SECTION 5 Cattle Tick (Only applies to QLD, WA and NSW see explanatory notes)
I declare that the livestock described in
(Full name of Inspector or Authorised person)
Section 3 are from a tick free area Yes OR have had a clean inspection
Yes | No and/or a supervised treatment Yes | No and declare that the
stock described above complies with the cattle tick entry requirements for the NT.
Supervised Treatment Method of Treatment
(Chemical) (Plunge Dip / Spray / Pour-on)
Signature: Position:
Date: Ph: Location:
SECTION 6 - Certification by an Inspector
According to the information provided, the livestock meet the entry requirements of
the NT
Signature: Position:
Date: Ph: Location:
SECTION 7 Livestock Identification & Last Access to Water
All the Livestock are identified with National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
devices? (for cattle and buffalo) Yes | No
Or Transaction tags for Buffalo Yes | No
Last access to water prior to loading: Date: Time am/pm
SECTION 8 Declaration
As legal owner or the legal representative for the husbandry of the livestock in this
consignment, I declare that the livestock meet the entry requirements of the NT,
are fit to travel and the information in this statement is true and correct.
Name: Signature:
Position: Date:
Phone NVD number
SECTION 9 Truck Driver or Person in Charge of Transporting the Livestock
Name Signature
Phone Number of Stock loaded
Time loaded at Origin: am/pm Date
Time unloaded at Destination: am/pm Date
Registration number of truck with the Waybill
Registration numbers of all other trucks transporting this consignment
Version 5 – 08/08/2018
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 of this document are the minimum mandatory requirements for importation into the NT. Explanatory notes overleaf.
SECTION 1 – Origin Information
1. Owner of livestock at Origin:
(full name of person or company)
2. Address of Origin Property:
(full address, town and post code)
3. Property of Origin (property name):
4. Property of Origin PIC (property PIC):
SECTION 2 Destination Information
1. Owner of livestock at Destination:
(full name of person or company)
2. Address of Destination Property:
(full address, town and post code)
3. Property of Destination (property name):
4. Property of Destination PIC (property PIC):
SECTION 3 Livestock Details and Identification (attach list if required)
Cattle / Buffalo
Description / Class of
Livestock Bull / Ox/Steer / Cow
/ Heifer / Weaner / Calves
Number Brands (if applicable)
SECTION 4 – Johne’s Disease
Cattle and Buffalo (Beef only)
The livestock are consigned to an abattoir for immediate slaughter Yes | No OR
Declared free from Johne’s Disease for the last 5 years Ye s | No AND
Have a herd score of J-BAS 6 or higher Yes | No AND
Have a managed Farm Biosecurity Plan Ye s | No AND
Accompanied by a completed National Cattle Health Declaration Ye s | No AND
If vaccinated with the Silirum Vaccine, identified with the 3 hole each punch Yes | No
Dairy Cattle and BuffaloThis section also applies to high risk beef cattle/buffalo
including those that have grazed or been kept with ANY dairy livestock in the last 5 years
The livestock are consigned to an abattoir for immediate slaughter Yes | No OR
Declared free from Johne’s Disease for the last 5 years Yes | No AND
Have a herd score of J-BAS 7 or higher Yes | No AND
Have a managed Farm Biosecurity Plan signed by a Veterinarian Yes | No AND
Accompanied by a completed National Cattle Health Declaration Yes | No AND
If vaccinated with the Silirum Vaccine, identified with the 3 hole each punch Yes | No
(for Cattle and Buffalo Only)
A NT Health Certificate and Waybill is required for all of the following species
entering the Northern Territory, cattle, buffalo, horses, sheep, goats, deer, camels,
alpacas, llamas, and bees.
This NT Health Certificate and Waybill is specifically for (Cattle and Buffalo only).
For horses use the NT Health Certificate and Waybill (horses only).
For goats use the NT Health Certificate and Waybill (goats only)
For sheep use the NT Health Certificate and Waybill (sheep only)
For deer, camels, alpacas and llamas use the NT Health Certificate and Waybill
(deer, camels, alpacas and llamas).
Failure of having a completed NT Health Certificate and Waybill on entry to the
Northern Territory is an offence under the Livestock Act and Regulations and may
incur a penalty or prosecution.
For further information on entry requirements for livestock entering the NT
Principal Livestock Biosecurity Officer (PLBO)
Livestock Biosecurity Branch, Biosecurity & Animal Welfare (BAW)
Department of Primary Industry & Resources (DPIR)
GPO Box 3000, Darwin NT 0801
Ph: 08 8962 4458 | Fax: 08 8962 4480 | E-mail: nthealthcertificat[email protected]
On completion of the NT Health Certificate and Waybill a copy MUST be sent to the:
Regional Livestock Biosecurity Officer (RLBO) located at the Destination Property
Regional Office or via email nthealthcert[email protected] or
Email or Post Tennant Creek Fax: 08 8962 4480
Katherine Fax: 08 8973 9759 Alice SpringsFax: 08 8951 8123
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 must be completed for all livestock entering the NT.
Section 9 must be completed by the truck driver of the travelling of livestock.
Cattle and Buffalo
In addition to sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9, section 5 & 6 must be completed if the
origin property is in Queensland, New South Wales or Western Australia.
Cattle Tick
Cattle and buffalo coming from a property originating in Queensland, New South
Wales or Western Australia are required to have a clean inspection and a supervised
treatment with an approved chemical prior to entry to the NT, unless from a tick
free area.
Cattle and buffalo coming from a property in the tick free area that neighbors or is
geographically connected to a tick infected or infested property requires a clean
The requirements for entry must have the NT Health Certificate and Waybill
certified by an approved inspector from the origins State Department of Agriculture
(or equivalent).
No treatment or endorsement by an inspector for cattle tick is required if Cattle
or buffalo originate from South Australia, Victoria or Tasmania.
Johne’s Disease (Section 4)
Johne’s Disease means the infection in livestock that is caused by the bacteria
Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis.
Farm Biosecurity Plan means a plan completed and signed by a property owner, for
the purpose of biosecurity and Johne’s Disease management on the property, in
accordance with the principles contained in the National Farm Biosecurity Reference
Manual Grazing Livestock Production. Refer to:
For Further information on Johnes Disease go to Animal Health Australia website
National Cattle Health Declaration can be downloaded at