Revisiting Challenges in Data-to-Text Generation with Fact Grounding
Hongmin Wang
University of California Santa Barbara
Data-to-text generation models face chal-
lenges in ensuring data fidelity by referring
to the correct input source. To inspire stud-
ies in this area, Wiseman et al. (2017) in-
troduced the RotoWire corpus on generat-
ing NBA game summaries from the box- and
line-score tables. However, limited attempts
have been made in this direction and the chal-
lenges remain. We observe a prominent bot-
tleneck in the corpus where only about 60%
of the summary contents can be grounded to
the boxscore records. Such information de-
ficiency tends to misguide a conditioned lan-
guage model to produce unconditioned ran-
dom facts and thus leads to factual halluci-
nations. In this work, we restore the infor-
mation balance and revamp this task to focus
on fact-grounded data-to-text generation. We
introduce a purified and larger-scale dataset,
RotoWire-FG (Fact-Grounding), with 50%
more data from the year 2017-19 and en-
riched input tables, hoping to attract more re-
search focuses in this direction. Moreover, we
achieve improved data fidelity over the state-
of-the-art models by integrating a new form
of table reconstruction as an auxiliary task to
boost the generation quality.
1 Introduction
Data-to-text generation aims at automatically pro-
ducing descriptive natural language texts to con-
vey the messages embodied in structured data for-
mats, such as database records (Chisholm et al.,
2017), knowledge graphs (Gardent et al., 2017a),
and tables (Lebret et al., 2016; Wiseman et al.,
2017). Table 1 shows an example from the
(RW) corpus illustrating the task of
generating document-level NBA basketball game
summaries from the large box- and line-score ta-
. It poses great challenges, requiring capabil-
ities to select what to say (content selection) from
two levels: what entity and which attribute, and to
determine how to say on both discourse (content
planning) and token (surface realization) levels.
Although this excellent resource has received
great research attention, very few works (Li and
Wan, 2018; Puduppully et al., 2019a,b; Iso et al.,
2019) have attempted to tackle the challenges on
ensuring data fidelity. This intrigues us to inves-
tigate the reason behind and we identify a ma-
jor culprit undermining researchers’ interests: the
ungrounded contents in the human-written sum-
maries impedes a model to learn to generate accu-
rate fact-grounded statements and leads to possi-
bly misleading evaluation results when the models
are compared against each other.
Specifically, we observe that about 40% of
the game summary contents cannot be directly
mapped to any input boxscore records, as exem-
plified by Table 1. Written by professional sports
journalists, these statements incorporate domain
expertise and background knowledge consolidated
from heterogeneous sources that are often hard to
trace. The resulting information imbalance hin-
ders a model to produce texts fully conditioned on
the inputs and the uncontrolled randomness causes
factual hallucinations, especially for the mod-
ern encoder-decoder framework (Sutskever et al.,
2014; Cho et al., 2014). However, data fidelity is
crucial for data-to-text generation besides fluency.
In this real-world application, mistaken statements
are detrimental to the document quality no matter
how human-like they appear to be.
Apart from the popular BLEU (Papineni et al.,
2002) metric for text generation, Wiseman et al.
Box- and line-score tables contain player and team statis-
tics respectively. For simplicity, we call the combined input
the boxscore table unless otherwise specified.
Rockets 18 5 108 44 7
Nuggets 10 13 96 38 7
James Harden H 24 10 10 38 ...
Dwight Howard H 26 13 2 30 ...
JJ Hickson A 14 10 2 22 ...
Column names :
H/A: home/away, PTS: points, RB: rebounds,
AST: assists, MIN: minutes, BLK: blocks,
FG PCT: field goals percentage
An example hallucinated statement :
After going into halftime down by eight , the Rockets
came out firing in the third quarter and out - scored
the Nuggets 59 - 42 to seal the victory on the road
The Houston Rockets (18-5) defeated the Denver Nuggets (10-13)
108-96 on Saturday. Houston has won 2 straight games and 6 of
their last 7. Dwight Howard returned to action Saturday after miss-
ing the Rockets last 11 games with a knee injury. He was supposed
to be limited to 24 minutes in the game, but Dwight Howard perse-
vered to play 30 minutes and put up a monstrous double-double of
26 points and 13 rebounds. Joining Dwight Howard in on the fun
was James Harden with a triple-double of 24 points, 10 rebounds
and 10 assists in 38 minutes. The Rockets formidable defense
held the Nuggets to just 38 percent shooting from the field. Hous-
ton will face the Nuggets again in their next game, going on the
road to Denver for their game on Wednesday. Denver has lost 4
of their last 5 games as they struggle to find footing during a tough
part of their schedule ... Denver will begin a 4 - game homestead
hosting the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday.
Table 1: An example from the RotoWire corpus. Partial box- and line-score tables are on the top left. Grounded
entities and numerical facts are in bold. Yellow sentences contain red ungrounded numerical facts, and team game
schedule related statements. A system-generated statement with multiple hallucinations on the bottom left.
(2017) also formalized a set of post-hoc infor-
mation extraction (IE) based evaluations to as-
sess the data fidelity. Using the boxscore table
schema, a sequence of (entity, value, type) records
mentioned in a system-generated summary are ex-
tracted as the content plan. They are then vali-
dated for accuracy against the boxscore table and
similarity with the one extracted from the human-
written summary. However, any hallucinated facts
may unrealistically boost the BLEU score while
not penalized by the data fidelity metrics since
no records can be identified from the ungrounded
contents. Thus the possibly misleading evaluation
results inhibit systems to demonstrate excellence
on this task.
These two aspects potentially undermine peo-
ple’s interests in this data fidelity oriented table-
to-text generation task. Therefore, in this work,
we revamp the task emphasizing this core aspect to
further enable research in this direction. First, we
restore the information balance by trimming the
summaries of ungrounded contents and replenish
the boxscore table to compensate for missing in-
puts. This requires the non-trivial extraction of
the latent gold standard content plans with high-
quality. Thus, we take the efforts to design sophis-
ticated heuristics and achieved an estimated 98%
precision and 95% recall of the true content plans,
retaining 74% of numerical words in the sum-
maries. This yields better content plans as com-
pared to the 94% precision, 80% recall by Pudup-
pully et al. (2019b) and 60% retainment by Wise-
man et al. (2017) respectively. Guided by the high-
quality content plans, only fact-grounded contents
are identified and retained as shown in Table 1.
Furthermore, by expending with 50% more games
between the years 2017-19, we obtain the more fo-
cused RotoWire-FG (RW-FG) dataset.
This leads to more accurate evaluations and col-
lectively paves the way for future works by pro-
viding a more user-friendly alternative. With this
refurbished setup, the existing models are then re-
assessed on their abilities to ensure data fidelity.
We discover that by only purifying the RW dataset,
the models can generate more precise facts with-
out sacrificing fluency. Furthermore, we propose
a new form of table reconstruction as an auxiliary
task to improve fact grounding. By incorporating
it into the state-of-the-art Neural Content Planning
(NCP) (Puduppully et al., 2019a) model, we estab-
lished a benchmark on the RW-FG dataset with a
24.41 BLEU score and 95.7% factual accuracy.
Finally, these insights lead us to summarize sev-
eral fine-grained future challenges based on con-
crete examples, regarding factual accuracy and
intra- and inter- sentence coherence.
Our contributions include:
1. We introduce a purified, enlarged and en-
riched new dataset to support the more fo-
cused fact-grounded table-to-text generation
task. We provide high-quality summary facts
to table records mappings (content plan) and
a more user-friendly experimental setup. All
codes and data are freely available
2. We re-investigate existing methods with
more insights, establish a new benchmark on
this task, and uncover more fine-grained chal-
lenges to encourage future research.
Type His Sch Agg Game Inf
Count 69 33 9 23 23
Percent 43.9 21.0 5.7 14.7 14.7
Table 2: Types of ungrounded contents about statis-
tics related to His: history (e.g. recent-game/career
high/average) Sch: team schedule (e.g. what is next
game); Agg: aggregation of statistics from multiple
players (e.g. the duo of two stars combined scoring ...) ;
Game: during the game (e.g. a game winning shot with
1 second left); Inf : inferred from aggregations (e.g. a
player carried the team for winning)
2 Data-to-Text Dataset
This task requires models to take as inputs the
NBA basketball game boxscore tables containing
hundreds of records and generate the correspond-
ing game summaries. A table can be view as a set
of (entity, value, type) records where entity is the
row name and type is the column name in Table 1.
Formally: Let E = {e
be the set of entities
for a game. S = {r
be the set of records
where each r
has a value r
, an entity name r
, a
record type r
and r
indicating if the entity is the
HOME or AWAY team. For example, a record has
= Dwight Howard, r
= 26, and
= HOME. The summary has T words: ˆy
, . . . , ˆy
. A sample is a (S, ˆy
) pair.
2.1 Looking into the RotoWire Corpus
To better understand what kind of ungrounded
contents are causing the interference, we manually
examine a set of 30 randomly picked samples
categorize the sentences into 5 types whose counts
and percentages are tabulated in Table 2.
The His type occupies the majority portion, fol-
lowed by the game-specific Game, Inf , and Agg
types, and the remaining goes to Sch. Specifically,
the His and Agg types come from exponentially
large number of possible combinations of game
statistics, and the Inf type is based on subjective
judgments. Thus, it is difficult to trace and aggre-
gate the heterogeneous sources of origin for such
statements to fully balance the input and output.
The Sch and Game types require a sample from a
large pool of non-numerical and time-related in-
formation, whose exclusion would not affect the
nature of the fact-grounding generation task. On
the other hand, these ungrounded contents mis-
guide a system to generate hallucinated facts and
For convenience, they are from the validation set and also
used later for evaluation purposes.
thus defeat the purpose of developing and evalu-
ating models for fact-grounded table-to-text gen-
eration. Thus, we emphasize on this core aspect
of the task by trimming contents not licensed by
the boxscore table, which we show later still en-
compasses many fine-grained challenges awaiting
to be resolved. While fully restoring all desired
inputs is also an interesting research challenge, it
is orthogonal to our focus and thus left for future
2.2 RotoWire-FG
Motivated by these observations, we perform pu-
rification and augmentation on the original dataset
to obtain the new RW-FG dataset.
2.2.1 Dataset Purification
Purifying Contents: We aim to retain game sum-
mary contents with facts licensed by the boxs-
core records. The sports game summary genre is
more descriptive than analytical and aims to con-
cisely cover salient player or team statistics. Cor-
respondingly, a summary often finishes describing
one entity before shifting to the next. This fashion
of topic shift allows us to identify the topic bound-
aries using sentences as units, and thus greatly
narrows down the candidate boxscore records to
be aligned with a fact. The mappings can then
be identified using simple pattern-based match-
ing, as also explored by Wiseman et al. (2017).
It also enables resolving co-reference by mapping
the singular and plural pronouns to the most re-
cently mentioned players and teams respectively.
A numerical value associated with an entity is li-
censed by the boxscore table if it equals to the
record value of the desired type. Thus we design
a set of heuristics to determine the types, such as
mapping “Channing Frye furnished 12 points” to
the (Channing Frye, 12, POINTS) record in the ta-
ble. Finally, consecutive sentences describing the
same entity is retained if any numerical value is
licensed by the boxscore table.
This trimming process introduces negligible in-
fluences on the inter-sentence coherence for the
summaries. We achieve a 98% precision and a
95% recall of the true content plans and align 74%
of all numerical words in the summaries to records
in the boxscore tables. The sequence of mapped
records is extracted as the content plans and sam-
ples describing fewer than 5 records are discarded.
In between the labor-intensive yet imperfect
manual annotation and the cheap but inaccu-
Versions Examples Tokens Vocab Types Avg Len
RW 4.9K 1.6M 11.3K 39 337.1
RW-EX 7.5K 2.5M 12.7K 39 334.3
RW-FG 7.5K 1.5M 8.8K 61 205.9
Table 3: Comparison between datasets. (RW-EX is the
enlarged RW with 50% more games)
Sents Content Plans Records Num-only Records
RW-EX 14.0 27.2 494.2 429.3
RW-FG 8.6 28.5 519.9 478.3
Table 4: Dataset statistics by the average number of
each item per sample.
rate lexical matching, we achieved better quality
through designing the heuristics using similar ef-
forts as training and assembling the IE models
by Wiseman et al. (2017). Meanwhile, more accu-
rate content plans provide better reliability during
Normalization: To enhance accuracy, we convert
all English number words into numerical values.
As some percentages are rounded differently be-
tween the summaries and the boxscore tables, such
discrepancies are rectified. We also perform en-
tity normalization for players and teams, resolv-
ing mentions of the same entity to one lexical
form. This makes evaluations more user-friendly
and less prone to errors.
2.2.2 Dataset Augmentation
Enlargement: Similar to Wiseman et al. (2017),
we crawl the game summaries from the RotoWire
Game Recaps
between years 2017-19 and align
the summaries with the official NBA
boxscore ta-
bles. This brings 2.6K more games with 56% more
tokens, as tabulated in Table 4.
Line-score replenishment: Many team statistics
in the summaries are missing in the line-score ta-
bles. We recover them by aggregating other boxs-
core statistics. For example, the number of shots
attempted and made by the team for field goals,
3-pointers, and free-throws are calculated by sum-
ming their player statistics. Besides, we supple-
ment a set of team point breakdowns as shown in
Table 5. The replenishment boosts the recall on
numerical values from 72% to 74% and augments
the content plans by 1.3 records per sample.
Finalize: We conduct the same purification proce-
dures described in section 2.2.1 after the augmen-
Quarters Players
Sums 1 to 2 1 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 4 bench starters
Halves Quarters
Diffs 1st 2nd 1 2 3 4
Table 5: Replenished line-score statistics. Each pur-
ple cell corresponds to a new record type, defined as
applying the the operation in the row names (green) to
the source of statistics in the column names (yellow).
“Sums” operates on individual teams and “Diffs” is be-
tween the two teams. For example, the “1 to 2” cell in
the second row means the summation of points scored
by a team in the 1st and 2nd “Quarters”, the “1st” cell
in the fourth row means the difference between the two
teams’ 1st half points.
tations. More data collection details are included
in Appendix A.
3 Re-assessing Models on Purified RW
3.1 Models
We re-assess three neural network based models
on this task
. To feed the tables to the models,
each record r
has attribute embeddings for r
, r
, r
and their concatenation is the input.
ED-CC (Wiseman et al., 2017): This is
an Encoder-Decoder (ED) (Sutskever et al.,
2014; Cho et al., 2014) model with an 1-layer
MLP encoder (Yang et al., 2017), and an
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)
decoder with the Conditional Copy (CC)
mechanism (Gulcehre et al., 2016).
NCP (Puduppully et al., 2019a): The Neu-
ral Content Planning (NCP) model employs
a pointer network (Vinyals et al., 2015) to se-
lect a subset of records from the boxscore ta-
ble and sequentially roll them out as the con-
tent plan. Then the summary is then gener-
ated only from the content plan using the ED-
CC model with a Bi-LSTM encoder.
ENT (Puduppully et al., 2019b): The EN-
Tity memory network (ENT) model extends
the ED-CC model with a dynamically up-
dated entity-specific memory module to cap-
ture topic shifts in outputs and incorporate it
into each decoder step with a hierarchical at-
tention mechanism.
Iso et al. (2019) was released after this work was sub-
mitted. It also altered the RW-FG dataset for experiments, so
the results would not be directly comparable. The method is
worth investigation for future works.
3.2 Evaluation
In addition to using BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002)
as a reasonable proxy for evaluating the fluency
of the generated summary, Wiseman et al. (2017)
designed three types of metrics to assess if a sum-
mary accurately conveys the desired information.
Extractive Metrics: First, an ordered sequence
of (entity, value, type) triples are extracted from
the system output summary as the content plan us-
ing the same heuristics in section 2.2.1. It is then
checked against the table for its accuracy (RG) and
the gold content plan to measure how well they
match (CS & CO). Specifically, let cp = {r
} and
= {r
} be the gold and system content plan
respectively, and |.| denote set cardinality. We cal-
culate the following measures:
Content Selection (CS):
Precision (CSP) = |cp cp
| / |cp
Recall (CSR) = |cp cp
| / |cp|
F1 (CSF) = 2PR/(P + R)
Relation Generation (RG):
Count(#) = |cp
Precision (RGP) = |cp
S| / |cp
Content Ordering (CO):
DLD: normalized Damerau Levenshtein
Distance (Brill and Moore, 2000) be-
tween cp and cp
CS and RG measures the “what to say” and CO
measures the “how to say” aspects.
3.3 Experiments
Setup: To re-investigate the existing three meth-
ods on the ability to convey accurate information
conditioned on the input, we assess them by train-
ing on the purified RW corpus. To demonstrate the
differences brought by the purification process, we
keep all other settings unchanged and report re-
sults on the original validation and test sets after
performing early stopping (Yao et al., 2007) based
on the BLEU score.
Results: As shown in Table 6, we observe in-
crease in Relation Generation Precision (RGP)
and on-par performance for Content Selection
For fair comparison, we report results of ENT model af-
ter fixing a bug in the evaluation script as endorsed by the au-
thor of Wiseman et al. (2017) at
(CS) and Content Ordering (CO). In particular,
Relation Generation Precision (RGP) is substan-
tially increased by an average 2.7% for all mod-
els. The Content Selection (CS) and Content Or-
dering (CO) measures fluctuate above and below
the references, with the biggest disparity on Con-
tent Selection Precision (CSP), Content Selection
Recall (CSR) and Content Ordering (CO) for the
ENT model. Since output length is a main inde-
pendent variable for this set of experiments and
a crucial factor in BLEU score as well, we re-
port the breakdowns in Table 7. Specifically, the
NCP model shows consistent improvements on all
BLEU 1-4 scores, similarly for ENT on the vali-
dation set. Among all fluctuation around the refer-
ences, nearly all models demonstrate an increase
in BLEU-1 and BLEU-4 precision. Reflected on
the BP coefficients, models trained on the purified
summaries produces shorter outputs, which is the
major reason for lower BLEU scores when using
the un-purified summaries as the references.
3.4 How Purification Affects Performance
First, simply replacing with the purified training
set leads to considerable improvements in the Re-
lation Generation Precision (RGP). This is be-
cause removing the ungrounded facts (e.g. His,
Agg, and Game types) alleviates their interference
with the model while learning when and where to
copy over a correct numerical value from the ta-
ble. Besides, since the ungrounded facts do not
contribute to the gold or system output content
plan during the information extraction process, the
other extractive metrics Content Selection (CS)
and Content Ordering (CO) measures stay on-par.
One abnormality is the big difference in the
Content Selection (CS) and Content Ordering
(CO) measures from the ENT model. This is not
that surprising after examining the outputs, which
appear to collapse into template-like summaries.
For example, 97.8% sentences start with the game
points followed by a pattern “XX were the su-
perior shooters” where XX represents a team.
Tracing back to the model design, it is explicitly
trained to model topic shifts on the token level dur-
ing generation, which instead happens more of-
ten on the sentence level. As a result, it degen-
erates to remembering a frequent discourse-level
pattern from the training data. We observe a sim-
ilar pattern on the outputs from original outputs
by Puduppully et al. (2019b), which is aggravated
Dev Test
# P% P% R% F1% DLD% # P% P% R% F1% DLD%
ED-CC 23.95 75.10 28.11 35.86 31.52 15.33 23.72 74.80 29.49 36.18 32.49 15.42
ED-CC(FG) 22.65 78.63 29.48 34.08 31.61 14.58 23.36 79.88 29.36 33.36 31.23 13.87
NCP 33.88 87.51 33.52 51.21 40.52 18.57 34.28 87.47 34.18 51.22 41.00 18.58
NCP(FG) 31.90 90.20 34.53 49.74 40.76 18.29 33.51 91.46 33.96 49.14 40.16 18.16
21.49 91.17 40.50 37.78 39.09 19.10 21.53 91.87 42.61 38.31 40.34 19.50
ENT(FG) 30.08 93.74 30.43 48.64 37.44 16.53 30.66 93.09 32.40 41.69 36.46 16.44
Table 6: Comparison between models trained on RW and RW-FG
Dev Test
ED-CC 44.42 18.16 9.40 5.95 1.00 14.57 43.22 17.64 9.16 5.81 1.00 14.19
ED-CC(FG) 46.61 17.70 9.33 6.21 0.59 8.74 45.75 17.14 9.05 5.98 0.61 8.68
NCP 48.95 20.58 10.70 6.96 1.00 16.19 49.77 21.19 11.31 7.46 0.96 16.50
NCP(FG) 56.63 24.15 12.45 8.13 0.54 10.45 56.33 23.92 12.42 8.11 0.53 10.25
ENT 51.57 21.92 11.87 8.08 0.88 15.97 53.23 23.07 12.78 8.78 0.84 16.12
ENT(FG) 56.08 23.29 12.29 8.16 0.44 8.92 55.03 21.86 11.38 7.38 0.57 10.17
Table 7: Breakdown of BLEU scores for models trained on RW and RW-FG
when trained on the purified dataset. On the other
hand, the NCP model decouples the content se-
lection and planning on the discourse level from
the surface realization on the token level, and thus
generalizes better.
4 A New Benchmark on RW-FG
With more insights about the existing methods, we
take a step further to achieve better data fidelity.
Wiseman et al. (2017) achieved improvements on
the ED with Joint Copy (JC) (Gu et al., 2016)
model by introducing an reconstruction loss (Tu
et al., 2017) during training. Specifically, the de-
coder states at each time step are used to predict
record values in the table to enable broader input
information coverage.
However, we take a different point of view: one
key mechanism to avoid reference errors is to en-
sure that the set of numerical values mentioned in
a sentence belongs to the correct entity with the
correct record field type. While the ED-CC model
is trained to achieve such alignments, it should
also be able to accurately fill the numbers back to
the correct cells in an empty table. This should
be done by only accessing the column and row in-
formation of the cells without explicitly knowing
the original cell values. Further leveraging on the
planner output of the NCP model, the candidate
cells to be filled can be reduced to the content plan
cells selected by the planner. With this intuition,
we devise a new form of table reconstruction (TR)
task incorporated into the NCP model.
Specifically, each content plan record has at-
tribute embeddings for r
, r
, and r
, excluding
its value, and we encode them using a 1-layer
MLP (Yang et al., 2017). We then employ the Lu-
ong et al. (2015) attention mechanism at each ˆy
if it is a numerical value with the encoded content
plan as the memory bank. The attention weights
are then viewed as probabilities of selecting each
cell to fill the number ˆy
. The model is additionally
trained to minimize the negative log-likelihood of
the correct cell.
4.1 Experiments
Setup: We assess models on the RW-FG corpus to
establish a new benchmark. Following Wiseman
et al. (2017), we split all samples into train (70%),
validation (15%), and test (15%) sets, and perform
early stopping (Yao et al., 2007) using BLEU (Pa-
pineni et al., 2002). We adapt the template-based
generator by Wiseman et al. (2017) and remove
the ungrounded end sentence since they are elimi-
nated in RW-FG.
Results: As shown in Table 8, the template model
can ensure high Relation Generation Precision
(RGP) but is inflexible as shown by other mea-
sures. Different from Puduppully et al. (2019b),
the NCP model is superior on all measures among
the baseline neural models. The ENT model only
outperforms the basic ED-CC model but surpris-
ingly yields lower Content Selection (CS) mea-
sures. Our NCP+TR model outperforms all base-
lines except for slightly lower Content Selection
Precision (CSP) compared to the NCP model.
Dev Test
# P% P% R% F1% DLD% # P% P% R% F1% DLD%
TMPL 51.81 99.09 23.78 43.75 30.81 10.06 11.91 51.80 98.89 23.98 43.96 31.03 10.25 12.09
WS17 30.47 81.51 36.15 39.12 37.57 18.56 21.31 30.28 82.16 35.84 38.40 37.08 18.45 20.80
ENT 35.56 93.30 40.19 50.71 44.84 17.81 21.67 35.69 93.72 39.04 49.29 43.57 17.50 21.23
NCP 36.28 94.27 43.31 55.96 48.91 24.08 24.49 35.99 94.21 43.31 55.15 48.52 23.46 23.86
NCP+TR 37.04 95.65 43.09 57.24 49.17 24.75 24.80 37.49 95.70 42.90 56.91 48.92 24.47 24.41
Table 8: Performances of models on RW-FG
Model Total(#) RP(%) WC(%) UG(%) IC(%)
NCP 246 9.21 11.84 3.07 5.26
NCP+TR 228 3.66 8.94 3.25 2.03
Table 9: Error types of manual evaluation. Total: num-
ber of sentences; RP: Repetition; WC: Wrong Claim;
UG: Ungrounded sentence; IC: Incoherent sentence
4.2 Discussion
We observe that the ED-CC model produces the
least number of candidate records, and corre-
spondingly achieves the lowest Content Selec-
tion Recall (CSR) compared to the gold stan-
dard content plans. As discussed in section 3.4,
the template-like discourse pattern produced by
the ENT model noticeably deteriorates its perfor-
mance. It is completely outperformed by the NCP
model and even achieves lower CO-DLD than the
ED-CC model. Finally, as supported by the ex-
tractive evaluation metrics, employing table recon-
struction as an auxiliary task indeed boosts the de-
coder to produce more accurate factual statements.
We discuss in more detail as follows.
4.2.1 Manual Evaluation
To gain more insights into how exactly NCP+TR
improves from NCP in terms of factual accuracy,
we manually examined the outputs on the 30 sam-
ples. We compare the two systems after catego-
rizing the errors into 4 types. As shown in Ta-
ble 9, the largest improvement comes from reduc-
ing repeated statements and wrong fact claims,
where the latter involves referring to the wrong
entity or making the wrong judgment of the nu-
merical value. The NCP+TR generally produces
more concise outputs with a reduction in repeti-
tions, consistent with the objective for table recon-
4.2.2 Case study
Table 10 shows a pair of outputs by the two sys-
tems. In this example, the NCP+TR model can
correct wrong the player name Jahlil Okafor
by Joel Embiid”, while keeping the statistics in-
tact. It also avoids repeating on Channing Frye
and the semantically incoherent expression about
Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving”. Nonetheless,
this NCP output selects more records to describe
the progress of the game. This shows how the
NCP+TR trained with more constraints behaves
more accurately but conservatively.
5 Errors and Challenges
Having revamped the task with better focus, re-
assessed existing and improved models, we dis-
cuss 3 future directions in this task with concrete
examples in Table 11:
Content Selection: Since writers are subjective
in choosing what to say given the boxscore, it is
unrealistic to force a model to mimic all kinds
of styles. However, a model still needs to learn
from training to select both the salient (e.g. sur-
prisingly high/low statistics for a team/player)
and the popular (e.g. the big stars) statistics.
One potential direction is to involve multiple hu-
man references to help reveal such saliency and
make Content Ordering (CO) and Content Selec-
tion (CS) measures more interpretive. This is par-
ticularly applicable for the sports domain since
a game can be uniquely identified by the teams
and date but mapped to articles from different
sources. Besides, multi-reference has been ex-
plored for evaluating data-to-text generation sys-
tems (Novikova et al., 2017) and for content se-
lection and planning (Gehrmann et al., 2018). It
has also been studied in machine translation for
evaluation (Dreyer and Marcu, 2012) and train-
ing (Zheng et al., 2018).
Content Planning: Content plans have been ex-
tracted by linearly rolling out the records and topic
shifts are modeled as sequential changes between
adjacent entities. However, this fashion does not
reflect the hierarchical discourse structures of a
document and thus ensures neither intra- nor inter-
sentence coherence. As shown by the errors in (1)
The Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Philadelphia
76ers , 102 - 101 , at Wells Fargo Center on Monday
evening . LeBron James led the way with a 25 - point ,
14 - assist double double that also included 8 rebounds ,
2 steals and 1 block . Kevin Love followed with a 20 -
point , 11 - rebound double double that also included 1
assist and 1 block . Channing Frye led the bench with 12
points , 2 rebounds , 2 assists and 2 steals Kyrie Irving
managed 8 points , 7 rebounds , 2 assists and 2 steals
. ... Joel Embiid s 22 points led the Sixers , a total he
supplemented with 6 rebounds , 2 assists , 4 blocks and
1 steal ...
The Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Philadelphia
76ers , 102 - 101 , at Wells Fargo Center on Friday
evening . The Cavaliers came out of the gates hot , jump-
ing out to a 34 - 15 lead after 1 quarter . However , the
Sixers ( 0 - 5 ) stormed back in the second to cut the deficit
to just 2 points by halftime . However , the light went on
for Cleveland at intermission , as they built a 9 - point lead
by halftime . LeBron James led the way for the Cavaliers
with a 25 - point , 14 - assist double double that also in-
cluded 8 rebounds , 2 steals and 1 block . Kyrie Irving
followed Kevin Love with a 20 - point , 11 - rebound
double double that also included 1 assist and 1 block .
Channing Frye furnished 12 points , 2 rebounds , 2 as-
sists and 2 steals ... Channing Frye led the bench with
12 points , 2 rebounds , 2 assists and 2 steals . Jahlil
Okafor led the Sixers with 22 points, 6 rebounds , 2 as-
sists, 4 blocks and 1 steal ... Jahlil Okafor managed 14
points , 5 rebounds , 3 blocks and 1 steal .
Table 10: Case study comparing NCP+TR (above) and
NCP (below). The records identified are in bold. The
pair of sentences in orange shows an referring error
to Jahlil Okafor is corrected above to Joel Embiid,
where all the trailing statistics actually belong to Joel
Embiid, and Jahlil Okafors actual statistics are de-
scribed at the end. The yellow sentences repeats on
the same player. The green sentences actually shows
some more contents selected by the NCP model. The
blue sentence is a tricky one, where it should describe
Kyrie Irvings statistics but actually describing Kevin
Loves but the summary above does not have this issue.
in Table 11, the links between entities and their
numerical statistics are not strictly monotonic and
switching the order results in errors.
On the other hand, autoregressive training for
creating such content plans limits the model to
capture frequent sequence patterns rather than al-
lowing diverse arrangements. Moryossef et al.
(2019) demonstrates isolating the content planning
from the joint end-to-end training and employing
multiple valid content plans during testing. Al-
though the content plan extraction heuristics are
dataset-dependent, it is worth exploring for data in
a closed domain like RW.
Surface Realization: Although the NCP+TR
model has achieved nearly 96% Relation Gen-
(1) Intra-sentence coherence:
The Lakers were the superior shooters in this game ,
going 48 percent from the field and 24 percent from
the three point line , while the Jazz went 47 percent
from the floor and just 30 percent from beyond the arc.
The Rockets got off to a quick start in this game, out
scoring the Nuggets 21-31 right away in the 1st quarter.
(2) Inter-sentence coherence:
LeBron James was the lone bright spot for the Cava-
liers , as he led the team with 20 points . Kevin Love
was the only Cleveland starter in double figures , as he
tallied 17 points , 11 rebounds and 3 assists in the loss.
Dirk Nowitzki led the Mavericks in scoring , finishing
with 22 points ( 7 - 13 FG , 3 - 5 3PT , 5 - 5 FT ) ,
5 rebounds and 3 assists in 37 minutes. He s had a
very strong stretch of games , scoring 17 points on 6 -
for - 13 shooting from the field and 5 - for - 10 from the
three point line. JJ Barea finished with 32 points ( 13 -
21 FG , 5 - 8 3PT ) and 11 assists ...
(3) Incorrect claim:
The Heat were able to force 20 turnovers from the Six-
ers, which may have been the difference in this game.
Table 11: Cases for three major types of system errors
eration Precision (RGP), it is still paramount to
keep on improving data accuracy since one sin-
gle mistake is destructive to the whole document.
The challenge is more with the evaluation metrics.
Specifically, all extractive metrics only validate if
an extracted record maps to the true entity and type
but disregards the semantics of its contexts. For
example (2) in Table 11, even assuming the lin-
ear ordering of records, their context still causes
inter-sentence incoherence. In particular, both Le-
Bron and Kevin scored double digits and JJ Barea
leads the scores rather than Dirk. For another ex-
ample (3), the 20 turnovers records are selected
to be Heat’s but expressed falsely as Sixers’. As
pointed out by Wiseman et al. (2017), this may
require the integration of semantic or reference-
based constraints during generation. The number
magnitudes should be incorporated. For exam-
ple, Nie et al. (2018) has devised an interesting
idea to implicitly improve coherence by supple-
menting the input with pre-computed results from
algebraic operations on the table. Moreover, Qin
et al. (2018) proposed to automatically align the
game summary with the record types in the in-
put table on the phrase level. It can potentially
be combined with the operation results to correct
incoherence errors and improve the generations.
6 Related Works
Various forms of structured data has been
used as input for data-to-text generation tasks,
such as tree (Belz et al., 2011; Mille et al.,
2018), graph (Konstas and Lapata, 2012), dia-
log moves (Novikova et al., 2017), knowledge
base (Gardent et al., 2017b; Chisholm et al.,
2017), database (Konstas and Lapata, 2012; Gar-
dent et al., 2017a; Wang et al., 2018), and ta-
ble (Wiseman et al., 2017; Lebret et al., 2016).
The RW corpus we studied is from the sports do-
main which has attracted great interests (Chen
and Mooney, 2008; Mei et al., 2016; Puduppully
et al., 2019b). However, unlike generating the
one-entity descriptions (Lebret et al., 2016; Wang
et al., 2018) or having the output strictly bounded
by the inputs (Novikova et al., 2017), this corpus
poses additional challenges since the targets con-
tain ungrounded contents. To facilitate better us-
age and evaluation of this task, we hope to provide
a refined alternative, similar to the purpose by Cas-
tro Ferreira et al. (2018).
7 Conclusion
In this work, we study the core fact-grounding
aspect of the data-to-text generation task and
contribute a purified, enlarged, and enriched
RotoWire-FG corpus with a more fair and reli-
able evaluation setup. We re-assess existing mod-
els and found that the more focused setting helps
the models to express more accurate statements
and alleviate fact hallucinations. Improving the
state-of-the-art model and setting a benchmark
on the new task, we reveal fine-grained unsolved
challenges hoping to inspire more research in this
Thanks for the generous and valuable feedback
from the reviewers. Special thanks to Dr. Jing
Huang and Dr. Yun Tang for their unselfish guid-
ance and support.
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A Appendices
A.1 Data Collection Details
We use the text2num
package to convert all
English number words into numerical values
We first get the summary title, date, and the
contents from RotoWire Game Recaps. The
title contains the home and visiting team. To-
gether with the date, this game is uniquely
identified with a GAME ID. Then we use the
nba api
package to query the
to obtain the game boxscore
and line scores. Wiseman et al. (2017) used
the nba py
package , which unfortunately
has become obsolete due to lack of main-
tenance. To obtain the line scores with the
same set of column types as the original
RotoWire dataset, we collectively used two
APIs, BoxScoreTraditionalV2 and BoxScore-
11 ;