draw valid conclusions. Siedlecki
(2020) defined descriptive research as studies that
describe individuals, events, or conditions by
investigating their nature. In this type of research, the
researcher only observes and describes the variables
instead of manipulating them. Meanwhile,
correlational research focuses on measuring two or
more pertinent variables and evaluating the
relationship between the variables (Stangor &
Walinga, 2019).
Respondents of the Study
Employees currently employed as accountants in
selected companies were the respondents of the
study. About 300 accountants participated in the study,
and stratified sampling technique were utilized.
Instrument of the Study
This study employed two instruments to examine the
impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of
accountants. First, the researchers used the
Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS)
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 412-418, Document ID:2023 PEMJ758, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7992448, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Dacanay et al.
developed by Gangné et al. (2015) to evaluate the
employees' job motivation level. It consists of nineteen
indicators that assess six dimensions which are
amotivation, extrinsic regulation-social, extrinsic
regulation-material, introjected regulation, identified
regulation, and intrinsic motivation. The stem used by
this instrument is “Why do you or would you put effort
into your current job?” The MWMS uses a seven-point
Likert scale with responses that range from (1) "not at
all," (2) “very little,” (3) “a little,” (4) “moderately,”
(5) strongly, (6) very strongly, to (7)
"completely." This instrument’s reliability, factorial
structure, and validity were Alpha coefficients with
95% confidence intervals for each dimension were .89,
.71, .66, .73, and .76, respectively, proving the validity
and reliability of the instrument. Second, the
researchers utilized the Minnesota Satisfaction
Questionnaire (MSQ) to measure the respondents' job
satisfaction levels. The short form of this instrument
consists of twenty questions analyzing two categories:
intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction. The MSQ employs
a five-point Likert scale with responses ranging from
(1) "very dissatisfied," (2) “dissatisfied,” (3) “neutral,”
(4) “satisfied,” to (5) "very satisfied." Thus, its internal
consistency a=0.77.
Ethical Consideration
The researchers considered the ethical considerations
in every part of the research process, as listed and
discussed by Hasan et al. (2021) in their study entitled
“Ethical Considerations In Research.” As part of the
aforementioned criteria in selecting the participants,
the researchers ensured that no one is forced or
coerced to be involved in the study. Thus, those who
are eligible to be participants but are not willing to
take part in the study will not be constrained to do so.
The researchers respected and valued the rights and
safety of the respondents during and after the data
collection procedure. Thus, the researchers first
secured the approval of the study’s methodologies,
strategies, and tools from their research advisor before
distributing the questionnaires. The brief information
and objectives of the study were explained to the
respondents, along with how participants' involvement
will help collect the needed information. The
researchers ensured that the language and sentences
used in the questionnaire are comprehensible and
suited to the respondents’ knowledge. Moreover, the
data collection procedure will be done after taking into
account the convenience and availability of the
respondents. The rights of the researcher and
respondents were protected during the conduct of this
investigation by maintaining ethical research
Data Gathering Procedure
It was crucial for the researchers to clearly and
completely follow a set of methods in performing the
research process and acquire all the necessary data and
information to effectively evaluate the impact of job
motivation on job satisfaction of accountants. Further,
the researchers secured a formal consent letter
addressed to the school directress and principal and
signed by the researchers and their research advisor,
asking permission to conduct the study and collect all
the needed data from the respondents. Before
distributing the questionnaires, the methodologies of
the study will be carefully studied and checked by the
research advisor. During the data collection process,
the participants in the study will be informed and made
aware of the importance of the survey. Furthermore,
the researchers will provide clear instructions on
completing the questionnaire to guide the participants
on what they would do. To ensure that the respondents
will submit accurate and relevant data and information,
they will be given adequate time to complete the
questionnaire and an assurance that their personal
information will be strictly confidential. With the help
of this technique, the respondents may complete the
questionnaire truthfully and provide the most accurate
data for the study. To gather the necessary data from
the participants, the questions will be made accessible
via a social media platform, particularly Google
Results and Discussion
The Impact of Job Motivation on Job Satisfaction
As stated in the statement of the problem, the
researchers sought to determine the impact of job
motivation on job satisfaction by utilizing the data
collected from the Multidimensional Work Motivation
Scale (MWMS) and Minnesota Satisfaction
Questionnaire (MSQ). Thus, the statistical analysis
shown in Table 3 suggests that job motivation has a
significant impact on job satisfaction among the
respondents. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
In support of the findings of the study, Pancasila et al.
(2020) examined the influence of work motivation and
leadership on work satisfaction among 355
workers. Their findings revealed that job motivation
has a significant and positive impact on job
satisfaction. Hence, the study suggested that if the
company provides its workers with benefits and other
internal motivators and fulfills its employees'
expectations, then its employees will have higher work
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 412-418, Document ID:2023 PEMJ758, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7992448, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Dacanay et al.
Table 1. Results of the Regression Analysis
Moreso, Bajpai and Rajpot (2018) studied the impact
of employee motivation on job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. Findings showed that
different motivational factors affect job satisfaction by
69%, with an R2 of 0.691, which supports the results
of this current study. This study showed that monetary
benefits impact job satisfaction the most, while non-
monetary benefits have the least significant influence.
Based on the results of the study, the following
conclusions were reached: (1) The respondents were
found to have varying levels of job motivation. In
terms of amotivation, extrinsic-regulation material,
and introjected regulation, the respondents scored a
very high level of job motivation, whereas extrinsic-
regulation social, identified regulation, and intrinsic
motivation resulted in a high level. Overall, the
respondents showed a very high level of job
motivation. (2) The respondents were discovered to
have a high level of extrinsic and intrinsic job
satisfaction. (3) The statistical analysis revealed that
job motivation significantly affect the job satisfaction
of accountants. Hence, the conclusion of the null
hypothesis is rejected.
Following an extensive review of the research findings
and discussion among researchers, the proposed
recommendations are as follows: (1) For Accountants,
the researchers advise them to seek out rewarding and
high-quality employment opportunities and look for
hobbies that will promote their minds and encourage
them to concentrate on their work environment and
purpose because this will generate motivation that may
result in a more prosperous and fulfilling career.
Additionally, it suggests that an accountant should
practice time management, planning, and consistency
because these skills will help them do their work
satisfactorily and will help them do it correctly. (2) For
employers, businesses are encouraged to take a
dynamic strategy so that accountant workers can
utilize their skills and abilities to the fullest.
Researchers also recommended that businesses give
their staff members merit-based rewards because doing
so will increase their drive for work, increasing their
likelihood of being satisfied with their jobs. The more
motivated and content people are at work, the more
loyal they are to their employer's business, which
could result in both organizations' success. (3) For
future researchers, future studies may use this study to
expand their knowledge and understanding of the
relationship between an accountant's job satisfaction
and their motivation for the job. To advance the
research and increase knowledge on this subject, they
might also investigate other factors that this study did
not address.
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Arianna Dacanay
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Giannah Gonzales
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Carl Xaviery Baldonado
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Nicolai Renz Guballa
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Hanz Marquez
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Hazel Anne Domingo
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Kyle Gian Diaz
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Denise Iresh Catolico
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Edward Gabriel Gotis
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
Jhoselle Tus, PhD
St. Paul College of Bocaue, Philippines
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