Writing a Research Paper in Literary Studies
The most important aspect to bear in mind is that you are writing a research paper and not an essay!
This means that you are arguing a thesis with reference to secondary literature – it is essential that you
conduct relevant research and that you integrate your findings into your paper.
Things to keep in mind:
Your paper should have a well-defined topic and a precisely formulated argument.
Your approach should be recognizably systematic.
Your argument should remain relevant and clear-cut, consistent and coherent throughout.
Your secondary material should be discussed critically and documented accurately.
Writing is a process; you should constantly revisit and revise.
First steps
Many students neglect the preliminary work of the writing process, but if you give it sufficient
attention the actual writing of your paper will be faster and more organized than if you just start
writing. The most important thing is to be systematic in your approach.
1. Finding a topic
Perhaps the most difficult part of any research paper is finding an adequate topic, formulating a
title and making a coherent argument. Once you have decided on a topic or a title, which in
literary studies will most likely involve a certain text, rephrase it as a question to guide your
research. You should also think about the methodology you intend to apply to your analysis.
Start by reading your primary text closely.
If you have access to an annotated edition of your chosen text, make good use of the
materials this offers you. Read both the text itself and the additional material carefully
whilst taking notes. This will be the basis for your subsequent research.
Try to summarize and organize your findings systematically.
Figure out which aspects belong together, find contradictions and correspondences. A
good place to start is your own questions – don’t be afraid of the questions you have about
the text, more likely than not they are the ideal starting point for your study.
Write a thesis statement.
Once you have settled on a topic and perhaps even come up with a title, you need to
develop a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a succinct formulation of your topic in
terms of argument, i.e. your thesis statement must be arguable, you are stating an opinion
that will be proven in the course of your paper with the help of sources. A good way to
come up with a thesis is to generate questions surrounding your chosen topic. (e.g. “In
Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet love is less an emotional state than a framework
for the construction of social struggle.”)
Draft an introduction.
Although writing an introduction may seem intimidating this early on, it will force you to
focus your research process and prevent unnecessary diversions. Try to explain your topic,
Overall, the following is based on:
Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6
ed. (New York: MLA, 2003).
Michael Myer, English and American Literatures, 2
ed. (Tübingen: Francke, 2005).
All examples are from these sources.
legitimate its importance and introduce the approach you intend to take. Regard this as the
rough draft of an introduction, a working product.
2. Writing an Outline
What you are trying to do when writing an outline is to come up with a systematic classification of
the elements of your argument. You need to develop categories and relationships between and
within these categories that will give your paper structure. Ideally, your outline will derive from
your topic and will help guide your research. It is also a preliminary table of contents.
Outlines can be structured in a temporal order (beginning, climax, end), a logical order (a fact and
its causes and consequences), or a rhetorical order (from the general to the specific, from the
specific to the general, from the simple to the complex, etc.). Which structure is best will depend
on your specific paper.
Important: Regard your outline as a work in progress, return to it repeatedly to a) make sure you
are still on the right track and b) to change it when your research or your own thought process
requires it.
Title: “Love in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet
1. Introduction
2. Love and gender in Shakespeare’s age
3. Love in Romeo and Juliet
3.1 Contradictory constructions of love due to gender, generation and class
3.2 Love and dramatic conflicts
3.2.1 The comedy of love
3.2.2 The tragedy of love Fate or chance Love and death
4. Conclusion
5. Works Cited / Bibliography
3. Conducting Research
Again, the key is to be systematic. A good place to start research is the aforementioned annotated
editions of works. But sometimes these will not be available. Here are some other options:
Encyclopedias, Literary Histories, Kindler: More general reference works can often
give new impulses to your research and offer a general starting point. They are also
absolutely necessary for the correct use of critical terminology.
Bibliographies: Both current and retrospective bibliographies offer the most systematic
and reliable information on secondary sources.
MLA: This online resource, which is also a bibliography, can be accessed via the library
and is a very valuable up to date collection of essays, some of which are made
immediately available.
Library catalogues: Key word searches in library catalogues can give you an impression
of what is available at your home institution.
Snowballing: When you are ready to read your first piece of secondary material, don’t
forget to look at the works cited. Here you will often find valuable sources that are very
close to your topic.
Internet: Be wary of internet sources. Although a lot can be found online and some sites
qualify as good sources, you should be careful and always double check the source. Most
importantly, do not limit yourself to online sources, they will not give you the research
overview that you need to write a critical paper!
Keep an annotated bibliography. This means that you write a sentence or two about every source you
consult: What are its main tenets? What approach does it take? Was it helpful? Keeping track of your
readings like this will help you remember the sources better later when you are writing your paper. It
might also prove very valuable for future research. Out of this annotated working bibliography your
works cited list will develop.
Be careful of information overkill, i.e. be selective in the choice of your secondary material. Your
criteria should be relevance, don’t lose valuable time by reading irrelevant texts or by reading texts
that repeat very similar standpoints. Do not be afraid to discard sources – trust your own judgment.
When you are searching for secondary material, keep in mind that you also need to be able to access it.
So you might want to start with the monographs and journals that are available at your institution’s
libraries and/or online (e-journals, e-books, etc.). Interlibrary loans can take a long time, so place them
on time and be sure that the ordered source is really relevant.
Writing Your Paper
1. Taking Notes
Collect and organize your notes systematically. There is no all-for-one-solution available
when it comes to organizing your thoughts, so take the time and experiment with different
systems until you find or develop one that works best for you. You might try:
Note cards: Write one thought per note card in a full sentence. Write the source in the
upper right hand corner to keep track of your citations. Be very precise in noting
whether you are taking down a direct quote or whether you are paraphrasing an idea.
Whenever possible, paraphrase ideas and save direct quotations for remarks that are
absolutely essential.
Computer: If you have a laptop computer, you can save a lot of time by typing your
citations into the computer and organizing them virtually. This way you don’t have to
type up your handwritten note cards. And of course, typed text is already flexible and
can be moved around according to your needs.
Depending on the scope of your paper, you may want to consider keeping a notebook
where you can jot down your ideas. If you get a small one then you can carry it around
and keep track of your ideas even when you’re on the train, etc.
There are three main types of taking notes: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting. Always
think about the appropriate method for the task at hand. Be sure to be precise in your note taking
and to document your sources accurately! Don’t take too many notes – there comes a time where
you will have to start writing!
2. Writing the Paper
If you spent a good amount of time on the preliminary steps, then the actual writing of the
research paper will turn out to be the quickest and least demanding part!
General aspects to consider:
Don’t be afraid to discard!
Write at least two drafts!
Beware of plagiarism!
Avoid lengthy biographical tangents and plot summaries.
If your argument does require a plot summary, write it in the present tense.
Your argument should be supported by quotations (cf. below).
For a more detailed discussion of paraphrasing and quoting consult the online sources at the end of this paper
or Gibaldi (2003).
Your introduction should not only describe your topic and its importance, it can
include a thesis statement and indicate the method you will be applying. You may
also include a brief analysis of the main sources relevant to your topic.
Observe the general conventions for expository writing.
Present your ideas precisely and effectively in the formal style appropriate for a
research paper.
Observe coherence and readability of your presentation.
Conventions: type your paper; format: DIN A4 paper, font: Times New
Roman/Arial/Courier/Calibri, font size: 12 pt, line spacing: double, sufficient margins
(left: 4 cm, right: 2 cm)
Pagination: includes the cover page which is not given a page number
Title page: indicates the title of the research paper, the name of the author, the title of
the seminar and the name of the lecturer, the date of submission
Table of contents: gives headlines which will reappear throughout your paper and
give it structure. Your table of contents will usually develop out of your outline and
should reflect the organizational principles you have chosen for it. Avoid too many
subdivisions which may distort the overall coherence of your argument.
Works Cited/Bibliography
1. The works cited list at the end of the research paper gives a detailed synopsis of all
primary and secondary sources you have consulted. Note that the works cited section
should give a complete list of the works referred to in the text, including readings in
the field which do not appear in quotations and footnotes.
2. Alphabetize entries in the list of works cited by the author’s last name, using the
letter-by-letter system. Alphabetical listing helps your reader to find full publication
information of works referred to in the text. In cases of anonymous authorship list the
first noun of the title.
3. Differentiate between a works cited list and a bibliography. Whereas the former
references only those sources referred to in your paper, the latter gives additional
relevant sources.
4. You should include the following information about each source:
Author’s name
Title of the book
Name of the editor, translator, or compiler
Edition used
Numbers of the volumes used
Name of series
Place of publication, name of the publisher, and date of publication
Page numbers (if it is an essay or a chapter)
The author‘s name appears first. The title of the book appears in italics. Subtitles
follow after a colon. The year of original publication (for all primary texts and for
secondary texts that were initially published more than thirty years ago) and the
edition follow the title. Place of publication is followed by a colon, then the publisher
and date of publication are separated by a comma. If the book is part of a series, this
piece of information should appear after the title of the book.
An article from a scholarly journal appears within double quotation marks. The name
of the periodical is italicized and immediately followed by the volume number. The
date of publication is written in parentheses followed by a colon and the page numbers
(cf. the MLA Handbook for details – newspaper; magazine; scholarly journal
with/without continuous pagination).
Chapters in books or contributions in scholarly volumes also appear in double
quotation marks (as do short stories and poems); in everything else they follow the
format for books.
Always italicize the titles of works published independently (monographs, volumes,
periodicals, etc.). Place other titles (articles, chapters, etc.) in quotation marks. Don’t
forget to format titles correctly even when they are part of another title.
If an entry in the works cited/bibliography runs longer than one line, indent all
subsequent lines.
Surname, First Name. Title: Subtitle. Edition. Series. Place: Publisher, Year.
Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Periodical Volume number (Year):
Page numbers.
5. Examples Works Cited
Addison, Joseph, and Richard Steele. The Spectator. Ed. Donald Bond. 5 vols.
Oxford: Clarendon, 1965.
Bhabha, Homi. “Articulating the Archaic: Notes on Colonial Nonsense.” Literary
Theory Today. Ed. Peter Collier and Helga Geyer-Ryan. Ithaca: Cornell UP,
1990. 203-18.
—— “The World and the Home.” Social Text 31-32 (1992): 141-53.
Cixous, Hélène. “Fiction and Its Phantoms: A Reading of Freud’s ‘Das
Unheimliche.’ New Literary History 7 (1976): 525-48.
Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957.
Levine, Joseph. The Battle of the Books: History and Literature in the Augustan Age.
Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1991.
Woolf, Virginia. Mrs Dalloway. 1925. Ed. Stella McNichol. London: Penguin,
6. Appearance of a work in the works cited list does not give you license to omit
parenthetical documentation whenever your own statements depend upon its content.
1. Use quotations selectively to support or illustrate your statements. They clarify your
acceptance or rejection of another critic’s point of view. Be aware of the fact that over-
quotation may distort the clarity and coherence of your own argument.
2. Incorporate your quotations into the text and the argument, i.e. always formulate an
interpretation of the quotations you have selected.
3. Quotations should not be tampered with: The overall argumentative context of the
statement within the source should not be neglected or even falsified (through
incomplete quotation). Sometimes a brief summary of the line of argument of your
source can be helpful.
4. Each quotation should retain the precise words, phrases, orthography, and interior
punctuation of the source. All additions to the quoted text should appear in square
brackets. Example: “Milton’s Satan speaks of his study [pursuit] of revenge.”
Alterations of the original must be pointed out. This includes the indication of
modernized spelling in a footnote. Mark ellipses by three spaced periods in the middle
of a sentence [. . .] and four at the end.
5. All quotes should be clearly indicated as such. Observe the following conventions:
If they are short, quotations appear in the body of the text with double quotation marks
and are usually preceded by a comma or a colon. You may incorporate verse
quotations of up to three lines into your text, separating the lines by a slash. Note
the space on each side ( / ).
Prose quotations that are longer than three lines and verses should be set off from the
text: indent 10 spaces from the left margin (~ 1.5 cm) and reduce the line spacing to
single spacing. Be careful to retain the precise spatial arrangement (lines/spaces) of
the poem you quote. No quotation marks are required.
6. Provide parenthetical documentation both for all of your citations as well as for all of
your paraphrases. Statements made in the research paper must be verifiable: Document
all important and essential statements developed from other sources with parenthetical
references. The parenthetical references must clearly point to a specific work from your
works cited list. The reference should follow the information you have taken
immediately. Keep overall readability in mind, i.e. try to keep both the number and the
length of parenthetical references limited – but be accurate at all times!
The format of the parenthetical documentation is (Surname page number):
Medieval Europe was a place both of “raids, pillages, slavery and extortion” and of
“traveling merchants, monetary exchange, towns if not cities, and active markets in
grain” (Townsend 10).
Notice that the full stop comes after the reference if you are not quoting a full sentence.
The parenthetical reference corresponds to the following works cited entry:
Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.
If you are using more than one work by the same author, include the first word of the
respective title in your reference, i.e. (Hutcheon Politics 12) and (Hutcheon Poetics 35)
correspond to the following works cited entries:
Hutcheon, Linda. A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. London and
New York: Routledge, 1988.
. The Politics of Postmodernism. London and New York: Routledge, 1989.
In certain cases you may use footnotes for explanations or annotations of related
interest to a point in your discussion, which is important enough not to be omitted from
your text entirely but which would distort the overall coherence of your own line of
argument. However: Never use footnotes for information that can be given in the main
IMPORTANT: If you will be quoting primarily from one literary text, then you should
announce this and give the edition you will be using in a footnote the first time you
cite. This way, you can reduce the parenthetical documentation to page numbers and
increase readability:
Another formal aspect
Italicise or underline foreign words in an English/German text. (e.g.: “The term
écriture féminine was developed in the context of French feminist theory”, “Das
englische Wort image wird im Deutschen oft benutzt”; Exception: clearly anglicized
words, such as cliché).
General Remark
You may find that, depending upon style sheets and publishers, bibliographic conventions
differ slightly. When in doubt, consult the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers. Its guidelines are generally accepted.
For more details, examples and exercises please consult:
For a detailed explanation and examples of plagiarism please consult: