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aline shakti franzke (University of Duisburg-Essen), Co-Chair
Anja Bechmann (Aarhus University), Co-Chair,
Michael Zimmer (Marquette University), Co-Chair,
Charles M. Ess (University of Oslo), Co-Chair and Editor
The AoIR IRE 3.0 Ethics Working Group, including: David J. Brake, Ane Kathrine
Gammelby, Nele Heise, Anne Hove Henriksen, Soraj Hongladarom, Anna Jobin, Katharina
Kinder-Kurlanda, Sun Sun Lim, Elisabetta Locatelli, Annette Markham, Paul J. Reilly, Katrin
Tiidenberg and Carsten Wilhelm.
Cite as: franzke, aline shakti, Bechmann, Anja, Zimmer, Michael, Ess, Charles and the
Association of Internet Researchers (2020). Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0.
A complete list of the EWG members is provided in Appendix 7.2. Contributions from AoIR members are
acknowledged in footnotes. Additional acknowledgements follow 4. Concluding Comments.
Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0
Association of Internet Researchers
Unanimously approved by the AoIR membership October 6, 2019
0. Preview: Suggested Approaches for Diverse Readers ...................................................................... 2
1. Summary .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Background and Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Primary Ethical Norms ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2 A Basic Ethical Approach ........................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Ethical Pluralism and Cross-Cultural Awareness .......................................................................... 5
2.3.1 A Range of Ethical Frameworks (Utilitarianism, Deontology, Feminist Ethics, etc.)!................................!5!
2.3.2 Conceptions of Selfhood!..................................................................................................................................................!6!
2.3.3 Ethical Pluralism!................................................................................................................................................................!6!
2.3.4 Judgment Calls: Guidelines, Not Recipes!..................................................................................................................!6!
2.3.5 Asking the Right Questions!............................................................................................................................................!6!
3. Internet Research Ethics 3.0 ........................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Initial Considerations .............................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Stages of Research!.............................................................................................................................................................!9!
3.1.2 Informed Consent!.............................................................................................................................................................!10!
3.1.3 Protecting the Researcher(s)!.........................................................................................................................................!11!
3.1.4 Additional Topics!.............................................................................................................................................................!12!
3.2 A General Structure for Ethical Analysis ................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Related Guidelines.!..........................................................................................................................................................!12!
3.2.2 Legal Aspects!....................................................................................................................................................................!14!
3.2.3 Venues and Platforms!.....................................................................................................................................................!15!
3.2.4 Cultural Dimensions!........................................................................................................................................................!15!
3.2.5 Involved Subjects!.............................................................................................................................................................!17!
3.2.6 Conceptual Issues: Ethical Frameworks and Concepts!.......................................................................................!18!
3.2.7 Assumptions, Questions, Issues, Procedures for Data Acquisition, Analysis, Storage, Dissemination
3.2.8 Algorithms and Learning Models!...............................................................................................................................!21!
3.2.9 Other Concerns!................................................................ .................................................................................................!22!
4. Concluding Comments .............................................................................................................. 23
5. References ............................................................................................................................... 25
6. Companion Resources: Topical Guidelines & Ethical Frameworks ................................................ 32
6.1 Anja Bechmann & Bendert Zevenbergen: AI and Machine Learning: Internet Research Ethics Guidelines
.............................................................................................................................................. 33
6.2 Elisabetta Locatelli: Academy/Industry partnership and corporate data: Ethical considerations .......... 50
6.3 aline shakti franzke: Feminist Research Ethics .......................................................................... 64
6.4 Annette Markham: An “Impact Model” for Ethical Assessment…………………………. .................. 76
7. Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 78
7.1 Keith Douglas: Operational Security: Central Considerations ..................................................... 78
7.2 Members of the AoIR Ethics Working Group 3.0 ....................................................................... 82
0. Preview: Suggested Approaches for Diverse Readers
The AoIR guidelines 2019 (Internet Research Ethics 3.0) are a collaborative document that
builds on the previous guidelines (IRE 1.0, 2002; IRE 2.0, 2012) and should be read in
conjunction with those. IRE 3.0 is written especially for researchers, students, IRB members
or technical developers who face ethical concerns during their research or are generally
interested in Internet Research Ethics.
As with the previous two AoIR documents, IRE 3.0 is premised on primary
commitments to ethical pluralism and cross-cultural awareness, coupled with the
experientially-grounded view that ethics starts by asking and answering critical questions
rather than taking a more deductive, rule-oriented approach. In particular, long experience
with both numerous real-world examples and critical reflection now shows us that each
context and stage of research is different and provokes distinct questions.
This Preview seeks to guide you through the most relevant issues by asking for your
research phase and context. In doing so, the Preview provides an initial starting point and
points towards further resources. As with the IRE 3.0 guidelines and affiliated materials, we
hope to build upon and improve this Preview in the future. If you find anything unclear or
missing, don't hesitate to get in touch. Notice that each and every point is open for debate and
ethics is an ongoing process.
If you are a student, you may find the 2002 guidelines (IRE 2.0) a good starting point
of reflection. If you are looking for a draft to obtain informed consent, look into the appendix
of the 2002 guidelines (IRE 1.0,; IRE 2.0,
If you are a researcher, you might want to begin with the 2019 guidelines to see if the
provided resources are a helpful starting point. If you are looking for ways to solve the issue
of informed consent you might want to have a look into the appendices of the 2002 document.
A catalogue of important questions to start with can be found in the 2012 guidelines. For
additional information, especially that focuses on recent technological developments, you
might find the 2019 document a useful. Especially political and institutional pressure on
researcher has gained importance.
If you are an IRB, Ethical Review Board, or member of a similar research ethics
oversight board, we highly encourage you to take a look into the 3.0 guidelines. Notice that
we emphasize deliberative processes of ethical reflection. At the same time, we believe that in
times of Big Data, experimental research needs to be done that requires considerations beyond
informed consent, but further includes careful reflection on research design, the context of
research, and the basic requirement to minimize associated risks and harms. An ongoing
ethical reflection might be more helpful and beneficial in the long term for society than now
restricting research.
If you are a developer, you might find it helpful to have a closer look into the
Companion Resources (6.0). These include “AI and Machine Learning: Internet Research
Ethics Guidelines” (6.1) and an “Impact Model” (6.4) for ethical reflection which may be
1. Summary
This document introduces Internet Research Ethics (IRE) 3.0. We begin with a review of the
AoIR ethical approaches and guidelines that we now designate as IRE 1.0 (Ess and the AoIR
ethics working committee, 2002) and IRE 2.0 (Buchanan, 2011, p. 102; Markham &
Buchanan, 2012; Ess, 2017). While driven by on-going changes and developments in the
technological, legal, and ethical contexts that shape internet research, IRE 1.0 and 2.0 ground
a basic ethical approach that continues as foundational for IRE 3.0.
IRE 3.0 is then illustrated by way of two elements – namely, (greater) attention to
stages of research (a continuation of distinctions developed in 1.0 and 2.0) and what has
become a standard problem of informed consent in particularly (but not exclusively) Big
Data research approaches. We then list and briefly discuss the primary additional ethical
challenges in IRE 3.0 as identified by the AoIR Ethics Working Group (EWG). We offer a
general structure for ethical analysis, designed to help identify the ethically-relevant issues
and questions, along with additional suggestions for how to begin to analyse and address these
challenges in more detail. We offer this general structure as a guide for developing more
extensive analyses of specific issues, both current and future. Initial examples of what such
analyses can look like are offered here in 6. Companion Resources: Topical Guidelines and
Ethical Frameworks.
We hope that additional analyses will be developed in response to
emerging specific and ongoing socio-technical developments. In this way, we hope to
produce a “living document,” i.e., a set of guidelines that will continue to develop and
2. Background and Introduction
The Association of Internet Researchers has foregrounded the development of Internet
Research Ethics (IRE) since its inception. A first set of IRE guidelines was developed,
approved by the AoIR membership, and published in 2002 (Ess and the AoIR ethics working
committee). These guidelines – referred to here as IRE 1.0 – achieved broad acceptance and
use internationally, in both diverse research communities as well as in U.S. Institutional
Review Boards (IRBs), U.K. Ethical Review Boards, and their institutional counterparts and
national data agencies in other countries (Buchanan & Ess, 2008).
In response to new technological developments, including the emergence of Social
Networking Sites (from ca. 2005), the mobility revolution (i.e., dramatic expansion of internet
access by way of mobile phones and devices, ca. 2008), and the initial emergence of Big
Data, a second set of guidelines (IRE 2.0) were developed and published in 2012 (Markham
This shift towards more open and dynamic documents and resources is inspired by a similar decision on the
part of the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities
(NESH), as the requisite response to a research and ethical landscape that continues to change and transform,
often in dramatic ways, over a very short period of time (Enebakk, 2018). At the time of this writing, the
implementation of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coupled with dramatic new
restrictions on research imposed by Facebook in response to the 2017 Cambridge Analytica scandal, are two
prime examples of such potentially radical changes that will – yet again require still further enhancement and
revision of IRE (cf. Ess & Hård af Segerstad, 2019).
& Buchanan). While dramatically expanding and refining the first set of guidelines (IRE 1.0),
the second set of guidelines, IRE 2.0, is explicitly rooted in and builds upon the first set.
2.1 Primary Ethical Norms
This continuity is apparent first of all in the primary ethical norms taken to be central for
IRE, as initially rooted in The Belmont Report (National Commission for the Protection of
Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979): respect for persons,
beneficence, and justice (for further discussion and elaboration, see: Buchanan, 2011, p. 84 f.;
Markham & Buchanan, 2017).
2.2 A Basic Ethical Approach
Both documents likewise share a basic ethical approach, as initially developed in IRE 1.0 –
what IRE 2.0 aptly identifies as “a process approach,” one that aims to develop guidelines
from the bottom up in a case-by-case based approach without making a priori judgements
whether some research per se is unethical. This means focusing on the day-to-day practices of
researchers in a wide range of disciplines, countries and contexts, in contrast to a more usual
top-down approach that tries to provide a universal set of norms, principles, practices, and
regulations (IRE 2.0, p. 5 f.). This process approach is first of all reflective and dialogical as it
begins with reflection on own research practices and associated risks and is continuously
discussed against the accumulated experience and ethical reflections of researchers in the field
and existing studies carried out.
This further means an emphasis on the fine-grained contexts
and distinctive details of each specific ethical challenges.
This process- and context-oriented approach further requires the point developed by
Annette Markham: ethics is method – method is ethics (Markham, 2006)
. This is to say, our
choice of methods vis-à-vis given research questions and design evoke specific ethical issues
– but these in turn (should) shape our methodological choices. Moreover, especially as we are
forced through the course of the research project itself to revise original research design and
methodological choices – we are likewise confronted with the need to revisit our initial ethical
assumptions and designs. A key virtue of this point is that it helps counter a common
presumption of “ethics” as something of a “one-off” tick-box exercise that is primarily an
obstacle to research. On the contrary – as our subsequent experience has demonstrated –
taking on board an ongoing attention to ethics as inextricably interwoven with method often
We begin with the philosophical and anthropological insight that most of us are centrally ethical human beings.
This is to say: as acculturated members of our societies, we have acquired and learned how to apply in praxis a
primary set of ethical norms and values. Moreover, we are primordially cybernetic beings, in the original sense
developed by Plato, namely, creatures equipped with a particular kind of reflective ethical judgment (phronēsis):
we know from our experience what is possible and not possible and when our judgments prove to be mistaken
in light of subsequent experience, we are capable of learning from these mistakes (Ess, 2013, p. 239).
This further leads to a casuistics or case-based approach, i.e., one that seeks to discern close analogies between a
current context and ethical dilemma and those of antecedent cases and examples for the sake of developing the
best possible resolution (i.e., as one among perhaps several defensible responses, and one open to further
revision and refinement in light of subsequent experience, rather than a “solution” as single and final): see
McKee & Porter, 2009; Markham & Buchanan, 2012, p. 7.
See also Buchanan, 2011, p. 92 f.; Markham, Tiidenberg & Herman, 2018.!
leads to better research as this attention entails improvements on both research design and its
ethical dimensions throughout the course of a project.
2.3 Ethical Pluralism and Cross-Cultural Awareness
Moreover, we presume ethical pluralism and cross-cultural awareness. Cross-cultural
awareness is required when internet research projects involves either researchers and/or
subjects/participants/informants from diverse national and cultural backgrounds.
2.3.1 A Range of Ethical Frameworks (Utilitarianism, Deontology, Feminist Ethics, etc.)
As both IRE 1.0 and 2.0 document, such research thereby implicates often strikingly different
legal and ethical frameworks, norms, practices, and traditions. As a primary example:
European and Scandinavian approaches to research ethics in general and privacy matters in
particular are strongly deontological – i.e., they emphasize first of all the central imperative to
protect the rights basic to human beings as autonomous citizens in democratic societies. So,
the NESH (2019) guidelines, for example, emphasize “dignity, freedom, autonomy, solidarity,
equality, democracy and trust” as foundational norms and values in IRE – as these, in turn, are
rooted in for instance the GDPR 2018 (pp. 16-21; cited in NESH, 2019, p. 3).
By contrast, approaches in the US and the UK (and, perhaps, in other Anglophone
countries, given their shared historical and philosophical backgrounds) are shaded in more
utilitarian directions, considering the greater good for the collective and society in general.
This means that ethical frameworks and decision-making in the latter, by comparison, are
more willing to risk protection of basic rights for a relatively few for the sake of a greater
good or benefit for the many, as resulting from the research (IRE 1.0, p. 8; Buchanan, 2011, p.
84). For example, the U.S. Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) documents start
with a clearly utilitarian approach: “Risks to subjects” are allowed, if they “are reasonable in
relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that
may reasonably be expected to result” (OHRP 2018, 11; cf. Principle 4, “Maximising Benefits
and Minimising Harm”, British Psychological Society, 2017, p. 18 f.).
As this example further suggests, we can analyse and seek to resolve our ethical
dilemmas and challenges through a range of ethical frameworks: specifically, in addition to
deontology and utilitarianism, feminist ethics, ethics of care, and virtue ethics have become
increasingly central within Information and Computing Ethics (ICE) more broadly, and IRE
more specifically (e.g., Jackson, Aldrovandi & Hayes, 2015; Zevenbergen et al., 2015; Ess,
2018). For accessible introductions to these frameworks, see: utilitarianism, Sinnott-
Armstrong, 2019; deontology, Alexander & Moore, 2016; virtue ethics, Hursthouse &
Pettigrove, 2018; feminist ethics and ethics of care are introduced in section 6.3.
This emphasis can also help counter a further problem with such “tick-box” approaches (and “top-down”
presumptions about ethics more broadly) - namely, as the latter can inspire forms of self-censorship that would
have us reshape our research terrains and designs, including choice of subjects and informants, in hopes of more
easily “getting by” an ethical review process (Thanks to Carsten Wilhelm for pointing this out).
For more on the relationship between legal aspects and ethics, see the section “Legal aspects” below.!!
2.3.2 Conceptions of Selfhood
Still larger differences emerge more globally – beginning with (largely) Western assumptions
regarding human beings as primarily individual persons and moral agents, vis-á-vis more
relational conceptions of selfhood, in which our sense of identity is largely constituted by
multiple relationships, spanning from the family through larger communities and, in some
cases, natural and “supernatural” orders as well. These are defining elements in many non-
Western and Indigenous cultures: at the same time, these conceptions are changing and
include emerging middle grounds, such as recent conceptions of relational autonomy
(Christman, 2004; Westlund, 2009; Veltman & Piper, 2014; see Ess, 2014).
2.3.3 Ethical Pluralism
To be sure, these contrasts can hence be striking and, in some ways, irreducible. But the IRE
1.0 endorsement of ethical pluralism has proven to work out well in practice in the great
majority of cases in our experience. That is, in contrast with simple ethical or cultural
relativism, ethical pluralism resolves such contrasts by way of showing, e.g., how different
practices of privacy protection (as in the stark contrasts between Norway and the US) may be
understood as diverse interpretations, applications, or understandings of a shared norm
(namely, privacy: see IRE 1.0, footnote 6, p. 29 for further examples). An essential virtue of
this approach is precisely that it acknowledges the legitimacy of specific local norms,
practices, etc., while nonetheless conjoining these across significant differences with more
encompassing and shared norms, values, and so on (see 3.2.3 Ethical pluralism, below; the
example of ethical pluralism presented in the Thai context by Soraj Hongladarom (2017) in
3.2.4 Cultural Dimensions, below).
2.3.4 Judgment Calls: Guidelines, Not Recipes
But such pluralistic approaches again foreground the role of judgment and the possibility of
multiple, ethically legitimate judgment calls – in contrast, that is, with more rule-bound, “one
size fits all” ethical and legal requirements.
Taken together, all of this means that the best we can do is develop “guidelines, not
recipes” (IRE 1.0, p. 3). More carefully, given the range of possible ethical decision-making
procedures (utilitarianism, deontology, feminist ethics, etc.), the multiple interpretations and
applications of these procedures to specific cases, and their refraction through culturally-
diverse emphases and values across the globe – the issues raised by Internet research are
ethical problems precisely because they evoke more than one ethically defensible response to
a specific dilemma or problem. Ambiguity, uncertainty, and disagreement are inevitable
(ibid., p. 3 f., emphasis in the original).
2.3.5 Asking the Right Questions
As a result, the emphasis in both IRE 1.0 and 2.0 is on asking the right / relevant questions
(see IRE 1.0, pp. 4-8; IRE 2.0, pp. 8-11). That is, once basic frameworks and guidelines are
introduced and illustrated by way of examples – both documents then foreground the sorts of
questions that researchers, as well as their oversight boards, should ask in order to (a) better
discern the primary ethical issues in play within a given research approach and context, and
(b) to inspire precisely the dialogical reflection usually needed for developing both individual
and collective judgments as to the best resolutions of core ethical challenges.
As a start, IRE 1.0 highlighted the following guiding questions:
A. Venue/environment - expectations -authors/subjects - informed consent
Where does the inter/action, communication, etc. under study take place?!
What ethical expectations are established by the venue?!
Who are the subjects? Posters / authors / creators of the material and/or
inter/actions under study?!
Informed consent: specific considerations (e.g., timing, medium, addressees,
specific research purposes)
B. Initial ethical and legal considerations
How far do extant legal requirements and ethical guidelines in your discipline “cover”
the research?!
How far do extant legal requirements and ethical guidelines in the countries
implicated in the research apply?!
What are the initial ethical expectations/assumptions of the authors/subjects being
What ethically significant risks does the research entail for the subject(s)?!
What benefits might be gained from the research?!
What are the ethical traditions of researchers and subjects’ culture
and country?
(AoIR, 2002, p. 1)!
IRE 2.0 (Markham & Buchanan, 2012) dramatically expanded upon this earlier list. Again,
these expansions were catalysed by the rise of Web 2.0, especially sites featuring user-
generated content (e.g., YouTube) as well as Social Networking Sites (SNSs) more generally;
the “mobility revolution” as more and more people began accessing the internet via mobile
devices; and early Big Data approaches (see Markham & Buchanan, 2012, pp. 8-11). First of
all, these developments markedly increased challenges to protecting privacy. One notorious
problem was that especially younger people were sharing more and more information online
in what amounted to public or quasi-public fora (the latter protected, e.g., by passwords,
registered profile requirements, etc.). But they often nonetheless expected that these
exchanges were somehow private – either individually private or in some form of group
privacy. Even though these expectations were not warranted by the technical realities of a
given forum or SNS, especially deontological ethics calls for respecting these expectations,
Internationally, the nature and even existence of oversight boards differ substantially. Linked to local political
and academic cultures, these aspects are the object of ongoing discussions both interdisciplinary and specific to
national and disciplinary research associations and fields. See e.g., Domenget & Wilhelm (2017).
and thus protecting these exchanges as anonymous or pseudo-anonymous, and/or requiring
informed consent for their use (IRE 2.0, p. 6 f., 8; footnote 12, p. 14).
A further set of questions were gathered under the umbrella query “How are we
recognizing the autonomy of others and acknowledging that they are of equal worth to
ourselves and should be treated so?” (IRE 2.0, p. 11). Questions here focused on the
complexities of informed consent as a primary way of protecting the (deontological) norms of
autonomy and equality. The basic question of how to “ensure that participants are truly
informed?” is raised here, along with recognition that online fora and our engagements within
them are intrinsically relational: informed consent may need to be sought not only from
individuals, but also “from communities and online system administrators?” (ibid.).
A last set of questions illustrate the growing importance of Big Data research,
beginning with umbrella question “How are data being managed, stored, and represented?”
(IRE 2.0, p. 9). The questions presented here help researchers take on the ethical matters of
properly securing, storing, and managing “potentially sensitive data” (ibid.). Utilitarian
concerns of both benefits and risks of attempting to de-identify data are raised vis-à-vis the
central requirements to protect anonymity, privacy, and confidentiality. The last question here
– presciently – asks us to consider how future technological developments – specifically,
“automated textual analysis or facial recognition software” – might compromise such
protections (ibid., p. 9 f.).
The utility of asking the right questions – specifically for the sake of catalysing
researchers’ own judgments and reflections based on their often extensive experience – is
suggested by the subsequent emergence of additional question-oriented guidelines, such as the
NESH guidelines (2019), and DEDA (Data Ethics Decision Aid for Researchers), developed
by aline franzke for the University of Utrecht - consisting of over 230 questions:
(<>). In this document, we build on and
extend this question-oriented approach both in our general considerations and specifically in
the 3.2 A General Structure for Analysis, below.
3. Internet Research Ethics 3.0
As with the transition from 1.0 to 2.0, ongoing technological developments – most especially
under the umbrella of Big Data and associated technologies of mining and collecting data –
have evoked both new versions of familiar research ethics issues (e.g., informed consent) as
well as relatively novel issues. In seeking to address these issues, the Ethics Working Group
3.0 (EWG) continues this process of revising and expanding as necessitated by still more
contemporary developments.
As a first step, we refer those seeking more detailed and helpful introductions to the
primary features of IRE to IRE 1.0 and 2.0. Additional guidelines can also be helpfully
consulted: see 3.2.1 Related Guidelines, below.
As we have seen, these documents outline the basic ethical requirements for IRE,
beginning with respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Respect for persons, for
example, grounds primary Human Subjects Protections such as protecting identity by way of
anonymity, confidentiality, and informed consent. IRE 1.0 and 2.0 then offer more detailed
exploration of additional ethical norms in both social sciences- and humanities-based research
in conjunction with primary ethical frameworks. Reading into these documents can then be
usefully supplemented by more recent overviews and case studies.
We now turn to some initial topics IRE 3.0, namely attention to stages of research and
protecting the researchers. These are followed by a list of primary topics to be further
explored in IRE 3.0, coupled with a general structure for analysis, as defined by primary
considerations and questions.
3.1 Initial Considerations
3.1.1 Stages of Research
One of the key contributions of IRE 2.0 was a taxonomy of the stages of research, beginning
with a primary distinction between the initial phases and then the dissemination phases of a
research project (Markham & Buchanan, 2012, p. 5). IRE 3.0 extends this approach by way
of a more extensive taxonomy of stages, especially as suited to Big Data as well as other
large-scale research projects, as defined by national and/or international funding processes.
These stages or phases include:
Initial research design, including initial considerations of potential ethical issues, in
seeking grant funding.
Initial research processes, including acquiring data: these stages typically entail
specific requirements for de-identifying data, securely storing data, and so on.
Analyses, including assessment of how use of particular techniques, formulas, or
instruments may re-identify data through aggregation of multiple data sets. This
includes considering downstream ethical effects arising from the unpredictability
of now-common analytical processes, often algorithmically driven.
A bibliographic database of these resources is available: <
Dissemination – i.e., various ways of publicizing research findings and data: this
typically includes conference presentations (including injunctions not to tweet or
otherwise share sensitive information presented within relatively closed contexts)
and publications. An increasingly pressing set of issues are further generated by
requirements by national and international funding bodies to make research data
openly available.
Close of the project – including the destruction of research data and related materials.
Note that research cannot (always) be clearly structured in different stages, but frequently
reflection on ethics is interwoven. This staged approach thus helps structure and parse
research ethics concerns in more defined ways that thereby allow for a more precise analysis
and fine-grained resolution.
3.1.2 Informed Consent
These distinctions are particularly helpful in what has emerged as a standard problem in more
contemporary Big Data projects – namely, informed consent.
Such projects use a range of
data collection techniques, including automated scraping for semi-public data and the use of
API (Application Programming Interface) processes for accessing private data. Especially as
personally identifiable information (PID) and/or sensitive information is collected, strong
steps are required to protect the identity of individual subjects and, in many cases (where
possible), to obtain their informed consent to the research being carried out upon them and/or
their data. Such consent is manifestly impracticable in the case of Big Data projects, however,
resulting in a serious ethical dilemma. Researchers have taken different steps to mitigate risk
against research subjects in such cases (Bechmann & Kim, 2020). Some researchers are trying
to obtain first-degree informed consent, others are focusing on deleting names and other
highly identifiable information from the dataset when storing and processing the data. Most
commonly, researchers pseudonymize their data separating keys from the actual dataset and
also make sure to justify both any questions using/processing sensitive data and/or how risk in
this process has been dealt with (e.g. storage, aggregation of data, publication of aggregates).
Another way of trying to mitigate risk and resolve the dilemma is by reserving the
acquisition of informed consent to the dissemination stage of a project, i.e., by asking for
informed consent from specific subjects for the publication of a quote or other data that might
make them and their personal information identifiable (e.g., through a string search or more
sophisticated data-matching techniques). Especially as such quotes or references may be
These suggestions are partly based on the ethical research guidelines developed by aline franzke for the
University of Utrecht. See aline franzke & Mirko S. Schaefer: Data Ethics Decision Aid for Researchers (DEDA
researchers), unpublished questionnaire and report, University Utrecht. On dissemination ethics, see: Ess & Hård
af Segerstad, 2019; Rensfeldt, Hillman, Lantz-Andersson, Lundin & Peterson, 2019. See also “agile ethics,”
Neuhaus & Webmoor, 2012.
Example forms for informed consent will be included in subsequent versions of this document.!
necessary for only 10-20 research subjects, informed consent is thereby easily tractable (e.g.,
Van Schie, Westra & Schaefer, 2017; Ess & Hård af Segerstad, 2019).
3.1.3 Protecting the Researcher(s)
IRE 3.0 further emphasizes attention to the growing need for protecting the researchers, as
well as our subjects and informants. Phenomena such as “Gamergate” and similar events
highlight comparatively new risks and levels of risk posed to researchers whose work – and/or
simply their public identity (e.g., ethnicity, minority identity, sexual identity, political
activism, etc.) – triggers strong ideological reaction: these include death threats, “doxing”
(publishing private information about the researchers, thereby fanning the flames of further
hate speech, threat, etc.) and so on (e.g., Massanari, 2016). Similarly, research on violent
online and offline political extremists, including jihadists, risks direct threats and retaliation
should researchers’ identities become known. As well, simply reviewing and curating, e.g.,
videos of beheadings and other forms of extreme violence can have serious consequences for
researchers’ psychological health and well-being that in turn require – ethically, if not always
legally – one or more therapeutic counter-measures as part of the research project and process
(VOX-Pol, 2018). Accordingly, collecting resources offering diverse ways of protecting and
enhancing researcher safety is a primary component of IRE 3.0.
In addition, another essential measure is that institutions develop policy detailing
support procedures for researchers experiencing online threats or harassment related to their
Beyond these concerns with researcher safety, data-intensive research methods
implicate a wide spectrum of issues surrounding data security, see Appendix 7.1 Keith
Douglas, “Operational Security: Central Considerations”.
It is also an ethical-methodological question: why would publication of an exact quote be necessary? Such
publication is typically required, e.g., by methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, i.e., as documental critical
examples necessary to a larger analysis or argument. But of course, other methods may not require such
publication in the first place. In some cases, transforming the quotations (Markham, 2012) and images
(Tiidenberg, 2018; Warfield, Hoholuk, Vincent & Camargo, 2019), or creating samples of discourse that are
composites from various participants may mitigate risk. Jeremy Hunsinger also points out: Informed consent can
also be necessary to modify, erase, or misrepresent people's identities. In some contexts, people have a right to
have their words and identities preserved, even against the judgement of the researcher who may be trying to
protect them. However, the researcher cannot assume they should be protected but must get their consent to
protect them. Do not assume that modifying, misrepresenting or erasing someone's participation or language to
protect them is the ethical action, it is never ethical without consent (Personal communication, 2019).
For additional considerations of the contemporary complications of informed consent, see Obar, 2015; Halavais,
2019; Nature, 2019. Our thanks to Jeremy Hunsinger for opening this conversation.
Leonie Tanczer (UCL, PETRAS IoT Hub), for example, recommends the following guides for teaching
yourself tools and skills:
See also: Lindsay Blackwell, Katherine Lo, Alice Marwick,
conducting-risky-research/ !
Our thanks to Fiona Martin and colleagues from “The academy and gendered harassment: Individual, peer and
institutional support and coping in harsh online environments” 2019 preconference workshop (Jaigris Hodson,
chair) for pointing out the absence of relevant university policies.
3.1.4 Additional Topics
The work by the co-chairs and EWG, including two rounds of IRE panels at the annual AoIR
conferences (2017, 2018), have helped identify an extensive range of additional topics and
issues requiring attention in IRE 3.0. As but two examples:
Quality of research questions
This emphasizes the importance of developing and articulating research questions so as to
take on board how method and ethics always interweave with one another – and will very
likely do so throughout the research project. A further consideration here is to hone the
research questions so as to ensure that no more data, especially sensitive and personal
information, is collected than is strictly necessary (the principle of “data-minimization”, Ess
& Hård af Segerstad, 2019).
Power and Power Imbalances
This point foregrounds ethical issues connected with the fact that Big Data research, as well
as all research on people’s networked practices, social media behaviours, and so on, takes
place within and depends upon information architectures and infrastructures, including social
media venues as well as platforms in a broader sense (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Apple, and so
on). While these platforms can offer extraordinary research possibilities through Big Data
techniques their design and day-to-day functioning can impose constraints largely outside the
control of researchers. Special care should be taken when collecting data from social media
sites in order to ensure the privacy and dignity of the subjects. A current example is
Facebook’s recent decision to severely restrict research by way of using APIs (Bruns, 2018).
A very large array of additional topics and issues have been suggested that likewise require
reflection and discussion: these are summarized in 3.2.9 Other Concerns.
3.2 A General Structure for Ethical Analysis
Based especially on more recent experience with these sorts of issues, we propose that each of
these topics (as well as similar or emerging ones) adopt the following structure – something of
a conceptual taxonomy or list of essential components – as part of a relatively complete
analysis of and possible resolutions to the ethical challenges in play.
3.2.1 Related Guidelines.
Beyond the guidance available in IRE 1.0 and 2.0, researchers are encouraged to explore other
guidelines, including: NESH (The [Norwegian] National Committee for Research Ethics in
the Social Sciences and the Humanities) (2019) A Guide to Internet Research Ethics. Oslo:
The NESH Guidelines are especially helpful as:
(a) They take on board the strict new privacy protection requirements articulated in the
GDPR (2018).
(b) They explicitly “combine individualist and relational perspectives on human life,
which is especially relevant for distinguishing between private and public matters on
the internet” (2019, p. 6) - and thereby foreground Nissenbaum’s account of privacy
as contextual integrity (2010), i.e., as dependent upon the relational contexts within
which information is shared, in contrast with prevailing individualist approaches
(e.g., in the EU and US) that focus on more static concepts such as “Personally
Identifiable Information” (PII), etc.
(c) They foreground the centrality of (reflective) judgment. Specifically, NESH states
that a central function of the guidelines is “…to aid in the development of sound
judgement and reflection on issues pertaining to research ethics, resolutions of
ethical dilemmas, and promotion of good research practices” (2019, p. 4, emphasis
added, CME).
Additional national guidelines include The Canadian Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical
Conduct for Research Involving Humans (2014) (
politique/initiatives/tcps2-eptc2/Default/). The ethical guidelines from organizations such as
the ACM, IEEE, ICA, etc. and those of other civil society organizations like the UN may also
sometimes be helpful. This will be more likely true in the future as new guidelines are being
developed cooperatively between these and related organizations.
In addition, as noted in IRE 2.0, funding agencies such as the U.S. National Science
Foundation and the Office for Human Research Protection (specifically: “Subpart A of 45
CFR Part 46: Basic HHS Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects”,
requirements.pdf) are also good sources for more specific and nuanced understandings, e.g.,
of consent.
Recent changes to the U.S. Common Rule (OHRP 2018) are particularly relevant to IRE. To
begin with, there are new activities deemed not to be research, including scholarly and
journalistic activities such as oral history, journalism, biography, literary criticism, and legal
research, and so are exempt from its requirements for informed consent and related
protections, as well as how Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are to be constituted and
function. This is the US only, of course, but given the historical and contemporary influence
of these US regulations and practices, these developments will have significant consequences
for a great deal of internet research.
A particular concern here is that “many universities seem loathe to loosen the existing
requirements and are hewing to a higher standard - needlessly. IRBs in the US continue to be
hyperconservative” (Steve Jones, personal communication 2019). Similar observations have
been offered from the Australian context (Naomi Barnes, personal communication, 2019):
indeed, the tendency of ethical review boards to be overly cautious is a widespread complaint
internationally. (This points to one of the founding justifications for and central subsequent
uses of the AoIR IRE guidelines – namely, the importance of being able to help inform ethical
review boards of the distinctive characteristics of internet research, as well as to provide
researchers with resources, beginning with the guidelines themselves, to help them in the
processes of negotiating the process of seeking approval for their research with such boards.
Anne Henriksen has pointed to Zook et al. (2017) and to Data, Ethics & Society (
as particularly helpful here as well.
Our thanks to Steve Jones for these observations.!
We hope the current document, including the Companion Resources collected in 6.0, will
continue to be useful in these ways).
Finally, comparative work on national ethics initiatives might also yield interesting
insights as to the cultural and social representations of ethical research
(e.g., Domenget &
Wilhelm, 2018; see also 3.2.4 Cultural Dimensions, below).
3.2.2 Legal Aspects
Typically, law falls behind both ethical reflection and technological development:
nonetheless, both national and international laws are often primary frameworks for defining
specific requirements within IRE, beginning with privacy protection.
In addition to interrogating the relevant national laws relevant for specific researchers, IRE
3.0 typically intersects with:
GDPR, including questions of copyright derivatives, database derivatives, and so on
(see, e.g. Kotsios et al., 2019).
(NB: the implications of and research literature on the GDPR for IRE are only slowly
emerging, following its implementation in 2018. For a first overview, see the “Data
Management Expert Guide” developed by the Consortium of European Social Science
Data Archives.
A future iteration of this document will include a companion resource
that will develop a fuller overview).
Terms and Conditions
The increased reliance on internet platforms and applications to gather research data
and/or recruit research subjects means researchers will increasingly confront terms of
use that dictate the conditions under which such research activities can take place, if at
all. For example, Twitter’s terms of service for third-party developers requires that
they “respect users’ control and privacy” by deleting any “content that Twitter reports
as deleted or expired,” as well as any content that has been changed from public to
These terms and conditions suggest that researchers relying on Twitter-based
datasets must continually check if any tweets have been deleted from the platform, and
then remove them for their research dataset accordingly (see, for example, Tromble &
Stockmann, 2017).
Various research activities might violate the terms and conditions of online
platforms. For example, Facebook and LinkedIn prohibit the automated scraping of
data from their platform, limiting researchers’ ability to collect needed data through
such means (e.g., Lomborg & Bechmann, 2014). Other forms of research might
require violating a platform’s prohibition of creating multiple fake user accounts or
contributing prohibited content. Recent efforts on the part of platforms to increase
privacy and security, e.g., through verifying one’s identity by requiring a working
The French research program GENIC, "Group on Ethics and the Digital in Information-Communication," in
the context of the absence of guidelines in communication and media studies in France and inspired by the AOIR
guidelines 1.0 and 2.0, wishes to enrich the current discussion on recent current practice of research ethics in
communication and information studies with an ambition towards cross-cultural comparison.
phone number, make it more difficult to take this approach. Still, it remains debatable
as to whether following a website’s terms and conditions is a legal requirement for
academic researchers whose work benefit the knowledge level of society at large. In
the United States, failure to follow such terms may violate the Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act (CFAA), and interpretation that is being fought in court by the ACLU on
behalf of academic researchers who feel such a stance chills research (e.g., Zetter,
2016). There are tools for doing research for scraping and analysing Twitter that report
back to the researcher if a tweet has been deleted.
3.2.3 Venues and Platforms
As the focus on terms and conditions indicates, much depends on the specific venues within
which research will take place, beginning with user requirements under the Terms of Service
of online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, Diaspora, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. – but
also Google, Microsoft, and others as platforms whose access and use is also contingent upon
ToS agreements.
3.2.4 Cultural Dimensions
As noted from the inception of IRE 1.0, internet-facilitated communication almost always
crosses multiple cultural boundaries, thereby implicating multiple local cultural norms,
practices, beliefs, etc. – both in terms of local uses, approaches, etc. and local research ethics.
These challenges begin with differences in ethical values, schools, and traditions (including
frameworks such as utilitarianism, deontology, feminist ethics, ethics of care, virtue ethics,
and so on). They often further entail foundational differences such as greater emphasis on
human beings as individual persons/agents vis-á-vis more relational conceptions (Ess, 2014).
As we have also seen, at least some of these differences can be approached by way of ethical
pluralism as a way of conjoining shared values with diverse interpretations / applications, etc.
In addition, there is a growing literature on IRE within more specific cultural contexts
that may be relevant and useful to consult, e.g. For example, Soraj Hongladarom contrasts the
ethical assumptions and frameworks of Confucians and Buddhists. Confucians – like most
“Westerners” – believe in a self as real; Buddhists consider the self to be “ego delusion,” an
illusion to be overcome. Nonetheless, both agree on a foundational ethical norm - that “…an
individual person is respected and protected when she enters the online environment”
(Hongladarom, 2017, p. 155). This is a pluralistic solution as a basic norm is shared across
radically diverse ethical frameworks.
Hongladarom likewise argues for such pluralism as conjoining the sometimes even
greater differences between Western and Eastern traditions - specifically regarding informed
See: Halavais, 2019; Puschmann, 2019; Bruns, 2019.
As noted above, there is some indication that ToS agreements may not be as legally binding as the platforms
would like us to believe. On the other hand, developing fake profiles is a form of deceptive research, which
opens up additional ethical issues e.g., whether or not researchers should ask/require their students to use such
a research design?
consent in the context of Thai research on mothers’ blogs. Thai culture is more collective (in
part, as relying on a more relational sense of selfhood as stressed in both Confucian and
Buddhist traditions). The ethical force of an originally Western requirement for individual
informed consent is not immediately recognized by Thai researchers; nor is the importance of
ensuring individual anonymity when needed. Hongladarom observes, however, that
legitimate versions of these requirements are understood and applied in the Thai context
Hongladarom points towards an emerging global IRE, constituted in part by shared
norms understood in such a pluralistic fashion – i.e., allowing for differing interpretations and
applications as these are diffracted through specific local traditions. This requires continued
emphasis on the pluralism enunciated in AoIR 2002, beginning with recognizing and
respecting that a given national or cultural IRE is “… grown from the local source, meaning
that the [ethical] vocabulary comes from the traditional and intellectual source of the culture
in which a particular researcher is working” (Hongladarom, 2017, p. 161).
Additional discussions and resources regarding “culture”:
Denison & Stillman (2012) discuss a case study from South Africa regarding the
academic and ethical challenges in participatory models of community research (The
article includes sections on data management, data ownership and access rights).
Digital Ethnography in the Asian context – see Mukherjee (2017).
Within Europe, especially France (Domenget & Wilhelm, 2018), Germany (Heise &
Schmidt, 2014; Pentzold, 2015), and Scandinavia (Ess & Hård af Segerstad, 2019)
Internet Research Ethics in Canada (Seko & Lewis, 2017).
Internet Research Ethics in a cross-cultural big data social media case study in
Denmark and South Korea (Bechmann & Kim, 2020).
Andrew Whelan (2018) develops a close critique of ethics forms from 10 Australian
universities, first of all substantiating “the standard critique of prospective ethics
review from social media researchers: that the opportunity for a proper conversation
about research ethics in the community of researchers is supplanted by an
administrative exercise in ‘box ticking’, while more broadly foregrounding “the
ethical consequences of the stance [these forms] require the applicant to take with
respect to prospective research participants, and the implications of their formulation
of research as a process of data extraction” (1).
Eileen Honan (2014) argues that Western concepts of protecting subjects’ privacy via
informed consent can sometimes become unethical in the context of Papua New
Guinea (p. 8 f.).
At the same time, Bassett & O’Rierdan pointed out quite early on
within Western contexts (2002) that default assumptions concerning the need to
protect privacy sometimes run counter to other ethical considerations, as when well-
meaning anonymization of participants in LGBQ groups were criticized by
participants as reinforcing their marginalization and silencing in the larger society.
For further discussion, see IRE 1.0, footnote 12, p. 31.
Thanks to Naomi Barnes for this point and reference.
Finally, different platforms have different use cultures that lead to different ethical
implications. Depending on users’ personal perception of privacy, the role of social norms,
and the government – people perceive platforms practices as intrusive in diverging degrees
(e.g. Hudson & Bruckman, 2004; Beninger et al., 2014; Patterson, 2018).
3.2.5 Involved Subjects
A primary ethical imperative is to avoid harm - to subjects as well to researchers. But the
primary question is, who are the subjects? This question then interacts with a classical ethical
principle: the greater the vulnerability of our subjects, the greater our responsibility and
obligation to protect them from likely harms (cf. IRE 1.0, p. 5; Tiildenberg, 2019). Some
more specific considerations include:
Downstream harms or harms after the fact (Harmon, 2010; Sterling, 2011; Markham,
Minors (e.g. Robards, 2013; Hudson et al., 2004).
Politically sensitive research (Kaufmann, 2019; Reilly & Trevisan, 2016).
Women (Luka, Millette & Wallace, 2017).
Groups (e.g. persons with disabilities, Trevisan & Reilly, 2014; Hård af Segerstad,
Kasperowski, Kullenberg & Howes, 2017).
Special emotional states such as grieving and/or trauma, illnesses; e.g.: suicide
prevention (Eskisabel-Azpiazu, Cerezo-Menedez & Gayo-Avello, 2017);
Griefsquatting (Klastrup, 2017); Digital Death (Gotved, 2014; Lagervist, 2013)
Additional considerations have been suggested, including specific attention to minorities,
LGBT individuals and/or communities.
A particular set of concerns here are evoked when researchers encounter information
suggesting that their subjects may be engaged in behaviour threatening to their own well-
being, e.g., a researcher studying bloggers describing self-cutting (Stern, 2004) or manifesting
ever greater focus on suicide (Seko, 2006; see discussion, McKee & Porter, 2008, p. 15 f., p.
72 ff., pp. 88-90, pp. 95-96). Relatedly, researchers have long been confronted with the
possibility of discovering information suggesting the potential for committing crimes. Very
broadly, there is often a professional and/or legal obligation for researchers to report such
information to the relevant authorities: but this varies widely, first of all, depending on local
and national legislation, specific professional ethical guidelines, and/or specific policies that
may apply within a given research context. In this direction, what are researchers’ obligations
– if any, and if so, under what circumstances – to report such potential threats to the platforms
in which they appear?
As well, a cluster of issues are certain to emerge in conjunction with the rise of AI as
deployed, e.g., in chatbots and social robots, along with the burgeoning development of
innumerable “smart” devices incorporated into the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). There
is already an established and growing literature on the moral status and potential rights of
robots and AIs as they become increasingly autonomous (as an early and now standard
Our thanks to William Wolff for raising these issues.
reference, see Coeckelbergh, 2010). And human responses to inflicting (apparent) harm on
virtual agents (e.g., in efforts to replicate the [in]famous Milgram experiments [Slater et al.,
2006]) make clear that many humans feel that to do so is ethically problematic (this is not
surprising, given the now well-documented phenomenon of human beings attributing feelings
to and thereby obligations to care for robotic devices, beginning with the very simple
Tamagotchi (Turkle, 2011). As these devices become more and more implicated in research,
whether as quasi-subjects (e.g., as surrogate caregivers (e.g., Kaiko, Shuichi, & Shinichi,
2016)) and/or as co-researchers and/or as the objects of research, attempting to establish their
moral status (if any – and if so, what?) and concomitant ethical implications and obligations
towards them will become more and more important.
In these directions, the emerging field
of Human-Machine Communication (HMC) will develop critical insights from the multiple
disciplines involved, including robotics, media and communication, computer science,
psychology, applied ethics, and so on (Jones, 2014; Guzman, 2018; Ess, 2018).
3.2.6 Conceptual Issues: Ethical Frameworks and Concepts
As with IRE 1.0 and 2.0, a wide range of diverse ethical frameworks and concepts can be
fruitfully brought to bear upon issues emerging within IRE 3.0. i.e., as helpful conceptual
tools for analysing and, ideally, resolving ethical conflicts. These begin with utilitarianism
and deontology, alongside virtue ethics, feminist ethics, and (feminist) ethics of care, which
have become much more prominent in recent decades.
These large frameworks are
frequently tuned specifically to internet research issues: so our Companion Resources include:
6.3 aline shakti franzke, Feminist Research Ethics (explicitly taking up feminist ethics and
ethics of care) and 6.4 Annette Markham, An “Impact Model” for Ethical Assessment
(which takes a primarily utilitarian approach).
Broadly, these frameworks address such foundational ethical norms and commitments
as autonomy and freedom (especially in deontological ethics), along with the basic elements
of IRE, such as informed consent and confidentiality. AoIR members have also pointed to
specific ethical topics such as accountability, trust, and transparency as also critical to good
research practice and ethics – though not always easy to define or apply in praxis. Similarly,
AoIR researchers often highlight responsibility – towards oneself, one’s institution, and the
larger society, including returning some sort of benefit back to the communities under study.
How researchers will understand and practice such responsibility will depend, to begin with,
on basic assumptions of selfhood (more individual vis-à-vis more relational) as well the
specific ethical frameworks they take up: as noted early on, feminist ethics and ethics of care
– as applied, for example, within a participant-observation methodology – characteristically
leads to a greater sense of ethical responsibility to protect informants’ privacy, confidentiality,
and so on (Hall, Frederick & Johns, 2003).
Numerous specific ethical components of IRE have also been carefully explored,
specifically with a view towards their application in praxis. These include: anonymity
(Robson, 2017); privacy (whether social privacy, horizontal privacy, and/or group privacy:
Our thanks to Sarah Quinton for pointing this out.
Cf. the initial discussion of these frameworks, example applications in IRE, and suggested resources for
further reading above, 2.3.1 A Range of Ethical Frameworks.!
Matzner & Ochs, 2017); justice (Hoffmann & Jonas, 2017); accuracy (Puschmann, 2017);
and bias (Tromble & Stockmann, 2017).
3.2.7 Assumptions, Questions, Issues, Procedures for Data Acquisition, Analysis, Storage,
IRE 2.0 included the following questions:
How are data being managed, stored, and represented?
What method is being used to secure and manage potentially sensitive data?
What unanticipated breaches might occur during or after the collection and storage of
data or the production of reports? (For example, if an audience member recorded and
posted sensitive material presented during an in-house research presentation, what
harms might result?)
If the researcher is required to deposit research data into a repository for future use by
other researchers (or wishes to do so), what potential risks might arise? What steps
should be taken to ensure adequate anonymity of data or to unlink this data from
What are the potential ethical consequences of stripping data of personally identifiable
How might the removal of selected information from a dataset distort it such that it no
longer represents what it was intended to represent?
If future technologies (such as automated textual analysis or facial recognition
software) make it impossible to strip personally identifiable information from data sets
in repositories, what potential risks might arise for individuals? Can this be addressed
by the original researcher? If so, how? How will this impact subsequent researchers
and their data management? (IRE 2.0, p. 9 f.)
These questions emphasize the hard fact that the best current practices and techniques can
only “de-identify” data, i.e., not perfectly anonymize data. Therefore, emphasis on data
security is even more important and IRE 3.0 stresses the importance of continuing this line of
Questions of definitions, understandings of what data is/represents:
Hacked/stolen Data (Poor, 2017): when is it allowable (if ever) to use data that would
otherwise be prohibited ethically and/or legally because of privacy protections, etc. – but
has been made public because of an accidental breach and/or intentional hack (e.g.,
Ashley Madison)? (For example, those using a deontological perspective, the danger that
use of such data might be harmful to persons involved would almost invariably preclude
its use. However, those from a more utilitarian perspective might seek to weigh any
possible harm against the possible benefits that could result from analysing data that
would otherwise be unavailable.)
For further exploration of ethical research practices regarding automated data extraction see e.g., Alim (2014).
Our thanks to Mark Johns for suggesting this elaboration.
Issues about the accuracy of data research – how far can we rely on data provided from a
commercial provider? What are the possibilities of in-built biases, etc. in algorithms used
for collection and analysis? The need to be aware of the problematic representativeness of
even large datasets of social media users as compared to overall populations etc.
Differences between different types of data (aggregated sets, derived sets, purchased sets:
see Kitchin & McArdle, 2016; 6.2 Elisabetta Locatelli, Academy/Industry Partnership
and Corporate Data: Ethical Considerations)
Downloaded data (Barbosa & Milan, 2019): Does the type and amount of (meta)data
together potentially disclose identity, and if so, what measures have been taken in order to
project human subjects? Issues related to Metadata (Humphreys, 2017)
Issues and procedures in collecting, managing, storing, and destroying data:
Data minimization: When is data enough for research purpose? The rule of data
minimization in, for instance, the GDPR (2018), is to some extent conflicting with the
very purpose of big data, namely, to query the data for answers within the scope of an
overall research interest or research question with the aim to learn inductively. This is a
completely different approach than within ‘normal’ quantitative approaches where
hypotheses are driving the research. In order to make the full benefit of big data methods
the researcher often find themselves in a dilemma of wanting to ‘ask’ the data across
time, different data points or a large volume of/diverse set of IDs or data subjects, yet
wanting to fulfill the need for data minimization (see also: Ess & Hård af Segerstad,
2019; Bechmann & Kim, 2020).
Data storage vs. the (EU) right to be forgotten (Tromble & Stockmann in Zimmer &
Kinder-Kurlanda, 2017; Geiger et al., 2018)
Deleting data – e.g., when in the life of a research project, and how?
Databases, storing, archiving: A long history of web and internet archiving has raised many
questions relevant for IRE 3.0, including questions such as: What data are stored as
relevant and what are discarded as irrelevant? What happens to archives when data
storage formats become obsolete? What factors determine, or later alter, the searchability
of databases? What decoding information/formula is (or should be) stored alongside data
to ensure future readability? (cf. Kinder-Kurlanda, Jessica Odgeden, 2017; Agostinho,
2016; Thylstrup, 2019; Markham & Pereira, forthcoming)
Data sharing: Even if not legally prohibited, what are the levels of impacts possible from
sharing large datasets? Can one be sure these are adequately anonymized (e.g., the
OKCupid data release case where supposedly anonymized profiles were easily re-linked
to persons)? (cf. Responses from Zimmer, 2016; Markham, 2016 and other overviews
from Weller and Kinder-Kurlanda in Zimmer & Kinder-Kurlanda, 2017). However, social
media big data analysis relies on platforms to share data to some extent with the research
community and/or to allow researchers to collect data through APIs. This has made the
topic of data sharing and the balance between transparency and privacy a top political
priority in Europe, for instance (Moller & Bechmann, 2019). The strategy in current data
exchange solutions is to secure privacy on the level of both who gets access (data grants)
and how many data points are provided access to (Dwork, 2006). Yet, both solutions also
entail profound ethical problems of scientific freedom and favour large countries over
smaller countries, famous researchers and universities over less famous ones, and thus
hamper the creation of a community around such research. Working on different safe
space approaches is therefore a high priority in the internet research community now
(Moller & Bechmann, 2019; Bruns, 2019).
Additional considerations include: what are the primary purposes of the collected data that
you are using? Is it possible that the original context influences/interferes with your own
results? In which sense do you feel that all aspects of the original context can be or to ought to
be considered when reusing already stored datasets? (cf. 7.1 Keith Douglas, Operational
Security: Central Considerations)
3.2.8 Algorithms and Learning Models
How can we make sure that our models and subsequent results are adequately documented in
order to replicate our results and in order to represent our data subjects? Two fundamental
issues arise when dealing with big data and subsequent learning methods. First, how do we
make sure that our data subjects are adequately represented? Here, questions of privacy are of
course an issue, but also how we choose to classify our data subjects in, for instance, different
genders? Or: How we clean our data and leave out some information over others thereby
increasing the likelihood of concluding something over others (Bechmann & Bowker, 2019).
Second, how do we make sure that it is possible for the community to actually review the
study made? This is especially important due to the increase of misinformation in circulation
in the intersection between popular dissemination and research results.
Learning models are often divided into supervised and unsupervised models.
Supervised models are controlled (or semi-controlled) models where the researcher feed the
models with, for instance, classifiers or labelled material that the model can learn from: by
contrast, unsupervised models try to find clusters in the data from a more inductive approach,
even though one could claim that classification takes place in other forms (for a more
extensive discussion, see Bechmann & Bowker, 2019). The many layers and iterations of
cleaning/pre-processing, classification, training/retraining in order to predict a trend, tendency
or pattern require new standards for documentation in the publication outlets that has yet to
catch up with the actual research. This is also the case with sensitive data or other personal
data made available only for the research team in question e.g. from Social Science One
(Facebook data).
Other strands of research within internet research use reverse engineering in order to
understand closed algorithms e.g. how algorithms react on privacy sensitive settings (e.g. data
disclosure), on potential systemic discrimination (e.g. advertising interface) or public sensitive
matters (e.g. election campaigns). Here, only part of the data is available and scraping might
be an issue (Karpf, 2012; Sandvig, Hamilton, Karahalios & Langbort, 2016). Also, the
algorithm is protected by intellectual property rights even though especially European
regulation has recently tried to create mandatory insights into the logics of the algorithm.
Therefore, researchers may find themselves in an ethical dilemma in wanting to disclose
societal problems on the one side, and needing to protect themselves against lawsuits and
platform identity ‘attacks’. This may require them to unite in larger international teams, for
instance, that can collaborate with (and place pressure on) internet industry players in a
different way.
3.2.9 Other Concerns
To be sure, the list of ethically-relevant issues, challenges, and resources continues – and
certainly will continue – to expand. For example, there is the category of ethically relevant
institutional and commercial issues that researchers often must also face. These include
broad issues of conflicting interests between researchers (who are supported by their
institution and/or specific funding bodies) and involved third parties (including participants
who supply data and/or commercial data providers, who may set restrictions on who is
allowed to access purchased data). These questions point specifically to concerns over data
ownership, for example, in projects involving collaboration between two or more institutions:
if a team of researchers from more than one institution undertake data-collection processes –
where are these data to be stored (securely), and thereby who can claim ownership of the data,
especially if it is preserved for subsequent use? Similar – and additional – concerns are raised
as public and/or national research committees increasingly press for Open Access publication
and data sharing.
Other specific issues related to research funding and finances have received some
attention. For example, the prevalent use of crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon
Mechanical Turk for both online data collection (i.e., distributing surveys for completion) as
well as for data processing (i.e., having Amazon Turk users assist in processing raw research
data) spur concerns over whether such crowdsourcing workers are being paid a living wage
(Pittman & Sheehan in Zimmer & Kinder-Kurlanda, 2017, p. 213 ff.). Furthermore, as
Amazon Turk and similar crowdsourcing commercial initiatives are paid per unit, and thus
create incentives to label as many units per hour as possible, there are also ethical concerns
regarding the labelling quality and as to what extent documentation is needed in order to
account for not only representation, sampling (of Turks) but also what incentives might
generate of issues in the research findings and how researchers have tried to account/adjust
for these.
Last but certainly not least: we need to elaborate an ethics addressing the distinctive
issues clustering around the production, sharing, and thereby research on visual images. This
is in part as visual images may evoke stronger emotional senses of investment and impact
both among those who develop and share especially more personal or dramatic images (e.g.,
political protest, police violence, terrorist attacks, events in war, etc.) as well as among their
audience. Broadly, greater impact entails greater care and reflection for the sake of respecting
(possible) expectations of privacy, avoiding harm, and so on. As well, there is a growing
series of anecdotes of researchers in diverse disciplines who include examples of visual data
to illustrate and undergird their research in conferences – e.g., social media profile photos,
specific images shared on sensitive topics such as domestic abuse and other forms of violence,
racism, and so on: as occurring within a restricted professional audience, researchers may
assume that the ethical considerations that would apply for publication do not hold. But as it
has become increasingly common to photograph or livestream such presentations for the sake
of sharing on social media – the conference venue increasingly resembles a form of more
public publication of these materials, thereby increasing the possibilities of various harms.
These sorts of issues are certain to become increasingly common; but to our
knowledge, there is little established literature or sense of best practices that can be referred
to. Similar comments hold, for example, regarding how we can best resolve ethical conflicts
and dilemmas through deliberative processes. Hence these – and still further issues as they
emerge – should be on the agenda for further discussion and reflection in an IRE 3.1, 3.2, and
so on.
4. Concluding Comments
Internet Research Ethics (IRE) 3.0 was driven by on-going changes and developments in the
technological, legal, and ethical contexts that shape internet research. While IRE 1.0 and 2.0
provided grounded ethical approaches to assist internet researchers with sets of then-emerging
problems, IRE 3.0’s focus is centered more on the ethical challenges that emerge across
different stages of research, and the growing challenge of informed consent in data-intensive
research protocols. Like its predecessors, IRE 3.0 aims to provide a general structure for
ethical analysis, designed to help identify the ethically relevant issues and questions,
supplemented with additional suggestions for how to begin to analyse and address these
challenges related to ongoing socio-technical developments in the domain of internet
As Zimmer and Kinder-Kurlanda (2017) note, “ethically-informed research practices
come out of processes of deliberation and decision making under great uncertainty, which
often may go wrong or seemingly force us towards less-ideal options” (p. 303). While
solutions to the ethical challenges faced by internet researchers might not always be obvious,
easy, or even ideal, IRE 3.0 provides researchers with an enhanced framework to engage in
the necessary “processes of deliberation” to empower ethically informed research practices.
Lastly, as noted from the outset of IRE 1.0 and throughout the development and
unfolding of IRE 2.0 and 3.0 – a central component in these reflective, dialogical process-
oriented approaches is precisely the catalysation of our capacities for reflective ethical
judgment (phronēsis: see 2.2., footnote. 3; 3.2.1., and the NESH guidelines’ emphasis on
developing “sound judgement” [2018, p. 4]). Such judgment is core to our ethical decision-
making in the face of the difficult challenges we face as researchers, participants, oversight
authorities and/or larger stakeholders. It is honed through experience (what turn out to be
either effective judgments and/or misjudgments that can sometimes be corrected or at least
learned from), but is also a capacity that can be enhanced and cultivated. Perhaps most
importantly: such judgment is deeply relational and intersubjective. As such, it requires
continuous cross-checking, mutual critique, and/or corroboration and expansion – precisely
through ongoing dialogue and discussion with peers and trusted colleagues. In this direction,
one of the most important ethical techniques to be recommended is one of the simplest: talk
things over with colleagues and friends. Any number of researchers – as well as anyone else
struggling to resolve a difficult ethical challenge – will witness to how essential and helpful
such discussions have been in their own ethical reflection, choices, and development.
Finally, as ethical challenges will continue to multiply much more rapidly than our
capacities to develop considered guidelines, it seems clear that researchers and oversight
boards are going to increasingly be thrown back on their own judgments and thus their own
responsibility for those judgments. Hence it would seem prudent (another term for phronēsis)
to cultivate our ethical judgments precisely as researchers, rather than presume
(positivistically) that ethics and judgment are just for professional philosophers to worry
We hope that the resources gathered in IRE 3.0 – including frameworks and their
applications in practice, as well as pointers to further references in the relevant literatures –
will be helpful tools for researchers and oversight boards who, most likely, will be
increasingly responsible for both the ethical judgments they draw and communicating them to
other researchers, research participants, and the broader community.
In addition to the numerous contributors to AoIR ethics panels and this document over the
past three years, we are especially indebted to:
The DATALAB, Center for Digital Social Research, Aarhus University (Aarhus,
Denmark), for financial and administrative support of workshops focusing on the
further development of the IRE 3.0 processes and documents, including Anne Hove
Henriksen for research and administrative assistance, and Stine Riis Ebbesen for final
reference checking, formatting, and pagination.
The Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, for financial and
administrative support of IRE 3.0 workshops, as well as for a visiting research
fellowship for aline shakti franzke in 2017. In particular, Niamh Ní Bhroin was central
in the planning and implementation of two workshops on IRE that directly enriched
the content and development of this document.
Anna Jobin (ETH, Zürich) has made extraordinary contributions, especially with the
development and maintenance of our digital support resources, including our Slack
workspace and the Zotero bibliographic database.
Our many colleagues affiliated with NESH (The Norwegian National Committee for
Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities) and its continued revision
and expansion of the NESH internet research guidelines – most especially Vidar
Enebakk and Elisabeth Staksrud – are due particular thanks for their innumerable
contributions to and ongoing support of the AoIR IRE 3.0 project.
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6. Companion Resources: Topical Guidelines & Ethical Frameworks
6.1 AI and Machine Learning: Internet Research Ethics Guidelines
6.2 Corporate Data: Ethical Considerations
6.3 Feminist Research Ethics
6.4 An “Impact Model” for Ethical Assessment
AI and Machine Learning: Internet Research Ethics Guidelines
(IRE 3.0 6.1)
Anja Bechmann, Aarhus University & Bendert Zevenbergen, Princeton University
Cite as: Bechmann, A. & Zevenbergen, B. 2020. AI and Machine Learning: Internet Research
Ethics Guidelines, IRE 3.0 Companion 6.1, Association of Internet Researchers,
1. Introduction: Outline of Ethics in the Context of AI and Machine Learning .............. 34
1.1 The Focus of These Research Ethics Guidelines ........................................................... 34
1.2 AI Technologies Used in Social Research ..................................................................... 34
1.3 AI Trends in Social Research ......................................................................................... 35
1.4 New Issues for Internet Research ................................................................................... 35
2. Working Responsibly with AI and ML in Research ....................................................... 36
2.1 Initial Research Design .................................................................................................. 36
2.2 Research Analytical Process .......................................................................................... 40
2.3 Publication and Other Dissemination ............................................................................. 43
2.4 Close of the Project ........................................................................................................ 45
3. Concluding Comments ....................................................................................................... 46
4. References ........................................................................................................................... 47
Introduction: Outline of Ethics in the Context of AI and Machine
1.1 The Focus of These Research Ethics Guidelines
The digital environment enabled by the Internet is a space for human interaction. Scholars in
the social sciences and humanities use the technologies, platforms, and data collection
capabilities offered by the internet as research tools or as an object of study and online
surveys, web-scraping, and ethnographic methods in online communities are still popular
techniques. As the technologies collectively known as machine learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI) are being deployed in society, scholars, too, are making use of their
capabilities as tools for research or studying their (social) impact.
These research ethics guidelines focus specifically on the moral issues raised by the
use of machine learning and AI models for Internet research (Floridi & Taddeo, 2016). We
apply the structure and approach of the Association of Internet Researchers Ethical Guidelines
3.0 (here onwards IRE 3.0) specifically to the use of ML and AI models in internet research.
The four main sections are divided into separate sections that contain relevant considerations
and questions for researchers and reviewers. We hope this structured and inquisitive approach
allows researchers to assess and justify their research methodologies and improve the trusted
relationship to both knowledge generated through these models and the subjects involved
(Taddeo, 2010, 2017). A secondary aim is to allow ethics committees at research institutions,
journals, and conferences to assess research submissions through an informed lens and break
down the needs for required and possible documentation.
The guiding question of this module is: “How does the AoIR community ensure that we have
an ethically sound approach to using AI technologies in our work?”
1.2 AI Technologies Used in Social Research
A complete overview of the use of AI technologies in social science and the humanities is
beyond the scope of these guidelines. In summary, though, it is useful to differentiate between
(1) the use of AI technologies as part of a methodology for research and (2) studying the
sociotechnical interactions between humans and AI technologies. This document focuses on
the first.
The guidelines conceptualize machine learning (ML) as a certain type of models in the
overarching framework of AI (Russell & Norvig, 2009). We specifically focus on models that
are built and trained with the purpose of better recognizing patterns, clusters, and structures in
data. In this way we have a broad understanding of what constitutes AI, which is not isolated
to imitation games and human simulations but purely to the understanding of processing large
amounts of data by models to learn to cluster and/or recognize patterns (Alpaydin, 2016).
Examples of models that have been used in social science and humanities research within the
broad field of Internet research:
Neural networks (see for instance Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton, 2012)
Specific natural language processing (NLP) models such as Latent Dirichlet
Allocation, Word2vec etc. (see for instance Chen, Li, Zhu & Chen, 2015)
Naive Bayes (see for instance Ng & Jordan, 2002; Russell & Norvig, 2009)
Support vector machines (SVM) (see for instance Cortes & Vapnik, 1995)
As applied to network analysis for instance HAM (Pal et al., 2016)
1.3 AI Trends in Social Research
The recent uptake of AI models is caused by several factors, including increased
computational capacity, an abundance of data, and funding available for experimentation with
computational models. These factors also each can provide ethical dilemmas.
Dependence on third-parties
Depending on the scale of the project, researchers may be able to run their AI models on their
own systems. In many other cases, researchers need to rely on the (1) computational capacity
(e.g. High-Performance Computing facilities) and the (2) proprietary datasets that are owned
by companies or government agencies. This has given rise to partnerships where academics
make use of the systems, data, and funding from outside organizations, which may limit their
ability to conduct their research freely and in a responsible manner (Bruns et al., 2018; King
& Persily, 2019; Moeller & Bechmann, 2019).
Abundance of data
Open data, smart city initiatives, and open source datasets have generated a large pool of data
that can be processed through ML models to understand patterns. These datasets may not
contain personal data per se, though they may provide proxies for human subjects and their
behavioural patterns when combined with other, auxiliary datasets.
Dependence on open source AI models
Internet researchers can develop their own AI models to process datasets and infer answers to
their research questions. However, social scientists will typically use (pretrained) open source
models. Researchers are left to rely on the documentation available for the models they decide
to use. The decisions made in developing these models determine the extent to which the
processing adheres to some fundamental principles (see also Bechmann & Bowker, 2019).
1.4 New Issues for Internet Research
As stated in the IRE 3.0, the research question, the research methodology, and the arising
ethical issues are closely interlinked. The use of AI technologies allows researchers to apply
new methodologies and to expand the scope of existing methodologies. These technologies
have new and distinct characteristics from those used in more traditional Internet research.
These characteristics may impact the moral issues that arise when AI technologies are applied
in social science or humanities research.
Such issues typically relate to the intersection of models, (training, test and live) data
and the surrounding contexts (human and social) that define the decision space in which the
model is supposed to learn, act, evaluate and adjust. And specifically focus on how AI
interacts with other models and technologies and actors in society, humans as well as
autonomous agents.
When using ML models for internet research, questions around dataset accountability,
bias in its training, and normalization in data cleaning become important to address. We
address these issues in this guideline document. Our overarching aim is that this document
lays the groundwork for more discipline-specific guidance by individual journals,
conferences, and departments.
Working Responsibly with AI and ML in Research
The use of AI and ML models raises many ethical issues, which may vary depending on the
focus and scope of the research project. We address some of the ethical questions and themes
that arise across domains within internet research. Because different ethical dimensions may
be in conflict with each other (e.g. transparency or vaster datasets to reduce biases versus
more privacy and control for data subjects) several questions focus on addressing these
tensions by making explicit – and thus give the opportunity to reflect on – the choices that
have been made. In the following section, we separate these questions into different phases of
a typical research study. However, the research process is often iterative and the questions
posed below may therefore be relevant in different steps of the document.
2.1 Initial Research Design
The initial research design includes the steps such as gaining permission to conduct the study,
applying for funding application, detailing the research study, and collecting the data.
Sociotechnical Context
The first step is to create an understanding of the AI, its operation, and social impact based on
relevant contextual factors. The researcher must scrutinize the social, political, and economic
context within which a technology operates, as much as the technology itself. This is
particularly pertinent when dealing with AI as the learning models may show patterns that are
unexpected. AI can also amplify already existing social hierarchies. The influence of
stakeholders (e.g. developers in different communities and organizations inside and outside
academia) may be strong when for instance cleaning data, using pretrained models or
changing the models.
How would you characterize the social context within which or about which the
research is conducted?
Who are the data subjects and affected stakeholders involved in this project (directly
or indirectly)?
How would the researcher characterize the norms (e.g. privacy, social hierarchy) and
sensitivities in this social context?
How have these norms and sensitivities influenced the application of AI in gathering
data for this research project?
How will the implementation of the AI system or use of the model affect the norms
and sensitivities?
Research Aims and Risks of Harm
The aim, purpose, and perceived benefits of a project need to be clearly stated as a crucial first
step of an ethical analysis. Emerging risks will be judged against these in a balancing
Some AI scholars would claim that stating a too narrow aim would prevent the model from
performing properly as the strength of AI lies in processing large amounts of data inductively
(Alpaydin, 2016; Shirky, 2005). Other critical algorithmic researchers would claim that we
need to disclose potential power structures in these loose spaces of operation (Bechmann &
Bowker, 2019; boyd & Crawford, 2012; Crawford & Calo, 2016; Sandvig, Hamilton,
Karahalios & Langbort, 2016).
Can the researcher articulate what their work aims to uncover?
How will this research contribute to the state of the art in understanding Internet-
related phenomena?
How will the research benefit society and specific stakeholders?
Will the research aims create potential risks of harm for the individuals and groups
involved directly or indirectly?
If a generic aim is used how may the researchers/developers influence the field and
subjects directly and indirectly involved?
Conducting research, especially with complex and often opaque ML models, confers a degree
of power in the researcher. The researcher decides which technical features will be used, and
which data flows will be enacted. This paternalistic approach raises questions about the extent
to which the stakeholders or data subjects are aware and in agreement with the experiments or
data collections conducted in their social domains.
Additional to questions from IRE 3.0,
other questions are therefore relevant to highlight:
How does the researcher justify the foreseen intervention in a social, economic, or
legal context by technical means?
Is the researcher able to understand and explain in an accessible manner how AI is to
be used in the research?
This is especially pertinent with research involving AI as it typically involves large datasets where gaining
informed consent from all data subjects for the new research is not feasible. At the same time consent would not
be informed as the understanding of the contribution would be too complex or generic for lay people due to the
character of the models (Bechmann, 2014; Nissenbaum, 2011; Solove, 2004). Another dimension would be the
dilemma that data subjects would consent on behalf of other people in the frequent case within internet research
where data is interaction data belonging to several data subjects (or none) at the same time, scaling the number
of consents exponentially per data unit.
Is the researcher able to explain why the approach by technical means and the use of
AI are better suited than any alternative methodology?
Have the persons who will be affected by the AI system requested the research?
If not, have they been informed and have they agreed?
If gaining the informed consent of all data subjects is infeasible, can the researcher
obtain proxy consent from a representative or institutional ethics board on their
How has the balance between advantageous ends and individual freedom been struck?
Which values did the organization decide to promote, and how?
Hypothesis or Explorative Research
Quantitative research is typically guided by stated hypotheses, which may be written down
before data collection and analysis begins. In qualitative research, researchers often do not
work with clear hypotheses to be tested but instead enter the field in order to learn something
about the practice in a particular social setting. They conduct self-reflection and state their
assumptions as well as the effect of their presence in the research domain. These processes
add accountability and transparency to the research process.
In technical domains and data science, even though relying on massive amounts of
data, it is also common for researchers to collect data over a period of time without a clear
stated goal in order to find strong predictors, correlations or interesting cluster phenomena.
We suggest that researchers who use AI systems in their research consider a hybrid of an ex
ante hypothesis (still making room for exploration) as well as documenting actions taken and
choices made throughout the process along with self-reflections on how this research practice
has affected their findings and research questions.
How do the research questions or hypotheses affect and control the outcome?
If the researcher did not store a fixed hypothesis, 1) how has the researcher’s choices
been documented? And 2) how has the researcher affected the outcome by choosing
this practice (e.g. discussing the presence of proxies and spurious correlations)?
Data Collection
Data collection for the model training and the research can be done either by using open data
repositories or by directly recruiting participants to make a new dataset. The use of existing
datasets raises issues around its intended openness, consent for reuse, and the change of
context for which the data is used (Nissenbaum, 2001, 2009). Collecting new data raises
issues around meaningful informed consent, whether the subjects are aware of what their data
and the resulting research outputs will be used for, how this will affect them and others, and
the representation of humans by a necessarily more limited model.
More general questions arise about privacy as a concept to allow data subjects self-
determination and control over how data about them is used. Further, respect for autonomy
ensures an individual’s ability to make decisions for themselves, and to act upon them.
Modern digital data collection (e.g. Application Programming Interfaces) and processing
techniques have put the various concepts of privacy and autonomy under significant strain. It
is therefore important for researchers to be mindful of ways to minimize the risk to research
subjects’ and any violations of privacy and autonomy by third parties. Further, applying
technological solutions such as encryption are often mistakenly classed as efforts to improve
privacy, while they instead provide more security. Similarly, not disclosing information is
called confidentiality, not necessarily privacy.
General Data Collection:
Are the identified data points necessary, relevant and not excessive in relation to the
research aim?
To what extent will data in the database identify individuals directly, or indirectly
through inference?
Do the datasets contain classifiers that are particularly sensitive or even protected
classes? If so, what purpose do they serve? Can data points be used as proxies to
reconstruct sensitive and protected classes? Is it possible to prevent the re-construction
of sensitive and protected classes?
How does the researcher protect the privacy of its users beyond security measures?
For example, is data deleted after a certain amount of time? Is data that is not used for
the purpose of the model deleted upon its inadvertent collection?
Existing Datasets:
Is the existing dataset explicitly open for public or research, or was this dataset found
without its reuse permissions being specified?
Is the use of the existing dataset restricted by legal or other means?
Could the data subjects (whether anonymized or not) in the existing dataset
conceivably object to the new use of their data? Does the initial consent (informed or
proxy) cover the intended re-use of the dataset?
What are the limitations in the knowledge derived from the data in modeling
individual and collective behaviour in its totality? How does this limit the
generalizability of the findings of the study or the applicability of the precision and/or
predictors found?
New Data Collection:
Have data subjects consented to the collection of their data with a full understanding
of what is being collected, for which purposes, and with an understanding of how the
data will be used by the researcher? If not, have the collection processes gone through
an ethical review board? And/or how has the research team reflected on how to
otherwise gain proxy consent and the potential consequences of the proxy status?
How could potential risks of harm be communicated to the research participants
before entering the study?
To what extent can researchers confirm whether people understand the consequences
of derivative uses of their data in AI and ML, knowing from existing literature that the
concept of ‘informed’ consent may not be meaningful for the data subjects?
Has the organization decided how the privacy of data subjects is safeguarded?
Does the system collect more information than it needs?
Are data subjects empowered to decide which data is collected and which inferences
are made about them?
Can the data subject have access to their data? Can they choose to withdraw their data
from the system?
Assessing Alternative Methodologies and Scope of Research
Internet experimentation projects can be scaled to a worldwide level (e.g. Kramer, Guillory &
Hancock, 2014) and engineers are typically incentivized to deploy a project as widely as
possible to maximize their reach. It is sometimes also just easier to let a project operate
without limitations and to see later which data is collected, rather than limiting its scope
However, the knowledge gained using this collection method can have exposed some
problems in specific political and cultural contexts. Risk levels can vary widely based on
target countries or for particular target groups (see also Dwork, 2006). Therefore, trying to
mitigate the risks and shifts in values in all areas will result in a race to appease the lowest
common denominator (or: reduce the utility of the project to appease the context with the
highest risk factors).
How can the researcher limit the scope of the research questions and the project’s aim
to avoid some risks of harm or negatively affected values?
How can the researcher limit the scope of stakeholders, by excluding particular groups
or countries? If so, would the data collected still be a representative sample to answer
the research question?
Are any risks averted if the researcher limits the project duration to a shorter amount
of operation time? And does this conflict with the ability of the researcher to conduct
the research in question?
2.2 Research Analytical Process
The research analytical process includes selecting the training data, cleaning the data,
developing the model through steps of training, evaluating, adjusting, re-training the model.
Source of Training Data
The inferences and predictions of an AI system are closely connected to the source of the
training data and here especially issues on systemic discrimination or biases are interesting to
disclose and reflect upon as many previous studies have shown such effects (Barocas &
Selbst, 2016; Bechmann & Bowker, 2019; boyd & Crawford, 2012; Crawford & Calo, 2016;
Kroll et al., 2017; Sweeney, 2013). The use of AI systems to uncover or predict social
phenomena can thus be tainted by biases in the training data set on certain demographics or
proxies thereof, which may lead to unfair and unjust outcomes.
What is the cultural and sociodemographic profile of the datasets used by the
researcher to train the models?
To what extent does the cultural and sociodemographic profile of the training data
allow for generalizability of the resulting findings or predictors from the research
Are there particular groups which may be advantaged or disadvantaged, in the context
in which the researcher is deploying an AI-system? What is the potential damaging
effect of uncertainty and error-rates to different groups?
How has the demographic profile of the researcher(s) affected the composition of the
training data?
How does the training data as ‘ground truth’ affect different demographic profiles and
proxies thereof?
Data Cleaning
Data cleaning is the process of detecting, correcting, replacing and even removing inaccurate
and incomplete records from a database and structuring the data in a consistent way that
makes it processable in the model. Researchers typically find data cleaning a difficult, time-
consuming, though necessary and important part of creating an AI-system. It is therefore
tempting for some to cut corners or otherwise speed up the process, which can lead to
concerns about the rigor and validity of the study because it is seldom accounted for in details.
The time spent on cleaning a dataset and the assumptions that go into this process should be
communicated more clearly in the resulting research paper. A descriptive analysis of the study
datasets may help to identify missing information, incorrect coding, outliers, and misaligned
data by the reader.
How would you characterize the datasets and their cleaning processes? For which
variables was the cleaning process optimized? (Features, labels etc.)
How have (small) adjustments to the training data to make data fit into a model logic
potentially influenced the outcome of the model calculations and predictions?
If the researcher used the raw data to train the model, to what extent could the
resulting model be inaccurate, inappropriate, or dysfunctional?
Specifically, which actions have been taken by the research team in the process of
cleaning the dataset and what potential consequences do these choices have on the
predictions and/or findings made in the study?
How do the data cleaning actions normalize data and what are the potential
consequences of taking out outliers in terms of minority representation in the model?
To what extent does the data cleaning process reflect the character of the data
collected and the context in which it was provided?
What actions have been taken to anonymize/pseudonymize the data and to what extent
is it possible to de-identify data subjects? Does the anonymization prevent certain
types of analysis and what is the argument for the decisions taken?
How has the data been stored in order to safeguard the privacy of the data subjects?
If the research team consists of multiple parties and/or distributed calculations how
has access to data been negotiated and established in a safe space solution for data
The researcher’s model, based on cleaned training data, will likely have utility in predicting
behaviours, or finding correlations in datasets. Such inferences may not be tailored to
individuals or be based on anonymized data. Ethical issues may still remain, however, with
regard to (1) the privacy considerations of groups on their collective behaviour and the
resulting shifts of power balances, (2) the automation of inferences or decision-making, and
(3) biases as well as errors in the output data. These issues may also arise if researchers
choose to work with a pretrained model on different datasets, for instance open source
Group Privacy and Power Dynamics
Can the knowledge that is generated and inferred from the model shift power balances
with regard to specific communities and societies in the training data or as data
subjects in terms of predictive power over their behaviour?
Could the increased power be operationalized maliciously if the model or inferred data
was shared with a third-party, and how could such problems be mitigated?
Could the predictors identified by the model be operationalized maliciously by a third
party when published and how could such use potentially be mitigated?
To what extent is the organization or the AI-system making decisions for data
To what extent is human deliberation being replaced by automated systems and what
consequences does it have for the research results?
Can the researcher override the automated inferences procedure, how will this be
documented and justified for later reproducibility?
Are the automated inferences explainable?
Is there a strong incentive for the researcher to take the automated inferences as a base
truth? How was the ground-truth identified and is this ground-truth adequate to predict
the whole spectrum of the problem and/or population behaviour?
Can the data subjects influence the reach of the AI-system on their lives, their physical
environments, and their own decisions? Should the researchers provide such
Biases and Errors
To what extent has the researcher accounted for false positives and false negatives in
the output of the model, and to what extent can the researcher mitigate their negative
Can the researchers use their model to infer social biases and communicate them?
How have steps of re-training the model to improve accuracy influenced the outcome
and what considerations on representation/non-representation have been made in this
If the research team uses a pretrained model, are the datasets well-documented and
how can the character of the datasets influence the predictions of the research in
question and the study of another context/practice?
Model Training
How many instances of re-training have taken place, what was the reason for each re-
training and the result, what were the choices made for changing the settings, and what
was the specific type of data added to the training loop?
How do the re-training choices align with the cultural and sociodemographic profile of
the research group, and how does this affect the robustness/generalizability of the
predictions and/or the findings of the study?
What would be the consequences of manually tweaking certain weights in the model
and feeding the model with different training data? How would this affect the
predictions of the model?
2.3 Publication and Other Dissemination
Publication and dissemination of research findings serve several purposes. First, the results
need to be communicated to other scientists and the public. Second, the study must be
reproducible and replicable, which are two central concepts of the scientific method. Finally,
it may be required (or encouraged) to publish the collected datasets and models in an open,
machine readable format, in compliance with emerging ideals of open access, open science,
and open research. These actions of dissemination raise some dilemmas for researchers,
which are partly the result of the chosen scope of data collection and inherent in the
characteristics of the AI system.
Reproducibility & Replicability
The scientific requirements of reproducibility and replicability demand from researchers to
describe their experiment in such a way that another person could achieve at least similar
results. For social science and humanities research using AI tools, this includes for instance
making available the training data, the model and test prediction results if deemed safe for the
data subjects (Zimmer, 2010).
Can the researcher make datasets available without violating the privacy of data
subjects or revealing other sensitive information?
To what extent would rigorous anonymization of research data affect the utility of the
data to allow for reproducibility and replicability?
What exact version of the model did the researcher use, was this model pre-trained and
if so, what are the precise specifications of that particular dataset(s), what is the
cultural and sociodemographic profile of the dataset?
Has the journal/conference in question established procedures for uploading material
to safe space solution or other process for safe access for review purposes? Are there
established repositories that offer sharing solutions appropriate for the specific
material that might be used?
Does the journal/conference offer guidance for how to safely and adequately
document AI based research?
(The NeurIPS conference for example requires completion of a “reproducibility
Transparency & Explainability
The scientific method requires a high degree of transparency and explainability of how
research findings were derived. This conflicts to some extent with the complex nature of AI
technologies (Ananny & Crawford, 2018; Calo, 2017; Danaher, 2016; Wachter, Mittelstadt &
Floridi, 2017; Weller, 2017). Indeed, it can be too complex for a researcher to precisely state
how research data was created given the way a neural network with potentially hidden layers
operates. However, the concepts of transparency and explainability do not mean strictly
understanding the highly specialized technical code and data of the trained neural networks.
For example, a richer notion of transparency asks researchers to explain the ends, means, and
thought processes that went into developing the code, the model, and how the resulting
research data was shaped. Similarly, explainability does not need to be exact, but can learn
from interpretations in philosophy, cognitive psychology or cognitive science, and social
psychology (Miller, 2017).
Can the researcher give an account of how the model operates and how research data
was generated?
Has the researcher explained how the model works to an institutional ethics board, and
have they understood the reasons and methods of data processing?
What roles have the developers and researchers played and what choices have they
made in constructing the model, choosing and cleaning the training data and how has
this affected the results and prediction?
What kind of negotiations have taken place in the decision-making around model
selection, adjustments and data modelling in the research process that can affect the
result and prediction?
Downstream Responsibility
Models can be used in a variety of ways, or they may influence others to create similar
models for other ends. Research ethics frameworks, however, typically require the review
process to limit itself to the immediate impact on research stakeholders and not necessarily
assess the potential long-term impacts of the research outputs (Zevenbergen, Brown, Wright,
& Erdos, 2013).
This may be problematic for omni-use technologies such as AI models. Innovations in
AI technologies and their inferences on social and human dynamics may be used for a
multitude of purposes for instance tailoring microtargeted communication and thus potentially
undermining democracy (e.g. issues of fair election & voting discrimination). Models or
datasets that were designed to produce positive social ends can be used towards malicious and
destructive ends (e.g. facial recognition to clamp down on political gatherings/dissent). Even
if the research aims are beneficial for a wide group of stakeholders, research methods and
models may need to be published along with the research outcomes and thus set a standard or
precedent and initiate function creep and unintended consequences.
Once an AI system has left the hands of the original researchers, they may not have
any control over how their models are used by others. The same is true for the generated
research data: once it has been freely published, it will be difficult to contain its further uses.
Legal and constitutional checks and balances on the exertion of power or the use of
data may differ around the world (Knapp & VandeCreek, 2007). While it is beyond the scope
of an ethics review to assess the political governance in countries around the world, it is
useful for researchers to be mindful that their data and models may contain personal and
sensitive data that could be used directly or indirectly against individuals in other countries or
political systems.
Researchers should thus engage actively with the reality that their methods and models
may be misused by others, and find ways to mitigate risks and harms. It is ultimately the
responsibility of researchers – in dialogue with ethics boards and other stakeholders in a
specific project – to agree on the limitations based on a thorough understanding of the project
weighed heavily against the knowledge production it produces.
What could be the downstream consequence for data subjects for erroneous
identifications, labelling, or categorization?
To what extent is the researcher sensitive to the local norms, values, and legal
mechanisms that could adversely affect the subjects of their research?
To what extent can the researcher foresee how the data created through research
project inferences may be used in further, third-party systems that make decisions
about people?
Is it foreseeable that the methodologies, actions, and resulting knowledge may be used
for malicious ends in another context than research and to what extent can this be
Which actors will likely be interested to use the methodology for malevolent purposes,
and how?
Can the inferred data be directly useful to authoritarian governments who may target
or justify crackdowns on minorities or special interest groups based on (potentially
erroneously inferred) collected data? Can this be mitigated without destroying the
findings for the specific research project?
Is it possible to contain the potential malevolent future uses by design?
Up to which hypothetical data reuse moment is it appropriate to hold the researcher
2.4 Close of the Project
The close of the project includes data archiving and model storage for future access,
deployment and development, and for third parties to replicate similar results on other
datasets or reuse the dataset (e.g. with permission) on other research questions. Established
repositories such as data archives can assist researchers in post-research data governance.
Post-research Data Governance
Systems and research design will never be as robust as intended. To mitigate unforeseen risks,
researchers must be prepared and manage the unknown, also after the project has been
completed. For example, when a dataset containing sensitive information is disclosed by a
third-party unexpectedly, researchers must alert data subjects so they can take precautions.
Are the datasets and models stored securely?
Are some datasets more sensitive than others and do they warrant special security
Will the data be destroyed at a specific date? How will this data be destroyed? Or will
they be anonymized and archived at a specific date?
How might the data and model be accessed through an application process and what
potential harm to data subjects and/or society might this future access have?
Is there a containment policy for unexpected breaches or malicious uses and what does
it oblige the researcher to do or will this responsibility go to the archival organization?
Will researchers contact the data subjects and/or the relevant privacy regulator
directly about a breach?
To what extent does this depend on the seriousness of the disclosure or the
sensitivity of the data?
How will harmed data subjects or stakeholders be compensated?
Concluding Comments
This set of guidelines has been developed as a starting point for research ethics evaluation of
Internet research studies that employ the various methodologies and technologies that fall
within the broad category of artificial intelligence. As with any novel technological approach
to research, many benefits as well as risks emerge as the research community becomes
accustomed to the new methodologies, data collection, and their processing. Fortunately,
much has already been written about the general use of AI technologies in research, so these
guidelines did not need to reinvent the wheel.
The guidelines followed the structure of the AoIR Ethics 3.0 initiative. By following
the steps and answering the relevant questions from top to bottom, researchers will have
addressed some fundamental issues in the use of AI technology to datasets that contain data
about humans or traces of human behaviour. Research ethics review committees can use these
guidelines to supplement their own formal procedures to ensure they are asking the correct
questions. University departments, corporate R&D, and other discipline specific organizations
may also use these guidelines to draft the rules that are specifically useful to them.
We hope this will be a living document, where the people using these guidelines will
also give feedback on what did and did not work for them, and why. This particular document
should not be considered as being set in stone, but rather an invitation to discuss the research
ethics of AI technologies on a slightly higher level. Only through collaboration and iteration
will this document maintain its usefulness. For feedback or any other comments and
suggestions, please reach out to the AoiR Ethics Working Group, Bendert Zevenbergen
([email protected]) or Anja Bechmann ([email protected]).
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Academy/Industry partnership and corporate data: Ethical considerations
(IRE 3.0 6.2)
Elisabetta Locatelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Cite as: Locatelli, E. 2020. Academy/Industry partnership and corporate data: ethical
considerations, IRE 3.0 Companion 6.2, Association of Internet Researchers,
1.!Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 51!
2.!Theoretical Background .................................................................................................... 52!
2.1 Academic vs Administrative Research .......................................................................... 52!
2.2 Models of Academy/Industry Partnership ...................................................................... 53!
3. Academy/Industry Collaborations and Working on Corporate Data: Case Studies ... 54!
3.1 Working on Corporate Data: a Brief Introduction ......................................................... 54!
3.2 Working on Corporate Data: the Case of Social Science One ....................................... 55!
3.3 Academic Entrepreneurship and Ethics: The case of the Utrecht Data School ............. 56!
3.4 Working on Corporate Data: Ethical and Innovative Approaches ................................. 57!
4.!Conclusions: Some Remarks and Summarizing Questions ............................................ 57!
5.!References ........................................................................................................................... 60!
1. Introduction
Academy/Industry partnerships are not something new in research. Scholars from several
disciplines have reflected on it, unfolding the actors involved and identifying the factors
influencing it. On the one side, Academy/Industry partnership is something that may threaten
academic research with the potential loss of its nature and aims, while on the other side, it is
something to pursue to open research to new paths and horizons.
While it should not be taken for granted, it is worth reflecting on the opportunities and
risks of Academy/Industry partnership in the field of internet research, to disentangle the
underlying questions and to try to answer to them from the point of view of the research
While, as noted above, Academy/Industry partnership is not a new phenomenon, the
contemporary social, political and economic scenario is nonetheless fast changing and
requires the academy to step up or to slow down in order to find its pace within it. In a context
in which academic research grants and funding have been diminishing and University-
Industry collaboration “is considered a relevant economic driver” (Rajalo & Vadi, 2017, p.
42), external funding and cooperation with corporations, institutions, and foundations
represent, for example, an interesting perspective for academic research. Academics are thus
required to become entrepreneurs with a role in shaping the use of data (see for example the
model of Utrecht Data School (Schäfer & van Es, 2017, p. 17)). They are also expected to
nurture civil society, disseminating results among public institutions, stakeholders, and
companies, and promoting with them fruitful relationships according to the approach that
evidences the presence of the “Third Mission” of the university that directly refers to the
contribution that university can give to society (Zomer & Benneworth, 2011).
In the field of social media research, an element that added complexity to this scenario
is the change in social media platforms’ policies that put new limits and constraints on
accessing data. This occurred through the change of the Terms of Service (ToS) and of the
API access policies (Freelon, 2018; Kotsios, Magnani, Rossi, Shklovski, & Vega, 2019;
Halavais, 2019), causing a major turn in social media research to the point that Axel Bruns
calls it the “APIcalypse” (Bruns, 2019). The ways in which these limitations can be overcome
have recently been topic of debate inside the academic community, as, for example, in the
pages of Information, Communication & Society by Bruns (2019) and Puschmann (2019),
who discuss precisely the possibility of undertaking partnerships between academic scholars
and the corporations that own social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. Their
debate will be recalled also later in this essay. Partnering with a corporation that provides
funding or that makes available data, in fact, can be an interesting opportunity for developing
academic research and for enabling knowledge or technology transfer. However, having a
corporation or a public institution that finances academic research or that provides data poses
several ethical questions regarding the independence of the research or the nature of data, for
example. Other ethical questions are raised when the object of the study is a corporation itself
and the contents it posts online.
This essay will try to unfold this area with a view towards ethics, tracing first a brief
theoretical background of the relationship between academic and administrative research from
two points of view: the traditional sociological debate that took place in social sciences after
Lazarsfeld’s reflection and the investigation about models of University/Industry relationship.
It will then address the main ethical issues in this field, presenting and discussing some best
practices and relevant topics. In the conclusion, a list of issues, suggestions, and questions are
proposed in order to sum up the main relevant points of attention.
2. Theoretical Background
2.1 Academic vs Administrative Research
Although Academy/Industry relationship is a relatively recent field of investigation and has
been developed in several forms during the recent years (Perkmann et al., 2013), reflections
about this topic are not new in social sciences. The most relevant and popular debate is
certainly the dichotomy between academic and administrative research. Lazarsfeld gave a
crucial contribution to settling the boundaries between the two with his 1941 essay, Remarks
on Administrative and Critical Communication Research, together with later essays (Hardt,
1992; Simonson & Weimann, 2003). Recently, the debate about administrative and critical
research was resumed in audience studies and political sciences in the special issues of
Participations. Journal of Audience & Reception Studies (Barker, Mathijs & Turnbull, 2015)
and the Journal of Information Policy (Jayakar, Schejter & Taylor, 2016).
Outlining briefly the origins of the debate: the dichotomy between academic and
administrative research and the ways to use empirical data can be traced back to the debate
between empiricists and rationalists (Melody & Mansell, 1983) while origins of critical
research can be traced back to neo-marxist philosophy (Katz & Katz, 2016).
In Lazarsfeld’s reflections, on the one side there is administrative research that is
research conducted “in the service of some kind of administrative agency of public or private
character” (Lazarsfeld, 1941, p. 8) and focuses on specific questions such as “size and
composition of media audiences” and “whether specific types of intended effects are
achieved” (Napoli & Friedland, 2016, p. 42). Price (2015) adds that administrative research
usually coincides with market or commercial research and that generally in this kind of
research methodological choices are minimally explained; there are no references to former
literature; and the dissemination of results is done by reports (Price, 2015). On the other side,
there is critical research that, again in Lazarsfeld’s words, investigates “the general role of our
media communication” and “develops a theory of the prevailing social trend of our times”
(Lazarsfeld, 1941, p. 9), addressing questions about media organization and control and how
they threaten human values.
Price specifies that critical research is conducted by academic scholars, is based on
previous literature, is disseminated through journal papers or conferences, and has a clear
explanation of methodological choices (Price, 2015).
Other researchers have argued about further distinctions between the two, showing that
they also differ in the “ideological orientation of the researcher” (Smythe & Dinh, 1983, p.
117) and “in the allegiance of researchers to the status quo [administrative] versus [changes in
existing political and economic institutionalized relations [critical]” (Melody & Mansell,
1983, pp. 109-110).
Administrative research about social media done by commercial research institutes or
digital communications agencies (i.e. for marketing purposes) seems, then, to differ from
academic/critical research about social media – not primarily in terms of methods, which are
often similar, but rather in goals, theoretical assumptions, and outcome. This is of no little
importance, since these aspects are crucial to academic work. Academic or critical research
has, in fact, the function of questioning the current status quo of media, communication,
and/or technology (just to give examples in the field of internet research); to put in evidence
the non-neutrality of technology; to highlight questions about power; and to promote
development in society (Melody & Mansell, 1983).
Particular attention has to be given to administrative research done inside academy, as
a form of cooperation and partnership with corporations or institutions.
2.2 Models of Academy/Industry Partnership
As above mentioned, research about the modes and models of Academy/Industry relationship
has increased and refined over the last years, focusing on more systemic and organizational
aspects and producing several models of cooperation.
According to Ankrah and Al-Tabbaa, “universities—industry collaboration (UIC)
refers to the interaction between any parts of the higher educational system and industry
aiming mainly to encourage knowledge and technology exchange” (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa,
2015, p. 387) and can take different forms such as “Joint Ventures, Networks, Consortia, and
Alliances” (p. 390). Perkmann et al. introduce the concept of “academic engagement” that is
“knowledge-related collaboration by academic researchers with non-academic organizations.
These interactions include formal activities such as collaborative research, contract research,
and consulting, as well as informal activities like providing ad hoc advice and networking
with practitioners" (Perkmann et al., 2013, p. 424). According to the authors, academic
engagement is different but related with academic entrepreneurship and commercialization.
Academic entrepreneurship “is the founding of a firm with the objective to commercially
exploit a patented invention, or in some cases, a body of unpatented expertise” (Perkmann et
al., 2013, p. 424) while commercialization is a “technology transfer” (p. 424) or an action in
which “an academic invention is exploited with the objective to reap financial rewards” (p.
Thus, Academy/Industry partnerships may have different forms and goals. Moreover,
partnerships may occur at both an institutional and personal level. Bodas et al. document two
main areas of governance: “institutional” and “personal contractual” (Bodas Freitas, Geuna, &
Rossi, 2013), and also highlight that while usually the focus is on the former, the latter is also
very present and thus must be considered. Salleh and Omar, in their analysis of University-
Industry Collaboration Models, add another important factor, namely, the presence of the
local government, which may support or even promote forms of academic-industry
partnerships for the development of the country (Salleh & Omar, 2013).
In this multi-faceted context, studies show that several factors may influence these
collaborations. The literature on the antecedents of academic engagement and
commercialization highlights the importance of individual characteristics (such as seniority,
academic quality and success, or grant funding), organizational context (like the quality of the
university or the department of affiliation), and institutional context (like disciplinary
affiliation or institutional pressures) (Perkmann et al., 2013). Among the evaluation
parameters of the quality of the cooperation there are collaboration, knowledge sharing,
culture, financial support, communication, and barriers (Ivascu, Cirjaliu, & Draghici, 2016).
As shown above, the literature usually focuses on understanding the institutional or
individual factors and constraints that may influence the quality and the output of the
collaborations or propose a model for organizing the subjects involved. Less attention is
devoted to more structural topics, such as the independence of academic research or the
importance of research ethics. Maybe this is due to the fact that these aspects are specific for
each scientific sector and may be taken for granted due to the nature of academic research.
Adopting the approach of ethics as method (Markham & Buchanan, 2012) and
applying it to three levels of antecedents of academic engagement, it is possible to unfold
some of the ethical issues that arise. At the institutional level the scientific sector and its
regulations may be considered, since each scientific sector may have specific rules and
guidelines about ethics and public policies may be different. Considering organizational
factors, other questions should be posed, for example how ethics will be developed during the
research project, how data will be stored, how ethics will be developed during the course of
the whole research project and when researchers have to face unforeseen events. There are,
then, individual factors, such as how ethics will be managed by the members of the research
team or the seniority of the researchers, and the individual ability to identify and address the
ethical issues during the research process. Ethics will also interact with the outputs and
dissemination of the research projects, whether in academic, educational, or commercial
To be more practical and to give examples of the ethical issues applied to
internet/social media research, the essay will continue with two case studies of research
entities that adopt a particular attention to ethics and with two thematic areas interesting for
the questions they pose.
3. Academy/Industry Collaborations and Working on Corporate Data: Case
3.1 Working on Corporate Data: a Brief Introduction
One interesting point of discussion for the ethics of internet and social media research is
raised by research that works on online data produced or about a corporation. Among such
research there are examples of data from corporate websites or data posted on branded social
media profiles.
Here, one of the main ethical questions is whether companies should be treated like
human persons or not. Questions raised are, for example, whether informed consent is
required to analyse data or if there are privacy protection concerns. Kotsios et al., 2019 note
that the GDPR (EU, 2108) does not apply when social network analysis nodes are represented
by companies (Kotsios et al., 2019, p. 8), so one may guess that some restrictions do not apply
to data about companies. However, data about companies often includes users’ data (for
example, comments on social media posts), making some ethical questions still relevant. In
these cases, the suggestion should be to properly identify the data needed, to minimize the
data retrieved and address the ethical questions raised by each type of data. Ess and Hård af
Segerstad suggest the principle of data minimization according to which “one should only
retrieve the data needed to pursue a specific research question” (2019, p. 177). They also
suggest to build ad hoc tools for the project, that may help to retrieve only the data needed
avoiding the involuntary download of other data, and to take initiatives aimed at protecting
sensitive and personal data like anonymizing them (2019; Hård af Segerstad, Kasperowski,
Kullenberg, & Howes, 2017). In the case of the analysis of social media corporate data, a
solution can be to build a tool that downloads only data about the corporation or the
corporations to be analysed, excluding data produced by users that may include personal
sensitive data, such as comments and shares or, when downloading the data, to immediately
encrypt sensitive data such as commentator’s names.
3.2 Working on Corporate Data: the Case of Social Science One
Other occasions to work on corporate data may consist in data provided by a corporation.
Among the projects that work on this kind of corporate data, Social Science One is a project
for academic-industry partnership that put a specific attention to ethics:
Social Science One implements a new type of partnership between academic
researchers and the private sector to advance the goals of social science in
understanding and solving society’s greatest challenges. Our mutually incentive-
compatible approach enables academics to analyse and use the increasingly rich
troves of information amassed by companies to address societal issues, while
protecting their respective interests and ensuring the highest standards of privacy
and data security (Social Science One, n.d.).
As King and Persily (2019) describe, the structure of the project is quite complex, in order to
guarantee in each stage the independence of the researchers and the respect of ethical
principles. Their paper offers a detailed description of the structure of Social Science One.
Here only the main point will be highlighted.
First, it is interesting to note that Social Science One separated the various stages of
the research in order to reduce conflicts of interest and to guarantee full independence of the
academic researchers. Thus, for example, data, funds, review processes, and research projects’
submission are separate stages and come from different entities. The main components of the
structure of Social Science One are: the company that provides data; foundations that provide
finances; the commissions of “respected scholars” (King & Persily, 2019, p. 5) that cooperate
with the company for identifying the topic(s) of research and defines an “open grant
competition for independent academic experts to receive funding to take on this work” (p. 7);
independent scholars who participate in the competition with their proposals that are
evaluated by independent peer reviewers and then by the commission that “makes final
decisions about which grants to award” (p. 7). After grants are awarded, the procedure is
similar to other “university procedures for sponsored research” (p. 8).
Second, the process is based on an accountability model, since each stage and
relationship is regulated by contracts, and Social Science One itself “has the obligation to
report to the public” (p. 7, italics in original).
Third, the attention to ethics is developed in two more aspects. To begin with, Social
Science One collaborates with researchers of the PERVADE group (p. 9). Second, it has
established nine ethical processes to be followed. Among them there are instructions for
ensuring that the research projects submitted follow the most rigorous standards and also the
principle of respecting the privacy of the subjects whose data are object of research, using for
example the principle of “differential privacy” (p. 14). About the mechanism of differential
privacy in Social Science One project see also the work of Messing et al. (Messing et al.,
2019). The goal pursued, thus, is to not violate privacy in both the research project and in
potential following stage that may occur later, for example when different datasets are
matched together potentially creating a situation in which single users can be identified.
The Social Science One project has been recently the topic of debate among academic
scholars, especially about the first active collaboration involving Facebook.
Bruns (2019) raises doubts about the real independence of academic scholars and the
excessive power of the co-chairs of the project in deciding which research projects should be
financed. According to his view, projects like these are forms of “corporate data
philanthropy” that “appears designed predominantly to benefit the corporation” (p. 8) and that
“leaves precious little room for actual, meaningful, socially responsible, and impactful
research, especially at a time when there are growing calls for scholars to embrace a more
‘data-activist research agenda’ (Kazansky et al., 2019, p. 244) in order to combat pressing
societal problems” (p. 9).
One further point of attention is that this approach switches the responsibility for
ethics from the researchers as individuals to the collective of people and entities involved
(King & Persily, 2019, p. 13). This approach recalls the earlier concepts of distributed
morality (Floridi, 2013), distributed responsibility (Ess, 2013), and relational concepts of
selfhood (Ess, 2014; cf. in this document pp. 6; 8) in which the value of not only the
individual, but also of all the subjects involved, is recognized. In this light, we also may
suggest that the approach adopted belongs neither to utilitarianism nor to deontology, of
which the former maximizes the good and the latter anchors ethics to human autonomy or
freedom – but to virtue ethics (Ess, 2014). In Ess’ proposal, virtue ethics should be a
candidate for global ethics in which the focus is on the relational self and on the complete
growth of the individual, even if with a specific attention to privacy protection (Ess, 2014).
3.3 Academic Entrepreneurship and Ethics: The case of the Utrecht Data
In an environment that encourages academic entrepreneurship (Perkmann et al., 2013),
universities are fast adapting to this scenario. The Utrecht Data School is a best practice of
connecting academic entrepreneurship and ethical issues (Utrecht Data School, n.d.-c). The
Utrecht Data School has the possibility of establishing partnerships and collaborations with
companies, institutions, governments and other entities for research goals (Utrecht Data
School, n.d.-a). It is thought of as “research and education platform” (Schäfer & van Es, 2017,
p. 17) that involves researchers and students. It has also the goal of initiating a debate with the
relevant stakeholders about data, thereby being an active part of society in promoting an
ethical approach to data research.
This strong commitment to ethics is mainly summarized by DEDA (Data Ethics
Decision Aid) that offers several tools among which workshops with their data ethics
consultants and a worksheet that “addresses the various phases of a project and the different
ethical issues that might emerge” (Utrecht Data School, n.d.-b).
The Utrecht Data School offers a systematic approach to ethics in which the role of
academics and universities in creating a culture about ethics of research, inside and outside
university, is magnified. It also proposes the academic world as a relevant stakeholder for
helping to identify and resolve ethical issues also in other sectors of society as well. The
Utrecht Data School is still working not only with corporate data but also with data from
governments (e.g., social welfare data, employment data, educational records, records of
residential burglaries, just to name a few).
3.4 Working on Corporate Data: Ethical and Innovative Approaches
The study of corporate data may be complex, as the ones described above or may be simpler
and conducted internally by the firms, with or without the support of third-party agencies to
achieve specific goals.
Ajunwa, Crawford, and Ford (2016) reflect on medical data taken from wellness
programs. While these kinds of programs are at the moment mainly diffused in the USA, we
cannot exclude that they may become more popular outside the USA, and thus insights also
about this kind of data should be helpful for the whole community of researchers.
The approach of the authors is interesting because they address the ethical issues
raised by wellness programs during all the data collection processes such as: informed
consent; data collection and control; and potential for employment discrimination (Ajunwa,
Crawford, & Ford, 2016, pp. 476–478). These elements are required in order to provide ten
“core promises” (p. 479) for building ethical collection of data among wellness programs. The
researchers also propose innovative approaches in which employees not only give data but
also cooperate to develop wellness programs.
Another innovative approach is the one illustrated by Halavais (2019) that proposes a
model in which researchers are partnering not with companies but with users (Halavais,
2019). Halavais collected projects that adopted this approach, such as crowdsourcing,
donating data for science, or the open sharing of web activity through a browser plugin
(Halavais, 2019, pp. 9–10). From an ethical point of view, this approach insists on
transparency and trust between researchers and subjects (Halavais, 2019, p. 11).
4. Conclusions: Some Remarks and Summarizing Questions
This essay has focused on the ethical issues raised by corporate data in two forms: when
academic partners with corporations to work on data or when a research is done on corporate
data. It first offered two theoretical backgrounds of the relationship between academy and
corporations, recalling the debate between academic/critical and administrative research and
then models of Academy/Industry collaboration.
Considering the debate that followed Lazarsfeld’s essay from the perspective of the
ethics of the research, it is possible to highlight the differences between academic and
administrative research regarding purpose, theoretical assumptions, method, outcome, and
dissemination. A focal point that should be considered under this perspective is the
independence of the researchers and the freedom to address wider questions also when
partnering with a company.
The debate about the models of University/Industry partnership showed the great
complexity of this growing field, making it possible to identify the subjects involved and the
forms of influence. University/Industry relationships emerged as a multifaceted phenomenon,
with many nuances and subjects involved. From the perspective of ethics, the studies in this
field helped to break down the actors and situations in which ethical issues may arise and how
to address them. The case histories described offered the opportunity to discover different
ways to address ethical issues.
Social Science One proposed a model of partnership between academy and industry in
which the different entities involved are connected but also kept separate (as examples, the
selection of research topics, data, funding, research projects) in order to preserve researchers’
independence and to treat data ethically (for example, by preserving subjects’ privacy). The
Utrecht Data School offered a model in which ethics is a core principle of the Academy when
proposing external partnerships. These cases also help to overcome the distinction between
academic and administrative research by showing the potentialities of academic researchers to
make companies and other entities aware of the relevance of ethical issues and to create a
culture in this sense. Other emerging fields, such as the analysis of data present in wellness
programs or online data produced by corporations, showed that there are new fields and areas
where ethical issues arise and must be addressed. Other approaches, such as the ones analysed
by Halavais (2019), suggest building a cooperation with users, involving them actively into
the research process.
Regarding social media research and direct partnership between universities and social
media corporations, the discussion is open and leaves room for very different points of view.
Bruns (2019) raises several doubts about this kind of partnership, considering it more an
operation of “data philanthropy” (p. 2) and public relations for social media companies than
something of which academy would benefit from. Bruns is also very clear in recalling the
strong role of academic research that should be a “critical, independent, public-interest
scholarly inquiry” (p. 15) that addresses the relevant and global contemporary challenges, in
which social media platforms are involved, such as “the disruption of democratic processes by
deliberate disinformation campaigns; in the growing polarisation of public debate; and in the
re-emergence of naked fascism even within the most powerful democratic nation in the
world” (p. 15). Pushmann (2019), although considering the risks and the still unclear outcome
of such partnerships, is more optimistic in his view, highlighting that it is worth trying
because of the role that social media assumes nowadays globally in social communication
dynamics; because of the absence at the moment of alternative models that can protect both
the academic standards and the privacy of the subjects involved; and because it is a possibility
to understand how these companies work and “and, if need be, contribute to holding them
accountable” (p. 8).
If turning back to Lazarsfeld’s dilemma between critical and administrative research,
we can guess that nowadays academic research needs more than ever to be critical research,
focusing on the challenges of the contemporary media environment, understanding its logic,
and being a counterpart for corporations, even when cooperating with them, in order to
nurture society and to empower users.
Lessons learned from the literature and cases analysed suggest that the ethics as
method approach (Markham & Buchanan, 2012) and the principle of accountability (boyd &
Crawford, 2012; Locatelli, 2013) are very useful if applied in contexts where several subjects
and issues are present. Another suggestion is that it is helpful is to break down the research
process in its components in order to better address the ethical issues that may arise during
each step, from funding to dissemination. This last approach was encouraged in the second set
of AoIR guidelines on Internet Research Ethics (Markham & Buchanan, 2012) and is further
expanded in the current IRE 3.0 documents (cf. 2.2., 2.3. above).
Finally, it will be useful to summarize the main topics treated in some questions that,
together with AoIR guidelines and other models (such as the above mentioned DEDA
worksheet), may help researchers in identifying the ethical issues raised in the cooperation
between academy and corporations or while working on corporate data:
Who are the stakeholders involved?
Who is the subject that is providing financial support?
What are the goals of the research? Are the researchers answering only to the
financer’s needs and/or do they have also their own research questions to pursue?
Which is the relationship between the funder(s) and the researchers? And between the
different stakeholders involved? Is it a relationship on equal terms or are there some
power imbalances?
Who decides the methodological approach(es)?
What is / are the methodological approach(es)?
Who is the owner of the data obtained during the research process and where do the
data come from (i.e. originally produced/retrieved for the research and/or already
extant corporate data provided by the funder)?
What are the forms of dissemination of the research (i.e. academic, corporate,
Are there risks for the researchers or for the academic institution in carrying on such
research (i.e. reputation, data management, ethics)?
Do the corporate data involve any human subject data? Where are the data stored?
Which are the terms of use of the platform studied?
Note and acknowledgement
This essay is a living document that hopes to be useful in raising a debate concerning an
emerging field that challenges the ethics of internet research. All comments and suggestions
are therefore welcome, especially case studies that may enrich section 3 devoted to case
histories and innovative approaches.
I want to thank Charles M. Ess, for his kindness, cooperation, and patience, Fabio Giglietto
for his precious comments, and aline shakti franzke for her support in developing this essay.
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Feminist Research Ethics (IRE 3.0 6.3)
aline shakti franzke,University Duisburg Essen
Cite as: franzke, a. s. 2020. Feminist Research Ethics, IRE 3.0 Companion 6.3, Association of
Internet Researchers,
1. On the Shoulders of Giants ............................................................................................... 65
2. Ethics of Care and Situated Knowledge ........................................................................... 66
3. Objections ........................................................................................................................... 67
4. Data feminism ..................................................................................................................... 68
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 71
6. References ........................................................................................................................... 73
Feminism doesn`t need a doctrine of objectivity that promises transcendence, a story
that loses track of its mediations just where someone might be held responsible for
something, and unlimited instrumental power. We don’t want a theory of innocent
powers to represent the world, where language and bodies both fall into the bliss of
organic symbiosis. We also don’t want to theorize the world, much less act within it, in
terms of Global Systems, but we do need an earth wide network of connections,
including the ability partially to translate knowledge among very different – and
power- differentiated- communities. We need the power of modern critical theory of
how meanings and bodies get made, not in order to deny meanings and bodies, but in
order to build meanings and bodies that have a chance for life. (Haraway, 1988, p.
There is not one single tradition of feminist history. It is more than just one movement. It is
not an ideology, nor just one discourse. It is a multiverse of stories, lives and perspectives. It
is too often a story of deaths and injustices, abuses and struggles within oneself, the
community, the society, the system. So many different voices of what it means to care, to
keep going, to resist. When do we start to act for what reasons? Who is benefiting? How can
we legitimize what we are doing?
The internet functions increasingly as a new ecosystem of knowledge production,
which lets internet studies flourish. Three strands of research occurred: Firstly, feminist media
studies, which focus on critical discourse analysis with an emphasis on the audience, the text
or infrastructures. This body of work foregrounds the relations of power and contestation.
Research interests might focus on profile pictures, blogs, games, videos and fan fiction (for
example in Shepherd, 2015). Secondly, cyberfeminist approaches, which focus on the myriad
experience of users with the help of cyberethnographic research methods (for example
Gajjala, 2004). And thirdly, feminist technoscience: these scholars are interested in the
materiality of technology and conceptualize their approaches for example with Latour's actor-
network theory (for example Bivens, 2015) (Leurs, 2017, p. 137).
Ethics is using moral theory in order to make well informed, hence well-balanced
judgements based on certain frameworks. For feminist ethicists, the analytical category of
gender plays an important role in the reflection on how to decide. It is not limited, however,
to gender-related questions but disagreements and agreements caused by the theoretical and
practical question of what social, political and economic consequences follow from being a
woman*. In the same moment, it also adds “perspectives of race, class, ability, sexuality, and
immigrant status, and many more” (D’Ignazio & Klein, 2019a). Intersectional feminism is
about the experience of intersecting power relations- in the sense of experience privilege on
the one hand and oppression on the other- that form one's personal experience, that may
produce marginalization (see D’Ignazio & Klein, 2019b).
This paper maps out some relevant work that has been done on Ethics of Care in the
context of Feminist Internet Research Ethics by providing a generic overview. It is structured
in four pillars. Pillar one will set out the scene by adding some historical perspective on
feminism. It is never possible to provide a complete overview, so some might be missing. By
caring for our bodies, our communities and our research subjects, we are acting ethically. We
balance right and wrong along the way by reflection on our context and thereby gain ‘situated
knowledge’. This will be the topic of pillar two. Thirdly, nothing comes without its problems,
therefore some concerns and objections will be listed. Not too many, not too detailed. A
starting point. Raise your voice if something is missing. Fourthly, we turn from more
philosophical to more practical concerns by addressing some data ethical suggestions. Those
gain importance since in internet research the relation between the subject and the researcher
might be blurred by (big) data, platforms, logics, materialities. I will end with a summary and
some practical implications for the research process and everyday life.
1. On the Shoulders of Giants
Not so long ago, ideas of the ideal democracy were brought forward and with them the
Enlightenment flourished. Addressing questions of what it means to be human and who was
considered human enough can be described as the beginning not only of humanism in which
the core power of ‘Man’ namely rationality was brought to life through self-regulating powers
of the perfect male bodies. By cultivating a picture of the ideal male rationality European
humanism was ever since intertwined not only with gender struggles and feminism* but also
with European culturalism (Braidotti & Gilroy, 2016, p. 2). Next to philosophers like
Immanuel Kant, Rousseau prominently addressed in his book “Origin by discourse of
inequality” (1755) important inequalities without seeing women as full members of the
human community. This was critically addressed by Mary Wollstonecraft already in the 18th
century, who laid, next to authors like John Stuart Mill, Catharine Beecher, Charlotte Perkin
Gire and Cady Stanton, important foundations for later feminist reflection by fighting for the
right to vote and participate in political life. Given the historically ‘young’ right to vote for
women, we can be quite proud to look back to the achievements of former feminists. What in
retrospect sometimes is called the first wave of feminism, was followed by the second wave,
which expanded the focus from legal and property rights to topics concerned with family and
sexuality. All these issues were considered to be topics of the so-called private realm. By
addressing them, the so-called private realm was problematized and its political relevance
kept being an important and ongoing debate. Simon de Beauvoir (1968) and her most famous
quote “one is not be born, but becomes a woman” can be seen as an important cornerstone
that unleashed debates on female and male inequalities, which later expanded to questions of
gender identity, their construction, and their political relevance (Butler, 2011).
Within media and communication studies feminist ethics of care gained broader
attention especially related to questions regarding methodologies. Feminist ethics and ethics
of care emerged early on as especially appropriate frameworks for, e.g., participant
observation methodologies in which researchers often felt close bonds with and thereby
heightened moral obligations to their research subjects (e.g., Hall et al., 2003; Walstrom,
2004; Buchanan & Ess 2008, pp. 276 f.). Note that participant observations, however, is not
used as a method only in Media Studies only but most prominently in Social Anthropology,
Sociology, and Biology. McKee and Porter (2010) included care along with five other
qualities defining the ethos of feminist research methodology – along with commitments to
social justice and improvement of circumstances for participants, critical reflexivity,
flexibility, dialogical and transparency (155 f.). (These directly overlap and resonate with the
feminist principles of empowerment, reflexivity, and reciprocity identified by Kingston, this
volume.) Both care ethics and feminist approaches more broadly are increasingly applied to
Big Data research (e.g., Leurs, 2017, Fotopoulou, forthcoming; Lupton, 2018; Luka &
Milette, 2018; Rambukkana 2019) and other more quantitatively-oriented research (e.g.,
Tiidenberg, 2018; Suomela et al., 2019).
2. Ethics of Care and Situated Knowledge
Beginning with the 1960’s authors like Charlotte Perkin Gilman, spread the idea of the
necessity of so-called ‘female values’ such as care. In her utopian Novel “Herland” (1915),
she describes an isolated state, where only women live, a land where the so-called female*
values like caring, educating and development could unfold to create a flourishing and perfect
world without oppression. Authors like Carol Gilligan challenged the idea of Kohlberg, who
stated that there were six stages of moral development within humans. She pointed out that
Kohlberg had only researched white males and illustrated that people in moral decision
making are not favouring the abstract over the concrete, the principle over the relationship and
the cognitive over the affective, but the contrary. Humans try to make meaningful decision
with multiple values involved, which are not perfect but wise for the moment (Murphy &
Gilligan, 1980). Nel Noddings was one of the first authors that formulated care ethical
principles that have set the fundament for feminist ethics of care, which endorse the
experience of being cared for and care for others, in short: relationships over individual
principles (1988). “Unlike previous ethical theories that start from the position of an
independent rational subject thinking about how to treat other equally independent rational
subjects, the Ethics of Care starts with the real experience of being embedded in relationships
with uneven power relations” (Suomela et al., 2019, p.2).
Care became a central value of feminist reflection and Joan Tronto and Berenice
Fisher delivered a generic definition. Care is understood as “everything that we do to
maintain, continue and repour >our world< so that we can live in it as good as possible. That
world includes our bodies, ourselves, and our environment, all of which we seek to
interweave in a complex life-sustaining web” (Tronto, 1994, p.103, as emphasized by Maria
Puig de la Bellacasa, 2012, p. 198).
Next to the care for the own selves, bodies and worlds other feminist arguments have
recognized that care is a “non- normative obligation” (Puig de la Bellacasa, 2010) and
something that seems unavoidable between reliant and vulnerable beings (Kittay & Feder,
2003). Care is therefore understood not only as vital necessity for flourishing relations. Since
interdependency is a fact, an overall nostalgic or romanticized idea of care should be avoided.
Feminist inspired visions do not imply a longing for a harmonious ideal world, but want to
focus on vital everyday practices that engage with the troubles and interdependent struggles
(Puig de la Bellacasa, 2012, p. 199). For a feminist internet research, the power of individual
struggles should gain visibility as part of the research process. Questions regarding how we
gain knowledge and how knowing can be understood as a relational practice plays a central
role within feminist research ethics.
‘Situated knowledge’, a concept that was introduced by Donna Haraway, asks what
counts as knowledge and how this knowledge is gained (Haraway, 1988). For Haraway
situated knowledge is about communities and not about isolated individuals (Haraway, 1988,
p. 590). The body is understood as an agent and not merely as a resource. Care involves care
for one's body, one’s community and the relationship towards research participants. For
research ethics reflection on the nature of knowledge are important in the sense that
knowledge in itself is neither good nor bad, but good or bad in the relation between its content
and the context. For what purpose was knowledge gained? What is the relation between
knowledge and the knower? Feminist objectivity as understood by Haraway simply means
situated knowledge, as a counterprogram of the gods trick, referring to a pseudo objective
science that seems to operate from a point of nowhere, from a distance and pretending to be
the all-seeing objective one and only truth (Haraway, 1988, p. 581). Similar claims have been
made by authors like Harding (1987), who pointed towards the political and relational aspect
of knowledge. Liberal feminists like Tong (1998) have promoted research that supports social
change and transformation in a way that society becomes a better place for women to live in
beyond oppression (Tong, 1998, p. 230).
3. Objections
Contextualizing one’s perspective does not mean to fall into relativism but to gain passionate
detachment to one’s own perspective and to seek self-knowledge. Situated knowledge in its
subjectivity is multidimensional, never complete, finished or perfect but therefore an
invitation for others to cooperate and add to the complexity. The danger of using care as the
only principle could be dangerous, since care and emotions have played an important role in
the suppression of women over centuries, where they need to be the emotional caregiver.
Martha Nussbaum has therefore critically added the suggestion that we need to focus on
human dignity as grounding principles in order to avoid political reproduction of inequalities
(Nussbaum, 2013).
Taking care can easily lead to the feeling of being overly responsible for everything. This
problem has already been addressed by sociologist Ulrich Beck. It is important to take one's
own responsibility seriously but also seek to join others in order to support systematical
change. Not everything can be solved by just focusing on care.
4. Data Feminism
Ongoing technological developments and people’s interaction with those technologies
generate an array of digitized information that can be used to create profound insights about
people’s bodies, their habits and preferences and their social relations. Small data sets that
focus on one particular aspect of life are becoming big datasets once the datasets are
aggravated. Data-driven research, however, poses severe issues of how to interpret and make
sense of data, how to collect it, cook it, share it and store it, given the fact that other agencies,
firms and actors do frequently collect, access and exploit user’s data without people’s
knowledge or consent (Lupton, 2018, p. 1).
The importance of data has given raise for data feminism, which can be described as
“a way of thinking about data and its communication that is informed by direct experience, by
a commitment to action, and by the ideas associated with intersectional feminist thought”
(D’Ignazio & Klein, 2019a). Caring for oneself can be a starting point for situated knowledge
by bringing the body and its needs back into the process of knowledge production.
Clarification about the definition of data feminism is needed. Several layers can be found.
Firstly, from the beginning on it was criticized how woman’s achievements in the
development of the Internet have been made invisible (See for example Gürer, 2002). Further,
it has been criticized in which sense the binary thinking of one and Ceros might reproduce
gender ideals. Thirdly, it has been asked in which sense the internet and its materiality might
reproduce biases, particularly in AI and its training sets (On Bias in AI see for example
Crawford, 2016). Other research has pointed out in which sense working with grey data might
cause conflict (see for example Rambukkana, 2019).
It seems to be hard or even impossible to separate online and offline life, since the
world, our work, private and public is already frequently depending on the use of the Internet
(Floridi, 2015). The broad body of feminist literature and frequent claims for quality,
visibility and many more need to be translated and critical theory of data economics need to
be added. Data, the so-called new gold of the industry, is also important for research, since the
internet, understood as a research object can bring new insights and plays a fundamental role
in everyday life. New internet-based methodology, such as data scraping, data visualization
and data archives, on the other hand, add complexity and challenge epistemology (See for
example: When do we start to trust the machine).
Ethical reflection that has focused on the computer and its regulation (Johnson, 1985;
Moor, 1985) has turned into reflection on the nature of information (Floridi, 2015) and in
recent years has turned towards reflection on data (Kitchin, 2016; Richards & King, 2014;
Mittelstadt & Floridi, 2016; Crawford et al., 2014; Markham, 2013; Metcalf & Crawford,
2016). It is still a long way to fully grasp the inequalities that are reproduced by the
information age and how to fully engage in order to take care of one’s research community. In
order to be capable to gain reflexive judgement, researchers need to be proceeded not
determinatively but evaluate the web of relations (Vallor, 2006, p. 105). Even though it might
be hard to determine where context starts or where it ends, it is important to reflect on the
context (Ess, 2014, pp. 211 f.).
The following principles have been developed for a feminist ethics of care:
A basic starting point is examining the project from an internal perspective by
describing the relationships between the many people who are actively engaged in
data collection, analysis, writing, and archiving.
The next step is to check on the relationships between the research project and the
subject community that is involved. Are the research subjects being consulted or
respected? Are the researchers avoiding potential harms?
A final step is to look at external relationships beyond the subjects of the study,
often this means looking outward to the wider research community for suggestions
and openings for dialogue (Suomela et al., 2019).
Zooming into the data-related aspects Koen Leurs gathered important debates and formulated
the following:
1) “People are more than digital data”
People do not equal data traces; data traces are limited, often ahistorical and
decontextualised representations of people.
‘Big data’ are only meaningful in interaction with in-depth ‘small data’ that value
human subjectivities and meaning-making.
Rather than only extracting data, collaborative data analysis values users as experts
over their own practices and attempts to maintain connections between researchers
and people under study!
2) Context-specificity
Digital data are never ‘raw’ but are always already ‘cooked’ (Lupton,
2016, p. 4). The process of cleaning data to ensure software readability does not take
place in a vacuum but reflects and shapes intersecting gender, race and classed
power relations.
Situations define moral problems (access, disclosure, privacy).
User-generated content is generally published in informal spaces that users often
perceive as private but may strictly speaking be publicly accessible. In any case,
researchers are rarely the intended audience of user-generated content. Although
often mentioned in
Terms of Service agreements, users may be unaware about the possibility and reality
of their data being mined for (commercial) research purposes. Researchers are
responsible to inform users about how and why their data are gathered, coded,
analysed, stored and possibly shared, and under which conditions.
Digital data are performative, subjects are known in data-contexts through repetitive
enactments and are slotted into known parameters (Day, 2014). These processual
relationships between software/hardware/humans are bounded but not determined
by sociotechnical configurations (Wajcman, 2004; Barad, 2007) and can only be
understood as part of wider visual/audio/textual/hyperlinked/coded/algorithmic
A feminist ethics of care demands attention to human meaning-making, context-specificity,
inter/dependencies, temptations, as well as benefits and harm. A moral focus is on
relationality, responsibility inter-subjectivity and the autonomy of the research participants.
These concerns offer new ways to theorise and empirically sustain the propositions that digital
data cannot be expected to speak for themselves, that data do not emerge from a vacuum, and
that isolated data on their own should not be the end goal of a critical and reflexive research
endeavour. What a situated ethics of care for data analysis might look like will be further
developed in the following substantive empirical section. This endeavour brings its own
challenges, and I will discuss opportunities and constraints of striving for a feminist and
postcolonial ethics in data analysis. In particular, I relate the guidelines outlined above to
assess the ‘micropolitics’ (Bhavnani, 1993) of creating and analysing Facebook friendship
visualisations with young people as part of my aim to develop anti-oppressive digital data
research feminist data studies in practice. Reading most journal articles reporting on data-
driven research, one gets the impression that gathering user-generated data is a
straightforward process of using a software tool to scrape online texts. What often gets
silenced in the methods sections of journal articles is how gathering digital data is a context-
specific and power-ridden process similar to doing fieldwork offline.
3) Dependencies and relationalities
Digital data-environments, like social media sites, are characterised by distinctive
‘platform values’ (Leurs & Zimmer, 2017).
Presupposing inevitable dependencies. Dependencies include human and non-
human actors including users, communities, networks, software, interfaces,
algorithms, corporations, governments and fellow academics.
Dependencies and relationalities are ‘asymmetrically reciprocal’ (Young, 1997).
Encounters between researchers and research participants reflect uneven relations
of power and knowledge, which also characterise complicated relations of
dependency between human and non-human actors in data analysis.
4) Temptations
Over-investment with digital personae under study may lead to misunderstandings
of a multiplicity of selves.
Researchers might fail to recognise that human subjects in research hold autonomy
and authority over data, have the right to opt out, and can refuse to be coded.
Over-investment in politics or outcomes might lead to over-identification with
those studied.
5) Benefits and harm!
Researchers benefit in various ways from carrying out their studies (personally,
career-wise, social standing). Researchers are accountable for creating exploitative
relationships with research participants. Rather than ‘do no harm’, research should
be beneficial to the people involved.
Research participants may benefit in some way from collaborating or participating
(personally, professionally or otherwise), causing harm when connections are
broken at different points in a study. Those volunteering their data may feel
betrayed when the researcher moves on to another project (Leurs, 2017, p. 139 f.).
5. Conclusion
The history of gender equality is still a relatively short one, looking for example at the right to
vote. Feminist theory can achieve a lot and our fight to shape reality can be successful. By
bringing in the body as an agent, for that we care, our relationships and struggles, we honour
the historical aspect of second-wave feminism. And still, there are also political aspects that
should not be forgotten. Practical questions of who can examine how ethical research can look
like, who will have time for doing what is still undecided. We need collective reflection on
what it means to apply situated knowledge to our publishing processes, our research. What
would a research environment look like where healthy people can do healthy research? We
need to organize structures of support and cooperation instead of fighting against each other
for research grants.
Situated knowledge can be a good starting point for an internet ethics of care not only
regarding of our process but also in relating to research subjects. Data blurs harm. We need to
gain a better understanding of inequalities produced by neoliberal technocratic systems.
Further research needs to be done in order to fully grasp in which sense our knowledge
production and technological world is producing real harms. New knowledge for change is
needed! By adding the body, selfcare and context to our research, it might be easier to further
reflect on the bodies and contexts of our research subjects. Ethics of Care does not mean to
outsource ethical reflection in order to further accelerate research processes but to take
overwhelming struggles in data collection, usage and storage serious. This can serve as a
starting point for collective reflection in which sense research might contribute to
intersectional feminist thoughts.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to the members of the AoIR list who suggested
many of the resources incorporated here:
Jill Walker Rettberg, Elizabeth Losh, Aristea Fotopouplou, Koen Leurs, Heidi McKee,
Nicholas Proferes, Deborah Lupton, Elysia Guzik, Katrin Tiidenberg, Shaka Mc
Glotten, Stefania Milan, Nathan Rambukkana, Evelina Lilliequist
Special thanks also to Morgane Boidin, Carolin Brendel, Christopher Smith Ochoa for
encouraging talks and feedback.
This research was supported by the Digital Society research program funded by the Ministry
of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
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An “Impact Model” for Ethical Assessment
(IRE 3.0 6.4)
Annette Markham, Aarhus University
Cite as: Markham, A. 2020. An “Impact Model” for ethical assessment, IRE 3.0 Companion
6.4, Association of Internet Researchers,
Levels of Impact
All research has impact at different levels, likely a combination of negative and positive.
Especially in times of rapidly transforming technological capabilities, an impact model of
ethics (Markham, 2018) can be a useful assessment tool to break down ethical considerations
into more granular units, focusing on the possible outcomes of research design, data
collection, management, and storage strategies, analytical choices, and dissemination
practices. As these may be obvious or non-obvious, deliberate or accidental, IRE 3.0 includes
focus on levels or arenas of possible impact. Drawing from Markham (2018) these include at
Level 1: Treatment of People
While researchers interact with people all the time. People may be considered ‘human
subjects’ in some cases, but might also be identified as interface testers, piece workers (i.e.
Mechanical Turkers), volunteers, end users, or more abstractly classified as digital signals,
user profile, or data points. Considerations of impacts on this level emerge from psychology
and sociology domains, where concern for human subject is paramount. Includes the possible
impact of, e.g., manipulating news feeds to test the results of certain system inputs, building
system pings to prompt Mechanical Turkers to work faster; building features to prompt people
to produce data. Most classically, this level of impact includes potential harms commonly
associated with human subject research such as psychological, physiological interventions
without debriefing, intentional triggering, deception without cause. Less immediate
considerations include impact of research on broader communities, both those associated with
the target of research and existing or future research communities, and the researcher's own
wellbeing and safety.
Level 2: Side Effects
Most research is accompanied by unintended side effects and consequences. These can be
obvious, provoked, e.g., during prototype testing, or non-obvious, e.g., if these effects occur
later, after the immediate project ends. May be small or large-scale side effects linked directly
to particular research project or resulting from processes that combine unexpected elements,
e.g., data aggregation by third parties, or at broad infrastructural or cultural levels. Ethical
consideration might usefully focus on, e.g., how interface design or implementation might
unexpectedly cause users to feel stupid; how a search engine result displaying a person’s
tweet, thus transferring data from one context to another; when data or algorithms collected or
designed for one audience or purpose are analysed or used by others without permission. As
Markham notes, "This arena builds on the strengths of science and engineering domains,
where a precautionary principle aids in the assessment of short and long term social and
environmental effects of scientific developments” (2018).
Level 3: Use of Data After or Beyond Initial Analysis
This level of impact considers how the collection, storage, analysis, aggregation, and further
use may generate inferences or conclusions in ways that will influence social classification
and categories. Data findings are used as grounds for building specific technologies, creating
particular structures, policies, and laws. Issues arise when data sorting and categorizing
mechanisms exert or reinforce harmful structures of privilege and marginalization, e.g.,
genetic data being used to pre-determine job qualifications; insurance companies using
quantified self-tracking data to calculate risks and rates; automated profiling through
aggregation or multi-source analytics. A strong example of this concern is how datasets and
analytic processes can obscure the origin points of police investigations, essentially building
predictive systems that bypass (or strip) citizen protections against many forms of warrantless
surveillance (Brayne, 2017). This arena is well discussed in feminist, critical, and cultural
studies domains, where the processes and politics of categorization, marginalization, and
power are central concerns.
Level 4: Future-Making
Any successful research, design, and development will have impacts. This category of impact
is less obvious, longer term, possibly unavoidable. Drawing from futurists, researchers can
use long term forecasting and speculative methods to consider potential social changes
associated with research protocols or processes. With swiftly changing data formats,
researchers may think about long term future data loss or build flexible or adaptive platforms
for archives. Includes considerations about ecological cost or carbon footprint of continuous
or unnecessary Big Data processing, storage, and maintenance.
7. Appendices
7.1 Operational Security: Central Considerations
Keith Douglas
Programmer-Analyst and IT Security Educator
Statistics Canada (*)
(*) Employer given for recognition purposes only. This product is on my own initiative.
Cite as: Douglas, K. 2020. Operational Security: Central Considerations, IRE 3.0 Appendices
7.1, Association of Internet Researchers,
Meta-considerations and Cross-Cutting Topics
There are several people and organizations and their properties that one is protecting when
one engages in IT security activities. The first of these is the researchers themselves and their
professional and indeed sometimes personal reputational, mental health, financial status, etc.
Another is the institution and indeed academia and research integrity more generally. Assets
to consider include the computers, operating systems, other software (particularly things like
web browsers and email clients) and networking hardware in use. As many of these items can
be shared, any decision to perform certain activities has a potential impact on the groups
beyond the specific researcher.
A general principle is that online activities should be mediated by an IT Security team
with appropriate special responsibility and training. (Ideally, such a team would at least have
several individuals with well recognized IT security certifications: the CISSP being the most
valuable in this context.)
In many academic contexts, this unit, even if it exists, may be far removed from the
academic departments. Such a group usually helps design important documents like “network
use policies”. Even though academic or NGO networks are traditionally more open compared
to those (say) in for-profit corporations or government/public service, they still generally have
rules to abide by. These can be the terms of service of their networks, ISP regulations, and
sometimes more general public service or public money requirements.
We shall meet more details on specifics on all these topics as we go. The next sections
address 3 topics which came out of experience at AoIR, at Statistics Canada and doing
technology awareness discussions at various civil society and NGO organizations.
IT Operational Security
(This should not be confused with OpSec in the military sense)
In order to perform certain activities various software, hardware and social precautions can be
taken. We discuss a few as introductions to what they are and why they may be necessary or
VPN, that is, “Virtual Private Network” is a way to partially isolate network traffic to and
from a given machine. These will allow access of resources on the destination (e.g., your
institution library holdings) as if present locally. If used exclusively they offer modest
protection against “drive-by” attacks but not launched from malicious carriers or other
networks (for example not much against café wifi providers, etc.)
Ad blockers
These are add-ons to web browsers which prevent ads of certain kinds being downloaded.
This protects against some malicious code and improves download time where this can help.
A side effect is often that some sites will fail to work with the blocker enabled. A good
blocker (consult your IT Security team for details) will be available (or not) on an ad hoc
Tor, or “the onion router”, is used for two distinct activities of interest to AoIR: as a local
proxy for network traffic and also to access special hosts only available via these protected
mechanisms. It is generally used as an anonymization procedure, but some researchers might
be wanting to do research on the later aspects of internet (“Dark Net”). In which case,
operational security should be a bit stronger due to the criminal associations some activity
has. We have no guidance on using TOR this way at this time.
Shared Resources
Most AoIR researchers will be using a university network or similar to do their research (as
opposed to their own personal ISP contracted one, etc.) As such, they should be conscious
that they are sharing a resource with potentially thousands of other people. Even outbound
browsing of web pages can potentially be dangerous, for example, if it invites retaliation.
Without special tools (e.g., TOR) researchers should be aware that their affiliation is visible to
the provider of any service (e.g., any online forum) and likely also to many of the other users
of said service.
In particular, researchers located in the EU and/or collaborating with colleagues located
in the EU are thereby required to meet the GDPR requirements for protecting personal data.
Moreover, many organizations may use a so-called web proxy, which will make all (or a
large number) affiliated computers look the same. This has emergent effects that should be
recognized. The well-known “I am not a robot” from Google services results from the
emergent effect of all people in a broad class of users.
This class can be quite large indeed. If I am [email protected], an
abuse notification that fails to reach “lab” may escalate to “department” or “university” quite
quickly. Note that even if there is no DNS record for your machine and you simply appear on
(e.g.) a web forum as from (say), services like WHOIS can be used to determine
(perhaps) the affiliation of the poster.
A (computer) firewall is a program (sometimes available as a special hardware appliance)
designed to inspect network traffic and deny or allow it based on certain rules. An IT security
practitioner may be able to help you set up one for your computer (called “host-based” at that
point) if you need extra protection for some activity. We recommend you consult based on
business need and see what the expert tells you might help rather than the other way around.
There is software which is supposed to protect against documents leaving an organization via
networks or via attached disks. An IT security practitioner may be able to help you set up one
for your computer if you need extra protection for some activity. We recommend you consult
based on business needs and see what the expert tells you might help rather than the other way
around. Your organization may have a policy on where documents go and how they are stored
which may also play a role here; in fact, the IT security task here may be to help compliance
with said policy.
Email is a postcard. This slogan should serve as a reminder that email is not encrypted or
protected in any way in transit in general terms and can be read by any number of
administrators along the way when sent. To set up email to be encrypted either requires
sharing a secret out of band (e.g., in person) or a directory of public keys for use with (e.g.,
PGP). A future version of this document will discuss encryption in more detail.
Additionally, if respondents to a survey or other activity are expected to contact the
researcher by email, we recommend using an appropriately dis-associated email account to
avoid creating a target at a researcher’s permanent account. Contact your IT unit for such; we
do not recommend setting up your own email server. Using free external email (e.g., Gmail)
might be suitable but this will depend on your institutional policies for such activities. (Many
places require official mail for all official business.)
Insecure protocols
Telnet and FTP (proper) require sending credentials in the clear and should never be used
except on a very local network if at all. SSH and FTPS/STFP can be used instead with a
proper setup.
Similarly, HTTPS is encrypted; HTTP is not. Pay attention to this web browsing.
However, there are still other things that can go wrong with HTTPS. Browsers may warn that
the certificate issued to the remote site cannot be trusted, for example. Certificates are a way
of brokering trust: you can (or not) trust that a place is what is claimed by the certificate by
the certificate being issued by a certification authority you trust which is in turn trusted by the
manufacturer of your browser (say). Your organization may have its own authority for
internal sites also. There is also a lot more to certificates and trust chain that can be covered
immediately in this document. (A future version may have more.)
Some examples of alternative mail providers: or
Various chat and messenger programs exist, with varying degrees of security
. Traditional
IRC is completely interceptable; the security stance of almost every other protocol is not well
understood. Consult an expert if one’s communications are sensitive. Additionally, encrypted
communications (especially if not web-based) are frowned upon (or, rarely, outright illegal) in
many places and may result in increased rather than decreased state interest.
Data Disposal
Many places have data disposal policies. An important fact to realize is “file deletion” is
normally not any more than a file “unlink” – i.e., the data is marked as over-writable but is not
gone until sometime later when something else overwrites it. There are data disposal (and
recovery) experts who can help.
Community Standards
AoIR researchers often perform anthropological or other “participant observation” research. It
should be noted that violating community standards in many online communities may result
in retaliation, which may not be limited to the one researcher violating. (See above about
shared resources.)
IT Security Virtues
Confidentiality of data, integrity (of systems and data, though also of practitioners),
availability (of systems and data). Privacy is distinct, but often related. IT security incidents
affect at least one of these. Everyone should work to see what they can do to ensure them as
well, which is why they are included here.
Software Development and Security
[TODO: 2.0 of this document]
Vigilantism and Unauthorized Software Testing
[TODO: 3.0 of this document]
see, for instance,!
7.2 Members of the AoIR Ethics Working Group 3.0
Adrienne Massanari (University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA)
aline franzke (Duisberg-Essen Universität, Germany)
Ane Kathrine Gammelby (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Anja Bechmann (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Anna Jobin (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland)
Annette Markham (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Axel Bruns (Queensland University, Australia)
Bendert Zevenbergen (OII, Oxford)
Carsten Wilhelm (Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France)
Charles Ess (University of Oslo, Norway)
Corinne Cath (OII, Oxford / Alan Turing Institute, London)
Cornelius Puschmann (Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, Hamburg,
David Brake (Independent Researcher, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada)
Elisabetta Locatelli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy)
Heidi McKee (Miami University, Ohio, USA)
Ioana Literat (Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York, USA)
Jennifer Stromer-Galley (Syracuse University, New York, USA)
John Murray (formerly SRI, Stanford, California, USA)
Karine Nahon (Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya (IDC), Israel)
Kate Crawford (Microsoft Research)
Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Köln, Germany)
Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Lauri Kanerva (Facebook)
Mary Gray (Microsoft Research)
Michael Zimmer (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Michele White (Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisianna, USA)
Mutlu Binark (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)
Natalie Hendry (Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)
Natasha Whiteman (Leicester University, UK)
Nele Heise (Independent Researcher, Germany)
P. J. Reilly (Sheffield University, UK)
Soraj Hongladarom (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
Steve Jones (University of Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Stine Lomborg (Copenhagen University, Denmark)
Sun Sun Lim (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
Vanessa Dennen (Florida State University, Tallahasee, Florida, USA)
Vivien Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Ylva Hård af Segerstad (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Yukari Seko (Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Canada)