Payment Interface
OPERA Cloud OPI User
Guide OPI On Premise
Release 20.3
January 2024
Oracle Hospitality Payment Interface OPERA Cloud OPI User Guide OPI On Premise Release 20.3
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Contents 3
Preface 5
1 Functionality Overview 1-1
2 Assumptions 2-1
Configuring CHIP AND PIN (EMV) 2-1
Configuring Credit Card Terminal 2-2
3 Reservations 3-1
Credit Card Manual Entry 3-1
To View Token ID 3-6
Post a Payment 3-8
Deposit 3-10
Deposit Cancellation (reversal) 3-12
4 Check In 4-1
Advance Check In 4-1
Get Token & Pre-Authorization 4-3
5 In House Payments 5-1
Top Up Authorizations 5-1
Post Check-In Payments 5-3
Adding Alternate Credit Card for Incidentals: After Check-In (through Chip & Pin) 5-6
6 Check-Out 6-1
Settlement 6-1
Pay Only 6-4
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) 6-6
7 Other Payments 7-1
Delayed Charges 7-1
Refunds 7-3
Post It 7-8
Declined or Failed transactions 7-10
Authorizations Reversals 7-10
8 Reconciliation 8-1
Balancing Reports 8-1
9 Review Standard Operating Procedures 9-1
Pre-Authorization Rules 9-1
What has changed? 9-1
This document describes the steps for processing credit card transactions and functions
for the Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) service on premise solution with OPERA Cloud.
This document is applicable across all the OPI on premise versions (6.2, 19.1, 20.1, 20.2
and 20.3).
This document is intended for OPERA Cloud end users utilizing OPI as a payment
Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access the Customer Support Portal at the
following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
Product version and program/module name
Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
Exact error message received
Screen shots of each step you take
Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at
Table 1 Revision History
October 2020
Initial publication
February 2021
Updated the document for Oracle
standards and fixed grammatical errors.
April 2022
Added Post It functionality for processing
Chip&Pin in Other Payments chapter
March 2023
Added Advance Check In functionality in
Check In chapter
April 2023
Added Assumptions chapter
Added Alternate Credit Card for
Incidentals: After Check-In (through Chip
& Pin) section to In House Payments
Added Delayed Charges section to Other
Payments chapter
Moved Authorization Reversals section to
Other Payments chapter
Added Token ID Limitations to What has
Changed section
Added Post Check-In Payments (Card
Present) section to In House Payments
Add Post Check-In Payments with CC
Surcharge section to In House Payments
Amended Refund section
May 2023
Updated the Customer Support section
with the new support portal name and
August 2023
Updated Pay Only section with steps
January 2024
Added Manual entry of Authorisation
codes is not supported to What has
changed section
Functionality Overview
The Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) allows Oracle partners to support payment
integration including OPERA PMS, OPERA Cloud and Suite 8 (PMS). This integration
solution allows customers to have the same payment partner solution across multiple
Hospitality products.
In addition to providing integrated payments, the OPI solution supports the tokenization of
card data, adding a layer of additional security and thus reducing the scope of PCI
security concerns.
The following are notable key features of OPI:
Faster transaction times with single point of entry for card payments
Robust payment data security
Easy reconciliation and accounting processes
Low administration costs
Streamline operations, providing better customer service
Value added services, including support for dynamic currency conversion (DCC)
Configuring CHIP AND PIN (EMV)
To process Chip and PIN payments, you must set up the Chip and PIN payment devices
available at your property.
To configure Chip and Pin (EMV):
1. From the Administration menu, go to Enterprise | OPERA Controls | Groups |
Credit Card | Parameters.
2. Online Settlement: Select this check box to allow online settlement. OPI is an online
settlement and this must be checked to activate the Chip and PIN Application Setting.
3. Select this check box to enable CHIP AND PIN payment types.
Chip and PIN Enabled Payment Types: When the IFC | Chip and PIN
application parameter is set to Y, this option is visible and selected by default.
You may not deselect the check box. Select the LOV to choose the credit card
payment types that will trigger a Chip and PIN message with or without credit
card data to the EMV Device. Payment types that are configured here will not
require a credit card number or expiration date to be entered when selected as a
payment method on the Reservation screen or on the Payment screen. This data
can be provided in the response message from the Payment Partner.
Chapter 2
Configuring Credit Card Terminal
Configure the Payment terminals used that the payment partner will activate to have the
card swiped or manually enter in.
1. From the Administration menu, go to Administration | Interfaces | Interface
Devices | Credit Card Terminals.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the following information for the reader:
4. Property: Enter or select the property.
5. Terminal ID: The terminal ID number provided by the vendor. You can also locate
this number on the actual card reader device. This data is what will populate the
WSNum tag in the OPERA/IFC8 messages.
Chapter 2
6. Terminal Label: A label or description for the terminal/device that identifies its
physical location. This helps you easily identify the terminal/device when it appears in
a list of devices.
7. Device Area: Link the device to an area.
8. Click Save.
Credit Card Manual Entry
Credit Card Manual Entry, also known as Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)
Transactions, can be processed through two different methods:
Using the OPERA Cloud Application.
You can manually enter the details using the payment device.
For both methods, you need to notify your Payment Partner to make sure that they are
informed of the requirement to support these transaction types.
In order to test the below scenarios, see Booking a Reservation section of the OPERA
Cloud user guide.
Credit Card Guarantee through the OPERA Cloud
Application (Manual Entry into OPERA Cloud)
To enter a card number into OPERA through the OPERA Cloud Application:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
Chapter 3
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click New/Edit Payment Instructions.
Chapter 3
5. Select the payment Method (VA, MC, CP and so on).
6. Enter the Credit Card Number.
7. Enter the Expiration date in MMYY format.
8. Tab or click out of the field and the request to exchange the card number for a token
is initiated.
9. Upon successful response, click Save to attach the token to a reservation.
Chapter 3
Credit Card Guarantee through the OPERA Cloud
Application (Manual Entry into Payment Device)
To enter a card number into payment device:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click New/Edit Payment Instructions.
5. Select the general CP-Chip and Pin Payment Method, or a specific defined Chip and
Pin Payment, such as Master Card, VISA.
6. If the Hotel does not have a Payment device for reservations, enter the Card
Number and Expiration date manually. A token request is triggered automatically.
7. Click Get Token. This step triggers the Payment device.
Credit Card Guarantee through the OPERA Cloud
Application (Card Present)
To enter a card number through OPERA Cloud:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
Chapter 3
4. Click New/Edit Payment Instructions.
5. Select the Method of payment.
6. Click Get Token. This step triggers the Payment device.
7. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared.
Chapter 3
8. Click Select Terminal.
9. A request to receive a token is automatically initiated.
10. The device is activated to swipe, or chip read the card.
11. The Token, Card Type, Expiration Date, and last 4 digits of the card number is
successfully returned.
12. Click Save. The token is saved into a reservation.
To View Token ID
Only users with the task to view sensitive data can access the full token number.
To view the token:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
Chapter 3
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click New/Edit Payment Instructions.
5. Click information icon ( ) next to the Card Number to view the full token.
6. The Token Number appears in the Credit Card Information window as shown in the
image below.
Chapter 3
Post a Payment
To perform a post payment:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want Toand then select Billing.
4. Enter your credentials.
5. Click Login.
6. Click I Want To and select Post Payment.
Chapter 3
7. Enter the payment Amount.
8. Click Apply Payment.
9. Payment is processed and appears in the guest’s reservation as shown in the image
Chapter 3
To create a deposit payment:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and then select Deposit Cancellation.
4. In the Deposit panel, click New to create a new deposit.
Chapter 3
5. Enter the Deposit Amount.
6. Enter the Due Date.
7. Click Save.
8. Deposit payment is processed and appears in the guest’s reservation as shown in
the image below.
Chapter 3
Deposit Cancellation (reversal)
To cancel an advanced deposit:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and then select Deposit Cancellation.
4. Enter negative amount in the Deposit Amount field.
5. Enter the Due Date.
6. Enter the comments, if any.
7. Click Save.
Chapter 3
8. Reversal is processed and appears in the reservation as shown in the image below.
Check In
Advance Check In
At times, when guests arrive to the property prior to a room being ready, you can flag a
reservation as Advance Checked In for arrivals due in on the current business date. This
enables guests to post charges to their reservation folio prior to check in and helps the
rooms management team prioritize room cleaning and assignment. Individual
reservations (including Walk In reservations, Pre Registered reservations, and
reservations that are in Queue) and group block reservations can be Advance Checked
In. See Advance Check In sections of the OPERA Cloud help documentation for more
This guide will focus on the arrivals from the Front Desk menu Arrivals and details the
steps to be followed where the card is presented on arrival.
To perform check in:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select Arrivals.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Check In.
5. On the Check In Reservation screen, review the guest reservation details:
a. In the Room Selection panel, assign a room to the reservation.
b. Select the Verify Payment panel.
Chapter 4
Check In
c. Click the payment Method drop-down and select the payment type as CP-Chip
and Pin.
d. Verify the authorization rule from the Rule field.
6. Click Advance Check In.
7. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared.
8. Click Select Terminal.
Upon Terminal Selection:
Information will go out to IFC8 OPI Payment Device.
The payment device will alert the customer to present the card.
After guest inserts / swipes a card, a Token / Authorization request is
automatically initiated.
A Token, Card Type, Expiration, and last 4 digits of the card number is
successfully returned along with a successful authorization.
Chapter 4
Check In
Upon successful authorization / tokenization, the guest will be Advanced checked
in. To review the guest’s reservation information, click Go to Reservation.
9. The authorization is processed and appears in the Payment Authorization window as
shown in the image below.
10. The authorization approval is saved with the reservation and when the room is ready,
the reservation is automatically checked in.
Get Token & Pre-Authorization
Check in (Card Present)
Check in can happen from any area of the OPERA cloud application where Check in is
selected. See Front Desk and Reservations sections for the check-ins performed through
Front desk and Reservations.
This guide will focus on the arrivals from the Front Desk menu Arrivals and details the
steps to be followed where the card is presented on arrival.
To perform check in:
Chapter 4
Check In
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select Arrivals.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Check In.
5. On the Check In Reservation screen, review the guest reservation details:
a. In the Room Selection panel, assign a room to the reservation.
b. Select the Verify Payment panel.
c. Click the payment Method drop-down and select the payment type as CP-Chip
and Pin.
d. Verify the authorization rule from the Rule field.
6. Click Complete Check In.
Chapter 4
Check In
7. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared.
8. Click Select Terminal.
Upon Terminal Selection:
Information will go out to IFC8 OPI Payment Device.
The payment device will alert the customer to present the card.
After guest inserts / swipes a card, a Token / Authorization request is
automatically initiated.
A Token, Card Type, Expiration, and last 4 digits of the card number is
successfully returned along with a successful authorization.
Upon successful authorization, the guest will be checked in.
9. The authorization is processed and appears in the Payment Authorization window as
shown in the image below.
Chapter 4
Check In
10. The guest is checked in successfully. To review the guest’s reservation information,
click Go to Reservation.
In House Payments
Top Up Authorizations
A Top Up Authorization allows an additional authorization amount to be taken during the
guest stay.
To enter the authorization amount:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click the vertical ellipsis, and select Credit Card Authorization.
5. Select Additional option.
6. Enter the Authorization Amount.
7. Click Run Additional Authorization.
Chapter 5
In House Payments
8. The payment processing screen appears.
9. Confirmation of posted authorization appears in the Authorization and History
Chapter 5
In House Payments
Post Check-In Payments
Post Check-In Payments (Card on File)
Payments during the guest stay can be made at any time from the billing screen using
the tokenized card on file.
To process a payment using the tokenized card on file:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
select Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want Toand then select Billing.
4. Click Post Payment.
5. Enter the payment Amount to be charged and click Apply Payment.
6. The payment is processed and applied to the reservation.
Chapter 5
In House Payments
Post Check-In Payments (Card Present)
As a best practice have the guest present their card whenever possible to process a
To process a payment using a card presented by the guest:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want Toand then select Billing.
4. Select the guest room which requires the payment.
5. Click Post Payment.
6. Click the Payment Method drop-down and select the payment type as CP-Chip and
7. Enter the payment Amount to be charged and click Apply Payment.
8. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Chapter 5
In House Payments
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared. The payment device will alert the customer to present the
card. After guest inserts / swipes a card, if transaction is successful, a Token, Card
Type, Expiration, and last 4 digits of the card number is returned to OPERA.
9. The payment applies to the guest folio.
Post Check-In Payments with CC Surcharge
To process a payment using a card presented by the guest with credit card surcharge:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want Toand then select Billing.
4. Select the guest room which requires the payment.
5. Click Post Payment.
6. Click the Payment Method drop-down and select the relevant Payment Type the
guest has presented, and do not add any card information into OPERA Cloud.
7. Apply Surcharge: Select to apply a credit card surcharge (available when the Credit
Card Transaction Surcharge OPERA Control is active).
If you are using the Automated Credit Card Surcharge feature in OPERA, the
CP Payment type does not add the surcharge. If you need a surcharge to be
added, please refer to Post Check-In Payment with CC Surcharge section for
8. Enter the payment Amount to be charged and click Apply Payment. This activates
the payment device.
9. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared. The payment device will alert the customer to present the
card. After guest inserts / swipes a card, if transaction is successful, a Token, Card
Type, Expiration, and last 4 digits of the card number is returned to OPERA.
10. The Payment details are automatically updated in OPERA Cloud.
Chapter 5
In House Payments
Adding Alternate Credit Card for
Incidentals: After Check-In (through Chip
& Pin)
To add an alternate credit card to a guests profile after Check-In:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click Window 2.
5. Select Payment Type as CP-Chip and Pin and the Authorization Rule as needed.
6. Click OK to save.
7. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Credit Card Authorization.
Chapter 5
In House Payments
8. Select the alternate payment (in this case CP) from the Window 2 and select
Additional option.
9. Verify the Additional Authorization Amount to be authorized and click Run Additional
Authorization to activate the Payment Terminal for Chip & Pin.
Follow the prompts on the Payment Terminal Device to complete the
To process a check out and settle guest charges:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Check Out.
Chapter 6
5. Folio Settlement confirmation screen appears.
6. Verify the card information on file:
a. If replacing the main card with a new card, update the payment method, verify
the amount, and click Settle and Send Folio. This step triggers the Payment
b. If using the same card on file, proceed with the below steps.
7. Verify the Amount to be settled and click Settle and Send Folio.
8. Select the Destination option for the folio, and then click Process.
Chapter 6
9. Click Check Out Now.
Chapter 6
Pay Only
To process pay only payment:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Billing.
5. Click Post Payment.
Chapter 6
6. Select payment Method as Pay Only.
a. If the card is present or the card number need to be entered on the device, verify
the amount, and click Apply Payment. This will activate the device for card
b. If the card number and expiry are available, then enter the Credit Card Number
and the Expiration Date in MMYY format.
7. Tab or click out of the field and the request to exchange the card number for a token
is initiated.
8. Upon successful response, verify the Amount to be settled and click Apply
Chapter 6
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)
Dynamic Currency Conversion or DCC as it is commonly known is a service which is
offered through the Payment Partner that allows your international guests to settle
their bill in their home currency.
When a payment is being processed, the DCC offer will be presented on the payment
device, and once approved the details are updated back to OPERA Cloud.
Payment Partners will provide training in relation to DCC during the implementation
and can assist with any questions you have about this service.
Other Payments
Delayed Charges
Delayed Charges are payments that need to be processed for a guest that is not in
house. This can be No Show Fee, Late Charge, or Mini Bar Charge. Payments for
these charges can be processed:
Using the tokenised card on file
Using a MOTO card transaction
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select Departures.
2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.
3. Select the checked out reservation in the search result, then click I Want To. . . and
select Go To > Billing.
4. Click Reinstate Reservation.
5. If the Open folio functionality is active and in use, there is no need to reinstate the
reservation you can post a charge and payment. Go to step 7.
6. Click Reinstate.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
7. Select Post Charge if you need to post a new charge or skip this step if the charge
already exists.
8. Click Post Payment.
9. The tokenised card on file will pop-up as the Payment type with the final due amount.
10. If a new card is provided for the additional charges, then manually enter the Card
Number and Expiry dates. See Credit Card Guarantee through the OPERA Cloud
Application (Manual Entry into OPERA) section for details.
11. Click Apply Payment to activate the Payment device.
12. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared. The payment device will alert the customer to present the
card. After guest inserts / swipes a card, if transaction is successful, a Token, Card
Type, Expiration, and last 4 digits of the card number is returned to OPERA.
13. The Payment details are automatically updated in OPERA Cloud.
Refund on existing card on file
The Refund feature is supported by OPI and OPERA Cloud. A refund is a transaction that
can be performed any time to credit funds back to the card holder. The refund amount
can be different from the payment amount that was initially processed.
You can post a rebate (refund) to a credit card when the Credit Card Rebate Validation
OPERA Control is active. In addition, OPERA Cloud will verify that the rebate amount
does not exceed the previously charged amount to the credit card. This will validate the
debit with the credit on the same credit card and pop up a message if the user tries to
refund more than what has been charged.
From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In-House.
Enter search criteria and click Search. Select the reservation from the search results,
click I Want To . . . and select Billing.
On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Payment, select the payment method, and
provide the credit card details, enter the negative payment amount, and click Apply
Following two conditions should be met to process the refund:
Refund feature needs to be activated by the Payment Service Provider.
OPERA Cloud users need privileges to process the negative payments.
To process the refund on existing card on file:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Billing.
5. Enter your credentials if requested.
6. Select Post Payment.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
7. Enter negative amount in the Amount field.
8. Provide Reference details, if any.
9. Click Apply Payment.
10. The payment is processed and applied to the reservation as shown in the image
Chapter 7
Other Payments
Refund to a new card on file
Refund can be made at any time from the billing screen using the tokenized card on file.
To process the refund to a new card on file:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In House.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To
4. Select Billing.
5. Enter your credentials if requested.
6. Select Post Payment.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
7. Select the payment Method (VA, MC, CP and so on).
8. Enter negative amount in the Amount field.
9. Provide Reference details, if any.
10. Click Apply Payment. This will initiate the device to enter the card data.
11. The payment is processed and applied to the reservation.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
Post It
Post it allows you to post articles to rooms but also to settle charges immediately without
a room number.
To perform post it:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then
select Post It.
The Post It screen appears.
2. Select the articles that are configured for Post It.
When you select an article, that article and its price (and associated taxes) appear in
the posting window as shown in the image below.
3. Click Pay and select the Method of payment as one of the credit card payment types
or as (Chip and Pin) and no need to enter any card data.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
4. Select a terminal to be activated for this transaction.
Once the terminal is selected, it will be saved for future use until the application or
browser cache is cleared.
5. Click Complete Sales to run the transaction (authorization followed by sale, or just a
sale) to activate the Payment Device.
The payment device will alert the customer to present the card. After guest inserts /
swipes a card, if transaction is successful, a Token, Card Type, Expiration, and last 4
digits of the card number is returned to OPERA.
6. Report Destination window appears to print the Post It Folio.
7. Click Process to print the payment receipt for Post It Folio.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
Declined or Failed transactions
There are many reasons why a transaction may decline. For example, this can be due to
insufficient funds, the card being reported lost/stolen, or a loss in connection to the bank.
For a declined transaction, you will see a “Failed” status response in OPERA Cloud with
a Decline response error.
If you are not sure why your card has been declined, you need to contact your Payment
Service Provider for details.
Authorizations Reversals
OPERA Cloud and OPI supports Pre-Authorization Reversals. This is an automated
electronic reversal message sent to the Payment Service Provider to request the release
of the pre-authorization.
OPERA Cloud does this automatically if these two conditions apply:
1. A pre-authorization exists
Chapter 7
Other Payments
2. The main card type is replaced with a new card.
For example, if the authorization on Check-In was processed to a Visa and the payment
on Check Out was through Master Card, then change the payment method to MC and
OPERA Cloud will automatically send out the authorization reversal request for the Visa
To perform authorization reversals:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then
click Manage Reservation.
2. Search for and open the reservation.
3. Click I Want To and select Payment Instructions.
4. Click New/Edit Payment Instructions.
5. Click the payment Method drop-down and select the payment type of your choice.
6. Enter the Credit Card Number.
7. Enter the Expiration date in MMYY format.
8. The new Token is received and the request to release the authorization on the
previous card is triggered.
9. Click Save.
Chapter 7
Other Payments
Balancing Reports
A critical part of the integration of payments is the reconciliation process. To balance the
transactions processed through OPI, a report is needed to reconcile with the Payment
Service Provider reports.
To access OPERA Cloud reports:
1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports and then select Manage Reports.
2. Enter a Report Name and/or select a Report Group from the drop-down list.
3. Click Search to display the report.
Review Standard Operating Procedures
Pre-Authorization Rules
OPERA Cloud provides support for automated Pre-Authorization Rules. You can set
the rules as follows:
A standard rule across the OPERA Cloud Property.
A customized pre-authorization rule based on Room Type, Room Class, Rate
Code, Rate Category, Reservation Type and Source Code.
These rules are used upon check-in and control the pre-authorized amount against a
guest card upon arrival.
See About Credit Card Authorization Rules for details.
What has changed?
As customers install this new solution, it is important to acknowledge that there are
changes in the way the card data is handled and processed, which means a change to
Standard Operating Procedures that are in place.
Before activating the new solution some of the areas are recommended for review:
Full Card Number No Longer Stored in OPERA Cloud
Description of Issue: Initially the full card number was stored in OPERA Cloud.
When it is encrypted, it is still accessible to the users who had necessary user
privileges. When OPI is installed, the OPERA Credit Card Vault feature swaps the
credit card with a Token ID and only the Token ID is stored. With OPI activation, no
user has access to guest card number from OPERA Cloud.
Review: Because the credit card number is no longer stored, it is important to
discuss any processes within the business that were previously dependent on card
numbers. This is essential in helping you understand how your business processes
may be impacted, and in assisting you with determining a new solution.
Chapter 9
Review Standard Operating Procedures
Description of Issue: Hotels often deal with chargeback requests for credit cards
and may require the full card number for the chargeback.
Review: Because the credit card number is no longer stored in OPERA Cloud, it is
important to have a discussion with your Payment Service Provider regarding
Chargeback management.
Pay Only
Description of Issue: The Pay Only function in OPERA Cloud is designed to accept
only Sale transactions. This is used by the Card types that do not support pre-
authorizations. Some examples of the payment types that can be set up are, Debit
Cards, Virtual Credit Cards, AliPay and WeChat.
Review: It is important to discuss which payment types you need to be set up during
the installation process.
Description of Issue: Hotels are often managing guest complaints for pre-
authorizations held on guest credit cards. It is important to understand that OPERA
Cloud and OPI supports the electronic Pre-Authorization Release transaction type, it
is up to the Card Holder’s bank to release the pre-authorization. Many banks today
do not support the electronic Pre-Authorization Release message. Therefore, the
hotels may question why holds remain on guest credit cards.
Review: Hotels can still use the existing processes to release pre-authorizations if
they are still being held for any reason. It is always recommended to review the pre-
authorization rules carefully before implementing OPI to avoid any unnecessary
funds being held on a guest card. If possible, it is recommended to process a
payment rather than a pre-authorization.
Token Limitations
Description of Issue: When OPI is implemented all cards in the OPERA Data Base
are Tokenized. While this is more secure, it is important to note that these tokens are
not credit cards and are handled differently.
Tokens cannot be copied from one reservation to another
Tokens cannot be saved to guest profiles
Tokens can be copied from one window to another in the same reservation
Tokens cannot be manually entered into OPERA
Chapter 9
Review Standard Operating Procedures
Manual entry of Authorisation codes is not supported
Description of Issue: Legacy Payment Interface supported manual entry of
authorisation codes into OPERA Cloud, which can then be processed with payments
later. OPERA Cloud users would call the bank to generate the manual authorisation
code and enter it into OPERA Cloud. This feature was used when payment terminals
were offline or if the guests card had declined.
Review: The manual enter of authorisation codes is not supported with the OPI
integration with OPERA Cloud. This is because the auth code generated over the
phone was not generated via OPI and cannot be recognised by OPI.