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MUS 102, Section 801
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Fall 2017, Professor mahinka
Concert Report
This assignment requires each student to attend a live, formal concert of western art music
(other than an opera, ballet, or musical) and write a three- to four-page concert report (750-1000
words). I am happy to assist in your concert selection, preparation for listening, and offer my office
hours to assist in the drafting and/or rewriting process.
The first draft of this report is due on October 30
. Upload the draft to Blackboard under
“Assignments.” Papers that are submitted on time will automatically receive a grade of A.
Late papers are subject to lower grades.
After I post comments and suggestions to your draft, you will revise the paper according to the
comments, suggestions, and corrections I’ve made to the draft. You are welcome to make an
appointment for office hours to discuss your draft prior to revision. The final revision is due on
November 20
. Upload the final revision to Blackboard under “Assignments.”
The report must consist of three sections, all written in prose (no lists):
Introduction (approximately one page):
Write out all information in clear, concise sentences. Do not list or write incomplete sentences.
Identify: the concert's date, location, and time;
the performers (if orchestra, the name of orchestra and conductor’s name);
the title of all pieces on program,
name of composers,
dates of composition,
period (e.g. Renaissance, Baroque, or Romantic), and
genres (e.g. Lied, concerto, chamber work)
for each of the works performed on the program.
Indicate why you were drawn to this particular concert as opposed to other choices.
Review (one-and-a-half to two pages):
Please do not recount every piece in the performance, although you must list all pieces on the
program in the introduction (see above). Focus on one or two works (or, if a large work such
as a symphony, focus on only one or two movements) that made an impression on you.
Describe: the music you heard utilizing as much of the vocabulary learned in class as
possible. Aim for the reader to "hear" the music through your description.
Evaluate the performance: Were you moved? If so, what occurred musically that stirred
emotion in you? Again, utilize the vocabulary learned in class. Were other members of the
audience moved? How did you know that they were, or were not, affected by the
Conclusion (approximately a half of a page):
Was the performance successful in your opinion?
Why and how so?
Do you feel that you will attend future concerts of this, or other genres
of western classical music? Why? Why not?
The paper must total no fewer than 750 words, not including works cited list and/or personal
identification. The paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point, Times New Roman. All reference
material (i.e. words, concepts, thoughts that are not your own) must be correctly cited as per BMCC's
policy on academic honestycut and paste any website you use into a bibliography at the end of the
paper (avoid Wikipedia).
Always write with a specific audience in mind. For this paper, your audience is a fellow member of
this class that is really interested in music, but unfamiliar with the genre that you chose. Draw your
reader into this type of music with your writing. Assume that your reader has a working knowledge of
the musical vocabulary we covered in class (i.e., don't define each term when you use it), but don’t
assume that they have heard your listening example or anything like it.
Have I answered all the required information in the Introduction? Y N
(It may help to make a list and check off each of the required pieces of information for each piece of
music performed at the concert, as well as for the concert information and personal reasons for choice.)
Does the first paragraph flow well? Y N
Are the sentences too long (confusing to follow)? Y N
Have I chosen one piece (or one movement) to describe and evaluate? Y N
Do I utilize the musical vocabulary? Y N
Can the reader “hear” the music and “feel” what occurred with your experience? Y N
Do I remember to include the other people in the audience (and their reaction)? Y N
Do I address all the questions regarding the conclusion in the guidelines? Y N
Do I expand my paragraph to include the whys and hows of my opinion? Y N
Are there grammatical errors? Y N
Does each paragraph maintain one main topic? Y N
There are clauses or sentences that are redundant? Y N
Are there formatting issues, such as not indenting the beginning of each paragraph? Y N
Have I fixed the issues raised above and revised the document accordingly? Y N
Have I submitted this second, edited draft to Blackboard by October 30
? Y N