Import Health Standard for the Importation into New Zealand of Specified Bee Products
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Issued pursuant to Section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993
Date: 25 March 2004
The information in MAF animal and animal product import health standards is presented
in num
erically ordered sections with descriptive titles. Sections are grouped into one of
four parts, designated alphabetically.
Part A. GENERAL INFORMATION contains sections of general interest, including
those relating to the legal basis for MAF im
port health standards and the general
responsibilities of every importer of animals and animal products.
Part B. IMPORTATION PROCEDURE contains sections which outline the requirem
to be met prior to and during importation. Whether a permit to import is required to be
obtained prior to importation is noted, as are conditions of eligibility, transport and
general conditions relating to documentation accompanying the consignment.
Part C. CLEARANCE PROCEDURE contains sections describing the requirements to be
et at the New Zealand border and, if necessary, in a transitional facility in New Zealand
prior to any consignment being given biosecurity clearance.
odel health certification which
must be completed by the appropriate personnel as indicated in the certification and
accompany the consignment to New Zealand. When MAF has accepted health
certification produced by a government authority in the exporting country as meeting the
requirements of the model health certification this is noted. When no health certification
is required to accompany consignments Part D. will note “none required”.
1.1 Pursuant to section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993, this document is the import
health standard for the importation into New Zealand of specified bee products.
1.2 Obtaining biosecurity clearance for each consignm
ent of specified bee products
imported into New Zealand is dependant upon the consignment meeting the
requirements of this import health standard.
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1.3 This import health standard may be reviewed, amended or revoked if there are
changes in New Zealand's import policy or the animal health status of the
originating country, or for any other lawful reason, at the discretion of the Director
Animal Biosecurity.
2.1 The costs to MAF in perform
ing functions relating to the importation of specified
bee products shall be recovered in accordance with the Biosecurity Act and any
regulations made under that Act.
2.2 All costs involved with docum
entation, transport, storage and obtaining a
biosecurity direction and/or biosecurity clearance shall be borne by the importer or
2.3 Please note that com
mercial consignments of products imported into New Zealand for
human consumption must comply with the Food Regulations (1984) of New Zealand.
Importers are advised to contact the New Zealand Ministry of Health if in doubt
whether or not imported foods are eligible for sale within New Zealand.
biosecurity clearance
As defined by the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Director Animal Biosecurity
The Director Animal Biosecurity, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, or
any person who for the tim
e being may lawfully exercise and perform the power and
functions of the Director Animal Biosecurity.
Acceptance by the Director Animal Biosecurity that the circumstances relating to the
portation of a consignment are such that the health status of the consignment is
equivalent to the health status of a consignment that complies with the requirements of
the import health standard.
As defined by the Biosecurity Act 1993.
The New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
sealed packaging
The packaging is impervious and sealed at the point of m
anufacture. The original packaging
must be intact i.e. has not been opened. Examples are screw-top glass or plastic containers
with tamper-proof seals, sealed foil retort pouches, vacuum packed and heat-sealed plastic
containers and cans.
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It is expected that the animal product will meet the conditions of this import health
standard in every respect. If the products do not comply with the requirements, an
application for equivalence may be submitted to MAF for consideration. Detailed
information supporting the application for equivalence must be forwarded to MAF for
a decision.
Importations of specified bee products into New Zealand which meet the
requirements of this import health standard may, subject to sections 27 and 28 of the
Biosecurity Act, be given biosecurity clearance and do not require a biosecurity
direction to a transitional facility. As such, they do not require a permit to import.
6.1 Products manufactured from beeswax including beeswax candles, refined
beeswax, beeswax polish, lubricants etc. may be imported from any country
provided that the product is not intended for use in the beekeeping industry, and that
the product is not attractive to bees.
(NB: Beeswax foundation sheets or unprocessed beeswax may not be imported
under clause 6.1.)
(NB: If it cannot be determined whether or not a product is attractive to bees, a
ple shall be referred to Import Management, Animal Biosecurity, MAF
Biosecurity Authority, P O Box 2526, Wellington for assessment.)
6.2 Up to 1 kilogram of unprocessed beeswax m
ay be imported from any country
provided that the product is not intended for use in the beekeeping industry and that
the product is not attractive to bees.
(NB: If it cannot be determined whether or not a product is attractive to bees, a
ple shall be referred to Import Management, Animal Biosecurity, MAF
Biosecurity Authority, P O Box 2526, Wellington for assessment.)
6.3 Beeswax
foundation sheets may be imported from any country provided that the
product is not attractive to bees and the consignment is accompanied by a certificate
issued by the appropriate government authority in the exporting country confirming
that the foundation sheets have been sterilised by:
i. heat at 80°C for 60 m
inutes during manufacture; OR
ii. irradiation (post m
anufacture) at 2.5 megarads and that the stacks of
foundation sheets were no thicker that 100 mm during irradiation.
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(NB: small quantities (i.e. < 5) foundation sheets may be imported without a
certificate provided that the product is not for use in the beekeeping industry.)
(NB: coloured foundation sheets in retail packs for use by candle makers may be
ported without a certificate.)
(NB: If it cannot be determined whether or not a product is attractive to bees, a
ple shall be referred to Import Management, Animal Biosecurity, MAF
Biosecurity Authority, P O Box 2526, Wellington for assessment.)
6.4 Foods for human consumption containing bee products as an ingredient such as
flavourings, sauces, carbonated drinks and confectionery
may be imported from
any country provided that the following requirements are met:
i. the products shall be com
mercially packaged in sealed packaging.
ii. the products have been fully processed i.e. have undergone a heating process
during m
iii. the products shall be shelf-stable.
(NB: jams, marinades, mustards (except as listed in clause 6.5) and fruit drinks
(excluding carbonated canned and bottled drinks) containing honey m
ay not be
imported under clause 6.4.)
6.5 Honey & mustard and honey & port dressings manufactured by Taylors Original
Mustard Company, Cheshire, United Kingdom m
ay be released unconditionally.
6.6 Medicines, health foods and tonics containing bee products such as pollen, royal
jelly, propolis, honey and bee venom
may be imported from any country provided
that the product:
i. is com
mercially packaged in sealed packaging for direct retail sale.
ii. in the form
of capsules, tablets, sachets or vials (i.e. individual doses).
iii. is intended for hum
an consumption.
(NB: commercially packed medicines containing alcohol may be released
unconditionally regardless of packaging or dosages.)
(NB: Bulk importation of capsules, tablets or vials requires a permit to import.)
6.7 Honey (liquid, comb, propolis or any other form) m
ay be imported from Niue,
Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Western Samoa provided that the consignment
is accompanied by certification issued by the appropriate government authority
which states that:
i. the honey is a natural product produced by the honey bee Apis mellifera;
ii. the honey originates from
that country;
iii. the honey is identified on the certificate as to the form
that the honey is in e.g.
comb, chunk, liquid, retail pack etc.;
iv. the country is free from
European foulbrood caused by Melissococcus pluton.
6.8 Trade samples of honey
may be imported from any country provided that the
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following requirements are met:
EITHER: the honey shall be maintained under the direct control of an Inspector and
the honey shall be examined/evaluated in the presence of an Inspector. The honey
may be transhipped directly and securely to the office of any Inspector for
OR: a biosecurity direction will be issued on entry of the honey. The honey shall be
taken directly to a transitional facility for evaluation. The prem
ises must be
approved under MAF Regulatory Standard 154.02.18 Transitional Facilities for
Animal Products.
Following evaluation, any remaining honey and residues are to be destroyed by
incineration at an approved facility or sm
all quantities may be washed down a sink.
The honey is not eligible for biosecurity clearance.
6.9 New Zealand honey returning to New Zealand (private consignm
ents, trade
samples or rejected commercial consignments) may be imported from any country
provided that the following requirements are met:
i. the honey is com
mercially packaged in sealed packaging.
ii. the Inspector shall be satisfied that the honey is of New Zealand origin (e.g.
the labelling indicates that the product is of New Zealand origin).
iii. for com
mercial consignments of rejected New Zealand origin honey,
documentary evidence of the export of the honey from New Zealand shall be
presented to the Inspector.
For trade samples of honey (see clause 6.8). If the honey is not to be examined in
the presence of an Inspector, a biosecurity direction shall be issued. The honey
shall be taken directly to a transitional facility for evaluation. The premises must be
approved under MAF Regulatory Standard 154.02.18 Transitional Facilities for
Animal Products.
Following evaluation, any remaining honey and residues are to be destroyed by
incineration at an approved facility or sm
all quantities may be washed down a sink.
The honey will not be eligible for a biosecurity clearance.
8.1 Upon arrival in New Zealand the Inspector at the port of arrival m
ay inspect the
consignment, or a sample of the consignment.
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8.2 Providing that the docum
entation meets all requirements noted under PART D.
ZOOSANITARY CERTIFICATION and the consignment meets the conditions of
ELIGIBILITY, the consignment may, subject to sections 27 and 28 of the
Biosecurity Act 1993, be given a biosecurity clearance pursuant to section 26 of the
Biosecurity Act 1993.
None required.