Nonhuman Primate Field Guide
Considerations for the use of primate
models for SARS-CoV-2 treatments
and vaccines
Prepared by the Coronavirus Vaccine & Treatment Evaluation Network,
National Primate Research Centers
Supported by the Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and
Vaccines (ACTIV) Public-Private Partnership
Editors: Rudolf Bohm, Debra Bratt, Deborah H. Fuller, Nancy L. Haigwood, Sheri
Hild, Mark Lewis, Jay Rappaport, Koen K.A. Van Rompay
December 2020
Credits: SARS-CoV-2 image from the New York Times
Photo: William F. Sutton, Oregon National Primate Research Center
Table of Contents
A. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE ...........................................................................3
B. NHP MODELS FOR SARS-COV-2 INFECTION AND DISEASE ............................................................4
C. COVID-RELATED BSL-3 AND ABSL-3 RESOURCES FOR NHP RESEARCH...........................................6
D. NONHUMAN PRIMATE SELECTION AND INCLUSION GUIDELINES .................................................7
E. VIRAL STOCKS AND INOCULATION PROCEDURES ...................................................................... 11
F. STUDY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................. 11
G. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PLAN .................................................................................................... 13
H. SAMPLE COLLECTION PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 16
I. ASSAYS .................................................................................................................................... 18
J. PATHOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 24
A. Introduction and Purpose of this Guide
SARS-CoV-2 burst onto the medical and scientific stage in late 2019, a novel coronavirus that
has taken the world by storm. One of the most important activities in understanding virus
infectivity, life cycle, and pathogenicity of a new virus involves the use of animal models. As
investigators in academics and in the scientific industry grapple with developing effective
therapies and vaccines, it is critical to understand how different animal models may provide
valuable information to inform the science. This Nonhuman Primate Field Guide is designed as
a companion to the Small Animal Field Guide. The purpose of the Nonhuman Primate Field
Guide is to inform investigators of the current status of nonhuman primate (NHP) models, the
availability of resources to perform studies, and to provide some details about experimental
design and sampling to guide scientific planning.
Due to the highly infectious nature of SARS-CoV-2, this virus is classified as an agent requiring
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) for laboratory experiments. To perform experiments in animal models,
including NHP models, Animal Biosafety Level 3 (ABSL-3) containment is required during the
time that animals are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. At this time, regulations require that all animals,
including NHPs, that are exposed to ABLS-3 agents must be euthanized at the end of the
experiment, so all studies are terminal.
NHPs are often in short supply in the US, due to the specialized expertise and infrastructure
required for breeding and the demand for animals to support ongoing research (NHP Evaluation
and Analysis of Future Demand and Supply). Furthermore, there are only a few facilities that
can perform research using NHP at ABSL3 and those have limited housing capacity. At this
writing, all SARS-CoV-2 experiments that utilize NHP resources supported by the US National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Infrastructure and Programs (ORIP) must receive a
programmatic priority by NIH (Notice of Limited Availability of Research NHPs). NIH expects
users to submit the information requested in the COVID-19 NHP Study Information Portal so
that the urgency of the proposed research and its timeline for potential impact on public health
can be assessed by the NIH COVID-19 Expert Panel (the “Expert Panel”). The Expert Panel is
composed of federal NIH staff with expertise in virology, immunology, therapeutic and vaccine
development, NHP models, and other highly relevant subject matter areas. The Expert Panel
will provide a programmatic recommendation for specific COVID research projects, which will
be communicated to the National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) or other ORIP-supported
NHP facilities so the process of animal allocation and study initiation established at the Centers
will be implemented appropriately.
If such studies are considered, or warranted, there are a number of critical issues and variables
to consider in designing an effective study. This field guide is aimed at giving extensive
information to guide all potential assessments, recognizing that each study may focus on a
subset of assessments. It is focused on studies with SARS-CoV-2, but many of the areas of
consideration will be similar for other infectious diseases that target the lung. These general
considerations fall into the major categories of scientific, budgetary, regulatory, and logistical.
1. Scientific. It is critical that studies be designed using the most appropriate model for the
pertinent scientific questions, and be powered so the correct number of animals are
used to obtain a statistically significant outcome. There is growing expertise to guide
these important questions, and this guide provides many of the details for design,
statistical considerations, sampling, and some of the limitations that may help to
prioritize regimen schedules.
2. Budgetary. NHP research requires a substantial budget. The study’s size and complexity
will drive costs, as well as many logistical issues noted in 4 below. All of the institutions
that perform NHP work have experienced individuals that can work with you to develop
a budget that accurately reflects the scientific goals and takes into consideration the
personnel who will be needed to do the work.
3. Regulatory. All NHP studies must be peer-reviewed, and must adhere to USDA
regulations, guidelines promulgated through Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guide-for-the-care-and-use-of-laboratory-
animals.pdf) and PHS Policy (https://olaw.nih.gov/policies-laws/phs-policy.htm), and
other regional and local regulations on research animal use. All research projects
involving NHP must be approved by the local Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC) and, at many institutions, the Institutional Biosafety Committee
(IBC). As with budgeting, local experts at the research site will work with you to be sure
that compliance with these regulations are met. There are also regulations that govern
how samples must be handled (BSL-3 laboratories) and where and how they can be
4. Logistical. In order to initiate a study, the most critical logistical barrier is time, due to
the need to budget accurately and adhere to regulatory requirements noted above, as
well as time to identify a location that can schedule the experiment that you desire in a
reasonable timeframe. Currently, COVID research has top priority at the NPRCs and
potentially at other sites as well.
If an NHP study is warranted, there is much more detailed information available to investigators
in the form of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that will be made available for the design
and conduct of studies that advance into testing. Ideally, individual studies will be comparable
to other studies by the use of shared virus stocks and assays, and similar sampling procedures
and time points, which will increase reproducibility and add to the growing base of knowledge.
B. NHP Models for SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Disease
Since late 2019, the SARS coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating worldwide, resulting in
the current pandemic, as disease and deaths mount due to COVID-19 disease. Multiple vaccines
and therapies have been developed, and a number of these are currently in human clinical
trials. Importantly, several animal models of COVID-19 have been developed that can provide
critical data on pathogenesis, efficacy, and correlates of protection. Following infection with
SARS-CoV-2, Syrian hamsters, K18-ACE2 mice, and some aged African green monkeys (AGMs)
develop moderate to severe pulmonary disease. Rhesus macaques (M. mulatta), cynomolgous
macaques (M. fascicularis), and other macaques do not generally experience severe disease but
do support robust viral replication and develop mild to moderate pulmonary disease with
multiple inflammatory biomarkers, and are thus considered excellent models for testing
therapeutics, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. Notably, decades of research have led to an
excellent understanding of the pathogenesis and immunity of coronaviruses and other
infectious diseases in rhesus macaques. Scientists who are interested in performing
experiments in NHP models are encouraged to read several review articles that have been
published recently, in order to understand the potential and limitations of different models.
The science continues to move rapidly as discoveries are made, so it is also wise to consult with
contacts who can steer the specific study that an individual investigator may have in mind.
Some of the recent reviews are:
Muñoz-Fontela, C., Dowling, W.E., Funnell, S.G.P. et al. Animal models for COVID-
19. Nature 586, 509515 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2787-6
Johansen, M.D., Irving, A., Montagutelli, X., Tate, M.D., Rudloff, I., Nold, M.F., Hansbro,
N.G., Kim, R.Y., Donovan, C., Liu, G., Faiz, A., Short, K.R., Lyons, J.G., McCaughan, G.W.,
Gorrell, M.D., Cole, A., Moreno, C., Couteur, D., Hesselson, D., Triccas, J., Neely, G.G.,
Gamble, J.R., Simpson, S.J., Saunders, B.M., Oliver, B.G., Britton, W.J., Wark, P.A., Nold-
Petry, C.A., Hansbro, P.M. Animal and translational models of SARS-CoV-2 infection
and COVID-19. Mucosal Immunol. 2020 Nov;13(6):877-891. doi: 10.1038/s41385-020-
00340-z. Epub 2020 Aug 20.PMID: 32820248
Hewitt, J.A., Lutz, C., Florence, W.C., Pitt, M.L.M., Rao, S., Rappaport, J., Haigwood, N.L.
ACTIVating Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Vivo Models for Vaccines and
Therapeutics. Cell Host Microbe. 2020 Nov 11;28(5):646-659. doi:
10.1016/j.chom.2020.09.016. Epub 2020 Oct 1.PMID: 33152279
The most important consideration in planning to use NHP models is whether the answer can be
obtained with another species such as mouse, ferret or hamster. In many cases, small animal
studies will be required prior to advancing to NHP, and some questions may not be addressible
in NHP models.
With support from the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), Accelerating
COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) Preclinical working group has
developed an Open Data Portal where up-to-date summaries for both small and large animal
models are available. This portal provides information about the extent of the interventions,
disease manifestations, and pathology evaluated.
C. COVID-Related BSL-3 and ABSL-3 Resources for NHP Research
National Primate Research Centers
A summary of laboratory, clinical, and animal resources located at each of the seven NPRCs
(California, Oregon, Southwest, Tulane, Washington, Wisconsin, Yerkes) is publicly available
at the NPRC website, NHP Research Center Support Capabilities and Resources.
Investigators can review the scientific and animal resources at different NPRCs and then
contact them directly by email if they are interested in further details. The Coronavirus
Coordinating Center at the Tulane NPRC will serve as a centralized facility that will work
with all the NPRCs to assure the use of optimized protocols, best practices, and the
harmonization of protocols across different Centers. The combined NPRC facilities and
associated expertise comprise the Coronavirus Vaccines & Therapeutic Evaluation Network
(CoVTEN). Coordination will occur through the interaction with an CoVTEN Operations
Committee, with representation of each of the NPRCs as well as the Coronavirus Working
Group, a consortium of of scientific and veterinary experts established by the NPRC system.
In fact, the work of the Operations Committee and their subcommittees have contributed
enormously to the writing of this field guide. The Coordinating Center at Tulane will further
develop and host a Data Center that will permit the deposition and analysis of CoVID-19
related data from studies performed at all NPRCs.
Additional locations for BSL-3 and ABSL-3 work
Outside of the NPRCs, there are several institutions that can support COVID-19 and NHP
research. The list below is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide a starting
point for those who are designing experiments (bold denotes that this location has a SARS-
CoV-2 task order award in 2020). Websites denoted with an asterisk lead to home pages of
investigators as contacts for those institutions.
a. ABSL3 Sites:
i. Battelle Memorial Institute
ii. Bioqual, Inc
iii. Boston University National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL)
iv. Cornell University *
v. George Mason University: National Center for Biodefense and Infectious
vi. Louisiana State A&M University
vii. Medical College of Wisconsin: Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR)
viii. Lovelace Biomedical
ix. University of Chicago: Howard T. Ricketts Laboratory
x. University of Georgia *
xi. University of North Carolina *
xii. University of Pennsylvania
xiii. University of Pittsburgh
xiv. University of Tennessee
b. BLS3 Sites:
i. Geneva Foundation
ii. Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard
iii. Rutgers University
iv. Sanford Burnham Prebys
v. Southern Research
vi. University of Alabama
vii. University of Louisville
viii. University of Maryland *
ix. University of Michigan
x. University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX
xi. Vanderbilt University
c. Other sites outside the US have capacity for this research. Again, some examples,
but not an exhaustive list, include:
i. Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (United Kingdom)
ii. Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
iii. Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Germany)
iv. Public Health England (United Kingdom)
D. Nonhuman Primate Selection and Inclusion Guidelines
The purpose of this section is to provide information that will enhance standardization of pre-
screening and selection of NHPs to be assigned to SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis, vaccine and
therapeutic studies performed by the ACTIV public-private partnership. Availability of NHP
varies based on the species and other qualities that are required. Indian-origin rhesus
macaques have been the preferred species for many NIH supported studies due to their
availability in U.S. Government-funded research facilities. However, their availability is limited
to breeding facilities within the US. Chinese origin rhesus may be an option, if available. Other
possible choices are cynomolgus macaques, pigtailed macaques, and African Green monkeys.
Nonhuman Primate Models
The choice of species to use for NHP studies will depend upon the study design as well as
animal availability. Data are emerging from ongoing studies that will assist in understanding the
advantages and limitations of different species for specific experiments.
Rhesus Macaques bred in the US, either Indian-origin or Chinese-origin, are obtained
from US breeding facilities. Their numbers are limited and mostly under control by the
US Government. China has breeding colonies of Chinese rhesus macaques; however,
they have not imported any animals since February 2020 and do not plan to open their
markets until late 2021 at the earliest.
Cynomolgus, Mauritian or Southeast Asian-origin Macaques are all imported from
breeding colonies in Asia or Africa. They have been available for purchase from several
importers, and arrangements can be made by contacting research sites for arrangement
of delivery and quarantine at that site. Availability is limited and can take multiple
months to obtain. China also has breeding colonies; however, all imports have been
suspended until late 2021.
Pigtailed Macaques are extremely limited in availability. There are two US breeding
colonies, one at the Washington NPRC and the other at Johns Hopkins University, and
very few are available to the open market. While few are available to the open market,
research studies where this species is determined to be the most appropriate model can
be readily supported.
African Green Monkeys can be obtained from a US breeding facility at Wake Forest
University, which is of limited size, or by using a US importer. These are bred or wild
caught animals from several sites in the Caribbean. Again, their numbers are limited and
it can take several months to receive them.
Nonhuman Primate Characteristics
Certain characteristics such as age and medical history may influence experimental outcomes,
and investigators will also need to consider each of the following characteristics in choosing
research subjects.
1. Age. While a majority of the early SARS-CoV2 pathogenesis studies were performed
using mature and aging NHPs, a majority of the U.S. government-supported vaccine
studies will be/have been performed using adult (> 3-year-old and < 15-year-old) Old
World NHP; specifically, rhesus macaques of Indian or Chinese ancestry.
Except in rare cases, animals can be pair-housed even for infectious studies. Animals
should have social housing as much as possible, and if possible, supported by the
experimental design (e.g., inoculate pairs on the same day, etc).
Despite the fact that older humans appear to experience significantly higher
mortality rates associated with SARS-CoV2 infection, the disease severity differs
between studies. There are insufficient numbers of aged macaques available to
enroll in vaccine or therapeutic studies, and many of these macaques are already
designated for studies focused on maladies that affect aging humans (e.g.,
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.).
2. Sex.
Unless a specific study is evaluating the effects of COVID on the reproductive tract,
balanced male/female sex ratios should not be mandated as the number of breeding
age, Indian-ancestry, female macaques available for terminal studies is markedly
limited. Assignment of some females and subsequent disaggregation by sex may
allow researchers to detect some sex differences. However, the use of high numbers
of reproductive-age female macaques will create sustainability issues within US
breeding colonies and have a negative impact on future NHP research.
Ovariectomized and ovario-hysterectomized animals could be considered for
assignment, but no studies have yet been performed to date on the possible effect
these alterations may have on disease course.
Future vaccine/challenge studies may extend to utilizing pregnant females to discern
the effect of the most promising vaccines and most relevant virus strains on the dam
and fetus but are not recommended at this time due to resource limitation.
Castrated males could be considered for assignment, but no studies have yet been
performed on the possible effect of gonadectomy on disease course.
3. Ancestry/Genotype.
Given the importance of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I (MHC-I)
genotypes for experimental studies of infectious disease agents such as SIV/SHIV,
vaccine development, and transplantation research, it is suggested that all rhesus
enrolled in COVID-19 studies be MHC-typed even though the role, if any, MHC plays
in COVI19 infection/pathogenesis is unclear.
Determination of Mamu-A, -B, and -DRB haplotypes of each animal is
recommended. Many NPRCs have this information or can perform this assay.
In the event that MHC typing is not performed pre-study, DNA from each
animal should be banked so MHC type can eventually be determined.
MHC data available for ACTIV studies should be maintained in a centralized
database that can be accessed by all consortium members (NHP Coordinating
Indian-origin rhesus vs. Chinese-origin rhesus:
Utilize single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to determine Chinese
admixture as part of the pre-screening process;
Pig-tailed and Cynomolgus Macaques
Determine proper genotyping to be performed: Pig-tailed (Mane) or
Cynomolgus (Mafa).
4. Medical history. NHP should be screened prior to acquisition via medical records and
diagnostic screening tests. See Procurement, shipping and quarantine in Section F
When looking at the medical records: a trained primate veterinarian should
review all available health records. Animals should not have any chronic
problems such a persistent diarrhea, weight loss, behavioral issues that would
preclude assignment, or other chronic or untreatable diseases.
Animals should be serologically screened for a number of virus infections, e.g.,
SIV, SRV, STLV, Herpes B, Measles, and circulating members of the Coronavirus
family. Any animal found to be SRV or STLV positive should be rejected and most
facilities will not accept Herpes B+ animals. Anti-parasitic treatments are also
standard practice at most NHP holding facilities.
Age is important to consider as well as other high-risk co-morbidities.
5. Behavioral history. Behavioral history should be assessed for each candidate macaque
to ensure the absence of behavioral abnormalities that would preclude them from being
assigned or interfere with the study objectives.
6. Experimental history. Given the limited supply of NHPs, reuse and sharing of animals is
encouraged when it does not negatively impact animal wellbeing or experimental goals.
Many of the early published SARS-CoV-2 studies have reused animals from previous
studies to maximize the utility of the resource and reduce the number of new
animals. These animals were determined to be healthy and had intact immune
system. Use of these recycled animals has slowed the depletion of the current
available supplies of research animals. If recycled animals are available, they should
be prescreened for any preexisting SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity and receive a
veterinary health check to determine if the animals can enter a new study. Use of
animals with background immune responses is not recommended.
We recognize that previous research use may influence animal assignment. The
veterinarians and researchers reviewing records prior to assignment are best
positioned to determine whether or not previous manipulations may influence study
outcomes. Criteria that may disqualify assignment include:
History of inguinal/axial lymph node biopsies if extensive biopsies are
needed for the study
History of experimental vaccination utilizing viral vectors (e.g.,
cytomegalovirus (CMV), adenovirus-associated virus (AAV), rhesus
rhadinovirus (RRV), adenovirus, etc.) that could interfere with other
History of antibody or plasma administration, which could impact
resistance to Coronavirus infection or possible anti-antibody reactions;
History of ongoing or chronic steroid therapy that could impede immune
responses to vaccines or dampen pathogenesis
History of repeated bronchoalveolar lavage that could enhance
susceptibility to infection due to residual inflammation;
History of experimental infection with pulmonary pathogens that could
interfere with SARS-CoV-2 infection
History of previous large blood collections that could limit additional
collections during the study
Prior treatment with immunomodulatory agents may have long lasting
impacts beyond washout periods of the substance itself, and thus these
animals are not recommended
E. Viral Stocks and Inoculation Procedures
1. Standardized stocks. There is a compelling rationale for the use of shared SARS-CoV-2
viral stocks that have been sequenced, titered, and validated for infectivity in vitro and
in vivo prior to embarking upon infectivity studies in NHPs. Standardized and highly
characterized viral stocks have been generated through a NIAID contract with BEI
resources and will be provided for all CoVTEN studies run through the NPRCs. Emerging
SARS-CoV-2 variants are continuously under evaluation for consideration as additional
stocks to use in small animal or NHP models.
2. Inoculation. SARS-CoV-2 challenge strains may be inoculated via the conjunctival
(100ul/eye), nasal (IN) (0.5mL/nostril), intratracheal (IT) (up to 4mL), or oral (1mL)
routes, or in combination. Doses used have been up to 2.5 X 10^6 PFU (plaque-forming
units) but generally, most SARS-CoV-2 challenge studies employ a combination of the IN
and IT routes. Challenge dose should be discussed at the time of initiation to match with
other studies to assure that it is appropriate to the experimental design.
a. Consider volume of inoculum. Use of more than 0.5ml per nostril is not
recommended. Volume IT is normally between 1-4 ml.
b. Consider holding the animal in an upright position post inoculation for a
period of time to ensure delivery of the inoculum.
3. Verification of titer. Ideally, virus diluted for inoculation will be back-titrated using a
qualified and standardized focus-forming or plaque assay.
4. Confirmation of infection. Infection of animals for therapeutic studies and controls will
be confirmed via validated and standardized qPCR methods implemented at each NPRC.
F. Study Design Considerations
Initiating a study in NHP can seem like a daunting undertaking, especially with the added
pressure to work with an unfamiliar disease like COVID-19. In addition, the current cost of an
individual NHP can be over $10,000, and most studies can easily cost over $500,000 to
complete. Use of a small animal model should be considered as a first step to demonstrate
proof-of-concept of the strategy before advancing the approach to a NHP model which, due to
its similarity to humans, can provide valuable insight into optimal dosing and routes of delivery
for future human clinical trials as well as preliminary safety data. The purpose of this section is
to guide researchers in their study design and point out considerations that are integral to
study success.
1. Project planning is crucial to study design. One must understand the broad spectrum of
services, regulatory approvals and cost to complete the desired research, as noted in
the Introduction.
2. Statistical considerations. To decide the appropriate number of animals needed to
power your study, consult with a biostatistician, making sure to include sufficient
infected vs. mock-infected groups (see Section G, below).
3. Additional screening. After selecting animals based on your desired characteristics, the
receiving institution should expect to receive a physical exam record and TB test result
for each animal prior to shipment to your proposed research facility, if that is necessary.
Close coordination with the proposed research facility is essential and will reduce many
potential delays.
4. Procurement, shipping and quarantine. Procurement of animals at the desired location
is typically arranged by the facility personnel, who should be able to arrange the animal
screening, shipping and quarantine. Upon arrival to the NHP ABSL2/3, allow (30-90 days)
for primates to undergo quarantine and to perform all CDC required screening, i.e., TB
testing and to acclimate to their new surroundings. The stress of the transport and
transition can impact hormones and the immune system; allowing for acclimatization
will reduce this impact. Quarantine is extended if animals become ill or if diagnostic
tests reveal health concerns; keep this in mind when procuring animals as it can affect
study start dates or final available animal numbers.
5. Prior to virus exposure. Prior to SARS-CoV-2 exposure, NHP are maintained in at least
Animal Biosafety Level 2 (ABSL2) due to risk of Macacine herpesvirus type 1 (MHV1),
previously called herpes B.; all sampling will need to be acquired under anesthesia.
6. Standard study designs. for respiratory disease in macaques last between 5-16 days.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected in samples from the upper and lower
respiratory tracts, and in some peripheral and systemic samples. Studies can be
shortened or lengthened depending on your experimental design. SARS-CoV-2 is
normally detectable in the lungs until 8-10 days post challenge, and it can be detected in
some animals for up to 28 days in the nasal cavity. However, productive infection, as
detected by the presence of subgenomic (sg) RNA, has been detected in the lungs at
least until day 7 and in the nasal passages by day 14, and may persist longer. Peak virus
replication is seen between days 2-5 and peak lung pathology is seen between days 4
and 10.
7. Biological samples and imaging for challenge studies. These include body weight,
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), blood, swabs, physical examination and cage side
observation, lymph node biopsy, radiography and/or positron emission tomography-
(PET-CT) scan, feces or rectal swabs. Details on recommended sampling procedures and
timing are in Section H, below.
G. Statistical Analysis Plan
1. Objectives for vaccine studies
Main objective. To determine if individual COVID-19 vaccine products are efficacious in
NHP models of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The exposure variables are vaccine product and
dose. The measures for efficacy are in the domains of:
a) immunogenicity, including antibody responses, innate and inflammatory
responses, and cellular immune responses; and
b) efficacy, including clinical scores, pathologic scores and viral loads.
Secondary objective. To determine which pre-infection immune variables, across all
challenged animals, are most predictive of full protection against SARS-CoV-2 or
attenuated infection. The exposure variables are post-vaccine, pre-infection measures
of virus specific antibody and cellular immune responses while outcomes are clinical
scores, pathologic scores and viral loads.
Secondary objective. To determine which clinical variables, across all challenged
animals, are most predictive of post-infection boosting of memory immune responses.
The exposure variables are post-vaccine, pre-infection immune variables as well clinical
scores, pathologic scores and viral loads during infection. Outcome variables are post-
infection measures of innate and inflammatory responses, virus specific antibody and
cellular immune responses.
Secondary objective. To identify which arm(s) of the immune system mediate
protection against infection, and or limit infection severity. Mathematical models will be
used to couple non-linear immune and infection interactions according to various
experimental stage. First, the dynamics of innate responses, virus-specific T cell and
humoral responses will be modeled after vaccination including generation of cellular
memory and antibody subsets. Next, the dynamics of viral load, clinical pathology,
clinical severity, inflammatory markers and immune subsets will be captured with
competing models during the post-infection challenge. The goal will be to identify
components of the immune response that are most likely to be responsible for limiting
viral load in nasal and lung compartments, clinical pathology in lungs and systemic
inflammation; and to identify how infected cells boost immunologic memory.
2. Statistical Methods. These are examples, and specific analyses will depend upon the
exact experimental design. Consultation with statisticians is highly recommended.
a. Antibody responses. Antibody responses include the output from neutralization
assays, pseudovirus assays, and binding assays (ELISA). The statistical analysis
will be the Mann-Whitney test comparing continuous data on antibody titers
between vaccination groups. Responses will be compared separately at various
sampling timepoints and also according to an area under the curve measure.
b. Innate & inflammatory responses. Innate and inflammatory responses include
outcomes from cytokine/chemokine multiplex assays and immunophenotyping
assays. The outcomes are individual cytokines and cell types of interest, and will
be assessed using cell counts from flow cytometry tests as well as levels of
individual analytes in plasma or other fluids. One set of hypotheses will be
assessed through comparing cell counts at different times for different
treatment groups. The statistical analysis will be Mann-Whitney test comparing
ordinal count data.
c. Multiplex analyses. More complex multi-dimensional data obtained from
mesoscale discovery, bulk RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq will require an initial
data reduction step prior to statistical analysis such as principal component
analysis. The final output will be assessed on an ordinal scale and will also be
amenable to Mann-Whitney testing.
d. Cellular immune responses. Like innate and inflammatory responses, frequency
of specific cells as a result of vaccination or infection will be of interest and
assessed though flow cytometry. In addition, ELISPOT will give rise to spot counts
that represent the number of cells that produce interferon gamma and other key
inflammatory mediators, as a result of stimulation. Mann-Whitney testing will
be performed to compare the cell frequency between different vaccination
groups and at different timepoints after infection.
e. Clinical laboratory test. Outcomes from clinical laboratory tests will include
measurements on analytes using clinical chemistry analyzers from blood serum
and plasma. Of specific interest will be measures of renal, hepatic and bone
marrow function, as well as systemic metrics of inflammation. The comparison of
continuous variables will be performed using Mann-Whitney test or unpaired
student t-test if the variable can be viewed as normally distributed.
f. Pathology. Histopathologic scores (ordinal data) of tissues from treatment
groups will be compared by using Mann-Whitney test.
g. Clinical scores. Clinical scores of infection severity that are assessed with ordinal
scores and metrics such as oxygen requirement and weight loss (continuous
variables) will be compared by using Mann-Whitney test. In NHPs, the clinical
scores are typically low.
h. Viral load. Viral load will be deconstructed into several continuous kinetic
features including peak viral load, area under the curve and duration of
shedding. This continuous variable will be compared using the Mann-Whitney
test. Log-transformation of peak viral loads often gives a normal distribution, so
then a t-test can be done.
i. Mathematical modeling. The general approach for mathematical modeling is to
compare dozens of ordinary differential equation-based models with differing
implicit hypotheses for their ability to recapitulate longitudinal data using non-
linear mixed effects methods. Models are rewarded for fit to data and penalized
for undue complexity using Akaike Information Criteria. The model that meets
these criteria has the highest likelihood of explaining the observed experimental
data. Given the complex and comprehensive nature of the proposed data, we
are planning for models of unprecedented complexity with equations intended
to recapitulate observed viral load, T cell, B cell, innate cell, cytokine,
inflammation level and pathology metrics.
3. Power calculations for vaccine studies. For vaccines, primary efficacy is defined upon
detecting difference in peak viral loads in the vaccine and placebo groups, either in nasal
and BAL for both subgenomic RNA and total RNA. We assume a normally distributed
peak viral loads with standard deviations in both vaccine and placebo groups, that
is estimated from the data on rhesus macaques in Corbett et al. (2020). The power of
detecting a difference on log
peak viral load is given in Table 1. In addition, we show in
Table 2 the minimum number of animals needed for achieving 0.8 power at given peak
viral load reduction.
Table 1 Power for detecting reduction in peak log viral load with different sample sizes.
# Animals in each vaccine/placebo group
Table 2 Minimum number of animals needed for each group for 0.8 power.
Reduction in log
peak viral load
# Animals needed in each group for 0.8 power
4. Power calculations for therapeutic agents. For therapeutic agents, the primary efficacy
is determined through comparison of clinical scores among two treatment groups. We
assume a normally distributed log
clinical score with standard deviations 0.26, in both
vaccine and placebo groups, that is estimated from the data on vehicle-treated rhesus
macaques in Williamson et al. (2020). The power of detecting a difference in clinical
score is given in Table 3. In addition, we show in Table 4 the minimum number of
animals needed for achieving 0.8 power at given clinical score reduction.
Table 3 Power for detecting clinical score reduction with different sample sizes.
clinical score ratio in treatment vs. vehicle
# Animals in each group
H. Sample Collection Procedures
1. Anesthesia and physical examinations. Use of different anesthetics may impact
biological parameters including heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and
respiratory rate. Physical examinations should be performed at a minimum frequency
and when anesthetized for sample collection and imaging procedures.
2. Telemetry. Many natural processes and measurements can be affected by anesthesia,
e.g., respiration rates, temperature, blood pressure. Telemetry implants may be
considered prior to the start of the study if the expense, impact of surgical implantation,
recovery time, and possible adverse outcomes do not outweigh the benefit of being
able to collect these types of data.
3. Baseline samples. These should include serum, PBMC, plasma, BAL, and possible control
biopsy tissues. Time for recovery is required if any surgery is performed prior to the
challenge. Surgeries may include biopsies, telemetry implant, etc. Challenge day
sampling should be limited and should not involve any collections from the lungs or
upper respiratory tract as this can confound results.
4. Clinical monitoring. Animals must be closely monitored for health issues throughout the
study period. Cage side observations (visual) twice daily (activity, food intake,
respiratory rate/effort, discharges, etc.), making sure that trained personnel who
understand the clinical scoring scale are performing the observations to reduce inter-
operator error. A defined clinical scoring algorithm will help to provide consistency and
should be agreed upon and approved by the IACUC prior to the initiation of infection.
5. Imaging (Radiography, PET, CT, PET/CT). Imaging of the lung is recommended, if
available. However, published studies have seen only limited and diffuse lung lesions in
most animals, and thus other measures of disease will be critical.
6. Blood collection. The determination of experimental blood samples collected must
account for limitations on maximum volumes that can be collected from NHP. Blood
volumes must be within IACUC parameters for the study locale. Recommend sampling
on day 1 (optional) 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21 (may consider early euthanasia) and necropsy for
tissue collection.
7. Bronchoalveolar lavage and other swabs. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) can be
performed more or less frequently depending on the goals of the study/research
questions and the willingness to risk potential confounds in tissue readouts and disease
in the lung. Limiting the volume used in the collection should be considered. Volumes
can be smaller, <10ml, if checking for virus levels. Larger volumes may be required if
isolation of cells, cytokine, chemokines or other proteins are needed. Considerations
with the collection of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) should include:
a. The use of a bronchoscope to collect BAL versus collection performed without a
bronchoscope and potential impacts to the sample collected.
b. BAL collections should be avoided on the day of challenge.
c. The volume of fluid instilled for the BAL and consideration of potential impacts
on the lung tissue and composition of BAL fluid samples, short and long term.
The volume of BAL collected should also be assessed based on the type of
analysis planned and the size of the animal. Smaller volumes are required to
assess levels of virus in the lung and larger volumes may be needed to assess
cells or chemokine/cytokine levels.
d. BAL is not an innocuous procedure and has to be scheduled and carried out in a
way to minimize adverse outcomes. The timing of BAL and inoculation will be
something discussed with NPRC personnel during study design.
8. Viral swab collection. The selection of appropriate swabs (both size and material) are
critical for collection of experimental viral swabs during SARS-CoV-2 research. Swabs
should be synthetic tip (nylon, rayon or polyester) with a plastic or metal handle (not
wood) the style of the swab may be flocked, spun or compressed. The collection of both
nasal and oro-pharyngeal swabs should be considered and may be done daily. Saliva
collection and nasal wash should be considered. Samples should be frozen immediately
or treated with RNA preservative solution if planned to use for PCR testing.
9. Necropsy samples/sharing (See Pathology, Section J). Necropsy for tissue collection is
usually scheduled between days 14-21 post inoculation depending on the goals of the
research. Considerations should be made to do these earlier if tissues are required for
virus detection or evaluation of histology at the peak of pathology.
I. Assays
1. Virologic assays
a. Tulane National Primate Research Center’s “Virus Isolation and Characterization
Core” may be contacted to perform sample viral loads and serum neutralization
assays for all CoVTEN projects and may also be available for other locales, which
may have their own testing sites.
b. Viral quantification should be performed using assays specific for viral genomes (the
“genomic” assay) as well as subgenomic transcripts or specific for only the
subgenomic mRNA. The subgenomic mRNA assay is indicative of active viral
replication and has been used to show the efficacy of several vaccines/therapeutics
in NHPs.
c. Viral replication (in vitro virus growth assay to measure replication-competent virus)
in non-swab/BAL tissue samples should also be quantified when needed using
validated and standardized procedures.
2. Considerations for antibody screening
a. Timepoints: Evaluation of binding and neutralizing antibody should include baseline
levels and timepoints before and after each dose.
b. Samples: The primary sample type is serum or plasma. Mucosal antibody responses
are generally measured in BAL but may also include analysis in nasal secretions and
c. Binding antibody assays include ELISA using Spike protein for capture antigen but
can also employ other viral antigens depending on the vaccine, therapeutic or study
d. Neutralizing antibody assays can be performed in a variety of ways, with different
advantages and disadvantages, as noted below.
Whole virus neutralizing antibody assays, requiring BSL-3 level containment,
utilize whole virus. It is important to characterize the stock by sequencing,
determining the viral stock titer (TCID
/unit volume), as well as particle-to-
infectivity ratio (as inactive particles may adversely affect the ability of
antibodies to neutralize a specific viral stock). Furthermore, the specific virus
used in such assays should be in agreement with the purpose of the assays and
the questions being asked. For example, serum from animals immunized against
the Washington strain Spike could be tested against the homologous virus, and
potentially one or more new variants to determine the breadth of protection.
Such assays should also be conducted using parallel monoclonal antibody
standards that are well characterized to assure the rigor and reproducibility and
further aid in the interpretation of results.
The pseudovirus neutralization assay can be performed at BSL-2 enhanced levels
using purified antibodies and plasma, where the spike protein is packaged into
heterologous virions.
Another assay that can be performed in BSL-2 enhanced levels is a surrogate
neutralization assay, where the antibody competes with the interaction of Spike
protein bound to an indicator tag, with the human ACE-2 receptor bound to the
surface of an assay plate.
Plaque reduction neuralization titer assays (PRNT) and fluorescence neutralizing
titer assays (NT; https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-17892-0) utilize
infectious virus and need to be performed in BSL-3 biocontainment. The PRNT
assays has the advantage that it permits measurement of antibody-antigen
interactions where the immunogen (e.g. Spike or RBD) is in its native
conformation and in the context of a virus particle. Further, in the case of PRNT,
different live virus variants can be tested without the need to re-engineer a
fluorescent indicator virus, psuedovirus or surrogate neutralization assay.
3. Cellular immunology. Cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses are generally measured in
the blood and a wide range of analyses are possible within a standard blood draw. For
certain assays, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) can be frozen and batch-
analyzed together. It is also possible to analyze mucosal cellular immune responses cells
collected from the BAL although generally the yield is low, thus limiting the types and
number of assays that can be performed. Analysis of mucosal responses usually must be
done on fresh cells.
a. ELISpot detection of virus-specific T cell responses. Enzyme linked ImmunoSpot
(ELISpot) is a straightforward technique to quantify virus-specific cellular immune
responses by way of enumerating cells that produced a particular molecule
(generally IFN−γ) in response to stimulation with peptides representing portion of
the SARS-CoV-2 proteome. If used in SARS-CoV-2 projects at the NPRCs, ELISpot will
be performed at the project site, rather than in a centralized core lab. An SOP has
been established to harmonize both the preparation of cells for ELISpot as well as
the ELISpot procedure itself as best as possible between the sites, but some
potential for variation does exist. These include:
Variation due to automated spot quantification, which involves both a
specific instrument for imaging and counting spots, and a technician to
scrutinize the counting of the spots.
Inherent differences in instruments peripheral to but important in the
assay, such as incubators used for overnight incubations.
b. Intracellular Cytokine Staining (ICS) detection of virus-specific T cell responses.
Intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) is based on the same concept as ELISpot, the
production of particular molecules (i.e., cytokines/chemokines) in response to
stimulation with peptides representing portion of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome. Similar
to ELISpot, ICS will be performed at the project site, rather than a centralized core
lab. ICS is more complex than ELISpot and thus is more subject to inherent variables
that can impact performance. These include:
Inherent differences in instruments peripheral to but important in the
assay, such as incubators used for overnight incubations. This variable
can be quite important for ICS.
Inherent differences in flow cytometers used to collect ICS data. All of the
sites have high end instruments fully capable of performing ICS, but even
small differences between instruments can impact data output.
4. Innate and adaptive immunophenotyping. There are a number of advantages to
performing these analyses. Flow cytometry is a powerful means to obtain high-level
resolution on the frequency and phenotype of key immune subsets. These panels can
serve to complement multiplex-based assays to gain an understanding of the cellular
source of cytokines and chemokines; they can also provide quantitative overviews of
immune cells in tissues to complement immunohistochemistry and
immunofluorescence-based strategies. Finally, immunophenotyping can provide real-
time information on inflammatory dynamics following infection and intervention.
a. Panel choice for multiparameter flow cytometry.
Configuration of the instrument. The choice of panels and suggested
fluorophores will depend on configuration of the flow cytometer (lasers and
filters) available at each primate center.
Sample type. Choice of specific markers in the innate, adaptive, and hybrid
panels will depend on sample type. For instance, while CD45 is important as a
positive gate for immune cells in the BAL this marker is not critical for samples
from blood and lymph nodes.
Viability Dye. Need will vary by sample type. This step is optional for fresh whole
blood samples, yet critical for BAL, and for enzymatically digested, cryopreserved
Whole blood versus PBMCs. Whole blood is an ideal sample to delineate
granulocyte and neutrophil populations. Due to high frequency of neutrophils,
100-150 µl whole blood is sufficient.
Enzymatically digested tissues. Enzymatic digestion for liberation of immune
cells from tissues (Collagenase, Trypsin, Dispase) impacts surface expression of
certain antigens. Consult with experts when running flow panels of enzymatically
digested tissues.
Volume of whole blood for phenotyping infrequent populations. At least 150-
200 ul whole blood is recommended to obtain sufficient events for populations
like plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) and myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) which
are infrequent in the periphery and tend to vary in frequency between animals.
b. Tools.
One useful tool is the flow cytometry panel builder:
When considering use of a novel marker, refer to the Reactivity Database on the
NHP Reagent Resource Center for information on cross-reactive clones. Consult
with experts on need for Fc block. There is a considerable body of research
describing the identification of optimized antibodies for use in identifying NHP
surface markers for leukocytes.
5. Soluble immunomodulators/biomarkers measurement in soluble samples. This section
described practices to standardize measurement of immunomodulators and biomarkers
in fluids collected from NHPs. These can be used for pre-screening macaques for
vaccine studies, or to detect changes in soluble immunomodulators (e.g. cytokines,
chemokines, growth factors) following SARS- CoV-2 infection or SARS-CoV-2
vaccines/therapies studies. While different platforms have been identified capable of
measuring soluble immunomodulators in bio-fluids, the Luminex platform has been
selected based on the availability of this technique across the NPRCs, thus allowing for
harmonization of safety operations procedures/protocols across NPRCs.
a. Luminex platform overview. The Luminex platform is a bead-based multiplexed
immunoassay system in a microplate format. Each assay can measure the level of
soluble proteins in a homogenous liquid sample, offering simultaneous detection of
approximately 40-60 different immunomodulators (multiplex analysis). The Luminex
platform is particularly useful if the biological sample is limiting in that it reduces the
volume of needed sample. In addition, the simultaneous measuring of multiple
immunomodulators associated with a certain infection/disease (e.g., SARS-CoV-
2/COVID-19), may offer a more accurate understanding of the multiple pathways
affected by it, and of the effects of therapies and vaccines. Fluids can be measured
including whole blood, plasma, serum, tissue homogenates/cell suspensions, and
cerebrospinal and bronchoalveolar fluids among others.
b. Samples volume required and required biosafety level.*
Serum (50 µl/well)/ BSL2
Plasma (50 µl /well)/ BSL2
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (50 µl/well) / BSL-3
Cerebrospinal fluid (50 µl/well)/ BSL2
Tissue homogenates/Cell suspensions (50 µl/well)/BSL-2 or BSL-3 depending on
*Note: Biosafety level for specimens may vary by NPRC or other specific location.
c. Handling of samples and their effects on readout. Collection, processing and
decontamination of tested samples should follow the direction of the SOPs.
Readouts may be affected by cycles of freeze and thaw as this can cause protein
degradation and this should be avoided. EDTA-coated/low binding tubes are
preferred for this assay. In order to harmonize results across NPRCs, it is
recommended that baseline samples (prior the start date of the study) for each
animal be collected, so that experimental timepoints can be normalized to baseline
d. Luminex decontamination for transferring from BSL3 to BSL2 (if required). If
transferring Luminex assay plates from BSL-3 to BSL-2 to acquire data, as may be the
case for BAL specimens, a decontamination procedure needs to be performed after
final washes and before adding the final buffer indicated in the commercial kit
protocol. Such a protocol will need to be validated such that the virus is
demonstrated to be inactivated, yet the detection of cytokines is not impaired. This
would not be a concern normally for plasma or serum samples as it has not yet been
possible to culture virus from these fluids. These studies can be performed at BSL-2
with the approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee.
e. Luminex disadvantages and alternatives. While the Luminex platform offers many
advantages, some immunomodulators (e.g., cytokines) remain under the limit of
detection.** Alternatively, Mesoscale technology may be used instead to detect
those markers. Another disadvantage is that for certain fluids such as BALs,
sometimes there is bead aggregation that prevents the accurate counting of certain
beads. Additionally, some NPRCs may require inactivation of samples prior to use in
the Luminex assay, this may also reduce the activity of some analytes.
** Note: Certain cytokines may not be successfully measured by the Luminex platform
include IP-10/CXCL10, IL-1
and IL-10 and IFN-
. Selection of specific kits should be done in
close consultation with experts at the NPRCs.
f. Mesoscale platform overview. As some of the cytokines may not be sufficiently
detectable and quantifiable by Luminex, some investigators may wish to perform
Mesoscale assay, a platform developed by Meso Scale Discovery. MSD has s large
collection of kits available validated for the detection of NHP cytokines, chemokines,
and metabolic indicators. Kits are available to measure single analytes or multiple
analytes in combination. A 24 plex panel is available for use with NHP that is well
validated. The MSD platform utilizes a single detection method with 10 individual
detection spots in each well on a 96 well plate. For this reason, fewer analytes can
be measured within a single well relative to Luminex, and as such, more wells,
plates, and larger sample volumes are needed, particularly for the larger panels such
as the 24 plex panel. The MSD platform has higher sensitivity for certain cytokines,
and is available at a subset of the NPRCs.
6. Genome-wide quantification of gene expression (RNA-seq)
a. Advantages of performing bulk RNA-seq assays.
This assay provides genome-wide quantification of gene expression levels.
By comparing gene expression levels between baseline samples and samples
collected post-treatment or post-vaccination, the transcriptional host response
to these events can be determined.
Results from this assay can be integrated with other assays such as Luminex
(cytokine/chemokine levels), immunophenotyping, and single cell RNA-seq
assays to provide a comprehensive overview of the host immune response to
vaccination or therapeutics.
b. Harmonization of RNA-seq assay.
In order to directly compare results between studies, two NPRCs are designated
sites for performing bulk RNA-seq assays if studies are performed there, and
these services could be made available to other sites if needed.
The Yerkes NPRC Genomics Core is charged with performing bulk RNA-seq assays
on BAL cells samples.
The Washington NPRC’s NHP Genomics Core is charged with performing bulk
RNA-seq assays on other sample types including whole blood, solid tissues, and
isolated cells.
Each genomic core has standardized SOPs for sample processing and data
Methods used for data processing and data analysis are harmonized between
the two sites.
c. Bulk RNA-seq study design considerations.
Sample size calculation is essential to ensure sufficient statistical power for
detecting anticipated effects. Therefore, power and sample size estimations
should be performed for each bulk RNA-seq study.
Baseline samples pre-vaccination or pre-treatment samples are required.
Appropriate time points for sample collection and sample-type are study-specific
and dependent on the biological questions the study is designed to answer.
As described in the procedures for sample collection (Section H), samples for
bulk RNA-seq assays must be collected, preserved and stored using protocols
that ensure the integrity of the RNA.
J. Pathology
Timing of necropsy is part of the study design. Tissues collected and tissue processing at
necropsy should be determined prior to the start of the study. The number of animals that
can be done per day is dependent on the number of tissues collected, collection methods,
treatments, etc. The necropsy must be performed under ABSL-3 conditions, which increases
the time to completion. NHPs are a valuable resource and maximal use of these animals is
required. Sharing of tissues and tissue derived data can reduce the total numbers of animals
used in research and can also advance the research of other scientists. Investigators are
encouraged to contact the centralized databases from all of the NPRCs for specific tissue
requests (Biomaterials Query System requires registration. To request access, contact
a. The lungs are the main target organ in NHP models, and carefully consideration should
be given as to how they are allocated for assays vs histopathology. Any lungs or lung
lobes allocated for histopathology should be carefully infused with formalin according to
validated methods since this is primarily an interstitial lung disease and lesions cannot
be accurately assessed in collapsed lung tissue. The lung lobes primarily affected will
vary depending on method of virus administration. Some lobes may have no or few
lesions. Understanding how the virus administration route and technique influences
virus distribution in the model is particularly important. Lung scoring strategies enable
more consistent data for comparisons. The severity of the lung histology lesions in this
model is highly variable and random therefore sufficient tissue needs to be evaluated to
accurately assess the severity of the lesions in an individual animal
b. Soft palate, nasopharynx and oropharynx are important target organs and need to be
harvested carefully at necropsy to maintain integrity and orientation.
c. The collection of the nasal turbinates is required in many protocols. Although there are
a variety of techniques out there for successful collection, a technique should be used
that keeps the turbinates intact.
d. Tissue fixation protocols need to balance health and safety requirements for virus
neutralization with fixation times for tissue analysis using immunohistochemistry or in
situ hybridization if required.
e. The lesions can be scored using a histology scoring system that is being developed. This
scoring currently takes into account the following features:
i. Endothelialitis/ vasculitis (only in early timepoints approx. day 3)
ii. Hyaline membranes/ type 1 pneumocyte injury (only in early timepoints approx.
day 3)
iii. Septal inflammation
iv. Septal fibrosis (generally day 7 onwards)
v. Type 2 hyperplasia
vi. Bronchial associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
vii. Pleuritis
viii. Microvascular thrombosis (rare)
ix. Perivascular inflammation
x. Peribronchial and peribronchiolar inflammation