Foreign Producer Registration and
CBMA Tax Benefit Assignment
myTTB System User Guide
February 1, 2023
The purpose of this guide is to provide step-by-step instructions for foreign producer
representatives to register the foreign company and assign tax benefits to importers under the
Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA).
A foreign producer’s representative may be an owner, officer, or employee of the foreign
producer or an authorized agent of the foreign producer. A foreign producer may have more
than one representative, but each must create their own account in Login.gov and,
subsequently, a profile in myTTB.
Step 1 Create an account in Login.gov
Step 2 Create a profile in myTTB
Step 3 Register a Foreign Producer in myTTB
Step 4 Assign Tax Benefits or Increase Assignment Quantity
Step 5 Add Authorized Users
There are two additional resources at the end of this guide (after Step 5):
Error messages and what they mean
How to export table information to an Excel spreadsheet
NOTE: All information shown in the following screens is for demonstrative purposes only and is
not meant for actual use. In addition, there may be minor differences between the sample
screens shown in this guide and actual screens in the myTTB system. TTB regulatory
requirements are available at 27 CFR Part 27, Subpart P.
Step 1 Create an account in
Refer to Login.gov for instructions on how to create an account.
Step 2 Create a profile in myTTB
1. After creating your Login.gov account, go to myTTB. Select the Login.gov button to log into
2. Enter your Login.gov account credentials on the sign in screen and select the Sign in button.
3. Upon successful sign in with Login.gov, select the Agree and continue button to be taken to
myTTB Profile Account Information
1. Complete your myTTB profile by filling in the following fields with your own first name, last
name (or family name), company name, and position in the fields shown below.
NOTE: Your email will be populated with the email you used when signing up for Login.gov.
2. Select the Continue button.
myTTB Profile TTB Contact
1. Enter your email address and phone number. When entering your phone number, select
the country from the drop down menu next to the flag.
2. Check the boxes on the screen if you would like to receive general communications and
updates from TTB through the contact information you provided, and if you would like to
provide feedback to TTB on system improvements.
3. Select the Continue button.
myTTB Profile Dashboard Setup
1. Under the heading Special Roles, check the box that applies:
Foreign Producer Check this box if you are an owner, officer, or employee of a foreign
Alcohol Importer Check this box if you are an alcohol importer and if a foreign
producer has authorized you to act on their behalf.
Third Party Professional Check this box if you are a third party professional (for
example, a consultant or other authorized agent) and if a foreign producer has
authorized you to act on their behalf.
2. Select the Finish button.
You have now successfully created your myTTB profile.
You may change your myTTB profile settings at any time by selecting the My profile button on
your dashboard.
Step 3 Register a Foreign Producer in
In the prior steps, the foreign producer’s representative created an account in Login.gov and a
profile in myTTB. In the next step, the foreign producer’s representative submits a registration
and receives a TTB-issued ID called the TTB Foreign Producer ID, which is specifically for use
when assigning CBMA tax benefits.
A foreign producer’s representative can be an owner, officer, or employee of a foreign
producer or any agent authorized to act on behalf of the foreign producer.
The person submitting the registration must be able to provide proof of their authority to act
on behalf of the foreign producer upon request from TTB.
After successfully registering a foreign producer with TTB, the foreign producer’s representative
will receive a TTB Foreign Producer ID. The foreign producer must provide this TTB Foreign
Producer ID to any U.S. importers of its products to whom the foreign producer will
subsequently assign CBMA tax benefits. The steps for submitting a registration follow:
1. Access the myTTB CBMA Imports system as shown below by selecting the CBMA Imports
2. Once signed in to myTTB, select the Foreign Producer button in the Foreign Producer block.
3. Select the New registration button to go to the Foreign Producer Registration Submission
4. Complete all required fields in the Foreign Producer Information section:
a. Check the appropriate button if you are an owner, officer, or employee of the foreign
producer or if you are an agent acting on behalf of the foreign producer
b. Enter the foreign producer company name
c. Enter the country where foreign producer is located
d. Enter the foreign producer’s mailing address
e. Enter the city of the foreign producer’s mailing address
f. Enter the state, province or region of the foreign producer’s mailing address, if
g. Enter zip code or postal code of the foreign producer’s mailing address, if applicable
5. Complete all required information in the Foreign Producer Contact section:
a. Check Use myTTB information if you are the foreign producer contact and you want to use
the same contact information you provided when creating your myTTB profile
NOTE: If you check this box, all information will be auto populated except for title. If
you are an agent registering a foreign producer, do not enter your own contact
information in this section; instead, enter the contact information of an owner, officer,
or employee of the foreign producer company that will serve as the point of contact for
TTB. A foreign producer contact added to the registration will receive email updates
concerning the status of the registration and any tax benefit assignments made.
b. First name
c. Last name
d. Position title for company
e. Correct country flag from the drop down menu and phone number
f. Email
NOTE: This is the email that will be used to receive email updates concerning the status
of the registration and any tax benefit assignments made.
6. Enter the foreign producer’s 11-digit FDA Food Facility Registration ID number in the FDA ID
section. This number is obtained from and generally reported to FDA in connection with
the importation of a foreign producer’s products into the United States. This is referred to
as the FDA Number by some users.
NOTE: Foreign distilled spirits operations, wine producers, and brewers who produce
products for consumption in the United States generally must register their production
facilities with FDA. See 21 U.S.C. 350d, 21 CFR 1.225, and 1.227 (requirements applicable to
foreign facilities that manufacture/process, pack, or hold food in storage for consumption in
the United States).
7. Select Add FDA ID button. If the foreign producer has multiple FDA Numbers, repeat the
process until all FDA Numbers are listed. Then, move on to the Foreign Producer
Ownership section.
NOTE: If you made mistakes or typos in a saved FDA number, you must select Remove
and add the information again.
8. If you do not have a FDA number because you only produce industrial alcohol, select the
Products do not require any U.S. FDA FFR because I produce only industrial alcohol
checkbox and move on to the Foreign Producer Ownership section.
NOTE: TTB understands that a foreign producer that produces only alcohol for industrial
use (as defined at 27 CFR 1.60 through 27 CFR 1.62) will not have an FDA ID when such
alcohol is not reasonably expected to be directed to a food use. In such cases, TTB's
temporary regulations provide that, in lieu of providing an FDA ID, the foreign producer will
certify that it does not have an FDA ID because FDA does not require one for its operations.
9. In the Foreign Producer Ownership section, select the certification checkbox if the
statement about lack of common ownership with other alcohol producers applies to the
foreign producer, and scroll down to the Attestation section (step 13 below).
10. If the statement about lack of common of ownership with other alcohol producers does not
apply to the foreign producer, select the Add owner button to enter the required
information about any individual or entity that owns 10% for more of the foreign producer
being registered.
11. Enter the following information for any individual or entity that owns 10% or more of the
foreign producer being registered:
a. Select Individual or Other entity from Type of owner drop down menu
b. Enter name
NOTE: If you selected Individual, enter your First name and Last name. If you selected
Other entity, enter the Entity name.
c. Select country where the owner is located from County drop down menu
d. Enter owner’s mailing address
e. Enter city of owner’s mailing address
f. Enter the state, province or region of the owner’s mailing address, if applicable
g. Enter zip code or postal code of owner’s mailing address, if applicable
h. Select the correct country flag from the drop down menu and enter the owner’s phone
i. Enter any phone extension (optional)
j. If you selected Other entity, select a Unique identifier type and enter the Unique
NOTE: If the U.S. owner has an Employee Identification Number (EIN) issued by the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service, select EIN. If the foreign entity has a Dun & Bradstreet Data
Universal Numbering System number, select DUNS. If the owner does not have either
an EIN or DUNS number, select N/A. This TTB registration process does not require any
entity to obtain an EIN or DUNS number.
12. Select the Add owner button. Repeat the process to add information for any other
individual or entity that owns 10% or more of the foreign producer being registered. When
details about all such owners are added, move on to the Attestation section.
13. Read each statement under the Attestation header and select the box to agree to the
14. Submit your registration to TTB by selecting the Submit registration button.
If your registration is successful, you will receive a notification.
NOTE: The TTB Foreign Producer ID is listed in the Registration successful notification and will
also be emailed to you. You will need to provide your TTB Foreign Producer ID to all importers
to whom you assign tax benefits. The TTB Foreign Producer ID will link the foreign producer’s
assignments to an importer’s associated entry and refund claim.
If you receive an error message, refer to the Error Message section at the end of this user guide
to determine how to proceed.
Step 4 Assign Tax Benefits or Increase Assignment
Assign Tax Benefits
Foreign Producers must submit assignments of CBMA tax benefits on or before December 31 of
the calendar year for which the CBMA tax benefits are assigned. Foreign Producers may begin
to submit assignments to TTB as early as October 1 of the prior calendar year.
For example, tax benefits for calendar year 2024 may be assigned beginning on October 1,
2023, and must be assigned on or before December 31, 2024.
1. Select the Add Assignments button as shown below.
2. Verify that you are adding assignments for the correct foreign producer by confirming the
name and TTB Foreign Producer ID of the record you are working in.
3. Enter the TTB importer permit number for the importer to whom you are assigning CBMA
tax benefits. Ask your U.S. importer if you do not know their TTB importer permit number.
4. A small number of importers who are not required to hold TTB permits will need to contact
TTB to obtain a reference number for CBMA tax benefit assignment purposes. If this
pertains to your importer, ask your importer for the reference number and:
a. Select the checkbox that states “I am assigning tax benefits to an importer that is not
required to have a permit number and will provide a reference number to identify the
importer for tax benefit purposes.”
b. Enter the importer’s reference number under the TTB reference number field if the
importer to whom you are assigning CBMA tax benefits is not required to have a TTB
5. Select the Validate button.
6. Select calendar year from drop down menu. For example, selecting 2023 will assign tax
benefits to importers for products imported into the United States during calendar year
NOTE: Foreign producers that are under common ownership with other foreign and/or
domestic producers of beer, wine, or distilled spirits are subject to controlled group limitations
on the quantities of tax benefits that may be assigned when the common ownership creates a
controlled group under U.S. law. The quantity limitations for the CBMA tax benefits are applied
to the entire controlled group and are apportioned among the members of the group.
7. Select product (Beer, Wine, or Distilled Spirits) from drop down menu.
8. Select the U.S. tax benefit to be assigned from drop down menu and enter the quantity to
be assigned.
NOTE: You do not have to make tax benefit assignments for the entire calendar year at once.
You or another authorized user can return to the system to increase the quantity of an
assignment (if you have already saved an assignment) or you can add assignments for other
commodities or tax benefit tiers until the quantity limitations have been reached. Once you
have saved an assignment, you will not be able to create a new assignment for the same permit
number, calendar year, and tax benefit tier, but you may increase the existing assignment up to
the limits set by law.
NOTE: The below screen provides an example of a beer tax benefit assignment. Users should
select the appropriate product and tax benefit rate for each assignment entered.
9. Read each statement under the Attestations header and select the box to agree to the
10. Select the Save assignment button.
11. Review your submission screen and ensure that all information is correct. If corrections are
needed, select Cancel and enter the correct information.
12. Once all information is correct, select the Save assignment button.
NOTE: Once the assignment is saved, the foreign producer can increase the quantity assigned,
subject to statutory limitations (see FAQ TB-1), but cannot decrease the quantity assigned or
delete the assignment. At this point, the assignment is made to the importer, and the only way
to reduce or delete the assignment is for the importer to return the assignment to the foreign
producer through the importer claims system. For example, if the foreign producer makes an
error in an assignment by choosing the wrong importer, the foreign producer cannot delete the
assignment once it is saved. TTB also cannot delete the assignment to that importer or reassign
the tax benefit to another importer.
If your assignment is successful, you will receive a notification.
If you receive an error message, refer to the Error Message section at the end of this user guide
to determine how to proceed.
Increase Quantity of Assigned Tax Benefit
If the foreign producer has already assigned a benefit to an importer, the foreign producer may
increase the quantity assigned to that importer. The foreign producer will not be able to create
a new assignment with the same importer permit number, calendar year, product, and tax
benefit tier.
1. Go to your assignments and select the assignment you want to increase.
2. Verify that you are increasing the assignment for the correct importer by confirming the
importer name and TTB importer permit number of the record you are working in.
3. In the Action column, select Increase next to the assignment that you want to increase.
4. Once you have selected Increase, you will be in the Assignment screen. Scroll down to
the Quantity to be assigned field and enter the new total quantity of the assignment
that you are increasing. The new total amount must be more than the amount originally
assigned. For example, if you assigned 1,000 wine gallons and want to increase the total
quantity assigned to 2,000 wine gallons, enter 2,000 in the Quantity to be assigned field.
5. Read each statement under the Attestations header and select the box to agree to the
6. Select the Increase assignment button.
NOTE: If you select Cancel in this step, you will see the Cancel increase screen.
- Selecting Yes in the Cancel increase screen will take you back to the foreign
producer portal screen.
- Selecting Return to assignment in the Cancel increase screen will take you back to
the Assignment screen and allow you to make changes.
7. Review the confirmation screen and ensure that all information is correct. Once all
information is correct, select Yes to confirm the assignment increase.
If corrections are needed, select Cancel in the confirmation screen to cancel the
increase and return to the Assignments page.
8. If the increase to your assignment quantity is successful, you will be taken back to the
foreign producer portal screen and receive a notification.
Step 5 Add Authorized Users
The person who initially registers a foreign producer will be given a manager role in the system,
and must have authorization to create the foreign producer registration, edit the registration
information, designate additional persons authorized to act on the foreign producer’s behalf or
revoke such authorization, and make assignments of CBMA tax benefits. Upon request from
TTB, the person registering the foreign producer with TTB must provide proof of authority.
A person with a manager role may designate additional persons that have authority to act on
the foreign producer’s behalf in either a manager or a user role. Persons in a user role may not
add or remove other managers or users.
All authorized representatives of the foreign producer must have authority to receive and
respond to communications from TTB, including notice of contemplated revocation.
To add authorized users:
1. Select the Add/Edit Authorized Users button.
2. Verify you are adding a user to the correct foreign producer account by confirming the
foreign producer’s name and TTB Foreign Producer ID under the title Authorized Users.
3. Select the correct role from drop down menu (either manager or user). A description of
each role is included in the screenshots below.
4. Enter the First name, Last name, and Email, of the person you are adding and confirm email
address by entering it again.
5. Select the Add user button.
6. Once you have added an authorized user, you will receive the below message.
7. The added user’s Role, Name, and Email information will appear in the table as Invitation
8. The person you added will receive an email with a user code that requires activation. The
user code is usable one time only and does not expire because it is a unique code. The user
must create an account in Login.gov and profile in myTTB before accepting the request.
Once they create a myTTB profile, the new user must select the Activate your authorized
user code link in the email.
NOTE: TTB may collect additional information from the identified person, as needed, to
verify their identity.
9. To access the foreign producer’s account, the person you added must select the Activate
your authorized user code link from the email they receive. The following screen will
If the Authorized user code field does not auto populate with their user code, they must
enter it manually.
The person you added must read the text next to the check boxes and check both boxes to
agree with the statements, and select the Submit code button.
10. If you wish to remove an authorized user, you may do so at any time by selecting Remove
in the authorized user table. Then, select the Yes button to confirm the removal.
Error messages and what they mean
1. The below error message indicates there is missing information or there is an error in the
information that you entered. Search the screen for the highlighted field and enter or
correct the information.
2. The below error message indicates that your registration information has been received by
TTB but needs TTB review. TTB will review your submission and will activate it or contact
you by email for additional information. If you receive this error message, you will receive a
Submission ID, which cannot be used to assign tax benefits. Your Submission ID may also
be found next to the foreign producer’s name. You will receive a TTB Foreign Producer ID
only when your registration is successful and active in myTTB.
How to export table information to an
Excel spreadsheet
You may export data from the following tables into an excel spreadsheet:
Authorized user
Select Export, and then select CSV Download.