1. Introduction
SEPA is the Single Euro Payments Area, which covers 34
countries – all 28 European Union countries, three European
Economic Area countries, Switzerland, Monaco and San
Marino (excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man).
The SEPA direct debit schemes allow funds to be
collected in euro, in, and between all 34 SEPA countries.
The SEPA direct debit schemes replaced the legacy
national direct debit schemes in the euro-zone countries.
A few legacy schemes were declared “niche schemes
and will continue until 1 February 2016.
There are two SEPA direct debit schemes: (i) the “Core”
scheme, which everyone can use; and (ii) the “Business to
Business” or “B2B” scheme which is only used for payments
between non-consumers (legal persons or natural persons
acting for purposes of their trade, business or profession).
This information sheet relates to both schemes and
describes how they apply to those HSBC customers
known as “Debtors”, who agree to direct debit payments
being debited from their account under the Core and/or
B2B scheme.
2. Accounts
SSEPA direct debits will only be made from accounts
which are denominated in euro.
HSBC will pay SEPA direct debits under the 2 schemes
in euro from euro-denominated accounts in the following
• Belgium
• France
• Germany – has own documentation
• Greece
• Ireland
• Italy
• Luxembourg
• Malta
• Netherlands
• Spain
In the UK, we offer SEPA Core direct debits from current
accounts denominated in euro, including multi-currency
accounts where one currency is euro.
We reserve the right to select Clearing and Settlement
Mechanisms (a “CSM”) for each country and/or scheme,
and may not be “reachable” under all available CSMs in
every country. We may not offer all the optional services
associated with a particular country or CSM. Please
speak to your regular HSBC contact for more information.
You may at any time, notify us that no SEPA direct debits
shall be made from one or any of your accounts. We will
reject any SEPA direct debit collections received after 1
Business Day
following receipt of such notice from you.
You can also request us not to pay any Core scheme
direct debits from your account whilst allowing B2B.
We will only pay SEPA B2B direct debits where we have
received a copy of the mandate from you which is in
accordance with the scheme Rulebook and signed in
accordance with your account mandate.
3. Mandates
You can authorise SEPA direct debits to be debited from your
HSBC accounts by entering into a SEPA direct debit mandate
(a “Mandate”) with another party (a “Creditor”). Mandates
are currently in paper form, although the SEPA direct debit
schemes contemplate the use of electronic mandates
(“e-mandates”) in the future. Mandates must take the form
and contain the information required under the SEPA direct
debit scheme rules. New Mandates may not be entered into
by telephone (except where both your account and that of
the Creditor are in Ireland under a local exceptional service).
Where you had a previous direct debit mandate under a
“legacy” euro scheme, which is not a niche scheme, it is
possible to continue to rely on this mandate for the SEPA
direct debit Core scheme. The Creditors should have advised
you directly if they changed the transactions from legacy
scheme to the SEPA Core scheme.
When you enter into a Mandate under the Core scheme, it
is retained by the Creditor. We will not receive a copy of the
Mandate, (except in Greece under the CORE scheme and
a local inter-bank agreement) and we therefore recommend
that you retain a copy for your records. The Mandate will
contain details which you will need if you wish to cancel or
stop the direct debits.
Where the Mandate is for the B2B scheme, you must
send your HSBC Branch a copy of the Mandate at least
2 Business Days
before the due date of the first direct
debit. We will check that your account is eligible to pay
SEPA B2B direct debits and that the Mandate is signed
in accordance with the account mandate. We reserve the
Debtor Information Document
(Including Terms of Use for Italy)
(Not for accounts with HSBC Germany)
right not to accept any Mandate and therefore not to pay
any SEPA B2B direct debits presented to your account.
Under the B2B scheme if the Mandate is not received
and processed by us at the due date of any direct debit
(the “Settlement Date”) we will reject the direct debit,
without advice to you.
When you execute a Mandate with a Creditor, you are
responsible for complying with the terms of that Mandate.
If you wish to amend or cancel a Mandate under the Core
scheme, you must notify the relevant Creditor
For the B2B scheme, you must advise us of any
requirements to cancel a Mandate.
Where you wish to change the account to be debited
with Core collections (whether to another account with
us or to an account with another bank), you will need to
amend or cancel the relevant Mandate, and reissue it in
accordance with your terms with the Creditor.
For the B2B scheme, you must inform us of any
amendments to the Mandate at least 2 Business Days
before the Settlement Date of the next direct debit which
will take place under the amended Mandate.
Any dispute regarding the Mandate or any SEPA direct
debit must be resolved directly between you and the
relevant Creditor
Direct debit Restrictions: You may notify us of those
Creditors whom you do wish to pay (“White List”) or
those whom you do not wish to pay (“Black List”). To
enable us to carry out these instructions, we will require
you to advise us of the SEPA DD scheme Creditor
Identifiers for the Creditors listed. This is not applicable
to the B2B scheme as we will only pay where we have
received a copy of the Mandate from you. Please note
that White Lists are currently not available to non-
consumers in France.
You may also advise us of the amount to be paid under
any Mandate; you can advise us of an actual amount to
be paid or a maximum amount (except in France). Any
collections received which do not exactly match the
criteria advised, will be rejected without debit to your
account and without advice to you.
You may also advise us of restrictions to the frequency
(Periodicity) of direct debits for any particular Mandate,
such as “weekly” or “monthly”. Again any direct debits
received which do not match the criteria advised, will be
rejected without debit to your account or any advice to
you. Please note that this service is currently not available
to non-consumers in France.
To act on your instructions to restrict the amount or
periodicity, we will require:
• The number of your account to be debited; (IBAN)
• The name of the Creditor;
• The Creditor’s unique SEPA direct debit scheme
identification number and
• The unique mandate reference number
4. Dormancy
If no direct debits are presented under a Mandate for
a period of 36 months, it becomes “dormant” and the
Creditor should request a new Mandate before making
further direct debits. We will reject any direct debit which
will take place under a Mandate which we can identify as
dormant, without advice to you.
5. Advance Notice to Debtor
The Creditor should notify you of the Collections which will
be made under the relevant Mandate before debiting your
account. This notification may form part of another document
from the Creditor such as a contract or invoice. The standard
notification period is 14 calendar days before the Settlement
Date, but this may be varied by agreement between you and
the Creditor.
The Creditor may advise you from time to time when certain
changes are made to your SEPA direct debit , for example
where regular amounts or Settlement Dates change.
6. Collections
The Creditor will send us (as your bank) a request to
make a debit from your account under a Mandate (known
as a “Collection”). Unless you advise us otherwise, (see
sections 3 & 4 above) we will, where able to do so, debit
your account on the Settlement Date advised in the
Collection (or the next Business Day if the Settlement
Date is not a Business Day)
7. Statement Entry
We are obliged by the rules which govern the SEPA direct
debit schemes, to provide certain details of the Collection
to you when debiting your account. If you use internet
banking, this information will be available via your internet
banking service.
The details we must provide (or make available) are:
• The date of the debit to your account;
• The amount of debit in euro;
• The name of the Creditor;
• The Creditor identifier (CI);
• The unique mandate reference; and
• Certain remittance information sent by the Creditor;.
• The identification code of the payment scheme;
• The Creditor’s reference of the direct debit transaction.
Except for Malta, “Business Day” means a day upon which we are open for business. For Malta, “Business Day” means Monday to Friday, except public and bank holidays.
You may also wish to inform us about cancellation or amendment to direct debit instructions either by calling at any of our branches or via PBS/BTB, PIB, HSBCnet or Mobile
Banking App.
.8. Refusals – cancelling a payment
You are entitled to ask us to stop a SEPA direct debit
payment before the Settlement Date. Any dispute
regarding that “refusal” will need to be resolved by you
directly with the relevant Creditor. Where you notify
us in writing that you wish to stop a SEPA direct debit
payment for any reason, we will not make that payment,
provided that we receive the notice from you at least 1
Business Day prior to the Settlement Date.
The notice must contain such information as we
reasonably require to enable us to identify the payment
• The number of your account to be debited; (IBAN)
• The name of the Creditor;
• The Creditor identifier (CI) and
• The unique mandate reference number.
For the Core scheme only, where the information
provided does not allow us to fully identify the direct
debit – we may need to process your instructions as a
Refund after the Settlement Date.
Where we receive notice later than one Business Day
before the Settlement Date, your request will be dealt
with in accordance with the Requests for Refund process
set out below.
9. Rejected Collections
We may reject a Collection from a Creditor in relation to
your account at any time prior to the Settlement Date
for any reason permissible under the rules governing
the SEPA direct debit schemes, whether technical or
Permissible reasons include that the data received
is incomplete or that you have requested, before the
Settlement Date, that we do not pay the Collection. When
we will reject the Collection no entry will show on your
10. Reversals and Cancellations
After the Creditor has sent you the notice that they
propose to make a Collection from your account, they may
cancel or reverse” the Collection. This means that your
account may not be debited. If your account is not debited
when expected, please speak with the Creditor.
In exceptional circumstances where the Creditor reverses
or cancels a Collection, your account may be credited up
to 5 Inter-Bank business days
after the original debit.
11. Returns
If, for any reason permitted by the SEPA direct debit
schemes rules, we decide not to pay a Collection within
5 Inter-Bank business days
, for the Core scheme or 2
Inter-Bank business days
for the B2B scheme after the
Settlement Date, we will return the Collection and credit
your account with the amount previously debited.
12. Requests for Refund – Core Scheme only
Should you wish to claim a refund for a SEPA direct debit
payment after the payment has been made to the Creditor,
you are entitled to claim a refund in the following two
(a) Authorised Payment Refunds:
Under the Core Scheme, you may claim a refund at any
time up to 8 weeks after the Settlement Date
. In order to
claim a refund, you must provide us with notice that must
contain the following information:
• The date of the relevant debit to your account;
• The number of your account debited (IBAN)
• The amount which was debited;
• The name of the Creditor; and
• (if there is more than one debit on the same day from
the same Creditor) the unique mandate reference
You are entitled to request a refund in this way after your
account with us has been closed, provided we receive the
notice from you within 8 weeks after the Settlement Date.
In this case, you will need to agree with us for the delivery
to you of any funds received under a refund.
(b) Unauthorised Payment Refunds
If a SEPA direct debit payment has been debited from
your account but was not authorised by you (for example,
if the relevant Mandate with the Creditor had expired or
had previously been cancelled), you are entitled to claim
a refund without delay, and in any event no later than 13
months (one month for France) after the Settlement Date.
You must provide such evidence and other information
as we may require to prove that the SEPA direct debit
payment in question was unauthorised.
Where we are required to do so, we will credit your
account with the amount claimed, whilst the investigation
takes place, reserving the right to re-debit the monies,
should the relevant Creditor proves that the Collection was
We may, in our discretion, either accept your claim or notify
you that the claim has been rejected. A notice of rejection
will be given without delay, following any consultation with
the Creditors bank (which may take up to 30 calendar
days) and will contain any supporting evidence with which
the Creditors bank has provided us.
Any disputes in relation to the outcome of a refund claim
must be settled directly between you and the relevant
You are entitled to request a refund in this way after your
account with us has been closed, provided we receive the
notice from you without delay, and in any event no later
than 13 months (one month for France) after the debit of
your account. In this case, you will need to agree with us
for the delivery to you of any funds received under a refund.
“Inter-Bank business day” means a days on which banks are usually open for business, being a day other than Saturday or Sunday and the closing days identified in the
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer System (“TARGET”) long term calendar, published by the European Central Bank..
No refund will be made if you have agreed with us for the particular payment to be made and, where appropriate, details of the payment are provided or made available
to you by any means at least four weeks before the payment is made from your account.
13. Requests for Refund – B2B Scheme only
Under the B2B Scheme, you may be entitled to obtain
a refund for wrongly executed, erroneous, or fraudulent
payments. In this event, you are entitled to claim a refund
without delay, and in any event no later than 13 months
(one month for France) after the Settlement Date,
providing such evidence and other information as we may
require to prove that the SEPA B2B direct debit payment in
question was wrongly executed, erroneous or fraudulent.
We may, in our discretion, either refund you the full amount
of the relevant SEPA direct debit payment or notify you
that the claim has been rejected. A notice of rejection will
be given without delay, following any consultation with
the Creditors bank (which may take up to 20 Inter-bank
business days) and will contain any supporting evidence
with which the Creditor’s bank has provided us.
Any disputes in relation to the outcome of a refund claim
must be settled directly between you and the relevant
You are entitled to request a refund in this way after your
account with us has been closed, provided we receive
the notice from you without delay, and in any event no
later than 13 months (one month for France) after the
Settlement Date. In this case, you will need to agree with
us for the delivery to you of any funds received under a
14. Our obligations
Our obligations and those of the Creditors bank under the
rules which govern the SEPA direct debit schemes are
not subject to any claims or defences in the contractual or
other arrangements which you may have in place with any
Features, services and functionality may vary by country. Please confirm availability with your local HSBC Representative. HSBC Bank plc endeavours to ensure
that the information in this document is correct and does not accept any liability for error or omission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, on any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of HSBC Bank plc.
Issued by HSBC Bank plc. We are a principal member of the HSBC Group, one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations with around 6,600
offices in 81 countries and territories. HSBC Bank plc, Customer Information: PO Box 6201, Coventry CV3 9HW.
HSBC Bank plc
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Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority
©HSBC Bank plc 2014. All Rights Reserved.