DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
DOD 7000.14-R, VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 25
Substantive revisions are denoted by a + preceding the section, paragraph, table or
figure that includes the revision
Table 25-5
Table 25-6
Interim change 02-01 increases basic
allowance for subsistence for calendar
year 2001.
January 1, 2001
Table 25-7
Interim change 30-01 incorporates new
meal collection rates for fiscal year 2002.
Supersedes interim change 33-00.
October 1, 2001
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
2501 General Provisions
2502 Basic Allowance for Subsistence Policy and Determinations Responsibility
2503 Conditions of Entitlement
2504 Basic Allowance for Subsistence Rates
2505 Meal Collection Rates
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
250101. Entitlement. Except as otherwise provided by law, members who are
entitled to basic pay are entitled to BAS under the conditions set out in this chapter. Effective
January 1, 1998, enlisted members being subsisted in kind are entitled to a partial BAS payment
as set forth in this chapter. Effective January 1, 1998, enlisted members temporarily assigned to
duty away from their permanent duty station or to duty under field conditions at their permanent
duty station are entitled to BAS at a rate not less than that which they had at their permanent
duty station as set forth in this chapter.
A. Enlisted Members. These members may become entitled to one of the
following types of BAS on a daily basis.
1. Full BAS at the rates specified when:
a. Rations in kind are not available (RIKNA).
b. Permission to mess separately is granted (SEPRATS).
c. Emergency ration conditions are approved (EMRATS).
2. Partial BAS at the rate specified when subsisted in kind.
B. Officers. Generally, officers entitled to basic pay are entitled to a full
BAS at all times on a monthly basis. Officers are not entitled to a partial BAS.
C. Advance Payments. Advance payment of BAS is authorized under the
circumstances specified in
Chapter 32 of this volume.
D. Effect on Overseas Station Allowances. BAS under this chapter is in
addition to the overseas cost-of-living allowances authorized by Joint Federal Travel Regulation
Volume 1 (JFTR), Chapter 9, part B2 (reference d)).
250102. Specialized Terms. Apply the following terms to BAS determinations:
A. Government Mess. See the Definitions.
B. Subsisted in Kind. Applies to enlisted members who do not receive any of
the full BAS types because they are furnished meals or rations at no charge from an appropriated
fund dining facility or are subsisted at no charge on behalf of the government.
C. Appropriated Fund (APF) Dining Facility. A generic term used in lieu of
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
government mess, general mess, dining hall, dining activity, dining facility, mess hall, galley,
field kitchen, flight kitchen, or similar terms used to describe dining facilities funded totally by
appropriated funds. It excludes activities operated by nonappropriated fund instrumentalities
such as officer’s mess, club, organized mess and all similar terms.
D. Subsisted at Government Expense. Applies to all members:
1. Subsisted in kind.
2. Furnished meals or rations on behalf of the U.S. Government.
Meals or rations furnished without charge by a government contractor or a foreign government,
or through a fellowship, grant or intern program while a member is receiving basic pay, either
under the terms of a contract or agreement or on a complimentary basis, are considered to be
furnished on behalf of the U.S. Government.
E. When Rations in Kind Are Not Available (RIKNA). Applies to enlisted
members while on duty at a permanent station where a government mess is, in fact, not available
or where it has been determined that it is impracticable for the government to furnish subsistence
in kind.
F. When Permission To Mess Separately (SEPRATS) is Granted. Applies to
enlisted members authorized to subsist themselves independently while on duty at a permanent
station where a messing facility is available for their subsistence. The term also applies to
enlisted members during periods of travel for which per diem or reimbursement is provided for
meals and during authorized leave.
G. When Emergency Ration (EMRATS) Conditions Are Approved. Applies
to enlisted members assigned to permanent duty under conditions requiring extraordinary
expenses for subsistence where no government messing facilities are available.
H. Partial BAS. Applies to enlisted members receiving basic pay who are
being subsisted at government expense and not receiving any of the types of full BAS and who
are not in basic training.
I. Supplemental Subsistence Allowance. The supplemental subsistence
allowance is a per meal payment that, when added to the enlisted member’s current BAS, brings
the total to the RIKNA rate. Applies to enlisted members receiving partial BAS for being
subsisted in kind and to those receiving SEPRATS:
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
1. Whose assigned duties require them to be absent from their
permanent station and/or their working hours or duties prevent them from obtaining certain
meals from a mess operated by or on behalf of the government or require them to buy a meal or
meals from other than a government mess.
2. When proper authority determines that a mess operated by or on
behalf of the government is, in fact, not available for part of a day. (Example: Mess is closed
for reasons beyond the control of the installation commander, such as equipment failure.)
J. Field Duty. Any maneuvers, war games, field exercises, or similar
operations in excess of 180 days where a member is subsisted in a mess operated by or on behalf
of the government or with an organization drawing field rations.
K. Sea Duty. Service performed by a permanent party crewmember in a self-
propelled vessel that is in an active status, in commission or in service, and is equipped with
berthing and messing facilities.
L. Essential Unit Messing (EUM). Any group messing declared by
appropriate authority as essential for operational readiness, the conduct of military operations or
necessary for the effective conduct of training where members are required to use messing
provided by or on behalf of the government. Members are entitled to travel reimbursement for
incidental expenses, but not for subsistence. Designation for essential unit messing shall be
applied only to organizational units and to operational elements and detachments, not to
individual service members.
M. Temporary Field Assignment (TFA). Any maneuvers, war games, field
exercises, or similar operations of 180 days or less where a member is required to use messing
provided by or on behalf of the government. The member’s travel reimbursement is the same as
for field duty.
N. Temporary Afloat Assignment (TAA). Any service performed on a
temporary duty basis in a self-propelled vessel that is in an active status, in commission or in
service, where a member is required to use messing provided by or on behalf of the government.
The member’s travel reimbursement is the same as for sea duty.
250201. Basic Allowance for Subsistence Policy
A. Normally, enlisted members in pay grades below E-7 who are assigned to
single government quarters at their permanent duty station are subsisted in kind. For uniformity
in making determinations, government messes available in the geographical area must be used to
the fullest extent compatible with economy and efficiency.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
B. Enlisted members undergoing basic training are subsisted in kind and not
entitled to partial BAS.
C. Except during basic training, enlisted members who are subsisted in kind
are entitled to partial BAS. Enlisted members on field duty (over 180 days) or permanent sea
duty are subsisted in kind and entitled to partial BAS. Note: Enlisted members serving on
permanent sea duty, receiving partial BAS and assigned to a private mess, such as an officer’s
wardroom or chief petty officer’s mess, whose subsistence in kind ration entitlement is
commuted to that mess, will have the commutation value limited to the difference between the
current SEPRATS and the partial BAS paid to the member.
D. Enlisted members on authorized leave (including proceed time, authorized
delays en route between duty stations chargeable as leave, and convalescent leave) are entitled to
full BAS at the SEPRATS rate, regardless of the BAS type authorized at their permanent duty
E. Enlisted members performing permanent change of station (PCS) travel
(including temporary duty travel and temporary additional duty (TDY/TAD) enroute) under
orders away from their designated post of duty are entitled to full BAS at the SEPRATS rate,
regardless of the BAS type authorized at their previous or subsequent permanent duty station.
F. Enlisted members performing regular or permissive TDY/TAD (not
associated with PCS travel) or admitted to hospitals as inpatients under orders away from their
designated post of duty will retain the BAS entitlement they held at their permanent duty station,
except that the rate will not be less than SEPRATS.
G. At the completion of basic training, enlisted members although entitled to
partial BAS, are not considered to be performing travel (TDY/TAD or PCS) under orders away
from their designated post of duty (including processing) if such member:
1. Is a nonprior service enlisted member serving on a first tour of
active duty.
2. Has not actually reported to a permanent duty station pursuant to
orders directing such assignment.
3. Is not actually traveling between stations pursuant to orders
directing a change of station.
H. Enlisted members under orders for temporary field assignment, temporary
afloat assignment, essential unit messing, or group travel, will retain their BAS (including partial
BAS) and subsistence entitlement which they held at their permanent duty officer’s wardroom or
chief petty officer’s mess, whose subsistence in kind ration entitlement is commuted to that
mess, will have the commutation value limited to the difference between SEPRATS and the
value of
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
the partial BAS paid at the member station. NOTE: Enlisted members serving on temporary
afloat assignment, receiving partial BAS and assigned to a private mess, such as
I. Enlisted members authorized to mess separately are entitled to full BAS at
the SEPRATS rate.
J. Enlisted members serving under conditions where subsistence at
government expense is not available, or where it is impracticable to provide subsistence at
government expense, are entitled to full BAS at the RIKNA rate, except while on leave or travel.
K. Enlisted members receiving either partial BAS or SEPRATS are entitled
to a supplemental subsistence allowance when conditions are determined to warrant full BAS at
the RIKNA rate for specific meals.
L. Officers generally are entitled to full BAS at all times except when in an
excess leave status, absent without authority for more than 24 consecutive hours or otherwise not
entitled to basic pay.
M. Enlisted members carried in a missing status are entitled to full BAS at the
RIKNA rate. (See subparagraph 250302, below.)
N. When members of one or more Service perform duty under similar
conditions at installations or are assigned to activities within the same area, the commanders will
confer to ensure uniform determinations on the authorization of BAS. If commanders of more
than one Service cannot agree on a uniform BAS rate, the senior officer within the area will
report the differences, fully documented, through channels to the Secretary of Defense.
O. When members of more than one Service perform duty at an installation,
the installation commander makes the BAS determinations. Such determinations are binding on
all personnel of the DoD performing duty at that installation.
P. Military members may not receive a full BAS (SEPRATS, RIKNA,
EMRATS or officer BAS) and meals or rations at no charge for the same period of service.
Members in receipt of any type of full BAS must pay for meals and rations. This is a personal
obligation of the individual. Meals or rations may be paid for with cash, by payroll deduction or
by collection/reduction of otherwise entitled travel per diem. Meals or rations provided by or on
behalf of the government shall be paid for or charged at the rate set by the Under Secretary of
Defense (Comptroller). Meals furnished by commercial air carriers (including Air Mobility
Command charter flights) are not meals furnished by a government mess or on behalf of the
250202. Determinations of Duty Under Emergency Conditions. Authorizations for
BAS at the EMRATS rate may be granted only with the approval of the Secretary of the Military
Department concerned (or designee). This approval authority may not be redelegated.
A. Authorizations. Authorizations may be made for periods not to exceed
180 days. In approving original and subsequent authorizations, practicability and cost of
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
establishing government messing or contract facilities must be considered.
B. Request for Approval. Requests for authorization approvals are submitted
through channels to the applicable office below.
1. Army: Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
(ATTN: DAPE-PRR-C), 300 Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-0300.
2. Navy: Chief of Naval Operations, (ATTN: N-130), 2 Navy
Annex, Washington DC 20370-2020.
3. Air Force: HQ USAF/DPRC, 1040 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington DC 20330-1040.
4. USMC: Commandant of the Marine Corps (MPP) Washington DC
250203. Determinations of Nonavailability and Impracticability
A. When a Government Mess Is In Fact Not Available. The installation
commander will determine if rations in kind are not available for enlisted members performing
duty at that installation.
B. When Location of Government Mess Makes Its Use Impracticable.
Commanding officers will determine when the location of a government mess, in relation to
members’ posts of duty, makes its use impracticable. See paragraph 250201, above, and
Table 25-2 for policy guidance and rules for making such determinations.
C. When Mission Prevents Use of Government Mess. A determination of
impracticability may be made by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned (or
designee) for enlisted members whose assigned duties are such that use of a government mess
would adversely affect their mission. Address recommendations for such determinations to the
cognizant office listed in subparagraph 250202.B, above.
D. When Duty Prevents Use of Mess. Commanders or their designees may
determine if assigned duties or unusual work hours prevent those members from eating certain
meals in a government mess. See Table 25-4, rules 5 and 6 for criteria.
250204. Authorization To Mess Separately
A. Military Service regulations may provide automatic blanket authorization
for enlisted members in pay grades E-7 and above and for enlisted members in pay grades E-1
and above who are residing with their dependents (except basic trainees). This includes
members married to members, with no dependents, who reside together at the permanent station.
In addition, members authorized single rate basic allowance for housing are authorized to mess
separately. Such authorizations are in effect continuously except as provided in paragraph
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
250302, below, or in the Service regulations.
B. Military Service regulations may permit commanders (including an
enlisted commandant of a noncommissioned officer (NCO) academy) to grant authorization to
mess separately to enlisted members based on factors such as: location of a member’s residence,
specialized duties, working hours, dining hall capacity, or distance to the mess hall. These
factors are guidelines and should not be construed as all encompassing. Additional extenuating
factors deemed appropriate by commanders (including an enlisted commandant of an NCO
academy) may also be considered. Each application should be considered on its own merit.
C. The following is a list of applicable Military Service regulations:
1. Army Members. Authorization to mess separately will be made in
accordance with ALARACT message 061/98.
2. Navy and Marine Corps Members. Authorization to mess
separately will be made in accordance with the Naval Military Personnel Manual (reference (an))
or the current edition of Marine Corps Order 10110.33 (reference (ao)).
3. Air Force Members. Authorization to mess separately will be
made in accordance with DFAS-DE 7073.1-M and DFAS-DE 7073.2-M (reference (ap)).
250205. Review of Determinations. Review of all determinations, except those
pertaining to members who have been authorized to mess separately under subparagraph
250204.A, above, must be made annually or when conditions to entitlement change, or more
frequently if necessary pursuant to paragraph 250202, subparagraphs 250203.A and B, and
subparagraph 250204.B, above. Review is to ensure compliance with the policies outlined in
this section. When the review shows that existing determinations fail to meet requirements,
those determinations will be canceled.
250301. Officers. Generally, officers are entitled to BAS regardless of grade or
dependency status. Compute this allowance by the month, as for basic pay. See Table 25-1 for
specific conditions of entitlement.
250302. Enlisted. Enlisted members are entitled to BAS on a daily basis. See
Tables 25-3 and 25-4 for specific conditions of entitlement.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
A. Limitation. Authorization to mess separately cannot cover retroactive
periods. However, this does not prevent payment of SEPRATS from the time of an oral
authorization by proper authority if the oral approval of the member’s request is promptly
confirmed in writing.
B. Continuous Entitlements
1. Enlisted members temporarily assigned to duty away from their
permanent duty station and entitled to the same BAS they held at their permanent duty station
will continue their BAS entitlement without interruption.
2. Enlisted members will continue their BAS entitlement without
interruption upon discharge or retirement and reenlistment or recall to active duty at the same
station within 24 hours.
3. Enlisted members receiving RIKNA will continue that entitlement
without interruption during weekends, holidays, administrative absence, pass, or liberty.
C. Subsistence Allowance-Shore Patrol Duty. Members on sea duty or
temporary afloat assignment who are assigned to temporary shore patrol duty are performing
duty under orders away from their permanent duty station. They receive BAS as for other
members on temporary duty. If they are entitled to partial BAS at their permanent duty station
and receive per diem or reimbursement for meals under the JFTR for their shore patrol duty, they
become entitled to BAS at the SEPRATS rate. A member on shore duty performing shore patrol
duty in the area of the permanent duty station will be entitled to BAS based upon the same
factors used for others performing duties in the vicinity of the permanent duty station.
250303. Prorated and Supplemental Subsistence Allowances
A. Any change among BAS types (see subparagraph 250101.A, above) or
between full BAS and subsistence in kind, caused by a status change which extends beyond a
single day, shall be credited on a full day basis without being prorated. The appropriate full day
entitlements are as follows:
1. An enlisted member shall be entitled to BAS at the SEPRATS rate
for any day they are under orders for leave or PCS travel. This includes the day of
commencement and day of termination of the status under those orders.
2. An enlisted member entitled to partial BAS at their permanent duty
station shall be entitled to BAS at the SEPRATS rate for any day under orders for TDY/TAD
(other than TAA, TFA, EUM or group travel) or as a hospital inpatient. This entitlement
includes the day of commencement and day of termination of the status under those orders.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
3. An enlisted member assigned to permanent sea duty or field duty
(over 180 days) shall be entitled to partial BAS for full days in such status. The day he or she
enters and the day he or she terminate permanent sea duty the member shall be entitled to a full
day of BAS at the rate to which he or she otherwise is authorized.
4. An enlisted member who changes BAS status (to include
termination) at the direction or under permission/direction of a commander, under blanket
authority, or at the member’s request shall have the entitlement change take effect at the
beginning of the day specified.
B. BAS will be supplemented only for individual meals that are missed or not
available due to impracticability, duty requirements, or temporary dining facility closure.
250401. Current rates for full and partial BAS are in Table 25-5.
250402. Current rates for supplemental BAS are in Table 25-6.
250501. Any member receiving a full BAS type must pay for all meals and rations
that he or she receives from, or on behalf of, the government. All meals furnished by or on
behalf of the U.S. Government will be charged at the rates established annually by the Under
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
A. As described in Volume 12, Chapter 19, of this Regulation, the discount
meal rate applies to meals and rations provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government to a
member on full BAS and not receiving per diem for subsistence, who is performing duty under
the following circumstances:
1. On sea duty or temporary afloat assignment.
2. On field duty or temporary field assignment.
3. Under group travel.
4. Under essential unit messing.
5. On a U.S. Government aircraft (passengers or crew).
6. On Joint Task Force (JTF) operations with reduced per diem as
specified in the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, paragraph U4800 (when the operation is for
purposes other than training and the base sites are temporary installations or the dining facilities
are temporary establishments).
B. The standard meal rate applies to meals and rations provided by or on
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
behalf of the government to any member not authorized the discount meal rate. The standard
meal rate applies to any member entitled to per diem for subsistence, except those on Joint Task
Force Operations as described in subparagraph 250501.A, above.
C. All members receiving any type of full BAS and not on per diem orders,
in the following listed categories, will have the collections for meals deducted from their pay
account. The collections will be for full days at the discount meal rate, except that the first and
last day will be collected at 25 percent of the discount meal rate. Exception to pay account
collection will be made for any meals paid in full by the individual in cash.
1. Sea duty or temporary afloat assignment.
2. Field duty or temporary field assignment.
3. Group travel.
4. Essential unit messing.
D. Generally, in circumstances other than those listed above, members
receiving full BAS will pay for meals in cash or by collection or reduction of subsistence per
diem from their travel claims. Members on JTF operations, under per diem travel orders,
generally will have the subsistence portion of their per diem withheld or deducted from their
travel reimbursement as payment for meals provided in theater. Members on regular TDY/TAD
travel, who receive deductible meals (meals at no cost) will have the subsistence portion of their
per diem reduced as payment for meals provided on behalf of the government.
E. Members being subsisted on behalf of the government, where no other
collection means exists, should have collection for meals made through their pay account at the
appropriate rate.
250502. Collections from individual pay accounts, for meals and rations provided
by the government or on behalf of the government, will be credited to the appropriation specified
by each Military Service.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
When an officer is and then the officer is
in a travel status is entitled to mileage, travel per
entitled to BAS (note 2)
diem allowance, or to other
monetary allowances
on leave
in excess leave status not entitled to BAS
sick in hospital entitled to BAS (note 1)
subsisted in a government mess or on entitled to BAS (note 2)
behalf of the government
serving in an active duty status as
is furnished meals without entitled to BAS (note 2)
intern or resident physician or Nurse
Corps officer or candidate at a state,
county, municipal, or privately-
owned hospital
a student training on a fellowship,
scholarship, grant, or a professor
granted an award to teach at a
is furnished meals without
entitled to BAS (note 2)
university, etc.
training for, attending, or
is subsisted during that period by not entitled to BAS
participating in Pan-American games,
the sponsoring agency
Olympic games, or other specifically
authorized international amateur
sports competition
at home or other nonmilitary place
entitled to BAS
awaiting orders in connection with
Physical Evaluation Board
absent without authority for more the absence is not excused as not entitled to BAS (note 3)
than 24 hours at any one time
in confinement; awaiting trial by
entitled to BAS (note 1)
court martial (CM); serving CM
sentence to forfeit basic pay but not
allowances; serving CM sentence
which included total forfeitures, if
sentence is set aside and retrial
ordered (subparagraph 480902.A)
1. Collection for meals furnished in hospital will be prescribed by the regulations of the Service concerned.
2. Meals or rations provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government will be paid for by cash or collection from pay or per diem at the rate
specified by the USD (Comptroller) (see Table 25-7). Officers will be charged for all meals and rations available, whether eaten or not,
when under orders for field duty or temporary field assignments, essential unit messing, group travel, sea duty or temporary afloat
assignment while underway, or when use of meals provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government is directed by the commander or
commanding officer. Meals provided from closed or private messes (e.g. traditional Navy wardroom mess) will be paid in cash by the
individual officer at the rate prescribed by the mess treasurer.
3. Not entitled to BAS for the same number of days that basic pay is forfeited.
Table 25-1. Specific Conditions of Entitlement and Non-Entitlement (BAS)-Officers
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
If and and then
cost of providing the member
use of the government mess
transportation (government or
may be determined imprac-
commercial) between duty
ticable, subject to rules 4 and 5
and mess would exceed
(note 1)
rations in kind not available
rate less the when permitted
to mess separately rate
time between mess and post
there are no other extenuating determination of impracticabil-
of duty is 30 minutes or less
circumstances ity normally will not be made.
each way by government
When time between mess and
post of duty is more than 30
minutes, or there are extenuat-
ing circumstances, apply rule 3
below (note 1)
assigned duties of members
impracticability determination
are such that use of
may be made by the Secretary
government mess would
of the Military Department
adversely affect their mission
concerned, (or designee),
irrespective of other factors.
Limit BAS to that authorized
by Table 25-4, rule 4. See
subparagraph 250203.C
member regularly performs
messing facilities are
impracticability determination
duty outside a military
available on base and
will not be made for full
installation (such as in a
normally used by members at
rations in kind not available
downtown office building)
this station
rate. Limit BAS to that
authorized by Table 25-4, rule
5 or 6
member lives in contract
member regularly performs
cost of providing the member
determination of imprac-
quarters at other than a
duty at a government
transportation (government or
ticability may be made for
government installation
installation where mess is
commercial) between contract
periods of off-duty (note 2)
available and quarters are not
quarters assigned at other than
available to single members
a government installation
mess would exceed the
difference between the rations
in kind not available rate and
the when permitted to mess
separately rate
1. Time and cost factors need not be applied for the noon meal when enlisted member’s place of duty is not a military or naval installation.
2. A member is not entitled to BAS at the rations in kind not available rate during periods of leave, hospitalization, or travel status.
Table 25-2. Determinations of Impracticability for Use of A Government Mess
by Enlisted Members
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
When enlisted member is and member is then the rate of BAS is (see Table 25-5
for rates)
in a regular TDY/TAD travel not required by regulation to
the same to which entitled at their
status (notes 1, 2, and 3) be subsisted in kind at no
permanent duty station, but not less than
cost (see subparagraphs
when permitted to mess separately
250201.E and F)
(SEPRATS) (note 4)
in a PCS travel status (note 3) the rate when permitted to mess separately
(SEPRATS) (note 4)
under orders for temporary field
directed to use meals or
the same to which entitled at their
assignment, temporary afloat
rations made available by or
permanent duty station
assignment, essential unit
on behalf of the U.S.
messing; or group travel (note 3)
training for, attending or
participating in Pan American
games, Olympic games, or other
subsisted during that period
by sponsoring agency
specifically authorized
international amateur sports
on proceed time (note 3)
the rate when permitted to mess separately
(SEPRATS) rate.
on authorized leave, including
delay en route chargeable as
the rate when permitted to mess separately
(SEPRATS) rate (notes 4 and 6).
sick in hospital
the same to which entitled at their
permanent duty station, but not less than
the rate when permitted to mess separately
(SEPRATS) (note 6)
in excess leave status none
in an unauthorized absence status none (note 5)
confined in a guardhouse, brig,
correctional barracks, or penal
none (note 7)
1. Members are entitled to BAS at the rate authorized at their permanent duty station for the periods of authorized travel in connection with
hospitalization and convalescent leave.
2. Includes TDY/TAD under permissive orders.
3. Meals or rations provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government will be paid for by cash or collection from pay or per diem at the rate
specified by the USD(C) (see Table 25-7). Enlisted members receiving full BAS (SEPRATS, RIKNA or EMRATS) will be charged for
all meals and rations available, whether eaten or not, when under orders for temporary field or temporary afloat assignments, essential
unit messing, group travel, or when use of meals provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government is directed by the commander or
commanding officer. An enlisted member is not entitled to full BAS if furnished meals without charge.
4. Members receiving overseas cost of living allowance may continue to receive such in addition to BAS while on leave outside the United
States, or in Alaska, or Hawaii.
5. Enlisted members receiving BAS forfeit 1 day’s BAS for each day of unauthorized absence.
5. Members will pay for meals eaten in a government mess, or furnished by the hospital, either by cash or by collection from pay in
accordance with the regulations of the Service concerned.
7. If sentence to confinement is later disapproved or set aside, partial BAS is payable for the period of confinement because the member
was subsisted at government expense.
Table 25-3. BAS Entitlement-Enlisted Members-Travel Status, Leave, Hospitalization
and Other Special Circumstances
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
When enlisted member is and rations in kind are and proper and
then, daily rate of BAS is
authority has member
(see Table 25-5 for rates)
at permanent station (note 5) furnished by or on
behalf of the U.S.
Government without
charge to member
available but not granted permission to rate when permitted to
mess separately mess separately
in fact not available made determination rate for rations in kind not
of nonavailability
available (RIKNA)
(notes 1 and 7)
available but
made determination rate for rations in kind not
impracticable to furnish
of impracticability available (RIKNA)
(note 2)
(note 1)
Assigned working hours or duties which
available and furnished made determination
Partial rate plus
prevent member from eating certain meals in
for other meals of impracticability
entitled to
supplemental allowance
a government mess
under provisions of
travel per
for each such meal
Table 25-2 and
diem or
(subparagraph 250102.I)
approved payment for
specified meals
Assigned working hours or duties which
available but not
made determination
rate when permitted to
require member to buy a meal or meals from
furnished for other
of impracticability
mess separately
other than a government mess
under provisions of
(SEPRATS) plus
Table 25-2; granted
supplemental allowance
permission to mess
for each meal
separately; and
(notes 1 and 3)
approved payment for
specified meals
Assigned to duty under emergency conditions in fact not available approved
emergency rations
with extraordinary subsistence expense
authorization for
(EMRATS) rate
emergency ration rate
at home or other nonmilitary place awaiting
not available The rate for rations in kind
orders in connection with Physical
not available (RIKNA)
Evaluation Board proceedings
(notes 1 and 4)
Serving on sea duty available in a shore mess granted permission to The rate when permitted
but not furnished
mess separately to mess separately
available and furnished Partial
not available (note 6) rations in kind not
available (RIKNA) rate
at home or other nonmilitary place awaiting
not available
assignment orders, subsequent to separation
as a Service Academy Cadet or Midshipman
prior to completion of the 4-year program
1. A member is not entitled to BAS at the rations in kind not available rate during periods of authorized leave, or PCS travel status.
2. This rule applies only to those cases where the impracticability determination is made under Table 25-2, rule 3.
3. BAS at the rations in kind not available rate is not authorized for periods of absence, pass, or liberty. BAS at the rate when permitted to
mess separately rate should be paid for these off-duty periods if permission to mess separately has been granted.
Table 25-4. BAS Entitlement-Enlisted Members-Permanent Station
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
4. Entitlement begins on actual or constructive date of arrival home or other designated place, whichever date is earlier. (Compute
5. constructive arrival date via authorized transportation mode based upon the rules and provisions of the JFTR, volume 1.)
6. For the purpose of BAS entitlement, the permanent station is that station where the dining facility is located. (Does not apply if there is no
dining facility in the immediate geographic area.)
7. Applies when shipboard mess is closed while undergoing alterations, repairs or inactivation of ship, and rations are also not available in a
shore mess.
8. All enlisted members, including those authorized to mess separately, are entitled to RIKNA whenever rations in kind are in fact not
available, including periods when messing facilities are closed for one or more meals during a day.
Table 25-4. BAS Entitlement-Enlisted Members-Permanent Station
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
STANDARD BAS RATES (effective January 1, 2001)
When the
entitled type of
BAS is
then the daily rate of BAS
for an enlisted member in
pay grade E-1 (with less
than 4 months active duty)
and the daily rate of BAS
for an enlisted member in
pay grades E-1 through E-9
(with over 4 months active
duty) is
and the monthly rate of
BAS for an officer is
Partial .86 .86 N/A
SEPRATS 7.07 7.66 N/A
RIKNA 7.97 8.63 N/A
EMRATS 10.56 11.43 N/A
Full Officer N/A N/A 160.42
+Table 25-5. Standard BAS Rates
SUPPLEMENTAL BAS RATES (effective January 1, 2001)
When the
entitled type of
BAS is
and the member becomes
entitled to RIKNA by having
obtained approval for
supplemental BAS for a missed
then the supplemental rate of
BAS for that meal for an enlisted
member in pay grade
E-1 (with less than 4 months
and the supplemental rate of
BAS for that meal for an enlisted
member in pay grades E-1
through E-9 (with over 4 months
meal at (Note 1)
active duty) is
active duty) is
Partial breakfast 1.41 1.55
lunch 2.85 3.11
2.85 3.11
.18 .19
.36 .39
.36 .39
NOTE: See Table 25-4, rules 3, 5 and 6.
+Table 25-6. Supplemental BAS Rates
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
MEAL COLLECTION RATES (effective October 1, 2001)
(Note 1)
When a member receiving full BAS
also receives subsistence
and the meal received is then the collection rate is
from an appropriated fund dining
breakfast 1.35
facility at the discount meal rate
(Note 2)
daily total 6.75
from an appropriated fund dining
breakfast 1.60
facility at the standard meal rate
(Note 3)
daily total 8.10
1. Collections from pay under this table will be made only when a member is in receipt of a full BAS type and has not otherwise paid for
meals provided at government expense (i.e., by cash, by personal check or charge, or by deduction/reduction of per diem). Collections
from pay will be deducted from the member’s pay account and credited to the appropriation specified by the Military Service concerned.
2. The discount meal rate applies to meals and rations provided by or on behalf of the U.S. Government to a member on full BAS (not
entitled to per diem or other travel reimbursement for subsistence) who is performing duty in a U.S. Government vessel, a U.S.
Government aircraft, on maneuvers, war games, field exercises, or similar operations, in a group travel status, or under essential unit
messing. The discount meal rate also applies to meals and rations provided to a member assigned to Joint Task Force operations (for other
than training) at temporary U.S. installations, or through a temporary dining facility. Meals furnished on behalf of the government means
any meals or rations provided to a member receiving basic pay who receives subsistence free of personal charge from any source other
than the government of the United States, or the treasury of a municipality or county or State within the U.S. and includes contractors,
foreign governments, fellowships, grants, intern programs and other such sources.
3. The standard meal rate applies to meals and rations provided to any member not authorized the discount meal rate. This includes any
member entitled to per diem for subsistence, except those on Joint Task Force Operations as described in note 2. Generally, when the
standard meal rate is applicable, it will be collected, in cash from the member, by the dining facility.
+Table 25-7. Meal Collection Rates
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
Chapter 25—Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS)
2501—General Provisions
250101 37 U.S.C. 402(a)
Part III, EO 11157,
June 22, 1964,
as amended
37 U.S.C. 402(b)
37 U.S.C. 402(c)
EO 11157, June 22, 1964,
as amended
250102.H EO 12935, October 28, 1994
2502—Basic Allowance for Subsistence Policy and Determinations Responsibility
250201.B 37 U.S.C. 402(b)
OASD Memo,
August 26, 1981
37 U.S.C. 402 (e)(2)
37 U.S.C. 404 (b)(2)
37 U.S.C. 404 (f)(3)
37 U.S.C. 404 (g)
Memo, June 15, 1989
52 Comp Gen 23
42 Comp Gen 558
Memo, June 15, 1989
November 14, 1994
OUSD(C) Memo,
April 4, 1995
OUSD(P&R) Memo,
September 30, 1994
OUSD(C) Memo,
April 4, 1995
JFTR Vol 1 JD 94016
2504—Enlisted Members Conditions of Entitlement
MS Comp Gen B-130033,
January 29, 1957
37 U.S.C. 402
37 U.S.C. 1009
250407.B 32 Comp Gen 352
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 25
+ February 2002
Table 25-1
Rule 1
Rule 6
Rule 7
Rule 9
Rule 12
37 U.S.C. 402(c)
29 Comp Gen 163
30 Comp Gen 246
37 U.S.C. 419(c)
2 Comp Dec 300
MS Comp Gen B-160588,
March 10, 1967
Rule 13 DoD Directive 1322.6,
August 4, 1981
10 U.S.C. 2603, 4341, 9341
5 U.S.C. 5536
Table 25-4 EO 11157, June 22, 1964,
as amended
Rule 8
Note 1
Table 25-5
32 Comp Gen 348
48 Comp Gen 301
December 12, 2000
Rules 1 & 6 37 U.S.C. 402(b)
OASD Memo,
Rules 2 & 3
Note 4
August 26, 1981
37 U.S.C. 419(c)
OASD Memo,
Table 25-6
August 26, 1981
Rules 1 & 2 37 U.S.C. 402(b)
OASD Memo,
+ Table 25-7
August 26, 1981
OUSD(C) Memo,
June 26, 2001