Human Resources
Phone: 801-957-4210
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Request Files Securely Over OneDrive.
This guide will show you how to set up a secure file request in OneDrive to receive sensitive documents.
1) Login to
with your SLCC credentials ( Your password is the
same used to access your computer/mySLCC.
2) OneDrive is accessible on the left of the page.
Figure 1 - Office 365 apps on the left side of the screen. OneDrive is the fifth app down from the home button.
3) Once in your OneDrive, click on New, then Folder.
Figure 2- "New" drop-down button displays "Folder" as the first option. Clicking folder will create a new folder.
Human Resources
Phone: 801-957-4210
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4) Give your folder an appropriate name. I named mine "Secure Upload Volunteer Form"
Figure 3- Create a folder dialogue box displays. Enter a folder name here.
5) To the left of your new folder, click on the selection toggle. The toggle will fill blue with a white checkmark. Then
click "Request Files" on the top toolbar.
Figure 4- Selection toggle is to the left of the new file. Step One select the file. Step two, click requested files.
6) Enter the file you are requesting, and then click next.
Figure 5- Step One, enter the file requested in the textbox. Step Two click next.
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Phone: 801-957-4210
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7) Send the person you are requesting the upload from (referred to as the uploader) an email by entering their
email address in the designated field. It is not required, but good practice, to add a message. It will display
"[@whatever] is outside of your organization". Do not worry. That's expected and exactly the point of
this request.
Figure 6- Step One, halfway down, there is a text box to enter an email address. Step two enter an optional email. Step three click send.
8) A Success box will display after clicking send. Congrats! It worked.
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Phone: 801-957-4210
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9) This is what the uploader will see in their inbox. They can open the email and begin the upload process.
Figure 7- Email from and subject line sent to the uploader.
Figure 8- Body text of the email sent to the uploader.
10) The browser navigates to a Microsoft OneDrive page. Click Select files.
Figure 9- Microsoft OneDrive page opens, click select files.
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Phone: 801-957-4210
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11) The attachment dialogue box will open. From here, the uploader can select their file.
12) Their file/s are displayed, and there is an option to enter more files if necessary. Then the uploader will enter
their name and finally click the upload button.
Figure 10- The files pending upload are displayed. The requester can upload more in step one. Step two requires the uploader's name. Step three is
clicking the upload button.
13) Uploader receives a confirmation message.
Figure 11- Confirmation message saying the upload was successful and Microsoft notifies the requester of the uploaded files.
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Phone: 801-957-4210
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14) The files are available in the folder with the uploader's name at the beginning of the file name.
15) Want to practice this? You can! Go to your OneDrive now (see step one) and give it a go!