In this second expansion to Wingspan, we feature the colorful
and awe-inspiring birds of Oceania. The Oceania bird cards are
designed to be shuffled into the bird cards from the base game,
with or without other expansions.
This expansion includes new player mats and a new food
type, allowing players to explore different strategies in this new
environment. It also includes new bonus cards and more end-of-
round goals, as well as a new color of eggs.
1 rulebook
95 bird cards
5 bonus cards
1 scorepad
4 goal tiles
1 reference tile
15 egg miniatures
5 food dice
69 nectar tokens
5 player mats
1. Shuffle together the bird decks you want to use. If you own
multiple Wingspan expansions, you have a lot of bird cards!
Each deck is balanced to work with the bonus cards from the
base game and to provide relatively even numbers of birds from
each habitat and with each nest type. You may play with all
expansions mixed in, or mix and match any combination of two
decks. Use the icons in the bottom right of each expansion card
to help separate expansions.
2. Mix the bonus cards and end-of-round goals in with the others.
3. Set up as you normally would for a game of Wingspan, except:
a. Replace all 5 food dice from the base game with the 5 new
b. Replace all player mats from the base game with the new
player mats.
i. The new player mats can even be used without other
elements of the Oceania expansion if you prefer them to
the original mats.
c. Place the reference tile near the goal board.
d. Add the nectar tokens to the food supply. Each player
selects 5 starting cards/food from their 5 dealt cards and
5 standard food (not including nectar) as normal. Then, all
players gain 1 nectar.
As a reminder, all action cubes should stay in the row used until
the end-of-round scoring. They play a part in one of the end-of-
round goals added in this expansion.
Designed by Elizabeth Hargrave
Illustrated by Natalia Rojas,
Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, and Beth Sobel
Oceania Expansion
Australasian Shoveler
This bird’
s M
aori name, kuruwhengi, means
Choose 1 other player. Y
both draw 1
from the deck.
6/13/20 9:12 PM6/13/20 9:12 PM
Australasian Pipit
Anthus novaeseelandiae
This grassland bird also thrives in human-made
grasslands like gardens and playing fields.
uck 1
from the deck behind
each bird in your
, including this one.
Abbott’s Booby
apasula abbotti
This large, endangered seabird lives only on
Christmas Island.
Draw 3 bonus cards, then
discard 2. Y
ou may discard bonus cards you
did not draw on this tur
Sacred Kingfisher
Despite this bird’s name, fish make up a small
portion of its diet.
ETWEEN TURNS: When another
player takes the “gain food” action, gain
, or
from the birdfeeder, if
there is one, at the end of their turn.
WS_OE_BirdCards_r3.indd 77WS_OE_BirdCards_r3.indd 77
Grassland Da
Consecutive birds in
with ascending or
descending wingspans
4 consecutive
3 consecutive
5 consecutive
6/2/20 9:14 PM6/2/20 9:14 PM
1 set =
Sets of the 4 nest types
Each star nest can be treated as any
1 nest type. No card can be part of
more than 1 set.
One set:
Two sets:
Site Selection
Columns with a matching
pair or trio of nests
ferent columns may (but need
not) score using dif
ferent nest types.
Star nests are wild, but each counts
only once.
2 of the
same nest in
a column:
3 of the
same nest in
a column:
t Da
Consecutive birds in
with ascending or
descending wingspans
4 consecutive
3 consecutive
5 consecutive
WS_OE_BonusCards.indd 4WS_OE_BonusCards.indd 4
Bonus cards
End-of-round goals
Food on cards
Tucked cards
Automubon Automubon Automubon
wingspan automa
Bonus cards
End-of-round goals
Food on cards
Tucked cards
End of Round Reference
1. Use round end bird powers (if
playing with European Expansion).
2. Discard any unused nectar.
3. Score end-of-round goal.
4. Remove all action cubes.
5. Discard and replace all cards in the
bird tray.
6. If Round 4 is over, use game-end
powers. Otherwise, pass the
first-player token.
gain food
lay eggs
draw bird cards
from birdfeeder
on bird(s)
then activate any brown
powers in this row
then activate any brown
powers in this row
then activate any brown
powers in this row
play a bird
game end:
5/2 pts
for majority
game end:
5/2 pts
for majority
game end:
5/2 pts
for majority
/ /
/ /
/ / / /
no goal
cubes on
“play a bird”
in food cost of
your birds
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When playing with the Oceania Expansion the general structure of game play is the same as in
the base game, but there is one additional step and one note about end of game (see bold).
At the end of each round:
1. Use “round end” bird powers, if playing with European Expansion.
2. Discard any unused nectar (as described in next section).
3. Score end-of-round goal.
4. Remove all action cubes.
5. Discard and replace all cards in the bird tray.
6. If Round 4 is over, use game-end powers. Otherwise, pass first-player token clockwise.
At the end of the game, complete the end-of-round steps, then activate any “game end”
bird powers (as described in the section about new bird powers below).
Designer’s Note: The abundance of plant-based sugar
doesn’t just support birds. It attracts a wide variety of insects
and mammals. And eventually, the pollinated flowers turn
into fruits or seeds. It’s this role in the ecosystem that led
me to make nectar wild – not only do many birds eat nectar
or lerp directly, but other birds might find the food they’re
looking for as a direct result of the presence of nectar. When
you feed nectar to a hawk, imagine it finding a sugar glider
in a flowering eucalyptus!
Plant-based sugars are an important food source for many birds in Oceania.
In his book
Where Song Began, biologist Tim Low argues that more nectar is available to birds in
Australia than in other parts of the world because, in the region’s poor soils, trees don’t have the
nutrients they need to turn sugars into new tissue—so they give it away to pollinators, including
honeyeaters and many parrots.
Excess sugars also are available in other forms. When some eucalypts are attacked by insects, the
insects exude a sweet substance called manna. Other insects excrete excess sugar from tree sap as
substances known as lerp and honeydew. A wide variety of birds in the region, from silvereyes to
malleefowl, eat at least one of these sources of sugar.
To represent this abundant sugar in all its forms, this expansion introduces nectar as a new food type
and replaces the dice in the birdfeeder with new ones that provide nectar.
When paying food to play a bird, use an “any food” bird ability, or upgrade an action, nectar is a
wild food. You can substitute nectar for any of the 5 other food types when playing a bird, discarding
for a bird’s ability, or upgrading an action (e.g., discarding a food to lay an extra egg).
Some birds have nectar as a food cost. The normal rule that you can spend 2 food tokens as if
they are any 1 food token also applies to nectar.
symbol always includes nectar. If you find that this rule makes the Chihuahuan Raven
and Common Raven in the base game too powerful, remove those two birds from the deck
while playing with the Oceania Expansion.
When bird powers refer to a specific food type, nectar is not a wild
food. If a bird’s power looks for mice in the birdfeeder, for example, do
not also count the nectar there.
Any nectar remaining in your personal food supply at the end of the
round is discarded.
You cannot carry over any nectar from round to round.
Nectar discarded at the end of the round goes back to the supply,
not to one of the “spent nectar” spaces (see page 3).
This rule only applies to unspent nectar in your personal food supply.
Do not discard the nectar on your “spent nectar” spaces or cached
on your birds.
Eastern Rosella
Platycercus eximius
This technicolor parrot is native to Australia and
Tasmania; it has been introduced to New Zealand.
WHEN ACTIVATED: All players gain 1 from
the supply. You also gain 1
from the supply.
+ +
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from birdfeeder
game end:
5/2 pts
for majority
New Player Mat Action: Reset
In columns 2 and 4 of the new player mat, there is a new option in the forest and wetland rows.
Forest: you may discard any 1 food to reset the birdfeeder.
Wetland: you may discard any 1 food to reset the bird tray.
Use the actions on each space in the order they are printed: Reset if you are going to, then take food
or cards.
Game End Powers
Some birds have yellow powers that activate only once, at the end of the game. Activate these
powers after completing all end-of-round steps. If you have more than one bird with a “game
end” power, you may activate them in any order. These birds do not trigger birds with pink “once
between turns” powers.
Flightless Birds
A few birds in the deck have a
symbol for their wingspan. These are flightless birds, and some
have only vestigial wings. For any bird power or bonus card that contains a condition on wingspan,
flightless birds function as wild cards. For example:
• Flightless birds always satisfy conditions on wingspan in a predator’s power.
Flightless birds can be treated as having any value for bonus cards that give points for birds with
wingspans in ascending or descending order.
If a card refers to adjacent birds, it’s referring to orthogonal adjacency (birds immediately to the left
or right, and those immediately above or below the given bird).
When spending nectar to play birds, use an “any food” bird ability, or upgrade an action, put it
onto the “spent nectar” space for that habitat.
You can put nectar onto your mat when:
you spend nectar as part of a bird’s food cost (nectar costs paid with an
not placed on the “spent nectar” space. The nectar never enters your supply.)
you spend nectar on a bird ability that has the icon. (Remember, if the bird ability lists a
specific food, you must use that food. Nectar is not wild for bird abilities.)
you spend nectar to pay for one of the action upgrades printed on your player mat (such as
resetting the birdfeeder or card tray, or gaining more eggs or cards).
You must put it on the same row where you spent it: when playing a bird, put it in the row where you
played the bird. Otherwise, put it in the row that you activated that turn.
You may not trade away nectar in the
conversion. Nectar is already wild.
At game end, count who has the most nectar tokens in the “spent nectar” space of each habitat.
Award points as shown on the player mat. In each habitat:
• The player with the most nectar receives 5 points, and
• The player with the second-most nectar receives 2 points.
As with the end-of-round goals, you must have at least 1 nectar token in a habitat to qualify for the
nectar points for that habitat. If two or more players are tied, add the points and divide them evenly,
rounded down. For example, two players tied for most nectar would each receive 3 points. Two
players tied for second most nectar would each receive 1 point.
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Forest, Grassland, and Wetland Data Analyst: These bonus cards each grant points for a long
enough sequence, in the corresponding habitat, of consecutive birds with wingspans in
ascending or descending order. The sequence need not consist of all birds in the habitat,
and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the habitat. A sequence may include
two or more birds with the same wingspan.
As mentioned earlier, the wingspans of flightless birds are wild: For purposes of these bonus
cards, you can assign a flightless bird any wingspan.
For example, if the wingspans of the first 3 birds in your wetland are in ascending order, but
the fourth bird in your wetland has a wingspan smaller than the third bird there, the length
of your sequence is 3, in which case the Wetland Data Analyst bonus card would grant
3 points.
Mechanical Engineer: This card is looking for sets of the four nest types among all of your birds. The
order and location of the nests do not matter; it only matters that each set includes all four nest types.
Each star nest can be substituted for one nest of any type in one set. For example:
• a cavity nest, a platform nest, and two stars would be a complete set.
two cavity nests, two platform nests, a bowl nest, a ground nest, and two stars would be two
complete sets.
two bowl nests, two cavity nests, two platform nests, and one star nest count as one set, not
two, because the star nest can only be a member of one set.
Site Selection Expert: This bonus card grants points for each column that contains more than one nest
of some type. A column is worth 0, 1, or 3 points, according to whether it has 0, 2, or 3 matching
nests in that column, respectively. Different columns may (but need not) score using different nest types.
Star nests are wild. A single star nest counts only once; it cannot be used to match 2 different kinds of
nests in the same column.
1 set =
Sets of the 4 nest types
Each star nest can be treated as any
1 nest type. No card can be part of
more than 1 set.
One set:
Two sets:
Site Selection
Columns with a matching
pair or trio of nests
Different columns may (but need
not) score using different nest types.
Star nests are wild, but each counts
only once.
2 of the
same nest in
a column:
3 of the
same nest in
a column:
Wetland Data
Consecutive birds in
with ascending or
descending wingspans
4 consecutive
3 consecutive
5 consecutive
Forest Data
Consecutive birds in
with ascending or
descending wingspans
4 consecutive
3 consecutive
5 consecutive
Grassland Da
Consecutive birds in
with ascending or
descending wingspans
4 consecutive
3 consecutive
5 consecutive
WS_OE_BonusCards.indd 5WS_OE_BonusCards.indd 5
New words for bonus cards
Three bonus cards in the base game look for words in the names of birds. This expansion adds the
following terms for those bonus cards:
Photographer: crimson, orange, pink, rufous, silver, sulphur, tawny
The European Expansion rulebook erroneously includes honey as a term for the Photographer bonus
card. Honey does not count as a color word.
Cartographer: Australasian, Australian, mallee, New Holland, North, Pacific, plains, sea, scrub, South
Anatomist: back, ear, foot, head, mouth, wattle
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Food-Gaining Powers
Spangled Drongo
ONCE Between TURNS: When another player
gains , gain 1 from the supply.
Lesser Frigatebird
WHEN ACTIVATED: All players may discard
1 from a bird. Each player that discards
an gains 1 from the supply.
WHEN ACTIVATED: All players gain 1 from
the supply.
Eastern Rosella
WHEN ACTIVATED: All players gain 1 from
the supply. You also gain 1 from the supply.
Many-Colored Fruit-Dove
WHEN ACTIVATED: All players gain 1 from
the supply. You gain 1 additional from the
Count Raggi’s Bird-of-Paradise
Eastern Whipbird
Lewin’s Honeyeater
Regent Bowerbird
WHEN ACTIVATED: Choose 1 other player.
You both gain 1 [FOOD TYPE] from the
Rufous-Banded Honeyeater
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard 1 . If you do,
gain 1 from the supply.
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard any number of
to gain that many from the supply.
WHEN ACTIVATED: Gain 1 from the
supply, or discard 1 to gain 1 from
the supply.
The “toe” in this bird’s name is etymologically
unrelated to the anatomical part and so does not
qualify this bird for the Anatomist bonus card.
New Holland Honeyeater
WHEN ACTIVATED: Gain 1 from the
birdfeeder, if there is one.
Before gaining this food, you may reroll the dice in
the birdfeeder if they are all showing one face.
Pesquet’s Parrot
Red-Capped Robin
Red-Necked Avocet
WHEN ACTIVATED: If the player to your [right/
left] has a [FOOD TYPE] in their personal
supply, gain 1 [that type of food] from the
general supply.
WHEN ACTIVATED: Gain all that are in
the birdfeeder. Keep half (rounded up), then
choose how to distribute the remainder among
the other player(s).
You must gain all seeds available from the
birdfeeder. Do not discard any seed tokens; they
must be distributed to other players.
Rainbow Lorikeet
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard 1 to the “spent
nectar” space for your . If you do, gain
2 from the birdfeeder.
Red Wattlebird
WHEN PLAYED: Gain 1 from the supply for
each bird with a wingspan less than 49 cm in
bird powers
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Masked Lapwing
WHEN PLAYED: Reset the birdfeeder, then, for
each type of food in the birdfeeder, gain 1
of that type.
For dice showing two types of food, you may gain
both types. However, this bird’s power lets you gain
at most 1 token of each food type. Remove each die
from the birdfeeder as you gain food.
While resolving this power, roll the dice just once at
the beginning. If, as a result of gaining food with this
bird’s power, the remaining dice in the birdfeeder are
showing just one face, you may not reroll them as
part of the Masked Lapwing’s action.
Australian Owlet-Nightjar
ONCE BETWEEN TURNS: When another player
takes the “gain food” action, gain 1 from
the birdfeeder, if there is one, at the end of
their turn.
Card-Drawing Powers
WHEN ACTIVATED: Choose 1 other player.
They lay 1 ; you draw 2 .
You may draw cards even if the other player is
unable to lay an
Australasian Shoveler
WHEN ACTIVATED: Choose 1 other player.
You both draw 1
from the deck.
Pink-Eared Duck
Green Pygmy-Goose
WHEN ACTIVATED: Draw 2 from the deck.
Keep 1 and give the other to another player.
Kelp Gull
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard any number of
to draw that many .
Australian Shelduck
Musk Duck
Royal Spoonbill
WHEN ACTIVATED: Draw 1 face-up from
the tray with a [NEST TYPE] or nest. You
may reset or refill the tray before doing so.
Before drawing a face-up card with the nest type
shown, you may:
reset the tray (discard all face-up cards and
put out 3 new face-up cards), or
refill the tray (place new cards from the deck
in any empty slots), or
• leave the tray as-is.
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Egg-Laying Powers
Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo
player takes the “lay eggs” action, lay 1
on a bird with a wingspan less than 30 cm.
Pheasant Coucal
player takes the “lay eggs” action, lay 1
on this bird.
Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia
WHEN ACTIVATED: Choose 1 other player.
You both lay 1 .
Horsfield’s Bushlark
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard 1 . If you
do, lay up to 2
on this bird.
Peaceful Dove
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard any number of .
Lay 1
on this bird for each discarded .
Stubble Quail
WHEN PLAYED: Discard up to 6 . Lay 1
on this bird for each discarded food.
WHEN ACTIVATED: Lay 1 on an adjacent
Adjacent birds are those immediately to the left or
right and those immediately above or below.
White-Breasted Woodswallow
WHEN PLAYED: Lay 1 on each bird in your
, including this one.
Pacific Black Duck
GAME END: For every 2 in your , lay
1 on this bird.
The egg limit of this bird still applies. For example,
if you have 6 eggs in your wetland but only space
for 1 more egg on this bird, you lay 1 egg.
Round down (i.e., if you have 5 eggs in your
wetland, lay 2 eggs).
Eggs are laid after scoring the round-end goal for
Round 4.
Spotless Crake
GAME END: Lay 1 on each bird in your
, including this one.
Eggs are laid after scoring the round-end goal for
Round 4.
Little Pied Cormorant
Orange-Footed Scrubfowl
GAME END: Lay 1 on each of your birds
with a [NEST TYPE] nest, including this one.
You may count
nests as wild and include them
when you lay eggs.
Eggs are laid after scoring the round-end goal for
Round 4.
Red-Backed Fairywren
GAME END: Lay 1 on each of your birds
with a nest, including this one.
This bird lays eggs only on birds with the
nest icon.
Eggs are laid after scoring the round-end goal for
Round 4.
Black Swan
Splendid Fairywren
GAME END: Lay 1 on each of your
birds with a wingspan [of a certain size],
including this one.
Flightless birds count as wild for wingspan
requirements, so eggs may be laid on them for
each of these bird abilities, even though they are
Eggs are laid after scoring the round-end goal for
Round 4.
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Flocking Powers
WHEN ACTIVATED: Choose another player.
They reset the birdfeeder and gain a
if there is one. You tuck 2 from the deck
behind this bird.
Crimson Chat
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard 1 to tuck 1
from the deck behind this bird.
WHEN ACTIVATED: Discard 1 to choose
from the tray and tuck it behind this bird.
Choosing and tucking using this bird’s power
comprise a single action. You may not use this
ability to draw a card into your hand.
Australian Zebra Finch
WHEN ACTIVATED: If the player to your right
has a
in their personal supply, tuck a
from the deck behind this bird.
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
WHEN ACTIVATED: Tuck 1 from your
hand behind this bird. If you do, all players
(including you) gain 1 [FOOD TYPE] from
the supply.
Noisy Miner
WHEN ACTIVATED: Tuck 1 from your hand
behind this bird. If you do, lay up to 2 on
this bird. All other players may lay 1 .
WHEN PLAYED: Tuck the smallest bird in the
tray behind this bird.
The size of the bird refers to its wingspan. If there
is a tie for the smallest bird, you choose.
Maned Duck
WHEN ACTIVATED: Tuck up to 3 from your
hand behind this bird. If you tuck at least 1
, gain 1 from the supply.
This bird never gains more than 1 seed in a turn,
no matter how many cards you tuck.
Australasian Pipit
GAME END: Tuck 1 from the deck behind
each bird in your , including this one.
Blyth’s Hornbill
WHEN PLAYED: Discard all from 1 of your
birds with a nest. Tuck twice that many
from the deck behind this bird.
Welcome Swallow
WHEN PLAYED: Tuck 1 from the deck
behind each bird in this habitat, including
this bird.
Black Noddy
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder
and gain all , if there are any. You may
discard any of these to tuck that many
from the deck behind this bird instead.
Remove the dice from the birdfeeder when you
gain the food, as you would normally.
Grey Teal
WHEN ACTIVATED: Look at 3 from the
deck. Keep 1 bird, if there is one. You
may add it to your hand or tuck it behind this
bird. Discard the other cards.
Australian Ibis
WHEN ACTIVATED: Shuffle the discard pile,
then draw 2
from it. Choose 1 and tuck
it behind this bird or add it to your hand.
Discard the other.
The discard pile remains separate from the bird
deck, even after you shuffle and draw from it.
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Hunting and Fishing Powers
Little Penguin
WHEN ACTIVATED: Draw and discard 5
from the deck. For each in their food cost,
cache a
from the supply on this bird.
Rufous Owl
WHEN ACTIVATED: Draw 1 face-up from
the tray with a wingspan less than 75 cm
and tuck it behind this bird.
Rufous Night-Heron
WHEN ACTIVATED: Look at a from the
deck. If it can live in , tuck it behind this
bird. If not, discard it.
Brown Falcon
WHEN ACTIVATED: Look at a from the
deck. If its food cost includes an or a
, tuck it behind this bird. If not, discard it.
Wedge-Tailed Eagle
WHEN ACTIVATED: Look at a from the
deck. If its wingspan is over 65 cm, tuck it
behind this bird and cache a from the
supply on this bird. If not, discard it.
Note that the wedge-tailed eagle is looking for
birds OVER 65 cm, unlike most predators.
Grey Butcherbird
WHEN ACTIVATED: Look at a from the
deck. If its wingspan is less than 40 cm, tuck
it behind this bird and cache a
from the
supply on this bird. If not, discard it.
Black-Shouldered Kite
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder and
gain 1 , if there is one. You may give it
to another player; if you do, lay up to 3
on this bird.
Remove the die from the birdfeeder when you gain
the food, as you would normally.
Grey Shrikethrush
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder and
gain all
, if there are any. You may cache
any or all of them on this bird.
Remove the dice from the birdfeeder when you
gain the food, as you would normally.
Tawny Frogmouth
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder.
Gain 1 or 1 from the birdfeeder, if
there is one, and cache it on this bird.
You gain a total of 1 food. Remove the die from
the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you
would normally.
White-Bellied Sea-Eagle
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder.
Gain 1 or 1 from the birdfeeder, if
there is one, and cache it on this bird.
You gain a total of 1 food. Remove the die from
the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you
would normally.
Laughing Kookaburra
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder. If
you do, gain 1 , , or , if there is
You gain a total of 1 food. Remove the die from
the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you
would normally.
White-Faced Heron
WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder and
gain all , if there are any. You may cache
any or all of them on this bird.
Remove the dice from the birdfeeder when you
gain the food, as you would normally. You may
cache the fish on your bird or add them to your
food supply.
Sacred Kingfisher
player takes the “gain food” action, gain
, , or from the birdfeeder, if
there is one, at the end of their turn.
Before gaining this food, you may reroll the dice in
the birdfeeder if they are all showing one face.
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Bonus Card Powers
North Island Brown Kiwi
WHEN PLAYED: Discard a bonus card. If
you do, draw 4 bonus cards, keep 2, and
discard the other 2.
WHEN PLAYED: Draw 1 bonus card for each
bird in your
. Keep 1 and discard the rest.
WHEN PLAYED: Draw 1 bonus card. You
may discard any number of
to draw that
many additional bonus cards. Keep 1 of the
cards you drew and discard the rest.
You first draw 1 bonus card, then decide how
many additional cards you want to draw and
discard the corresponding amount of food. This is
a one-time decision. Among all the bonus cards
drawn using this bird’s power, you keep only 1.
Abbott’s Booby
WHEN PLAYED: Draw 3 bonus cards, then
discard 2. You may discard bonus cards
you did not draw on this turn.
This temporarily adds 3 bonus cards to your hand
of bonus cards, then from that hand you discard
any 2 bonus cards.
WHEN PLAYED: Look through all discarded
bonus cards. Keep 1 of them.
The discard pile remains separate from the bonus
GAME END: Draw 4 bonus cards, keep 1, and
discard the other 3.
Other Powers
Superb Lyrebird
WHEN ACTIVATED: Copy a brown power
on one bird in the of the player to your
The copied power must be a brown “when
activated” power.
Red-Winged Parrot
WHEN ACTIVATED: Give 1 from your
supply to another player. If you do, lay 2
on this bird or gain 2 from the birdfeeder.
Southern Cassowary
WHEN PLAYED: Discard a bird from your
and put this bird in its place (do not pay an
egg cost). If you do, lay 4
on this bird
and gain 2 from the supply.
You must pay the food cost of the cassowary,
but not the egg cost. The discarded bird’s eggs,
cached food, and tucked cards are all discarded
with it. You may play the cassowary in an empty
space, but then you must pay its egg cost and you
do not lay eggs or gain fruit.
Australian Reed Warbler
Golden-Headed Cisticola
Grey Warbler
WHEN PLAYED: Play another bird in your
[HABITAT]. Pay its normal cost with a 1
GAME END: Discard 2 eggs from your . If
you do, play 1 bird in your at its normal
food cost (ignore its egg cost). If it has a “when
played” or “game end” power, you may use it.
As usual, you cannot activate other types of bird
powers (such as “round end” powers) when you
play a bird with this action.
You will have already discarded nectar when the
Grey-Headed Mannikin is activated, so if you
want to use it to play a bird with a nectar cost,
you will need to use the 2:1 food conversion to
obtain the nectar.
Grey-Headed Mannikin
GAME END: Play a bird. Pay its normal food
cost, but ignore 1
in its egg cost. If it has
a “when played” or “game end” power, you
may use it.
Gould’s Finch
GAME END: Play a bird. Pay its normal food
and egg cost. If it has a “when played” or
“game end” power, you may use it.
The bird’s normal cost includes the egg cost of the
column that you play it into.
As usual, you cannot activate other types of bird
powers (such as “round end” powers) when you
play a bird with this action.
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Australian Raven
Crested Pigeon
GAME END: Cache up to X [FOOD TYPE]
from your supply on this bird.
Australian Magpie
GAME END: Discard 1 from each bird
in this row and column that has a on it,
excluding this bird. For each discarded ,
cache 2 from the supply on this bird.
South Island Robin
WHEN ACTIVATED: If the player to your right
has a
in their supply, cache 1 from
the general supply on this bird.
End-of-Round Goals
(Food) in food cost of your birds: Count the number of the food symbol(s) on this goal tile that are in the food costs of your bird cards.
For example, for the goal “
+ in food cost of your birds,” look at the food cost in the upper left of the birds you have played onto
your mat, and count all plus all . If a bird has a “ / ” cost (you paid a OR a to play the bird), it only counts as one
food for this end round goal. Do not count or .
No goal: Don’t score a goal at the end of this round. Keep your cube. All of the following rounds will have 1 more turn than they normally
Beak pointing left/right: These goals count cards that show a bird whose beak is facing in the direction stated. Birds whose beaks are
pointing straight ahead (or straight up) don’t count toward either the left- or right-facing goal.
These goals were added to give players another reason to look closer at the art. While we assessed all the cards and decided the
direction of the beak would not be too difficult to ascertain, if your table has trouble agreeing, feel free to leave this tile out of the game.
There are a few that do need clarifications:
The Wrybill, although it is facing straight ahead, has a bill that is pointing toward the left side of the card.
The Common Loon card (from the base game) has 1 bird facing in each direction, so it qualifies for both goals.
The Great Crested Grebe card (from the European Expansion) has 2 birds facing the same direction: it counts as a single card that
has a bird facing left.
The following is a list of the birds that are not pointing left or right.
Cubes on “Play a Bird”: Count the number of cubes you placed on “Play a Bird” this round. Note that this goal requires you to keep your
action cubes in the rows where you played them.
Base game
Barn Owl
Barred Owl
Burrowing Owl
California Condor
Eastern Screech-Owl
Great Horned Owl
Horned Lark
Spotted Owl
Little Owl
Snowy Owl
Short-Toed Treecreeper
Australian Owlet-Nightjar
Rufous Owl
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Bird information comes from Handbook of Birds of the World Alive (, BirdLife Australia (,
New Zealand Birds Online (, The Australian Bird Guide by Peter Menkhorst et al. (Princeton University Press),
and Where Song Began by Tim Low (Yale University Press).
Photographic sources:
Dušan Brinkhuizen
Four Oaks/
Geoff Jones
Geoff Walker
Greg Oakley
Heyn de Kock
Jan Wegener
Josh More
Leo Berzins
Marc Dalmulder
Michal Klajban
Mick McKean
Sha Lu
Peta Jade
Steve Attwood
Julian Robinson
Gary Kramer
Michael Grimmig
Steve Russell
Mike Ashbee
Lars Petersson
Stanislav Harvancik
Hanne and Jens Eriksen
Dubi Shapiro
Nicholas Tan
Daniel Pos
Patrick Donini
Kerry Kazredracer
Mark Sanders
Bruna Tebguan
Kev Koelmeyer
Roger Wasley
Steve Attwood
Angela Towndrow from
Iggino Van Bael
Prints of the birds and other illustrations can be found at and
Typeface Cardenio Modern is designed by Nils Cordes,
Facebook group members who contributed ideas that got picked up in this expansion:
Racquel Mohr Halland
Betsie De Wreede
Sam Gray
Travis Willse
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