MSPE Letter for Typical Student
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Medical Student Performance Evaluation
Typical Student
October 1, 2017
Identifying Information
Typical Student is a fourth-year student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in
Chicago, Illinois.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Typical was awarded a summer stipend from the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney
Disease to study at UCLA/Cedars Sinai. He has since presented projects in obstetrics/gynecology
and otolaryngology.
Typical has been dedicated to service as a medical student by volunteering at the Student
Outreach Clinic, a student-run clinic providing basic medical care to the underserved
Typical has developed his interest in medical education as a supplemental instructor for the
cardiopulmonary block and volunteer instructor at anatomy lab review sessions.
Academic History
Date of Initial Matriculation in Medical School:
August 2014
Date of Expected Graduation from Medical School:
May 2018
Please explain any extensions, leave(s) of absence, gap(s),
or break(s) in the student’s educational program.
Not applicable
For transfer students:
Date of Initial Matriculation in Prior Medical School:
Not applicable
Date of Transfer from Prior Medical School:
Not applicable
For dual/joint/combined degree students:
Date of Initial Matriculation in other degree program:
Not applicable
Date of Expected graduation from other degree program:
Not applicable
Type of other degree program:
Not Applicable
Was this student required to repeat or otherwise
remediate any coursework during his/her medical education?
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Was this student the recipient of any adverse action(s) by the medical
school or its parent institution?
Professional Performance
We have assessed all students' capabilities to meet standards for: accountability, self-improvement and
adaptability, appropriate relationship with patients, relationship with healthcare team, initiative,
professional demeanor, and behavior under stress. Unless otherwise noted, all students have met the
stated objectives for professionalism at Feinberg.
Preclinical/Basic Science Curriculum
During the first phase of the curriculum (Phase 1A& Phase 1B), the only grades assigned are Pass or
Fail. Students must receive a grade of "Pass", in each block prior to beginning clerkships.
Typical Student earned grades of Pass in all preclerkship courses and recorded a score of XXX on Step 1
of the USMLE exam and XXX on Step 2 of the USMLE exam.
Core Clinical Clerkships
Following are the unedited narrative evaluations of Typical’s performance on the successive clerkships
and electives.
NEUROLOGY: HIGH PASS 5/31/2016 - 6/24/2016
Mr. Student did a very good job on the neurology rotation. He was able to elicit most of the
pertinent details of a neurological history. his neurological examination technique was as expected
for his level of training and his exam findings were usually accurate and reliable. his oral
presentations were thorough but at times disorganized. He sometimes needed helped with synthesis
of the information he gathered, though his written H&Ps demonstrated an ability to generate a
relevant differential diagnosis, assessment and plan. He gave a very thorough didactic presentation
on Dementia. He scored in the 72nd percentile of the nation on the written neurology shelf
examination. His score on the OSCEs (1 standardized patient case and 2 written short cases, and 2
multiple choice cases- total of 9 stations) was: 90%.
Typical was an integral member of his neurology team. He was helpful, proactive and engaged. He
demonstrated an exemplary bedside manner and had excellent interpersonal skills.
For overall performance on this rotation, the grade of HIGH PASS is awarded.
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MEDICINE CLERKSHIP: HIGH PASS 6/27/2016 - 8/19/2016
Typical was an excellent student who is hard-working and energetic. He excelled interacting with
his patients and was attentive to each of their needs. His fund of knowledge assessed by his
preceptors and the final exam was appropriate for his level of training. He was a great intern helper,
always willing to help out with whatever was needed. He functioned as an integral member of the
team and was clearly a patient advocate. He was consistently engaged in conferences, actively
contributing to the case discussions. His written H&P’s were appropriate in their organization,
thoroughness, and assessment of the pertinent clinical issues. His oral presentations were well
organized; he continues to make them more succinct. Typical’s final grade is High Pass.
PSYCHIATRY: HIGH PASS 8/29/2016 - 9/23/2016
Typical completed two weeks on the inpatient service and two weeks on the C/L service at
Northwestern Memorial Hospital. His team remarked, "Typical was truly a pleasure to work with.
He exceeds expectations for an MS3 in his clinical skills, particularly the psychiatric interview, and
application of knowledge to treatment planning. He reads consistently, and demonstrates his
knowledge in his communication with oral presentations and write ups. He is compassionate with
his patients and collaborates well with staff. He will be an excellent physician in whichever field he
chooses." He scored an 84 on the shelf exam demonstrating a very strong fund of knowledge. On
the OSCE, he displayed excellent communication skills and clinical reasoning. Overall, he did very
good work on the rotation and receives a grade of High Pass.
RESEARCH ELECTIVE: CREDIT 9/26/2016 - 10/21/2016
Typical was exceptionally self-motivated, conscientious, and did outstanding research work in
preparing his AOSC project for publication.
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY: HIGH PASS 10/24/2016 - 12/2/2016
Typical is a motivated student whose overall performance during the Obstetrics and Gynecology
clerkship was excellent. He spent the majority of the six week rotation at Prentice Women's
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Hospital. His written notes were detailed, organized and flowed logically. They contained accurate
assessments and plans for moderately complex patients. Typical's oral presentations exceeded those
of his peers in their organization, succinctness of delivery and command of his patients’ medical
information. Typical collaborated extremely well on all of his health care teams. He won praise for
his dedication to his patients and his ability to develop a quick and meaningful rapport with them
and their families. Several patients even requested him to be at their bedside. He was proactive and
could be relied upon to efficiently obtain H&Ps on the busy Labor and Delivery floor or in the
outpatient clinic. Typical’s energy and enthusiasm was appreciated by all who worked with him. He
took ownership of his patients and kept the team updated with their progress. His fund of
knowledge was very good. Typical's technical skills and dexterity were good and improved steadily
over the course of the rotation. Classmates found him to be an exceptional teammate, always
willing to work hard for the needs of the team, discuss patients, and they commented that he was “a
role model for great communication skills.” Nursing evaluators noted that he “caters to patients
needs and is very helpful to the team” and “had a great bedside manner”. Patients found him to be
warm and supportive. Final Grade: High Pass.
PEDIATRICS: HIGH PASS 12/5/2016 - 1/27/2017
During his six-week pediatric clerkship, Typical rendered an excellent performance. His history
taking skills were above average for his level of training. He was an active member of the
healthcare team and was a strong advocate for his patients. Typical followed his patients diligently,
and knew every detail about his patients. In addition, Typical was intellectually curious and was
constantly reading about his patients. He researched the literature and was eager to share his
findings with the medical team. His oral case presentations were clear and well organized. Typical
was enthusiastic about learning and improving his clinical skills. He was a quick learner and
responded well to feedback. His written histories and physicals demonstrated a clear thought
process. According to his outpatient preceptor, "Typical had excellent clinical skills. He performed
good PE's and well thought out differentials. He even did well with complex patients." His fund of
knowledge, as assessed by his clinical evaluators was excellent. His score on the NBME Subject
Examination was at the national average. On the basis of his performance, we believe Typical will
make an excellent house officer and physician. He receives a grade of HIGH PASS for the pediatric
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PRIMARY CARE: HIGH PASS 1/30/2017 - 2/24/2017
Typical performed at an excellent level during the Primary Care Clerkship. He demonstrated very
good ability to take a history and perform a physical examination. He worked very well with the
team and adapted to a busy outpatient medical practice. He communicated well with patients and
his write-ups were outstanding. He was very well prepared for his Weekly Report sessions. His oral
case presentations were concise, organized and well delivered. He revealed outstanding depth of
reading, often going to the original literature, which he used to teach his peers. He taught very well
with nicely focused teaching points. His Learner Centered Learning Goal presentation on
“Outpatient Management of Asthma” was considered excellent. It was researched and presented in
a straightforward manner. His NBME Ambulatory Medicine score was 72, which is just below the
national mean, however his clinical judgment was consider very good. His clinical preceptor felt his
strengths to be data gathering, write-ups and collaboration. He is reliable and professional. He
receives a grade of High Pass for his work during this clerkship.
SURGERY CLERKSHIP: PASS 2/27/2017 - 4/21/2017
Typical did a good job on the surgery clerkship and earns a grade of Pass.
His knowledge as assessed on the NBME Surgery Subject Exam was very good, as demonstrated
by a score in the 70th percentile nationally. On service, Typical’s preceptors and residents found his
fund of knowledge to be below the level of peers.
Typical’s preceptors and residents found his clinical performance to be good. His reasoning and
judgement were very good.
Typical’s professional behaviors and attitudes as measured on performance appraisals were fair. As
a team member, Typical was a very good collaborator and a good communicator.
Typical’s preceptors and residents describe him as organized and hard working. "I have the students
keep a log of patients seen in clinic and whom they participated in surgery. Typical's was very
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complete and detailed, indicating he is a self-learner. He did well in the OR taking a proactive role."
"Typical was reliable and engaged. He picks up quickly on ways he can help. He is consistently
professional." "Overall, Typical's performance was solid. He is intelligent, motivated, and hard
working. His H&P's were well organized, thorough and concise."
ENDOCRINOLOGY: HONORS 5/8/2017 - 6/2/2017
Typical is an excellent student and will make a fine resident. He is mature, easy to work with, and
did a great job working with patients and families, as well as the health care team. He had well
thought-out histories, physicals, and especially thorough and thoughtful impressions and plans. He
was also able to complete all of his notes and documentation in an efficient and thorough manner.
In addition, he was quite thoughtful when working with less experienced medical students and did
some teaching of his own. It was a pleasure working with Typical and we hope to work with him
Typical did an excellent job during his medicine sub-internship. He worked well with the team and
functioned at the level of an intern. During the month, Typical demonstrated a strong work ethic,
enthusiasm for patient care, and excellent patient rapport. Typical’s team was impressed with his use
of the medical literature to help answer clinical questions or provide evidenced based care for his
patients. He taught the junior students on the team daily. Typical was able to communicate with
consultants and ancillary staff, as well as his patients. Typical was very receptive to feedback and
worked to improve his knowledge and patient care throughout the month. His resident commented,
"Typical is a great communicator, humble and a team player." His attending stated, "Typical is a
thoughtful, dedicated, and conscientious student doctor, who worked tirelessly throughout this
rotation. He consistently taught something about every patient to the rest of the team." Typical's final
grade for the medicine sub-internship is High Pass.
EMERGENCY MEDICINE: PASS 7/31/2017 - 8/25/2017
Typical had a very good performance during his Emergency Medicine clerkship. He has excellent
clinical skills and sound judgment. He is often able to perform thorough yet problem focused
histories and physical examinations. His case presentations are generally concise and focused.
Typical is able to develop ED appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic plan for his patients. He is
able to apply his knowledge to the given clinical situation during case discussions. He is eager to
learn and receptive to feedback. Typical demonstrated consistent improvement throughout the
month and was often able to function independently by the end of the clerkship. He communicates
effectively with his patients as well as ED staff; he integrated into established teams. He completed
all required procedures and his technical skills are appropriate for his level of training. Comments
made about his clinical performance include: "personable and professional; great rapport with
patients; accurate clinical impressions; seeks feedback appropriately." His fund of knowledge, as
measured on the NBME subject examination, is on par with his peers. He was prepared for and
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participated in conferences. Typical will be an excellent resident. The final grade for the clerkship is
Typical has demonstrated immense effort and aptitude and has clearly excelled during his career at the
Feinberg School of Medicine. He has been selected as a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society
for his demonstration of excellence in humanistic clinical care, leadership, compassion and service.
Based on a comprehensive review of Typical’s academic record, his overall medical school performance
has been excellent in comparison to that of his peers at this institution. Students in the “excellent”
category (third tier) have demonstrated their ability to excel in several of the required clerkships. This
group constitutes approximately 28% of the Class of 2018. Category placement is determined by grades
in the required clerkships. Grades of Honors are awarded one point, High Pass 0.5 points and Pass 0
points. The point total is weighted by the length of the clerkship. Please note that USMLE scores,
leadership roles and extracurricular activities are not considered in category placement. The Feinberg
School of Medicine does not compute class rank.
We believe that Typical will be an excellent addition to your residency program.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like additional information on this candidate. We also
welcome any comments on this Medical Student Performance Evaluation.
Sandra M. Sanguino, MD, MPH
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Marianne Green, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education
Medical School Information Page
Feinberg School of Medicine
Medical School Name
Chicago, Illinois
City, State
Special programmatic emphases, strengths, mission/goal(s) of the medical school:
The missions of the Feinberg School of Medicine are education, research and professional services, a major component of the
latter being the delivery of high quality patient care. The Medical School supports the overall mission of the University to
achieve excellence in its scholarly and service programs and to participate in its framework for distinction. The goal of the
medical curriculum at the Feinberg School of Medicine is to prepare broadly educated, responsible physicians capable of
pursuing postgraduate medical education in any clinical discipline and/or pursuing a career in medically related research. The
curriculum provides for a general professional education and incorporates the fundamental principles of medicine and
scientific concepts. The objectives for the educational program require each student to demonstrate competency achievement
in the following competencies: (1) Patient-Centered Medical Care; (2) Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills; (3)
Medical Knowledge & Scholarship; (4) System Awareness & Team-Based Care; (5) Personal Awareness & Self-Care; (6)
Community Engagement & Service; (7) Continuous Learning & Quality Improvement; and (8) Professional Behavior &
Moral Reasoning. Education is conducted in such a manner that students are imbued with the commitment to life-long
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learning, professional and personal growth. Our graduates are trained to be committed to the practice of ethical and humane
medicine and contribute to enhancing the ethical status of the profession.
Students are encouraged to consider themselves part of a community of scholars and to pursue research. To that end, the
medical school offers several opportunities for students to engage in research.
Feinberg Student Attributes:
The Feinberg School of Medicine is fortunate to attract students who possess grade-point averages and MCAT scores, which
are above the national average. The exact data for the Class of 2018 is shown in the table below:
GPA Science
GPA Total
MCAT Verbal
MCAT Physical
MCAT Biological
In addition, the average scores for Feinberg students on the United States Medical Licensing Examination for Step 1 and for
Step 2 CK are well above the national average for these examinations. Performance on USMLE Step 2 CS from the most
recent annual report and subsequent data indicated that currently 99% of the students have passed the examination.
In summary, based on the data from external sources and the history of where our graduates match for postgraduate
education, students who are at the 50th percentile in our academic setting would rank at a significantly higher
percentile within the national cohort of students graduating in 2018.
Special characteristics of the medical school's educational program:
The Feinberg curriculum is divided into 3 phases. There are 4 major curricular elements: Science in Medicine, Professional
Development, Health & Society, and Clinical Medicine. In addition, each element has associated curricular "threads" that
continue throughout all three phases of the curriculum.
Phase 1 consists of a number of modules that begins with "Foundations" and then moves through 11 organ system- based
modules. There are several "Synthesis and Application modules" (SAM) that are meant to help students apply information
from previous modules in active learning formats (TBL, simulation, and small group work). Each module has content from
all 4 elements and associated threads. In addition, each student is required to develop and complete an "Area of Scholarly
Concentration", which is a faculty mentored research project before graduation (except for dual degree students). Students
complete Phase 1, prepare for USMLE Step 1, and can begin their clinical rotations in the first week of May of their second
Phase 2 and 3 consists of required clinical rotations with additional SAM modules. There is also a Capstone course that all
students must complete in the spring of 2018.
Unique Courses taught during the Clerkship Years:
Phase 2 Interdisciplinary Curriculum (IC- 2)
In Phase 2, students have the Interdisciplinary Curriculum one Friday afternoon a month. The overall goal of IC-2 is to
enhance what students learn in their clinical clerkships by applying interdisciplinary perspectives. The curriculum is designed
to help students develop knowledge, skills, and professional values in an ongoing reflective manner throughout the clinical
years of medical school.
Education Centered Medical Home (ECMH)
Some students in the Class of 2018 participated in an ECMH. The ECMH is a four-year, longitudinal, ambulatory experience
based in existing primary care clinics where multi-level student teams (4 from each class) work collaboratively to care for
"high-risk" patient panels. Didactics (monthly ECMH Grand Rounds) focus on nationally endorsed Patient-Centered Medical
Home principles. This is indicated on their transcript and they receive 4 weeks credit in the M3 and/or M4 years.
Average length of enrollment (initial matriculation to graduation) at the medical school:
Four years and three months.
Description of the evaluation system used at the medical school:
Preclerkship courses in Phase 1 are evaluated on a Pass or Fail basis.
Required Clerkships are evaluated using Honors, High-Pass, Pass and Fail. Specific criteria for the grade of Honors or High
Pass have been established for each clerkship as opposed to assigning an arbitrary percentage. The grade of Pass is given to
all other students who satisfactorily meet the objectives of the clerkship. In some instances, extra time was required to fulfill
all requirements of the clerkship or to remediate a particular aspect; in which case the grade of Pass after remediation is
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given. Required Phase 2 Clerkships: Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Primary Care, (or an
Education Centered Medical Home), and Psychiatry. Required Phase 3 Clerkships: Sub-internship (Medicine, Pediatrics,
Surgery or Ob-Gyn), Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Unit Rotation (Medicine or Pediatrics), and Physical Medicine &
Elective Clerkships are usually evaluated using Honors, Pass and Fail. In some elective clerkships, the only grades awarded
are Pass or Fail; this situation is usually noted in the narrative evaluation for the clerkship. Elective credit can be granted for
research, providing the research is approved and deemed meritorious by the Student Research Committee.
Overall evaluation of the Class of 2018
Based on their performance in the required clerkships, students have been placed in one of four tiers as suggested by the
AAMC MSPE Recommendations. We have numbered these tiers from the highest (first tier) downward (second tier) etc. The
individual student's tier is specified in the "Summary section."
There is no numerical designation of class rank. About 1% of the students in the Class of 2018 have received a course grade
of Fail at one time or another. Any failed course or clerkship must be repeated, in which case both courses and final grades
are shown on the transcript. In the remediated courses or clerkships, the only grade possible is a Pass. The remediated course
is indicated with a P* on the transcript.
Medical school requirements for successful completion of USMLE Step 1, 2 (all that apply are listed in BOLD):
USMLE Step 1:
Required for promotion
Required for graduation
Required, but not for promotion/graduation
Not required
USMLE Step 2:
Required for promotion
Required for graduation
Required, but not for promotion/graduation
Not required
Medical school requirements for successful completion of Objective/Observed Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE)
at medical school. OSCEs are used for (check all that apply):
Completion of course
Completion of clerkship
Completion of third year
Utilization of the course, clerkship, or elective director's narrative comments in composition of the MSPE. The
narrative comments contained in the attached MSPE can best be described as (check one):
Reported exactly as written
Edited for length or grammar, but not for content
Edited for content or included selectively
Utilization by the medical school of the AAMC "Guidelines for Medical Schools Regarding Academic Transcripts."
This medical school is:
Completely in compliance with Guidelines' recommendations
Partially in compliance with Guidelines' recommendations
Not in compliance with Guidelines' recommendations
Description of the process by which the MSPE is composed at the medical school (including number of school
personnel involved in composition of the MSPE).
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The MSPE for individual students is the product of collection and assimilation of all objective and subjective formal
evaluations during the undergraduate medical education period. Other information included is supplied by the student
regarding his or her extracurricular and research experiences. All MSPEs are prepared by the Associate Dean for Student
Affairs and the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education and selected members of their respective staffs.
Students are permitted to review the MSPE prior to its transmission: