PLAN YOUR JOB SEARCH .......................................................... 4
Timing Your Job Search
Job Search: Seven Steps
ASSESS YOUR CAREER READINESS ....................................... 5
RESEARCH EMPLOYERS ............................................................. 6
LinkedIn: An Essential Tool
DEVELOP YOUR RÉSUMÉ & REFERENCES ........................... 8
Ten Résumé Basics
Action Verbs
Consider and Ask References
Sample Résumés
Reference Page
CONTACT EMPLOYERS & APPLY .............................................. 18
Form Letters
Traditional Cover Letter Format
Tone and Timing
Email Reminders for Job Seekers
Business Email Etiquette
Cover Letter - Tailored to Position Description
Sample Letters and Emails
Be Prepared for Online Applications
PREPARE FOR INTERVIEWS ..................................................... 22
The Recruiter's Approach to Your Interview
Do Your Interview Homework
What to Wear
What to Bring
Practice Out Loud
Prepare Elevator Pitch
Discussions of Salary
Typical Interview Questions
Questions for You to Ask the Recruiter
Different Types of Interviews
Interview Follow-up
Sample Emails
EVALUATE OFFERS & MAKE DECISIONS ............................. 32
The Offer
Should You Negotiate?
Accept and Decline All Offers in Writing
Report Job Offers to ECS
Rescind Policy
Sample Emails
Engineering Career Services
1150 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-3471
John Archambault
Sierra Grim
BS seniors, MS
Matt Nelson
Julie Rae
Stephanie Salazar Kann
Schedule appointments in Starfish.
Job searching is like a class: Some of it is fun
and some of it is work.
The skills you develop today are essential for a lifetime of job
search and career change skills. Most experts predict you
will change jobs every three years—therefore, it is critical to
develop and continually renew your job search skills and build
connections so you are ready for the next adventure.
Attitude and effort directly correlate with job search
success. Take personal responsibility. Use every resource
available to you in ECS, your department, and your personal
connections. Get organized and stay focused. ECS is a
valuable tool offering workshops and individual counseling,
but ultimately, the job search is your responsibility.
» Check out Engineering Career Services at
and access your UW Handshake account today!
Timing Your Job Search
Most job searches take 3 to 6 months from start to finish.
ECS suggests that you start your search 1 to 2 semesters
before your planned first day of work. For a co-op or
internship, you should always plan at least one semester
ahead of your intended work terms. Begin preparing for your
job search the summer before your planned graduation date,
whether you are a December, May or August grad.
NOTE: Fall semester is the busiest semester for campus
recruiting and many employers only visit campus once a year.
Your search may continue into the spring semester, which is
excellent for attracting employers who are filling immediate
openings upon your graduation.
Preparation is essential to conduct a successful job search.
Before you contact a potential employer, be sure you have
done your homework. This work will greatly enhance your
confidence in communicating with employers at career
fairs, by email and in interviews. Plan ahead with a focus on
your goals.
Job Search: Six Steps
1. Assess your career readiness
Clearly identify, understand and describe your skills and
accomplishments. The effectiveness of your résumé, emails
and interview skills starts here.
2. Research employers
Know your market. Determine viable employers interested
in hiring people with your skills. Read about companies and
agencies. Who are you really interested in? Focus on finding
specific employers versus flooding the market with résumés.
Set a minimum goal of 10 quality applications per week.
3. Develop your résu
Build an effective résumé based on your skill and strength
assessment plus market knowledge and your list of targeted
positions and industries. Include keywords, technical skills,
leadership, school and work experiences.
4. Contact employers, activate your connections,
and develop tracking mechanism
Develop polished email communications requesting
interviews or information regarding opportunities. Introduce
yourself at career fairs. Adapt your résumé and cover letter
to specific employer needs. Use your personal connections
to find contacts. Follow up regularly until your interview is
scheduled. Develop a spreadsheet to track your efforts:
names, correspondence and interview dates, follow-up,
results, etc. Follow-up is critical.
5. Practice interviewing, interview, and follow-up
Review descriptions of your skills and strengths. Verbally
practice responses to questions using specific examples.
Discuss the match between your skills and employer
needs. Evaluate interview performance and improve skills.
There may be multiple interview stages—screening and
on-site. Send thank you emails. Follow-up with employers
after interviews.
6. Evaluate offers and make decisions
Potential job offers require you to evaluate financials as
well as fit. Accept or decline each job.
Work Authorization
If you are studying in the United States on a student
visa or other temporary visa, it is important that
you understand your employment privileges and
restrictions. Contact the International Student
Services Office regarding employment regulations,
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional
Practical Training (OPT).
Review and clean your digital presence
Test your internet presence by conducting a search
of your own, and then use available means to block
undesirable information. If you have an online profile
on any social networks, carefully review it for content
that would deter an employer. Change information
on your personal websites that you wouldn't want
your current or future employer to see. If another
site contains objectionable information about you,
contact the webmaster about changing or removing
it. If that's not possible, you should be ready to
explain it, if asked.
Spend time assessing your personal/
professional skills and strengths—the basis of
any job search.
The strengths you identify in your skills-assessment form
the foundation of your job search. This foundation leads to
effective résumé development, letter writing, and examples
you will use in the interview.
To conduct an effective skills-assessment, use many
methods, tools and resources to develop a list of
experiences, successful projects and activities that have
helped shape your interests and development. Look
beyond the simple listing of your degree(s), coursework
and experiences. Identify your unique skills and patterns
of success. List those things you are good at and are
passionate about—not those skills you feel you should have.
Consider specific work on projects and coursework that
provide you with satisfaction, challenge and that inspire
your enthusiasm. Consider your strengths in problem
solving, and in assessing and summarizing complex issues.
Consider situations in which others compliment you on
your abilities and strengths. This assessment forms the
beginning stages of identification and articulation of skill
and strength development.
Career & Self Development
Proactively develop oneself and one’s career
through continual personal and professional learning,
awareness of ones strengths and weaknesses,
navigation of career opportunities, and networking
to build relationships within and without one’s
Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas,
facts, and perspectives with persons inside and
outside of an organization.
Critical Thinking
Identify and respond to needs based upon an
understanding of situational context and logical
analysis of relevant information.
Equity & Inclusion
Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge,
and skills required to equitably engage and include
people from different local and global cultures.
Engage in anti-racist practices that actively
challenge the systems, structures, and policies of
Recognize and capitalize on personal and team
strengths to achieve organizational goals.
Knowing work environments differ greatly,
understand and demonstrate effective work habits,
and act in the interest of the larger community and
Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work
effectively toward common goals, while appreciating
diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.
Understand and leverage technologies ethically
to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and
accomplish goals.
©2021 National Association of Colleges and Employers. All
rights reserved.
Assess your 3 to 5 strongest skills.
For each skill, describe how you developed and
used the skill in an academic, work,
or team experience.
Use this exercise in preparing for both résumé writing
and interviewing.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers has
developed career-readiness competencies for new college
graduates. Review each competency and assess your
preparedness for the workforce. Consider how you may
incorporate these competencies into your resume, cover
letters, and interview responses.
The quality of your employer targeting and
research determines much of your job search
Long before actually applying, research which employers
have the greatest potential for your interests and
qualifications. In fact, employer research parallels résumé
writing and serves as a major component in writing effective
cover letters/emails.
After creating a targeted list of employers, you will use your
time more effectively by exploring opportunities with only
those employers whose needs match your qualifications.
Glassdoor is one way to learn more about specific
organizations. The site contains information on open jobs,
real employee salaries, reviews from employees, company
overviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interviews
and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more!
Obtain valuable insight into interviewing with and working
at the organization.
Every day new online tools emerge to help you find potential
employers. Today’s top tool is LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is the resource for developing your professional
connections. Surveys have indicated that people do not
want to use Facebook for their job search—it’s purely social.
LinkedIn is just as powerful as Facebook but with a focus on
connecting professionally. You want to take great care and
time in creating your LinkedIn profile—showing the strength
of your professional development. Like a résumé, this is
often your first introduction to potential employers, so it
needs to be well-crafted.
In addition to your professional connections, LinkedIn has
job postings, links to relevant articles, discussions on key
industry topics, “groups” based on alma mater or interest.
Use these services to expand your contacts. You will need to
be active on the site; don’t think you can just create a profile
and job offers will pour in. You need to actively connect
and engage with other users to build your professional
relationships and research opportunities.
Key tips for LinkedIn:
Complete the profile thoroughly, including descriptive
headline with keywords
Include a professional photo
Always customize the message when requesting
to “connect
Actively use Groups to engage other professionals
Only make professional connections, not personal
Recommend people you would like to have
recommend you
GoinGlobal helps new and experienced job seekers find
opportunities both at home and abroad. Created by local
career experts, the product provides a one-stop resource to
help fast track job and internship searches. Whether you are
looking for a job or internship across town or on the other
side of the world, GoinGlobal provides the career resources
to achieve your goal.
GoinGlobal resources include:
120+ location-specific career guides featuring insider
advice on top job search techniques and resources, with
more than 500 employment resources per guide
16 million+ worldwide internship and job postings
searchable in the local language, as well as English,
updated daily
Key Employer Directory with detailed company profiles
and contact information for leading in- country and
multinational employers with operations around the globe
Expert guidelines for creating culturally correct resume/
CVs and cover letters, with specific examples for new
graduates and experienced professionals alike
Tactical interview advice to help get the job and cultural
advice to ensure long term success
Work permit and visa regulations, including up-to-date
application requirements, researched and compiled by an
experienced immigration lawyer
Join the “Hire a Badger Engineer” LinkedIn group. It’s
coordinated by ECS and has over 8,500 members.
The purpose of building professional connections is to:
Gather a list of contacts who will help you with your
career, professional development and current/future job
Screen jobs before you take them, careers before you
transition to them, locations before you move there.
Find answers to very specific questions you have about
your job search.
With whom should you connect?
Start with those familiar to you: roommates, family, friends
and acquaintances, however near or far geographically.
Ask each contact for the names of two or more people
they know who are in your current field or in your field of
Ask for contact names from groups and sources in which
you are a member, college alumni, co-workers, places
where you study, shop, or spend time.
Continually build this network by building professional
Keep careful notes and records of your contacts.
LinkedIn is a great way to help you keep in touch with
your connections.
How do you do it right?
Deliberately attend meetings, conferences or conventions
in the field of interest.
Talk with people and exchange contact information.
Ask for names of contacts from your co-workers, from
departments at local colleges, or career offices.
Once you have names, email them, using your contact as a
referral person. Introduce yourself and state your purpose.
Ask if they have specific advice … and start building a
relationship. Honor their time. Have specific questions for
them. Thank them for their assistance.
Signs you’re doing it wrong
You are doing it wrong if you approach busy individuals,
ask them to have lunch with you, and have no specific
agenda or prepared questions. If they ask during lunch what
you need to talk about, and you lamely say, “Well, I don’t
know. So-and-So just thought we should get to know each
other,” this is not networking. You have clearly not done
your homework!
Unadvertised jobs: The hidden job market
Prospective employees secure 60 to 80 percent of jobs
through networking … before those positions are even
advertised. Once employers advertise available positions,
there is fierce internal and external competition.
Pyramid scheme
Networking is a pyramid scheme—in a good way. Consider
every contact an important one; talk to everyone you know
and ask for referrals.
Keep active
Keep your contacts current on your job search. Check in with
them often to indicate your seriousness of purpose and to
extend appreciation for any assistance they might offer. Do
not just contact them every time you need job search help.
Grow contacts
Ask your contacts to provide two new contacts. Do your
homework to show new contacts your seriousness and
willingness to work hard. Ask intelligent questions: “Based on
my research of Medtronics website, I know the company is
currently researching XYZ. Mr. Daniels mentioned that you
are familiar with XYZ. What do you think makes this research
unique? Perhaps you know someone I could talk with directly
about it?”
You can’t do it alone
It is important that you enlist the assistance of everyone
you know, as well as conduct thorough employer research
yourself. You will experience success by increasing the
number of people who know of your career strategy and
by asking for information, advice, recommendations,
and referrals.
Employers do it
Employers network to find good candidates! To reduce risk
in hiring new people, they talk to people within the company
and to colleagues across the country to identify strong
candidates. Employers have a desire to hire people to whom
they have a “link,” and the most logical way to do this is
by networking.
Career fairs
ECS career fairs are excellent places to build
professional connections.
The career fairs are designed to allow you to
meet employer representatives (in many cases,
UW-Madison alumni) in a casual environment as
you begin your formal job search.
Engineering Career Services sponsors two large-
scale in-person career fairs a year, one at the
beginning of each semester.
Fair information is available in your
Handshake account.
The process of developing a résumé is an extension of your
self-assessment. Unless you have thoroughly and honestly
determined what your skills are and identified specific
situations in which you have either developed or successfully
used your skills, your résumé will not be distinctive or
effective. Keep in mind that résumé writing is not rocket
science, but neither is it simple. It requires careful thought,
attention to detail, and understanding of purpose. Prior
to working on résumé specifics, please keep in mind the
following important ground rules:
1. Be concise
The length of your résumé depends on your skills and
experience. You may need more than one page to effectively
state your strengths, but do not use space carelessly. Most
undergraduates develop a one-page résumé; MS students
and alumni may require two, while PhD candidates' resume
may be three pages or more when including publications,
presentations and references. Key information such as
degrees and titles should be easy to find. Arrange the
information by importance.
2. Know your objective
Your purpose in writing an effective résumé is to obtain an
interview and to guide your interview discussion. Customize
your résumé for the opportunity.
3. You cannot write a résumé in an hour or two
Writing an effective résumé is time-consuming, and requires
planning, feedback, edits and adjustments. In fact, a résumé
is never “complete.” Adjustments continually improve
content and format.
4. Presentation matters
Your format or layout should be professional, consistent and
logical. Avoid using a template.
5. Use keywords
Employers search résus for keywords. List every primary
software tool, instrumentation, research method, and
computer language. Read current job postings and employer
websites to determine key skills currently sought after. Include
buzzwords in your area of interest that match your search
and skillset.
6. Spell check (with U.S. English version)
Don’t simply rely on MS Word’s spell-check function. For
example, “software” and “soft wear” are both correct in the
“eyes” of the computer.
7. Ask for feedback
You may be a good engineer and researcher, but you
probably are not an expert in résumé writing. Consult the
ECS staff and others with experience in current employment
practices. Listen carefully and make wise decisions regarding
the development of your résumé.
8. Think of résumés as advertisements
For each advertisement, there is a target audience and the
advertiser emphasizes the most important and relevant
information. Relate this approach to résumé writing.
Sparingly use bullets, boldface or italics to emphasize
details. Generally, one form of highlighting for a specific
entry is sufficient.
9. Fifteen minutes of fame
Any topic on your résumé welcomes a question. Can you talk
about your academic project, ASME membership, computer
skills or leadership role for 15 minutes? Your résumé lists and
describes events; the interview validates them. When writing
your résumé, think about the next step—the interview!
10. Do not pay anyone to develop your résu
They don’t know you and it's really expensive.
Do not simply list your degrees and jobs.
Use what you learned in your skills assessment to
fully develop each section of the résumé.
Identify the degree and level (i.e., Bachelor of
Science in Chemical Engineering), expected
degree date, institution and GPA.
Use the official name of the school: University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
List study abroad experiences.
Be sure your degree is correct. Department
names and degrees differ—for example, "Industrial
Engineering" (degree) vs. "Industrial & Systems
Engineering" (department name).
On the following pages are four sample résumés and one
reference page sample that illustrate different layouts for
various types of résus. As an overall guideline, aim for
simplicity of design and layout.
B.S. résumé sample 1
B.S. résumé sample 2
M.S. résumé sample (2 pages)
PhD résumé sample (3 pages)
References page sample
Use past tense verbs. Start phrases with descriptive action
verbs. Supply quantitative data whenever possible. Adapt
terminology to include key words. Incorporate action verbs
with keywords and current “hot” topics, programs, tools,
testing terms, and instrumentation to develop concise,
yet highly descriptive phrases. Remember that résumés
are scanned for such words, so do everything possible to
incorporate important phraseology and current keywords
into your résumé.
Action verbs
Think carefully about selecting your best three to
four references: one to two academic and one to
two work-related.
Carefully consider people who are enthusiastically willing
to serve as references for your job search. Employers will
generally contact references by phone or email; they will
not request a formal letter of recommendation.
So, how do you select references? Some factors to keep in
mind as you review past and present mentors, supervisors,
advisors and professors in an attempt to develop the best
reference list possible:
The ideal reference list includes a former employer
or supervisor and an engineering professor, assistant
professor or lecturer. The third reference will be an
additional employer, professor, or in rare instances
a mentor.
Always ask individuals if they would be willing and able
to serve as your job search reference. Provide them a
relatively easy way to decline your request. By proceeding
in this manner, you will be assured that, if accepted, the
reference is genuinely enthused about your career path
and will not be “bothered” when employers call.
References should be included as an addendum to your
sumé. Provide only when requested.
Although employers generally do not check references
prior to the first interview, you will be better prepared for
your job search if you have completed your references list
as soon as possible.
Include a phrase or title defining the relationship between
you and the reference. It should state “advisor,” “co-op
supervisor,” “mentor at Harley-Davidson” or “professor for
ME 309 and ME 416.”
Provide each reference with your updated résumé.
Be ready to provide complete information regarding 3 to
4 references at on-site interviews. You also can attach a
reference list in your follow-up thank you email. Send this
email immediately after the screening interview.
Formatting suggestions:
Do not include the statement, "References available upon
request," on your resume. It simply states the obvious. Use
this valuable résumé space more effectively to further
describe experiences or list qualifications.
For a one-page résumé, develop a separate reference
page as an addendum to your résumé.
Graduate students or experienced alumni with a multiple-
page résumé should develop a reference page as an
addendum or may present references as the last section
of résumé.
Obtain approval from each reference and determine which
contact information to present to employers (phone,
email, or both—what does the reference prefer?).
Keep your references aware of the status of your
job search—still looking, considering offers, or
accepted employment.
Thank your references.
Oliver Eun-ho Kang
608.618.8278 [email protected] Madison, WI 53715
Summer internship or co-op in software or hardware.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering, May 20XX
Double Major: Computer Sciences
GPA: 3.6/4.0 Dean’s List (4/4 semesters)
Programming Languages: Java, C, HTML, CSS
Computer Engineering Experience
Division of Information Technology (DoIT), UW-Madison
Software Developer Student Employee, May 20XX - Current
Assisted in developing a web text-to-speech application using HTML and CSS
Met with programming team on weekly basis to provide detailed project reports and
milestone updates
Other Experience
Center for Academic Excellence, Madison, WI
STEM Academic Mentor, January - May 20XX
Tutored and assisted students in mathematics, computer sciences and statistics courses
Created tailored lesson plans and study guides based on weekly material
Evanston Public Library, Evanston, IL
Circulation Assistant, June - December 20XX
Successfully completed check-in and check-out procedure for patrons taking or returning
library books and audio materials daily
transferred to other system locations
Gigi’s Cupcakes, Evanston, IL
Sales Associate, June 20XX - August 20XX
Recommended merchandise to customers based on needs and preferences.
Leaders in Engineering Excellence and Diversity (LEED) Scholars Program
Evanston Township High School National Honor Society – President
Varsity Cross Country
Clean Water Club
Times New Roman, with 12 pt. font size, is commonly used.
As you add additional experiences and academic projects, reduce font size to 10–11
pt. and review other résumé samples for format and content suggestions.
High school information is appropriate for freshman and sophomores only.
Margins should be between 0.5˝ and 1.0˝.
138 Lathrop, Madison, WI 53715 | (920) 909-7965 | [email protected]
Full-time design engineering position in renewable energy.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering | August 20XX
Certicate: Engineering for Energy Sustainability
GPA: 3.0/4.0
Selected Coursework: Solar Energy Technology, Fluid Power Systems, Aerodynamics
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, Madison WI
Control Engineering Co-op, June – December, 20XX
Designed a new system for automatic control of ood gates at two small hydropower facilities in Wisconsin
Tested and troubleshot system adhering to strict guidelines set for hydropower plants
Developed SolidWorks designs for fabrication of system components
Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University Summer Undergraduate Research
Assistant, May – August, 20XX
Utilized SolidWorks to create a 3D model of the parking structure along with the smart charging stations.
Visual renderings used at conferences and funding-request meetings to visually demonstrate how the
electric vehicle smart charging station operate
Ra Solar (Senior Capstone Project)
Designed, built and tested a dual axis coupled heliostat tracking system with the goal of reducing costs for
Concentrated Solar Power facilities; directed and advised by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Used Python and SolidWorks to create and verify a program to control the heliostat system accurately track
the sun throughout the day
Sensor Board (Introduction to Engineering)
Assisted with building the framework of the sensory board to dimensions
Routed outer frame of board to make the board ergonomic and soldered soundwave board to Arduino board
WiscWind – 3rd place in Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition
UW Marching Band – 20+ hours/week committed to practice and performances
Hoofer Ski & Snowboard Club – Executive Board Member
Prototyping: SolidWorks, AutoCAD, 3-D Printing, Shop machines (including drill press, lathes, and mills)
Software: Java, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, Python
Global Languages: German
Garamond font in 11 point (10-12 pt. acceptable).
Name should be in bold face and between 14-18
pt. sizes.
Allow enough white space for easy visual scanning.
Rebecca Koester
Madison, WI 53715 | (994) 258-2443 | [email protected]
Materials science and engineering position in the application/processing of polymer and composite
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Master of Science Materials Science & Engineering, May 20XX
GPA: 3.9/4.0
Selected Coursework: Additive Manufacturing, Polymer Processing, Engineering Design with Polymers
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering, December 20XX
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Dean’s List (6 semesters)
Polymer Engineering Center, UW-Madison
Graduate Researcher, Dec. 20XXPresent
Performed economic study on 3D-printing of fiber reinforced composite materials focusing on part quality,
material choice, and use of support material
Designed and produced tools and fixtures with 3D-printing
Collaborated with an interdisciplinary team of 4 graduate students
Applied Materials Inc., Santa Clara, CA
Engineering Intern, May 20XXAug. 20XX
Conducted process development for thin film deposition, including tool preparation, processing wafers,
measuring wafers, and documentation
Developed projects to improve the performance of optical coatings, involving design of experiments, data
analysis, and reporting
Researched optical measurements, involving development of measurement procedures and data
analysis, estimation of errors, and instructing technicians on the tools
EVA Plastics
Corp., Chicago, IL
Engineering Intern, Jun. 20XXAug. 20XX
Fabricated samples of composite blood vessel tissue scaffolds using electrospinning and conducted
tensile tests
Constructed an electrospinning machine collection apparatus using CNC milling to control length of
aligned and randomly oriented sections of fibers, and several sample frames to test cell adhesion
Mechanical Engineering Department, UW-Madison
Graduate Teaching AssistantEngineering Graphics, Fall 20XX
Introduced hand drafting technique and SolidWorks drafting software to three sections of undergraduate
students in mechanical engineering
Graded assignments and provided guidance to students through weekly office hours
Collaborated with faculty director to develop sample projects and modules
(Continued on the next page)
Choose one, easily
readable font to use
on your résumé.
R. Koester, pg. 2
Polymer Engineering Center, UW-Madison
Undergrad Research Assistant, Jan. 20XXDec. 20XX
Conducted Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) testing in collaboration with EVA Plastics, comparing
different polymer blends
Collected data from tests (DSC, DMA, and TGA) on traditional weightlifting plates for comparison to a
new honeycomb design
Proposed design for resin trap system for Vacuum Infusion Molding and prototype for Laser-Diode
Measurement of epoxy cure shrinkage in preimpregnated composites
Formulated Approximate Solutions Using Finite Element Method (FEM)
Applied FEM to 2D/3D structures in elastostatic, heat transfer, and elastodynamic systems using C++
Analyzed the systems to select appropriate variational formulas, basis, quadratures, and algorithms
Engineering Design Optimization
Performed and examined design optimization of truss-structured bridges using MATLAB and SolidWorks
by modeling, identifying appropriate tools, solving, and verifying with numerical solutions
Simulating Autonomous Vehicles with Digital Twin
Systemized robotic operating system through digital twin simulation of physical autonomous vehicles
Built Robot Operating System (ROS) that receives sensor signals and sends commands to digital twin
Machine Learning in Material Science
machine learning techniques including MAST-ML and Citrination and uncovered
actionable insights
Modeling Software
Moldex3D, Rhinoceros 5, Siemens NX, AutoCAD, Slic3r (3D-Printing), MATLAB, SolidWorks
Programming Languages
Java, C++, Python
Lab and Instrumentation
Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer
Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Focus Variation Measurement (Alicona)
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Materials AdvantageCompetition Chair
ASM International
Materials Research Society
K-12 STEM Outreach Volunteer
Skiing and Mountain Biking
Include name and page number
for 2- to 3-page résus.
Christian Manuel Jimenez
[email protected] 608-238-2443 Madison, WI 53706
Experienced researcher with 4 years of experience in heterogeneous catalysis and material characterization
PhD Chemical Engineering, May 20XX
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thesis: “Production of distillate-range fuels from ethanol using mixed metal oxide catalysis”
GPA: 3.77/4.0
Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering, December 20XX
Georgia Institute of Technology
Thesis: “Oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone using Co or Cr-doped SBA-3”
GPA: 3.59/4.0
Research Assistant, September 20XXPresent
Connors Research Group Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UW-Madison
Ethanol coupling to higher alcohols for biofuel synthesis
Discovered a catalytic process (patented) to obtain distillate-range oxygenates (ethers and olefins) from ethanol at >75%
Designed and assembled a gas-phase flow reactor to carry out ethanol coupling reaction to higher alcohols
Integrated and modified metal supported catalysts, layered double-hydroxides acid-base catalysts and noble metal-acid
oxide catalysts for use in reactions such as hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis or C-C scission of several biomass-derived
Catalytic production of tetraol for biobased polymers
Determined the kinetics of levoglucosanol hydrogenolysis into hexan-1,2,5,6-tetraol using bifunctional acid-metal Pt-
WOx/TiO2 catalysts using batch reactors
Studied catalyst stability and scaled up hexan-1,2,5,6-tetraol production to industrially relevant concentrations using a
liquid-phase flow reactor
Synthesized and characterized physical properties of polyol-boronate copolymers, including surface area and textural
properties, thermal stability, crystallinity, and functional groups
Supervised three undergraduate research assistants and served as laboratory safety coordinator
Co-op Engineer, June 20XX-December 20XX
Wallington Corp., Seattle, WA
Investigated main factors of lead dross generation in molten lead extruding machines and implemented measures to
reduce produced dross
Provided support to process engineers and lead-oxide engineering team in data collection, analysis and compilation, and
process optimization
Undergraduate Researcher, 20XX 20XX
Heterogenous Catalysts Research Group at Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA
Designed and constructed a reaction system to carry out liquid-phase oxidation of cyclohexane
Synthesized and characterized Co and Cu-doped SBA-3 catalysts for use in liquid-phase oxidation of cyclohexane
Industry Project Experience
Catalytic Technologies for Production of Distillate Fuels from Biomass
Determined and studied catalysts and processed conditions for production of higher oxygenates from biomass-sourced
ethanol with support from ExxonMobil
Catalyst Design for Mono-Ether and Alcohol Bioblendstocks
Collaborated with Department of Energy to provide alcohol and oxygenate mixtures for production of C8+ ethers and
Designed catalyst for application in the Vehicle Technologies Office to reduce the fuel penalty of mixing controlled
compression ignition engine aftertreatment
(Continued on the next page)
Christian Jimenez, pg. 2
Programming: C, C++, Java, MATLAB, OpenMP, Python
Software and Tools: ChemCAD, COMSOL, Git, Inkscape, LaTeX, OpenFOAM
Global Languages: Spanish
Laboratory and Instrumentation: Gas Chromatography (GC), Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and High-
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), X-ray diffraction, Thermogravimetric
Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscope, Fourier-transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR)
Teaching and Outreach Experience
Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UW-Madison
Taught Intro to Transport Phenomena (graduate level), Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Process Analysis, General
Physics: Electromagnetism
Delivered lectures, led discussion sections, held exam review sessions, and developed homework/exam questions
Chemical Engineer, Graduate Student Association, UW-Madison
President, treasurer, and recruitment chair
Exhibit Organizer, Engineering EXPO, UW-Madison
Developed and coordinated outreach booths exhibiting fluids research to K-12 students
Engaged with community members of varied science backgrounds to promote interest in STEM learning and research
Awards and Interests
ACS Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award
UW-Madison Bird Stewart Lightfoot Graduate Fellowship
Wisconsin Science-Student Research Grants Competition-Conference Presentation Award
Kayaking, cross-country skiing, guitar
Manuel Jimenez, C., Dastitar, L., Wang, S., Du, Y., Lancy, M. P., Wooler, B., Klewer, C. E., Dumesic, J. A., Stuber, G.
W., Ethanol to Distillate-Range Molecules using Cu/Mg
catalysts with low Cu loadings (Submitted).
Manuel Jimenez, C., Lanci, M. P., Du, Y., Stuber, G. W., Kinetics of ethanol oligomerization to Distillate-range
molecules using low loading Cu/Mg
catalysts (In preparation).
Restrepo-Florez, J., Manuel Jimenez, C., Canalest, I., Stuber, G. W., Maravelias, A. B., Ethanol upgrading to diesel fuel
bioblendstocks: techno-economic and lifecycle analysis (In preparation).
Manuel Jimenez, C., Krishna, V., De bruyn, M., Weckhuysen, B. M, Dumesic, L. S., Stuber, G. W., Production of
Hexane-1,2,5,6-tetrol from Bio-renewable Levoglucosanol over Pt-WO
: Kinetics and Catalyst Stability
De bruyn, M., Manuel Jimenez, C., Cendejas, M., Bermans, I., He, J., Krishna, V., Lynn, Y., Dumesic, L. S., Stuber, G.,
W., Weckhuysen, B. M., Hexane-1,2,5,6-Tetrol as a Versatile and Biobased Building Block for the Synthesis of
Sustainable (Chiral) Crystalline Mesoporous Polyboronates. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7 (15), 1343013436.
Manuel Jimenez, C., Pernett B., Bolivar D., Rivera-Goyco, C. Design and construction of a reaction system for
cyclohexane catalytic aerobic oxidation using cobalt in SBA-3. Prospect. Vol 14, 2, 13-21, 2016.
Presentations & Posters
Manuel Jimenez, C., Lanci, M. P., Du, Y, Stuber, G. W., Ethanol oligomerization into alcohols and esters over Mg-Al
mixed oxides doped with low-loadings Of Cu. Oral presentation, 2021AIChE Annual Meeting Biomass Upgrading I:
Oxygenates Conversion, Boston, MA, United States, 2021.
Restrepo-Florez, J., Manuel Jimenez, C., Canales, E., Stuber, G. W., Maravelias, C., Middle Distillates from Ethanol-
Technoeconomic and Life CYCLE Assessment, 2021AIChE Annual Meeting – Sustainable Engineering Forum, Boston,
MA, United States, 2021. Contributed to oral presentation.
(Continued on the next page)
Christian Jimenez, pg. 3
Manuel Jimenez, C., Krishna, V., De bruyn, T., Dumesic, L. S., Stuber, G. W., Production of Hexane-1,2,5,6-tetrol from
Bio-renewable Levoglucosanol over Pt-WOx/TiO2: Kinetics and Catalyst Stability. Poster, Catalysis Club of Chicago
Symposium, Chicago, IL, United States, 2021.
Manuel Jimenez, C., Krishna, S. H, De bruyn, T., Weckhuysen, B. M, Dumesic, L. S., Stuber, G. W., Catalytic
Production of Hexane-1,2,5,6-tetraol: Kinetics and Stability at Industrially Relevant Feed Concentrations. Poster, Olaf A.
Hougen Symposium, Madison, WI, United States, 2019.
De bruyn, M., Manuel Jimenez, C., He, J., Cendejas, T., Ball, A., Krishna, V., Lynn, Y., Hermans, I., Dumesic, J.,
Huber, G., 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Reston, VA, United States, June 11-13 (2019).
Contributed to oral presentation.
Manuel Jimenez, C., Pernett U. X., Materiales Mesoporosos SBA-3 con Co o Cr Incorporados en su Estructura (tl.:
SBA-3 Mesoporous materials with Co or Cr incorporated on their structure). Congreso Interamericano y Colombiano de
Ingeniería Química, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2014.
Eagan, J., Lanci, K., Stuber, G., Manuel Jimenez, C., Buchanan T., Processes for producing alcohols from biomass and
further products derived therefrom (2020 USPTO provisional application).
Galebach, W., Lanci, K., Stuber, G., Wu, O., Wittrig, C., Eagan, J., Manuel Jimenez, C., Buchanan J., Processes for
producing ethers and olefins from primary alcohols (2020 USPTO provisional application).
Professor Susan W. Conners
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI, 53706
Professor Franklin Hougen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI, 53706
Dr. Michelle Vancaster
Research Associate
Corporate Strategic Research
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company
1665 Route 22 East
Annandale, NJ 08802
Never print résumé materials back-to-back!
Do not staple résumé pages except for use
at career fairs.
If space permits, list references as last
résumé section, instead of using an
addendum page for references.
Jo Martinez
[email protected] 608.123.4567 123 Mineral Point Rd., Madison, WI 53705
Kathy San Giacomo
Senior Engineer
Hillstead Research Group
1234 Research Drive
Newark, NJ 07101
Byron Guerin
ABC Manufacturing
530 E. Park St.
Appleton, WI 54957
Associate Professor Patricia Arnn
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1234 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Professor Juan Piacenza
Research Advisor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1234 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Ask 3 people to be references for your job search. Share a résumé with each and keep them
up-to-date on your interviews.
One reference should be from a work setting, while another should be from the UW-Madison, if
possible. The third reference can support either your work or your academic qualifications.
If you have 1 or 2 other people who would be strong, professional references, include their
names and contact information as well.
NOTE: See an ECS advisor for
questions regarding your references.
The reference page should include
the full header (name and all
contact information), as shown here.
This page should be used as an
addendum page to the résumé.
An effective cover letter introduces your résumé,
summarizes your immediate career goals, and is used for
many reasons:
Respond to specific job postings for direct hire
Request an interview invitation
Inquire about opportunities
Follow-up an interview to show appreciation
Never send a form letter to employers. This might
seem like an easy and quick way to contact hundreds of
employers with your résumé. Candidates erroneously use
this approach—often called the “shotgun” approach—to
claim they have done an “exhaustive” job search, sending
sumés to hundreds of employers and receiving no
responses. Upon this premise, they conclude that there
are no jobs out there, and they blame the bad economy
or others for their joblessness. How often have you heard,
I’ve sent out 400 résumés and posted a résumé on every
major job board, but no one is getting back to me. There are
no jobs.” ECS would never condone this as even an “outlier
strategy for conducting an effective job search.
Using form letters is a waste of your time, so create a
targeted list of employers. Then develop letters or emails
specifically for each employer. Each communication will
include these basic elements:
Clearly and simply state why you are writing to the employer.
It is crucial for you to make it clear that you deserve further
consideration. If appropriate, identify the person, by name,
who suggested you contact the employer. This use of
connecting is particularly effective.
Emphasize the match between your qualifications and
the employer’s needs. Do not simply repeat your résu
but expand upon 1 or 2 qualifications that fit the specific
position for which you are applying. Describe how your
background has prepared you as a “good match” for the
ongoing and/ or future needs of that specific employer.
Request employer action (i.e., an interview or a response
for a site visit) at the employer’s earliest convenience.
Close with a goodwill/ appreciation statement: “I look
forward to meeting with you. Thank you for your time
and consideration.
Professional tone
While the message content is important, the tone is equally
important. Be professional. Address the message to Mr.,
Ms. or Dr. XXX. It is rarely acceptable to use first names in
a business salutation. Avoid using slang and contractions
("I’ve", "hey" and "you’ll"). Be courteous and respectful.
Effective timing
Traditionally, employers recruit new college hires on campus
in early fall and early spring, but new market needs and
budgets affect timing.
In most cases, it is acceptable to communicate with
employers by email. This includes the initial contact,
follow-ups after an interview, and thank you’s. Email can
be very effective (i.e., quick)—or disastrous—if sent to the
wrong person, written too informally, conveying a negative
message, or containing spelling or grammatical errors.
Use strictly formal business communication tones when
communicating with an employer by email.
The biggest mistake students make in using email for
their job search is treating it too casually. This is business!
Not social.
Be professional. Edit your message and double check the
address prior to selecting the “send” button.
Don’t be sloppy. This isn’t texting. You are not asking
someone for a date or gathering a group to study or hang
out. You are looking for a job.
What emotion does your email convey? What are the
implications and perceptions? Email does not project
emotions as well as face-to-face or even phone
conversations. It lacks vocal inflection, gestures, and a
shared environment. It also does not communicate normal
cues such as dress, diction or dialect. The reader will
make assumptions based on your name, email address
and facility with the language. You need to be meticulous.
Write in a precise, clear manner.
Make everything completely clear and unambiguous. Use
perfect spelling, eloquent words and correct grammar.
Don’t be conversational. Do not use funny, cute or non-
professional email addresses.
Sarcasm and humor are particularly dangerous to use
in email.
Choose your words very carefully. Adjust your
communication styles to the medium of email.
Cover letters should address how your experiences match
the qualifications for the position. You may demonstrate
this in paragraph or bullet form. In general, you want to keep
the cover letter to one page and succinctly, yet thoroughly
demonstrate your fit for the role.
The following pages contain cover letter and email text
samples for you to reference when contacting potential
employers during all aspects of your job search.
Some things to note:
Always attach a résumé—perhaps a revised version, if you
have made changes. If requested, you also may attach a
list of your references.
Attach your résumé as a PDF file or a lower MS Word
document version to reduce problems in opening
the attachment.
Many organizations will no longer accept a resume and
cover letter via email. To be considered an applicant for
under EEOC requirements, you must be in their online
system. A quick internet search will provide you with the
latest tips on how to “beat” online ATSs. Applicant tracking
systems allow employers to manage all aspects of the hiring
process, from initial screening through onboarding. While
there are hundreds of systems, a few commonalities exist
that you should take into consideration when building your
application in these online systems:
Do not build your resume using a preformatted template.
Type your resume out in Microsoft Word beginning from a
blank document.
Do not use charts, graphs, tables or columns.
Include dates for your experiences.
Follow the exact instructions outlined in the application.
Save a copy of the job posting on your computer to have
for reference later.
Use keywords from the posting. Keep in mind, keywords
must echo the original posting exactly. To an applicant
tracking system, there is a difference between “Microsoft
Excel” and “MS Excel.”
Online applications take time and focus, don't do them
quickly or haphazardly.
Save your resume with a relatable name—not "resume.pdf,"
but rather "Matias-Moreno-resume.pdf."
Email business communication is MUCH different
than personal email communication. Re-read
this statement. Slow down and think of what you
are doing.
Do not hit the “send” button! Review and spell
check. Check the tone for professionalism. This is
not a social, how ya’ doin’? type of email!
Try your best to address the letter to a
particular person.
Never use: To Whom it May Concern or
Dear Sir/Madam.
If you have exhausted all your resources for
finding a name, use this memo format instead: RE:
Mechanical Engineering Job Posting
Continuous Improvement Engineer
Use data & statistical tools to create continuous
improvement plans (including cost trending and
improvement plans)
Perform analysis to determine root cause of process
barriers, identify sources of inefficiencies, waste
or excess costs, and develop recommendations for
process improvements
Champion and lead improvement projects within a
distribution center
Partner with leadership to provide training
recommendations to operations
Produce analyses and provide information required by
operations and the customer
Support new business initiatives and start-up facilities
Identify and implement initiatives/projects that reduce
costs and improve services to customers
Data analysis on items, zoning, pick lines, and capacity
Facility layout and design as well as modification of
existing space
Maintain inventory locator system
Required Job Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering
1-3 years of industrial engineering experience in
distribution environment
Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel,
Word, PowerPoint, Access)
Proficiency in SQL, data pulling, data analytics
Proficiency in AutoCAD
Ability to travel to logistics centers as needed
(maximum travel of 25% based on project activity)
Personal Qualities
Ability to work across a network and effectively
interact with a variety of stakeholders
Skilled in conveying information in understandable
terms at all levels of the organization
Objective and resilient when presenting findings
and insights
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
I am applying for the Continuous Improvement Engineer position posted in Handshake. I was informed about the
opening at the engineering career fair on the UW-Madison campus by your recruiter, Justin Ng.
I meet the qualifications outlined in the job description as noted below:
Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering – I will be completing my degree in May 20XX with a certificate in
business. I have a solid academic record with a 3.0 GPA.
1-3 years of industrial engineering experience in distribution environment – As you will see on the attached
resume, I have had a co-op and two summer internships focused on industrial engineering. While not focused on
distribution, much of the work aligns closely to this position.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office, SQL, data pulling, data analytics and AutoCAD – Through a combination of
courses and work applications, I have developed solid skills with computing tools. ISyE 312 course focuses on data
management and requires using SQL for data analytics. My internship at Technology Leader, Inc required extensive
data pulling and analytics to review production metrics.
Ability to work across a network and effectively interact with a variety of stakeholders – Through my past
summer positions, I developed the ability to work with a variety of stakeholders. A position in retail provides
exposure to a wide variety of customers and colleagues. One of my strengths is my ability to thrive work in a
diverse team and accomplish goals set by supervisors.
I am excited by the opportunity to work at Technology Leader, Inc. I look forward to learning more about this
opportunity and discussing my qualifications in an interview.
Samara Koval
It was a pleasure meeting you at the engineering career fair on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
We discussed the possibility of interviewing when you returned to campus on October 12. Please know that I
am very interested in working in your Phoenix manufacturing facility and being a part of your newly developed
engineering training program.
As you may recall, I have just completed a 2-term co-op experience with Plexus in Neenah, Wisconsin, and look
forward to seeking opportunities for full-time employment.
I hope to hear from you soon regarding my invited status for campus interview sign-up. If you have any questions
regarding my qualifications, please contact me. My résumé is attached for your review.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am applying for the Manufacturing Engineer position at DuraPrep recently posted on LinkedIn. In May of 20XX,
I graduate from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. My engineering
experiences at Freezerly and Abeleron and my coursework at UW-Madison have emphasized the continuous
improvement, document management, and effective communication that define DuraPrep’s production processes.
Both of my positions allowed me to develop and demonstrate engineering skills needed to improve production
processes. As co-op at Freezerly, Inc., I gained 9 months of manufacturing experience in continuous improvement
that will allow me to make an immediate impact as a Manufacturing Engineer at DuraPrep. I also worked on
several operations improvement projects that entailed balancing assembly cells, improving operator ergonomics,
and designing tools to decrease the cycle time of production lines. For these projects, I extensively used SolidWorks
and GD&T.
My work as a Quality Engineering Intern at Abeleron fostered document management skills that speak to one of
the priorities from your position description. As a Quality Engineering Intern, I documented all aspects of new
product development and rollout, including process flow, work instructions, PMEAs, and training materials,
while adhering to ISO standards. In addition, during my internship, Abeleron overhauled their documentation
management system, and I was able to help develop the new system and assist with product change control, work
orders, and inventory.
These internships allowed me to exercise technical and interpersonal communication skills gained during my
coursework at UW-Madison. For example, I researched and wrote technical proposals and recommendation reports
for our upper-level engineering communication course, and I collaborated across departments with diverse groups
of students for my junior and senior design projects.
My training and practical experiences in continuous improvement, document management, and effective technical
and interpersonal communication have prepared me to succeed in the role of Manufacturing Engineer. I look
forward to further discussing my qualifications in an interview; you can reach me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or XXX@ Thank you for your consideration.
The initial screening interview normally lasts 30 minutes (45
minutes to 1 hour for PhD candidates). Like any presentation,
the better prepared you are, the more successful you will be.
Be aware of the importance of first impressions.
Use a solid handshake.
Make eye contact, and smile.
Be friendly and relaxed, yet professional.
Expect some small talk.
Follow the recruiter’s lead.
Focus and show interest.
Listen to questions carefully. Never respond simply “yes”
or “no.” Provide examples and explain “why.
Display confidence, not arrogance.
One person—an engineer or a human resource manager—will
usually interview you. It is less common, but sometimes two
recruiters will interview you at the same time. This can be
more stressful. Try to relax. Maintain eye contact with each
recruiter as you answer their questions.
Remember that the interview is an opportunity for you to
learn more about the employer as well as for the employer
to evaluate you as a potential employee. Keep in mind that
you are not an ideal match for every employer’s needs, so
it is important to understand early that a “match” between
employer and candidate is imperative, not only for the
employer, but also for you. Individuals on “both sides of
the table” should evaluate each other, discuss needs and
interests, and honestly determine thefit.”
Provide specific examples with all answers. Ask questions
(see future pages for suggested questions) either during
the interview or at the end. Be prepared to supply a 2- to
3-minute summary of your qualifications and interests.
Prepare a confident closing statement reiterating
your interest in the position and be ready to highlight
any important information that was not discussed in
the interview.
Ask if you can supply other materials (transcripts, list
of references, project summaries). Also ask about the
employer’s timeline for making hiring decisions. Obtain
a business card for your records so you may accurately
address a thank you letter. Shake hands, continue making
good eye contact, and thank the recruiter for her/his time,
mentioning your strong interest and enthusiasm to work
with the employer.
Interviews are business meetings. Prepare accordingly. Know
what you want to talk about; know your résumé thoroughly;
be able to cite examples of skills, lessons learned or goals
met all across the résumé page. Dress like you care. Give the
impression that this is an important meeting for you.
Stop and take a step back to review the interview from the
recruiter’s viewpoint. Think about why each question is
asked—analyze the question behind the question—and try
to understand what skills or attributes are actually being
evaluated in your response. If you can understand this
process and prepare accordingly, you will not only survive,
but succeed in interviews.
Recruiters will not try to embarrass you or cause you stress.
They have a difficult task in conducting 10 to 15 interviews
daily. Ultimately, recruiters must find from 1 to 5 candidates
who “fit” their needs. The quality of candidates referred
for second, on-site interviews is a direct reflection on the
recruiter’s ability to know and choose talent. His or her job
is a difficult one.
This is where all your work ultimately pays off—skills
assessment, résumé development, and communication with
targeted employers.
Preparation and practice are key to successful interviewing.
A lack of thorough employer research is often interpreted as
poor preparation and a lack of interest in the employer.
Know your résumé inside and out. Be able to thoroughly
and comfortably discuss any item on the résumé by citing
specific examples.
Understand that your résumé emphasizes your skills and
accomplishments; it will serve first as a deciding factor
leading to an interview. Once an interview is scheduled,
the recruiter will often direct the interview using the
sumé as an outline.
A good recruiter has only one goal in mind during
an interview—to obtain the most accurate and
positive information possible on each candidate.
Preparation is the key to successful interviewing.
Know the kinds of questions you will be expected
to answer. Describe how you used skills/strengths
to meet goals, successfully complete projects,
work with others.
Your résumé gets you the interview. But your
interview gets you the job offer.
Business attire is appropriate for interviews. Business casual
is appropriate for career fairs, employer information sessions
and for more informal segments of an on-site interview.
Verbally practice answering questions (Yes—out loud!)
and talking about your skills and accomplishments. Recall
how in "Assessment," we emphasized the importance of
spending time writing descriptions for skills, strengths and
accomplishments. Now is the time to practice again!
Review and organize facts found in employer research.
Demonstrate your knowledge of the employer’s products
or services. Take it a step further by clearly drawing the
link— the match—between your skills and the employer’s
needs. Do not leave this important step open for employer
interpretation. Show them the match!
Attend employer information sessions on campus.
Introduce yourself to the recruiter(s) and mention that you
are looking forward to your interview the next day. Ask
intelligent questions and show enthusiasm.
Prepare your portfolio, clothing, and transportation the
night prior to the interview. Check the weather forecast
for any contingencies you will need to make. Get plenty of
rest. Set dozens of alarm clocks, if necessary. You will not
be able to recover if you are late.
Dress with respect for the importance of the interview.
Show you care!
Every answer requires a specific example to support your
claim; never provide a simple one- or two-word answer.
At the end of the interview, it is extremely important
for you to ask questions. Lack of questions indicates
lack of interest. Finally, summarize your interests and
qualifications for the position.
Include several copies of your current résumé. Provide one
to the recruiter as you are sitting down to interview. Your
complete résumé will provide detailed information for the
recruiter and indicate a sense of preparedness.
Go to your MyUW account and print several unofficial copies
of your transcripts. Or, go to the Registrar’s Office to obtain
official copies if you need them. Employers will want your
unofficial transcript, so do not scramble to print them at the
last minute.
Bring your reference list and any evaluations of
work performance.
Not required but may be helpful: photos/illustrations of
projects (Vehicle Teams, Concrete Canoe, Bridge Building,
Engineering EXPO, Transcend or any of the other student
competitions), articles, abstracts, publications.
Now is your time to talk about yourself. After all this
preparation, you should know what to say! If you are
thoroughly prepared, you know skills employers are
seeking, what strengths and accomplishments you have
developed, and what this particular employer needs in new
engineering hires! You know your résumé and do not need
to refer to it throughout the interview. You have practiced
talking about your skills and have reviewed lists of potential
questions. You are ready and able to talk.
Before you go through an actual interview, you should first
go through at least one mock interview. Practicing interview
responses is key to understanding how to improve your
interviewing skills.
The mock interview is more than an opportunity to work
out interview jitters; it is an opportunity to practice and
improve your interviewing technique and answers. It is also
a chance to hear constructive feedback from someone
with experience in the field. It is not enough to look at an
interview question and say, “Yeah, I know the answer to
that one.
Connect with ECS about mock interview resources.
Big Interview is a free tool provided by campus.
Students may learn, practice, and improve
interviewing skills, whether its for a job or graduate
Big Interview is an online system that combines
training and practice to help improve each user’s
interview technique and build confidence.
Big Interview offers a variety of tools and resources,
Mock interview practice and a recording tool
Written and video curriculum covering the entire
job search process, interviewing, and negotiations
A mechanism for sharing videos externally and
internally for feedback
Industry and competency-specific interview
question sets
An option to receive AI feedback directly from the
platform for ongoing improvement
The pitch is a short summary that describes who you are,
what you want to do and how you are suited for the position.
‘Hi, I am Shiyu Yan. I am a sophomore at UW-Madison
studying materials science and engineering. My interests lie
in the automotive industry. In my current research position, I
determine how environmental factors and applied chemicals
impact the growth of field crops. I am vice president of my
student organization, Materials Advantage, and have gained
strong communication and time management skills through
the experience. Through my courses, I have developed
technical skills with Tensile testers, XRD machines, and
MATLAB. I am interested in either a co-op or summer
internship and am excited about the possibility of working
with (organization name). I’ve researched openings on your
website – could you tell me more about what qualities you
are looking for in candidates?
The most important aspect of interviewing. The key element
to successful interviewing is not your experience, your
grades, what classes you took, your co-curricular activities,
or any of the other basic necessities. Those skills are what
got you the interview. The key element to successful
interviewing can be summed up in one word: attitude.
If you want to rise above others with better experience,
better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on
developing a highly positive work attitude.
Your attitude determines whether you will make the cut or
be discarded. Remember, there are plenty of competitors
with the ability to do almost any given job—especially at the
entry level. The way most employers differentiate at the
entry level is by candidates’ attitudes toward the job. Your
attitude is often what recruiters will remember when the dust
has settled after reviewing 10, 20, or even 100 candidates—
the one who was sincerely willing to put forth [his or her]
very best effort. If you have the attitude of wanting to do
your very best for the organization, of being focused on the
organizations needs, of putting yourself forth as the person
who will be committed and dedicated to fulfilling their needs,
you will likely be the one chosen.
You can show your winning attitude in the way you
present yourself. Incorporate the actual wordspositive
attitude,”“excellence” and “striving to be my best” into your
interview language. Then show by your stories and examples
how these words positively affect your life. Show them when
and where and how you have put forth extra effort above
and beyond the call of duty. Show them how you beat a
deadline, how you excelled in a project, or how you made a
difference by going the extra mile.
Do not be caught off guard if the employer brings up salary
near the end of an interview. Conversely, do not be the
one to bring up this subject. If questioned about salary
expectations, however be prepared to discuss the topic.
Know the going rate for an entry-level engineer by reviewing
ECS salary statistics as well as national statistics.
We recommend that you give a salary range or indicate that
you are willing to consider any reasonable offer. For example:
Give a range: "I would hope that with my background and
qualifications, a salary in the $75,000 to $80,000 range
would be offered." The range you give should be realistic and
based upon prior research of starting salaries in the industry
and for the position being discussed.
If a verbal offer is extended at the interview, be appreciative
and graciously ask for two things:
The offer in writing.
Time to consider the offer. Most employers will offer
an acceptance date of between 2 and 8 weeks after the
initial offer.
If asked to make a decision on the spot, show your
appreciation for the offer but say that you need time to
consider such an important decision.
Don’t try to memorize (or fabricate) the “right” answers to
interview questions. The only right answers are those that
truthfully describe an event in your life, including what you
learned from the event, what skills you developed, what skill
you used, or what you would have done differently. Have
confidence that your response is strong if it reflects active
self-assessment, specific details and relates to the question
being asked.
Also try to understand the question behind the question;
understand why the question is being asked and what the
employer is evaluating. Respond with specific, thoughtful
descriptions of your real past and present experiences, the
skills developed and lessons learned from them.
If you have thoroughly prepared for all aspects of the job
search and followed us carefully to this point, you will know
what to say and how to respond. Questions are not as
important as answers. However, a list of potential interview
questions can be helpful!
What led you to choose your field of major study? Why did
you select UW-Madison? Was it a good decision?
What classes were the most challenging? The
least challenging?
Describe your most rewarding college experiences.
Are your grades an accurate indication of your
academic achievement?
Do you have plans for graduate or professional school?
Why weren’t you more involved in college activities?
What was the best part of your college experience?
A college degree is nothing special; everyone I am
interviewing has one. What else do you have to offer me?
Provide an example of how you acquired a technical skill
and converted it into a practical application.
How frequently did you skip classes while in college?
How have you prepared for this interview?
Why are you interested in opportunities with my company?
What do you know about our company?
Why should we hire you instead of other equally
qualified candidates?
Which trade publications do you read to keep informed
about current trends?
What technical skills would you bring to this position?
What qualities do you think this position requires?
What interests you least about this job?
What do you see as the major trends in the field?
Why do you want to leave your current employer?
What salary would you anticipate?
Describe a situation in which your ideas or work conflicted
with the ideas or work of a co-worker or supervisor.
What type of people do you find difficult to work with?
What have you learned from your past jobs?
How did your co-op/intern position contribute to your
career growth?
Tell me of a situation where you worked under pressure.
You seem to have limited work experience; why do you
think you could do this job?
What part of the position’s responsibilities interests
you most?
If I contacted your references, what would they each say
about you?
Have you ever been fired?
Do you make your opinion known when you disagree with
a supervisor?
How would you handle a situation in which you couldn’t get
along with your boss?
What new idea or suggestion did you make to your
immediate supervisor in the last couple of months?
How would you describe the perfect supervisor?
Tell me about the last time that you made a change in
your life.
What do you consider to be your greatest
strengths? Weaknesses?
Give me two examples of good decisions you have made
in the last six months. Why were they good?
What have you done that demonstrates your initiative?
What would you change about yourself if you could?
When have you been a leader?
Would you rather write a report or give an oral
report? Why?
What was the latest book you’ve read or movie you seen?
Are you a risk-taker?
How do you handle pressure situations?
How do you relieve stress?
Tell me about yourself.
How have you gone about determining that this field is
right for you?
What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?
What is your strongest transferable skill? How has it been
helpful to you?
What accomplishment has given you the most
satisfaction? Why?
What are the most important rewards you expect in
your career?
What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
How do you define success?
What two or three accomplishments have given you the
most satisfaction? Why?
How do you react to criticism?
Think about something at work or school that you consider
a failure. Tell me about it.
Tell me about a mistake you made, and how you handled it.
What is the worst communication problem you
have experienced?
Tell me about a time when you put your foot in your
mouth (misspoke).
Describe the biggest problem you have faced within the
last six months. How did you handle it?
What is the most unethical situation you
have encountered?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
When was the last time you lied?
Who is currently angry with you?
Tell me about a team you were on when all members did
not carry their weight.
Describe an instance where you made effective use of
facts to secure the agreement of others.
Describe a creative idea that you produced which led to
a significant contribution to the success of an activity
or project.
What is leadership? Describe your vision of a leader. When
is it time to follow?
What qualities are essential for success in business today?
What are your short-range goals? How are you preparing
for them?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
Which of your personal goals have you reached and
not reached?
What are your long-range career objectives?
Tell me about a time you overcame obstacles to reach
a goal?
It is not enough to look at an interview question on
a long list of questions and say,“Yeah, I know the
answer to that one.”
Take time to practice responses out loud.
Listen to the “question behind the question.” What
is the interviewer trying to learn about me?
You MUST have questions to ask your interviewer. If you do
not ask questions, it indicates you have little interest in the
position and is perceived negatively by the interviewer. You
can ask about almost anything job-related – except salary.
What attracted you to this organization?
What do you think its strengths and weaknesses are?
What are the most critical factors for success at
your organization?
How would you describe your management style?
What are the greatest challenges for entry-level hires
within your organization?
Can you tell me about the people who will look to me
for supervision?
What is the organizations customer service philosophy?
What is the makeup of the team as far as experience?
What does the organization value most?
What kinds of processes are in place to
encourage collaboration?
How do my skills compare to other candidates you
have interviewed?
What kinds of assignments might I expect during the first
few months on the job?
What characteristics help a person succeed in this field?
How often are performance reviews provided?
What do you consider ideal experiences for this job?
Please tell me about the people with whom I would
be working.
What would be a typical career path for someone like me
entering your organization?
Please describe the management style or engineering
environment at your organization.
What are my opportunities for learning new skills?
How much influence will I have over the type of work I
will do?
What do you like best about working at ABC Co.?
Do you promote from within?
What would be my primary responsibilities?
What would I be expected to accomplish in the first six
months on the job?
What are some of the department’s ongoing and
anticipated special projects?
How much contact does the department have
with management?
What do you like best about working for
this department/organization?
Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
Do you feel free to express your ideas and concerns here?
Do not ask these questions:
What will my salary be?
What does your organization do?
Where are you located?
Do I get paid for overtime?
How much vacation will I receive?
What are the possibilities for professional growth
and promotion?
How much interaction do you have with superiors,
colleagues and customers?
How long have you been with the company?
Is there anything you would change about the company if
you had the chance?
What do employees seem to like best about
the organization?
How large is the department where the opening exists?
What type of orientation or training do new
employees receive?
How do you prioritize young professionals in
the organization?
What is the next course of action? When should I expect to
hear from you? What are the next steps in this process?
I would like to leave you with some final thoughts regarding
my qualifications and enthusiasm for working with
your company.
The basic premise behind behavioral interviews is that past
behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Most
employers use this interview method.
“Tell me about a team experience in which one member did
not meet expectations.
This question demonstrates the type of question common
in behavioral interviews. Based on the premise that the best
way to predict future behavior is to evaluate past behavior,
this form of questioning allows the recruiter to assess your
abilities based on what you have already done.
Typical behavioral question structure:
Tell me about an obstacle you have overcome.
Tell me about the most unethical situation you’ve
observed or experienced.
Tell me about your last experience with success.
Tell me about a goal you have met.
S.T.A.R. response style for behavioral questions:
In responding to behavioral questions, it is best to provide
a specific example to support your response. Frame the
response using an example from your resume including
academic projects, classes, work experiences, and
out-of-class activities.
Be very specific as you cover the four necessary steps
(Situation, Task, Action & Result) for optimum success:
Situation: Give an example of a situation you were
involved in that resulted in a positive outcome.
Task: Describe the task(s) required in the situation.
Action: Talk about the various actions you initiated
or completed.
Result: Provide the results directly connected to
your actions.
To maximize this method, you should add what you learned
from the situation that you will bring to the job.
Recall recent situations that show favorable behaviors or
actions, especially involving course work, work experience,
leadership, teamwork, initiative, planning, and customer
service. Try to use your entire résumé.
Prepare short descriptions of each situation; be ready to
give details if asked.
Be sure each story has a beginning, middle, and an end.
Be sure the outcome or result reflects positively on you.
If the result itself was not favorable, talk about what you
learned or would do differently next time.
Be honest. Don’t embellish or omit any part of the story.
Simply put, a case interview is the analysis of a business plan
or situation. Unlike most other interview questions, it is an
interactive process. Your interviewer will present you with a
business problem and ask you for your opinion. Your job is
to ask the interviewer logical questions that will permit you
to make a detailed recommendation. The majority of case
interviewers don’t have a specific right answer that you,
the candidate, are expected to give. What the interviewer
is looking for is a thought process that is both analytical
and creative (what consultants love to call “out-of-the-
box” thinking). Specific knowledge of the industry covered
by the case question is a bonus but not necessary. An
understanding of the business models and processes as well
as global business experience is helpful for success.
Question categories can be identified as:
Market-sizing questions focus on determining the
market size for a particular service or product.
Business operations questions refer to running a
business and getting a product out the door. The focus
may include purchasing and transporting raw materials,
manufacturing processes, scheduling of staff and
facilities, product distribution … the day-to-day of running
the business.
Business strategy questions deal more with the future
direction of a firm. Good strategy questions may have a
market-sizing piece, a logic puzzle, multiple operations
issues, and a dose of creativity and action. These types of
questions tend to be quite complex.
Résumé case questions come directly from the
candidate’s résumé. One example may be,I see that you
play rugby. Describe all the different positions on a rugby
team, and the play strategy for each.”
Phone/Video interviews are often used as a screening
method prior to extending face-to-face interviews. An
employer will evaluate you to determine the benefit of
inviting you for an on-site visit.
Some general advice:
Prepare as if this were a face-to-face interview.
Have résumé, references page, transcripts, and other
items, such as list of publications, presentations, patents,
as well as sample projects and papers close by if needed.
Have a pen, paper, personal calendar, and class schedule
for scheduling employer visits.
Be in a quiet space. Turn off any alarms scheduled on
your phone or calendar. Mute the notifications on your
Write down the names of the interviewers. Refer to them
as Mr. or Ms., unless otherwise indicated.
Take quick notes during the interview. At the close of the
interview, thank the interviewer using their name.
Smile. You will sound more interested and friendly. A smile
over the phone can be recognized.
Have a glass of water or waterbottle nearby.
Telephone Interviews
During the job search, remember that a telephone interview
(much like business email) must be formal and professional.
You must adopt a manner in using the phone that
conveys your seriousness of purpose, ability to concisely
communicate your strengths, and desire to work for the
In a phone interview, your voice is the sole means of
communication. You cannot use eye contact, facial
expressions, body language, or other visual means of
communication, nor can you respond to the interviewer’s
nonverbal cues or attempt to interpret their interest. You are
selling yourself using only words and the tone of your voice.
Telephone Tips:
Speak slowly. Articulate clearly. Your diction, voice level,
intonation and choice of words are your main forms of
Don’t use a speakerphone. If you choose to use
headphone with a speaker make sure to test them out
ahead of time.
Allow for silences or pauses. If you need more time to
consider a question, simply ask for it, since silences are
more pronounced on the phone.
Listen. With no other communication clues except a voice,
it is critical for you to focus and listen carefully. Ask for
clarification if you don’t understand a question.
Don’t interrupt, although some “over-talk” is bound to
happen on the phone. Confirm that what you said has
been “heard.
Occasionally, an employer will call you unexpectedly asking
about your interest in job opportunities and/or wanting
to ask you a few questions regarding your qualifications.
If the employer has caught you at a bad time, it is ok to
request that you talk at another time, if you express your
appreciation and interest in the opportunity.
Video Interviews
Many organizations will now utilize internet software for
conducting interviews. The combination of audio and visual
elements improves the employer’s ability to get a better
understanding of a potential candidates’ skills and fit for
the position.
Video Tips:
Ensure you have a strong internet connection
Turn on your camera for the interview. Make sure your
light source comes from behind your computer. Check
your background.
Log on a bit early to test audio, microphone and camera
Look at the camera
Dress appropriately for a business interview
Use a computer, not a mobile device
Video interviews can also include a pre-recorded format.
Here, you log in and answer a set of pre-recorded interview
questions with no interviewer present. The responses are
then shared with the interviewer. In this case, do your best
to imagine you are having a live conversation. Typically,
with pre-recorded questions, you can re-record some of
your responses. You may find resources on the internet that
allow you to practice a pre-recorded format. A trial run is a
good idea.
Technical interviews are common in engineering because
they allow employers to evaluate your problem-solving skills.
Some questions will be specific to the position, while others
may be more general logic problems.
Approach to Answering
1. Restate the problem
2. State assumptions and ask clarifying questions if needed
3. Share your approach to solving (often the key component)
4. Solve the problem
Example Questions
1. You need to measure out four gallons of water, but you
only have a three-gallon jug and a five-gallon jug. How do
you measure out four gallons exactly?
2. If you have seven white socks and nine black socks in a
drawer, how many socks do you have to pull out blindly in
order to ensure you have a matching pair?
3. If x amount of weight was applied to a cable with a cutoff
of xx weight, how much force would a motor have to
produce to cut-off the cable?
4. Give two ways of converting a two input NAND gate to
an inverter.
5. Imagine an analog clock set to 12 o’clock. Note that the
hour and minute hands overlap. How many times each day
do both the hour and minute hands overlap? How would
you determine the exact times of the day that this occurs?
A perfect answer is not always the purpose of a technical
question. Being able to articulate your process, approach
to solving, and resources needed or used are all important
components of determining your problem-solving abilities.
The interview is not the end of the job search
process; follow-up is required.
It is important not only to reflect on your interview
performance, but also to continue a dialogue with the
recruiter. What does this mean? It means that it is in your
best interest to follow-up the interview with a thank you
email or letter and maintain a regular follow-up schedule.
Employers are interested in hiring people who are interested
in the position!
Indicate your interest by continuing to communicate with
the recruiter until a decision has been made. Use discretion
regarding frequency—do not become a pest.
Within one to two days, send an email message thanking
the recruiter for the interview, clarifying topics discussed in
the interview, and re-emphasizing interest in the employer’s
opportunity. A well-written, well-timed thank you message
will not get you a job, but it can tip the scales if all other
factors are equal.
By sending a thank you message, you will:
Show courtesy and appreciation
Stand out from the crowd
Reiterate interest in the opportunity
Make points you forgot during the interview
Demonstrate your writing skills
Regularly contact the recruiter after the thank you letter;
do so approximately every 2 weeks until a decision is made.
Offer to provide other materials, such as transcripts or
samples of your work.
Develop a spreadsheet with employer names,
recruiter contacts, interview dates, and follow-
up dates. Since you are actively searching, a
spreadsheet will help you track the interactions
with a large number of employers and recruiters.
Send immediately after interview.
Thank you for your time and consideration during our interview on Thursday. I enjoyed our discussion on the
new widget product you are developing and appreciated your tour of the facility. As we discussed your needs and
toured the facility, my interest in joining your team became even stronger.
In giving further thought to our discussion about working in the widget industry, I realized I had a similar
experience several years ago while working with new optical technology at ABC Corp. While it required more
time to get up to speed, I dedicated extra personal time to become familiar with the specifics of that project,
and was able to deliver our prototype ahead of schedule. With my dedication, team work, and experience in
developing optical technology, I am confident I would be an asset to your team and make a valuable contribution
to Techno Products, Inc.
I appreciate your consideration and am excited by the prospect of working with you and developing the new
widget product line. Enclosed is an additional copy of my résumé for your convenience. I look forward to talking
with you again soon.
Send two weeks after thank you email for interview.
I am still very interested in pursuing opportunities with ABC Corp. in the widget division. As we discussed on
campus in Madison last month, my academic project in XXX will enable me to make immediate contributions as
an entry-level engineer. Please let me know if I can provide you with any other materials to help you make your
decision. I look forward to scheduling an on-site visit at your convenience.
Thank you, once again, for your time and consideration.
Send 2 weeks after first follow-up email.
(A professional phone call of continued interest is also appropriate instead of this email.)
After meeting with you on October 14, I remain extremely interested in your XXX position and I feel confident that I
can work with your team to maintain your high level of performance and customer service.
Recently, I have scheduled second interviews with two other companies and received one offer on which I will
need to decide by the end of the month. Since ABC has always been my employer of choice, I would very much
appreciate a communication regarding my application status and would like the opportunity to interview
on-site with you.
Many factors affect the number of job offers you will receive.
Most of this booklet has been devoted to a key factor: your
preparation—which is completely under your control. Not
under your control is the cyclical economy. But even in the
worst of times, jobs are available. Expectations may have to
be changed, however with an effective, focused job search,
you will find a job.
While it is unlikely that you will be hired on the spot or told
that an offer will definitely be forthcoming, be prepared. If
an offer should be extended then, always ask for a chance to
think it over. Accepting immediately is poor policy because
you lose your opportunity to give thorough consideration to
all aspects of the offer. Even if you think the offer is exactly
right, the employer’s enthusiasm and your own may cloud
your objectivity. Show appreciation, but always ask for time
to consider the offer as well as a formal offer in writing.
When the written offer arrives, read it carefully. It should
specify your job title, salary, and the name of the department
and supervisor to which you will be assigned. The offer
may be contingent upon your passing a physical exam and/
or drug test. It will usually have a deadline by which you
must accept in writing, ranging from two to eight weeks,
depending on the time of year and the current market.
The actual starting date may be specified then or after
your acceptance.
Keep in mind that you and the employer have different
concerns about “time.” You most likely would like ample
time to hear from other employers and consider all your
alternatives. Employers, on the other hand, want to know
your decision as quickly as possible. If you reject their offer,
they will need to quickly contact second-tier candidates.
Offer deadlines are taken quite seriously. If you do not meet
the deadline, the offer may be withdrawn; if you need more
time to consider an offer, ask for an extension. Be specific
as to how much time you will need to make a decision. Show
appreciation, enthusiasm for the offer, and emphasize the
importance of making the right decision.
While making a decision on an offer, be sure to talk to
all other employers who showed interest in you. Contact
them directly, explaining that you are close to making a
decision regarding your job search, are very interested
in their opportunities, and ask about your status with
them. Hopefully, they also will be able to make an offer
if interested.
Job offers are often made verbally first, followed by a
written offer containing various details. If you are fortunate
enough to obtain more than one job offer, take time to
compare and contrast various components of the offer, the
employer, and the location.
Should you accept? Things to consider:
Will you enjoy working with your future co-workers
and supervisors?
Will you have a good opportunity to express yourself on
the job?
Is the working environment satisfactory?
Will you be fully using your primary skills?
Is there sufficient diversity and challenge?
Will you be able to get the kind of feedback you require to
see the results of your efforts?
Is there an opportunity to learn and expand?
Are there open avenues of communication?
Will you be able to get value from your work?
Do you clearly understand what your responsibilities
will be, to whom you will report, and how evaluations will
be conducted?
Do you clearly understand typical work hours and
overtime expectations?
Is the company product or service something you
believe in?
Is the offer within your expected range? Check ECS
resources for average salaries.
What priority do you place on location? How long is
the commute?
Are your favorite activities or recreations readily available?
In summary:
Only consider job offers after you receive them in writing.
(Co-ops and interns should consider verbal offers,
although it is good to request a written offer.)
It is acceptable to ask for additional time to consider the
offer. A minimum of 2 weeks is generally offered.
Once you accept, honor your commitment to the
employer. Don't accept an offer while at the same time
hoping that a better one will come along.
Decline all other offers immediately to allow other
candidates the opportunity. Discontinue all interviewing
and other job search activities.
After the second interview, many employers will make an
offer contingent on a negative test for drugs and controlled
substances. This test takes the form of a specimen analyzed
for presence of a substance. Be aware this test may occur
and be advised that failure to submit to a drug test may
end further employment consideration. Tests often need to
be completed within 24-48 hours of the offer or it may be
In many cases, yes! It does not hurt to ask. It is important
to know market rates and ask, not demand. How you ask
is important. The best position from which to negotiate
is to have more than one offer and strong qualifications.
Generally, most students are interested in negotiating salary.
Review the following options and considerations:
Negotiations may not be necessary. The job may be
appealing and with a good employer. You may like the
people with whom you’ll be working and the geographic
location. The salary may be within the average range for
an engineer with your background and experience. The
benefits also may be good. The market might be tight. Then,
there is no need to negotiate.
Timing is critical. The opportunity to negotiate exists
only between the times an offer is extended and before it
is accepted.
Do not talk salary or negotiate until an offer has been
extended. If the recruiter discusses salary prior to making
an offer, you might respond, "Perhaps we can discuss the
salary once a job offer is made."
Base your salary negotiation on fact, not emotion. Use
cost-of-living statistics and UW-Madison or national
salary averages.
Base salary negotiation on your market value, not on what
you think you “need” or “want.”
Choose negotiation items carefully. Do not negotiate
every item. Prioritize your needs.
Do you feel you deserve a higher starting salary?
Relocation expenses? Different start date? Another week
of vacation? Does your spouse require assistance in a job
search? Ask for only one or two items. Base your request
on fact.
Be fair. Do not be greedy. On rare occasions, job offers
have been rescinded due to what has been viewed as very
unrealistic candidate expectations.
Do not take negotiations personally. Employers may be
unwilling to negotiate some items.
Once you have made the decision to accept or reject an
offer, verbally accept and immediately follow-up in writing.
Be sure to clarify the “start date,” relocation reimbursement,
salary, and other important issues in your letter, and in
particular, items that were modified during negotiations.
Immediately decline (in writing) all other offers. This
is a professional courtesy, as well as a way of making
opportunities available for others. Graciously decline offers
to keep open the possibility of future employment.
Notify all other employers who are still considering you.
Thank them for their interest and tell them that you have
accepted another offer.
In addition, thank your references, professors and any others
who served as mentors throughout this process.
Look for instructions in the Offers & Negotiation
section of the ECS website to report your job offer.
Note: The College of Engineering uses aggregate
information for national rankings, salary surveys, and
ABET accreditation.
Rescind: To take back your acceptance
Never accept a job with the intent to continue looking for
something “better. Carefully consider an offer and accept
or decline based on the merits of the position and your
interests. Do not continue to interview or search further
once you have accepted a position.
Rescinding reflects negatively on you, your department, the
College of Engineering, and UW-Madison. Rescinding results
in loss of ECS and Handshake privileges. Speak with an ECS
advisor if you are considering rescinding.
Consult with an ECS staff member before accepting
a position for guidance on evaluating offers.
Send after first accepting job offer by phone (in person).
I am pleased to formally accept your offer for the industrial engineer position with Maynard, Inc. After our
phone conversation of last week and after reviewing your written offer, I understand my starting date will be
January 15, 20XX, and that my monthly salary will be $6,020.00.
Enclosed is a copy of your formal offer letter with my acceptance signature. I look forward to beginning my
career with you.
Thank you for your confidence in my qualifications. I will work hard to meet and exceed your expectations.
This letter confirms our phone conversation this morning indicating that I will not accept your job offer to join
the staff at Rollando Products. As you know, this was a very difficult decision for me, but I have decided to accept
another opportunity.
As I approach graduation and reflect on my experiences and prepare for the future, I am grateful for the many
opportunities offered me. While at Rollando as an intern engineer, I learned a great deal. You have always
treated me with professionalism and provided me with mentorship that forms a solid foundation upon which I
will build my career.
Thank you.
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