Grandstream Networks, Inc.
UCM series IP PBX
Security Manual
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UCM Security Manual
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3
Security Bulletins ................................................................................................................................... 4
WEB UI ACCESS ........................................................................................................... 5
UCM HTTP Server Access .................................................................................................................... 5
Protocol Type ......................................................................................................................................... 5
User Login .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Login Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 8
User Management Levels ...................................................................................................................... 9
EXTENSION SECURITY .............................................................................................. 11
SIP/IAX Password ................................................................................................................................ 11
Strategy of IP Access Control .............................................................................................................. 11
Example: Local Subnet Only ........................................................................................................ 11
SRTP .................................................................................................................................................... 14
TRUNK SECURITY ....................................................................................................... 15
Outbound Rule Permissions ................................................................................................................ 15
Privilege Level .............................................................................................................................. 15
Source Caller ID Filter .................................................................................................................. 15
Password Protection ..................................................................................................................... 16
PIN Groups ................................................................................................................................... 17
IVR Dial Trunk ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Allow Guest Calls ................................................................................................................................. 19
TLS ............................................................................................................................... 20
FIREWALL .................................................................................................................... 22
Static Defense ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Static Defense Example: Blocking TCP Connection from a Specific Host ................................... 23
Dynamic Defense ................................................................................................................................. 24
Fail2ban ............................................................................................................................................... 24
AMI ................................................................................................................................ 27
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: UCM6202 Web UI Login ................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2: Default Random Password ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3: Login Settings ................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4: Creating Custom Privilege Levels ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 5: Strategy – Local Subnet Only ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Registration Failed from Subnet Not Allowed for Registration .................................................... 13
Figure 7: Registration Successful from Allowed Subnet ............................................................................. 13
Figure 8: Enabling SRTP ............................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 9: Outbound Rule Permissions ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 10: Source Caller ID Filter ............................................................................................................... 16
Figure 11: Password Protection .................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 12: Adding PIN Groups .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Outbound route with PIN group ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 14: IVR Dial Trunk ............................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 15: PBX SettingsSIP SettingsTCP/TLS .................................................................................... 20
Figure 16: Firewall Rule Custom Configuration .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 17: Static Defense Blocking Host Using TCP Connection .................................... 23
Figure 18: Host blocked by UCM ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 19: Fail2Ban Default Configuration .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 20: Asterisk Service Fail2Ban setting .............................................................................................. 26
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UCM Security Manual
This document presents a summary of security measures, factors, and configurations that users are
recommended to consider when deploying the UCM.
Note: We recommend using firmware or higher for improved security.
The following sections are covered in this document:
Web UI Access
Web UI access is protected by username/password and login timeout. Two-level user management is
configurable. Admin with limited access can be created by the default super administrator.
Extension Security
Extension security utilizes SIP/IAX passwords for authentication, IP address whitelisting, and SRTP
Trunk Security
Trunk security utilizes privilege levels and source caller ID filters to prevent outbound calls from
unintended sources.
TLS Protocol
TLS is utilized to encrypt SIP signaling.
Firewall Features
Three different security measures can be configured to protect the UCM against malicious attacks:
Static Defense, Dynamic Defense (UCM6102/6202/6204/6208/6510 only) and Fail2ban.
AMI feature is used to let the user connect to Asterisk instance to read and track the state of telephony
client, it may come with security concerns for UCM administrators that needs to be considered.
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Security Bulletins
Potential Vulnerability Associated With Use of Allow Guest Calls Option Grandstream Security
Bulletin GS13-UCM001
Potential Vulnerability Associated With Misuse of Dial Trunk Option in IVR Grandstream Security
Bulletin GS13-UCM002
Security Vulnerability Associated With Returned Cookie from WebUI Login Session Grandstream
Security Bulletin GS17-UCM003
This document is subject to change without notice. The latest electronic version of this document is available
for download here:
Reproduction or transmittal of the entire or any part, in any form or by any means, electronic or print, for
any purpose without the express written permission of Grandstream Networks, Inc. is not permitted.
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UCM Security Manual
UCM HTTP Server Access
The UCM embedded web server responds to HTTP/HTTPS GET/POST requests. Embedded HTML pages
allow users to configure the device through a web browser such as Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, etc. With this, administrators can access and configure all available UCM information and settings.
It is critical to understand the security risks involved when placing the UCM on public networks.
Protocol Type
HTTP and HTTPS web access are supported to access the UCM web UI and can be configured under web
UISettingsHTTP Server. The selected protocol type will also be the one used for Zero Config when
configs are pushed to endpoint devices. To secure transactions and prevent unauthorized access, it is
highly recommended to:
1. Use HTTPS instead of HTTP,
2. Disable option Redirect from Port 80 and,
3. Avoid using well known port numbers such as 80 and 443.
Finally, users have the option to specify a list of up to 10 IP addresses which will be allowed to access the
UCM web UI. Addresses not listed will be restricted from accessing the UCM.
To enable and add to the IP address whitelist, navigate to System SettingsHTTP Server:
Check the option “Enable IP Address Whitelist”
Enter the permitted IP addresses along with the subnet masks.
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User Login
Username and password are required to log into and access the UCM web UI.
Figure 1: UCM6202 Web UI Login
The factory default username is “adminwhile the default random password can be found on the sticker at
the back of the unit.
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Note: Units manufactured starting January 2017 have a unique random password printed on the sticker.
Older units and UCM6100 series have default password “admin”.
Figure 2: Default Random Password
It is highly recommended to change the password after logging in for the first time.
To change the password for default user "admin", navigate to System SettingsChange
InformationChange Password/Email. The password length must be between 4-30 characters.
If PBX SettingsGeneral SettingsEnable Strong Password is toggled on, the minimum password
requirements are as follows:
Must contain at least one number.
Must contain at least one uppercase letter, lower case letter, OR special character.
Strong passwords with a combination of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special
characters are always recommended for security.
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Login Settings
To further prevent unauthorized access to the UCM web UI, users will automatically be logged out after the
configured period of inactivity. Username and password will be required to access the web UI again.
The default login timeout is 10 minutes and can be changed by navigating to MaintenanceChange
InformationLogin Settings and modifying the User Login Timeout field.
Additionally, the UCM can also ban users after a specified number of failed login attempts for a specified
amount of time. By default, users will be banned for 5 minutes after 5 failed login attempts.
Figure 3: Login Settings
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User Management Levels
Four user privilege levels are currently supported:
Super Admin
Custom level
Super Admin has access to all of the UCM's pages and can execute any operation. Admin can access most
of the UCM's pages with the exception of the following:
MaintenanceSystem Cleanup/Reset
MaintenanceOperation Log
A Super Adminuser with username “adminis initially configured on the UCM with factory settings. It is
the only allowed “Super Admin account and cannot be deleted and changed. This super administrator
could create, edit and delete new user accounts with lower privileges “Admin”, "Consumer" and "Custom".
Only Super Admin has the authority to view the activity of all users via the Operation Log.
If there is more than one PBX administrator managing the UCM, it is highly recommended to create Admin
level users instead of giving out Super Admin access.
Custom privilege user levels can also be created and modified to have specific permissions including but
not limited to:
System Events
Feature Codes
PMS-Wakeup Service
To create a new custom privilege level, navigate to MaintenanceUser ManagementCustom Privilege,
name the new custom user level and assign the desired modules as shown in the figure below.
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Figure 4: Creating Custom Privilege Levels
"Consumer" level access is the default privilege level assigned to newly created extensions and users. This
level does not allow system-wide changes and access to advanced maintenance operations.
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SIP/IAX Password
When creating a new SIP/IAX extension, the UCM administrator is required to configure “SIP/IAX Password
which will be used for account registration authentication.
If “Enable Random Password” (PBX SettingsGeneral Settings) is enabled, “SIP/IAX Passwordis
automatically filled with a randomly generated secure password when creating the extension on the UCM.
"Passwords must contain 1) at least one number and 2) at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, OR
special character."
Strategy of IP Access Control
The UCM administrator could control what IP address(s) is allowed to register to a certain extension by
editing “strategy option under extension configuration dialogMedia tag. Make sure to configure the
“strategyoption to the smallest set to block registration attempts from anyone that doesn’t need to register
to the account.
The strategy options are:
Local Subnet Only”: allows register requests from local IPs only. By default, the local subnet where
the UCM is location is allowed. User could also add more local subnets where devices are allowed to
register to this extension.
A Specific IP Address”: allows register requests from one user specified IP only.
Allow All”: allows registration requests from anywhere, which is not recommended.
Example: Local Subnet Only
1. Assuming there are multiple subnets within the office and the devices in all subnets can reach each
other, the network administrator would like to allow only devices in 192.168.40.x network to register to
this UCM.
2. Under UCM web UI extension dialog, configure “Local Subnet Onlyfor “Strategyoption and for “Local Subnet”.
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Figure 5: Strategy – Local Subnet Only
3. Save and Apply changes.
Now if the SIP end device is in the subnet other than 192.168.40.x, e.g., 172.18.31.x subnet, the UCM will
not allow registration using this extension. The following figure shows the SIP device IP address is The UCM on IP replies 404 Not Found for the registration request.
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Figure 6: Registration Failed from Subnet Not Allowed for Registration
Once the device is moved to the 192.168.40.x subnet, registration will be successful. The following figure
shows the IP address for the same SIP endpoint is The UCM on IP address replies 200 OK to the registration request.
Figure 7: Registration Successful from Allowed Subnet
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UCM supports SRTP for encrypted audio streams. It is disabled by default. To enable it, navigate to
ExtensionsEdit ExtensionMedia and select the desired SRTP option.
Figure 8: Enabling SRTP
As shown above, users have two options while enabling SRTP under extension parameters:
Enabled and forced: Extension will support SRTP and will not allow any calls without it.
Enabled but not forced: Extension will support SRTP and will allow negotiation with calls without
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A potential risk for trunks is unauthorized international and long-distance calls, which can result in
unexpected high charges before the issue is noticed. Therefore, administrators must take special care when
configuring trunks that would be charged for placing certain calls such as long-distance calls and
international calls.
Outbound Rule Permissions
Users can apply one of four security measures on the UCM to control outbound calls.
1. Privilege Level
2. Enable Filter on Source Caller ID
3. Password protection
4. PIN groups
Figure 9: Outbound Rule Permissions
Privilege Level
On the UCM, the supported 4 privilege levels are “Internal”, “Local”, “Nationaland “Internationalfrom the
lowest to the highest. Outbound calls through trunk can be placed only if the permission level assigned to
the caller is higher or equal to the privilege level of the outbound rule. Outbound call requests from users
with privilege lower than the outbound rule will be rejected.
Source Caller ID Filter
UCM administrators can specify the extensions/extension groups that can use the outbound rule. This can
be done by selecting extension/extension groups or defining pattern for the source caller ID in “Custom
Dynamic Routefield. The extension allowed to make outbound call will either need to be an extension in
the selected list or match the defined pattern.
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Figure 10: Source Caller ID Filter
For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to MANAGING OUTBOUND ROUTE section in white
paper: How to manage inbound/outbound route on UCM6xxx
Password Protection
Administrators can protect outbound rules with passwords that would be requested by the UCM when
callers try to use the configured routes.
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Figure 11: Password Protection
PIN Groups
In the scenario where multiple users share the same phone, and the phone is used to make outbound calls,
outbound routes can be set to require PIN entry to use. To set up a PIN group:
1. Navigate on to Extension/TrunkOutbound RoutesPIN Groups
2. Click Add to create a new PIN group and enter the user names and passwords.
Figure 12: Adding PIN Groups
3. Save and apply. The PIN Group can now be selected in Outbound Routes. Each time one of the
PIN Group members makes an outbound call, he/she will be requested to enter their PIN.
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Figure 13: Outbound route with PIN group
IVR Dial Trunk
When creating/editing an IVR, the administrator can decide whether or not to allow the calls entering the
IVR to make outbound calls through trunks by configuring “Dial Trunk and Permission”. If “Dial Trunk
option is enabled, the caller calling into the IVR will be able to dial external numbers through a trunk if the
IVR’S permission is higher than or equal to the privilege of the trunk. The potential risk here is that unwanted
users may call into IVR and then dial external numbers. This could possibly generate unexpected high
charges especially if an IVR is configured as the destination of an inbound route of a PSTN trunk, in which
case, anyone can call into the IVR and then dial long distance or international calls.
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Figure 14: IVR Dial Trunk
We recommend disablingDial Trunkoption unless the risk associated with it is clearly understood or the
PBX administrator intentionally configures it to do so for specific reasons.
For more information about IVR permissions, please refer to IVR PERMISSION section in white paper:
How to manage inbound/outbound route on UCM6xxx
Allow Guest Calls
“Allow Guest Callsoption can be found in PBX SettingsSIP SettingsGeneral page. It is highly
recommended to NOT enable this option for any deployments. This option will stop the UCM from
authenticating incoming calls from unknown/anonymous callers. This allows hackers to send unauthorized
calls, which may result in high charges. Administrators should also check CDR regularly to ensure there
are suspicious calls in the early stages of deployment.
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UCM has the option to secure SIP packets with TLS encryption, allowing for safe transactions over
untrusted networks and with authenticated parties.
TLS can be configured in PBX SettingsSIP SettingsTCP/TLS.
Figure 15: PBX SettingsSIP SettingsTCP/TLS
1. Tick the "TLS Enable" box to activate TLS.
2. Configure “TLS Do Not Verify”, “TLS Self-Signed CAand “TLS Cert” to achieve basic TLS authentication
and encryption.
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TLS Self-Signed CA
Used when UCM is acting as the client to authenticate a server. If the server uses a self-signed
certificate, that certificate should also be installed on the UCM for successful verification. If it is
signed by a CA, then a copy of the CA server certificate should be installed.
TLS Cert
Used when UCM acts as the server. TLS Cert is sent is sent to the client during the TLS handshake
and includes the key and server certificate. The "common name" field in the server certificate should
match the server host (either by IP address or domain name). This is required if the client is another
UCM (not a standard, as some clients do not have this requirement for server authentication). If
the common name does not match, authentication on the client side will fail, and the TLS connection
will fail to establish.
TLS Do Not Verify
Effective only when the UCM is acting as the client. If enabled, the certificate sent by the server will
not be verified. This is useful for authentication between two peered UCMs using the factory
certificate, which has "common name" configured with the value "localhost", which is not a valid
host and will result in authentication failure. Skipping verification will not have any effect on the
encryption itself.
If disabled, the client will verify the server certificate with the "TLS Self-Signed CA".
Note: SIP endpoints will still need to be configured to use TLS in order to encrypt SIP messages sent to
the UCM.
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The UCM firewall functionality consists of three components: Static Defense, Dynamic Defense, and
Fail2ban. Each can be configured for specific types of malicious attacks.
Static Defense
Static Defense uses pre-configured filtering rules to protect the UCM. Three filtering rule types are
supported: ACCEPT, REJECT, and DROP. These rules can be applied to specific source/destination IP
addresses and ports. Static Defense can be configured in System SettingsSecurity SettingsStatic
When creating or editing rules, the following options are available:
Rule Name: A name to easily identify the rule and its purpose.
Action: The action to perform for this rule. Accept, Reject, or Drop the connection if criteria is met.
Type: The direction of the network traffic. IN for inbound traffic. OUT for outbound traffic.
Interface: Select network interface where the traffic will go through (this option is only available for
devices with both WAN and LAN ports).
Service: The specific services to affect. FTP, SSH, Telnet, HTTP, and LDAP are available. Custom
allows administrators to specify source/destination IP addresses and ports and the protocol.
Additionally, the following features are also available to further increase security:
1. Ping Defense
Protects against ping floods by not responding to ICMP echo requests.
2. SYN-Flood Defense
Protects against SYN floods by limiting the amount of SYN requests accepted per second.
3. Ping-of-Death defense
Protects against ping packets larger than 64 KB.
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Static Defense Example: Blocking TCP Connection from a Specific Host
This example demonstrates how to set up a new rule to block a host with a specific IP address to connect
to UCM using TCP connection. In the following figure, is the host IP address and is the UCM’s IP address. Port 8089 on UCM is used for HTTP server/web UI access. This
setting will block host on to access UCM port 8089 using TCP connection.
Figure 16: Firewall Rule Custom Configuration
Figure 17: Static Defense Blocking Host Using TCP Connection
After saving and applying the change, host will not be able to access UCM web UI anymore.
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Figure 18: Host blocked by UCM
Dynamic Defense
Dynamic Defense protects the UCM by blacklisting individual hosts that send excessive connection
attempts or brute force attacks. On UCM6102/6202/6204/6208/6510 devices, this requires Network
SettingsBasic SettingsMethod to be set to "Route". Dynamic Defense can be configured in Security
SettingsDynamic Defense, it will try to blacklist massive connection attempts or brute force attacks made
by individual host.
Dynamic Defense's connection threshold and blacklist update interval can be adjusted in accordance to
administrator preferences. Whitelist entries can be added to prevent specific IP addresses and ports from
getting blocked.
For more configuration details, please refer to UCM User Manual.
Fail2ban protects the UCM by detecting excessive failed login attempts and SIP requests and blocking any
further attempts from the same host.
Fail2Ban can be configured in System SettingsSecurity SettingsFail2Ban. By default, Fail2Ban is
disabled (see figure below).
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Figure 19: Fail2Ban Default Configuration
Enable Fail2ban: Tick the box to enabled Fail2ban.
Banned Duration : The amount of time in seconds that a host is banned for. A value of "0" means
an permanent ban. Set to 600 seconds by default.
Max Retry Duration : The maximum amount of failed attempts allowed within this window of time.
Set to 600 seconds by default.
MaxRetry : The maximum number of failed attempts allowed before the host is banned. Set to 5
attempts by default.
Fail2ban Whitelist: The list of hosts that would not be blacklisted even if the number of failed SIP
and login attempts exceeds the allowed limit.
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Figure 20: Asterisk Service Fail2Ban setting
If Enable Fail2ban is ticked under the Global Settings section, either Asterisk Service, Login Attack Defense,
or both must be enabled under the Local Settings section. The MaxRetry values under these options will
override the value set in the Global Settings section.
Asterisk Service - Protects against excessive failed SIP REGISTER, INVITE, and SUBSCRIBE requests.
If the retry limit has been reached, the UCM will not respond to any more SIP requests from the same host.
The Listening port number value will match the configured SIP port number in the PBX SettingsSIP
Login Attack Defense - Protects against excessive failed login attempts. If the retry limit has been reached,
the UCM will prevent the host from accessing the UCM web UI. The Listening port value will match the
configured port number in System SettingsHTTP ServerPort.
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Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) is supported on UCM with restricted access. Please refer to the following
link for detailed documentation on the feature:
It is highly recommended to not enable AMI on a UCM that is placed on a public or untrusted network unless
precautions have been taken to prevent unauthorized access and restrict permissions. AMI access allows
users to originate calls and view sensitive information on the UCM.
* Asterisk is a Registered Trademark of Digium, Inc.