MySQL Connector/ Developer Guide
MySQL Connector/ Developer Guide
This manual describes MySQL Connector/, the interface for communicating between
and MySQL servers.
Development on MySQL Connector/ has ceased.
Document generated on: 2014-01-21 (revision: 37457)
Table of Contents
Preface and Legal Notices .................................................................................................................. v
1 Introduction to MySQL Connector/ ............................................................................. 1
2 Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Getting Started: Connecting to MySQL ............................................................................................. 5
4 Getting Started: Usage Examples .................................................................................................. 11
5 References .................................................................................................................................... 13
6 Known Bugs .................................................................................................................................. 15
7 Contact ......................................................................................................................................... 17
8 MySQL Connector/ Change History ......................................................................... 19
8.1 Changes in Connector/ 1.0 (2009-09-14, Generally Available) ......................... 19
Preface and Legal Notices
This manual describes MySQL Connector/, the interface for communicating between and MySQL servers.
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Chapter 1 Introduction to MySQL Connector/
MySQL Connector/ is a native MySQL database connector for It supports 3.1 and above. It can be used to connect applications to a MySQL server.
Before MySQL Connector/ became available you would have to use MySQL Connector/J
(JDBC) or MySQL Connector/ODBC to connect to a MySQL server.
Development on MySQL Connector/ has ceased.
Using MySQL Connector/ has the following advantages:
Easy installation through the Extension Manager.
Seamless integration into
No need to go through an additional Connector installation routine (ODBC/JDBC).
No need to configure or register an additional Connector (ODBC).
No need to install or configure a driver manager (ODBC).
MySQL Connector/ is currently at version 1.0 GA.
If you have any queries, please contact us through our mailing list at <[email protected]>.
Chapter 2 Installation
1. Install or upgrade to 3.1.
2. Download MySQL Connector/ from The extension download site.
Save the file corresponding to your platform. Currently supported platforms are Windows, Linux, Linux
x86-64, Mac OS X, Solaris x86 and Solaris SPARC.
3. Add the .oxt extension through the Extension Manager of In, select
Tools, Extension Manager... and specify the .oxt file as a new extension. When done, MySQL
Connector/ shows up as a new extension in the Extension Manager.
Figure 2.1 Adding an Extension
4. Restart
Chapter 3 Getting Started: Connecting to MySQL
MySQL Connector/ enables you to access the MySQL Server and its schemata from the suite.
The following example demonstrates the creation of a new Base database which uses a
local MySQL Server for storage and the new connector for connecting.
1. Select the database
Create a new database by selecting File, New, Database. This starts a wizard that enables you to
create a new database, open an existing database, or connect to an existing database. Select the
Connect to existing database radio button. From the listbox select MySQL. Click Next >>.
Figure 3.1 Selecting the Database
2. When you are asked how to connect to the database, select the Connect native radio button.
Figure 3.2 Selecting the connection type
Click Next >>.
3. Fill in the connection settings
Enter the name of the database, server URL, and optionally the socket to connect on (if not using the
Note that if you do not specify a database, all databases are available for selection.
Figure 3.3 Entering Connection Settings
Click Next >>.
4. Set up user authentication
If you are using MySQL server's anonymous account without a password, you do not have to fill in
anything in this step. Otherwise, fill in your MySQL user name and check the password check box.
Note, for security reasons, you should not normally use the anonymous account without a password.
Figure 3.4 Setting Up User Authentication
You can now test your connection to the MySQL database server by clicking the Test Connection
button. Check the check box if you do not want to ask you for your password again in
the current session. Testing the connection is optional, although recommended.
Click Next >>.
5. Decide how to proceed after connecting to the database
Figure 3.5 After Connecting to the Database
Keep the default settings.
Click Finish.
6. When prompted to save your database as a database file, enter the name of the database and the
location in which to save the file.
Figure 3.6 Entering the Database File Name
Click Save.
You will be located in the Base application with your database tables displayed.
Chapter 4 Getting Started: Usage Examples
Listing Tables
In the Database area of the Base main window, select Tables. If this is the first time you are accessing the
database, you are prompted for your credentials (user name and password); you can store these settings
for your current Base session.
Figure 4.1 Listing Tables
Depending on your connection settings, you now see all databases with all their tables, or just the
database you have specified in the connection settings.
Chapter 5 References
See the Web site for documentation of the office suite and its Extension Manager.
Chapter 6 Known Bugs
If you discover a bug in Connector/ please add it to this list and send an email to
<[email protected]>. You must be logged in with an account for both; see
the project mailing list for details.
Chapter 7 Contact
To discuss the new MySQL Connector/, please subscribe to the mailing list
<[email protected]>. It is a low-volume list with less than 10 mails per day.
Chapter 8 MySQL Connector/ Change History
Table of Contents
8.1 Changes in Connector/ 1.0 (2009-09-14, Generally Available) ................................. 19
8.1 Changes in Connector/ 1.0 (2009-09-14, Generally
This is the first GA release of Connector/