The Macro-Economic Effects
of Hurricanes
in The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
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The authors would like to thank Franklin Jesus Espiga, David Rosenblatt, Yuri Chakalall, Maria
Eugenia Roca, Marisela Canache, Tsuneki Hori, Jimena Vazquez, and Daniela Carrera Marquis for their
support and contributions to this study.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
This paper analyses the macroeconomic eects
of Hurricanes Joaquin (2015), Matthew (2016),
Irma (2017), and Dorian (2019) across dierent
islands in The Bahamas. The methodology used,
based on Zegarra et al. (2020), uses historical
night light intensity data between 2015 and 2019
and monthly GDP. The analysis is complemented
by a breakdown of the direct and indirect costs
by island that compiles the information in the four
Damages and Losses Assessments conducted
by the Economic Commission on Latin America
and the Caribbean and the Inter-American Deve-
lopment Bank. The results suggest, first, that the
year-to-year nominal growth rate in The Bahamas
decreased during the month and quarter of each
hurricane event, but that there was no contrac-
tion of the country’s growth rate in the year of the
event. However, all islands showed a significant
contraction in GDP after the start of the COVID-19
outbreak, which overlapped with the eects of
Hurricane Dorian. Second, large islands like New
Providence and Grand Bahama experienced lar-
ger GDP contractions following the hurricanes, but
no such clear pattern was obtained for the Family
Islands. Third, macroeconomic recovery times to
achieve pre-hurricane GDP levels took between
4-8 months on average for the four events stu-
died. Fourth, the composition of sectors aect-
ed by the events did not seem to have a major
eect on the severity of the economic shock. For
all the hurricanes studied, tourism, transport infras-
tructure, and housing were recurrently the most
aected sectors. Based on the findings of the
analysis, recommendations include the following:
(1) Make greater use of these methodologies to
study the macroeconomic eects of natural disas-
ters, supplemented by microeconomic, social, and
sector-specific studies; (2) Conduct further ana-
lysis of island-specific economic drivers and
post-hurricane economic eects; and (3) Promote
climate change adaptation and disaster risk ma-
nagement to reinforce macroeconomic resilience
in sectors that drive national GDP and to foster
resilience in sectors and on islands.
Executive Summary
The Macro-Economic Effects
of Hurricanes
in The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................1
2. Theoretical Context ........................................................................................................................4
3. Estimating the Macroeconomic Effects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas ......................6
3.1. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................6
3.2. Results ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Direct and Indirect Costs of Hurricanes: A Typology of Damage and Losses .............................13
Hurricane Joaquin ....................................................................................................................................................15
Hurricane Matthew ...................................................................................................................................................17
Hurricane Irma ...........................................................................................................................................................19
Hurricane Dorian .......................................................................................................................................................21
Summary .....................................................................................................................................................................23
4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1. Limitations of the Study .................................................................................................................................25
4.2. Recommendations ..........................................................................................................................................25
Annex 1. Data and Methodology .................................................................................................. 26
Annex 2. Luminosity Maps of Abaco, Grand Bahama, and New Providence ................ 31
Annex 3. Index of Tourism Arrivals and Economic Activity by Island ............................ 33
Annex 4. Indirect Cost Estimates ................................................................................................34
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
DaLA Damages and Losses Assessment
DMSP-OLS Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Lines-can System
DSoB Department of Statistics of The Bahamas
ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
EM-DAT Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters’ Emergency
Events Database
GDP Gross domestic product
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
IMF International Monetary Fund
NGDC National Geophysical Data Center
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
PCHIP Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial
UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization
VIIRS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
WTTC World Travel and Tourism Council
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
1. Introduction
The Bahamas is a Caribbean archipelago country
highly dependent on tourism. The country is com-
prised of approximately 700 islands and 2,400
cays, with a land area of approximately 13,900
km2 and 3,500 km of coastline spread over the
southwestern portion of the North Atlantic. Thirty
islands are inhabited and 70 percent of the popu-
lation is located in New Providence, according to
the 2010 Bahamas Census. The Bahamas is cat-
egorized as a high-income country, and it relies
primarily on tourism for its economic activity.
Tourism accounts for 43.3 percent of GDP (in-
cluding direct and indirect eects), 52.2 percent
of jobs, and 81.6 percent of total exports (WTTC
2019). Most tourism in The Bahamas is beach- and
cruise-based (UNWTO 2021).
Due to its geography and location in the Atlantic
hurricane belt, The Bahamas is extremely vulner-
able to natural disasters and climate change. Ap-
proximately 80 percent of the country’s land mass
is within 5 feet (1.5 meters) of sea level and most of
the population and economic activity are located
near the coast. The country is particularly vulner-
able to tropical cyclones and climate change be-
cause of the large territorial area that it is spread
across, its large number of low-lying archipelagic
islands surrounded by warm shallow seas, and its
dispersed population. The Bahamas has been hit
by 25 hurricanes over the past 25 years. Between
1963 and 2019, 14 of the most devastating hurri-
canes in The Bahamas occurred on average every
four years, had an average impact of 5.1 percent of
GDP, and aected over 29,600 people (Center for
Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters 2019;
ECLAC 2020b; IMF, various years); Mooney and
Rosenblatt 2019).
Note: The Family Islands refers to all islands in The Bahamas
(approximately 700 islands) excluding New Providence Island
and Grand Bahama Island.
The Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Figure 1.
Due to climate change, increased water tempera-
ture in the North Atlantic and Caribbean will like-
ly increase the average strength and frequency
of tropical cyclones (Holland and Bruyère 2014;
Balaguru et al. 2018). Sea-level rise induced by cli-
mate change, combined with the aforementioned
characteristics of tropical cyclones, will likely ex-
acerbate cyclone-induced storm surge and flood-
ing going forward, thus increasing The Bahamas’
exposure and risks to related natural hazards.
Although this paper focuses on the most recent
events, The Bahamas has historically been hit regu-
larly by hurricanes and tropical cyclones. Since
the beginning of the 20th century, The Bahamas
has been impacted by 55 hurricanes, of which 13
were high-intensity events (Category 3 and high-
er). This paper focuses on the four most recent
Category 4 and 5 hurricanes for which a Dama-
ges and Losses Assessment (DaLA) was conduct-
ed by the Economic Commission for Latin Amer-
ica and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB) (Table 1):
Hurricanes Joaquin (2015), Matthew (2016), Irma
(2017), and Dorian (2019).
Hurricane Joaquin formed rapidly and impac-
ted the south-eastern Bahamas as a Category 4
hurricane between September 30 and October 2,
2015. Joaquin had sustained wind speeds of more
than 120 mph (210 km/h) and remained station-
ary over several islands for more than 36 hours.
The sparsely populated Acklins Island, Crooked
Island, Long Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador
Island were the most aected. Prolonged high
winds and storm surge resulted in widespread
damage and flooding that persisted for days after
the hurricane’s departure. The rapid arrival of Hur-
ricane Joaquin provided little time for warning,
preparedness, or evacuation.
Hurricane Matthew impacted the primary eco-
nomic and population centres of The Bahamas as
a Category 3 and 4 hurricane in October 2016.
Matthew had been anticipated for days, provid-
ing ample time to warn the public, prepare, and
evacuate/shelter people in advance of the hurri-
cane’s landfall. Andros, Grand Bahama, and New
Providence were the most aected islands. Spe-
cifically, the hurricane had the greatest eect on
the country’s population centres, namely New
Providence (Nassau), Grand Bahama (Freeport)
and the district of North Andros. Damages were
mainly caused by high winds and storm surges
and were exacerbated by construction practices
and the presence of infrastructure and commu-
nities in vulnerable locations. Given the extensive
damage to the United States, additional resources
to support recovery eorts in The Bahamas were
delayed (ECLAC 2020a).
Hurricane Irma impacted the Southern Bahamas
islands as a Category 5 hurricane in September
2017, hitting the country on September 7 with
sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km/h). It then
weakened to a Category 4 storm, with sustained
winds of 150 mph (240 km/h) before its centre
passed over Ragged Island on September 8. Ack-
lins, Inagua (Great Inagua), and Ragged Island in
the south-eastern part of The Bahamas, as well as
Bimini and Grand Bahama in the north, were the
most aected. Fortunately, the country’s timely
warning systems allowed for the evacuation of
people in advance. Most of the damage resulted
from excess rainfall, storm surge, and flooding
(ECLAC 2017). Ragged Island, where Irma’s eye
passed, was the most heavily aected. An esti-
mated 90 percent of buildings were destroyed or
severely damaged in Duncan Town. The primary
cause of damage to the island was high wind, as
most of the settled area is elevated above areas
that were aected by storm surge. In Grand Baha-
ma and Bimini, marine facilities and coastal hou-
ses were mostly aected from storm surges and
isolated tornados.
Hurricane Dorian made landfall on Abaco on Sep-
tember 1, 2019, and then reached Grand Bahama
as a Category 5 storm the next day. Dorian was
the strongest hurricane on record to ever hit The
Bahamas. The hurricane made landfall in Abaco
with minimum sustained winds of 185 mph (280
km/h), then moved to the eastern side of Grand
Bahama as a Category 5 storm on September 2,
stalling over the island and then finally leaving the
next day. The central and northern parts of Aba-
co were aected by hurricane force winds, storm
surge, and flooding. Northern and Central Abaco
and Eastern Grand Bahama were the most aec-
ted parts of these islands, and there was also
some damage on the island of New Providence.
Storm surge and flooding caused the most severe
damage. Reconstruction was aected by the on-
set of the COVID-19 pandemic a few months later,
which has resulted in many lives lost and a stall of
economic activity across the country.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
This paper analyses the macroeconomic eects
of Hurricanes Joaquin, Matthew, Irma, and Dorian
in The Bahamas across dierent islands. The
eects were reconstructed and back-analysed
using historical night light intensity data between
2015 and 2019, and monthly GDP by island, prior
to and immediately after each of the four hurri-
canes hit. This analysis is complemented with a
breakdown of the direct and indirect costs of the
hurricanes by island, compiling the information in
the DaLAs for these four events. DaLAs provide
a systematic and comparable account of the di-
rect and indirect costs by sector related to each
hurricane. They are based on the best available
information obtained through government sour-
ces, interviews, and site visits. They are performed
under time constraints within a few weeks after
the disaster.
Section 2 of this paper presents the theoretical
context of the analysis of the economic impact of
natural disasters and provides a summary of the
literature available on the topic.
Section 3 analyses the intensity and length of the
economic impact of the four hurricanes on The
Bahamas using the satellite data on light intensity.
It also presents a breakdown of costs based on
the DaLAs. The final section presents the conclu-
sions of the paper.
Sources: Associated Press (2019); and authors’ calculations.
Note: Islands highlighted in bold are the two with the greatest damage (direct costs) based on Damages and Losses Assessments.
High-Category Hurricanes that Have Hit The Bahamas, 2015–2019
Table 1.
Hurricane Joaquin
Hurricane Matthew
Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Dorian
Acklins Island, Crooked Island, Exuma and Cays,
Long Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador Island
Andros Island, Grand Bahama Island, and New
Acklins Island, Andros Island, Bimini Islands,
Grand Bahama Island, Inagua, and Ragged Island
Abaco Island, Grand Bahama Island
Name Category Aected Islands
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
2. Theoretical Context
The literature on the economic impact of natural
disasters has grown quickly in recent years. Most
existing empirical evidence focuses on the short-
run eects of disasters – up to three years – with
an overall consensus that natural disasters hinder
per capita income and growth (Felbermayr and
Gröschl 2014; Raddatz 2009; Strobl 2012). Noy
(2009) further analyses some of the structural and
institutional traits of a country that exacerbate the
negative eect of disasters, concluding that coun-
tries with higher per capita income, better ins-
titutions, a higher literacy rate, greater openness
to trade, higher levels of government spending,
more foreign exchange reserves, and higher levels
of domestic credit and less open capital accounts
are better able to withstand an initial shock and
more eectively prevent further spillovers. This
contrasts with earlier work by Albala-Bertrand
(1993) and Skidmore and Toya (2002), who oc-
casionally find positive impacts on growth from
natural disasters. Loayza et al. (2012) highlight
that these positive impacts may be recorded for
smaller disasters (reflecting the post-disaster re-
construction stimulus), whereas large disasters al-
ways have negative eects on the economy in the
short run. Beyond growth, natural disasters have
also been shown to hinder investment and savings
and lead to higher debt accumulation.
There is less consensus on the long-run eects of
natural disasters – usually more than five years.
There is also a scarcity of research in this area,
partly due to the diculty of constructing ap-
propriate counterfactuals. The scarce evidence
also shows mixed results. On the one hand, some
studies identify a rebound in economic activity
due to rebuilding and the resumption of econo-
mic activity, which can erase losses from a disas-
ter. On the other hand, Noy and Nualsri (2007) find
negative growth impacts of natural disasters with
high casualty numbers but no significant eects
of disasters damaging the capital stock. Simi-
lar results are reported by Jaramillo (2009). Cres-
po Cuaresma, Hlouskova, and Obersteiner (2008)
attempted to investigate this creative destruction
hypothesis empirically and concluded that it most
likely only occurs in countries with high per capita
income. Finally, other studies found no statistically
significant eects of natural disasters on growth
(Raddatz 2009). Cavallo et al. (2010) conclude
that long-run eects on growth only occur if the
natural disaster is followed by a radical political
revolution (such as the Islamic Iranian Revolution
of 1979 or the Sandinista Nicaraguan Revolution of
1979). However, Raddatz (2009) finds that clima-
tic disasters have a negative long-run impact on
economic growth, but highlights that most of the
output cost of those events occurs during the year
of the disaster. There is also a fairly broad body of
empirical evidence that generally finds negative
and delayed recovery eects in the aftermath of
natural disasters. For example, Coman and Noy
(2012) analysed the long-term impact of Hurri-
cane Iniki (1992) on the economy of a Hawaiian is-
land and found that it took almost seven years for
the island’s economy to return to its pre-hurricane
per capita income level, and that the island never
fully recovered from the disaster’s out-migration
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Traditional data sources and methods for study-
ing natural disasters have limitations. The vast
majority of existing studies rely on the Centre for
Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters’ Emer-
gency Events Database (EM-DAT). However, as
Strobl (2012) argues, the EM-DAT data are collec-
ted from various sources and there is potential that
the dataset may have measurement divergences.
Moreover, most empirical studies of the growth ef-
fects of natural disasters regress GDP growth on
a number of control variables (such as the saving
rate, fertility, or human capital) and add a measure
of disaster frequency or severity to the estimation
equation. As the eect of natural disasters on eco-
nomic growth might work through these control
variables, an “overcontrolling problem” is likely to
occur, which might result in insignificant eects
(Dell, Jones, and Olken 2014).
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
3. Estimating the Macro-
economic Eects of Hurricanes
in The Bahamas
This study presents a novel approach to identify
the economic eect of hurricanes in The Bahamas
through the use of satellite night light data. The
methodology follows numerous research studies
using luminosity measured from space to proxy
for economic activity, where the brightest areas
depict locations of high activity (Amavilah 2018;
Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin 2016; Nordhaus and
Chen 2015; Henderson et al. 2012). Moreover, the
IDB has used luminosity data to analyse the bene-
ficial eects of coastal infrastructure in Barbados
(Corral et al. 2018) and to study the patterns of
poverty and inequality in Haiti (Pokhriyal et al.
2020). This study uses the variation in the ave-
rage brightness of the night lights on each island
to estimate the variation of economic activity be-
fore and after hurricanes hit The Bahamas.
To estimate the eect of hurricanes on the Bahami-
an economy, datasets were constructed to gene-
rate an economic activity index (Zegarra et al.
2020). First, a database with satellite imagery of
luminosity was constructed for The Bahamas with
data obtained through the National Geophysical
Data Center of the U.S. National Oceanic and At-
mospheric Administration (NOAA).
Second, a
population density series was developed for each
island by applying the Piecewise Cubic Hermite
Interpolating Polynomial to the population cen-
suses of 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Third, lumi-
nosity levels and population density parameters
of a production function were estimated. Fourth,
The disaggregation of GDP by island confirms
that New Providence contributes on average
three-quarters of The Bahamas’ GDP and has
the strongest eect on the trajectory of nation-
al GDP. New Providence’s weight on national GDP
has averaged 73.4 percent of the total over the
past 28 years. Comparatively, Grand Bahama and
the Family Islands accounted for 14.3 percent and
12.3 percent of GDP, respectively, over the same
period (The Family Islands refers to all islands in
The Bahamas (approximately 700 islands) exclud-
ing New Providence Island and Grand Bahama Is-
land). On the Family Islands, 80 percent of GDP
is concentrated in five islands (Abaco, Andros,
3.1. Methodology
3.2. Results
a proxy of the GDP by island for 2013 was estima-
ted, taking into account that 2013 is the latest avai-
lable household survey that reports income and
expenses. Finally, an economic activity index was
generated considering the base year and thereby
estimating the GDP for the entire period of analy-
sis (see Annex 1 for more details on the data and
methodology). A similar approach to the metho-
dology was utilized to estimate a monthly econo-
mic activity index by island. The monthly econom-
ic activity index was calculated for the period from
January 2013 to May 2020, taking into account
that monthly basis maps are only available from
2013 onward A quarterly basis economic activity
index was estimated by aggregating the results
of the monthly-basis economic activity index by
calendar-year quarters.
1. As an example, Annex 2 shows maps of the night lights captured by satellites in Abaco and Grand Bahama before, during, and
after Hurricane Dorian struck the islands. The images for May 2020 show that the lights had not fully recovered from their pre-
hurricane levels in 2019.
2. Recently, NOAA discontinued the publication of a group of products, including the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer (VIIRS)
night light maps that were used in this study. Those maps are now publicly available through the academic sector at the Colorado
School of Mines at
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Eleuthera, Exuma-Cays, and Long Island), with the
greatest GDP share shifting over time between
various Family islands. As seen in Figure 2, the
weight of New Providence on national GDP in-
creased, from 72.8 percent in 1992 to 73.8 percent
in 2019. Similarly, the Family Islands increased
their GDP share from 12.2 percent in 1992 to 12.4
percent in 2019.
Comparatively, Grand Bahama’s
share has declined from 15 percent in 1992 to 13.8
percent in 2019. This downward trend has shar-
pened since 2016 and would suggest that recovery
and reconstruction eorts after Matthew (2016),
Irma (2017), and Dorian (2019) were not su-
cient on this island to enable it to recover to the
pre-hurricane growth trajectory, reducing the
Source: Prepared by the authors based on the methodology
and databases explained in Annex 1.
Regional GDP as a Share of Total GDP in The
Bahamas, 1992–2020
Figure 2.
1992 1995
New Providence Grand Bahama Family Islands
2000 2005 2010 2015 2019
Source: Prepared by the authors based on the methodology
and databases explained in Annex 1.
Family Island GDP as a Share of Total Family
Islands’ GDP, 1992–2020
Figure 3.
1992 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2019
Exuma and Cays
Spanish Wells
Cat Island
Harbour Island
Ragged Island
Crooked Island
Rum Cay
Berry Islands
Long Island
San Salvador
3. The Family Islands are made up of 17 administrative regions.
potential growth of the economy. These types
of eects have been studied in Hsiang and Jina
(2014), Lee, Zhang, and Nguyen (2018), Hochrai-
ner (2009), and IDB et al. (2004). Comparative-
ly, as seen in Figure 3, the islands of Abaco and
Exuma-Cays increased their share of GDP; while
the islands of Andros, Eleuthera, and Long
Island reduced their share. For example, Abaco in-
creased its share in the GDP of the Family Islands
from 23.2 percent in 1992 to 30.2 percent in 2019,
while Andros’s share declined from 21.5 percent
in 1992 to 13.8 percent in 2019. In the case of the
Family Islands, there is therefore no clear pattern
relating the incidence of hurricanes to the share of
the islands’ economic activity on GDP.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Figures 4 and 5 show the dynamic evolution of
GDP between 1992 and 2020.
Overall, The Ba-
hamas has had a positive growth trajectory since
1992 that decelerated from 2000 onward. Grand
Bahama in particular shows stagnating growth
trend since 2001 (except for a period between
2004 and 2007), compared to New Providence,
the Family Islands, and The Bahamas as a whole
(Figure 4). Of the Family Islands, Exuma-Cays has
had the strongest growth trajectory since 1992,
followed by Abaco (Figure 5). Interestingly, both
Grand Bahama and the Family Islands had a re-
duction in GDP growth in 2016, which is not seen
for New Providence, coinciding with the arrival of
Hurricane Matthew. The figure also suggests that,
4. These series are indexed to 1992.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on the methodology and
databases explained in Annex 1.
Evolution of Nominal GDP in The Bahamas,
1992–2020 (Index, 1992 = 100)
Figure 4.
New Providence Grand Bahama
Family Islands The Bahamas
Source: Authors’ calculations based on the methodology and
databases explained in Annex 1.
Evolution of Nominal GDP in the Family Islands,
1992–2020 (Index, 1992 = 100)
Figure 5.
Exuma and Cays
Spanish Wells
Cat Island
Harbour Island
Ragged Island
Crooked Island
Rum Cay
Berry Islands
Long Island
San Salvador
despite the damage and losses due to Hurricane
Dorian in 2019, New Providence, Grand Baha-
ma, and the Family Islands experienced positive
growth rates for that year. This could be explained
by the significant increase in tourist arrivals in 2019
with respect to previous years (both for stopovers
and cruise passengers), which could have crow-
ded out the negative eect of the hurricane. Fi-
gure 5 suggests that there is no discernible eect
of hurricanes on the growth trajectory of indivi-
dual islands within the Family Islands. For exam-
ple, Hurricane Irma in 2017 had no negative eect
on most of the islands that are listed in Table 1,
which would seem counter-intuitive.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
An analysis using monthly data also yields mixed
results. Figure 6 shows indexes of the evolution
of GDP for The Bahamas, New Providence, and
the Family Islands between January 2013 and May
The monthly data do seem to show a nega-
tive eect from three out of the four hurricanes
for all sets of islands. There is a slight negative
eect for larger islands, such as New Providence
and Grand Bahama. However, this eect does not
seem to be present for the Family Islands. As with
the yearly series, the results suggest that the path
of GDP of New Providence is a strong determinant
of the overall outcome of the country as a whole.
The series also show great levels of seasonality
due to tourist activity (with the exception of the
Family Islands).
Overall, islands experience a decrease in the year-
to-year nominal growth rate during the month and
quarter of a hurricane impact event, but do not
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: Vertical lines correspond to the month of occurrence of Hurricanes Joaquin (2015), Matthew (2016), Irma (2017), and Dorian
Monthly GDP of The Bahamas, New Providence, Grand Bahama, and the Family Islands, 2013–2020
(Index, January 2013 = 100)
Figure 6.
5. The methodology to estimate these series is described in Annex 1.
6. In The Bahamas, the high season for tourism runs from December to May, when most tourists visit the archipelago. The rest of
the year is hurricane season, when there is a greater chance that the islands will be hit by tropical cyclones.
7. The average length of time for recovery from Hurricane Dorian is not included because it overlaps the eects of the COVID-19
crisis. According to our estimates, Grand Bahama recovered its pre-hurricane levels in January 2020, but its GDP dropped below
hurricane levels after the pandemic started.
show a contraction of the growth rate in the year
of the event. As seen in Table 2, given the yearly
frequency of hurricanes, the year-to-year growth
rates appear to reflect the cumulative eects of
the events, which do not appear to have a subs-
tantial eect on GDP.
New Providence and Grand Bahama experience
larger GDP contractions following major hurri-
canes than the Family Islands (Table 2). On ave-
rage, the Family Islands showed positive GDP
growth rates after Hurricanes Joaquin, Matthew,
Irma, and Dorian. Excluding Dorian, The Bahamas
takes an average of 4.5 months to economically
recover to its pre-hurricane GDP levels.
The pro-
cess of macroeconomic recovery (understood as
a return to the pre-hurricane GDP level) has not
been the same for each hurricane and has ranged
from four months after Hurricane Irma to eight
months after Hurricane Matthew. Moreover, the
New Providence Grand Bahama Family Islands The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Average New Providence
Grand Bahama
Family Islands
The Bahamas
New Providence
Grand Bahama
Family Islands (1)
The Bahamas
New Providence
Grand Bahama
Family Islands (5)
The Bahamas
New Providence
Grand Bahama
Family Islands (1)
The Bahamas
macroeconomic recovery time and the eect of
hurricanes on growth vary across islands. This pro-
cess seems to depend on the size of the economy
of each island, the sectors and businesses present,
population movement, recovery plans, and poli-
tical decisions. For instance, it took around two
months for the Family Islands aected by Hurri-
cane Joaquin to return to their pre-disaster GDP
8. It is one thing is to return to pre-hurricane levels of monthly activity; it is another to return to the pre-hurricane trend. The latter
does not seem to have been the case, and as a result there is still lost growth (ceteris paribus).
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Note: Islands in italics are those impacted by the hurricane, with the number in parentheses indicating the number of Family
islands impacted.
Eect of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Table 2.
Joaquin New Providence
Grand Bahama
Family Islands (6)
The Bahamas
Nominal Growth Rate (year-over-year; percent)
Year Quarter Month
level, while for Grand Bahama it took six months
for that recovery after Hurricane Matthew. It
should be noted that the time for GDP to return to
its pre-hurricane levels may not reflect physical in-
frastructure, community, micro-economic, social,
and livelihood recovery times for The Bahamas as
a whole or for any individual island.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
The economic indicator results presented in this
section suggest that hurricanes disrupt the eco-
nomic activity in the short term (<5 years), yet
other methodologies would be needed to assess
long-term eects (>5 years). Although the analy-
sis finds positive annual growth rates in the year
of these events, The Bahamas suers significant
damage and losses after natural disasters. It takes
years to recover, especially if damage is incurred
to the economic centres of New Providence and
Grand Bahama. It also takes longer to recover
when the events are closely spaced in time. There
are also substantial budget requirements to cover
hurricane-related expenses that involve redirec-
ting government and private resources that could
have been used for other initiatives to increase
productivity or foster development. This would
also have long-term investment, debt, and growth
eects on the country. A counterfactual scenario
on the growth rate, which is beyond the scope of
this paper, could provide a more accurate estimate
of the loss in growth due to hurricanes. Future re-
search could aim at building such counterfactu-
al scenarios at the island level to quantify these
kinds of eects.
Based on the results presented in this section,
Bahamian islands, particularly larger ones, show
an economic contraction in the month or quar-
ter of the disaster event, but this eect dissipates
in the annual estimates. Using yearly data, New
Providence and Grand Bahama do seem to show
modest changes in their GDP weight and growth
trajectories that could be associated with recent
hurricanes. However, no such evidence seems to
be available for the Family Islands. Using month-
ly data, the analysis also finds a slight negative
eect for larger islands such as New Providence
and Grand Bahama, but no discernible eects for
the Family Islands. Finally, when economic con-
tractions for the month, quarter, and year of the
event are compared, the analysis finds more preva-
lent negative eects for the month and quar-
ter but not for the year. The reasons for this are
complex and require more disaggregated data
by island to conduct a quantitative analysis
using counterfactual scenarios. For this reason,
the following paragraphs present various hypoth-
eses that could help explain these results.
Tourism flows could be osetting the eect of the
natural disaster in yearly estimates. Tourist arri-
vals, which are comprised of foreign air arrivals
and cruise passengers, are highly correlated with
the index on economic activity for The Bahamas.
In particular, cruise passenger trends are highly
correlated with the index on economic activity in
the Family Islands (87.9 percent),
New Providence
(87.1 percent), and Grand Bahama (60.4 percent)
(Annex 3).
Overall, cruise passengers increased
at an average pace of 3.5 percent from 1998 to
2019. New Providence hosts one of the world’s
busiest cruise ship ports and receives around 38
percent of the first port-of-entry cruise passen-
gers who visit the country.
The Family Islands
show the largest average growth rate of cruise
passengers (9 percent) compared to New Provi-
dence (4.9 percent) and Grand Bahama (2.2
Looking at historical arrivals data, tourism arri-
vals do not fall in the years covered in this study –
between 1998 and 2019, tourist arrivals only con-
tracted during the 2008–2009 global financial
crisis (Annex 3). There also seem to be substitu-
tion eects across islands, which could mitigate
the overall tourism eect for the whole territory.
For example, the number of cruise passengers de-
clined in 2015 in New Providence, but increased in
Grand Bahama, suggesting substitution of tourism
demand between these destinations. Qualitative
evidence would suggest that this can also happen
at a regional level. For example, numerous Cari-
bbean islands were impacted by back-to-back hu-
rricanes in 2017 (Hurricanes Irma and Maria). While
The Bahamas was hit by Irma, the tourism sector
in New Providence and Grand Bahama did not suf-
fer major damage. Thus, it is possible that tourist
and cruise ship travel from other Caribbean island
destinations may have been redirected to The
9. Due to the limited availability of data on tourist arrivals, the estimates on correlations for the Family Islands only include Abaco,
Andros, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Inagua, Long Islands, and San Salvador.
10. However, the correlations with foreign air arrivals show mixed results. While New Providence (70.7 percent) and the Family
Islands (82.3 percent) show a positive correlation between foreign tourist arrivals and the index on economic activity, Grand Ba-
hama (-80 percent) shows a negative correlation. Over the years, the number of cruise passengers has outweighed foreign air
arrivals. In 1998, half of the visitors were cruise passengers, whereas in 2019 they represented 75 percent of tourist arrivals.
11. Average share of yearly arrivals from 2015–2019.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Bahamas, with a positive eect on GDP. Annex 3
also reveals that the Family Islands have experi-
enced a sharp increase in cruise passenger arri-
vals since 2017, suggesting that this eect could
be osetting the eect of hurricanes in recent
Strong tourism promotion campaigns fo-
llowing natural disasters, and the authorities’ close
coordination with resort/hotel, cruise ship, port,
and aviation operators, could have been factors
behind these trends. Therefore, rising tourism arri-
vals in recent years, irrespective of natural disas-
ters, could have overcome the negative economic
eect of hurricanes.
Highly correlated monthly economic activity in-
dexes among the Family Islands could mitigate
the economic eects of disasters on some of
these islands. The results suggest that the month-
ly index of economic activity for New Providence
is positively and significantly correlated with the
indexes in Grand Bahama and Harbour Island, but
not significantly correlated with those of the rest
of the Family Islands. The correlation matrix also
shows that Grand Bahama is negatively and signifi-
cantly correlated with the Family Islands. Although
still relatively small, economic activity on the Fam-
ily Islands is increasing and is positively correlated
among the islands, likely because of island-hop-
ping services oered both to resort-based and
cruise passengers. The mechanism behind these
correlations can be explained by two patterns: (1)
most of the country’s economic activity is concen-
trated in New Providence, and (2) economic acti-
vity in the Family Islands is highly connected.
Regarding the first pattern, most resort and
hotel-based tourism is concentrated in New Prov-
idence. Despite representing a lower proportion of
tourist arrivals, this concentration generates more
international tourism receipts compared to cruise-
based tourism.
For example, in 2019, resort and
hotel-based tourists represented only one-fourth
of total tourist arrivals, but those visitors spent
more time (an average length of stay of 6.4 days),
they accounted for more more total expenditure
(US$3.73 billion), and a higher average expen-
diture per tourist (US$2,070).
In comparison,
cruise passengers, who account for 75 percent of
tourist arrivals, accounted for total expenditure of
US$393 million and an average expenditure per
cruise-based tourist of US$72 (UNWTO 2021). In
addition, New Providence concentrates around
half of the country’s cruise-based tourism.
As a
result, tourism activity in New Providence likely
represents a large component of the value added
in the economy.
With respect to the second pattern – that econo-
mic activity in the Family Islands is highly connec-
ted – tourists can travel across the islands through
arranged boat tour packages, ferries, and short
air trips. These services are predominantly used
for daytrips, with tourists spending most of their
stay in New Providence resorts and hotels.
The economic eect of hurricanes could be rela-
ted to the type of infrastructure and sectors aec-
ted by the event. If infrastructure is aected in
key sectors of an island’s economy, the economic
eects are likely to be larger. Recovery and re-
sumption of business activities could also be
delayed as insurance claims are settled and sub-
sequent repair/reconstruction works are under-
taken. Yet in the case of Family Islands, even if key
sectors are aected, high levels of correlation and
substitution eects (particularly among the Fa-
mily Islands themselves) could provide relief from
high direct and indirect costs associated with ex-
tensive losses and damages due to a natural disas-
ter. Heavy and extensive damage to a Family Is-
land may shift economic activities and population
to other islands, stimulating GDP activity on those
islands, combined with a surge of physical and fi-
nancial resources to the aected island to support
recovery activities. To oer greater insight on this
point, the next section uses a review of the DaLAs
12. These results only run up to 2019, before the COVID-19 crisis.
13. International tourism receipts are expenditures by international inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for in-
ternational transport. These receipts include any other prepayment made for goods or services received in the destination country.
14. Stopovers are defined as persons staying for 24 hours or more. Hotel visitors help to make up the stopover visitors.
15. In 2019, New Providence received 78.4 percent of foreign air arrivals (visitors who come to the destination by air, which may
include stopover visitors, day visitors, and transit visitors) and 51.7 percent of sea arrivals (visitors who come to the destination by
sea, i.e., cruise arrivals and boaters/yachters). Most hospitality capacity was also concentrated in New Providence (79.4 percent of
available rooms). Grand Bahama accounted for 3.1 percent of foreign air arrivals, 8.5 percent of sea arrivals, and 9.1 percent of the
available rooms in the country. The outer islands accounted for 18.5 percent of foreign air arrivals, 39.8 percent of sea arrivals, and
the remaining 11.5 percent of rooms (UNWTO 2021).
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
to provide an overview of the estimated costs,
sector eects, and characteristics of each of the
four major hurricanes that are the subject of this
This section breaks down the volume and compo-
sition of costs incurred in each of the four hurri-
canes, distinguishing between direct and indirect
costs. Pelling, Özerdem, and Barakat (2002) and
ECLAC (2003) introduced a typology of disaster
impacts used by Cavallo et al. (2010) that distin-
guishes between direct and indirect damage due
to natural disasters. Direct damage includes da-
mage to fixed assets and capital, raw materials,
extractable resources, and morbidity and mortali-
ty that is a direct consequence of the disaster. In-
direct damage is related to subsequent economic
activity that cannot take place due to the disaster
and the redistribution of resources in the after-
math of the disaster.
Costs are calculated based on the DaLAs pu-
blished by ECLAC and the IDB. ECLAC is one of
the main international actors in conducting post-
disaster assessments,
and ECLAC and the IDB
completed four comprehensive and publicly avail-
able DaLAs in The Bahamas following the four
major hurricanes that are the subject of this study:
Joaquin, Matthew, Irma, and Dorian. These assess-
ments estimate disaster impacts and costs as well
as post-disaster sector-specific funding needs,
and also provide recommendations for recovery,
reconstruction, and short- and long-term disaster
risk reduction and management. The methodolo-
gy includes an estimate of the eects of the disas-
ter on assets (damage) and economic flows (loss-
es and additional costs). Other organizations, such
as the World Bank, have also developed damage
assessment methodologies, but this study uses
3.3 Direct and Indirect Costs
of Hurricanes: A Typology of
Damage and Losses
ECLAC’s assessment methodologies due to the
availability of consistent and methodologically
comparable assessments for The Bahamas for the
four hurricanes.
The DaLA methodology breaks down the impact
of natural disasters into damage, losses, and ad-
ditional costs. The damage assessment estimates
the eect of the disaster on assets, expressed in
monetary terms. These assets include physical
assets (such as buildings, installations, machi-
nery, furnishings, roads, etc.) and stocks of final
or semi-finished goods, raw material, materials,
and spare parts.
We equate damages to direct
costs, as defined in Cavallo & Noy (2009). Losses
are goods that go unproduced and services that
are unprovided during the period between the
disaster and full recovery or reconstruction. For
example, harvests might be reduced, industrial
production might decline, or revenues might be
Losses can take place due both to as-
set damage, and thus be longer term, and to tem-
porary activity disruption. For example, one result
of the disaster may be in the form of additional
The estimates are obtained by com-
paring the outlook after the disaster with a base-
line that represents the counterfactual evolution
of each sector if the disaster had not occurred.
These additional costs are not associated with the
definitions used by the rest of the literature and
are therefore not included in this section.
The DaLA methodology provides rapid initial es-
timates of the damage and losses with recom-
mended actions to inform disaster response and
strategic planning. First, these assessments pro-
vide an early initial baseline estimate of damage
and losses to approximate the scale of the disaster
and the initial response/recovery resources need-
ed for each sector, based on the best available
information at the time of the field assessment.
The aim is for governments to then perform ad-
ditional detailed assessments to track and predict
medium- and long-term costs. Second, these
16. Since 1972, ECLAC has participated in 90 assessments of the social, environmental, and economic eects of disasters in 28
countries in Latin America and Caribbean. The agency has also published three methodological handbooks on the estimation of
damage and losses from disasters.
17. Damage is expressed in monetary terms estimated using the physical scale of the eect and a price to convert it into a value.
Damage is also measured relative to a baseline or pre-disaster situation, which is constructed using pre-disaster information on
the assets of dierent sectors.
18. Losses are a dynamic measure of flows, and their repercussions may persist over a length of time spanning beyond the time of
the valuation and could therefore be underestimated in the DaLA.
19. This includes additional spending associated with managing the emergency.
20. National accounts treat these flows dierently, as additional expenditures represent a temporary increase in the intermediate
consumption of a sector for a good or service restoration, which reduces its value added.
Additional costs
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Not included or used
Source: Authors’ compilation based on Cavallo & Noy (2009) and various DaLA reports.
Sources: ECLAC (2016, 2017, 2020a, 2020b); and International Monetary Fund, October 2020 World Economic Outlook.
Comparisons between the Terminology Used in Cavallo & Noy (2009) and the Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in its Damages and Losses Assessments (DaLAs)
Total Direct and Indirect Costs per Hurricane
Table 3.
Table 4.
ECLAC DaLA Terminology
Joaquin (2015)
Millions of
U.S. Dollars
Millions of
U.S. Dollars
Millions of
U.S. Dollars
Millions of
U.S. Dollars
of GDP
of GDP
of GDP
of GDP
Direct costs
Direct costs
Cavallo et al. (2010) Terminology
Matthew (2016) Irma (2017) Dorian (2019)
assessments appear to capture high-level eects.
Third, DaLAs incorporate numerous assump-
tions that are appropriate for short-term damage
and loss estimates, and that can be revised by
the aected government once more detailed
assessments are performed. Table 4 presents a
summary value of direct and indirect costs for
Hurricanes Joaquin, Matthew, Irma, and Dorian.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Based on the 2015 DaLA, Hurricane Joaquin
caused US$104.8 million in direct costs, mostly
to roads, telecommunications and housing.
greatest direct costs were incurred on Long Is-
land (34 percent of direct costs, US$35.7million),
Acklins (25 percent of direct costs, US$26.5 mi-
llion), and San Salvador (19 percent of firect costs,
US$19.6 million). Damage to infrastructure was
the most prevalent, accounting for 53 percent of
all direct costs. Within infrastructure, roads were
the most aected subsector due to remote loca-
tions and weak pre-existing conditions. The tele-
communications subsector was the second most
aected sector, with direct damage reaching 20
percent of the network, valued at US$20.7 mi-
llion. In Rum Cay, the hurricane interrupted the
provision of electricity and telecommunications,
and the docks were also aected, which hindered
relief eorts. Social sectors were the next most
aected sector, accounting for 36 percent of all
direct costs (US$37.9 million), with the vast ma-
jority of that damage to housing infrastructure.
The productive sector incurred 11 percent of di-
rect costs (US$11.2 million), predominantly in the
tourism subsector.
Most direct costs related to
telecommunications were due to fallen lines and
utility poles. Rum Cay suered an island-wide loss
of both mobile and wired services and damage to
fibre and copper cables and utility poles.
Joaquin generated US$9.7 million in indirect
costs, mostly in the tourism and social sectors.
Indirect costs were mostly caused in San Salva-
dor (48 percent of indirect costs, US$4.6 million)
and Long Island (37 percent, US$3.5 million). Rum
Cay was the smallest island in size and population
aected and therefore incurred the lowest cost
(34 percent, US$4.4 million). Its productive sector,
however, incurred the highest indirect costs (51
percent, US$4.9 million). This was exacerbated by
road = damage, which indirectly aected tourism
services and, through that impact, employment.
The next most aected sector in terms of indirect
Hurricane Joaquin
costs was the social sector (28 percent of total in-
direct costs US$2.7 million), while the infrastruc-
ture sector accounted for 14 percent of indirect
costs (US$1.3 million).
The total population aected by Joaquin reached
5,028, of which 61.5 percent were on Long Island,
18.7 percent on San Salvador, and 11.24 percent
on Acklins. Northern dwellings on Acklins were
the most severely aected by the storm. The most
inhabited dwellings on the east side of Crooked
Island were the most severely aected, which
showed how widespread the eect of the hurri-
cane was on the island’s population. The entire
population was impacted by the interruption of
water services. The south was the most damaged
part of the island. The entire population of Rum
Cay Island was aected due to electricity and tele-
communications disruptions. San Salvador also
recorded damage to dwellings across the whole
island. A large number of persons were tempo-
rarily relocated to New Providence, exacerbating
pre-hurricane depopulation trends that had been
taking place prior to the disaster.
21. Due to logistics, the DaLA team was unable to meet with the authorities in Rum Cay. Information for this island was compiled
with data from the government of The Bahamas.
22. The only aected islands with a port of entry were Long Island and San Salvador. With the exception of Club Med in San
Salvador, the hotels on the aected islands were small-scale establishments, most of which did not have insurance or financing
mechanisms to respond to the damage, which likely delayed reconstruction. Club Med was the largest private sector asset to be
directly impacted by Hurricane Joaquin.
Note: Categories with 0% have been omitted from the labels.
Source: ECLAC (2016).
Total Direct and Indirect Costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane Joaquin by Sector and Island
Figure 7.
Public buildings
Water and sewerage
a. Total Direct Costs by Sector
Crooked Island
Long Island
Rum Cay
San Salvador
b. Total Direct Costs by Island
Water and sewerage
c. Total Indirect Costs by Sector
Crooked Island
Long Island
Rum Cay
San Salvador
d. Total Indirect Costs by Island
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Total direct costs to The Bahamas as a result of
Hurricane Matthew reached US$373.9 million. Of
the total direct costs, 54.5 percent was in the so-
cial sector, 10.2 percent in infrastructure, 34.8 per-
cent in productive sectors, and 0.5 percent in en-
vironment sectors. Housing was severely aected
by Hurricane Matthew, reaching US$200.1 million
(53.5 percent) in direct costs on New Providence,
Grand Bahama, Andros, and the Berry Islands.
Many costs to infrastructure were due to non-
compliance with structural criteria (inadequate
reinforcement or the concrete mix used). Direct
costs in the telecommunications sectors were es-
timated at US$9.9 million (2.6 percent), while di-
rect costs to the energy sector were estimated at
US$16.4 million (4.3 percent), mostly as a result
of high winds. Grand Bahama was the most aec-
ted by power outages, which continued over five
weeks after the event. Direct costs to the water
and sanitation sector reached US$1.2 million (0.3
percent). Total direct costs to the tourism sector
were US$129 million (34.5 percent). With regards
to the environment, the most damaged natural re-
source was native hardwoods and other non-pine
tree species on New Providence, Grand Bahama,
and Andros.
Hurricane Matthew
Indirect costs reached US$140.5 million, mostly
in tourism: 75.1 percent of indirect costs were in
the productive sectors, 14.9 percent in infrastruc-
ture, 9.9 percent in social sectors, and 0.1 percent
in environment sectors. Within productive sec-
tors, 80.7 percent of indirect costs were tourism-
related, while for infrastructure most indirect costs
(62.9 percent) were in telecommunications. The
telecommunications sector experienced wide-
spread outages (more so than from Hurricane
Joaquin), which led to indirect costs of US$13.6
million (9.6 percent). Grand Bahama and New
Providence had the longest outages. Electricity
outages had eects on the supply of water and
sanitation. Total indirect costs in the tourism sec-
tor reached US$88.3 million (62.8 percent), most-
ly incurred on Grand Bahama.
The impact on the population was moderate. No
deaths or injuries were reported during the event,
but 3,221 people were sheltered in 50 facilities
throughout the four aected islands analysed in
the DaLA.
Direct and Indirect Costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane Matthew by Sector and Island
Figure 8.
Roads, ports and airports
a. Total Direct Costs by Sector
New Providence
Grand Bahama
Berry Islands
b. Total Direct Costs by Island
c. Total Indirect Costs by Sector
New Providence
Grand Bahama
Other Islands
d. Total Indirect Costs by Island
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Note: Categories with 0% have been omitted from the labels.
Source: ECLAC (2020a).
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Total direct costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane
Irma were estimated at US$32.3 million, mostly
in water and sanitation and housing. Direct costs
related to social sectors reached US$16.8 million
(52 percent), most of which were in the housing
sector. The health sector incurred mild damage (2
percent of total direct costs). Hospitals in Free-
port and Nassau reported damage. Direct costs in
the infrastructure sector reached US$13.7 million
(42.4 percent), of which US$10.3 million (31.9 per-
cent) was in the transportation sector. Excluding
the Ragged Island airport, the greatest losses to
transport infrastructure were on Inagua. Roads,
and particularly those near the coast, were aec-
ted by the sea surge, and the airport on Ragged
Island suered damage to the terminal and run-
way. The ports in Bimini had considerable dam-
age due to the sea surge and tidal eects. Direct
costs to telecommunications, power, and water
and sanitation were US$2.1 million (6.5 percent),
US$800,000 (2.4 percent), and US$500,000 (1.5
percent), respectively. Ragged Island suered
the greatest costs to its telecommunications in-
frastructure (accounting for 69 percent of to-
tal telecommunications damages),
followed by
Grand Bahama and Inagua (both of which had
tornado damage), Bimini, and Andros. Damages
in the power sector were limited, partly due to
prior preparation before Irma reached The Ba-
hamas. However, the arrival of Hurricane Maria a
few months later impeded reconstruction in the
power sector on some islands such as Mayagua-
na. Direct costs in the water and sanitation sector
(US$500,000) were also limited, with the excep-
tion of Ragged Island and Bimini, which suered
damage. Ragged Island’s desalination plant and
the Bimini underwater line were both damaged. In
relative terms, productive sectors incurred a much
smaller share of direct costs at US$1.7 million, most
of which was in the tourism sector (US$600,000)
and fisheries sector (US$1.1 million).
Tourism did
not incur large direct costs, but it was aected by
disrupted visitor inflows in the aftermath of the
Hurricane Irma
storm. Ragged island suered the largest share of
direct costs in the tourism sector (US$400,000),
followed by Bimini (US$700,000). In the fisheries
sector, the fishing port of Duncan Town on Rag-
ged Island and a ramp in Matthew Town on Inagua
were damaged.
New Providence incurred the
greatest direct costs (US$500,000).
Indirect costs were estimated at US$86.9 mi-
llion, mostly in tourism. In the social sector, indi-
rect costs reached US$2.4 million (2.8 percent), of
which US$1.5 million (1.7 percent) was in the ed-
ucation sector, US$500,000 (0.6 percent) in the
health sector, and US$400,000 (0.5 percent) in
housing. Indirect costs in infrastructure reached
US$3.7 million (4.2 percent), of which most was in
the transportation sector (US$2.2 million, 2.5 per-
cent). Low indirect costs in telecommunications
were due to the fact that most of the damage was
in lesser-populated areas, and outages that af-
fected larger groups of people were quickly fixed.
Tourism suered the bulk of indirect costs (78
percent, or US$68 million), mostly due to travel
disruptions in the aftermath of the event. Indirect
costs in the fisheries sector amounted to US$12.9
million (15 percent), mostly concentrated in New
Providence and Spanish Wells. Disruptions in fish-
eries were more severe, particularly as the lobster
fishing season ranges from August to March, with
the most productive months being August and
Approximately 54,906 persons were aected by
Hurricane Irma (16 percent of the population).
Inagua was the only island that had been expe-
riencing a population decrease prior to the hu-
rricane, whereas Grand Bahama had been experi-
encing a population increase. Approximately 892
people were evacuated from three of the five is-
lands, including 365 from Bimini, 487 from Inagua,
and 40 from Ragged Island.
23. The direct costs to telecommunications include those reported by BTC and Cable Bahamas, as well as estimates on damage
that was not reported. Figures for ALIV are not included, as the company reported no significant damage.
24. In the fisheries sector, only direct costs related to commercial fishing vessels, fishing gear, and other equip-ment to prepare
or preserve the catch were considered.
25. Damage to the port of Duncan Town is accounted for in the infrastructure sector and damage for sports fishing is accounted
for in the tourism sector.
26. An emergency evacuation plan from the most threatened islands was executed prior to the arrival of Irma. Persons were taken
from Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins, Long Cay, and Ragged Island to Nassau.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Direct and Indirect Costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane Irma by Sector and Island
Figure 9.
Public Buildings
Water and sanitation
Grand Bahama
Ragged Islands
Crooked Island
Long Island
Grand Bahama
Ragged Islands
Crooked Island
a. Total Direct Costs by Sector
b. Total Direct Costs by Island
2% 1%
c. Total Indirect Costs by Sector
d. Total Indirect Costs by Island
Housing and
Public Buildings
Water and sanitation
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Note: Categories with 0% have been omitted from the labels.
Source: ECLAC (2017).
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Total direct costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane
Dorian reached US$2.5 billion, with housing and
tourism particularly hard hit. Abaco suered 87
percent of the direct costs and Grand Bahama 13
percent. Direct costs to the social sector reached
US$1.6 billion (64 percent), with most of that in
Abaco. Within the social sector damage, almost
93 percent was in the housing subsector. Appro-
ximately 9,000 homes had direct damage, with
more than 75 percent of homes in Abaco direct-
ly damaged. Direct costs to the productive sector
reached US$620.9 million (24 percent), of which
US$529.6 (21.2 percent) was in the tourism sector.
Direct costs to infrastructure reached US$239.1
million (9.5 percent), of which 54.1 percent was
in the power sector. The airports suered high
operational damage due to flooding and roof fai-
lure due to high-speed winds, and seaports were
impacted by waves, storm surge, and wind. The
transport sector incurred US$50.8 million (2 per-
cent) in direct costs, with 53 percent of the da-
mage on Grand Bahama, almost all of it sustained
at the Grand Bahama International Airport.
Total indirect costs reached US$717.3 million,
mostly in tourism. Of the total, 70 percent was
in Abaco, 15 percent in Grand Bahama, and 15
percent in other islands. Indirect costs in the so-
cial sector reached US$93.2 million (13 percent),
of which US$65 million (2.6 percent) was in the
housing sector. Indirect costs in the environmen-
tal sector reached US$27.5 million (3.8 percent).
Wave action, storm surge, and high winds pro-
duced partial to severe destruction of mangroves,
coral reefs, seagrass beds, and forests on both Ab-
aco and Grand Bahama. As a result, ecosystems
were left in a critical state and pre-existing vulne-
rabilities were exacerbated, with an expected de-
crease in ecosystem services provision in the short
and medium term. Indirect costs in the productive
sector were approximately US$400.3 million (55.8
percent), of which 83.8 percent were in Abaco.
Hurricane Dorian
Of the total amount, 81.2 percent was in the tou-
rism sector. Hurricane Dorian impacted two major
tourist destinations of The Bahamas and disrupt-
ed the tourist flows for several days before and
after the storm in the rest of the Lucayan Archi-
pelago. Indirect costs in the infrastructure sector
reached US$197.1 million (27.5 percent), 35 per-
cent of which was in the power sector, followed by
telecommunications. Disruption of power services
was particularly notable on Abaco.
Most inhabitants of both islands were aected
by the hurricane, either directly or indirectly. The
total aected population reached approximately
29,472 persons (40 percent of the total combined
population of Abaco and Grand Bahama). As of
October 18, 2019, there were 67 confirmed deaths
and 282 missing persons.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Direct and Indirect Costs to The Bahamas from Hurricane Dorian by Sector and Island
Figure 10.
Water and Sanitation
Fisheries and Agriculture
Water and Sanitation
Fisheries and Agriculture
a. Total Direct Costs by Sector
Abaco Gran Bahama
Abaco Gran Bahama Other islands
b. Total Direct Costs by Island
c. Total Indirect Costs by Sector
d. Total Indirect Costs by Island
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Note: Categories with 0% have been omitted from the labels.
Source: ECLAC (2020b).
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
The results presented in this section reinforce
previous results but also raise certain additional
points. Some interesting patterns appear when
comparing Tables 2 and 4.
1. Low direct and indirect costs could be related
to a smaller economic eect of natural disas-
ters. Hurricane Irma incurred significantly lower
direct and indirect costs than the other hurri-
canes. Table 2 in fact showed that the country
registered no economic eects in either the
month, quarter, or year of the event. However,
the results do not show that the greater the
direct and indirect costs, the greater the eco-
nomic eect. Hurricane Dorian resulted in the
largest costs by far but did not have the great-
est economic eect.
2. There does indeed seem to be a relation be-
tween what islands are aected and the se-
verity of the economic contraction. Hurricane
Matthew had the most severe economic eects
in the month of the event (4.4 percent contrac-
tion), and although it imposed lower overall
costs than Hurricane Dorian, both New Provi-
dence and Grand Bahama (the largest islands
economically) had the highest costs.
3. Neither the magnitude nor the composition of
costs seems to impact the economic eects of
the disasters on the Family Islands. The Family
Islands were most recurrently hit by these natu-
ral disasters, yet they did not record contrac-
tions, as shown in Table 2. This could be due
to aggregation of the results, correlations be-
tween islands, or the small size of these islands’
economies, which could contribute to a quick
4. Finally, the breakdown of the costs by sector
is very similar in all the events covered, irres-
pective of their magnitude. For example, irres-
pective of the volume of costs, the most direct
costs from all four disasters were in housing,
transport, and tourism, and most of the indirect
costs were in tourism. Yet, dierent econom-
ic eect results in Table 2 would suggest that
the composition of the sectors does not mat-
ter as much as the island that incurs the costs.
These results therefore signal that there would
be substantial benefits from ensuring climate-
resilient investments and insurance mecha-
nisms in these three sectors. These results
should, however, be taken with care, consider-
ing the DaLa methodology and purpose.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
4. Conclusion
The Bahamas is extremely vulnerable to the ef-
fects of natural disasters and climate change. The
country has been hit by 25 hurricanes in the last 25
years that have resulted in substantial human and
economic losses. Natural disasters are expected
to increase in frequency and intensity going for-
ward as a result of the eects of climate change.
Therefore, better understanding the eects of
these events on the economy of the country, and
promoting measures and reforms to mitigate their
eects, is becoming more urgent than ever.
This paper has analysed the economic eect of
four of the most recent major hurricanes to im-
pact The Bahamas in the past decade. Making use
of historical night light intensity between 2015 and
2019, a monthly GDP time series by island prior to
and immediately after Hurricanes Joaquin (2015),
Mathew (2016), Irma (2017), and Dorian (2019)
was reconstructed utilizing an economic activity
index. These estimates were created using a new
methodology that enabled monthly GDP by island
to be estimated through the level of luminosity on
the surface of The Bahamas. Using these results,
the paper analysed the eects of the four hurri-
canes by comparing the spatial variation of sat-
ellite night lights as an indicator of the country’s
economic activity before and after each hurricane.
Satellite night lights observed from space are
publicly available and have been used before to
measure economic activity. Moreover, this meth-
odology could be replicated in the future to mea-
sure the eectiveness of the actions being taken
to help the recovery of the Bahamian economy.
The analysis was supplemented by an examination
of the direct and indirect costs to The Bahamas
from the four hurricanes as determined by Da-
mages and Losses Assessments (DaLAs) conduct-
ed by the Economic Commission on Latin Amer-
ica and the Caribbean and the Inter-American
Development Bank.
The results of this study suggest that the macro-
economic eect of these events and the recovery
times following them are highly dependent on
which islands are impacted.
First, the results show that The Bahamas expe-
riences a decrease in the year-to-year nominal
growth rate during the month and quarter of a
hurricane impact event but does not show a con-
traction of GDP in the year of the event. However,
this does not mean that the damages are insig-
nificant. On the contrary, the total damage from
these four hurricanes was nearly US$4.4 billion,
which is equivalent to about 30 to 40 percent of
Bahamian GDP. Additionally, the amount of da-
mage may increase in the future due to the ef-
fects of climate change. Therefore, disaster risk re-
duction and climate change resilience/adaptation
should continue to be a priority in public policy for
the country’s macroeconomic and socioeconomic
Second, New Providence and Grand Bahama ex-
perienced larger GDP contractions following the
hurricanes, but no such clear pattern could be ob-
tained for the Family Islands (for either annual or
monthly data). This could be due to a reorganiza-
tion of tourism flows during the year across those
islands, or to a high degree of correlation between
them, which would average out any large contrac-
tions in a small number of Family Islands.
Third, the economic recovery times to achieve
pre-hurricane GDP levels took between four
and eight months on average for the hurricanes
Finally, the composition of sectors aected by
the four hurricanes did not seem to have had a
major eect on the severity of the economic
shock. Indeed, the analysis found that for all of the
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
hurricanes, tourism, transport infrastructure, and
housing were recurrently the most aected sec-
tors. This calls for their possible prioritization in
climate change adaptation and disaster risk man-
agement eorts.
Despite the innovative methodological approach
and the use of new sources of information on
these events, there are shortfalls in this study that
should be considered.
First, the methodology presented is tailored to
the availability of information in the country. In
this regard, the study uses the results of house-
hold surveys and population censuses to estimate
the distribution of GDP and population per island.
The caveats of the results are, therefore, linked to
the assumptions made to estimate the base year
of GDP per island and the trajectory of population
per island.
Another caveat of the methodology is that the
night light data used (Day Night Band of the VIIRS
instrument of the Suomi-NPP satellite) are sensi-
tive to infrared and almost blind to blue, which
makes LEDs produce less signal than other types
of lighting (typically 50 percent less). Since there
currently is a technological transition from sodium
lamps to LEDs, that could aect the brightness of
the maps, and therefore, the results. This is an im-
portant caveat particularly in places where there
is a significant transition of sodium light bulbs
(old technology) to LEDs (new technology) (see
Annex 1).
With respect to the DaLAs, they oer systematic
and comparable damage and loss estimates that
provide a snapshot of the situation immediately
after the event to inform strategic decision-mak-
ing related to the response and recovery. The
study analysis and results would benefit from fo-
rensic analysis of government accounts, sector-
specific and island-specific economic analysis/
studies, microeconomic and livelihood studies,
population movement studies, and documenta-
tion of government and private sector response
and recovery interventions. Such information
could help identify the causes of and reasons be-
hind specific trends that this study has identified,
Several key recommendations stem from the
results presented in this paper. The innovative
methodological approaches and data sources
used allow for the assessment of the eect of re-
cent hurricanes by island. Future studies should
consider conducting further analysis using the
satellite luminosity method to better understand
economic recovery patterns and identify zones
of high GDP concentration and economic im-
portance. These could then be prioritized in risk
assessments, risk mitigation measures, and resil-
ience plans. Greater disaggregation of data by
Family Islands would also allow for more detailed
results and possibly clearer conclusions for these
territories. It would also provide greater insights
into the drivers of growth and economic contrac-
tions on small island states more broadly. The sa-
tellite night light methodology could even be used
as a tool to assess GDP eects immediately after
a disaster and to track economic activities post-
disaster, complementing DaLA assessments. In
addition, the methodology could be used to moni-
tor the GDP recovery time of specific islands
(macroeconomic recovery).
These results should also be used to inform disas-
ter risk management and reduction plans in The
Bahamas. The Global Framework on Disaster Risk
Reduction provides a roadmap toward this end. It
proposes five cross-cutting pillars of action that
can be applied to every sector – risk identification,
risk reduction, preparedness, financial protection,
and resilient recovery. Taken together, these pillars
provide a framework that can apply not only to
the recurring threat of hurricanes, but to the coun-
try’s long-term imperative to mitigate and adapt
to the eects of climate change and sea-level rise.
It is hoped that the methodology developed and
the results presented will increase technical and
scientific understanding of the economic eects
of hurricanes in The Bahamas and serve as an ad-
ditional resource to inform government stakehol-
ders involved in disaster risk management,
finance, insurance, and recovery.
4.1. Limitations of the Study
4.2. Recommendations
which in turn could inform policies, strategies, and
plans to manage post-disaster economic impacts
in The Bahamas and subsequent recovery.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Annex 1. Data and
This paper uses four sources of information to
estimate the GDP by island in The Bahamas:
1. Night time light data captured
by satellite sensors
2. GDP data based on national accounts
3. Population density
4. Household income
The night time light data were obtained from the
National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) of the
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi-
nistration (NOAA). The national GDP data were
obtained from the International Monetary Fund
(IMF). Population density was estimated using
population censuses of The Bahamas. Household
income comes from the Department of Statistics
of The Bahamas (DSoB).
The night time light data can be divided in two
periods: (1) 1992–2013 and (2) 2013–2020. The
data in the first block have an annual frequency,
while the data in the second block have a monthly
Data for the period 1992–2013 were collected by
the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Op-
erational Lines-can System (DMSP-OLS) and were
maintained and processed by the NGDC. The ima-
ges are processed to remove cloud cover and
short-lived lights (such as wildfires) to produce
the final product. Each pixel (0.008241 degrees
equivalent to 0.9174 square kilometres
) in the
Night Time Light Data
27. We consider that an arc of a degree is equal to 111.32 kilometers.
luminosity data is assigned a digital number that
represents its luminosity. Digital number are inte-
gers ranging from 0 to 63.
Data corresponding to the period 2013–2020 are
generated by the Earth Observations Group at
NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental In-
formation. These data are obtained using Day/
Night Band data from the Visible Infrared Imag-
ing Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument on the
Suomi-NPP satellite. Each pixel (0.000007 de-
grees equivalent to 0.000779 square kilometres)
in the luminosity data is assigned a digital number
representing its luminosity. However, the digital
number of VIIRS has great variability and takes
positive and negative values with decimals, unlike
the digital number of the DMSP, which only takes
positive integers from 0 to 63.
In line with Seminario and Palomino (2021), the lu-
minosity variable corresponds to the average of
the digital number of the pixels that make up the
geographic region of analysis. However, we use
dierent procedures because the DMSP data are
annual, while the VIIRS data are monthly.
We calculate the annual luminosity level for the
period 1993–2013 using the following formula:
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Where LA
corresponds to the level of luminosity
of region i in year t, DN
represents the digital
number of pixel j of region i in year t, N
sponds to the total number of pixels that region i
has in year t.
We calculate the annual luminosity level for the
2013–2020 period using the following formula:
where LA
corresponds to the level of luminosity
of region i in year t; LM
corresponds to the le-
vels of luminosity of region i in month m of year t
and is estimated using the following formula:
where DN
represents the digital number of pix-
el j of region i in month m of year t, Ni,m,t corres-
ponds to the total number of pixels that region i
has in month m of year t.
Finally, we fit the VIIRS data to the DMSP data
using the following formula:
where L
corresponds to the final level of lumi-
nosity of region i in year t, LA
represents the
luminosity level of region i in year t
, which co-
rresponds to the year that the DMSP and VIIRS
databases are available (i.e., 2013), LBC=(LB+θ)>0
corresponds to the luminosity level of the VIIRS
adjusted to the luminosity level of the DMSP for
the period 2013–2020, and θ is a constant positive
value necessary to eliminate the negative values
of the luminosity level calculated with the satellite
images from the VIIRS.
The IMF has presented annual GDP series for the
Bahamas since 1980, and the DSoB has been ma-
king eorts to generate GDP series with greater
temporal and spatial disaggregation. The DSoB
has generated quarterly series of GDP at the na-
tional level since the first quarter of 2015. It has
also generated annual series of GDP for three ad-
ministrative divisions since 2015: (1) New Provi-
dence, (2) Grand Bahama, and (3) the Family Is-
lands. However, due to the short time horizon of
the quarterly and subnational series, we will only
use the annual GDP series for the period 1992–
Based on the population censuses of 1980, 1990,
2000, and 2010, we have generated population
series for each of the regions analysed for the
period 1992–2020. Census data have been ob-
tained from the DSoB. In line with Zegarra et al.
(2020) and Seminario and Palomino (2021), the
population series have been generated using the
Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial
(PCHIP) function implemented in Matlab. Also, us-
ing information from ArcGIS, we have calculated
the land area in square kilometres of each of the
islands analysed. Combining the population series
and the territorial extension, we have generated
series of population density at the island level for
the period 1992–2020.
We describe the methodology for estimating GDP
with greater spatial and temporal disaggregation
in four subsections. In the first subsection, we des-
cribe the method of Geary and Stark (2002). In
the second stage we describe the method used
to generate the income series for all the islands in
the base year 2013. In the third subsection we de-
scribe the stages used by Seminario and Palomino
(2021) to estimate the GDP of each of the islands.
In the fourth subsection we describe the me-
thod used to put the annual GDP series in monthly
National Accounts Data
Population Census Data
28. In line with Seminario and Palomino (2021), we consider θ equal to 10 to correct the negative values of the VIIRS brightness
level for the period 2013–2020.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Geary and Stark (2002) developed a method that
allowed for the distribution of GDP of the Uni-
ted Kingdom to be distributed for analytical pur-
poses among its main regions: Scotland, Wales,
England, and Ireland. The method requires know-
ing the employment and wages of the dierent
regions. It is assumed that the ratio between GDP
per capita and a region and the national average is
proportional to that between regional wages and
national average wages. Subsequently, various au-
thors have used the method proposed by Geary
and Stark to derive GDP statistics at the subre-
gional level in dierent countries (Badia-Miró
2015; Crafts 2004).
However, it is not always possible to have the in-
formation required by the Geary and Stark me-
thod. Therefore, Seminario, Zegarra, and Palomino
(2019) considered it necessary to adapt the Geary
and Stark method to derive GDP series consistent
with stylized facts at the Peruvian department le-
vel for the period 1795–2018. This modified method
was also used by Seminario and Palomino (2021)
to derive GDP series at the level of provinces and
districts of Peru for the period 1993–2018.
Therefore, in line with Seminario and Palomino
(2021), we use the modified Geary and Stark me-
thod to (1) generate GDP series at the island lev-
el for the base year 2013, and (2) adjust the GDP
series to national level to island-level GDP series.
In line with Zegarra et al. (2020) and Seminario
and Palomino (2021), the estimation of the GDP
of small territorial regions consists of five stages:
(1) generating series of luminosity and population
density, (2) estimating the GDP of a base year, (3)
estimating the parameters of a production fun-
ction, (4) generating GDP series for the entire pe-
riod of analysis, and (5) adjusting the estimated
series of the islands’ GDP to the national GDP.
We generate the GDP for the base year 2013 of
each island in two stages using the method adap-
ted from Geary and Stark and the information on
household income: (1) distribution of GDP accord-
ing to estimated income levels for two groups
of islands (with and without survey data), and
(2) distribution of GDP within each island group
according to their income levels. To distribute the
GDP of each island according to its income level,
we use the following formula:
where y
represents the income of island i, L
rresponds to the average luminosity level of is-
land i, and D
represents the population density of
island i.
Using the coecients estimated in the previous
step, we estimate the income of the islands that
do not have income information in the household
survey using the following formula:
where ln (ŷ
), L
, and D
correspond to the esti-
mated income in logarithmic terms, average level
of luminosity, and population density of island j,
The estimation of income for islands that do not
have information consists of four stages: (1) gene-
rating income series for the islands using house-
hold surveys, (2) generating series of luminosity
and population density for all islands, (3) estima-
ting the parameters of a production function for
islands that have income information, and (4)
estimating income for islands that do not have
income information.
In line with Seminario and Palomino (2021), we
estimate the following production function for
the islands that have income information in the
2013 household survey:
Geary-Stark Method
Estimation of GDP
Household Income Estimates
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
where y
corresponds to the estimated GDP
with the data on income of island i that belongs
to group k (with and without census data), y
presents the GDP of group k, I
corresponds to the
income of island i of group k,
represents the
total income of the islands of group k, N corres-
ponds to the total quantity of the islands of group
k, and t
corresponds to the base year 2013.
We estimate the parameters of the cubic pro-
duction function for each island using the series
of luminosity and population density with the
following econometric specification:
where y
represents the GDP of island i, a
presents the area in km
of island i, L
to the average level of luminosity of island i, D
represents the population density of island i, and
corresponds to the base year 2013.
Using the coecients estimated in the previous
step, we estimate the GDP of each island in loga-
rithmic terms using the following formula:
where ln (ŷ
), L
, and D
correspond to the es-
timated GDP per km
in logarithmic terms, ave-
rage light level, and population density of island i
in period t, respectively. We obtain the estimated
GDP using the following equation:
We obtained the GDP series in units of the base
year using the following formula:
where y
corresponds to the estimated GDP of
island i in period t, y
corresponds to the estima-
ted GDP with the income data of island i in base
year 2013, ln (ŷ
) corresponds to the GDP estima-
ted with data on luminosity and population densi-
ty in logarithm terms of island i in period t, ln(ŷ
and corresponds to the GDP estimated with data
on luminosity and population density in logarithm
terms of island
in the base year.
Finally, using the modified version of the Geary
and Stark method, we fit the islands’ GDP data
with national GDP data. We adjust the estimated
GDP series with satellite data for luminosity and
population density using the following formula:
where y
corresponds to the final GDP of island
i in period t, y
represents national GDP in period
t, y
corresponds to the estimated GDP of island
i in period t,
represents total estimated GDP
of all the islands in period t, and N corresponds to
the quantity of all the islands.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Time disaggregation plays a key role in the com-
pilation of monthly or quarterly national accounts
for many countries because it provides an objec-
tive way to combine the relevance of short-term
indicators with the rigor and internal consistency
of national accounts (IMF 2017; Quilis 2018).
However, temporal disaggregation is a complex
process that competes with other techniques and
problems regarding the use of limited resources.
This competition gives priority to simplification
and requires a broader perspective to integrate
temporal aggregation with seasonal adjustment
and chaining (Maravall 2006; Abad, Cuevas, and
Quilis 2009).
According to Quilis (2018), Proietti’s method
is the most general and flexible, encompass-
ing the Chow-Lin and Santos-Cardoso methods.
Monthly Series
However, the empirical application speaks in favour
of much simpler methods, such as that of Denton
(1971), especially for its robustness with respect to
Night light maps are published in a monthly series
and can be transformed in monthly series that
measure the variation of the average brightness
in a region. Using the parameters used to estimate
annual GDP, we can construct a monthly frequen-
cy index on economic activity. The application
of the methodology on a monthly basis requires
estimation of the population by island per month
and the distribution of GDP for a given period.
The population by month was estimated using the
PCHIP and the population censuses. We assumed
that the distribution of GDP in January 2013 re-
flected the annual distribution of GDP estimated
for 2013 (base year of annual GDP). This metho-
dology allows us to maximize the movements of
the high-frequency indicator (brightness level) of
each island for the period 2013–2020.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Annex 2. Luminosity Maps
of Abaco, Grand Bahama, and
New Providence
Note: September 2018, September 2019, and May 2020.
Sources: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and authors’ calculations.
Luminosity Maps – Abaco
Figure A2.1.
Luminosity Maps – Grand Bahama
Figure A2.2.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Note: September 2018, September 2019, and May 2020.
Sources: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion; and authors’ calculations.
Luminosity Maps – New Providence
Figure A2.3.
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Annex 3. Index of Tourism
Arrivals and Economic Activity
by Island
Sources: Tourism Today Report (various reports); and authors’ calculations.
Note: Due to data availability in the tourist arrivals database, the estimates on correlations for the Family Islands only include the
following: Abaco, Andros, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Inagua, Long Islands, and San Salvador. The index on cruise passengers
for the Family Islands starts in 2000 due to availability of information. 
a. New Providence
b. Grand Bahama
c. Family Islands
Figure A3.1.
(1998 = 100)
Visitor arrivals
Air arrivals
Cruise passengers
Visitor arrivals
Air arrivals
Cruise passengers
Visitor arrivals
Air arrivals
Cruise passengers
The Macro-Economic Eects of Hurricanes in The Bahamas
Annex 4. Indirect
Cost Estimates
The change in outpatient visits indicates the total
number of outpatient visits that could not occur in
the regular health facility after Hurricane Joaquin.
This is based on the number of monthly outpatient
visits and the period that health services were dis-
rupted in that particular health facility. Given that
public health does not have a market price, the
losses were estimated using the remuneration to
the factors. Since these are non-profit facilities, it
is equal to the wages to the medical doctor and
Indirect costs were calculated using historical data
for electricity usage, the electricity tari schedule
for October 2015, and an estimate of the average
time without electricity per customer, per island.
Indirect costs in this sector refer to the aected
flows such as a reduction in output, measured in
terms of the number of hours or days of classes
Indirect costs were estimated based on the num-
ber of customers for each service and on average
revenue per user of the various services.
Indirect costs relate to the interruption of
accommodation services due to severe damage or
destruction of the housing stock, making it tem-
porarily or permanently uninhabitable. Estimates
focus on the interruption of the service regardless
of the type of tenure. Repairs and reconstruction
are expected to last between 6 and 12 months.
Indirect costs in this sector are related to the inte-
rruption in the provision of water for human con-
sumption and of sewerage and waste collection
services. This is based on the percentage of the
aected population and estimated consumption
or use of these services per day.
To estimate indirect costs, several assumptions
were made related to high and low season dates,
the rates in those seasons, the hotel occupancy
rate, and the expected date of commencement of
operations of the damaged hotels. An additional
assumption about the number of fishing services
that would be hired had to be made to reflect the
typical activity of these lodges.
Indirect costs are estimated based on the repor-
ted number of aected fishermen and average
monthly income.
Water and sanitation
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