Design Guidelines
City of New Orleans
Summer 2023
About this Guide
Curbside dining and parklets have become increasingly popular in urban areas as a way to provide
additional outdoor dining for businesses. The City of New Orleans launched a Parklet Pilot Program
during the COVID-19 pandemic to create safer spaces for dining when indoor dining was limited or
restricted. According to an evaluation of the pilot, the extension of private business activities to the
public space led to improved customer satisfaction, convenient dining experiences, more walkable
neighborhoods, and expanded business opportunities.
The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance for the visual and aesthetic aspects of the parklet to
both ensure a cohesive design across parklets that does not detract from New Orleans’ architectural
character and built environment and to provide options at dierent price points for businesses who
want to invest in outdoor dining through a parklet permit. Keep in mind that stamped engineering
plans are required for each parklet that attest to the soundness of the structure, including compliance
with a hurricane preparedness plan for the parklet. You can read more about the requirements for
parklets in the ordinance and webpage linked in the following section.
Table of Contents
Parklet Permit Ordinance
The City Council established the Parklet Permit through an ordinance
found in Section 146-587-602 of the City of New Orleans Code of
Information about the Parklet Permit, including eligibility, safety,
materials, operations, fees, and more is available on the website: https:// For the design, the Parklet Permit ordinance
The Design Advisory Commiee will adopt a standard template for the visual
and aesthec aspects of proposed elements of the Parklet. If a proposed Parklet
uses the standard template for the visual and aesthec aspects of proposed
elements, no further design review will be required. If a proposed Parklet will
not use the standard template for the visual and aesthec aspects of proposed
elements, the Parklet design shall be reviewed by the Design Advisory Commiee,
whose approval shall be required prior to perming. All Design Advisory
Commiee meengs are public meengs, and all agendas will be publicly noced
according to applicable law.
This guide contains the approved design templates for the parklet. If an
applicant deviates from the designs in this guide, the applicant will have
to go before the Design Advisory Committee for approval.
Section 01Parklet Ordinance
Parklet Criteria
Roof Coverings
Parklet Creativity
Section 02
Section 04
Section 05
Section 06
Section 07
Section 08
Parklet Design Guide
Parklets re-purpose parking spaces in the public right-of-way for additional seating for a business. Reecting the
average parking space size, parklets in New Orleans will have a maximum width of 6.5 feet and 18-feet in length.
Parklets shall maintain a minimum eighteen (18) inch buer between seating and the vehicular travel lane.
To ensure visibility of pedestrian and vehicular trac, parklets must include a buer space of 2 feet from parklet
to wheel stop at both ends of the parklet platform. A physical “buer zone of 18 inches at the parklet street edge
is required for safety and should be between 32 to 42 inches. A retro-reective element is required on the leading
edge of the parklet, facing approaching trac.
Parklets shall include wheel stops oset 2-feet from either end of the Parklet structure and oset 1-foot from the
curb to maintain drainage. Wheel stops shall not be secured through bolting or otherwise damaging the roadway
to secure.
Parklets shall include a retroreective element on the leading edge adjacent to approaching trac.
Plan View
Parklet Design Guide
32” - 42” PLANTERS
Parklet Components
Platform - Parklets should be engineered to have a ush transition between curb and parklet platform to permit ADA access
and avoid tripping hazards. Designs for the substructure of a parklet will vary and depend on the slope of the street and overall
design for the structure. “Deck pedestals” spaced under the deck surface and of dierent heights are a common application. The
parklet platform must be capable of withstanding at least 60 pounds per square foot after accounting for furniture weight.
Handrails – Handrails provide structure and boundaries to the parklet and can serve as a protective buer. Handrails should be
between 32”-42”. Any portion of the parklet that exceeds 42” in height must be visually transparent to maintain sight lines.
Furniture - Furniture can be built in, if desired. Whether built-in or moveable, furniture should be of good quality design and
materials for the safety and convenience of users as well as for aesthetics.
Planters - Though planters are not required, they can serve dual purposes as a protective buer and provide decorative
elements by adding greenery. Like handrails, planters should be between 32” and 42” in height.
Trac Protection – As seen in the Plan View, wheel stops must be placed 2-feet from trac from either end of the parklet and
1-foot from the curb.
Parklets can be designed to be safe by incorporating key features that address safety concerns for both diners, pedestrians
and restaurant service providers.
Parklets can be designed to be inviting and durable by incorporating these feautures that address both functional and
aesthetic considerations.
By incorporating these design features, parklets can be designed to allow for exibliity and adaptability to the changing
needs of the restaurant and neighborhood.
By incorporating these design considerations, parklets can be created to be safe and enjoyable for diners and businesses.
Design Criteria
Accessible & Safe
Durable & Inviting
Modular & Movable
• Lightweight Materials: Parklets can be designed with lightweight materials to be easily recongured or moved
as needed. Examples of lightweight materials include: aluminim and composite wood. This will ensure install and
removal of parklets will cause minimal disruption and help improve the longevity of the parklet.
• Simple Installation: Parklets should be designed to be simple and quick to install with minimal disruption to the
surrounding area.
• Physical Barriers: Parklets should be separated from the street with 18-inch planters at the street edge and
wheelstops at either endcap of the parklet.
• Adequate Lighting: Lighting can help ensure that the parklet is well-lit and visible to drivers and pedestrians and
can deter crime.
• Wheelchair Accessibility: Parklets should be designed to be accessible for wheelchair users. If including
xed seating, congure it to accommodate companion seating for a wheelchair user. The parklet should be
engineered to have a roll over transition at the full length when possible, otherwise ramp access should be
provided. Make the design easily distinguishable for people who are partially sighted or mobility impaired.
Ensure no structures impact the amenity and function of the footpath or create hiding spaces.
• Maintenance: Regular maintenance and upkeep of the parklet, including cleaning and repairs, can help ensure
that the parklet remains safe and welcoming for its users.
• Quality Materials: Durable & high quality materials, such as metal, concrete, weather resistant wood and
aluminum, can ensure that the parklet is able to withstand daily use and exposure to environmental elements.
• Greenery: Incorporating greenery and plants into the design of the parklet is more visually inviting and
appealing to users and pedestrians.
•Hurricane Preparedness: Permit applicants are required to submit a hurricane prepardness plan that outlines
whether the parklet can be secured in place or whether part or all of the parklet must be demobilized in the
event of a tropical storm.
Parklet Design Guide
Parklets must contain a platform and protective
buer. Adding built-in furniture and planters are
options that can add utility and aesthetic appeal
to the parklet. Roofs our optional. See section 06
for more.
Parklet Design Guide
Furniture & lighting can enhance the overall
experience and functionality of the parklet.
Choose furniture with consideration of the
parklet’s theme, purpose, and needs of the
people who will use it. The parklet should be
accessible to people with disabilities. Ensure
that all furniture arrangements allow for full
wheelchair accessibility. Furniture should
be arranged in a way that maximizes space
utilization. Consider the number of people
the parklet will accomodate and decide on
semi-permanent or free standing furniture
Built-In Furniture
Movable Furniture
Parklet Design Guide
Roof Coverings06
Parklets are not required to have a
roof. If the roof option is selected,
there should be a single pitch, shed
roof with galvanized 5-v crimp with
a pitch of no greater than 3 on 12”.
Parklet Design Guide
When selecting materials for the construction of the parklet,
it is important to consider factors such as durability, ease of
maintenance, and accessibliity. Choice of materials should also
be determined by hurricane safety, intended use, and budget.
Aluminum is a durable, low-maintenance and versatile material that
is well-suited for outdoor use. It can be used for seating, planters,
railings and tables.
Wood is a popular choice for parklet construction due to its natural
appearance, durability, and versatility. It can be used to create
decking, benches, table, planters and handrails. Pressure treated
pine or cedar are two readily available options.
Concrete is a durable material often used for ooring in parklets but
can also be used for planters as a physical barrier.
The Parklet Design Guide intends to outline the framework for the creativity of every business owner to curate
the dining experience for their clients. By incorporating unique and simple features such as custom furniture,
lighting, selection of greenery, and the parklet design selections oered in this guideline, a parklet has the
opportunity to oer a unique and memorable experience that attracts visitors and creates a positive addition
to the surrounding neighborhood.
Parklet Creativity08
Parklet Design Guide