Deborah L. Roope ~ President
D.L. Roope Administrations
Candidate Handbook
Revised July 1 2021
Effective July 2020
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
Table of Contents
D.L. Roope Administrations Contact Information. ............................................................................................... 3
Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Wisconsin School Candidate Information ............................................................................................................... 3
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information ............................................................................................ 3
Temporary License Information................................................................................................................................. 3
Exam Application Information ................................................................................................................................... 4
Examination Fees, DSPS Fees and Temporary License Fees ............................................................................ 4
Exam Languages .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Computerized Written Examination Information ............................................................................................... 5
Examination Scheduling Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 5
Examination Fee Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Admission to the Examination Information ...................................................................................................... 6-7
Test Site Visitor Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Professional Attire Information .................................................................................................................................. 7
Kit & Supply Information. ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Prohibited Items Not Allowed .................................................................................................................................. 8
Mannequin Information................................................................................................................................................. 8
References .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Examination Sections...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Barber (NIC Barber Stylist) Practical Examination Sections ............................................................................ 9
Examination Survey Information ............................................................................................................................... 9
Wisconsin Scoring Information ................................................................................................................................ 10
Wisconsin Examination Result Information ........................................................................................................ 10
The NIC Blood Exposure Procedures are published on NIC’s website at NICTesting.org.
Included with this handbook is the NIC Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) that includes the
examination sections administered in Wisconsin.
NIC Barber Stylist Practical CIB .................................................................................................. NIC pages #1 19
The NIC Written CIB is available on our website at www.DLRoope.com
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
To request examination information you may write, phone, or visit our web site:
D.L. Roope Administrations
P.O. Box 631
Hampden, ME 04444-0631
Toll Free: 1-888-375-2020 ~ Direct: 1-207-848-7720
Fax (207) 848-5511 ~ www.DLRoope.com
Eligibility requirements for the licensure examinations are set by the Wisconsin Cosmetology Examining
Board (Board). D.L. Roope Administrations is contracted by the Board to administer the National
Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) examinations. All questions regarding eligibility
for licensure must be directed to the Board’s office, you may visit the Board’s website at
http://www.dsps.wi.gov or contact the Board’s office at 1-608-266-2112.
If you graduated from a licensed school in the State of Wisconsin, you may obtain a paper exam
application from your school or you may complete an online exam application on our website at
www.DLRoope.com. If you apply online, your school will be notified electronically that you have applied.
Student’s final record of instruction must be submitted to the Board. Receiving a passing score on the
examination does not guarantee licensure. All requirements for licensure must be met as set forth by
the Board before a license will be issued.
Standard testing conditions may represent an artificial barrier to candidates with disabilities. Candidates
may request accommodations that will be evaluated on the basis of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
You may contact D.L. Roope Administrations or your school to request information and the appropriate
forms (Form A, B & C). Form A must be completed by the candidate. Form B must be completed by the
medical professional or you may attach previous medical documentation for review (e.g. IEP, PET etc.).
Form C must be completed by a school official indicating accommodations provided during testing while
in school for this profession. Candidates must submit the appropriate forms with the application to
D.L. Roope Administrations by the application deadline date.
Aesthetician, Barber, Cosmetologist, Electrologist, and Manicurist applicants may apply for a temporary
license by completing the temporary license form included with the paper exam application or by
completing the questionnaire online. (Temporary licenses are NOT issued to Instructor testing
candidates or Manager testing candidates.) Candidates may pay the temporary license fee of $10
when applying online on our website at www.DLRoope.com. The fees may be paid along with the
examination fees through our secure credit card processing service using a credit card or debit card
(Visa, MasterCard, and American Express).
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
If you graduated from a school licensed by the Wisconsin Cosmetology Examining Board, a paper exam
application may be obtained from your school or you may complete an online exam application. If you
graduated in another state or are Reinstating a lapsed license, you may visit our website at
www.DLRoope.com to print a paper “Out of State & Reinstate” exam application or to apply online.
Online exam applications are available on our website at www.DLRoope.com. Exam fees and licensing
fees may be paid with any debit or credit card through a secure payment processing service. Your online
application will transfer to your school if you graduated from a licensed school in Wisconsin. Once you
are approved by your school for testing, your online application is transferred to our system, our staff
reviews your application for completeness, and if it is complete you will be sent an e-mail letting you
know that you are approved and that you will be scheduled for your examination.
If your application is not approved, our staff will contact you by phone or e-mail regarding the
deficiencies in your application.
Complete applications must be received by D.L. Roope Administrations by the deadline date indicated
next to the requested exam week. Applications received after the deadline date will be scheduled based
on space availability. If you have missed the deadline date and the requested examination week is full,
you will be scheduled for the next available exam week.
Practical exam weeks and deadline dates are listed on the exam applications on our website at
Online exam applications are available on our website at www.DLRoope.com. Exam fees and licensing fees may be
paid through our secure credit card processing service using a credit card or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, and
American Express). There is a credit card processing fee of $10.00 per examination that is utilized to pay the credit
card processing fees and is not a fee that is charged by the DSPS. Candidates may also choose to mail a bank check
or money order along with a completed paper exam application to D.L. Roope’s Corporate Office.
Exam fees and licensing fee amounts are provided on our paper exam application and in our online exam
application on our website at www.DLRoope.com.
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
The practical examination is only offered in English. The written examination is offered in additional
languages, you will select the language preference for your written examination when you apply for the
examination. The Wisconsin State Law questions are in English only.
Once our office receives a complete application, an approval is sent to Iso-Quality Testing (IQT) for the
computerized written examination. Candidates receive an e-mail from IQT with instructions on how to
schedule the written examination if an e-mail address was provided on the application. If an e-mail
address was not provided, IQT will mail instructions on how to apply for the written examination. Please
do not schedule your written examination until you have received your practical exam admission letter in
the mail to avoid inadvertently scheduling the written exam on the same day and time as your practical
You must schedule your computerized written examination within 6 months or your approval and your
examination fee will expire.
Candidates submit an exam application online or they may submit a paper application if they prefer along
with the examination fee for the written and practical examination to D.L. Roope Administrations to be
received by the deadline date indicated on the back of the application. Applications received after the
deadline date are scheduled based on space availability. Practical examination admission letters are
mailed to the candidates following the examination deadline date of the candidate’s requested exam
week. This letter confirms the scheduled practical examination. It also includes the date, time, location
and directions to the practical examination testing location.
Candidates will receive an e-mail from Iso-Quality Testing (IQT) with instructions on how to schedule the
written examination if an e-mail address was provided on the exam application. If an e-mail address was
not provided, they will receive their written scheduling information from IQT via mail and an additional
copy will be provided along with their practical exam admission letter. Candidates may schedule their
own computerized written examination by clicking on the link in their approval e-mail. This link takes
them into the written scheduling portal or they may schedule by calling and speaking with a telephone
support specialist. Candidates log in using their assigned candidate number and secure password. The
computerized written scheduling portal shows the approved examination for the candidate and informs
the candidate of the location that is closest to their zip code. The scheduling portal shows all available
seats for the next 30 days. The candidate has the option of selecting another test site if desired. The
candidate selects the date and time of their preference from a drop down menu. Once selected, all details
of their selected exam date, time and location appear on the screen and the candidate confirms all details
and clicks to submit. The candidate prints their admission letter and they also receive an e-mail
confirming their scheduled examination.
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
Examination fees are not refundable or transferable and will be applied to the scheduled examination.
Examination fees are valid for 6 months from date of receipt. Your examination date must be prior to the
6 month expiration of your examination fee.
If you do not attend your scheduled examination, cannot be admitted, or if you arrive late, your
examination fee will be forfeited. To be rescheduled you must submit a rescheduling application and
another examination fee.
If you are unable to attend your scheduled examination due to an emergency situation, you must provide
written documentation. The following situations may be considered for rescheduling:
You are in a car accident on the way to the examination - documentation from a law enforcement
officer is required.
You have a medical emergency - documentation from a medical professional is required.
A death in your immediate family a copy of the obituary indicating your relation or a letter from
the funeral home stating your relation to the deceased.
Documentation must be faxed to 207-848-5511 within 24 hours after your scheduled examination for
review. If approved, you will be notified and permitted to reschedule your examination. Examinations
may be rescheduled one time only due to a documented and approved emergency situation.
Practical exam admission letters will be mailed after the deadline date. This letter will confirm the
scheduled examination. It will also include the date, time, location and directions for your examination.
Written exam admission letters will generate when you schedule your written examination. This letter
will include the date, time, location and directions for your examination.
Report to the examination site on the date and time indicated on your admission letter. Registration
begins 30 minutes prior to the scheduled examination time. Examinations begin promptly at the
scheduled time. Please allow for unexpected delays on route to the testing location, it is your
responsibility to report to the examination location on time. Late candidates will be required to re-apply
and re-pay the examination fee. You must present your admission letter and a valid government
issued photo identification that must include a photo and signature.
The following are examples of appropriate forms of identification:
Current driver’s license or State Issued Identification Card
Passport, Military Identification Card or Voter’s Card
Candidates will not be admitted without the required documents. Walk-in candidates will not be
The name submitted on the applications will be indicated on your admission letter. Please verify that
your name, address, photo identification number and date of birth is correct on your admission letter
PRIOR to your scheduled examination. Please make any necessary corrections on your admission letter
and fax to our office or send an e-mail with the needed corrections to S[email protected]. Please
include a fax number or e-mail address and our office will verify the corrections and send a corrected
admission letter.
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
If your name has changed or is different than indicated on your admission letter, you must submit legal
documentation showing your previous name and current name (marriage license, divorce decree, court
order, or notarized affidavit) to D.L. Roope Administrations PRIOR to your scheduled examination. Our
office will verify the changes and send an updated admission letter.
NO VISITORS WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE TESTING SITE. Candidates are not allowed visitors or to
receive messages during the exam.
People that are not scheduled for an examination are not permitted inside of the building where the
exams are administered. If another person (parent, spouse, teacher etc.) is bringing you to your exam,
you must be dropped off and they can return to pick you up. The approximate amount of time for each
exam is indicated in this handbook in the section titled “EXAMINATION SECTIONS”. Your driver should
wait in their vehicle until you are done and have exited the building.
Candidates must arrive in neat, clean, professional attire. Uniforms are not required. For confidentiality
reasons, please cover all identifying marks on your attire or kit. (e.g. your name, school or salon name).
In consideration of other candidates in the examination room, please refrain from wearing perfume or
Candidates are responsible for bringing all needed supplies for their examination and cannot borrow or
use anything that they did not bring with them. A suggested supply list is included in the NIC Candidate
Information Bulletin (CIB) that is included with this handbook.
Recommended kit size is no larger than 30” x 30”. For safety reasons all kits, trash bags, etc. must be able
to fit completely under your work area.
A flat bottom bag (grocery bag, gift bag, etc.) may be used for “items to be disinfected, soiled linens and
trash” and placed on the floor, under the station and clearly labeled. The bags or containers on the floor
may be open during the examination so that the candidates can drop items as appropriate into each bag.
Bags or containers MUST be kept under the work area and cannot be placed in the walking areas. If
placing a container with “Items to be Disinfected” on the work area, it MUST have a cover.
Candidates are not permitted to use aerosol products at any time during the examinations. All
disinfectants, sanitizers and products MUST be non-aerosol.
Candidates may bring a container of water if needed for any section of the examination and may bring a
thermos of hot water if desired. All water and their containers must be taken with the candidates and may
not be disposed of at the testing facility.
Candidates MUST use only disinfecting wipes during the practical examinations. Spray Disinfectants are
NOT permitted.
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
Due to exam security reasons, the following items are NOT permitted: No electronic devices, cellular
phones, textbooks, study materials, watches, purses, etc. These items should be left at home or locked in
your vehicle during the examinations. Cell phones or any electronic device cannot be in the exam room
even if it is turned off. If it is discovered that you have a cell phone in the exam room once the exam
has started, you will be immediately dismissed from the exam and your actions will be reported to
the proper authorities.
You may bring one clear plastic ziplock bag with the following items into the examination rooms: Photo
identification, admission letter, medication & personal hygiene items. You will be instructed to place your
zip lock bag under your work area and it may not be touched during the examination. If you have
medication that you may need during the examination, please raise your hand and a proctor will assist
you. You may bring a second clear ziplock bag with car keys or fob that will be placed in a secure area by
the Supervisor.
Due to safety issues during the examinations, tripods may NOT be used during the Cosmetology,
Barbering or Esthetics practical examinations. Candidates may only use mannequin stands that attach to
the work station. Instructors may use a tripod during their Theory Lecture or Demonstration as this does
not cause a safety issue.
Candidates MUST use only disinfecting wipes during the practical examinations. Spray Disinfectants are
NOT permitted.
Candidates must bring one mannequin head for the practical examination and a table clamp. No more
than two mannequin heads will be allowed into the examination. Models will NOT be permitted.
Mannequin heads that have been purchased pre-sectioned indicating the sections by various
colors and/or notches are NOT allowed during any part of the practical examination. Candidates
that bring a marked mannequin head to the examination will be informed that they are not
permitted and cannot be used.
Mannequin heads must be approved by the examination provider prior to admittance into
Examination textbook references are available on the NIC website at www.NICTesting.org.
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
The Barber (NIC Barber Stylist) examination consists of 2 sections.
1. National NIC Barber Stylist Written Examination (Includes 10 WI State Law Questions)
The time allotment for this examination is 90 minutes.
2. National NIC Barber Stylist Practical Examination
The duration of this examination is approximately 3 hours.
The examination sections of the Barber (NIC Barber Stylist) practical examination are outlined in the NIC
Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) that is included with this handbook. The duration of this
examination is approximately 3 hours.
The Wisconsin practical exam consists of the following sections as indicated in BOLD and CAPS:
This practical examination is demonstrated on mannequins, models are NOT permitted. Please refer to
the mannequin information section of this Candidate Handbook for the requirements in your state.
Examination surveys are available for candidates to complete after the exam has concluded. We
encourage all candidates to complete a survey regarding their testing experience.
Please note that the examiners are not permitted to have conversations with or interact with the testing
candidates. This should not be interpreted as them being rude as they are required to strictly follow
standardized verbal instructions and procedures at all times.
If you have questions or need assistance, you may also send an e-mail to [email protected].
Wisconsin Barber Candidate Handbook
A scaled score of 75.00 is required on the written and practical examination. Candidates must achieve an
overall passing score on each examination in order to be assigned a pass status on that examination. No
pass or fail decisions are made on individual content areas or services within the examinations. If a
candidate fails one of the examinations, the candidate is required to retake the failed examination in its
If you indicated on your application that you will download a copy of your result letter from our website,
our web address is www.DLRoope.com. A message will be posted on the website when the result letters
are available. Please do not call our office to ask when examination results will be posted as they
will be posted as soon as we have received them from the National Interstate Council of State
Boards of Cosmetology.
This is a secure website and you will need your candidate number and your date of birth to access your
result letter. Your candidate number will be indicated on your admission letter.
If you are unable to log onto our website, please check the message center to see if a message has been
posted that the results are available. You will not be able to log into the webscore system until after your
results have been posted. Please read all instructions on the website to ensure that you are entering your
information correctly. You must have the most current version of Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader to
view and print your result letter. Adobe may be downloaded from our website at
Please print a copy of your result letter as you will not receive an additional copy in the mail. Result
letters are only available on the webscore system for 2 weeks after posting. Your test results will be
sent directly to the Board.
If you do not have access to the internet and you need your result letter mailed to you, please check the
appropriate box on the application. If your result letter is mailed to you, it will NOT be available on our
website to view or print.
Candidates that have passed all required examinations and have met all requirements of the Board will
be issued a license by the Board. Please refer to the result letter for instructions regarding your license.
If you have failed your examination, you will receive a result letter with review information. This review
information can be used to assess those areas where your performance was weak or strong. Please refer
to this Candidate Handbook and the NIC Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) for the list of tasks that are
evaluated. Candidates may apply online on our website at DLRoope.com or complete and submit a
rescheduling application and fee to D.L. Roope Administrations at the address listed on the application.
Please visit your official examination provider website OR www.nictesting.org for the most current bulletin prior to testing.
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc. Barber Styling Practical Examination CIB (CORE) 1
© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
(Rev. 6.30.2021)
National Barber Styling Practical Examination is the licensure examination
for Barbering, which is developed by the
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC).
This bulletin contains IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding the
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination content and administration for
Barber Styling core services and additional sections.
For each NIC National Practical Examination, there are multiple parts to every Candidate Information
Bulletin (CIB) stored as separate documents:
Important Instructions and Examination Core Domain Content This provides information and
guidelines related to administration of the Practical examination and information about the scope
of content covered in the core sections of the Practical examination.
Additional Services These provide information about additional sections offered by NIC for
examination. Check with your State regulatory agency or examination administration vendor to
determine which of these sections your State requires as part of their Practical examination.
References This provides a list of references used to develop and support the content covered in
NIC examinations.
The references will always be the same for both Theory and Practical examinations.
Do not leave the examination area without permission. Permission must be obtained to leave the examination
area for any reason, including restroom usage or at the completion of the examination. Picture ID is required
for re-entry into the examination.
Candidates are required to bring a supply kit for their own use.
o It is the candidate’s responsibility to make certain they have a sufficient quantity of supplies that have
been properly cleaned and disinfected and that implements are in proper working order.
o The kit will be used during the examination as dry storage and is considered part of the work area. The
kit must be kept closed except when removing materials for a particular service.
o Candidates may remove items, supplies, etc., from the kit at any time, however nothing may be returned
to the kit.
o All examinations are administered in a testing environment.
o Candidates are evaluated at all times. Continue working until you have completed the entire section or
time has elapsed.
o EPA registered, disinfectant WIPES that demonstrate bactericidal, fungicidal, and
virucidal properties must be used. DISINFECTANT SPRAYS ARE NO LONGER
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination - CIB
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc. Barber Styling Practical Examination CIB (CORE) 2
© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
Due to standardization of the NIC National Examinations. Proctors and examiners are required to adhere to the
following standards:
o The verbal instructions will be read twice for each section of the examination.
o With the exception of verbal instructions or an emergency situation, the proctors and/or examiners are
not allowed to communicate with candidates.
o Examiners are not allowed to speak with candidates.
o Candidates requesting information during the examination will be told one of the following statements:
Do the best you can with what you have available.”
Do as you were taught.”
o If a candidate experiences an emergency situation, please notify the proctor by raising your hand.
Candidates will be given time to set up the universal (also known as general) supplies they will use throughout
the examination.
o Each section of the examination has a maximum time allowance, with the exception of those specified
as untimed sections.
o Once a candidate has completed all tasks in the section, please step back or turn the hand toward
the examiner (in the case of nail sections) to indicate they have finished.
o In the event that all candidates complete a section before the time has elapsed, the examiners will
proceed to the next section of the examination.
o When the timer goes off, all candidates must stop working and step back or turn the hand toward the
examiner (in the case of nail services) IMMEDIATELY.
During all phases of the examination, candidates must follow all appropriate public protection and infection
control procedures and maintain a safe work area.
o In the event of a blood exposure incident, candidates will be expected to follow the NIC Blood
Exposure Procedure.
Failure to do so may result in your dismissal from the examination.
o Be sure to contact your examination provider to obtain the most current version of, and any
addendums, to the NIC Blood Exposure Procedure, OR go to www.nictesting.org for a current
downloadable copy.
o If a candidate does not follow infection control procedures or allows the work area to become
and remain unsafe, the result may be a failing score for the examination.
The following provides examples of materials and actions that are prohibited during the examination
o Possession of cellular phones, watches (of any kind), pagers, tablets, computers, projectors, cameras,
or any other electronic or recording devices, printed materials, or handwritten notes.
o Purses, bags, coats, hats, and any other personal items not directly needed to complete the examination,
are not allowed.
o Exhibiting disruptive behavior.
o Communicating to other candidates or any examiner.
The above referenced items or actions are not an exhaustive list. Failure to comply with any of
these conditions or exhibiting ANY behavior that suggests an effort to cheat will result in the
immediate dismissal from the examination and the candidate’s actions reported to the proper
All supplies must be labeled in English. When an original manufacturer's label is required, there can be NO
handwritten or any other type of labeling. Original manufacturerslabels must have English and may also
include other languages. All non-manufacturers created labels must be only in English.
o Original manufacturer’s labels are required for all disinfectants and hand sanitizers.
o EPA-registered disinfectant WIPES that demonstrate bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal
THE TESTING ENVIRONMENT. Please refer to the Suggested Examination Supplies
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination - CIB
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc. Barber Styling Practical Examination CIB (CORE) 3
© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
section to see any further state specific requirements for supplies and products.
o Simulated products are not allowed for disinfectants and hand sanitizers.
o NO AEROSOLS or DISINFECTANT SPRAYS are allowed in the testing environment.
o Candidates are to perform all tasks, utilizing products and supplies, as they were taught. There is
however, a section titled “Suggested Examination Supplies provided for each section of the
examination. Suggested Supplies can be found after the Content Domains” section of this bulletin.
Please refer to your state specific guidelines for model and mannequin requirements.
If your state requires that you use a mannequin head(s) or hand(s):
Candidates who are required to use a mannequin head(s), it is the candidate’s responsibility to come prepared
for the examination.
Mannequin heads that are premarked or presectioned are not allowed for any part of the practical examination.
Mannequin hands must be an entire hand and cannot have removable digits.
Mannequin heads and/or hands must be approved by the examination state/vendor prior to admittance into
The following information is vital and specific to the
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination:
Candidates will be evaluated on proper designation of materials that are disposed. Candidates are required
to bring and use the following supplies for the appropriate disposal of materials:
o Container labeled To be disinfected
o Container labeled Soiled linens
o Container labeled Trash
It is specified that there is more than one client represented for the purpose of this examination. A new
client is introduced and must be prepared for during the course of the examination (see Barber Styling
Practical Examination Content Domains Sections).
The following sections are new to the Barber Styling Practical Examination:
o Blood Exposure Procedure (Content Domain Section 5)
o Predisposition Test and Strand Test with Simulated Product (Content Domain Section 7)
Candidates are expected to brace any time they are working around the eye and mouth areas.
Candidates are not allowed to label products as single-use items.
Use of single-use products may result in a failing score for the examination.
Clippers MUST have a cord, or a cord simulated.
A straight razor MUST be used.
Check your state examination regulations for razor blade and live model and/or mannequin requirements.
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination - CIB
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc. Barber Styling Practical Examination CIB (CORE) 4
© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
The scope of the National Barber Styling Practical Examination includes 9 (nine) core domain sections.
The Core Domain Sections are based on the national job analysis.
1. Work Area and Client Preparation, and Set Up of Supplies (First client, 10 minutes)
2. Haircutting (40 minutes)
3. Work Area and New Client Preparation, and Set Up of Supplies (Second client, 15 minutes)
4. Shaving with Straight Razor (Variable Timing)
5. Blood Exposure Procedure (10 minutes)
6. Chemical Waving (20 minutes)
7. Predisposition Test and Strand Test with Simulated Product (10 minutes)
8. Chemical Relaxer Virgin Application (15 minutes)
9. Hair Color Retouch Application (15 minutes)
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination - CIB
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© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
(Rev. 6.30.2021)
SUPPLIES (10 minutes)
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will prepare your work area for your client.
You will set up the universal supplies you will use throughout the examination.
You will prepare your client for services.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
1.1 Disinfects all work areas completely with product labeled in English
as EPA-registered disinfectant that is virucidal, bactericidal, and fungicidal
1.2 Sanitizes hands with product labeled in English
1.3 Universal supplies are labeled in English
1.4 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before the timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
NIC National Barber Styling Practical Examination - CIB
National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, Inc. Barber Styling Practical Examination CIB (CORE) 6
© Copyright 2020 NIC All Rights Reserved (Eff. 12/1/2018)
(Rev. 6.30.2021)
2. HAIRCUTTING (40 minutes)
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will perform a tapered Haircut with no blocked line at the nape.”
“You will demonstrate clipper cutting with and without guard or detachable blade.
“You will demonstrate use of shear over comb.”
“You will demonstrate fingers and shear cutting.”
You will cut at least ½ inch of hair throughout the haircut.”
You will be expected to complete and blend the haircut.
“You will also be expected to shave both sides of the neck with a straight razor.”
Do not remove your hair clippings from your work area until you are instructed individually, by the
examiner, to do so.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 40 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 20 minutes remaining.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
2.1 Haircutting supplies are labeled in English
2.2 Implements and supplies are visibly clean
2.3 Performs scalp analysis
2.4 Demonstrates safe use of clippers and comb without guard or detachable blade
2.5 Demonstrates safe use of clippers with guard or detachable blade
2.6 Demonstrates safe use of comb and shears
2.7 Establishes outline around ears
2.8 Shaves sides of the neck using straight razor to include reverse backhand stroke
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before the timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination. Please do nothing
until the next verbal instructions are given.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
May I please use your comb to check the haircut?
2.9 Hair in front of ear is uniform in length (sideburns)
2.10 Haircut blended without weight line
2.11 At least ½ inch of hair is cut throughout
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Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually after the final appearance of the
haircut has been examined:
Please clean up your hair at this time. Upon completion, please do nothing until
the next verbal instructions are given.
2.12 Removes hair from work area
2.13 Maintains drape throughout section
2.14 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to candidates when all examiners have indicated they have
completed their assessment:
All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.
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SET UP OF SUPPLIES (15 minutes)
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will breakdown your work area and dispose of supplies used in the previous sections of
this examination.
You will prepare your work area for a NEW client.
You will set up the universal supplies you will use for the remainder of the examination.
You will prepare your client for a shave.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to begin.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
3.1 Disinfects all work areas completely with product labeled in English
as EPA-registered disinfectant that is virucidal, bactericidal, and fungicidal
3.2 Sanitizes hands with product labeled in English
3.3 Universal supplies are labeled in English
3.4 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
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Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will prepare to perform shaving with a straight razor.”
You will prepare the models face by lathering and steaming.
“Do not remove the steam towel until instructed to do so by the examiner.”
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
“You will have 5 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 2 minutes remaining.
Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to begin.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
4.1 Shaving supplies are labeled in English
4.2 Sets up implements that are visibly clean
4.3 Lathers beard and mustache area
4.4 Steam towel is applied
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before the timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination. Please do nothing
until the next verbal instructions are given.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates after all candidates have stepped back to indicate
that they have completed their preparation:
“You will perform Shaving with a Straight Razor.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will be instructed individually by the examiner when to remove the towel, re-lather,
and begin the shave.
This is an untimed section.
Do not remove the steam towel or demonstrate any strokes until instructed individually by
the examiner to do so.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
Please remove the steam towel, re-lather, and demonstrate the shaving strokes in the
first 5 areas.
4.5 Removes steam towel and lather
4.6 Re-lathers beard and mustache
4.7 Demonstrates freehand stroke in areas 1, 3, and 4 safely
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4.8 Demonstrates backhand stroke in area 2
4.9 Demonstrates reverse freehand stroke in area 5
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually after the shaving with a straight
razor has been examined:
Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates after demonstrated strokes are evaluated:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.”
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“Do not demonstrate any additional shaving strokes.”
“You will perform the finishing steps of the service.”
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 5 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 2 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
4.10 Completes the shaving service
4.11 Maintains drape throughout section
4.12 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
“All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
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Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will demonstrate the Blood Exposure Procedure.
You will imagine the following scenario: During a service, you have sustained a minor cut to your
index finger. The injury is such that you can continue with the service. Your work area or client has not
been contaminated. You are expected to demonstrate the proper procedure for a blood exposure.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
5.1 Blood exposure supplies are labeled in English
5.2 Removes materials from first aid kit
5.3 Supplies and materials are visibly clean
5.4 Cleans injured area with antiseptic
5.5 Covers with dressing that is absorbent and secured
5.6 Candidate wears glove or finger guard
5.7 Disposes of all contaminated supplies
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
“Please stop working.”
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read when all examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed:
“You will breakdown your work area and dispose of supplies used in the previous sections of the
You will set up the supplies for the following sections of the examination:
Chemical Waving
Predisposition and Strand test
Chemical Relaxer Virgin Application
Hair Color Retouch Application
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
“You will have 10 minutes to complete your set up.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
“Do not demonstrate any procedures until the verbal instructions are given and you are instructed to
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Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.”
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
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6. CHEMICAL WAVING (20 minutes)
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will perform Chemical Waving.
“You will prepare your client for services.”
You will wrap the entire center back section of the head, from crown to nape.
Once you are finished wrapping, please step back and do nothing until the next verbal instructions are
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 10 minutes remaining.
Do not perform the saturation procedure, a test curl, or remove a rod until instructed individually by
the examiner to do so.
Do not remove the remaining rods until you are instructed to do so.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
6.1 Chemical waving supplies are labeled in English
6.2 Implements and supplies are visibly clean
6.3 Performs scalp analysis
6.4 Subsections hair for chemical waving
6.5 Wraps hair
6.6 Correct rod placement used throughout entire section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination. Please do nothing
until the next verbal instructions are given.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working. Please do nothing until the next verbal instructions are given.
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
Please demonstrate saturation
6.7 Demonstrates saturation
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
Please demonstrate a test curl.
6.8 Demonstrates a test curl
Examiner Verbal Instructions: Read to each candidate individually:
“Please remove one rod from the hair.”
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Examiner Verbal Instructions: Once rod is removed from the hair, read individually to candidate:
“Do not remove the remaining rods until instructed to do so.”
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read when all examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed:
“All examiners have indicated they are ready to proceed.”
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
“You will remove all remaining rods from the head and create 4 quadrants/sections for the remaining
chemical services.”
“You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.”
“You will have 5 minutes to complete this section.”
“You will be informed when you have 2 minutes remaining.”
“Step back to indicate you have finished.”
(1) “The instructions will be repeated.”
(2) “You may begin.”
6.9 Maintains drape throughout section
6.10 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
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Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will complete a simulated Predisposition Test and Strand Test.”
You will demonstrate the predisposition test behind the ear.
You will demonstrate the strand test on any area of the head.
“There is no required wait time for results.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 10 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 5 minutes remaining.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
7.1 Predisposition test and strand test supplies are labeled in English
7.2 Implements and supplies are visibly clean
7.3 Demonstrates predisposition test behind the ear
7.4 Demonstrates strand test
7.5 Maintains drape throughout section
7.6 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
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(15 Minutes)
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates:
You will perform a Chemical Hair Relaxer - Virgin Application.
You will apply simulated relaxer product on one back quadrant/section of hair.
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
“Step back to indicate you have finished.”
(1) The instructions will be repeated.
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
8.1 Virgin hair relaxer supplies are labeled in English
8.2 Implements and supplies are visibly clean
8.3 Subsections hair for relaxer application
8.4 Applies simulated relaxer product
8.5 Maintains drape throughout section
8.6 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
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Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates
You will perform a Hair Color Retouch Application.
“You will apply simulated product to the other back quadrant/section of hair.”
“The client has 1 inch of regrowth.”
You will be expected to follow all client protection, safety and infection control procedures.
You have 15 minutes to complete this section.
You will be informed when you have 8 minutes remaining.
Step back to indicate you have finished.
(1) The instructions will be repeated.”
(2) You may begin.
Candidates will be evaluated on the following tasks:
9.1 Hair color retouch supplies are labeled in English
9.2 Implements and supplies are visibly clean
9.3 Subsections hair for hair color retouch
9.4 Applies simulated hair color product
9.5 Final result of hair color retouch application
9.6 Maintains drape throughout section
9.7 Items to be disinfected, soiled linens, and trash are disposed of in a correct manner
throughout section
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if all candidates have stepped back to indicate they have completed
the section before timing has elapsed:
All candidates have indicated they have completed this section of the examination, we will now
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read if the timer goes off before all candidates have stepped back:
Please stop working.
Proctor Verbal Instructions: Read to all candidates at the conclusion of the examination:
All examiners have indicated they have completed their assessment.
Make sure that all kit supplies and disposable materials are taken with you.
This concludes the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology, National Barbering
Practical Examination.
Thank you for your participation.
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Suggested supply list:
This is a list of suggested supplies for the practical examination.
Candidates are responsible for bringing all needed materials, even if not included
on this list.
Information related to labeling of supplies:
ALL supplies must be labeled in English
No other languages can be present unless an original manufacturer’s label is present
Original manufacturers labels MUST have English and may be multi-language
All other created labels must be only English
candidate supply kit to serve as dry storage area (must be closeable)
EPA-registered disinfectant wipes with manufacturers label that demonstrates bactericidal,
fungicidal and virucidal properties must be used (must be actual disinfectant wipes)
hand sanitizer and manufacturer’s label (must be actual hand sanitizer)
container labeled items to be disinfected (recommended: free-standing paper sack with plastic
container labeled soiled linens (recommended: free-standing paper sack with plastic liner)
container labeled trash (recommended: free-standing paper sack with plastic liner)
first aid kit
paper towels
mannequin head(s) and a table clamp(pre-markings or pre-sectioning on mannequins is
not permitted)
protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
neck strip(s)
cloth towels
hair clip(s) and/or clamp(s)
hair brush(es)
shaving cream (non-aerosol)
spray bottle with water
protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
clippers (clippers MUST have actual electrical cord)
guards/detachable blades
straight razor(s)
shaving cream (non-aerosol)
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protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
straight razor(s)
shaving cream (non-aerosol)
steam towel
toner, talc, or moisturizer
additional bag for disposal of blood-contaminated materials
protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
chemical wave rods
protective cream
end papers
simulated waving lotion (water)
skin cleanser
applicator brush
bowl or bottle applicator with colored simulated product
protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
protective cream
applicator brush
bowl or bottle applicator with colored simulated product
protective capes (recommended: child size capes)
protective cream
applicator brush
bowl or bottle applicator with colored simulated product