Round Table Discussion 1
General Conversation Notes:
Give good apology [on a personal level]
Identify the disruptors in the organizations and bring them into the process
Invite the disruptors into the room and let the drama”/process unfold
Push organizations to identify/own their history and ask how the history impacts how
the community you serve engages with the organization
George Floyd as a catalyst for conversation
o Overcoming initial skepticism of work
o Boards vs. staffdue to power structures, boards are more conservative than
Swimming partnership to teach students how to swim
“We write our stories with the choices that we make.” –Dr. Maysa Akbar Today you
are writing a story today you made the choice to prioritize this choice [to attend the
symposium] “Decolonizing Wealth” by Edgar Villanueva
Unpacking the lack of diversity
Include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in performance standards/reviews
Need to unpack Y-History and expand diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to all
team members organizationally
Look inwardself awareness
Better leverage our positions to be at the table to address importance of diversity,
equity, and inclusion (DEI)
Jumped straight to action in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) journey but want
to go back to history
1. What steps has your organization taken towards racial equity?
Looking at population served and modeling our staff and Board of Directors from
those characteristics
Having external perspectives at the table when making decisions (i.e. not just
internal decision making)
Expanding reach of constituents/clients
Identifying the right way to be equitable racially (i.e. not just inviting people of color
(POC) to join boards)
Prep work to get org read for racial equity trainings
Acknowledge problems
Community outreach:
o Intentional strategic partnership
Hired outside consultant to perform audit
Increasing representation among the staff
o Internship opportunities as added pipelines
Y-USA looked at history; allows local Ys to look critically and advance equity;
expanded partnerships with smaller non-profits & Black, Indigenous, People of Color
(BIPOC) populations.
Looking at leadership for representation, bilingual employees, finding voice of
cultures they work with, moving the board to understand the importance of diversity,
equity and inclusion (DEI)
Recreating visuals representative of all history/cultures
Reinterpreted exhibits to be more inclusive
Hiring with more intentionality
Being truthful in stories and telling the full history
Embracing resistance
Adding equity in job titles
2. What challenges have you or your organization faced in the journey to racial
Bringing in trainings that haven’t really helped us grow equitably
Hard to pinpoint where to start or what to address
Founders’ syndromenot letting go to allow for new leadership to flourish
Lack of representation on our Boards/staffs
Ineffective staff recruitment for more diverse representations
Not enough conversations about equity at all levels of organization (so not enough
Board/stakeholder resistance, defensiveness, blind spots
3. In what ways have you encountered resistance to change at your organization?
No specific resistance, but not enough prioritization so that is stymying progress
which is acting as the resistance
4. Why do you want your organization to become racially equitable?
Representation, leadership, workforce
Be more disruptive to help drive change
Be more intentional about hiring
Take a deeper dive into our institution’s histories and systems evolution and impact
on communities we serve
Don’t waste time, make sure diverse employees aren’t burdened
It strengthens the work we do
Round Table Discussion 2
Action Steps
Monthly discussions and training support for non-profit board
Dig deeper into organizational history & our founders & to take action to change
funding sources to address historical/modern inequities
Not taking the resistance personally and not personalizing the misinformation given
to that person
We don’t have to make everyone comfortable all the time; this is our direction and
you can come a long or not
Use your energy wisely and there will be some who choose not to move on
Read and discuss “Decolonizing Wealth”
Be the crockpot/thermostat, don’t let things go quiet, standing agenda item on
internal staff meetings
Make sure decisions are made with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) lens
More direct advocacy for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in Philanthropy