Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 33
Analyzing the Impact of BTS on Resolving the Problem of Youth Mental Health
Lambok Hermanto,
Margareth Salindeho
Universitas President
International Relations Universitas President
Email Korespondensi: Lambok@president.ac.id, [email protected]
Abstract. This Journal outlines the efforts of BTS as a K-pop boy group to help to resolve the problem of
Youth Mental Health, in which Korea itself has a background as one of the countries with the most mental health cases
in the world. More deeply, in this study, the writer conducted an analysis of several forms of BTS activities that show
their efforts in reducing mental health problems, in this case including; song lyrics in the BTS album, the social
campaign they run with UNICEF, "Love Myself", and finally the public response to these BTS efforts. And in the results
of this research, it can be seen that BTS does indeed have a positive impact through their songs lyrics and social
campaigns. This can be seen from the response of the public who claimed to feel "healed", found motivation, and also
forgot their problem after listening to BTS songs. In addition, in social media, it can also be seen how with the
#BTSLoveMyself campaign, the users of this hashtag also provide support to fellow people with mental health
Keywords: Boy Band, BTS, K-Pop, Mental Health, Youth,
Developing since the early 2000s,
South Korea is considered to have
successfully developed and promoted its
culture on a large scale. Known as the Korean
Wave, South Korea provides a real picture of
all aspects of the country through the
entertainment industry, especially TV drama
and pop music that has its own Korean
Specifically speaking of pop music,
South Korea itself is known for its genre of
"K-pop" which is a combination of various
types of music genres that are delivered with
a Korean style. The hallmark of K-pop music
itself cannot be separated from the boy-group
and girl-group systems that carry the music.
In the system, boy-groups and girl-groups
who will debut as K-Pop artists will generally
be required to go through a period of training
for singing, dancing and rap in order to have
high selling power in the entertainment
industry market. With various abilities and
attractions possessed by K-Pop artists, this
then makes the K-Pop genre flourish very
quickly and large. With dances and songs
performed by these K-pop groups, a lot of fan
base was formed which was not only limited
to South Korea but also Asia and the rest of
the world. With the development of this K-
pop sector, various layers of the international
community also got an impact, such as by
looking at examples of how to dress like the
K-pop artists that became a style that is
imitated by many international communities,
not to mention also the type of food, the use
of Korean language, even songs and the
dances of the artists are imitated by many
people. Here, K-Pop already gives a good
impact on South Korea itself to promote this
In addition, the rising popularity of k-
pop artists indirectly impacts young people in
Korea to have dreams and desire to join the k-
pop entertainment industry. In this case, K-
Pop has had an impact on many people, even
Korea itself as its home country. Furthermore,
one of the K-Pop artists who have a big
impact is BTS.
BTS is a 7 membered boyband that is
currently at the peak of their career since
they’re titled as biggest group in the world
due to various international achievements and
recognition that they have achieved, such as
the award of the best artist, best album, best
song and best group since 2017 in Korea, and
has topped the billboard charts since 2017,
earning the nickname of the best group and
top artist in America since 2018 (BBC, 2018).
However, debuting in 2013 under the auspices
of the Big Hit Entertainment agency, BTS
began their career as a group that did not have
so many opportunities to appear on music
shows due to the group's background as an
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 34
artist who came out of a small agency namely
Big Hit Entertainment, which is this agency
not included in the ranks of large agencies
such as SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment
and JYP Entertainment.
Even so, BTS with its unique
trademark as a K-pop idol rooted in the Hip-
Hop music genre is in fact judged to be more
free and able to express their opinions bluntly
through music works and their actions,
compared to other k-pop idols who is more
relying on their big agency for their music
production and activities, in which for K-pop
idols in general, due to a strict contract
system, artists only need to practice singing,
dancing, and rap, while for the production of
music and style will be arranged by a special
team provided by the agency. Therefore,
Korean idol artists often get the music stigma
of class "B" which means less qualified in
musical ability and creativity because
basically they do not have many opportunities
to channel their creativity in the music they
bring themselves, but work like a "robot" that
controlled by the agency (Valge & Hinsberg,
On the other hand, BTS which was
born from a small agency that since its
inception has been known as one of the idol
groups that has high quality music. With roots
in the genre of Hip-hop music which is a type
of music with loud lyrics and criticism, each
BTS member actively plays a role in every
music production including writing lyrics as a
channel for their creativity. Thus, with this
Hip-Hop genre kind of idol, BTS developed
into an artist who is not only as reliable in
singing, dancing or rap as other K-pop idols,
but also they give their own opinions and
criticisms scathing about social, political,
cultural issues to mental health that occurs in
society through their music and action. In
addition, aside from music with the theme of
love between couples, BTS comes with a
variety of other different love themes such as
self-love, brotherhood, and not forgetting the
theme of "dreams" aimed for the millennial
generation (Wiradarmo, 2019). Here, that is
one of the reasons for the booming popularity
of BTS globally.
In the songs that have been released, it
can be seen how BTS as a public figure
always tries to talk about various topics
inherent in society, as a few examples, the
songs "Whalen 52" and "Jamais Vu" released
by BTS talk about issues related to youth
empowerment which at times often feel
alienated and want to give up, the song "21st
Century Girl" talks about protecting women,
the song "Silver Spoon" speaks about
stereotypes and burdens received by
millennial, the song "Spine Breaker" and "Go
Go" criticize the culture of consumerism of
millennial, the song "The Last" talks about
the depression experienced by them, besides
that there is also the song "Spring Day" which
is interpreted as a form of work to
commemorate the victims of the Ferry Sewol
ship accident which was considered a form of
failure in the political game to the point of it
has been tried to be covered up by the media
and the government (Wiradarmo, 2019).With
this background of the success of BTS, the
group has been considered to become an icon
that is often followed, emulated and
influenced the community positively.
On the other side, speaking about
Youth Mental Health, South Korea is one of
the countries with the highest mental illness
cases in the world. It is noted that 1 out of 4
people in Korea living through this problem,
thus the suicide rate is always increasing
every year (The Straits Time, 2017).
Following this fact, BTS through their song,
interviews, and social media has often issued
statements to support everyone (more
specifically teenagers) who are dealing with
this problem and encouraging them not to
give up or even take actions that are harmful
to themselves. In the form of musical works,
several BTS songs have frankly discussed this
issue, namely "Love Yourself", "Idol", "The
Last", "No More Dream", "N.O", "Sea" and
"The Last" (Wiradarmo, 2019). With a career
background that was built with difficulty,
BTS tried to convince young generation with
these songs, that they are not alone and that
the hard times would surely pass, and
beautiful things will happen. In line with that,
based on personal experience, BTS also often
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 35
tells how they are also often in a bad
situation, but rather than giving up, getting up
and surviving is the best thing for young
Moreover, another form of BTS
efforts to raise mental health awareness is by
joining UNICEF in the "Love Yourself"
campaign that aims to help children and teens
against the violence and getting through
mental illness with the hope of making the
world a better place through the music
(UNICEF, 2017). On this campaign, there are
several forms of implementation, namely the
first, using #BTSLoveMyself in social media
to push young people out of problems of self-
harm, depression and suicidal intention.
Furthermore, BTS also raised funds to help
people in the rehabilitation period for mental
health prevention, and also BTS released an
album with the exact theme, Love Yourself.
From here, the object of this research
will be focusing on the teenagers who have
problems with mental health, more
specifically those who are familiar with BTS
and their works. Utilizing statements or
reviews conducted by them on several music
sites, blogs and official websites of the
UNICEF campaign, this article will look at
how BTS has an impact on young people in
dealing with mental health problems
Research Question
How BTS gives a positive imp act on solving
the problem of the mental health of young
BTS as a public figure has made
several efforts to help young people get out of
mental illness problems. By utilizing its
influence, there are 2 ways BTS does is
through music that "heals" and runs a
campaign titled "Love Myself" and uses
In this research, I will use several
theories to explain how these two BTS efforts
have an impact on every young person with
mental problems. First, to understand the
BTS' way as an effort to reach people with
mental health, I will use the Popular Culture
theory from John Storey (2015) in "Cultural
Theory and Popular Culture". Here, in the
meaning of Pop Culture, taking the
understanding conveyed by Raymond
William in this book, Popular culture has 4
meanings, namely something that well-liked
by many people'; 'inferior kinds of work';
'work deliberately setting out to win favour
with the people'; and ‘culture that actually
made by the people for themselves’. Here, Pop
culture can simply be interpreted as a “culture
that is widely favoured or well-liked by many
people” (Storey, 2015).
In achieving the objectives of Pop
Culture, the Utilization of Television,
Newspapers, Radio, Movies, Songs and social
media then included as the hallmark of
implementing pop culture in society as
general or broadly. In this case, the use of
media that can be easily accessed by the
community is considered as an efficient
practical form in conveying everything that is
intended by someone to be digested, enjoyed,
and liked by the public at large. (Tanudjaja,
Furthermore, when the goal of Pop
Culture is achieved, which is where a work
can be liked by many people, then many
impacts can be received by the people
included in it. In this case, when a group of
people in large numbers can reach the stage of
liking a work in large quantities, it is likely
that these people can follow or take examples
of actions that are emitted and intended in the
work or even the person behind the work.
With this basis, then I will try to see,
how the BTS efforts as outlined in their work
containers can win the hearts of many people,
more specifically those with mental health
problems and influence them.
In the second part, responding to the
procurement of the campaign titled "Love
Myself" and the use of #BTSLoveMyself, I
will use the theory of Public Communication
Campaign discussed by Charles K. Atkin and
Ronald E. Rice in a journal entitled "Theory
and Principles of Public Communication
Here, they defined Public
communication campaigns as "a purposive
attempt to inform or influence behaviors in
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 36
large audiences within a specified time period
using an organized set of communication
activities and featuring an array of mediated
messages in multiple channels generally to
produce noncommercial benefits to
individuals and society" (Atkin & Rice,
In procuring campaigns that have an
impact on many people, Atkin and Rice
argues that the application of social marketing
can emphasize an audience-centered
consumer orientation by seeking promotion in
an attractive and optimal way to achieve
influential campaign objectives. Moreover,
the application of social marketing is
applicable in order to promote a desirable
behavior as the theme of the campaign.
Campaign generally contains two
elements of messages, namely Awareness
message to provide information about an
issue or problematic situation at the time and
Instruction massage aimed at providing
information about what should be done in the
problematic situation. Here, social marketing
is needed so that the message can arrive and
be properly digested by the public. For this
reason, several social marketing strategies
that can be used are through social media. In
connection with the development of
technology and communication, the use of
social media is believed to be able to make a
major contribution as a communication
platform and to find out the latest
information. Therefore, the use of social
media can be used as a social marketing
strategy in implementing campaigns.
Furthermore, in general discussing the
impact of BTS, I will also discuss the system
of public figures' reputation discussed by
Xiaoxuan Ciu in Atlantis Press. In his
writings stated that Public Figure is "the
person who have a certain social status or
social awareness within a certain range,
impactful, and can benefit from the
community, and closely related to social
interests, the occasional cause of the
exception.” (Cui, 2017). In here, it is
understood that with the social status and
popularity possessed by a public figure, then
that person can easily show or give an
example of an action that results in the action
being followed by the public who see it.
At the end, I using the theories above
to explain the impact of BTS as a public
figure, through music and campaigns to
reduce the number of young people with
mental health problems.
This research will be focusing on
analyzing some of efforts carried out by BTS
to solve a problem regarding a large number
of mental illness sufferers among adolescents.
In this case, by focusing on the use of works
by BTS as musicians, as well with the social
campaign actions carried out by them, the
writer will then collect data and information
through BTS song lyrics and the "Love
Myself" social campaign with UNICEF as the
two main elements to be analyzed.
In the first element, the writer will
analyze deeper about the lyrics in songs
produced by BTS. Here, the writer will take a
sample of 3 songs from all the work that has
been done by BTS. The lyrics in question are
all the lyrics that provide a "healing" effect or
contain words of support to encourage people
who go through difficult times related to
mental health. From these lyrics, the writer
will then collect comments from people who
are dealing with mental illness that listening
to BTS songs. In this case, the author will
take 3 samples of comments for each song
which is contained on the official You-tube
channel of BTS itself. Here, the writer decides
to take a sample based on BTS You-tube
channel because the writer believes that they
are the people who have listened to BTS
music, so they are the ones who deserve to
give comments on whether the BTS songs
affect their mental state or not.
Furthermore, related to the second
element, the writer will analyze more deeply
about the implementation of the social
campaign titled "Love Myself" issued by
BTS, in collaboration with UNICEF since
2017. Here, by focusing on two main
activities in this campaign, namely the use of
#BTSLoveMyself and voluntary fundraising,
the author will take examples of BTS
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 37
solicitation actions through their social media
Twitter activities, and also collect data on the
development of fundraising from the initial
release of the campaign to this time.
In the end, after all the data has been
collected, the author will provide an
interpretation of how all the efforts that have
been made by BTS have an impact on young
people's problems with mental health.
As a group that is active in
entertainment industry, BTS has released
variety of works that are considered
interesting and liked by many people, both
inside and outside Korea, as K-Pop culture
has also spread around the world. By
becoming part of Korean pop culture that is
famous around the world, BTS through its
work since debut has voiced their concern for
various social issues, especially about mental
health, in which through songs produced by
BTS members themselves. In addition, some
BTS activities are also attached to social
events with a mental health theme, such as
collaboration with UNICEF.
By raising the theme related to mental
health through their activities and songs, BTS
then considered to have succeeded in creating
positive content with which could make
everyone who heard it become aware of
mental health problems, and also those who
were experiencing it could feel encouraged.
This can be seen from how many of their
songs have become popular and liked by
many people. Thus, in accordance with the
objectives in Pop Culture discussed in the
previous theoretical framework, it can be seen
how BTS utilizes the use of their songs that
are spread easily through the internet, radio
and world music platforms, as well as an
educative work that is well-liked by many
people. Here, that's how BTS can become a
public figure with a large impact on the
public, especially those with mental health
Songs with the theme of "Love Yourself"
First, to see this in depth, several songs can be
observed in order to understand the BTS
message directly to young people with health
a. Love Myself: Answer
This song was written by three BTS
members; RM, J-hope and Suga, are one of
the songs included on the BTS album released
in 2017, titled LOVE YOURSELF
ANSWER, which overall intends to tell a
message that “Loving oneself is where true
love begins” (Big Hit Entertainment). In this
song that talk about the story of a journey to
self-love, BTS in it calls for the importance of
loving oneself for everyone. This is shown in
some of the lyrics below:
"Loving myself might be harder than
loving someone else, Let’s admit it.
The standards I made are more strict for
The thick tree rings in your life, It’s part
of you, it’s you.
Now let’s forgive ourselves
Our lives are long, trust yourself when in
a maze
When winter passes, spring always comes
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself (oh)
The me of yesterday, the me of today, the
me of tomorrow
(I’m learning how to love myself)
With no exceptions, it’s all me
Maybe there’s no answer
Maybe this isn’t the answer either
It’s just that loving myself
Doesn’t require anyone else’s permission
I’m looking for myself again
But I don’t wanna die anymore
Me, who used to be sad
Me, who used to be hurt
It’ll make me more beautiful
Yes, I have that beauty
Knowing that is going
On the path to loving myself
It’s what I need the most
I’m walking for myself
It’s an action needed for me
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 38
My attitude towards myself
That’s the happiness I need for me
I’ll show you what I got
I’m not afraid because it’s me
Love myself"
With such lyrics on their song, BTS spreads a
deep message about self-love to every
listener. Through the comments column of
this song that was uploaded on the official
BTS’ Youtube channel, some listeners then
left comments on how this song meant for
their mental health.
In this song's comments column,
listeners give their testimonials about how
this song which is written by BTS members
has an impact on how they think about their
selves. It is also understood how everyone
that has a bad experience related to the way
they think and treat themselves, in the end,
they can change towards a more positive
direction through this song.
b. Outro: Epiphany
Similar to Love Myself, this song
sung by Jin BTS is also one of the songs from
ANSWER. In this song, it is emphasized that
every human being might not be perfect, but
every people basically has his or her own
beauty. It doesn't matter how lacking we are,
but we are all precious. For that, first thing
that should be loved before anyone else is
you. In the song, the lyrics say this:
I may be a bit blunt, I may lack
some things
I may not have that shy glow around
But this is me
My arms, my legs, my heart, my soul
I’m the one I should love in this world
Shining me, the precious soul of mine
I finally realized, so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love
With the lyrics in this song, it can be
seen that BTS is also foaming to make its
listeners aware of the uniqueness that
everyone has. By not constantly pursuing
perfection, but because we are valuable, we
shouldn't hate ourselves, but rather to love
ourselves. Here, the message referred to BTS
was successfully reached his listeners. This
can be seen through the comments column
where the song is uploaded on the official
BTS’ Youtube channel, as follows:
(Big Hit Labels, 2018)
From these comments, it can be seen that
the BTS message in this song can be
successfully received by the listeners. And not
only that, listeners who feel they have
understood the message even trying to convey
the purpose of this song in words that are
easier for others to understand, in which to
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 39
love themselves is a very important thing to
c. 2! 3!
Unlike the previous songs, this song is
included in another BTS album, titled "You
Never Walk Alone" which was released in
2015. The album itself generally has a
message of comfort and hope to the youth of
this generation, that it is stated "We can laugh
if we are together" (Big Hit Entertainment,
n.d.). More specifically, 2! 3! is one of BTS
songs that was aimed to their loyal listeners or
their fans. In this song, BTS provides support
and encouragement to every listener.
Moreover, BTS expressed their presence and
desire to continue to help listeners out of their
problems, in where days feel hard or when
their mental state is bad, through their music,
BTS can help them to get it through. The core
lyrics that describe the message in this song,
say that:
It’s okay!
Come on, when I say "one, two,
three", forget it!
Erase all sad memories,
And smile, holding onto each other’s
Hoping for more good days in the
I just wanted to make you smile
I wanted to do good.
In line with the album's title where the
song is incorporated, BTS conveys a message
that every difficult day can be forgotten
slowly. With the lyrics above, it is hoped that
listeners can look forward to a better future
than focusing too much on sad memories that
existed before. This message can also be well
received by BTS fans, seen in the comments
column of this song which uploaded by the
official BTS channel.
(BANGTAN TV, 2018)
In the comments above, it can see how
fans responded to this song. With their
recognition of how calm they are after
looking up for this song. It can be understood
that BTS has achieved their goal of providing
comfort and hope for the listeners.
In the end, as the spread of pop culture
developed throughout the world, BTS, in this
case, has succeeded in spreading a deep social
message to listeners to its music throughout
the world. With music and the use of social
media, BTS can win the hearts of many
people through educative and constructive
works, which in the theme of mental health,
BTS is trying to make a good impact on
everyone, especially young people who are
currently in a high case of mental illness.
Social Campaign of “Love Myself”
As another BTS effort to address the
mental health issues experienced by young
people, there are also social campaigns
undertaken in collaboration with UNICEF.
With the title "Love Myself", BTS started a
series of social campaigns in early 2017. In
this project, BTS together with UNICEF
focused on handling various cases of violence
that occurred to young people, including self-
violence caused by mental illness or violence
against others, like bullying (Big Hit
Entertainment, n.d.).
In its implementation, this campaign is
promoted globally throughout the world with
its headquarters in Korea. Just as the Public
Communication Campaign theory discussed
in the previous theoretical framework, the
Love Myself Campaign has utilized social
marketing tactics to deliver awareness
messages to provide information about the
issue of mental health and also the instruction
message about what to do in order to face the
issue. Here, BTS uses several platforms to
spread the message of this campaign, such as
using #BTSLoveMyself on social media
Twitter, opening the Love Myself booth
around the BTS concert area and also raising
funds globally to help run the campaign to
schools and also as a grant to mental illness
patients. With the use of various platforms, it
can be seen how BTS strives to be able to
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 40
influence many people, both directly and
Last updated on 30 November 2019,
there were at least 2.6 billion of South Korean
Won or equal to 2.1 million dollar
accumulated funds collected from this
campaign. These funds were collected from a
number of events organized by BTS and
UNICEF itself, such as: 1) KRW 500 million
from Big Hit Entertainment and the seven
BTS members; 2) Donations of 3% of the
income from the sales of physical albums of
the Love Yourself series, 3) Donations of
100% of the income from the sales of official
goods for the LOVE MYSELF campaign , 4)
Donations installed by UNICEF, as well as
contributions from media partners such as 5)
LINE Donation Sticker, 6) Giveticon Cocoa,
7) Together with Cocoa, and 8) Happybean
(Big Hit Entertainment, n.d.).
Moreover, as for the use of
#BTSLoveMyself on Twitter, there were
11,811,497 tweets that occurred. In this
campaign activity on social media, it can be
seen how BTS and UNICEF share various
kinds of messages and promotions which are
shown in the form of videos, posters and
photos, as follows:
Responding to the implementation of this
campaign on Twitter, with the large number
of #BTSLoveMyself activities demonstrating
how high the public's enthusiasm is in
responding to it. In various forms of tweets on
Twitter, it can be seen how the message of
this campaign also ultimately succeeded in
influencing the way people think and act
towards themselves and others, that is more
positively. As an example of the tweet below:
From this #BTSLoveMyself activity,
it can be understood that more and more
people understand BTS's message to the
wider community, which is to be able to do
good to themselves, and also others, which is
a form of us loving ourselves.
In the end, it can be seen how this
campaign can run well and get success on the
activities that have been carried out, which is
the delivery of messages that received well by
the public. BTS here has also succeeded in
playing the role of a good public figure by
providing a good example for the public. On
another side, BTS's efforts in helping mental
health problems may be well done, also
public response may also have been achieved
well. However, it should be understood that
mental health will is actually the
responsibility of everyone to keep it positive.
Thus, it then becomes a hope that everyone
can remember BTS' messages that they have
received and always practice them on a daily
basis. Because a mental problem is a
challenge that will always be faced by
everyone. And in the end, with good
knowledge and support, everything will
depend on yourself again to win over the
Overall, the research on the impact of
BTS's efforts on Youth Mental Health is
limited to certain matters, such as only 3
sample songs from all 3 BTS albums that talk
about mentality, as well as listeners' opinions
taken from You-tube comments that cannot
be monitored its development. Therefore, it
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 2 Maret 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 41
can be said that this research has not been
able to draw final conclusions on the valid
impact of these BTS efforts on the lives of
their listeners over a long period of time.
In addition, this study also has not been able
to include a psychological perspective on how
songs or the efforts of musicians can
temporarily or permanently affect a person's
health, therefore, the author personally
believes that this research can still be
explored more in order to find out how these
BTS efforts can become a "therapy" session
for youth with mental health problems.
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