Presenting survey results – Report writing
Report writing is one of the most important components in the survey research cycle. Survey findings need to
be presented in a way that is readable and technically acceptable. Good writing is essential to ensure the
importance and usefulness of the findings are not lost.
This paper has been designed to provide guidance on how to write a report so that the information is easy to
understand, and so that the findings are not unintentionally misrepresented.
The overall aim of the written report is to communicate the survey findings. A report provides a formal record
of the survey research, and can provide a foundation for future research efforts.
The written report is often the only aspect of a survey research project that gets exposure. Consequently, the
overall quality of a project is often judged on how well the report is written and presented.
A good report should:
meet the brief and address the objectives
present clear findings with strong conclusions (and recommendations if appropriate)
be accurate and free of errors
use tables, graphs and text appropriately
be written in a way that will convey the results without overwhelming or boring the reader.
This paper provides hints and tips on writing for research reports. Tables and graphs are also important
components of a research report. Information on presenting data in tables and graphs can be found in the
following companion papers produced by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO):
Presenting statistical information — Graphs
Presenting statistical information — Tables
Please note: the data contained in this paper are fictitious and are provided as examples only.
Key terms
The following statistical terms have been used in this paper and a brief definition is given for each. For a fuller
definition and further information about these and other such terms, please see Assessing survey data
available on the QGSO website.
Term Brief definition
Confidence interval provides a range of values around the estimate, within which the true value can be expected to fall. The
smaller the confidence interval is for a particular estimate, the more precise the estimate is.
Relative standard
error (RSE)
a measure of accuracy of a survey estimate — calculated by dividing the standard error by the estimate
obtained — often expressed as a percentage.
Standard error a statistical term for measuring the accuracy with which a statistic taken from a sample represents an
entire population. The smaller the standard error, the more representative the sample will be.
a statement about the likelihood of findings being due to chance.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 2
Report structure
Most survey research reports follow a fairly standard structure with the following inclusions:
Front page
This is the window into the report. Choose a short, relevant and interesting title. Include the date of
publication/release, author and contact details such as address and phone number. Copyright and/or
licence information should also be included, if report is published.
Table of contents
This allows the reader to gain an overview of what is contained in the document, and quickly locate
sections they may wish to read.
Executive summary
The executive summary should summarise all the main points discussed in the report, including the
methods, key results (preferably grouped by objectives or themes) and conclusions/recommendations.
The executive summary should ideally be limited to one or two pages. It should highlight the key
messages that the decision makers will need to know, but not necessarily every result that is of
statistical significance. The summary should be the most polished part of the document, as it will
almost certainly be the part that is most read.
Background and objectives
This section provides the reader with context to understand the background to the survey, and the
reasons for which the research has been conducted. It would typically also include information on how
the research results are intended to be used. The amount of detail provided in this section will depend
on the nature and complexity of the survey.
Survey method
This part discusses who has been included in the survey and why, the source material or list from
which respondents from the target population were drawn (the list may include individuals, households
or institutions), how many people were surveyed, how they were contacted, and the method of data
collection. Individual sub-sections may be required to adequately cover all the details, depending on
the complexity of the survey. Highly technical information regarding survey method and operations can
be included in an appendix.
Survey results
This is the main body of the report, containing details of the survey results. Consider structuring this
section according to the objectives of the project or themes, rather than by question order. Refer back
to the research objectives and ensure they are all covered.
The information contained in this section shows the key results from the survey. It does not need to
include every possible breakdown of the data. Rather, it should highlight results that are of both
statistical and practical significance.
All sources of data in the findings should be referenced so it is clear where they have come from, and
so their credibility can be assessed. Any dubious content should be put into an appendix of supporting
material, rather than included in this section.
The survey questionnaire should always be included in the appendices.
The appendices may also contain detailed technical information about survey methodology, collection
processes, data processing and analysis techniques.
Appendices commonly contain a glossary of technical terms and a list of figures and graphs.
Alternatively, a glossary and list of figures and graphs can be provided at the front of the document, to
introduce and explain technical terms the reader will encounter.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 3
Agencies and organisations will have their own preferences in terms of style. Regardless of specific style
preferences, the report should be consistent in application of the following components:
dot points
formatting of headings and subheadings
page numbering
quotes and references.
Writing for reports
The purpose of report writing is to communicate the findings of the research. The report should tell the whole
story — what the objectives of the research were, how the data were collected, what the data say and what
the implications of the findings are.
Every individual has their own style of writing. While there is no single ‘right’ style for report writing, there are
some basic principles that should be followed.
Plain English
Report writing often involves communicating abstract and potentially difficult concepts (such as those involved
in statistical modelling and analysis). Careful use of language is especially important in this context. Poor
quality writing makes it difficult for the reader to work out the intended meaning, and can lead to the results
being misinterpreted. Use of plain English helps to ensure the report is easily understood by the target
audience. Plain English emphasizes clarity, brevity, and the avoidance of jargon and technical language. While
the use of technical language is appropriate for some audiences, it should never be assumed that all readers
will understand all terms. If technical terms are included, they should each be defined.
Consider the audience
The information needs to be appropriately conveyed to the key decision makers. There is a high probability
that most people who will read the report are not trained statisticians. Assume that readers will not have a
strong grasp of statistical concepts. Provide definitions for terms such as statistical significance, confidence
interval etc. in layman’s terms.
Use clear simple language and short sentences
Write in a way that will be easily understood by the target audience. Use clear, unambiguous language that is
appropriate to their reading skills and knowledge.
Try to include just one complete, clearly presented point per sentence. If connecting more than one point in a
sentence, make sure they are directly and clearly linked.
Readers should feel as though they're getting good value in return for the number of words they're required to
read. Don’t use three words when two will do — use precise word choices, and use an online thesaurus to
help find the most appropriate word if necessary. Also work to eliminate unnecessary words. For example,
much of the time the word ‘that’ is totally unnecessary. When in doubt, leave it out.
Don’t include clichés, colloquialisms, vogue words/expressions or needless jargon.
Use dot points where appropriate. They can be an effective way of summarising a large amount of information.
Correct grammar and punctuation
It’s very important to ensure that grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct. Careless errors can be
distracting and damage credibility.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 4
Plain English examples
Significant figures
Figures should be rounded as appropriate, so that the level of accuracy of the data is correctly represented.
The significant figures of a number are those digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision. For
example, if the standard error on a population estimate of 55,412 is 8,400 then there are two significant figures
in the error, and the last significant figure is in the 100s place. Therefore, population values should be rounded
to the 100s place. In this instance, the figure quoted should be 55,400, rather than 55,412.
Using percentages
Data users must be able to easily determine the base (i.e. the number of cases) on which percentages have
been calculated. It is misleading to present percentages, and especially changes in percentages, when the
base for the percentage is very small. For example:
Imagine there are 10 respondents to an “agree/disagree” question in a survey. Nine respondents agree, and
one disagrees. If percentages were to be quoted on such a small sample, they would show that 90% of
respondents agree and 10% disagree. If just one respondent answered differently (ie if eight respondents
agreed and two disagreed), then percentages quoted would show that 80% of respondents agree and 20%
disagree. This looks like a large shift (10%), but in fact represents only one person changing their mind.
Imagine there were 1,000 respondents to the same question, Nine hundred respondents agree, and 100
disagree. Percentages quoted would again show that 90% of respondents agree and 10% disagree. In order
to obtain a shift of 10% in your quoted results, you would need 100 people to provide a different response.
More Mazdas than Holdens had automatic steering. Mazdas were also more likely than Holdens to
have airbags. Additionally, significantly higher proportions of Mazdas than Holdens had leather seats.
Plain English:
Mazdas were more likely than Holdens to have:
automatic steering
leather seats.
When the data are demarcated by age, it can be seen that the likelihood of purchasing lollipops is
similar for all three age groups. There are no notable findings here.
Plain English:
The likelihood of purchasing lollipops is similar for all three age groups.
When looking at expenditure and amount of time spent shopping, females tended to have a higher
mean and a higher median than males.
Plain English:
Females tended to spend more and take more time when shopping than males.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 5
Generally, quoting percentages on less than 30 cases is considered to be misleading and is strongly
discouraged. It is preferable to quote percentages when you have at least 100 cases.
Reporting on the average (mean)
When providing a measure of an average (mean) value, appropriate context should be given. The reason
behind the mean value is often more important than the number itself. For example, if a student takes four
tests perfectly, and fails to take a fifth test (thus earning a zero), the mean reflects this. If the tests are all worth
100 points, the mean score is 80%. However this does not really reflect the average performance level for this
student, because of the outlier of zero. When reporting on this information, it should be stated that the mean
score of 80% is affected by the student not taking one of the tests, and that the student’s mean score based
on the tests actually taken was 100%.
Comparing survey results and subgroups using the confidence interval
It is correct to say that one result is lower (or higher) than the other only if the two results are statistically
significantly different.
If two results look different, but they are not statistically different, it is incorrect to state that one result is higher
or lower than the other.
It can be tempting to look at percentages and make comparison statements that are not supported by the data.
For example:
Imagine that in a sample of 1,000 people interviewed, 20 reported having been the victim of a crime. The
researcher was interested in finding out whether people who were victims of crime were as satisfied as the
rest of the population with the police service.
The results show:
Satisfaction with Police
% Very satisfied/satisfied % Dissatisfied/very dissatisfied TOTAL
Victim of crime (n = 20) 50 50 100
Not a victim of crime (n = 980) 60 40 100
It could seem appropriate to state that people who were victims of a crime were less likely to be satisfied with
the police service (50%) than people who were not victims of a crime (60%). However, this does not take into
account the confidence interval around the estimate. The 95% confidence interval shows the range within
which we can be 95% sure that the true value lies.
The table below shows the 95% confidence intervals for the two sample groups.
% Very satisfied/satisfied
Approximate 95% Confidence Interval on
the % Satisfied / Very Satisfied
Victim of crime 50 50 ± 22.5
Not a victim of crime 60 60 ± 3.1
Even though there seems to be a sizeable difference (10%) on first glance, it can be seen that the 95%
confidence intervals overlap. It would therefore be incorrect to say that people who have been a victim of crime
are less satisfied with the police service than people who haven’t been a victim of crime.
Note: the confidence interval will be bigger for small sample sizes than for larger sample
sizes. Extreme care must be taken in drawing conclusions about subgroups of a population
when the number of units captured by the sample in the sub group is very small.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 6
Using the phrase ‘more than half’
A sample survey shows that 52% of the Brisbane population think that Lang Park is the best site for the sports
stadium. It could seem appropriate to report that ‘More than half of the Brisbane population thinks that Lang
Park is the best site for the sports stadium’.
Before using this phrase, consider the 95% confidence interval for the statistic. If the 95% confidence interval
for the survey result of 52% is ± 8%, then the true value could be anywhere between 46% and 60%. The
response of 52% could be reported as:
‘About half’, or
‘An estimated 52% of adults in Brisbane regard Lang Park as the best site for the Sports
On the other hand, if the 95% confidence interval was ± 1.5%, then the true value lies somewhere between
50.5% – 53.5%. In that instance, it would be appropriate to say ‘More than half’ because 50% is lower than the
lower bound of the confidence interval.
Using the word ‘most’
Results from a sample survey show that 45% of people think that smoking should be totally prohibited, 30%
think that smoking should be prohibited in public places, and the remainder had not thought about the issue.
It would be correct to say that the most frequently occurring response, or the most popular response, was that
people think that smoking should be totally prohibited (assuming that 45% was significantly higher that 30%.)
It would not be correct to say that most people thought that smoking should be totally prohibited. ‘Most’ implies
the majority, i.e. more than 50%.
Statistical significance vs practical significance
Statistical significance refers to whether any differences observed between groups being studied are ‘real’ or
whether they are simply due to chance.
If the analysis reveals a statistically significant result, the next step should be to consider whether the result is
of any practical significance. It is usually only worth commenting on statistically significant results that are of
practical importance in the context of the research question.
Remember the relative standard error (RSE)
Survey results are estimates of population values and always contain some error because they are based on
samples, and not the entire population. The RSE is one tool for assessing the precision of survey estimates.
Reference should be made to the RSE of an estimate before reporting on the data. Generally, if the RSE is
25% or less, results have reasonable accuracy. As the RSE increases above this threshold more caution
should be used when interpreting and reporting on the results. If the RSE is greater than 50%, the result has
very low reliability and should not be used in the report.
Association vs causation
In experimental research, a variable is manipulated and the effect(s) of this manipulation on other variables is
measured. For example, a researcher might artificially increase blood pressure and then record cholesterol
level. In most cases, only experimental data can conclusively demonstrate causal relationships between
variables. The vast majority of survey data is correlational research, not experimental research. In correlational
research, variables are not influenced or manipulated. Variables are measured and relationships, or
associations between variables, (e.g. correlations) are explored. As a result, correlational data cannot
conclusively prove causality.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 7
For example, estimates from a sample survey might show that that 28% of males and 65% of females used
the internet in the last week.
It would be correct to report that internet use was associated with sex. It would not be correct to say that the
difference in internet use was caused by their sex. The difference may be related to something else entirely —
for example, the Football World Cup may have been televised that week.
There are some cases in which a correlation between variables is considered sufficient evidence to prove
some form of relationship. For example, young drivers are correlated with more accidents, so insurance
companies tend to charge them more for car insurance. It would not be ethical to design an experiment to test
this, so correlational data are used as a proxy for experimental data in this instance.
Referencing the data
All sources of data in the findings should be referenced so that:
it is clear where they have come from
their credibility can be assessed.
Checking the report
All reports should be thoroughly checked before being presented or published. The report should be proofread
by someone other than the author. Proofreading the report should include checking the following items:
Has an appropriate report structure been used?
Does the title page show who prepared the report, when it was prepared and contact details?
Is an up-to-date table of contents included?
Is the presentation of the report consistent in every respect, including use of fonts, margins, heading
Are page numbers included?
Are all figures and graphs labelled and numbered?
Are tables and graphs understandable and appropriately and consistently labelled?
Do figures in the tables and graphs match figures quoted in the text?
Is the report free of typographical and interpretation errors?
Does the report cover all the research objectives?
Is the language clear and concise, and free of grammatical errors?
Client input
In instances where research has been commissioned by a third party (the ‘client’), the client should be given
the opportunity to request changes to the report. The first version of the report issued to the client should
therefore be clearly labelled as a ‘draft for comment’.
The client may make suggestions that can enhance the usefulness and quality of the report. These
suggestions should be incorporated into the report if at all possible. Sometimes, however, a client may request
changes that could affect the integrity of the report. For example, they may request a change of wording which
would make a particular finding appear more important than it actually is. This can happen if the client has a
particular agenda in mind, or lacks understanding of how the results should be interpreted. If the requested
change affects the integrity of the reporting, then the change should not be incorporated. In such instances,
the report writer should provide the client with appropriate information to inform and educate them as to why
the requested changes are inappropriate.
The role of a good researcher is to report the findings as they actually are, not as the client wishes them to be.
Presenting survey results – Report writing 8
The overall quality of a research project is usually judged on how well the report is written and presented. It is
therefore essential to ensure the report is useful, accurate and error free.
A good report:
addresses the objectives
uses an appropriate and logical structure
is consistent in style and application of formatting
presents findings in a clear and succinct manner, using plain English
provides relevant context around statistical findings
focuses on findings that are of statistical and practical significance
is free of errors
meets the brief
uses tables, graphs and text appropriately
incorporates client feedback where appropriate.
While technical knowledge helps, report writing is an art which is generally best learnt through practice and
Further information and advice
Queensland Government Statistician’s Office has extensive experience in the design and conduct of statistical
surveys and is able to provide specialist consultation and advice on request. For more information please see
the QGSO website,, or email
Queensland Government Statistician’s Office
Queensland Treasury © The State of Queensland (Queensland Treasury) 2015