Supplier Tier (Often referred to as the “Manufacturer” Tier)
Suppliers - MCL 436.1603(15)(a)
Outstate Seller of Beer A licensee that sells beer that has been manufactured
outside of Michigan to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May be a licensee
located in Michigan or another state. No local legislative approval required for
Outstate Seller of Mixed Spirit Drink A licensee that sells mixed spirit drink products
that have been manufactured outside of Michigan to Wholesaler licensees to sell to
retailers. May be a licensee located in Michigan or another state. No local legislative
approval required for licensure.
Outstate Seller of Wine A licensee that sells wine that has been manufactured
outside of Michigan to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May be a licensee
located in Michigan or another state. No local legislative approval required for
Outstate Self-Distributor A licensee that is a manufacturer located in another state
that may self-distribute beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and spirit products it
manufactured directly to retailer licensees in Michigan. The beer, wine, and mixed
spirit drink products cannot be distributed by Wholesaler licensees in the territory
where the Outstate Self-Distributor licensee will self-distribute to retailer licensees.
Spirit products to be self-distributed to retailer licensees cannot be listed in the
Commission's price book.
Vendor of Spirits A person or company that sells spirits to the Commission to be
distributed through the Authorized Distribution Agents (ADAs) to retailers. May be
located in Michigan or another state. Distiller, Small Distiller, and Brandy
Manufacturer licenses must be registered as a Vendor or Spirits in order to sell their
products to the Commission.
Vendor Representative A license held by an individual person who serves as a
representative between a Vendor of Spirits and the Commission. No local legislative
approval required for licensure.
Manufacturers (Included in Supplier Tier) MCL 436.1603(15)(b)
Brewer A manufacturer of beer which manufactures more than 60,000 barrels of
beer a year. Can sell beer to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May also sell
beer to consumers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location where
it manufactures beer. No local legislative approval required for licensure, if
manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local legislative
Micro Brewer A manufacturer of beer which manufactures 60,000 or fewer barrels
of beer a year. Can sell beer to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May also
sell beer to consumers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location
where it manufactures beer. May also self-distribute beer it manufactures to retailers
if it sells fewer than 2,000 barrels of beer a year. No local legislative approval required
for licensure, if manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local
legislative approval.
Limited Production Manufacturer A licensee that is manufacturer that purchases
beer from Brewer or Micro Brewer licensee or out-of-state equivalent of a Brewer or
Micro Brewer licensee for purposes of taking ownership of the beer and further
manufacturing the beer. A Limited Production Manufacturer licensee does not brew
the beer, but modifies the beer it purchases as part of the manufacturing process. The
finished product is then sold to a Wholesaler or Outstate Seller of Beer licensee. A
Limited Production Manufacturer license cannot be held with any other license type
issued by the Commission.
Brandy Manufacturer A manufacturer that manufactures brandy from wine that it
manufactures. The Brandy Manufacturer licensee must also be licensed as a Wine
Maker or Small Wine Maker licensee. Can sell brandy to the Commission to sell
through Authorized Distribution Agents to retailers. May sell brandy it manufactures
to customers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location where it
manufactures it and also through an Off-Premises Tasting Room license or Joint Off-
Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval required for licensure,
if manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local legislative
Distiller (Manufacturer of Spirits) A manufacturer of spirit products that contain more
than 10% alcohol by volume which manufactures more than 60,000 gallons of spirits
a year. Can sell spirits it manufactures to the Commission to sell through Authorized
Distribution Agents to retailers. May sell spirits it manufactures to consumers under
an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location it manufactures it and also
through an Off-Premises Tasting Room license or Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room
license. No local legislative approval required for licensure, if manufacturing only; On-
Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local legislative approval.
Small Distiller A manufacturer of spirit products that contain more than 10% alcohol
by volume which manufactures 60,000 or fewer gallons of spirits a year. Can sell
spirits it manufactures to the Commission to sell through Authorized Distribution
Agents to retailers. May self-distribute spirits it manufactures to retailers if it sells less
than 3,000 gallons of spirits a calendar year to retailers. May sell spirits it
manufactures to customers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the
location where it manufactures it and also through an Off-Premises Tasting Room
license or Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval
required for licensure, if manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit
requires local legislative approval.
Wine Maker A manufacturer of wine which manufactures more than 50,000 gallons
of wine a year. Can sell wine to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May also
sell wine to consumers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location
where it manufactures it and also through an Off-Premises Tasting Room license or
Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. May self-distribute wine it manufactures to
retailers. May hold a Farmer’s Market Permit that allows the sale and sampling of its
wine at a farmer’s market. No local legislative approval required for licensure, if
manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local legislative
Small Wine Maker A manufacturer of wine which manufactures 50,000 or fewer
gallons of wine a year. Can sell wine to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May
also sell wine to consumers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the
location where it manufactures it and also through an Off-Premises Tasting Room
license or Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license May self-distribute wine it
manufactures to retailers. May hold a Farmer’s Market Permit that allows the sale
and sampling of its wine at a farmer’s market. No local legislative approval required
for licensure, if manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local
legislative approval.
Mixed Spirit Drink Manufacturer A manufacturer of mixed spirit drink products that
contain 10% or less alcohol by volume. Can sell mixed spirit drink products it
manufactures to Wholesaler licensees to sell to retailers. May self-distribute mixed
spirit drink it manufactures to retailers if it manufactures less than 31,000 gallons of
mixed spirit drink a calendar year. May also sell mixed spirit drink products to
consumers under an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit at the location where it
manufactures them. No local legislative approval required for licensure, if
manufacturing only; On-Premises Tasting Room Permit requires local legislative
Off-Premises Tasting Room License A license that may be held by a Wine Maker,
Small Wine Maker, Distiller, Small Distiller, or Brandy Manufacturer license at a
location that is not on the manufacturer’s licensed manufacturing premises. Under an
Off-Premises Tasting Room license, the manufacturer may only sell the spirit, wine,
or brandy products it manufactures at its licensed manufacturing premises. A
manufacturer may have up to five (5) Off-Premises Tasting Room licenses (or a
combination of Off-Premises Tasting Room licenses and Joint Off-Premises Tasting
Room licenses) where full drinks may be sold and served for on-premises
consumption and unlimited Off-Premises Tasting Room licenses where limited
samples only are sold or given away for on-premises consumption. The sale of spirit,
wine, or brandy products to consumers for off-premises consumption is also allowed
with an Off-Premises Tasting Room license. Local legislative approval required for
Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room License A Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room
license is issued to a Wine Maker, Small Wine Maker, Distiller, Small Distiller, or
Brandy Manufacturer license at a location that is not on the manufacturer’s licensed
manufacturing premises to be operated jointly with another Wine Maker, Small Wine
Maker, Distiller, Small Distiller, or Brandy Manufacturer licensee that also holds a Joint
Off-Premises Tasting Room license. Under a Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room
license, the manufacturer may only sell the spirit, wine, or brandy products it
manufactures at its licensed manufacturing premises. A manufacturer may have up
to five (5) Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room licenses (or a combination of Off-Premises
Tasting Room licenses and Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room licenses) where full
drinks may be sold and served for on-premises consumption and unlimited Joint Off-
Premises Tasting Room licenses where limited samples only are sold or given away
for on-premises consumption. The sale of spirit, wine, or brandy products to
consumers for off-premises consumption is also allowed with a Joint Off-Premises
Tasting Room license. Local legislative approval required for licensure.
Consumer Sampling Event License A license held by a Small Distiller or Vendor of
Spirits that allows the licensee to conduct consumer sampling events with spirits it
manufactures on the premises of a Specially Designated Distributor licensee. No local
legislative approval required for licensure.
Direct Shipper A license held by a Wine Maker or Small Wine Maker licensee that
allows the Wine Maker or Small Wine Maker to sell and ship wine directly to a
consumer in Michigan or another state. An Outstate Seller of Wine located in another
state may hold this license if it is the manufacturer of the wine it ships into Michigan.
No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Salesperson A license held by an individual person that sells, delivers, or promotes
the products of a manufacturer or other supplier. A person that sells, delivers, or
promotes the products of a Wholesaler licensee may also hold a Salesperson license.
No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Broker A license held by company that operates as a corporate salesperson for a
manufacturer. A Broker licensee may also employ Salesperson licensees to sell,
deliver, or promote the products of a manufacturer or other supplier. No local
legislative approval required for licensure.
Warehouser A license held by a person authorized to store alcoholic beverages.
Can be held by a manufacturer or Wholesaler licensee. No local legislative approval
required for licensure.
Limited Alcohol Buyer A license that allows a person or company to purchase alcohol
for medicinal, mechanical, chemical, or scientific purposes. No local legislative
approval required for licensure.
Seller of Alcohol A license that allows a person or company to sell alcohol to a
distiller or wine maker for rectifying or fortifying purposes or to an industrial
manufacturer. No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Industrial Manufacturer A license that allows a person or company to purchase
alcohol for manufacturing products for non-beverage purposes. No local legislative
approval required for licensure.
Wholesaler Tier
Wholesaler A license that allows the distribution of beer, wine, or mixed spirit drink
products produced in or brought into Michigan by licensees in the supplier tier to sell
to licensees in the retailer tier. Wholesaler licensees are often referred to as
distributors”. No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Warehouser A license held by a person authorized to store alcoholic beverages.
Can be held by a manufacturer or Wholesaler licensee. No local legislative approval
required for licensure.
Retailer Tier
The retailer tier consists of stores, restaurants, hotels, bars, and clubs that hold
licenses which allow the sale of alcohol to consumers. The retailer tier is broken down
into two groups: on-premises licensees that may sell alcohol to customers for
consumption on the premises where it is sold; and off-premises licensees that may sell
alcohol to customers for consumption somewhere else.
Most retailer licenses are “quota” licenses, which means that there are a limited
number of specific license types allowed based on the population of a local governmental
unit. Once the quota limit for a license type is met, no new licenses of that type can be
issued in that local governmental unit. However, most quota licenses are transferrable
by location from one local governmental unit to another. For off-premises licenses, there
are exemptions from the quota if there is not another license of the same type within two
miles of the location of a proposed licensed business.
The statute also allows for special “resort” licenses that may be issued in limited
numbers each year over the quota limits. On-premises resort licenses have specific
investment thresholds to qualify, cannot be transferred to another location once issued,
must be open a minimum number of days and hours each week, and come with a
$20,000.00 initial license fee. Off-premises resort licenses are limited to Specially
Designated Distributor licenses, but those do not require any minimum investment
amounts, do not have minimum days and hours of operation, and have the same license
fees as other Specially Designated Distributor licenses.
Redevelopment Area (RDA) and Development District (DDA) licenses are another
version of on-premises retailer licenses that can be issued over the quota limits. These
licenses require a specific investment threshold to qualify, cannot be transferred to
another location once issued, must be open a minimum number of days and hours each
week, and come with a $20,000.00 initial license enhancement fee. If the licensee ever
goes out of business the license must be surrendered to the Commission and terminated.
In addition to all of the aforementioned license types, there are a number of
individual sections of law that have created versions of on-premises licenses that can be
issued in excess of the quota limits. These are referred to as “special act” licenses.
These can be issued to colleges and universities, organizations hosting international and
national sporting events, motorsports complexes, municipal civic centers, county or
municipal airports, and for a wide array of other special purposes.
On-Premises Retailer License Types:
A-Hotel Allows a hotel that has a minimum of 25 rooms to sell and serve beer, wine,
and mixed spirit drink products for consumption on the licensed premises. May be
issued as a quota, resort, RDA, DDA, or special act license. Local legislative approval
is required for new, previously unissued license, but not required to transfer ownership
or location of an existing license.
B-Hotel Allows a hotel that has a minimum of 25 rooms to sell and serve beer, wine,
mixed spirit drink, and spirits to customers. May be issued as a quota, resort, RDA,
DDA, or special act license. Local legislative approval is required for new, previously
unissued license, but not required to transfer ownership or location of an existing
Tavern Allows a restaurant or bar to sell and serve beer, wine, and mixed spirit drink
products for consumption on the licensed premises. May be issued as a quota, resort,
RDA, DDA, or special act license. Local legislative approval is required for new,
previously unissued license, but not required to transfer ownership or location of an
existing license.
Class C Allows a restaurant or bar to sell and serve beer, wine, mixed spirit drink,
and spirits to customers. May be issued as a quota, resort, RDA, DDA, or special act
license. Local legislative approval is required for new, previously unissued license,
but not required to transfer ownership or location of an existing license.
G-1 Allows a private, corporate golf club to sell and serve beer, wine, mixed spirit
drink, and spirits to its members only. Must be reclassified from an existing quota on-
premises license. Local legislative approval is required to transfer the classification
to a G-1 license.
G-2 Allows a private, corporate golf club to sell and serve beer, wine, and mixed
spirit drink products to its members only. Must be reclassified from an existing quota
on-premises license. Local legislative approval is required to transfer the classification
to a G-2 license.
Brewpub Allows a Class C, Tavern, A-Hotel, or B-Hotel licensee to manufacture,
sell, and serve its own beer to its customers. May also sell beer it manufactures to
customers for off-premises consumption. This is not a quota license. Local legislative
approval is required for new, previously unissued license, but not required to transfer
ownership or location of an existing license.
Aircraft Allows the sale and service of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and spirits on
an airplane that has a specific route and timetable. This is not a quota license. No
local legislative approval required for licensure.
Train Allows the sale and service of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and spirits on a
train. This is not a quota license. No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Watercraft Allows the sale and service of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, and spirits
on a boat that has a specific route and timetable. This is not a quota license. No local
legislative approval required for licensure.
Club Allows a private, nonprofit organization to sell and serve beer, wine, mixed
spirit drink, and spirits to its members only. This is not a quota license. Local
legislative approval is required for new, previously unissued license, but not required
to transfer ownership or location of an existing license.
Special License A limited term license, generally only for one day, that can be issued
to a nonprofit organization for fundraising purposes. Can be issued for beer, wine,
and spirits sales and consumption and for a wine auction with wine donated by private
individuals. An organization may only be issued twelve (12) Special Licenses each
calendar year. This is not a quota license. No local legislative approval required for
licensure, but police or sheriff approval required.
Beer Festival Special License A limited term license that allows an association
comprised of Brewer, Micro Brewer, or Brewpub licensees to hold a beer festival. The
association is limited to six (6) events each calendar year. The events can be more
than one day, generally two to three days in a row. This is not a quota license. No
local legislative approval required for licensure, but police or sheriff approval required.
Continuing Care Retirement Center License Allows a registered continuing care
retirement center or home for the aged to sell and serve beer, wine, mixed spirit drink,
and spirits for consumption by a resident or the bona fide guests accompanying the
resident on the premises of the facility. Local legislative approval is required for new,
previously unissued license, but not required to transfer ownership of an existing
license. Only 20 licenses may be issued to continuing care retirement centers and
only 5 licenses may be issued to homes for the aged, statewide. This is not a quota
license. Local legislative approval is required for new, previously unissued license,
but not required to transfer ownership or location of an existing license.
Types of Special Act Licenses, As Referenced Above:
State Owned Airport (MCL 436.1505) Does not count against local governmental
unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Publicly Owned Airport (MCL 436.1507) Does not count against local governmental
unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Municipal Civic Center or Civic Auditorium (MCL 436.1509) May be issued for a civic
center or auditorium which is operated as a municipal enterprise for scheduled events
only in a city or township with a population of 5,500 or more. Does not count against
local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Mackinac Island State Park and Presque Isle Harbor Marina (MCL 436.1511) -- Does
not count against local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
College & University Conference Center (MCL 436.1513(1)) For scheduled events
only. Does not count against local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license
College & University Golf Course (MCL 436.1513(4)) Counts against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
College & University Culinary Program (MCL 436.1513a) Does not count against
local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
University Hotel & Conference Center (MCL 436.1514) Counts against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
University Hotel & Conference Center, 2nd Location (MCL 436.1514a) Counts
against local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Government-Owned Golf Course (MCL 436.1515) Does not count against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
International Sporting Event (MCL 436.1517) Does not count against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
National Sporting Event (MCL 436.1517a) Does not count against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Motorsports Entertainment Complex (MCL 436.1518) Does not count against local
governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Professional Hockey & International Soccer At University Stadium (MCL 436.1531(7))
Does not count against local governmental unit’s on-premises retailer license quota.
Off-Premises Retailer License Types:
Specially Designated Merchant (SDM) Allows a convenience store, grocery store,
or gas station to sell beer and wine to consumers for consumption off the premises.
An on-premises retailer may also hold an SDM license to allow customers to purchase
beer, wine, and mixed spirit drink products for takeout. May only be issued as a quota
license with a number of exemptions from the quota requirements. No local legislative
approval required for licensure.
Specially Designated Distributor (SDD) Allows a convenience store, grocery store,
or gas station to sell spirits to consumers for consumption off the premises. An SDD
license is almost always held in conjunction with an SDM license. The only on-
premises retailers that may hold an SDD license are Class C and B-Hotel licensees.
May be issued as a quota or resort license. No local legislative approval required for
Third Party Facilitator Service (TPFS) Allows a company to facilitate the sale and
delivery of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, or spirits from an SDD or SDM to a consumer
using a webpage or mobile application. It is not specifically included in the retailer
tier, but due to the statutory prohibitions of a supplier or wholesaler tier licensee from
holding interest in a TPFS license, the Commission has determined that it is a retailer
tier license. No local legislative approval required for licensure.
Permits, Permissions, and Approvals These permits, permissions, and approvals may
be held by licensees in any of the licensing tiers, as specified below.
Additional Bar A Class C or B-Hotel license may have a second or subsequent bar
on the premises where drinks may be purchased at the bar. If a Class C or B-Hotel
does not have an Additional Bar, it may only sell from one (1) bar on its premises but
may offer table service of alcohol from service bars that only its employees utilize. No
other license type requires an Additional Bar to have more than one bar on the
licensed premises. No local legislative approval required for approval.
Banquet Facility Permit A special permit that allows an on-premises retailer licensee,
except for a Club or Special License, to sell and serve alcohol at a banquet facility
located in a different location from its licensed premises. The Banquet Facility Permit
can only be used for scheduled events, cannot have regular meal service, and cannot
be open to the general public. Not a license type, but functions similarly to an on-
premises license. Local legislative approval is required for new, previously unissued
Banquet Facility Permit, but not required to transfer ownership of an existing Banquet
Facility Permit.
Beer & Wine Tasting Permit Allows for beer and wine tastings on the premises of a
Specially Designated Merchant licensee. An SDM may hold this permit in order to
conduct beer or wine tastings on its premises. A Brewer, Micro Brewer, Wine Maker,
Small Wine Maker, Outstate Seller of Beer, or Outstate Seller of Wine may also hold
this permit in order for one of its Salesperson licensees to conduct beer or wine
tastings on the premises of an SDM licensee. No local legislative approval required
for approval.
Catering Permit Allows for the sale, deliver, and service of beer, wine, and spirits to
a customer for a private event. No alcohol can be sold by the drink to guests at the
event; the host must buy all the alcohol and it is served to the guests for no charge.
The following license types may hold a Catering Permit: A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class C,
Tavern, SDD, SDM, a manufacturer that holds an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit,
and Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval required for
Dance Permit Allows for dancing on the premises of a licensee that has on-premises
consumption. The following license types may hold a Dance Permit: A-Hotel, B-Hotel,
Class C, Tavern, G-1, G-2, Banquet Facility Permit, a manufacturer that holds an On-
Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises Tasting Room license, and Joint Off-
Premises Tasting Room license. This permit may be combined with an Entertainment
Permit as a Dance-Entertainment Permit. No local legislative approval required for
Entertainment Permit Allows for monologues, dialogues, motion pictures, still slides,
closed circuit television, contests, or other performances for public viewing on the
premises of a licensee that has on-premises consumption. The following license types
may hold a Dance Permit: A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class C, Tavern, G-1, G-2, Banquet
Facility Permit a manufacturer that holds an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-
Premises Tasting Room license, and Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. This
permit may be combined with a Dance Permit as a Dance-Entertainment Permit. No
local legislative approval required for approval.
Extended Hours Permit Allows for a holder of a Dance, Entertainment, or Dance-
Entertainment Permit to remain open past the normal legal hours of sale between
7:00am to 2:00am for the express purpose of allowing dancing or entertainment. The
following license types may hold an Extended Hours Permit: A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class
C, Tavern, G-1, G-2, Banquet Facility Permit, a manufacturer that holds an On-
Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises Tasting Room license, and Joint Off-
Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval required for approval.
Living Quarters Permit Allows a licensee to have living quarters attached to the
licensed premises. All licensees may hold this permit. No local legislative approval
required for approval.
Off-Premises Tasting Room Permit Allows a manufacturer to sell alcoholic liquor it
manufactures to consumers for consumption on or off the licensed premises at its
licensed manufacturing premises. Local legislative approval is required for approval.
Secondary Location Permit A special permit that allows an SDM licensee to have a
second, adjacent location where it may sell beer and wine to consumer for
consumption off the premises in a gas station. Not a license type, but functions
similarly to an off-premises license. No local legislative approval required for approval.
Specific Purpose Permit Allows a licensee that has on-premises consumption to
remain open past the normal legal hours of sale between 7:00am to 2:00am for the
specific purpose of listed with the permit. For example, a Specific Purpose Permit
(Food), would allow the service of food outside the legal hours of alcohol sales. The
following license types may hold an Extended Hours Permit: A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class
C, Tavern, G-1, G-2, Brewer, Banquet Facility Permit, a manufacturer that holds an
On-Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises Tasting Room license, and Joint
Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval required for
Sunday Sales Permit (AM) Allows for the sale of beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, or
spirits from 7:00am to 11:59am on Sunday for applicable license types in local
governmental units that allow Sunday morning sales of alcohol. The following license
types may hold a Sunday Sales Permit (AM): A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class C, Tavern, G-1,
G-2, SDD, SDM, Secondary Location Permit, Banquet Facility Permit, a manufacturer
that holds an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises Tasting Room license,
and Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative approval required
for approval.
Sunday Sales Permit (PM) Allows for the sale of mixed spirit drink or spirits from
12:00pm on Sunday to 2:00am on Monday morning for applicable license types in
local governmental units that allow Sunday afternoon and evening sales of alcohol.
The following license types may hold a Sunday Sales Permit (PM): A-Hotel (mixed
spirit drink only), B-Hotel, Class C, Tavern (mixed spirit drink only), G-1, G-2 (mixed
spirit drink only), SDD, SDM (mixed spirit drink only), Banquet Facility Permit, a
manufacturer that holds an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises Tasting
Room license, and Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local legislative
approval required for approval.
Permission to Maintain Direct Connection to Unlicensed Premises Allows a licensee
to have a doorway from its licensed premises to another part of the same building
where it is not licensed. All licensees may have this permission. No local legislative
approval required for approval.
Permission to Maintain Motor Vehicle Fuel Pumps On or Adjacent to the Licensed
Premises Allows an SDD or SDM licensee to have fuel pumps on the premises. No
local legislative approval required for approval.
Permission for Off-Premises Storage Allows a licensee to store alcohol at a location
other than the licensed premises. All licensees may have this permission. No local
legislative approval required for approval.
Authorization for Outdoor Service Allows an on-premises licensee to sell and serve
alcohol in a well-defined and clearly marked area adjacent to the licensed premises.
May be held by A-Hotel, B-Hotel, Class C, Tavern, G-1, G-2, Banquet Facility Permit
a manufacturer that holds an On-Premises Tasting Room Permit, Off-Premises
Tasting Room license, and Joint Off-Premises Tasting Room license. No local
legislative approval required for approval.
Topless Activity Permit Allows an on-premises retailer licensee to conduct topless
activity on its licensed premises. No local legislative approval required for approval.