Department of Defense (DoD)
February 2019
DoD Guidebook for Miscellaneous Payments
All changes are denoted by blue font (note: hyperlinks are always
identified in blue, bold, italicized font).
Substantive revisions are identified below.
This version updates and replaces the December 2016 version.
Pages 82-83
Added a newly developed template for Student Loan
Repayments (SLRV). The template provides policy and
guidelines for the preparation and submission of student loan
repayments authorized by Title 5, United States Code
(U.S.C.) § 5379 and Office of Personnel Management
Pages 98-99
Revised the policy language in the Civilian Clothing
Allowance (CCAE) template to clarify the classification of
the payments as allowances (in accordance with Department
of Defense Instruction 1400.25, Volume 591), including the
clarification of documentary evidence required to support the
payment requests.
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Alphabetical Listing of Miscellaneous Payment Categories ..................................................... 4
Abbreviation Codes ............................................................................................................................ 4
Non-Federal Entities ..................................................................................................................... 4
Employees/Military Members .................................................................................................... 7
Intra-Governmental ..................................................................................................................... 9
Templates for Processing Miscellaneous Payments-General Notes ............................................ 10
Payments to Non-Federal Entities ............................................................................................. 11
Employee Reimbursements ...................................................................................................... 94
Intra-Governmental ................................................................................................................. 140
Voucher Preparation Instructions (SF 1034 and OF 1164) .................................................... 150
Purpose. The purpose of this guide is to assist Department of Defense (DoD) officials
in identifying mandatory requirements prescribed for DoD miscellaneous payments. This guide
prescribes policy for certain miscellaneous payments for Federal and Non-Federal entities. It
provides a high-level overview of policies and processes, with a goal of consolidating and
streamlining miscellaneous payment procedures across the Components. Use of the
"Abbreviation" miscellaneous payment codes (pages 6–10 of this guidebook) is mandatory for
any miscellaneous payment request within the DoD. If the entitlement system is unable to
capture or process the "Abbreviation" miscellaneous payments codes, the entitlement system
personnel must reach an agreement with the DFAS Tax Office regarding how payments will be
processed in order to ensure that proper tax withholding and/or reporting occurs. The policy
and procedures identified in this guide are derived from the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR), the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), the DoD Financial
Management Regulation (FMR), and other statutory and regulatory resources referenced
throughout. An authorized miscellaneous payment is defined as a payment that is not initiated
by a contract or task order, and is generally a one-time occurrence for which the government
receives benefit. Miscellaneous payments will be paid if the underlying expense was authorized
and if the claim is legally payable. See DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12 for additional policy
concerning miscellaneous payments.
A. A miscellaneous payment is defined as a valid obligation of the government having one
or more of the following attributes:
1. Payment under special authoritative arrangements other than a
formal contracting arrangement. These may include specific payment authorities pursuant to
legislation or Executive Orders. Example: Child care services and youth programs services for
dependents; financial assistance for providers.
2. Payments authorized under formal contracting arrangements that
may necessitate other payment methods. Examples: Payments for morale, welfare, and
recreation functions when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible.
3. Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases.
Examples: Payments for Attorney fees and other expenses awarded by a court, arbitrator, or
administrative board to the party prevailing in a civil action against DoD, when use of the GPC
is not feasible.
B. Submission and processing of miscellaneous claims for payment must be accomplished
electronically (DFARS Subpart 232.70), with limited exceptions as prescribed by DFARS
232.7002(a). Electronic submissions of miscellaneous payments may be submitted via the
Invoicing Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer (iRAPT) part of the eBusiness Suite,
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, or other approved electronic methods. Supporting
documentation, to include receipts, tickets, invoices, or other specific forms identified by each
template in this guide, must accompany each payment request. The electronically transmitted
payment request is treated the same as a paper request and must contain the required data
elements of a proper invoice (see FAR 32.905(b), “Content of Invoices”, and Title 5, Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 1315).
C. Miscellaneous payments are subject to the obligation standards prescribed by the DoD
FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
D. The approved payment request must contain a valid line of accounting obligated as
specified in the DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8. Due to the nature of miscellaneous payments,
and the absence of a contract number, processing of the payments through a DoD payment
system may require the configuration of unique standard document numbers.
E. All payment requests must have a valid line of accounting and a Tax Identification
Number (TIN) registered with the DoD in accordance with Title 31, United States Code
(U.S.C.), section 3325(d). In accordance with FAR 4.11, contractors and vendors doing
business with the Federal Government must register in the System for Award Management
(SAM), except as noted in FAR 4.1102. The exceptions include instances involving classified
contracts, purchases using the Government-wide commercial purchase card, and purchases
under emergency or contingency operations. Contractors and vendors are responsible for
keeping all SAM information current. In accordance with DoD Directive 5400.11,
Components must safeguard the privacy of all individuals and the confidentiality of all
personally identifiable information (PII), and take action to ensure that any PII contained in a
system of records used to conduct official business will be protected so that the security and
confidentiality of the information is preserved.
F. Certifying officers will ensure the accuracy of a voucher and supporting documents;
ensure transactions are legal, proper and correct; and ensure the obligation of funds are sufficient
for payment. Submitting activities must provide a copy of a Defense Department (DD) Form
577 (Appointment/Termination Record) for certifying officers, to the DFAS Indianapolis
Disbursing Operations (secure email: [email protected]).
Certifying officers are appointed only after completion of required training and can be held
pecuniarily liable for erroneous payments resulting from the performance of their duties (31
U.S.C. 3528). See DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5 for additional policy concerning DD Form
577’s and certification of vouchers.
G. Reimbursement to entities or individuals can only occur if the underlying expense was
properly authorized and the claim is legally payable.
H. Title 31 CFR, Part 208 requires that Federal payments be made electronically, except as
prescribed by 31 CFR Part 208.4.
I. The GPC may be used for payment of certain miscellaneous payments for transactions
valued at or below the micro-purchase threshold (DFARS Part 213.270). If a non-Federal
entity does not accept the GPC, payment by convenience check may be another option. See
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 23 for policy concerning the GPC and convenience checks.
J. The Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) system shall be used to
properly transfer funds to pay for goods and services exchanged between Federal agencies
(Treasury Financial Manual, Volume 1, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Appendix 10, Section 9.4.3).
Existing Abbreviations. Use of the "Abbreviation" miscellaneous payment codes
(pages 6-10 of this guidebook) is mandatory for miscellaneous payments made by the DoD.
If the entitlement system is unable to capture or process the "Abbreviation" miscellaneous
payment codes, the entitlement system must reach an agreement with the DFAS Tax Office
regarding how payments will be processed.
Abbreviations. This guidebook does not encompass all miscellaneous payments
and primarily those with a less significant volume of requests may require special
handling. If a particular miscellaneous payment has not yet been assigned a code or
template and begins to recur in a volume that processing without the use of a specific
miscellaneous payment code becomes burdensome, then the organization being impacted
should contact DFAS (dfas.indianapolis-in.zpr.mbx.accountingpolicy[email protected])
with a recommendation to add a new code in this Guidebook.
Tax Withholding. The use of uniform miscellaneous payment codes is important to
determine the tax reporting and withholding applicable to payments and to determine the
applicability of Prompt Payment Act (PPA) or other required interest. These codes must be
captured in such a way that they can be used systemically to determine whether payments will
be cash- managed, whether PPA interest is due for late payments, and whether IRS Form 1099
reporting is required.
*An asterisk indicates that a template currently not included in the Guidebook
Non-Federal entities include a state, interstate, Indian tribal or local government, as
well as private organizations
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Agents (Used when disbursing vouchers are pro-
Ancillary Charges Associated with Fuel Cards
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Apprehension Reimbursements and Confinement
Apprehension Rewards
Attorney Fees (Including Judgments and Settle-
ments Paid to the Attorney)
Awards Made to Bid Protestors
Government Card Services
Billeting, Non-Federal Entity
Child Care (Non-Contractual)
Civilian Clothing Allowance
Contingency Funds for Entertaining Dignitaries
Contingency Funds for Investigative Expenses and
Confidential Military Purposes
EEO Payments Non-Federal Employee
Express Mail Service
Expert Witness Fees
Fees, Licenses, Permits (Does not include MIPRs)
Funeral, Internment, and Mortuary Expenses
Gifts and Speaker Fees
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Hospital Accreditation
Lease and Rental Agreements
Legal Claims (Non-Federal Entity)
Medical Services Provided by Civilian Non-
Federal Sources
Military Clothing Allowance
Miscellaneous Payment - Vendor
Military Training Service Support
Morale, Welfare, Recreation, and General Enter-
tainment Expenses
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertain-
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gifts and
Patents, Copyright, and Designs
Professional Liability Insurance
Purchase and Transportation of Special Items
Purchase of Metered Mail - Paid to Private Entity
(Does not include small parcels)
Purchase of Special Items (Drinking Water)
Rewards for Recovery of Lost DoD Property
Student Loan Repayments
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Training and Education Expenses - Paid to Non-
Federal Entity (Non-Contract)
Transportation for Local Move or Local Delivery
out of HHG Only (In/Out-Bound Local Moves)
Utility PaymentsInterest Bearing
Utility Payments Tariff or Late Fee Bearing
Veterinary Services for Contingency and/or Emer-
gency Conditions
Witness Attendance Fees
*An asterisk indicates that a template currently not included in the Guidebook
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Adoption Expenses
Award for Suggestion
Billeting *
Civilian Clothing Allowance
Defense Security Service (DSS) Agents Miscella-
neous Expenses
(Includes Investigation Expenses and background
investigations), which formerly used iRAPT code
Employment-Related Judgments and Settlements
(Includes EEOC Judgments and Settlements that
formerly used iRAPT Code EEOC)
Funeral, Internment, and Mortuary Expense
Fees, Licenses, and Permits
Lease & Rental Agreements
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Legal Claims
Medical Services Provided by Civilian Non-
Federal Sources
Miscellaneous Payment - Employee
Morale, Welfare, Recreation, and General Enter-
tainment Expenses
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertain-
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gifts and
Patents, Copyright & Designs
Professional Liability Insurance
Room and Board for Dependent Children
Reimbursements: Utility Reconnection and Tele-
communication Fees
Religious Services *
Respite Care
Training/Education Expenses - (Non-Contract)
Transportation Incentive Program
Veterinary Service
*An asterisk indicates that a template currently not included in the Guidebook
Miscellaneous Payment Category
Foreign Government Payments (formerly ACSI)
Non-Federal Government Payments (State/Local)
Official Rep Funds-Entertainment
Official Rep Funds-Gifts and Mementoes
Postage, Government Entity
Damages to GSA Motor Pool Vehicles *
Fees, Licenses, Permits *
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)* For IPA
payments, use IPAC and/or MIPR process *
Miscellaneous Payment Category
NAF (Payment made under the Uniform Funding
& Mgmt. Practice. Quarterly payment made to the
Community Family Support Center) *
Purchase of Special Items (Border Clearance In-
spectors) *
Training and Education Expenses - Paid to Federal
Government Entity (Non-Contract) *
Templates for Processing Miscellaneous
Any reference to a Standard Form or DoD Form includes the electronic equivalent
of that form.
Miscellaneous payments may have tax consequences as follows:
Certain payments may be required to be reported to the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using either IRS Form
1099 or W2.
Tax reporting is not required for employee-reimbursement-type
payments (e.g., clothing allowances, fire/police protection
equipment, training, household good damages, and personal
property loss).
W2s and withholding are required for employee payments of wages
and employment compensation such as back pay related to
settlements and judgments.
Payments to foreign governments require special handling and are not covered in
this document. (See local operating procedures.)
"Pay as Soon as Possible" means to make payment to the vendor at the earliest
time possible once all required documentation, as required by 5 CFR 1315.9,
including EFT information, is received by the payment office.
A miscellaneous payment code and template for Maintenance Services is not
included because these services are always purchased under contract.
Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) - all appropriation data should
adhere to SFIS guidelines outlined by the Deputy Chief Financial Officer website.
Preparation instructions for the Standard Form (SF) SF 1034 and the OF 1164
are provided as generally accepted guidelines for manual processing (page 150).
Payments to Non-Federal Entities
Agents (Used when disbursing vouchers are processed.)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments for purchases as a result of an emergency situation or contingency opera-
Description: Payments for purchases below the micro-purchase threshold as a result of an emergency
situation or contingency operation. Generally these items should be paid with the GPC but are purchased
using this process in circumstances where use of the GPC is not feasible.
Examples: Purchases include, but are not limited to, blood and water (in emergency situations), as well as
“Solatium Payments.
FAR 13.306
DFARS 213.306
SF 44, Purchase Order--Invoice--
SF 44, Pur
chase Order -- Invoice
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ed SF 44; binding agreement with an agency, person, or business
concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and certifica
tion of fu
Payment Request Docu-
SF 44 cert
ified by Paying Agent.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
SF 44s or ot
her receipts.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 44 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 44 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 44 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the leg-
acy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
AMBV Awards Made to Bid Protesters
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of awards made to successful bid protesters under the Competition in Con-
tracting Act of 1984 (CICA) (
10 USC 23
Description: If the Comptroller General determines that a solicitation for a contract or a proposed award
or the award of a contract does not comply with a statute or regulation, the Comptroller General may de
cide that
the protesting party is entitled to the following:
The paym
ent of costs associated with the filing and pursuing the protest, including reasonable attorney
The payment of costs of bid and proposal preparation.
Examples: Payments for bid and proposal preparation and attorney’s fees when awarded to the bid pro-
testor by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
FAR, Part 6.1
10 USC 2304
Chapter 2 31 USC 3551,
3552,3553,3554,3555 ,3556
Full and Open Competition
Contracts Competition Require-
Procurement Protest System
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
No (Correct PPA Interest for Contracts & Contract Disputes)
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Court order, Comptroller General decision, or settlement agree
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 c
ertified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Federal Court order, Comptroller General decision, or settlement agree-
A successful bid protester must certify, to the best of one’s knowledge
and belief, that the statement of costs submitted for payment: (1) con-
tains only costs that are legitimately payable pursuant to the guidance set
forth by the Government Accountability Office in connection with pay
ments of
attorney fees and bid preparation costs, and (2) are complete
and accurate.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date
(MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: As stipulated in Federal Court order, Comptroller General Decision, or settlement
Voucher Preparation: The Contracting Officer prepares an SF 1034. The following data must be includ-
ed: the payee’s name and either the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, either Commer
ial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, or NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code. If
the Non-Federal entity is a foreign entity doing business with DoD not in U.S. dollars; the payee’s name
and mailing address. See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Voucher Support: A copy of the Comptroller General decision, along with a statement of costs incurred
and approved by the contracting officer.
Condition for Payment: As stated in Federal Court order, Comptroller General decision, or settlement
pon receipt of the SF 1034 claiming payment, the Certifying Officer reviews the voucher for propriety
and, if proper, certifies the voucher. The SF 1034 must cite the payee’s name, TIN or Employee Identifica-
ion Number (EIN), mailing address, and banking information for EFT.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed but not authorized in Federal Court order, Comptroller General decision,
or settlement agreement.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
ayment must be made from the funds of the activity funding the contract.
ARCV Apprehension Reimbursements and Confinement Costs
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Reimbursements for the apprehension and return of prisoners, deserters, and military
members absent without leave.
Description: Under 10 USC 956, certain amounts are authorized and paid for the apprehension, deten-
tion, and return to military control of prisoners, deserters, and military members absent without leave.
Payments include reimbursement for actual expenses (up to specified limits). In addition, payments are
authorized for the reimbursement of civil authorities for the cost of subsistence furnished to military per
placed in their custody for safe-keeping at the request of military authorities.
Examples: Actual expenses for which reimbursement may be made, if considered justifiable and reim-
bursable by the commanding officer, include:
Taxicab, bus fare, or mileage at the per-mile rate established by the Joint Travel Regulation for a privately
owned conveyance when travel is performed by either a citizen or officer and prisoner, or a round trip from
either place of apprehension or civil police headquarters to place of return to military control.
Meals furnished to the member for which the cost was assumed by the apprehending person or agency
Telephone or telegraph communication costs.
Damage to property of the apprehending person or agency if caused directly by the member during his or
her apprehension, detention, or delivery.
Such other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in actual apprehension, detention, or delivery.
10 USC 956
10 USC 7214
Deserters, prisoners, members ab-
sent without leave: expenses and
Apprehension of deserters and
prisoners; operation of shore patrols
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
ness c
oncern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
1. Pr
oof of apprehension documented on DD Form 553,
er/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces, or a certificate from the or-
ganization of absentee, or written notification from military or Federal
law enforcement officials stating that the absentee’s return to military
control was desired. 2. An itemized statement of allowable expenses.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of DD Form 553, SF
1034 or electronic equivalent.
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office/receipt of prisoner return date.
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge-
ment Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Reimbursement for actual expenses. When a reward has not been offered or when
conditions for payment of a reward otherwise cannot be met, reimbursement, not to exceed $75, may be
made to any person or entity for actual expenses incurred in the apprehension, detention, or delivery to
military control of an absentee or deserter. If two or more persons or entities join in performing these ser
ices, payment may be made jointly or separately, but the total payment or payments may not exceed
Voucher Preparation: An SF 1034 is prepared by the activity to which the apprehended member was
released. The following data must be shown on the voucher:
The payee’s name, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and mailing address; the military appropriation
of the parent military service of the person apprehended; and the banking information for EFT, DUNS
number, CAGE code, or NCAGE code.
he apprehended member’s name, Social Security Number (SSN), organization from which the appre-
ed member was absent, and the date and place at which military authorities resumed control.
statement that the payee apprehended and detained, or apprehended and delivered, the member. See
page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Before a reimbursement is payable, a notification must be issued for the return
to military control of the absentee, deserter, or escaped military prisoner. Receipt of DD Form 553, De-
erter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces, oral or written communication from military or Federal law
enforcement officials, or entering the individual’s name in the National Crime Information Center, consti
es notification.
Not Payable: Reimbursement will not be made for:
Lodging at nonmilitary confinement facilities.
Transportation performed by the use of official Federal, state, county, or municipal vehicles.
Personal services of the apprehending, detaining, or delivering person or agency.
ctual expenses for the same apprehension and detention or delivery for which a reward has been paid.
Payment of actual expenses will be made in accordance with the expenses cited in the “Examples” sec-
tion of this template except when an itemized statement of costs approved by the Commanding Officer or
Provost Marshall is required and notice of DD Form 553 or other form is not required.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
ARWV Apprehension Rewards
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of rewards for apprehension and return of U.S. Military prisoners, deserters,
and members absent without leave.
Description: Under 10 USC 956, rewards are authorized and paid for the apprehension, detention, and
return to military control of U.S. Military prisoners, deserters, and members absent without leave.
A reward paid for the apprehension and delivery, to military control, of a member who is absent
without leave.
10 USC 956
10 USC 7214
Deserters, prisoners, members
absent without leave: expenses
and rewards
hension of deserters and
prisoners; operation of shore pa
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
ness c
oncern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
of apprehension documented on DD Form 553, Desert
bsentee Wanted by the Armed Forces, or a certificate from the or
ation of absentee, or written notification from military or Federal
law enforcement officials stating that the absentee’s return to military
control was desired.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
t Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
alized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: A reward of $50 is paid for apprehension and detention until military authorities as-
sume physical control of the member. A reward of $75 is paid for the apprehension and delivery of the
member to military control.
Voucher Preparation: An SF 1034 is prepared by the activity to which the apprehended member was
released. The following data must be shown on the voucher:
The payee’s name, TIN, mailing address; the military appropriation of the parent military service of the
person apprehended; and the banking information for EFT, DUNS number, CAGE code, or NCAGE code.
The apprehended member’s name and SSN, the organization from which the apprehended member was
absent, and the date and place at which military authorities resumed control.
A statement that the payee apprehended and detained, or apprehended and delivered, the member. See
page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Before a reward is payable, there must be a notification issued for the return to
military control of the absentee, deserter, or escaped military prisoner. Receipt of DD Form 553, Deserter/
Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces, oral or written communication from military or Federal law en-
orcement officials, or entering the individual’s name in the National Crime Information Center, constitutes
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Attorney Fees (Including judgments and settlements paid to the
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of attorney fees and other expenses awarded by a court, arbitrator or ad-
ministrative board to the party prevailing in a civil action against DoD.
Description: The Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) (5 USC 504 and 28 USC 2412) authorizes payment
of attorney fees and other expenses incurred by the prevailing party (other than the United States) in civil
actions and administrative proceedings. The party prevailing against DoD in adversary adjudication or in a
court action may obtain an award of attorney fees and other expenses incurred in connection with the
Examples: Attorney fees may be awarded pursuant to any of the following:
A no-fault settlement agreement
An informal adjustment
The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
An arbitrator
A Federal Court
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Other appropriate authority.
Other expenses may include those for expert witnesses and for any study, analysis, engineering report,
test, or project necessary for the preparation of the prevailing party’s case.
5 USC 504 and 28 USC 2412
Equal Access to Justice Act
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
The pay
ment of attorney fees to or on behalf of the complainant is taxa
ble t
o the complainant.
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
If the payment is made to both the attorney and the complainant, or to
just the attorney, two 1099s will be issued for the payment.
Prompt Pay Interest?
No (70 Comp. Gen. 664 (August 5, 1991))
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
order, settlement agreement, or order of an arbitrator or other ap
ate authority.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce, court order, settlement agreement, or order of an arbitrator or
other appropriate authority.
The application for payment must be supported when required by an
itemized statement from the attorney, agent, or expert witness stating
the actual time spent and the rate at which fees and other expenses
were computed.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Payment is to be made in the amount approved by the court order, settlement
agreement, order of an arbitrator, or other appropriate authority.
Voucher Preparation: An SF 1034, clearly stating to whom the payment is to be made (individual attor-
ney or the law firm) is prepared by the legal office representing the activity against which the plaintiff was
awarded the judgment. See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: In adversary adjudications, application for the amount sought must be submitted
to the DoD activity involved within 30 days of final disposition in the adversary adjudication (5 USC 504).
In court actions, the application for an award of attorney fees and other expenses must be submitted to
the court within 30 days of final judgment in the action (28 USC 2412).
Upon receipt of the SF 1034 claiming payment, the Certifying Officer reviews the voucher for propriety
and, if proper, certifies the voucher. On the SF 1034, cite the payee’s name, TIN/Employer Identification
Number (EIN), mailing address, and banking information for EFT.
Not Payable: Attorney or agent fees in excess of $125 per hour unless the agency determines that an
increase in the cost of living or a special factor, such as the limited availability of qualified attorneys or
agents for the proceedings involved, justifies a higher fee (5 USC 504 (b)(1)(A)(ii)).
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting.)
he Department of Justice (DOJ), in most cases, is the Federal agency designated to represent DoD in
litigation. DOJ is funded to make payments of properly awarded attorney fees. (Fees awarded in discrimi
ion cases are exceptions.) Attorney fees awarded by a court of competent authority are normally paid
by DOJ from its permanent appropriation. If such fees are not payable from this appropriation, DOJ will
provide guidance on a case-by-case basis. Attorney fees and other expenses awarded claimants under
the Equal Access to Justice Act are paid from funds available to the DoD activity at the time at which the
award is made.
BANV Government Card Services
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs) and Unit Billed Accounts used to make
travel arrangements.
Description: A CBA is a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) issued to a DoD activity. CBAs are is-
sued to make travel arrangements and must be used in lieu of issuing a Government Transportation Re-
quest (SF 1169) for payment purposes. CBAs are issued for the following purposes:
Transportation Accounts. Transportation GTCC accounts (CBAs) are issued to DoD activities for use in
purchasing transportation, including airline tickets, bus tickets, and rail tickets. Transportation accounts will
be used when a traveler has not been issued an Individually Billed Account (IBA) or is exempt from manda
tory us
e of the GTCC.
Unit Travel Charge Cards. DoD Components may use unit travel charge cards for group travel require-
ments only when it is cost effective, in the best interest of the mission, and authorized by a Component
Program Manager (CPM). Categories of travelers whose travel expenses may be charged to unit travel
charge cards include, but are not limited to, new recruits and employees who do not yet have IBAs, prison
ers, D
oD group travelers, and foreign nationals participating in support of official DoD sponsored programs
or activities.
Examples: Military Entrance Processing Station uses a CBA to purchase lodging and transportation for
potential recruits.
DOD FMR, Volume 9, Chapter 3
Department of Defense Government
Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
(11) Tax Withholding (appli-
cable to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
(12) Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(13) Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
(14) Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible. Purchase Card billing statements should be
paid as soon as administratively possible when the rebate offered is
greater than the cost of funds as defined in Title 5, CFR Subpart 1315.8.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
(15) Obligating Documents
fied SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ncy or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
(16) Payment Request Doc-
SF 1034 c
ertified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
(17) Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
(18) Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the
/SF 1034.
(19) Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are support-
ed by receipts/invoices.
(20) Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
(21) Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
(22) Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
(23) Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
(24) Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
Also depending on system, the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
BLLV Billeting
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of lodging costs to installation billeting offices.
Description: Payment of lodging costs to installation billeting offices when lodging is provided in kind.
Examples: Reserve Component personnel in an Inactive Duty Training (IDT) status at unit of assignment
DODI 1015.12
JTR, Chapter 7, Part K
Lodging Program Resource Man-
Joint Federal Travel Regulation
(11) Tax Withholding (appli-
cable to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
(12) Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(13) Prompt Pay Interest?
(14) Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
(15) Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
e/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose.
For obl
igations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
(16) Payment Request Doc-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
(17) Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
(18) Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the
/SF 1034.
(19) Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are support-
ed by receipts/invoices.
(20) Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
(21) Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
(22) Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
(23) Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
(24) Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
CHCV Child Care (Non-Contractual)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments to individuals for providing non-contractual childcare services.
Description: Payments to individuals for providing non-contractual reimbursement for childcare services,
including expenses associated with various military programs. All other types of childcare services are
Examples: Payments to individuals for providing non-contractual childcare services.
10 USC 1798
Child care services and youth pro-
gram services for dependents: fi-
nancial assistance for providers
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
s concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034
Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits. Fee assistance amounts vary by program. For many pro-
grams, fee assistance will be based on family income and provider rate.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
CLTV Civilian Clothing Allowance
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC or contract.
Short Description: Allowance for civilian employee job-related clothing or uniforms.
Description: Civilian uniform allowances. Payments for clothing allowances approved for civilians to com-
plete job-related functions and for civilian uniform allowances. (See DoDI 1400.25 for annual limitations).
Examples: Fire fighters, security personnel.
10 USC 1593
5 USC 7903
DoD Instruction 1400.25,
Volume 591
Uniform allowance: civilian employ-
otective clothing and equipment
DoD Civilian Personnel Man-
agement System: Uniform Al-
lowance Rates for DoD
Civilian Employees
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
tified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
oice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure (Civilian): In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA,
all appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on sys-
tem the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-
Accounting, Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting.)
The payment will be charged to the same appropriation and subsidiary accounting data normally charged
for the salary of the personnel concerned.
CONV Contingency Funds for Entertaining Dignitaries
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments for Official Representation Using Contingencies Funds
Description: Payments for official representation by local commanders or other official authorized pur-
poses using contingency funds.
Examples: Entertainment of dignitaries
DoDI 7250.13
Use of Appropriated Funds for Offi-
cial Representation Purposes
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
s concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ll expenditures of contingency funds for official representation specifi
ally must be approved before the event by the applicable commander or
designee. Such approvals must be of formal record and, at a minimum,
indicate the purpose, number of guests, and estimated cost.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: Payments are made on an SF 1034 and certified or approved by the commander
or designee. As an alternative, the commander or designee may submit a properly certified statement with
supporting documentation to the disbursing office for preparation and certification of the payment voucher.
See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
DEMV Demurrage
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Freight payments to a local or short-haul carrier whose vehicle or vessel is delayed by
failure to load/unload the freight within the time allowed.
Description: Payments for failure to load/unload freight within time allowed. If payable by the DoD-
approved third-party payment service for transportation or under a contract, this should not be handled as
a miscellaneous payment.
Examples: Government unforeseen delays for loading or unloading carrier/vessel shipments.
FAR 47.208-1
DFARS 247.271-3
Report of ShipmentAdvance no-
ontracts for Transportation or for
Transportation Related Services
Solicitation provisions, schedule
formats, and contract clauses
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034.
Invoice Received Date (Invoice RCVD): Date of SF 1034.
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 evidenced by authorized Certifying Officer
inalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 evidenced by author
zed Certifying Officer signature.
Amounts Payable: Certifying Officers may approve and certify payment for amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer and supporting documents.
Not Payable: Payments to long-haul carriers and amounts not supported by supporting documentation.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Non-Federal Employee EEO Payments
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal payment
Short Description: Payments for Non-Federal employees related to judgments and settlements.
Description: Payment for settlement agreements may include compensatory damages as well as costs
incurred in processing the complaint.
Examples: Costs incurred in class action lawsuit settlements or other judgment expenses.
5 CFR 1201
29 CFR Chapter XIV
Merit Systems Protection Board
Equal Employment Opportunity
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
If the payment is made directly to the complainant, the payment also
must be reported on Forms 1099-MISC
(1099 box 3).
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Settlement agreement, Federal court order, or Federal administrative
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034
is required to each payee and certified by Certifying Officer ex-
ternal to payment office (see DODFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ettlement agreement; Settlement agreements must state what the pay
ent represents; e.g., compensatory damages.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034
if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: As stipulated in the settlement agreement, court order, or administrative order.
Voucher Preparation: After review and approval of the award letter by the legal counsel, prepare an SF
1034, supported by the award letter and approval, made jointly payable to the complainant. Requests to
make actual payments are initiated by the EEO manager of the legal office. A separate SF 1034 must be
issued for each person receiving payment. The SF 1034 must indicate whether the payment is taxable and
which portion. The SF 1034 must contain the TIN, formal claimant’s name (e.g., “Robert W. Smith” rather
than “Bob Smith”) and the mailing address or EFT information.
Condition for Payment: As stated in the settlement agreement, court order, or administrative order. The
chief EEO manager reviews and approves all EEOC billings and any related SF 1034
s before payment by
the disbursing office.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed but not authorized in the settlement agreement, court order, or administra-
tive order.
Standard Financial Information Structure (Military): In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA,
all appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
All costs and expenses associated with these complaints are funded by the activity where the alleged dis-
crimination took place, using operating funds current at the time the services are requested. The EEOC will
bill this activity for any authorized and required expenses. Cite local operating funds current when the em-
ployee is notified of the amount payable on the claim for cost. In addition, rules under 29 CFR 1614
reinvestigations that became effective on 1 October 1992 may apply. Interest payments (when permitted
by statute) are to be charged to funds current when the award is made. The rate used is established by the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Note: This IRS rate is not the same as that used for interest under the
Prompt Payment Act.
EMSV Express Mail Service, Vendor
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC
Short Description: Payments for Express Mail When GPC Not Accepted.
Description: Payment for Express mail associated to official business. Note: DOD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 16, Paragraph 160703 mandates either GPC or a third party electronic payer system (i.e.
SYNCADA) be used for small package shipments. This code should only be used when these methods
are unavailable.
Examples: Small package delivery services for FEDEX, UPS, DHL.
DoD Directive 4525.6-M C7.2
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 16
GSA Schedule
Department of Defense Postal
Payment for Postal Services and
Small Package Delivery Costs
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034;
binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi-
ness; or approved purchase or authorization and certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034
certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DODFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
oice or receipt.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034
if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the certifying officer.
Not Payable: Amounts invoiced but not certified.
Standard Financial Information Structure (Military): In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA,
all appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
EWIV Expert Witness Fee
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of fees to Non-Federal individuals called upon to provide expert testimony or
provide specialized information relevant to the case being adjudicated.
Description: Expert Witness Fees apply to Non-Federal employees who are paid fees other than travel
and transportation allowance and witness attendance fees while serving as an expert witness in legal pro-
eedings. These payments must be vendor payments and not processed through an alternate entitlement
system (i.e., Travel Pay).
Examples: A Non-Federal employee subpoenaed for any legal proceedings to provide expert testimony
(i.e., forensic experts, chemists, toxicologists, qualified physicians); approved by a convening authority to
testify at court-martials or similar legal proceedings.
28 USC 2412 Costs and fees
(11) Tax Withholding (appli-
cable to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
(12) Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(13) Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
(14) Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible. Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Ac
eptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
(15) Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose.
or obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
(16) Payment Request Doc-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
(17) Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of-
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
(18) Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the
/SF 1034.
(19) Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are support-
ed by receipts/invoices.
(20) Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
(21) Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
(22) Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
(23) Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
(24) Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
In addition, depending on sys-
tem, the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-
Accounting, Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Contingency Funds for Investigative Expenses and Confidential
and Non-Confidential Military Purposes
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description:
Payments of expenses for non-confidential or classified and confidential military inves-
Description: Payments generally are for confidential military purposes and include miscellaneous ex-
penses for investigations.
Examples: Payments to the Criminal Investigative Organizations for use as part of criminal and/or under-
cover operations and payments to local governments for transcripts, court records, photographs, etc. The
DSS Headquarters provides the servicing entitlement office its accounting classification for reimburse-
ents. Such authority will be cited on the claim for reimbursement
DSS Headquarters
Executive Order 12829
10 USC 127
10 USC 422
DoD Directive 5105.42
Army Regulation 20-1
Authority will be cited on the claim
for reimbursement.
National Industrial Security Program
mergency and extraordinary ex
se of Funds for Certain Incidental
Defense Security Service (DSS)
Inspector General Activities and
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034 for non-classified investigation expenses. The
281 will be used for reimbursement of expenses related to classified or
confidential military investigations; binding agreement with an agency,
person, or business concern; or approved purchase or entitlement au-
horization and certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
eceipts to support non-classified expenses or classified or confidential
investigation expenses. The DD Form 281, Voucher for Emergency or
Extraordinary Expense Expenditures, must be used for expenses involv
ng classified or confidential military purposes.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions. Payments are normally
made on a DD Form 281. Exceptions are processed on other appropriate voucher forms. The original of all
vouchers such as DD Form 281, SF 1034, and SF 1080, except for collection and correction vouchers, are
returned to the originator. The original voucher and supporting documents are retained by designated In-
telligence Contingency Fund (ICF) Managers. The vouchers are prepared in original and four copies using
the applicable form. All other supporting documents are retained by the originating office.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified, amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
FIMV Funeral, Internment, and Mortuary Expenses
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Mortuary expense for deceased personnel
Description: Payment for the services and expenses associated with the care and disposition of de-
ceased personnel, or related expenses incurred by next of kin. Specific service regulations authorize and
prescribe the services and expenses for the care and disposition of deceased personnel.
Examples: Primary expenses for active-duty military can be provided under contract with a local mortuary.
Payments for secondary expenses, such as the services, supplies, transportation, and expenses incurred
by the next of kin, may be assigned to a mortuary or made, as reimbursements of expenses incurred, di
rectly to the individual.
10 USC 1482
Army Regulation 600-25
Army Regulation 600-8-1
Air Force Instruction 34-242
DoDD 1300.22E
DoDI 1300.15
DoDI 1344.08
DoDD 4515.13-R
Expenses incident to death
alutes, Honors, and Visits of Cour
rmy Casualty Program
Mortuary Affairs Program
Mortuary Affairs Policy
Military Funeral Support
Interment Allowance for Deceased
Military Personnel
Air Transportation Eligibility
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(However, secondary expenses paid directly to next of kin are neither
reportable nor taxable.)
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
However, not when treated as a payment of claim. See “FIME” for in-
ormation on “next of kin” claims)
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Secondary expenses should be paid immediately. These payments,
whether assigned or not, should be expedited and not delayed. Payment
of secondary expenses should be treated as payment of a claim.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
s concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Receipts and DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
FLPV Fees, Licenses, Permits (Does not include MIPRs.)
Reimbursement Type
Non-federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC.
Short Description: Payments for permits and other official documents/requirements.
Description: Payments for permits and other official documents usually related to local, state or Federal
Examples: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permit (although this is intra-governmental, it may
require handling as a Non-Federal entity payment in exceptional circumstances), and hunting and fishing
licenses for game wardens (where we pay direct rather than reimbursing employees).
DoDI 4715.6
Environmental Compliance
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
No (PPA Interest does not apply not contractual)
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents:
tified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
oice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
ndard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap
iation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
GFTV Gifts and Speaker Fees
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC.
Short Description: Payment for expenses associated with the purchase of an official gift or speaking fees
paid to individuals outside the government.
Description: Payment for expenses associated with the purchase of an official gift, including speaking
fees paid to individuals outside the government. To avoid excessive payment of honoraria, the Deputy
Secretary of Defense has established a policy that honoraria amounts greater than $2000 must be ap-
proved by the next higher organizational echelon. Such approvals shall be in accordance with the Compo-
nent’s established procedures.
Examples: Guest speakers at an official function.
22 USC 2694
5 USC 4501-4506
5 CFR, Sec 451.104
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Limitation on purchase of gifts for
foreign individuals
Incentive Awards
Payments of Fees For Guest
Speakers, Lecturers, and Panelists
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi-
ness concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts and an approved purchase or enti-
tlement authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
GRNV Grants
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments of grants for research and education.
Several types of payment are authorized for grants, cooperative agreements, and other as-
sistance transactions. The type used is prescribed in the award documents.
Examples: A short description of several methods of payments follows.
An advance payment is a payment made to a recipient upon their request either before outlays are made
by the recipient or using predetermined payment schedules.
A reimbursement is a payment is made to the recipient upon its request after cash outlays are made by
the recipient.
A working capital advance is the advancement of cash to a recipient to cover estimated disbursement
needs for an initial period generally geared to the awardees’ disbursing cycle. Thereafter, the recipient is
reimbursed for actual cash outlays.
A payable milestones payment is a payment made to a recipient according to a schedule of predetermined
measures of technical progress.
OMB Circular No. A-102
OMB Circular No. A-110
Catalog of Federal Domestic As-
DoD 3210.6-R
DoD FMR Volume 12, Chapter 5,
Grants and Cooperative Agree-
ments with State and Local Gov
niform Administrative Require-
ents for Grants and Agreements
with Institutions of Higher Educa-
tion, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit
Department of Defense Grant and
Agreement Regulations
rants and Cooperative Agree-
DoD FMR Volume. 10, Chapter
Payment Provisions for Grants And
Other Instruments of Assistance
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
(No more than 7 days after receipt of the recipient’s request at the ad-
ministering office and no more than 7 days after each date specified
when payments are authorized in advance based on a predetermined
payment schedule.)
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Paid on an externally certified SF 270 or SF 271 and supported by a
Payment Request Docu-
SF 270, SF 271,
or SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to
payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
For non-construction programs agreements with states, local govern-
ments, universities, and other non-profits, DoD 3210.6-R requires re-
ts for advance payments or reimbursements to be made on SF 270,
Request for Advance or Reimbursements. For construction programs,
SF 271, Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement, may be used.
For payments to commercial recipients, DoD Components may authorize
recipients to use SF 270, SF 271, or prescribe other forms as necessary.
Other forms may be authorized if exceptions are approved in advance by
the awarding agency.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
s required by the grant.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 270, SF 271, or SF
1034 or electronic equivalent.
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 270, SF 271, or SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 270, SF 271, or SF 1034
Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment, provided that (1) the request complies with
the award, and (2) funds are available to pay the award.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment certified by the administering office.
Not Payable: Amounts in excess of the unliquidated balance on the award.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
HONV Honoraria
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Honorarium payments to Non-Federal entities as compensation.
Description: An honorarium is payment to a Non-Federal individual in recognition of a special service for
which custom or propriety forbids any fixed price to be set and may be compensation for a lecture, speech
or writing.
Examples: As noted above.
DOD 5500.7-R
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Joint Ethics Regulation
Payments of Fees For Guest Speak-
ers, Lecturers, and Panelists
(11) Tax Withholding (appli-
cable to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
(12) Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(13) Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
(14) Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
(15) Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser-
vice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
(16) Payment Request Doc-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); or any other DoD forms used to support
miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Component’s
(17) Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of-
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
(18) Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the
/SF 1034.
(19) Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are support-
ed by receipts/invoices.
(20) Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
(21) Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
(22) Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
(23) Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
(24) Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
Also depending on system, the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
HSPV Hospital Accreditation
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Non-routine payments for accreditation surveys for medical programs, services,
and/or equipment.
Description: Non-routine payments for accreditation surveys for medical programs, services, and/or
equipment. If required, payment for any part or the entire initial or reaccreditation surveys may be made in
Examples: Non-routine payments for accreditation surveys for medical programs, services, and/or equip-
The Joint Commission
DoDI 6025.13
(Each state has accreditation re-
Medical Quality Assurance and
Clinical Quality Management in the
Military Health System
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible. (If advance payment)
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
s concern; or approved purchase or entitlement authorization and
certification of funds.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
LGLV Legal Claims (Non-Federal Entity)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of approved claims under various statutes. Includes Interest Awarded
Contractor by the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals, Payment to Contractor When Contracting
Officer Approves Claim under the Contract Disputes Act, Payment to Contractors Based on Decisions of
Board of Contract Appeals or Court of Federal Claims, and Payments to Reimburse Treasury for Pay
ents in Settlement of Contractor Claims.
Description: Claims under a variety of Federal statutes are processed and approved by certain settle-
ment authorities based on their delegated authority to settle that type and amount of claim. Persons who
have been designated to approve or disapprove claims cognizable under these statutes and the regula-
ions governing preparation, submission, adjudication, and payment of the claims can be obtained from
local office of counsel or judge advocate office. Settlement authorities at all levels will pay claims by the
most efficient means. Sometimes this means forwarding a voucher to DFAS or using another electronic
system. Sometimes emergency cash payments are made. Claims approved by other designees are for
arded to the local disbursing office that serves the approving authority for preparation and payment of
the public voucher.
laims under the Foreign Claims Act: The Foreign Claims Act authorizes the Secretaries of the Military
Departments, or their designee, to appoint claims commissions to approve or disapprove claims cogniza-
e under the Act. Similar commissions also may approve or disapprove claims cognizable under the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization status of forces and similar agreements and 10 USC 2733 and 2734.
Examples: This template covers a variety of legal claims including, but not limited to, payment to a con-
tractor when the Contracting Officer approves a claim under the Contract Disputes Act; payment to a con-
ractor based on a decision by the Board of Contract Appeals or Court of Federal Claims, including
interest awarded to a contractor by the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals; and payments to re-
burse the Judgment Fund upon receipt of a bill from the Treasury Department for payments in settle-
ent of contractor claims.
28 USC 1346(b), 2671, 2680
Federal Tort Claims Act
10 USC 2733
Property loss; personal injury or
death: incident to noncombat activ
ties of Department of Army, Navy,
or Air Force
10 USC 2734 Property loss; personal injury or
death: incident to noncombat activ
ties of the armed forces; foreign
31 USC 3721b
Claims of personnel of agencies
and the District of Columbia gov
nment for personal property
damage or loss
32 USC 715
Property loss; personal injury or
death: activities under certain sec
ions of this title
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
The use of a W-2 depends on settlement. If the payment is made directly
to the attorney or is issued jointly to the attorney and the complainant,
the payment also must be reported on Forms 1099-MISC that are issued
to the attorney (1099 box 14) and to the complainant (1099 box 3).
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
nvoice, settlement agreement, court order and/or memorandum, certi
ied SF 1034 authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency that contains the certification of fund availability for the
intended purpose, or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorizing of a
claim. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office or any
other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous payments
and that may be required by Component’s SOPs. (see DoD FMR Vol-
ume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, settlement agreement, court order and/or memorandum, and
certification of funds.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date claim submitted.
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: The Secretary of Defense or designee is authorized to pay claims against the United
States for money damages of the following (these amounts are generally truethe settlement authority
alone is responsible for determining appropriateness of payment):
$2,500 or less under the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 USC 1346(b), 2671, 2680). Amounts over $2,500
are paid from the Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
$40,000 or less for a normal claim, and up to $100,000 for emergency evacuation or extraordinary
circumstances under the Personnel Claims Act (31 USC 3721b).
$100,000 or less under the Military Claims Act (10 USC 2733). Amounts over $100,000 are paid from the
Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
$100,000 or less under the National Guard Claims Act (32 USC 715). Amounts over $100,000 are paid
from the Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
$100,000 or less under the Foreign Claims Act (10 USC 2734). Amounts over $100,000 are paid from the
Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund. Paid in local currency.
Claims under the International Agreement Claims Act (10 USC 2734a and 2734b) are paid in local
pproving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by settlement agree-
ent, court order and/or memorandum.
Voucher Preparation: Claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and other non-contractual claims that
have been approved by the Secretary of a Military Department, or by designated approving authorities in
the office of counsel or judge advocate general, are sent to the appropriate DFAS center or local disburs
ng office for preparation and payment of the public voucher. Claims approved by other designees are
forwarded to the local disbursing office that serves the approving authority for preparation and payment of
the public voucher.
For claims under the Foreign Claims Act contact the local office of counsel or judge advocate office for
regulations governing preparation, submission, adjudication, and payment of these claims. Approved
claims are forwarded to the nearest DFAS disbursing office serving the country concerned. See Page
151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: As stipulated in the settlement agreement or Federal Court order or certified SF
Not Payable: Amounts claimed but not authorized in the settlement agreement or Federal Court order or
on the certified SF 1034.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
MEDV Medical Services Provided by Civilian Non-Federal Sources
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Military treatment facility (MTF) authorized payments for medical services provided by
civilian Non-Federal sources.
Description: Payments for medical services provided by civilian Non-Federal sources for military mem-
bers, dependents, retired personnel, and foreign military members and their dependents on invitational
orders, when referred by an MTF.
Examples: Includes referral by the military MTF to civilian healthcare providers for care that is beyond the
MTF’s capability; and emergency care of foreign military members and their dependents on invitational
10 USC 1071, 1085
32 CFR 199
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Medical and Dental Care
Civilian Non-Federal Medical and
Dental Care
Miscellaneous Payments
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; binding agreement with an agency, person, or busi
s concern; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency that contains the certification of fund availability for the
intended purpose, or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorizing of a
claim. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5) or any other DoD Standard Forms used
to support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Com
nt’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation Claims from civilian Non-Federal sources for such care are paid on an SF 1034.
The form is prepared and certified for payment within 30 days from the later of receipt of an invoice in the
specified office or the date of acceptance of the care provided by the approving authority and supported
by itemized invoices. Care of the deceased is covered under Mortuary Affairs. See page 151 of this
Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment:
Members: The cost of authorized civilian medical and dental treatment ordinarily is paid directly to doctors
and hospitals by each Military Service.
Dependents and Retired Personnel: Instructions concerning the administration of civilian Non-Federal
medical and dental care for dependents and retired personnel are published in the current series of DoD
6010.8-R. The Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services has the responsi-
bility for contracting and paying for medically necessary care from civilian sources that is received by eligi-
ble dependents and retired personnel. When Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) are managing the care
of dependents and retired personnel, and must refer such personnel to civilian facilities for care that is be-
yond that MTF’s capability, payment for that supplemental care is authorized. See Page 151 of this guide-
book for general instructions.
Not Payable: Care of the deceased is covered under Mortuary Affairs. Amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Amounts claimed for reimbursement that should be paid directly to doctors and hospitals by each Military
Service or TRICARE through their managed support contracts.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
The funds charged will be the operating funds of the MTF that made the referral.
Military Clothing, Vendor
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description:
Payments to Non-Federal entities for authorized military clothing issues.
Military clothing issues. Payments to Non-Federal entities for authorized military clothing issues
to job-related functions.
37 USC 418
DoDFMR Volume 7A, Chapter 29
DoDI 1338.13
Military Clothing: enlisted members.
Clothing Monetary Allowances.
Armed Forces Clothing Monetary Al-
Tax Withholding
(applicable to
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser-
GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the
unds availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see
pter 8
Payment Request Documents
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
me 5, Chapter 5); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
hat may b
e required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ion and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
voice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
ice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
EL): Date of delivery or service indicated o
n SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and
exceed es
tablished limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
ould reflect the SFIS as outlined in the
SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the legacy line of accounting
ble (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub
-Accounting, Budget Activity, and Period of Availability,
Miscellaneous Payment - Vendor
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment requests that may be service specific or undefined as a miscellaneous pay-
ment codes. NOTE: Please contact the DFAS-Tax Office-Send the requests to dfas.cco- prior to completing the claim/request for reimbursement for tax reporting guidance.
Description: Payment requests for which there are no applicable “Abbreviated Payment Code”. These
requests may be service/DoD agency specific with infrequent use.
Payments request may cite MOUs/MOAs.
References will be provided by
submitting activity for Audit
Readiness. Authority reference
will be cited on the payment
request document.
Tax Withholding
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state) NOTE: Please
contact the DFAS-Tax Office-Send the requests to dfas.cco- prior to completing the claim/request for reim-
bursement for tax reporting guidance.
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034, OF 1164, or other forms required/authorized as obli-
gation documents specific to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms
specific for authorization of a claim that contains the certification of fund
availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Vol
e 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034, OF 1164 or other authorized documents certified by Certifying
Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5);
or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous pay
ents and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
quired by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable:
Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Military Training Service Support
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Housing rental and/or hotel bill payments to house military personnel and their fami-
Housing rental and/or hotel bill payments for Reserve component members who must travel
more than 50 miles from the member's residence to perform inactive duty training, providing that the Re-
erve component members who are performing active duty or inactive duty training and are not otherwise
entitled to travel and transportation allowance with lodging in kind, as provided in
37 USC 474(i), when
transient Government housing is not available.
Examples: Payments to a local hotel to house Reserve component members who are performing active
duty or inactive duty training when transient Government housing is not available.
10 USC 12604
JTR, Paragraph 7365
Billeting in Department of Defense
facilities: Reserves attending inac
ive-duty training
eserve Component Travel
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser-
vice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); or any other DoD Standard Forms used
to support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Com
nt’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
quired by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
MWRV Morale, Welfare, Recreation, and General Entertainment Expenses
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC or contract.
Short Description: Payments to Non-Federal entities for morale, welfare, and recreation operation.
Description: Payments to Non-Federal entities for goods or services provided by morale, welfare, and
recreation operation.
Examples: PCS lodging expenses paid to MWR for personnel and/or dependents because on-base hous-
ing was not available upon arrival.
Authority references must be cus-
tomized according to the claim for
reimbursement by the submitting
oint Federal Travel Regulations for
Submitting activity must provide
payment authority
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5) or any other DoD Standard Forms used
to support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Com
nt’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation documents.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment to Non-Federal enti-
ties (i.e. Vendors)
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official
courtesies to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the
standing and prestige of the United States and the Department of Defense to include entertainment activi
Examples: Official Representation of Funds for entertainment can be used as defined in the DoD authority
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
se of Appropriated Funds for Offi
ial Representation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en-
tered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos to Non-Federal
Entities (i.e. Vendors)
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official
courtesies to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the
standing and prestige of the United States and the Department of Defense.
Examples: Official Representation of Funds can be used as defined in the authority below.
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
se of Appropriated Funds for Offi
ial Representation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
inalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en-
ered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system, the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
PATV Patents, Copyright, and Designs
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Copyrights, patents, designs, and manufacturing data.
Description: Appropriated funds available for acquiring material may be used to acquire copyrights, pa-
tents, designs, and manufacturing data.
Examples: Copyrights, patents, and applications for patents. Licenses under copyrights, patents, and
applications for patents. Design, processes, and manufacturing data. Releases, before suit is brought, for
past infringement of patents.
10 USC 2386
17 USC 504
22 USC 2356
28 USC 1498 (a) & (b)
35 USC 183
35 USC 207
FAR 28.105-2
Copyrights, patents, designs, etc. ;
emedies for infringement: Damag-
and profits
Patents and technical information
Patent and copyright cases
Right to compensation
Domestic and foreign protection of
federally owned inventions
Patent infringement bonds
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
30-day Prompt Payment terms
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034
, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser-
vice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034.
Invoice Received Date (Invoice RCVD): Date of SF 1034.
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 evidenced by authorized Certifying Officer
inalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 evidenced by author
zed Certifying Officer signature.
Amounts Payable: Certifying Officer may approve and certify payment for reasonable amounts.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
POLV Ancillary Charges Associated with Fuel Cards
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments for non-fuel charges associated with fuel cards.
Description: Payments for non-fuel charges associated with the FLEET, AIR, and SEA cards.
Examples: Servicing of an aircraft, cleanup of fuel spillage, egress to the aircraft. Authorized ancillary
charges of the AIR Card may include, but are not limited to, callout fees; flowage fees; taxes (as applica-
e); aircraft housekeeping (trash, lavatory, water, etc.); aircraft landing fees; aviator breathing oxygen; de-
cing service; de-fuel and re-fuel service; ground equipment fees (stairs, auxiliary power, etc.); hydraulic
fluids; parking fees and ramp fees; security services; block/slot time fees; supplies, maps, and navigation-
al aids; and other products and service directly related to aircraft support and associated mission require-
DoD 4140.25-M
Government Fuel Card Program
Management Office DoD Fleet
Card, Air Card, and Sea Card
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
e. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified, amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
PRLV Professional Liability Insurance
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment for professional liability insurance.
Description: Payments to insurance company for qualified individuals for Professional Liability Insurance.
Examples: Agency employee whose position is that of a law enforcement officer, supervisor, or manage-
ment official, including members of the Senior Executive Service, may submit a claim for payment to insur
e providers.
Public Law 104-208, Section 636
(5 USC Chapter 59),
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chap-
ter 12
Public Law 106-567, Title IV, §
406, Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Statute
2849, as amended by Public Law
107-108, Title IV § 404, Dec. 28,
2001, 115 Statute 1404
Payment to insurance provider re-
lating to professional liability insur-
Professional Liability Insurance
Eligibility of additional employees
for payment to insurance provider
relating to professional liability in-
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034 authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document. Insurance pro-
ider must register in System for Award Management (SAM).
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date stamp of designated certi-
fying office, or invoice date if date stamp is missing.
nvoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated certify
ng office, or date of invoice.
vidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of authorized Certifying Officer’s signature.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of authorized Certifying
Officer’s signature.
Amounts Payable: Payment to insurance provider for qualified employees for the purchase of professional
liability insurance in an amount up to $150 or one-half the cost of the premium per year, whichever is less.
Approving officials may approve payment supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: The authorized Certifying Officer prepares an SF 1034. See Page 151 of this
guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Insurance providers will receive payment for qualified employees, law enforce-
ment officers, supervisors, management officials, and members of Senior Executive Service, as cited in the
Authority section of this instruction. Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Reimbursements for professional liability insurance for non-appropriated fund (NAF) em-
ployees or military personnel. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified, amounts claimed for
reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
iation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Purchase of Metered Mail - Paid to Private Entity (Does not include
small parcels.)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC or contract.
Short Description: The purchase of metered mail services from a private entity. (Does not include small
parcels, as customers will use the DoD-approved third-party payment service for transportation [currently
Syncada® (PowerTrack®) process to pay for these shipments.)
Description: The purchase of metered mail services from a private entity. (Does not include small par-
cels, as customers will use the DoD-approved third-party payment service for transportation [currently
Syncada®] process to pay for these shipments.)
Examples: Equipment rental and postage for metered mail.
DoD Directive 4525.6-M
Department of Defense Postal
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Equipment rental is subject to tax reporting.
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Mail equipment rental is subject to Prompt Pay interest if paid late and in
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
tified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ce/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8
Payment Request Docu-
1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane
ous pa
yments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
oice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
PSBV Purchase and Transportation of Special Items (Blood)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments for purchases and transportation of blood.
Description: Payments for purchases and transportation of blood for persons entitled to medical treat-
ment at government expense or for blood banks or for other scientific and research purposes in connec
ion with the care of any person entitled to treatment at government expense.
Examples: Purchase of blood from approved sources.
24 USC 30
DoD Directive 6000.12E
DoD Instruction 6480.4
Army Regulation 40-3
Joint Army Regulation 1064
AFR 16029
MCO 5420.18A
Payments to donors of blood for
persons undergoing treatment at
Government expense
Health Services Support
Armed Services Blood Program
(ASBP) Operational Procedures
Medical, Dental, and Veterinary
Joint Field Operating Agencies of
the Office of The Surgeon General
of the Army
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
e. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Not to exceed $50 per payment to individual. Approving Officials may approve pay-
ment for reasonable costs that are supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Blood supplies may be purchased with appropriated funds for persons entitled to medical treatment at
Government expense.
PSWV Purchase of Special Items (Drinking Water)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment for purchases of drinking water.
Description: Payment for purchases of drinking water when it is necessary from the Government’s stand-
Examples: Special drinking water may be purchased with appropriated funds only when it is necessary
from the Government’s standpoint, such as when:
The public water is unsafe for human consumption.
There is an emergency failure of the water source on the installation.
There is a temporary facility with no drinking water available within a reasonable distance.
There is no water fit for drinking purposes otherwise available to personnel without cost to the individual.
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Appropriations Law, Volume 1,
Chapter 4
Miscellaneous Payments
rinking Water (Comp Gen. Deci
ion B-24781 (April 10, 1992)
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
RENV Lease and Rental Agreements
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC or contract.
Short Description: Payment for the lease or rental equipment by or for the Government.
Description: Federal Entity payment for the lease or rental of equipment by or for the Government. If
there was an urgent and unforeseen public necessity and if the claim is legally payable.
Examples: Payment to a vendor for a leased or rented a backhoe to facilitate the emergency repair of a water
main leak which is causing interrupted services to base housing facilities.
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
10 USC 2667
Miscellaneous Payments
Leases: Non-Excess Property of
Military Departments and Defense
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
f payments are to federal, state, or local government, they are not re-
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of SF 1034 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
RLPV Rewards for Recovery of Lost DoD Property
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Rewards for Recovery of Lost DoD Property.
Description: Payment of rewards may be made to persons or organizations for the return of lost property
or information leading to its recovery. Commanders may offer rewards for recovery of lost property.
Examples: Payment of a reward to an individual who reported the location of lost DoD property.
10 USC 2252
Rewards: Missing Property
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
30-day Prompt Payment terms
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034; copy of transportation carrier’s invoice; authorized
obligation documents specific to their service/agency or GSA or DoD
forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the certification of
fund availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR
Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
copy of the offer of reward, and a statement by the Commanding Of
icer or designated representative that the conditions for payment of re-
ard have been met, invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved
purchase or entitlement authorization and certification of funds docu-
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (Invoice RCVD): Billing statement availability
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Billing statement date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Billing statement date.
Amounts Payable: Certifying Officer may approve and certify payment for reasonable amounts that are
supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the authorized Certifying Officer, provided that:
The persons or organizations know that a reward is being offered or that it is general practice to offer
rewards for the return of particular DoD property or information leading to its recovery.
Payment is not inconsistent with local laws, prevailing customs or practices, treaties, or international
Not Payable: A member of the U.S. Armed Forces, an officer, employee, or agency of the U.S. Govern-
ment. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and cer-
tified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
ewards should be paid from the current funds available of the activity concerned.
SLRV Student Loan Repayments
Reimbursement Type Third Party Payment
Short Description: Student Loan Repayments.
Description: Student loan repayments are paid directly to the loan provider such as Department of
Education, Fanny Mae or other financial institutions on behalf of the member in accordance with Title 5,
United States Code (U.S.C.), section 5379, and the Office of Personnel Management guidance. If
possible, these types of payments should be processed through the applicable military pay or civilian pay
systems so that the proper tax application and withholdings can occur. The miscellaneous payment
process should only be utilized if circumstances prevent them from being processed via the proper MilPay
or CivPay systems.
Examples: Bill from U.S. Department of Education
5 U.S.C. 5379
5 CFR 1315.1
Student Loan Repayments
FAR Subpart 32.905
Office of Personnel
Management (OMB) Guidance
Prompt PaymentPayment
Documentation and Process
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their
service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request
Approved/Certified SF 1034, or any other DoD Standard Forms used to
support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by the
Component’s SOPs; approved by a duly appointed (via DD Form 577)
Departmental Accountable Official (DAO) if applicable, and certified by a
duly appointed Certifying Officer prior to payment (see DoD FMR
Volume 5, Chapter 5 for appointment and certification policies).
Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying
A complete copy (all pages) of the binding agreement between the
employee and the agency (the approved purchase or entitlement
authorization); or a properly completed (all pages) DD2475 - DoD
Educational Loan Repayment Program Annual Application and an
invoice from the loan holder.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Use prepared date of SF 1034
or other authorized DoD Form (or electronic equivalent).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (required per DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 7 upon receipt). Use
prepared date of SF 1034 if the date stamp is missing.
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Use prepared date of SF 1034, or other authorized
DoD Form (or electronic equivalent).
SLRV Student Loan Repayments
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Use prepared date of SF 1034,
or other authorized DoD Form (or electronic equivalent).
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by the binding agreement, DD2475, and/or invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 150 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by a duly appointed (DD 577) Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not approved or certified, amounts claimed for
reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Transportation for Local Move or Local Delivery out of HHG Only
(In/Out-Bound Local Moves)
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment for local movement of personal property/HHG and/or local delivery out from
storage-in-transit (SIT)
Description: Payment for local movement of personal property/ HHG and/or local delivery out from SIT.
These payments are for transportation services other than Government bill of lading (GBL) or commercial
bill of lading (CBL).
Examples: Payments to a local carrier to move personal property out from SIT.
JTR, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
Storage in Transit (SIT)/Delivery
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034, copy of carrier’s invoice, authorized obligation docu-
ents specific to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for
authorization of a claim that contains the certification of fund availability
for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3,
Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034.
nvoice Received Date (Invoice RCVD): Date stamp of designated bill
ng office or authorized Certifying Officer’s signature date.
vidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 authorized Certifying Officer’s signature
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 authorized Certifying
Officer’s signature date.
Amounts Payable: Certifying Officer may approve and certify payment for reasonable amounts that are
supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the authorized Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Reimbursements for do-it-yourself moves. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not cer-
tified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Training and Education Expenses Paid to Non-Federal Entity
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payments to a vendor for training and education expenses.
Description: Payments for tuition and other authorized education expenses (e.g., books, library, and la-
boratory services). The training must be a regularly scheduled, off-the-shelf course, training conference, or
instructional service that is available to the general public and priced the same for everyone in the same
category (e.g., price per student, course, program, service, or training space). The training officer (or the
employee development officer) may authorize the actions summarized in this template. These actions do
not involve the contracting functions.
Examples: Training courses, training conferences, instructional services, and related books, library fees,
and laboratory services.
5 USC 4109
Expenses of training
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
However, 1099 will not be issued to state-owned colleges or universi
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
The SF 182, Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certification of Training
and Reimbursement, is the authorized form to request, authorize, fund,
certify, reimburse, and evaluate DoD civilian training or Certified SF
1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their service/agency or
GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the
certification of fund availability for the intended purpose. For obligations
see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034, SF182 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support mis
ellaneous payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs
certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR
Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 182 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 182 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 182 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
receipts/invoices. The total price of training authorized by the use of SF 182 may not exceed $25,000.
Voucher Preparation
: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions. Advance Payment: Ad-
vance payment of tuition and other expenses is authorized either when the training facility renders or re-
uses to render a billing, or advance payment is indicated in the SF 182. The public voucher will identify
the training facility by name and address and indicate the amount and serial number of the check drawn to
the facility for the advance of tuition, as well as the amount and serial number of the check drawn to the
trainee for purchase of books, library, and laboratory services. The original and two reproduced copies
(front and back) of the Agency Finance/Disbursing copy of the SF 182 must be submitted to the disbursing
office to support payment of the advance. The original Agency Finance/Disbursing copy of the SF 182 is
endorsed by the Disbursing Officer to reflect the advance payment and is transmitted with the check to the
Liquidation of Advance: Within five workdays after completion of the training, the trainee prepares an SF
182 certifying completion of the training. The disbursing office liquidates the advance payment.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Prohibitions against the payment of tuition or other expenses for training are outlined in
Federal Personnel Manual (FPM) 410.4, 410.5, 410.6, 410.7 and 410.8 and Civilian Personnel Instructions
(CPI) 410.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for
reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
UTIV Utility Payments Interest Bearing
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Utility payments that are interest bearing and tariffs and late fees do not apply.
Description: Payment of cable, gas, water, sewage, and electric billing statements.
ublic Utility A business that furnishes an everyday necessity to the public at large. Public utilities pro-
ide water, electricity, natural gas, telephone service, and other essentials. Utilities may be publicly or pri
ately owned, but most are operated as private businesses. Typically a public utility has a Monopoly
the service it provides. It is more economically efficient to have only one business provide the service be-
cause the infrastructure required to produce and deliver a product such as electricity or water is very ex-
pensive to build and maintain. A consequence of this monopoly is that federal, state, and local
governments regulate public utilities to ensure that they provide a reasonable level of service at a fair
Municipal Utility - A publicly owned corporation, or a political subdivision, that provides the public with a
service or services, such as water, electricity, gas, transportation, or telecommunications.
Examples: Bill from Verizon Communications Inc.
5 CFR 1315-1
FAR Subpart 32.905
Title 48 CFR 52.232-25.7.B.2(iii)
Prompt Payment
rompt Payment-Payment Docu-
entation and Process
rompt Payment-Additional Interest
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes - Prompt Payment Act - In the absence of state, local or foreign
authorities that impose generally-applicable late payment rates for utility
payments, all utility payments, including payments for telephone service,
are subject to the Prompt Payment Act. The Submitting Activity should
review the contract/agreement, if available, to determine applicable
Prompt Payment Interest or Late Fee penalties. This procedure may
assist when determining which penalty applies. Most utilities will place a
“late fee amount" on the utility billings as a normal business practice for
all customers (residential, business, and government entities). (Title 48
CFR 52.232-25 - the additional penalty does not apply to payments
regulated by other Government regulations (e.g., payments under utility
contracts subject to tariffs and regulation)).
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible. If not paid in 30 days interest is due
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
e. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 9 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified, amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
UTTV Utility Payments- Tariff or Late Fee Bearing
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Utility payments where tariffs or late fees apply but not interest.
Description: Payment of cable, gas, water, sewage, and electric billing statements.
Municipal Utility - A publicly owned corporation, or a political subdivision, that provides the public with a
service or services, such as water, electricity, gas, transportation, or telecommunications.
ublic UtilityA business that furnishes an everyday necessity to the public at large. Public utilities pro-
ide water, electricity, natural gas, telephone service, and other essentials. Utilities may be publicly or pri
ately owned, but most are operated as private businesses. Typically a public utility has a Monopoly
the service it provides. It is more economically efficient to have only one business provide the service be-
cause the infrastructure required to produce and deliver a product such as electricity or water is very ex
ive to build and maintain. A consequence of this monopoly is that federal, state, and local
governments regulate public utilities to ensure that they provide a reasonable level of service at a fair
Examples: Bill from Alexandria Light and Power
5 CFR 1315-1
FAR Subpart 32.905
Title 48 CFR 52.232-25.7.B.2(iii)
Prompt Payment
rompt Payment-Payment Docu-
entation and Process
rompt Payment-Additional Interest
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
No When state, local or foreign authorities impose generally-
applicable late payment rates for utility payments (e.g., via tariffs), late-
payment fees/charges must be paid in lieu of Prompt Payment Act inter
t when payment is made after payment due date. The Submitting
Activity should review the contract/agreement, if available, to determine
applicable Prompt Payment Interest or Late Fee penalties. This proce-
dure may assist when determining which penalty applies. Most utilities
will place a “late fee amount" on the utility billings as a normal business
practice for all customers (residential, business, and government enti
ies). (Title 48 CFR 52.232-25 - the additional penalty does not apply to
payments regulated by other Government regulations (e.g., payments
under utility contracts subject to tariffs and regulation)).
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible. Late fees are due if not paid by the due
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
e. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
ous payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 9 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified, amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
VETV Veterinary Services for Contingency and/or Emergency Conditions
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment for non-routine veterinary services performed in support of public health for
contingency and/or emergency conditions.
Description: Payment for non-routine veterinary services performed in support of public health for contin-
gency and/or emergency conditions.
Examples: Veterinarians who are tasked to perform non-routine public health inspections or direct animal
medicine in support of public health for contingency and/or emergency conditions.
10 USC 401
Humanitarian and Civic Assistance
Provided in Conjunction with Military
Program Guidance:
DoDD 6400.4
DoD Veterinary Services Program
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ertified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
F 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane-
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
WITV Witness Fees
Reimbursement Type
Payment to Non-Federal Employees
Short Description: Payment of fees to Non-Federal employees while serving as a witness in court or
administrative proceedings.
Description: Witness Fees apply to Non-Federal employees who are paid fees and allowances while
serving as a witness in legal proceedings.
Examples: A Non-Federal employee subpoenaed for any legal proceedings shall be paid an attendance
fee at the rate allowed per legal guidance per day for each day’s attendance. Travel allowance equal to
the mileage allowance or travel by
common carrier will be paid via witness travel claim.
28 USC 1821
32 CFR 534.3
Per diem and mileage generally; sub-
Allowable expenses for witnesses
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
SF 11
56, claims for witness attendance fees, invitational travel orders, in
ce and receipts if applicable, certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obli
documents specific to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms
specific for authorization of a claim that contains the certification of funds
availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume
3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 11
56, SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office
(see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscella
neous pa
yments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying
SF 1156, invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or
entitlement authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
oice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing of
e (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on
OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on
the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
ADPE Adoption Expenses
Employee Reimbursement (Service Members)
Short Description: Provides for reimbursement of adoption expenses incurred by a Service member
when the adoption is finalized.
Description: Provides for reimbursement of allowable adoption expenses incurred by a Service member
when the adopted child is less than 18 years of age. A Service member may be reimbursed up to $2,000
per adoption with a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year. Adoption expenses include, for example, pub
lic a
nd private agency fees, placement fees, legal fees, medical expenses for the child, the biological
mother and the adopting parents, temporary foster care, and other related expenses. Travel costs are not
reimbursed. The adoption must have been arranged by either a qualified adoption agency or other source
authorized to place children for adoption under state or local law. The reimbursement request must be
filed no later than one year after the adoption is finalized.
Examples: Service member adopts one child through a qualified adoption agency and the adoption is fi-
nalized. Service member completes DD Form 2675, attaches required receipts, and submits IAW service
procedures. Certified 2675 forwarded to servicing DFAS-Center for review and payment by Direct Depos
lectronic Funds Transfer.
10 U.S.C. 1052
DODI 1341.09
DoD FMR, Volume
7A, Appendix A
General Military Law Miscellaneous Rights And Benefits
DOD Adoption Reimbursement Policy
Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses
Navy Adoption Reimbursement Policy
Tax Withhold-
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay
Cash Manage-
ment Rule
Pay as
soon as possible
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser-
vice/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the
certification of funds availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD
FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Re-
quest Docu
DD Form 2675,
Reimbursement Request for Adoption Expenses
DD Form 2675, Reimbursement Request for Adoption Expenses. Additional supporting
documentation required in accordance with Service specific regulations. For example;
(retained by
Final court order, all receipts marked “paid”, and all canceled checks. All documents
certifying of-
originating from a state or other authorized adoption agency must be certified as true
copies of the original by the member’s legal office or commanding officer. In all cases
where the original document is filed with the court, a copy of the adoption order, certi-
fied by the Clerk of Courts, must be submitted.
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of OF
1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office (use in-
voice date if the date stamp is missing).
vidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date (MDSE
DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if
delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions (Page 3 of DD 2675, Ap-
plication Processing Instructions)
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
CCAE Civilian Clothing Allowance
Payment Type
Employee Allowance
Short Description: Allowance for civilian employee job-related clothing or uniforms.
Description: Payments for clothing allowances approved for DoD civilians to complete job-related functions
prescribed by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1400.25, Volume 591, and Component-issued policies and limitations.
DoDI 1400.25, Volume 591 provides that employees who are required to wear uniforms may be paid a uniform
allowance equal to the cost of the uniform or $800 per year, whichever is less.
Examples: Fire fighters, security personnel.
10 USC 1593
5 USC 7903
DoD Instruction 1400.25,
Uniform allowance: civilian
Protective clothing and equipment
DoD Civilian Personnel
Management System: Uniform
Allowance Rates for DoD
Civilian Employees
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Approved/Certified SF 1034; authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
oved/Certified SF 1034 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to
support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by
Component’s SOPs; approved by a duly appointed (via DD Form 577)
Departmental Accountable Official (DAO) if applicable, and certified by a
duly appointed Certifying Officer prior to payment (see DoD FMR
Volume 5, Chapter 5 for appointment and certification policy).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
umentation sufficient to evidence the cost of any required
uniforms/allowance; identifying the position(s) authorized for an
allowance, the authorized allowance for the specific position(s), as well
as incumbents of allowance positions (e.g. a list of uniform items and
their cost required for the position).
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Use prepared date of SF
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office on the SF 1034 (required per DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 7).
Use prepared date of SF 1034 if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Use prepared date of SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Use prepared date of SF
CCAE Civilian Clothing Allowance
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials/Certifying Officers utilize approved allowance amounts for
authorized positions.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by a duly appointed (DD Form 577) Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for payment but not approved by an appointed DAO, if applicable, or not
certified; amounts claimed which exceed established/authorized limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure (Civilian): In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub- Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Miscellaneous Expenses to Defense Security Service (DSS) Agents
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Miscellaneous expenses to DSS agents.
Description: Reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses to DSS agents for investigative costs.
Examples: Investigative costs such as parking fees, police and court record checks, transcripts, photo-
graphs, or miscellaneous investigative fees. The DSS Headquarters provides the servicing entitlement
office its accounting classification for reimbursements. Such authority will be cited on the claim for reim
DSS Headquarters
Executive Order 12829
10 USC 127
DoD Directive 5105.42
Army Regulation 20-1
Authority will be cited on the claim
for reimbursement. (See DoD FMR
Volume 10, Chapter 11
National Industrial Security Program
gency and extraordinary ex
Defense Security Service (DSS)
Inspector General Activities and
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
OF 1164,
authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
e/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
ified OF 1164 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support
miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Component’s
SOPs certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD
FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5). Also see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 11.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
pts for expense items over $75. Invoice, binding agreement, re
s, and approved purchase or entitlement authorization and certifica
of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of OF 1164 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): OF 1164 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): OF 1164 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Reimbursement for actual expenses. Approving Officials may approve payment for
reasonable costs that are supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: The claimant prepares an OF 1164 and puts the following statement on the vouch-
er: “I certify this claim is true and correct. There was an unforeseen and urgent reason to spend my funds,
and I have not received credit or payments.” See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Items over $75 with no receipt, or anything the approving authority deems to be inappropri-
ate. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and certi-
fied which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
The payment will be charged to the activity’s operations and maintenance funds citation provided by De-
fense Criminal Investigative Service Headquarters.
EEOE Employment-Related Judgments and Settlements
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Payment for employment-related judgments and settlements to employees.
Description: Payment for settlement agreements to employees may include compensatory damages as
well as costs incurred in processing the complaint. Attorney fees and other costs may be awarded pursu
ant to a
no-fault settlement agreement, an informal adjustment, a decision of the service director of the
EEOC, the EEOC, the Merit Systems Protection Board, an arbitrator, a Federal court, or other appropriate
Examples: Costs incurred in processing discrimination complaints to employees may include attorney
fees, other related attorney expenses, and a potential expense of up to $300,000 compensatory damages
liability for claims of intentional discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1991.
5 CFR 1201
29 CFR Chapter XIV
Merit Systems Protection Board
Equal Employment Opportunity
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Subject to withholding if payment is for employment compensation such
as back pay (the payments will be made through civilian pay).
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
If the payment is made directly to the attorney or is issued jointly to the
attorney and the complainant, the payment also must be reported on
Forms 1099-MISC that are issued to the attorney (1099 box 14) and to
the complainant (1099 box 3).
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Settlement agreement, Federal court order, or Federal administrative
order, Certified SF 1034 authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscella
neous pa
yments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certi
fied b
y Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR
Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
lement agreement, Federal court order, or Federal administrative
order. Settlement agreements must state what the payment represents;
e.g., compensatory damages, attorney fees, back pay, etc. Invoice,
binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitlement
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of settlement agreement
or SF 1034 or electronic equivalent.
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
t Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: As stipulated in the settlement agreement, Federal court order, or Federal administra-
tive order. Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by re-
Voucher Preparation: After review and approval of the award letter by the legal counsel, prepare an SF
1034, supported by the award letter and approval, made jointly payable to the complainant and the com
ainant’s representative. Requests to make actual payments are initiated by the EEO manager of the le
office. A separate SF 1034 must be issued for each person receiving payment. The SF 1034 must
indicate whether the payment is taxable and which portion. The SF 1034 must contain the TIN, formal
claimant’s name (e.g., “Robert W. Smith” rather than “Bob Smith”) or the formal business name (e.g.,
“Great Lakes Express” rather than “GLE”) and the mailing address or EFT information. See Page 151 of
this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: As stated in the settlement agreement, Federal court order, or Federal adminis-
trative order. The chief EEO manager reviews and approves all EEOC billings and any related SF 1034s
before payment by the disbursing office. Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed but not authorized in the settlement agreement, Federal court order, or
Federal administrative order. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for
reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
ll costs and expenses associated with these complaints are funded by the activity where the alleged dis
rimination took place, using operating funds current at the time the services are requested. The EEOC
will bill this activity for any authorized and required expenses. Cite local operating funds current when the
employee or employee’s representative is notified of the amount payable on the claim for attorney fees
and cost. In addition, rules under 29 CFR 1614 for reinvestigations that became effective on 1 October
1992 may apply. Interest payments (when permitted by statute) are to be charged to funds current when
the award is made. The rate used is established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Note: This IRS
rate is not the same as that used for interest under the Prompt Payment Act.
FIME Funeral, Interment, & Mortuary Expenses
Reimbursement Type:
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Provide for payment of Funeral, Interment, & Mortuary Expenses incurred by a military
member’s next of kin and is an allowable reimbursement expense prescribed by Military Service Regulation.
Description: Specific Service Regulations authorize and prescribe the services and expenses for the
care and disposition of deceased personnel. Payment for services, supplies, and transportation, or for
expenses incurred by the next of kin, is authorized as prescribed by 10 USC 1482.
Examples: Specific Service Regulations identify mortuary benefits, specific amounts payable for reimbursable
items, and appropriate funding sources (lines of accounting) that are to be used in determining reimbursable
costs. The specific benefits are complex and varied therefore it is imperative that Commanders and Certifica
Officers adhere to provisions of their Service Regulations for guidance prior to authorizing and/or approving
reimbursements for Funeral, Interment, and Mortuary Expenses.
10 USC 1482
DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11
Army Regulation 600-8-1,
600-25, and FM 22-5
Expenses Incident to Death
Payment as Reimbursement for Personal Ex-
Casualty Program
Decedent Affairs Manual
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
PPA Interest is not payable for payments made as reimbursements to military or
civilian employees
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
DD Form 1375
(Request for Payment of Funeral and/or Internment Expenses),
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to their
service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose. For
obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Doc-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD
FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 11);
or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous payments
and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents
(retained by certifying
DD Form 1375, Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase
or entitlement authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates:
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of
OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office
(use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date
(MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the OF
1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
FLPE Fees, Licenses & Permits
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Claims by employees for fees, licenses and permits.
Description: Employees may request reimbursement for authorized expenditures for fees, licenses and
permits required for the performance of their duties, which were paid from personal funds. They will be
reimbursed if the underlying expense was authorized or if there was an urgent and unforeseen public ne
ity and if the claim is legally payable.
Examples: Expenses for employees to obtain professional credentials and certifications, state-imposed
and professional licenses, Medical Personnel Professional Specialty Board Examinations, and Notary
Public license fees.
5 USC 5757
5 USC 5945
Payment of expenses to obtain profes-
sional credentials
Notary public commission expenses
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended pur
pose. F
or obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD
FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter
11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitlement
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
oice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing of
e (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on
OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on
the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
GIFE Gifts
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement to an employee for expenses associated with the purchase of an offi-
cial gift using personal funds.
Description: Reimbursement to an employee for expenses associated with the purchase of an official gift
using personal funds.
Examples: Reimbursing an employee who purchased an official gift.
DoDI 7250.13
OSD Memorandum July 28, 2010
Use of Appropriated Funds for Of-
ficial Representation Purposes
Official Representation Funds
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscel
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle
ment aut
horization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
alized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en
tered o
n the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
receipts/invoices. Please refer to “Authority” section for spending limitations.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the leg-
acy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
LGLE Legal Claims
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Payment of claims approved by a settlement authority under any one of a variety of
claims acts.
Description: Claims under a variety of Federal statutes are processed and approved by certain settle-
ment authorities based on their delegated authority to settle that type and amount of claim. Persons who
have been designated to approve or disapprove claims cognizable under these statutes and the regula
governing preparation, submission, adjudication, and payment of the claims can be obtained from
local office of counsel or judge advocate office. Settlement authorities at all levels will pay claims by the
most efficient means. Sometimes this means forwarding a voucher to DFAS or using another electronic
system. Sometimes emergency cash payments are made. Claims approved by other designees are for
warded t
o the local disbursing office that serves the approving authority for preparation and payment of
the public voucher.
28 USC 1346(b), 2671, 2680
USC 3721b
10 USC 2733
USC 715
Federal Tort Claims Act
ms of personnel of agencies
and the District of Columbia gov
ernment f
or personal property dam
age or los
Property loss; personal injury or
death: incident to noncombat activi
ties of
Department of Army, Navy,
or Air Force
y loss; personal injury or
death: activities under certain sec-
tions of this title
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Settlement agreement, court order, and/or memorandum. Certified SF
1034 authorized obligation documents specific to their service/agency or
GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the
certification of fund availability for the intended purpose. For obligations
see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034
or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane
ous paym
ents and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ement agreement, court order, and/or memorandum, Invoice, bind
ing agreem
ent, receipts, and approved purchase or entitlement authori
and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: The Secretary of Defense or designee is authorized to pay claims against the United
States for money damages of the following (these amounts are generally truethe settlement authority
alone is responsible for determining appropriateness of payment):
$2,500 or less under the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 USC 1346(b), 2671, 2680). Amounts over $2,500
are paid from the Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
$40,000 or less for a normal claim, and up to $100,000 for emergency evacuation or extraordinary
circumstances under the Personnel Claims Act (31 USC 3721b).
$100,000 or less under the Military Claims Act (10 USC 2733). Amounts over $100,000 are paid from the
Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
$100,000 or less under the National Guard Claims Act (32 USC 715). Amounts over $100,000 are paid
from the Department of the Treasury Judgment Fund.
Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: Claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and other non-contractual claims that
have been approved by the Secretary of a Military Department, or by designated approving authorities in
the office of counsel or judge advocate general, are sent to the appropriate DFAS center or local disburs
ng office for preparation and payment of the public voucher. Claims approved by other designees are for
arded to the local disbursing office that serves the approving authority for preparation and payment of
the public voucher.
ee Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: As stipulated in the settlement agreement or Federal Court order. Approval for
payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed but not authorized in the settlement agreement or Federal court order;
amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and certified
which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
n most instances payment is charged to the activity’s operations and maintenance, unless a special fund
is established.
MEDE Medical Services Provided by Civilian Non-Federal Sources
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement for medical services provided by civilian Non-Federal sources for ex-
aminations to determine an employee’s fitness for duty.
Description: Reimbursement for medical services provided by civilian Non-Federal sources for examina-
tions to determine an employee’s fitness for duty as authorized by the commanding officer or military MTF
approving authority.
Examples: Reimbursement for medical services provided by civilian Non-Federal sources for examina-
tions to determine an employee’s fitness for duty.
10 USC 1071, 1085
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Civilian Health and Medical Pro-
gram of the Uniformed Services
ellaneous Payments
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ified OF 1164; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
e/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
OF 1164 (
see DoDFMR Volume 10, Chapter 11) or any other DoD
Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous payments and that may
be required by Component’s SOPs certified by Certifying Officer external
to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle
ment aut
horization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: The claimant prepares an OF 1164. If a voucher other than OF 1164 is used, the
claimant includes the following certification: “I certify that this claim is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that payment or credit has not been received by me.” See Page 151 of this
guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
The funds charged will be the operating funds of the MTF that made the referral.
Miscellaneous Payment - Employee
Reimbursement Type
Federal entity payment
Short Description: Payment requests that may be service specific or undefined as a miscellaneous pay-
ment codes. NOTE: Please contact the DFAS-Tax Office-Send the requests to cco- prior to completing the claim/request for reimbursement for tax re-
porting guidance.
Description: Payment requests for which there are no applicable “Abbreviated Payment Code”. These
requests may be service/DoD agency specific with infrequent use.
Examples: Payments request may cite MOUs/MOAs.
References will be provided by
submitting activity for Audit
Readiness. Authority reference
will be cited on the payment
request document.
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state) NOTE: Please
contact the DFAS-Tax Office-Send the requests to cco- prior to completing the claim/request
for reimbursement for tax reporting guidance.
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034, OF 1164, or other forms required/authorized as obli-
gation documents specific to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms
specific for authorization of a claim that contains the certification of fund
availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Vol
ume 3, C
hapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034, OF 1164 or other authorized documents certified by Certifying
Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5);
or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous pay
and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
quired by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of SF 1034 or electronic
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): SF 1034 Certifying Officer date.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
MWRE Morale, Welfare, Recreation, and General Entertainment Expenses
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement of approved expenses for morale and welfare services.
Description: Reimbursement of approved expenses for morale and welfare services.
Examples: PCS lodging expenses paid to employee for personnel and/or dependents because on-
base housing was not available upon arrival.
Authority references must
be customized according to
the claim for reimburse-
ment by the submitting ac-
Joint Federal Travel Regulations for
PCS moves.
Employee must submit claim to ap-
proving activity for reimbursement.
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
y as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30.
Obligating Documents
ed OF 1164; authorized obligation documents specific to their
service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of fund availability for the intend
ed purpose. For
obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Documents
OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 11) or any other DoD
Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous payments and that
may be required by Component’s SOPs certified by Certifying Officer
external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (retained
by Certifying Officer)
binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or en
authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164 if invoice date is missing).
Invoice R
eceived Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated bill
ing offic
e (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
ce Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
ment Dat
e (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF
ed Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indi
cated on OF 11
Amounts Payable: Reimbursement must be for item authorized to be paid from appropriated funds. Ap-
proving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: The claimant prepares an OF 1164. If a voucher other than OF 1164 is used, the
claimant includes the following certification: “I certify that this claim is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that payment or credit has not been received by me.” See Page 151 of this
guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Reimbursement must be for item authorized to be paid from appropriated funds.
Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits. Reimbursement for items or services to be paid from NAF
may not use the miscellaneous payment process.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
opriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Employee reimbursement of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment ex-
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official
courtesies to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the
standing and prestige of the United States and the Department of Defense to include entertainment activi
Examples: Official Representation of Funds for entertainment can be used as defined in the DoD authority
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Use of Appropr
iated Funds for Offi
cial Represe
ntation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 certi
fied by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en-
tered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Employee reimbursement of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos expenses
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official courtesies
to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the standing and pres-
tige of the United States and the Department of Defense.
Examples: Official Representation of Funds can be used as defined in the authority below.
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Use of Appropriated Funds for Official Repre-
sentation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ed SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
y or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains
the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose. For obligations see
DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 cert
ified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoDFMR
Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10, Chapter 11); or any oth
er DoD form
s used to support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by
Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitlement author-
ization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of OF
1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office (use
invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date
(MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use
invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the OF
1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by re-
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and certified
which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appropriation
data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system, the legacy line of ac-
counting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget Activity, and Period of
Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
PATE Patents, Copyrights, and Designs
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Claims by employees for patents, copyrights, designs, processes and manufacturing
data that were developed prior to employment.
Description: Appropriated funds available for acquiring material may be used to acquire patents, copy-
rights, and applications for patents, design, processes, and manufacturing data when it benefits the De
Examples: An employee has copyrights, prior to employment for a systems related training manual to be
used by various Components.
10 USC 2386
Patents, Copyrights, and Designs
Tax Withholding
FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office(see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11; or any other DoD and Standard Forms used to support mis
laneous payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
oice, binding agreement (patents, copyrights, designs, processes and
manufacturing data), receipts, an approved purchase or entitlement au
ization, and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of SF 1034/OF 1164 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 1034/OF
1164 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on SF 1034/OF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on SF 1034/OF 1164 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en
ed on the SF 1034/OF 1164.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
PRLE Professional Liability Insurance
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Payment for professional liability insurance.
Description: Payments to qualified individuals for reimbursement of professional liability insurance.
Examples: Agency employee whose position is that of a law enforcement officer, supervisor, or manage-
ment official, including members of the Senior Executive Service.
Public Law 104-208, Section 636
(5 USC Chapter 59)
DoD FMR Volume 10 Chapter
Public Law 106-567, Title IV, §
406, Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Statute
2849, as amended by Public
Law 107-108, Title IV § 404,
Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Statute 1404
Payment to insurance provider relat-
ing to professional liability insurance
Eligibility of additional employees for
payment to insurance provider relat
ing t
o professional liability insurance
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ified OF 1164 authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
e/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
OF 1164
or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane
ous pay
ments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce or receipts as proof of payment for professional liability insurance
policy and documentation to support the total annual premium.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Date of Invoice (Use prepared
date of OF 1164
oice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated certify
ing of
fice or date of certification authorized by Certifying Officer’s signa
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date indicated on OF 1164 by claimant signature.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date indicated on OF 1164 by
claimant signature.
Amounts Payable: Payment will reimburse qualified employees for the purchase of professional liability
insurance in an amount up to $150 or one-half the cost of the premium per year, whichever is less. Ap
ng Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: The claimant prepares an OF 1164 and secures required signatures by Approving
Official and authorized Certifying Officer. See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Qualified employees, law enforcement officers, supervisors, management offi-
cials, and members of Senior Executive Service, as cited in the Authority section of this instruction. Ap-
proval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Reimbursements for professional liability insurance for non-appropriated fund (NAF) em-
ployees or military personnel. Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for
reimbursement and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
RENE Lease and Rental Agreements
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement to a Federal employee who secured the lease/rental services and
equipment from a local business for a few hours for the Government’s benefits using personal funds.
Description: Federal Entity payment for the lease or rental of property and/or equipment from a local
business for a few hours by or for the Government using personal funds, if there was an urgent and un
een public necessity and if the claim is legally payable.
Examples: Reimbursement to an employee (using personal funds) who secured the lease or rental of a
backhoe and the operator to facilitate an emergency repair of a water main leak causing interrupted ser-
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
10 USC 2667
Payment As Reimbursement For
Personal Expenditures
Leases: Non-Excess Property of
Military Departments and Defense
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Documents
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscel
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or enti
ent authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
t Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF
1164/SF 1034.
alized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en
tered o
n the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
rd Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro
data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the legacy
line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget Activ
ity, an
d Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
RERE Room and Board for Dependent Children
Reimbursement Type:
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement of the cost of room and board to sponsors of dependent children when
they require room and board away from their domicile.
Description: In limited circumstances cited in 5 USC 5924, the cost of room and board is reimbursable to
sponsors of dependent children when dependent children require room and board away from their domicile
(not within commuting distance). The DoD Dependent School system coordinates the placement of the stu
dents in l
ocal public private schools, or if unavailable, in boarding schools. See the Department of Defense
Education Activity (DODEA) Regulation 1342.13 for more information regarding eligibility requirements for
education of dependent children in overseas areas or attendance at Non-DoD schools.
Examples: When DODEA has authorized a dependent child to attend a boarding school because there
aren’t DoD Schools or adequate English-speaking international private day schools within commuting dis
tance. When a m
ilitary member is a military attaché to the US Embassy where there is no DODEA school or
the local school system is not adequate for the member’s children’s educational needs, the member can
apply for reimbursement of boarding school fees for the member’s dependents to attend school at an alter-
nate location.
5 USC 5924 (4) (A)
DOD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11
DODEA Regulation
Government Organizations and Employ-
Payment as Reimbursement for Person-
al Expenditures
Eligibility Requirements for Education of
Elementary and Secondary School-Age
Dependents in Overseas Areas
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT)
Obligating Documents
ed SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific
to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authoriza
tion of a cl
aim that contains the certification of funds availability for
the intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3,
Chapter 8.
Payment Request Document
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume
10, Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support
miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Component’s
Supporting Documents (retained
by certifying officer)
Certificate of performance (receipt covering the actual payment of
the room and board), and a signed statement from the school super
intendent or
principal that room and board charge was reasonable for
the area and there was not a less expensive alternative available for
providing adequate education at the school within the same compa-
rable distance, invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved
purchase or entitlement authorization and certification of funds doc
Required Dates: Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
oice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated bill
ing of
fice (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
t Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on
OF 1164/SF 1034.
alized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indi
cated o
n OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is
not entered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligating document.
dard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro
ion data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the legacy
line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget Activ
ity, an
d Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
REUE Title: Utility Reconnection Fees
Reimbursement Type:
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Provide reimbursement to authorized personnel for reconnection fees associated with a di-
rected move between government housing/or local off-base housing.
Description: Employees are often directed to move between government housing (barracks/dormitory/base
housing units) and local off-base housing. When this occurs the base housing office will authorize the reim
of utility reconnection fees.
These fees include as an example, telephone, cable, etc.
Examples: A member is directed to move from one barracks/dormitory to another. The individual has a personal
phone line and cable service in their room. When they move to the new dormitory, there are charges by the phone
and cable company for this relocation. The member is authorized to be reimbursed for these charges.
DoD FMR Volume 10
Chapter 12
31 USC 1348 (B-187833
Miscellaneous Payments
Telephone and Installation Charges
Tax Withholding
A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
PPA Interest is not payable for payments made as reimbursements to military or
civilian employees
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to their
service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose. For
obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD
FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter
11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous pay
ments and t
hat may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by certifying officer)
orders, i
nvoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase
or entitlement authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates:
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of
OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office
(use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date
(MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or
use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the OF
1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by re-
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement and
certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appropri-
ation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the legacy line
of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget Activity,
and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
RSPE Respite Care
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC or contract
Short Description: Provide for payment of rest periods for family members caring for those with disabili-
Description: Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) respite care is a program that provides tempo-
rary rest periods for family members responsible for the regular care of persons with disabilities. The pro
gram prov
ides up to 40 hours of respite care monthly for EFMP enrolled families.
Examples: Service member or employee has enrolled and been approved in the Exceptional Family Mem-
ber Program (EFMP) to receive medical related services for special needs during assignment will be reim
bursed for
allowed expenses related to this program.
DoD Instruction 1341.12
DoD Directive 1342.19
Special Compensation
for Assistance With Ac-
tivities of Daily Living
Family Care Plans
Tax Withholding
A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific
to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization
of a claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the
intended purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter
Payment Request Document
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support mis
neous payments and that may be required by Component’s
Supporting Documents (retained
by certifying officer)
DD Form 2792, invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved
purchase or entitlement authorization and certification of funds docu
Required Dates: Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated bill-
ing office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
vidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledge
ment Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF
1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF
1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicat-
ed on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not
entered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
receipts/invoices. See DoDI 1342.12 for cost calculations.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document
tandard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
iation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the legacy
line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget Ac
ivity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
SUGE Award for Suggestion
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description:
Award payments for suggestions, inventions, and achievements.
Payments for suggestions, inventions, and achievements to military per-
sonnel as authorized by Military Service regulations. Note: Civilian
suggestion awards are paid only via Civilian Payroll.
Payments for suggestions, inventions, and achievements.
DoD 1400.25-M
DoD 1400.25-M Subchapter
DoD Civilian Personnel Management
System, Subchapter 451, Awards
Awards to Military Members
Tax Withholding
FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
ied OF 1164; authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
ncy or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of fund availability for the intended pur-
pose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Documents
OF 1164 or an
y other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscellane
ous payment
s and that may be required by Component’s SOPs certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume
5, Chapter 5).
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
on award certificate. Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and
approved purchase or entitlement authorization and certification of funds
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Prepared date of OF 1164.
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): OF 1164 Certifying Officer date.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): OF 1164 Certifying Officer
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable amounts that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: Upon approval of an award, the Executive Secretary of the Suggestion Awards
Committee prepares, certifies, and submits the OF 1164 (plus a copy of the Suggestion Award Certificate)
to the disbursing office. See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligation document.
dard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro
ion data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
TRAE Transportation Incentive Program (TIP)
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Payments to employees for transit costs incurred in their local commute to and from
the workplace or designated telework center.
Description: The Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) applies to Department of Defense (DOD) em-
ployees to help reduce their daily contribution to traffic congestion and air pollution, as well as expand their
commuting alternatives. Participants must accurately claim an amount that reflects their usage rate. There
is no retroactive reimbursement for the program. Payments for TIP enrollment will begin from the date or
ional approval.
Examples: Reimbursing a DoD employee who commutes to and from a work or a designated telework
center using a “qualified means of mass transportation” (e.g. bus, light rail, and van pool) and transit fare
media (passes, tokens, fare card, voucher) are not available.
26 USC 132
5 USC 7905
Executive Order 13150
DoDI 1000.27
Certain Fringe Benefits
Programs to Encourage Mass Commuting
Transportation Fringe Benefit Program
Mass Transportation Benefit Program (MTBP)
Tax With-
W FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Report-
N/A W-
2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay
Cash Man-
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating document will be DD Form 2845,
US DoD Mass Transportation Benefit Program
Application, transit vouchers, passes; van pool receipts or other authorized Agency forms.
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that contains the cer
cation of funds availability for the intended purpose. For information regarding
obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3.
SF 1034 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5,
Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard
Forms used to support miscellaneous payments and that may be required by Component’s
(retained by
DD For
m 2845, transit vouchers, transit passes, van pool receipts, invoice, binding agree
ment, and ap
proved purchase or entitlement authorization and certification of funds docu
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of OF 1164/SF
1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office (use invoice
date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date (MDSE
DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if de-
livery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for qualified actual costs but not to exceed
the maximum benefit authorized. All payments must be supported by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
ndard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap
iation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the leg
line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
TRNE Training /Education Expenses (Non-Contract)
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: The head of an agency, under the regulations prescribed under section
4118(a)(8) of 5 U.S.C. 4109 this title and from appropriations or other funds available to the
agency, may
pay all or a part of the pay (except overtime, holiday, or night differential pay) of an employee of the
agency selected and assigned for training under this chapter, for the period of training; and
pay, or reimburse the employee for, all or a part of the necessary expenses of the training, without re-
gard to section 3324 (a) and (b) of title 31, including among the expenses the necessary costs of
The Government Employees Training Act, 5 U.S.C. 4109, and 10 U.S.C. 2396(a)(3) authorizes advance
tuition payments for Employees. Tuition can be paid at the time of enrollment when required by the educa
tional in
Description: Training /Education Expenses (Non-Contract) Paid to Employees Payments for tuition
and other authorized education expenses (e.g., books, library, and laboratory services). The training must
be a regularly scheduled, off-the-shelf course, training conference, or instructional service that is available
to the general public and priced the same for everyone in the same category (e.g., price per student,
course, program, service, or training space). The training officer (or the employee development officer) may
authorize the actions summarized in this template. These actions do not involve the contracting functions.
Examples: Payments made to employees civilian or military who attend training
10 U.S.C. 2396
5 U.S.C. 4109
Authorizes advance and reimbursement tuition
payments for Employees.
Expenses of Training
Tax Withholding
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management
Pay as soon as possible.
ay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Docu-
SF 182, certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim
that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose. For
obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request
SF 182 Aut
horization, Agreement and Certification of Training, SF 1034 certified
by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD FMR Volume 5, Chap
ter 5); O
F 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 11); or any other DoD
Standard Forms used to support miscellaneous payments and that may be re
quired by
Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Docu-
ments (retained by
certifying officer
SF 182, invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates: Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date of SF
182, OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing office
(use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement Date
(MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on SF 182, OF 1164/SF 1034
or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on SF
182, OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on
the SF 182, OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: The total price of training authorized by the use of SF 182 may not exceed $25,000.
*Please note that the amount payable guidance is not a regulation and may be added to an authority DoD
FMR in the future.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions. Advance Payment: Ad-
vance payment of tuition and other expenses is authorized either when the training facility renders or refus-
es to render a billing, or advance payment is indicated in the SF 182.In accordance with the support
services accounts payable system the SF1034 will indicate Advance tuition payment or a settlement. The
original and two reproduced copies (front and back) of the Agency Finance/Disbursing copy of the SF 182
must be submitted to the disbursing office to support payment of the advance. The original Agency Fi
isbursing copy of the SF 182 is certified by the Disbursing Officer to reflect the advance payment
and is transmitted via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to the trainee.
Liquidation of Advance: Within five workdays after completion of the training, the trainee prepares an SF
182 provides completion of the training. The Accounts Payable office liquidates the advance payment.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by Certifying Officer
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the agreement or obligating document.
dard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap
ation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the leg-
acy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
VETE Veterinary Services
Reimbursement Type
Employee Reimbursement
Short Description: Reimbursement for veterinary health services.
Description: Reimbursement to individuals for personal funds used to obtain veterinary health services; to
include the complete veterinary medical care for all DOD-owned, Government-owned animals.
Examples: Reimbursement to individuals who are tasked to obtain non-routine veterinary health services
for animals in their charge that includes the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases throughout all
components of the Department of Defense in time of peace, war, or operations other than war.
10 USC 401
Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Provided in Con-
junction with Military Operations
Program guidance:
DoDD 6400.4
DoD Veterinary Services Program
Tax Withholding
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoD FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 c
ertified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD Standard Forms used to support miscel
laneous p
ayments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
e, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle
ment author
ization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
ized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en
tered on t
he OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the leg-
acy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting, Budget
Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Foreign Government Payments (Formerly Acquisition Cross-
Servicing Agreements)
Reimbursement Type
Foreign Government Reimbursement
Short Description: Payments for logistical support, supplies and services during exercises, training or
emergency situations.
Description: Payments for goods or services to eligible countries and international organizations that pro-
vide logistical support, supplies and services during exercises, training or emergency situations.
Examples: Purchases include, but are not limited to, food, water, billeting, transportation, laundry ser-
10 USC 2341-2350
10 USC 2306
DoD Directive 2010.9
DoD Directive 5530.3
DoD FMR Volume 11A, Chapter 8
Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
Multiyear Contracts: Acquisitions of
Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
International Agreements, June 11,
International Acquisition and Cross-
Servicing Agreements
Tax Withholding
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Signed Agreement and authorized obligation documents specific to their
service/agency or specific for authorization of a claim that contains the
certification of fund availability for the obligation. For obligations see DoD
FMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 1034 c
ertified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see DoD
FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter
11); or any other DoD Standard Form used to support miscellaneous pay
ments and t
hat may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of
CC Form 35 Standard Order/Receipt for Reimbursable International Sup-
port Transactions (ACSA) or (STANAG) AE Form 1-3A Standardization
Agreement 3381, Annex B, NATO Standard Form for Request, Receipt,
Return or Invoice or entitlement authorization and certification of funds
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated on
OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not entered on
the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported
by receipts/invoices.
Voucher Preparation: See Page 151 of this guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all ap-
propriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. Also depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Payments to Non-Federal Government - Intergovernmental
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal Intergovernmental entity payment
Short Description: Payments to Non-Federal Government - Intergovernmental
Description: Payments to Non-Federal Government entities for services rendered or items purchased for
the Federal Government.
Examples: Includes, but is not limited to, payment directly to state and local governments or through or-
ganizations funded by state or local governments, e.g., public universities, state hospitals, etc. Non-profits
and private universities are considered vendors. Payments may include police, fire and ambulance ser
10 USC 2465
48 CFR 237.102-70
Fire Fighting Security Guards
Fire Fighting Security Guards
(11) Tax Withholding (appli-
cable to employees)
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
(12) Tax Reporting
/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
(13) Prompt Pay Interest?
(14) Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
(15) Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034, authorized obligation documents specific to their ser
e/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a claim that
contains the certification of funds availability for the intended purpose.
For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
(16) Payment Request Doc-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
(17) Supporting Documents
(retained by Certifying Of
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
(18) Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en
tered o
n the OF 1164/SF 1034.
(19) Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are support-
ed by receipts/invoices.
(20) Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
(21) Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
(22) Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
(23) Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
(24) Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system,
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment
Reimbursement Type
Intergovernmental entity payment
Short Description: Payment of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Entertainment to government enti-
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official
courtesies to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the
standing and prestige of the United States and the Department of Defense to include entertainment activi
Examples: Official Representation of Funds for entertainment can be used as defined in the DoD authority
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Use of Appropriated Funds for Offi-
cial Representation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en-
tered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos
Reimbursement Type
Intergovernmental entity payment
Short Description: Payment of Official Representation Funds (ORF) Gift and Mementos to government
Description: Used to host official receptions, dinners, and similar events, and to otherwise extend official
courtesies to guests of the United States and the Department of Defense for the purpose of maintaining the
standing and prestige of the United States and the Department of Defense.
Examples: Official Representation of Funds can be used as defined in the authority below.
DODI 7250.13
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12
Use of Appropriated Funds for Offi-
cial Representation Purposes
Miscellaneous Payments
DON Instruction on use of ORF
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Prompt Pay Interest?
Cash Management Rule
ay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT) date.
Obligating Documents
Certified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific to
their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authorization of a
claim that contains the certification of funds availability for the intended
purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3, Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office (see
DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Volume 10,
Chapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support miscellaneous
payments and that may be required by Component’s SOPs.
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
Invoice, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or entitle-
ment authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared date
of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated billing
office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
Evidence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowledgement
Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated on OF 1164/SF
1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not entered on OF 1164/SF
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is not en-
tered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving Officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported by
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the Certifying Officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimbursement
and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all appro-
priation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix. In addition, depending on system, the
legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-Accounting,
Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
POSI Postage, Government Entity
Reimbursement Type
Non-Federal payment
Generally may be more appropriate for payment by GPC
Short Description: The purchase of metered mail services from a government entity.
Description: The purchase of metered mail services from a government entity. (Does not include
small parcels, as customers will use the DoD-approved third-party payment system to pay for these
Examples: USPS and postage expenditures. (Equipment rentals are contractual).
DoD Directive 4525.6-M
DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 16
Department of Defense Postal
Payment for Postal Services
and Small Package Delivery
Tax Withholding (applicable
to employees)
N/A FITW FICA State (Must name state)
Tax Reporting
N/A W-2 IRS Form 1099
Equipment rental is subject to tax reporting.
Prompt Pay Interest?
Yes No
Equipment rental is subject to Prompt Pay interest if paid late and in
Cash Management Rule
Pay as soon as possible.
Pay by day 30 from the Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT)
Obligating Documents
ified SF 1034/OF1164, authorized obligation documents specific
to their service/agency or GSA or DoD forms specific for authoriza
of a claim that contains the certification of funds availability for
the intended purpose. For obligations see DoDFMR Volume 3,
Chapter 8.
Payment Request Docu-
SF 10
34 certified by Certifying Officer external to payment office
(see DoDFMR Volume 5, Chapter 5); OF 1164 (see DoDFMR Vol
ume 10, C
hapter 11); or any other DoD forms used to support mis
aneous payments and that may be required by Component’s
Supporting Documents (re-
tained by Certifying Officer)
ce, binding agreement, receipts, and approved purchase or en
lement authorization and certification of funds document.
Required Dates
Invoice Submitted Date (Invoice Date): Invoice date (use prepared
date of OF 1164/SF 1034 if invoice date is missing)
Invoice Received Date (INV RCVD): Date stamp of designated
billing office (use invoice date if the date stamp is missing).
dence Goods Tendered & Services Rendered Acknowl
gement Date (MDSE DEL): Date of delivery or service indicated
on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if delivery date is not en
tered o
n OF 1164/SF 1034.
Finalized Acceptance (MDSE ACCPT): Date of acceptance indi-
cated on OF 1164/SF 1034 or use invoice date if acceptance date is
not entered on the OF 1164/SF 1034.
Amounts Payable: Approving officials may approve payment for reasonable costs that are supported
by receipts/invoices
Voucher Preparation: See page 151 of this Guidebook for general instructions.
Condition for Payment: Approval for payment by the certifying officer.
Not Payable: Amounts claimed for reimbursement but not certified; amounts claimed for reimburse-
ment and certified which exceed established limits.
Appropriations: As stated in the Agreement or obligation document.
Standard Financial Information Structure: In an effort to achieve compliance with DoD’s BEA, all
appropriation data should reflect the SFIS as outlined in the SFIS Matrix.
Also depending on system
the legacy line of accounting may be applicable (Department Regular, Main Accounting, Sub-
Accounting, Budget Activity, and Period of Availability, and/or Legacy Reporting).
Voucher Preparation Instructions
SF 1034 OF 1164
Block Name Enter Data Block Name Enter Data
Applicable DoD organiza-
tion address, including full
ZIP Code, where voucher
was prepared
Applicable DoD
organization ad-
dress, including
full ZIP Code,
where voucher
was prepared
Bureau, or
and location
VOUCHER NO. To be input by the dis-
bursing office
To be input by the
disbursing office
Voucher No.
N/A Schedule No.
If available
Payee’s name and ad-
dress. (Taxpayer Identifi-
cation Number must be
registered with DoD)
4a. NAME Enter payee's
name in format
Payee’s name
and address.
number must
be registered
with DoD).
Enter payee's So-
cial Security Num-
Enter payee's
mailing address
and banking in-
formation (bank's
routing number
and the payee's
personal account
number), or pro-
or ap-
propriate substi-
tute form for
providing bank-
If available
Enter the payee's
office telephone
Date invoice/payment
request is received by the
designated billing office
PAID BY To be input by the dis- 5. PAID BY To be input by the Paid By
SF 1034 OF 1164
Block Name Enter Data Block Name Enter Data
bursing office
disbursing office
DISCOUNT TERMS If applicable 6a. DATE Type beginning
and ending dates
that the entitle-
ment period co-
If applicable
If applicable
Enter sufficient infor-
mation to describe the
merchandise purchased.
6b. CODE Enter appropriate
6c. FROM Explanation of
6d. TO
6e. NO. OF MILES Complete if appro-
Enter the
QUANTITY Number purchased
Price per unit of measure
AMOUNT Amount claimed 7. AMOUNT
Enter the total
amount claimed.
This block must be
completed (typed
name, position,
telephone number
and signature and
affix date of sign-
ing action) by the
Approving Official
within the approval
This block must be
completed (typed
name, position,
telephone number
and signature and
affix date of sign-
ing action) by the
certification officer,
appointed by ap-
propriate authority,
SF 1034 OF 1164
Block Name Enter Data Block Name Enter Data
having authority to
certify the type of
payment being
TOTAL Total amount allowed
The payee (claim-
ant) signs and
affixes date of
signing action)
Date voucher
PAYMENT Check appropriate box
APPROVED FOR To be input by the enti-
tlement office
Leave blank
(Signature or initials)
Long line of accounting
Affix full line of
accounting classi-
fication that is
funding the ex-
penditure (see
DFAS-IN 37-100
for specific de-
tails). NOTE: The
Payments SOP is
not to be used as
a reference in cre-
ating the account-
ing classification).
To be input by the dis-
bursing office
of bank)