Course Code: EIO01 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56
Course Coordinator: Dr. M D Nandeesh
Course Content
Unit I
Electrophysiological and Biopotential Recording: The origin of biopotentials;
biopotential electrodes; instrumentation and isolation amplifiers; ECG, EEG, EMG,
PCG, EOG- lead systems and recording methods, typical waveforms and signal
Unit II
Bio-Chemical and Non Electric Parameter Measurements: pH, pO2, pHCO3,
electrophoresis, colorimeter, photometer, auto analyzer, blood flow meter, cardiac
output, respiratory measurement, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, blood cell
counters, differential count.
Unit III
Assist Devices: Cardiac pacemakers, DC Debrillators, dialyser, heart-Lung machine,
hearing aids.
Unit IV
Physical Medicine and Bio-Telemetry: Diathermies- Short-wave, ultrasonic and
microwave type and their applications, medical simulator, Telemetry principles,
frequency selection, bio-telemetry, radio-pill and tele-simulation, electric safely.
Unit V
Recent Trends in Medical Instrumentation: Thermograph, endoscopy unit, laser in
medicine, surgical diathermy, cryogenic application, introduction to telemedicine.
Text Books
1. Khandpur,R.S., Handbook of biomedical Instrumentation, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, Second edition, 2003.
2. Lesile Cromwell, Biomedical instrumentation and measurement, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007.
1. Joseph.J, Carr and John M.Brown, Introduction to Biomedical equipment
technology, Pearson Education Inc. 2004.
2. John G.Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, John
wiley and sons,(Asia) Pvt.Ltd., 2004.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Explain the basics of bio-potentials and bio-potential electrodes. (PO-1,10,
2. Understand the procedures and techniques for bio signal acquisitions and
patient assist devices. (PO-1,10, PSO-1,3)
3. Analyze the signals acquired from biomedical instruments. (PO-1,5,10, PSO-
4. Describe the working principles used for different medical procedures. (PO-
1,6,8,10, PSO-1,2,3)
5. Identify suitable technology for the right diagnosis and therapy of diseases.
(PO-1,10, PSO-1,3)
Course Code: EIO02 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56
Course Coordinator: Ms. J.V. Alamelu and Dr. Christina Grace
Course Content
Unit I
Industrial processes: Definition, Industry classification, Application oriented
(Manufacturing and Utility industry), Operational (Continuous discrete batch),
Physical (Local and Distributed). Process automation systems: Definition, Process
without and with automation, Need and benefits of automation. Automation steps:
Information acquisition and analysis, Decision making, Control execution. Process
signals: Definition, Classifications, Input and output, Digital/discrete,
Analog/continuous, Pulse.
Automation system structure: Definition, Subsystems: Input Instrumentation
subsystem, Control subsystem, Human interface subsystem, Control subsystems.
Instrumentation: Structure and components, Physical signal conversion, Signal
interfacing standards, Signal conditioning, Process isolation and instrumentation
protection, Final control elements (pumps, motors, control valves and solenoid).
Human machine interface: Definition, need, hardware based, Software based, Operator
panels. Control system: Definition, need, Functions, Structure, Data acquisition and
control unit (DACU) Data acquisition unit (DAU), Functional Subsystem, Power
supply subsystem, Processor subsystem, Input/output subsystem, Communication
subsystem, Supporting subsystem.
Control strategies: Definition, need, Open loop control, Closed loop or feedback
control, Discrete control Sequential: control with interlocks Continuous control: Two
step and multi-step control, Analog loop control, Evolution of control systems:
Mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic based, relay based, solid-state based, micro-
processor based, Comparisons. Special purpose DACUs: Need, Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC), Loop controller, Controller, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
Automation strategies: Need, classification, architectures and protocols, Industrial data
communication, Centralized control systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS),
Network Control Systems (NCS), Front-end processing, Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems, DCS and NCS, Modern control centre.
Case studies: SCADA applications in industry automation (Railway traction
system/power distribution system), PLC based Industrial application (Power plant/
Petrochemical) with VFD (based on automation systems), Material handling and
identification technologies - Manufacturing, assembly and conveying systems, Motion
control system, Robot controller architectures - Robots in manufacturing automation -
Motion planning for robots, Quality control systems.
Unit V
New Developments: IT-OT convergence, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial IoT,
Industry 4.0: Various industrial revolutions, Features, challenges and difficulties of
industry 4.0 (Interoperability, information transparency, decentralized decision making,
Cloud computing for industry 4.0, Smart manufacturing, Smart logistics, Smart cities,
Smart components, auto-diagnosis and configurability, Cyber-physical systems.
Text Books
1. Overview of Industrial process automation, by KLS Sharma, IIIT, Bangalore
1. Process control Instrumentation Technology, CD Johnson, Pearson Education
2. Instrument Engineers Handbook Vol. 1: Process Measurement and Analysis,
Vol. 2: Process Control, by BG Liptak, Butterworth Heinemann
3. Fundamentals of Industrial Control, DA Coggan, ISA
4. Understanding Distributed Processor Systems for Control by SM Herb, ISA
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the different types of automation processes and systems. (PO-
1,3,4,9, PSO-1)
2. Analyze different building blocks of Automation system structure. (PO-
1,3,4,9, PSO-1)
3. Analyze the concepts of different control and automation strategies utilized in
Industrial environment. (PO-1,3,4,9, PSO-1)
4. Apply the concepts of automation systems in real world applications. (PO-
1,3,4,9, PSO-1,2)
5. Understand recent developments in Industrial automation.(PO-1,3,4,9, PSO-