No longer the missing link
About this white paper & acknowledgements
Both retail payment specialists, Galitt and Sopra Banking Software have come
together to bring you this white paper covering the opportunities offered by
Request-to-Pay (RtP), as well as the issues arising from its implementation.
We would like to thank the Sopra Banking Software’s team, Valérie Bellec, Will
Kitson and Hugues Leclère, whose involvement and continuous support have
permitted to produce this white paper.
About Galitt
A reference in the domain of payment systems and electronic transactions, Galitt is the
market leader in France in every one of its business sectors, and throughout the world for its
testing tools and its expertise in innovative technology.
Galitt is recognized for offering a wide range of skills and complementary knowledge to assist
its clients throughout the lifecycle of their projects and in every link of the payment value
chain. The company’s size allows it to take on large projects while retaining its ability to be
reactive, its personal touch and the ambition of an organization that is run on a human scale.
Galitt is the reference in the execution of the most advanced payment technologies and the
definition of tomorrow’s technological architecture.
Galitt’s services are based around 3 Business Units:
Consulting experts aiming to develop targeted proposals: marketing,
innovation, digital transformation, regulation, security and payment
Projects & Services experts in development and tests, who benefit from
Galitt expertise in payments, and whose skills cover the whole value chain
Platforms teams whose engineers and specialized technicians develop
testing software and take part in both the industrialization phase of
testing and the certification of solutions
Galitt is a Sopra Steria Group company. In 2019, Galitt achieved a turnover of €35
million and employed 320 people.
To find out more about Galitt, please visit our website at: www.galitt.com
Contact Galitt
Jean-Michel Mamann
Executive Director
Mobile: +33 6 33 05 23 31
In a remarkably short space of time, payment evolution has ushered in an era where convenient,
secure and agile solutions have appeared in each sector, segment and corner, revolutionizing the way
money is exchanged and business is done. Although commonplace, this has never been truer than
with Request-to-Pay (RtP). This “missing link”, through which payees (beneficiaries) can together
trigger and simplify fund transfers, is nothing less than a game changer. Rarely has a standard been
so anticipated.
A few weeks ahead of RtP’s SEPA-wide launch, this joint Galitt-Sopra Banking Software white paper
makes the case for and outlines a promising, steady wave of innovative services, suiting the need of
consumers, SMEs and large organizations alike. This paper explores RtP’s benefits over existing
payee-initiated operations (card, direct debit) and over current e-billing mechanisms: reduced costs
and user friendliness, as well as better tracking and reconciliation information, just to name a few.
On top of how RtP works in mainland Europe, and its market potential in light of preceding overseas
rollouts, this paper also outlines significant business use cases across customer segments: person-to-
person, consumer-to-business and business-to-business. The analysis is supported by original
research on consumer billing transactions’ potential to move to RtP. It clearly shows a practical
interest from all categories of would-be users. From the relatively wealthy to millennials to more
financially challenged populations, there is an unquenched demand for more control and flexibility in
bill payments.
Finally, this paper focuses on how implementation is optimized for Payment Service Providers (PSPs),
among all categories of RtP service providers.
With this program, Sopra Banking Software and Galitt hope to share a new vision of RtP in Euro, from
the curious to the savvy. We hope it makes for interesting reading.
Table of contents
1. Recent innovations have paved the way for Request-to-Pay 7
1.1. Ubiquity of digital banking services 7
1.2. Instant Payment’s roll-out 7
1.3. Guidelines for interoperable Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) 8
1.4. Early RtP-like features in solutions around the world 9
2. A highly anticipated SEPA-wide standard 14
3.1. Easing the way to be paid 14
3.2. The EPC scheme’s choices 14
3.3. Enabling a diversity of RtP-based use cases on all significant markets 17
2.3.1. B2C mobility Pay now 20
2.3.2. B2B Invoice presentment and payment - Planned pay later 21
2.3.3. C2B POS purchase - Pay now 22
3. A vast market potential across SEPA 24
4.1. RtP perspectives in the European ‘patchwork’ landscape 24
4.2. An unfulfilled need: Toward a more flexible billing 26
4. Key recommendations for implementation in IT systems 31
4.1. The RtP ecosystem and a possible opportunity left to PISPs roles 31
4.2. Adapting the implementation strategy to the specifics of each IT system 32
4.3. Implementation challenges to overcome 32
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Recent innovations have
paved the way for
082010 - White paper GalittRequest-to-Pay
1. Recent innovations have paved the way for Request-to-Pay
The highly anticipated Request-to-Pay service in Europe has not come from nowhere. Rather, the
standardization of this payee-triggered payment facility coincides with the recent availability of many
of its key enablers.
1.1. Ubiquity of digital banking services
As the digital world has gained momentum and become part of our everyday lives, there has been a
rapidly growing demand for flexible, richer banking services. People of all ages are increasingly
connecting 24/7 to their financial data, with millennials the most engaged generation. Right on their
heels, Generation Z (typically defined as those born between 1997 and 2012) is expecting and
demanding new services to satisfy its growing requirements in terms of customer experience and
technology, especially mobile technology.
In recent years, we have seen non-traditional players entering the banking market. These new
entrants are better placed to satisfy the digital needs of consumers, while traditional banks are faced
with significant challenges, such as eroding revenues and legacy cost bases. These mostly result from
new entrants focusing on user experience, with a young brand image, light structures and the aim to
create innovative and exciting services.
Neobanks and digital-savvy financial services firms - such as N26, Revolut and Monzo - have been a
catalyst in the industry, inspiring traditional banks to evolve both the content and the “look and feel”
of their online (web and mobile) banking services.
Furthermore, recent regulations - such as PSD2’s ongoing implementation - which aim to protect
customers and to formalize the use of new technologies, are yet another driver for Financial Services
(FS) firms to adapt their digital offerings. For traditional and non-traditional banks alike, the must-
have strategy is to compete in building a digital bank.
This has led to rapid advancements in recent years from traditional and emerging FS firms alike. Credit
transfer, in particular, has become increasingly convenient, fast and cost efficient, thanks to
technological advances in digitization and data processing. Today, it is nearly a daily routine for
anyone connected through mobile or e-banking - a huge leap from the not-so-old branch-and-paper-
based approach. This is reflected in cash and cheque’s significant decline in recent years.
Now a must-have dimension of any financial institution’s offering, digital services provide customers
with tools to manage all aspects of their payment needs: communicate with their counterparts
(payees, payers), track flow of money, manage their bill payments and pay all in an instant.
Considering all these features, when adopted by all players along the payments value-chain, Request-
to-Pay has the ability to be a real game changer.
1.2. Instant Payment’s roll-out
Following several national initiatives, SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) was launched on
November 21, 2017 as an optional European Payment Council (EPC) payment scheme. As of March
this year, 53 percent of European payment-licensed financial institutions - 2,158 payment service
providers (PSPs) - were operating SCT Inst payments SEPA wide1. In October 2019, there were
Source: EPC Newsletter, 31 March, 2020
082010 - White paper GalittRequest-to-Pay
already over 3 million payments per week processed in SCT Inst, with 99 percent of transactions
settled in less than 3 seconds.
Instant Payments in Europe has been building on the success of earlier initiatives from the UK’s
Faster Payment back in 2008 to Spain’s Bizum in 2016, as well as Sweden’s Swish (2012) and Italy’s
Jiffy (2014), just to name a few.
In turn, Instant Payment's’ steady roll out makes it the second driving force for the upcoming Request-
to-Pay (RtP) initiative. Online banking/digitization of payments means that retail payments can be
made from anywhere. Instant Payment ushers in another major quantum leap by eliminating time
delays when making payments. On top of real time, SCT Inst is available round the clock, throughout
the year. It is available day and night with immediate results.
Furthermore, it provides instantaneous finality by design to each unitary payment. This means a
dedicated, underlying interbank system (e.g. TIPS) settles each operation in real time, unlike today’s
mass retail payments, where this occurs later in batches. In practice, it is tantamount to payment
guarantee. Beforehand, this was a privilege restricted to a very small number of high-worth
transactions, directly settled in central bank systems the so-called TARGET2 payments.
To this end, a pan-European infrastructure has been successfully running since the end of 2018.
Operated by the European Central Bank (ECB), the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS)
system provides the final and irrevocable settlement of Instant Payments in the Euro currency, for
the time being. This also confers SEPA-wide reachability to Instant Payment-enabled PSPs.
Finally, it is also paramount from a legal perspective that Instant Payments can rely on an EU-
governed infrastructure (TIPS), just like its scheme SCT Inst. This already makes it the target
payment instrument of the future. In the long run, it should become the new norm for credit transfers,
of course, but also for other retail payment operations as hinted at by the European Payment
Initiative (EPI).
1.3. Guidelines for interoperable Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment
Any corporate accountant’s dream is to have outgoing invoices easily matched with customers’
incoming payments and vice-versa. Dematerializing, exchanging and tracking invoices is the first
step toward achieving this. Whether they are blockchain-based or enabled by an older technology,
the egg-and-chicken dilemma remains the same, whatever the solution: Which e-invoicing provider
has enough coverage to convince an ample number of customers and suppliers to sign up to its
This “network-effect” roadblock was the cornerstone of an EU Commission initiative when, in early
2009, it launched the European E-Invoicing (EEI) expert group. The EEI taskforce brought together a
team of suppliers and corporate user representatives. Within a year, it delivered a report focusing on
interoperability hurdles and recommendations. This would have simply been yet another smart report
with little practical application were it not for the Euro Retail Payments Board’s (ERPB) later decision
made after SEPA (SCTs, SDDs) had gone mass market to accelerate further innovation and
standardization around core payment.
With the ambition still firmly in its sights, the SEPA decision-making body put truly interoperable EIPP
on its roadmap. In November of last year, an EPC-led stakeholder group delivered practical guidelines,
building a convincing base for what had in parallel grown as one of RtP’s emerging use cases.
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1.4. Early RtP-like features in solutions around the world
Designed to provide businesses and consumers with greater flexibility when making payments, these
RtP features allow the payee to add relevant data in order to process receivables and, in some cases,
receive confirmation that a payment order has been issued. Some of the standard use cases of RtP
include P2P, B2B and B2C payments (e-billing/invoicing, e-commerce payments and point-of-sale
In most cases, the payment request is generally a hyperlink sent by a payee to a payer. It redirects the
payer to a secure checkout, where the requested payment occurs either through prefunding, debiting
a bank account or a card payment. Request links may be sent via e-mail, SMS, QR code or chat
applications, such as WhatsApp or Messenger.
Request-To-Pay initiatives around the world by use-cases
Designed to provide businesses and consumers with greater flexibility when making payments, these
RtP features allow the payee to add relevant data in order to process receivables and, in some cases,
receive confirmation that a payment order has been issued. Some of the standard use cases of RtP
include P2P, B2B and B2C payments (e-billing/invoicing, e-commerce payments and point-of-sale
In most cases, the payment request is generally a hyperlink sent by a payee to a payer. It redirects the
payer to a secure checkout, where the requested payment occurs either through prefunding, debiting
a bank account or a card payment. Request links may be sent via e-mail, SMS, QR code or chat
applications, such as WhatsApp or Messenger.
Focus on European RTP-like operational features
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A number of Request-to-Pay initiatives have already been implemented in several countries all 4-
corner-model based:
In Australia, BPAY is the most widely used bill payment service. It enables payers to transfer
funds electronically from their bank accounts to billers. BPAY can be used with over 45,000
businesses in Australia, and each month it processes 30 million individual payments. The
number of BPAY payments increased by an average of 3.3 percent between 2012 and 2018
In Nigeria, Remita, adopted by the Central Bank of Nigeria, enables all kinds of billers to
receive C2B payments: educational institutions, insurance companies, e-commerce shops,
utility companies, clubs and associations, religious organizations and governments. Remita is
offered by all commercial banks and more than 500 microfinance banks in Nigeria, as well as
several public and private organizations. It processes over 700 billion Nigerian naira every
In the Netherlands, all major Dutch banks own and participate in Currence, the multi-
instrument scheme that operates iDEAL, the most-used local online payment method with a
share of online transactions close to 55 percent. iDEAL has recently started offering a
Request-to-Pay feature, which is becoming more and more popular. By early 2019, no less
than 17.5 percent of all iDEAL payments were accounted for by C2C-payments (Consumer-
to-Consumer), mainly as a result of Requests-to-Pay with Tikkie and other mobile payment
apps from Dutch banks.
In addition to these mature RtP solutions, a series of open-loop initiatives are also emerging in
In the UK, Pay.UK is rolling out RtP after a successful pilot and is scheduled to go live during
2020 (Visa has supported the pilot by facilitating the first message sent and received). (See
insert below)
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In March 2020, Hungarian banks launched an Instant Payment System (AFR in Hungarian),
based on the EPC’s Instant Payment scheme (SCT Inst). This new core retail system, allowing
instant credit transfer services, is able to manage Request-to-Pay messages
At pan-European level, the EPC has committed to launching a Request-to-Pay scheme in
euros toward the end of 2020, described in detail in Chapter 2
Request-to-Pay adoption is likely to increase in the coming years in Europe, especially in markets with
low-card usage, such as the Netherlands and Germany, where credit card penetration is lower than
50 percent of all payment instruments.
“The British Request-to-Pay
AccessPay is a payment and cash management software provider, offering a range of products such
as Direct Debit, SEPA, Faster Payments, SWIFT and Multi-Bank Cash Management. Danny Doyle is
head of product management at AccessPay and a Member of Pay.UK’s RtP working group.
Could you give us an update on RtP in the UK?
D. Doyle: Request-to-Pay is a flexible way for payments to be settled between people,
organizations and businesses. In the UK, Pay.UK set the RtP standards. It is agnostic and
supports messages between the payer and the payee, who may have different service providers
(third-party operators). The repositories that route and store messages could be operated by
banks and non-banks, such as PISP-licensed operators, technology vendors and utilities. The
flexibility to integrate an RtP service developed by multiple and diverse parties led businesses
into uncertainty, as RtP involves many stakeholders. Conversely, EPC’s RtP is bank-driven and
largely embedded in SEPA banks’ customer interface, i.e. mobile and web banking apps.
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What are the benefits/advantages you see in the upcoming RtP?
D. Doyle: In addition to benefits such as cost reductions from migration to electronic billing from
paper, reduced time and effort in chasing payments, and increased reconciliation, RtP provides
multiple benefits for public organisms as well as not-for-profit organizations, with improved
communication, reduced admin and streamlined processes. In this time of economic crisis, due
to Covid-19, RtP may provide answers. Indeed, there is a willingness and a need to make
payment terms more flexible, especially for those who are most vulnerable. For local organisms,
such as housing associations, RtP appears less costly by reducing the risk of failed payments and
the time taken chasing them, assuming that consumers co-operate fully. For charities, it can
increase donor retention and provides a flexibility to donors in their payments by offering them
the ability to avoid cancelled standing orders, while maintaining the ability to pay another at a
later date.
Is AccessPay considering positioning on a Request-to-Pay offer?
D. Doyle: AccessPay has been working on an RtP solution compatible with Pay.UK and SEPA
standards, as the majority of their customers are abroad. AccessPay already completed Request-
to-Pay pilot trials and is currently working on evaluating the offering from a business model
perspective for launching a live product for their customers. B2C involving an application is seen
as a growth area.
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A highly anticipated
SEPA-wide standard
082010 - White paper GalittRequest-to-Pay
2. A highly anticipated SEPA-wide standard
Since the RtP feature has already been widely documented, in particular around the use of
standardized ISO messages, this white paper focuses on the EPC’s outcome and its promises for
3.1. Easing the way to be paid
In a nutshell, Request-to-Pay is a mechanism allowing a payee (beneficiary or creditor) to send a
message to a payer (debtor) requesting a payment. Through a RtP flow, a payer receives a request
with information provided by the payee, such as execution date, purchase or invoice details or
purpose, and payment amount.
When a payee adds large payment details, such as a full/pro-forma invoice, the payer may access it as
an attachment/download link and then make an informed decision.
If foreseen by the payee, the payer may be offered a choice of payment features, such as due date
flexibility, partial payment and fixed installments.
In all cases, accepting the request will automatically trigger the credit transfer.
3.2. The EPC scheme’s choices
Following a mandate from the ERPB, design of the Request-to-Pay scheme in euros has been
completed by the EPC. Representing all European banks, the EPC is already the designer and scheme
owner of the SEPA payment schemes for credit transfer (SCT), Instant Payment (SCT Inst) and direct
debit (SDD).
This SEPA RtP corresponds with the actions that take place between:
the commercial transaction (sale) with customer choice of RtP for checkout
the payment execution (by the payer’s financial institution) through a credit transfer
(ordinary or immediate)
It is, therefore, not a payment instrument, but rather a solution to trigger a payment. The EPC defines
it as the set of operating rules and technical elements (including messages) that allow a payee to claim
an amount of money from a payer for a specific transaction.
The RtP scheme will operate around the clock and throughout the year (365/7/24), with instant
routing of all RtPs.
The process occurs in two stages:
1. Presentation: the payer instantly receives the RtP generated and filled in by the payee
2. Acceptation: the payer accepts the RtP, followed either by an immediate or by a future payment,
or refuses the RtP
Depending on the payee’s choice, the payer has one of these two options when accepting:
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Accept Now: the RtP must be accepted or refused upon reception (very short expiry time)
Accept Later: the payer may decide within a maximum time range set by the payee (no more
than three months)
The Request-to-Pay message also contains information to specify the resulting credit transfer
On payment initiation timing:
Pay Now: credit transfer is initiated immediately after RtP acceptation
Pay Later: credit transfer occurs later either fixed by the payee or chosen by the payer
within a payee-defined time limit
On the credit transfer’s speed:
Instant: the resulting payment will be processed by an Instant Payment credit transfer
(e.g. SCT Inst)
Ordinary: the resulting payment occurs by means of an ordinary credit transfer (e.g. core
SCT, MT 103, local transfer in Euro) to be executed within one working day (as PSD2-
To these ends, a timestamp is part of each RtP.
Subsequent, optional features are available to the payee to deal with errors or other issues, such as:
RtP Cancellation (RfC), available until the RtP’s expiry date (therefore excluded in the “Pay
Now” option)
RtP Status Update, to investigate a previously sent RtP or RfC
This scheme introduces a new role, the RtP Service Provider (RtP-SP): one for payee and another for
the payer. To manage RtP flows, these players are interconnected (the so-called “inter RtP-SP”
domain). The RtP provider role is distinct from the payment-licensed financial institution - the PSD2
“Payment Service Provider” (PSP). As the payment account servicing institution, the latter is in charge
of processing the resulting credit transfer and moving the funds.
By contrast, the RtP-SP is not responsible for moving funds and currently does not require official
approval by, or declaration to, a financial regulator or National Competent Authority (NCA).
It may or may not be one of the PSP financial institutions although it is very likely that payer PSPs
across SEPA will endeavor to be able to process incoming RtPs and present them to their customers.
Other players have a keen interest in the RtP-SP role: e-commerce technical providers, e-invoicing
solution suppliers and mobile-SCT enablers (MSCT / mobile-SCT providers).
Furthermore, Payment Initiation PSP (PISPs) may come into the picture, whether or not they hold the
role of RtP-SP for either or both the payee and the payer.
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“Combining both the roles of PISP and merchant RtP provider in the subscription
SlimPay is a French payments institution, accredited since 2010 and European leader in recurrent
payments in the subscription economy. SlimPay offers its retail customers cash collection and
account management services for SEPA payment instruments (transfers and direct debits) and bank
cards. Its key objective is to popularize recurring payments as part of digital experiences.
What do you think about the future Request-to-Paystandard?
SlimPay: We are interested in “pull” payment solutions, where the payee presents the payer
with the transaction as part of a dynamic customer experience integrating Instant Payment.
We have observed that the subscription payment is a well-developed concept; for example,
when purchasing digital contents in the automotive industry (long-term leases, servicing and
maintenance) and even for NGOs, which is highly promising for our business.
What customer gains do you think RtP can bring?   
SlimPay: We think that it’s an opportunity for retailers, who will offer enhanced subscription
experiences, based on full transparency with regard to customer commitments. Retailers will
foster a trusting relationship by obtaining the payer’s consent for a series of payment
transactions, which is enabled by RtP. Moreover, it’s an opportunity to gain customer loyalty.
RtP will have the advantage of facilitating exchanges on payment terms between the payee and
the payer. This will mean the payee can change payment dates, defer payment or make several
Conversely, existing payment instruments have significant shortcomings from the retailer’s
point of view: uncertainty over funds for the SDDs, transaction costs and complexities in
implementing online card payments with 3D-Secure v2.
What are RtP’s aims and what are the next steps?
SlimPay:We are positioning ourselves as a payee RtP service provider, i.e. for the retailer. We
will manage RtP for our retail customers and interact with the payer’s RtP service provider, i.e.
the customer’s.
In addition, we will initiate transfer transactions using banks’ PSD2 APIs, but at this stage we
know that some points need to be clarified. For example, we must interact with the payer’s RtP
service provider as a PISP, and we are wondering what data will enable us to identify this
provider. We must also think about the customer experience and work with RtP providers on
these aspects.
Therefore, we think that RtP solutions have a great deal of potential in the future and that they
complement existing solutions and usages.
Interview with Jérôme Traisnel and Julien Paris, CEO and Product Manager at SlimPay respectively
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Business legislations were published on June 2, 2020 under the form of a draft-dedicated RtP Scheme
Rulebook for a Europe-wide public consultation throughout the summer of 2020. Separated from the
SCT and SDD rulebooks, although compliant with them as well as with non-SEPA credit transfer
schemes in Europe, the scheme rules will be amended and approved by the EPC for publication at the
end of November 2020. No one-year implementation period will be required. On the contrary,
commercial offers from RtP Service Providers (RtP-SPs) will be immediately possible.
This intended SEPA go-live will provide the basic components of an RtP service, as outlined in a
preliminary EPC framing study endorsed in November 2019 (RtP-specifications for a standardization
framework). Additional components envisioned in this Framework (installment payment, payment
guaranty, etc.) will be included in a secondary version of the RtP Rulebook announced end of 2021.
3.3. Enabling a diversity of RtP-based use cases on all significant markets
Beyond its content, the EPC scheme provides a base for a diversity of added-value services.
Combining the above-two criteria (Accept Now / Accept Later and Pay Now / Pay Later) allows for the
coverage of all significant payee use cases, which belong to one of three segments (according to the
P2P (peer-to-peer): between two physical persons (including sales between two individuals)
C2B (consumer-to-business): merchant transactions, usually a physical person paying a
commercial entity, either face to face (POS) or remotely (m- and e-commerce; utility billers)
B2B (business-to-business): EIPP, where an invoice attached to the RtP allows suppliers to
track and reconcile incoming payments
When specifying the resulting transfer (instant or ordinary), this leads to more specific use cases:
On C2B segment:
Instant payment (SCT Inst) to provide immediate certainty to the merchant
Payment guarantee (outside the EPC scheme)
Multiple payments (installments, subscription)
Pre-authorization (i.e. for traditional T&E use cases: hotels, car rentals, fuel dispensers,
On P2P segment:
Instant or future payment
Embedded or not in P2P messaging / chat services
For EIPP / e-invoicing:
For C2B (utility billers): e-invoicing with instant or deferred payment, and with or without
payment guarantee
For B2B: on top of bill reconciliation, e-invoicing may offer options to the payer such as
partial payment, forwarding the RtP to another party for financing purposes and bundling
multiple RtPs into one payment. The B2B payee may also receive a guarantee of payment
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User gains from the RtP innovation
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“Coupled with Instant Payment, RtP opens up promising business transformation
Isabelle Charlier is responsible for banking relations and transformation projects linked to means of
payment within the Treasury Department of Allianz France’s Investment Division. Allianz France is a
subsidiary of Allianz SE, whose headquarters are in Munich. Under her responsibility, Benjamin Hort
is a Project Manager in charge of innovation and is currently leading the Instant Payment project.
What do you think about the future Request-to-Paystandard?
AllianzFrance: We are convinced that it will be a must have for cash collection, and that it will
drive the use of real-time transfers. We already have a pilot project on real-time transfers in
France, and the Group is keen to see what the results are.
What customer gains do you think it can bring?
We can see various promising applications that combine RtP and real-time upstream. For
example, improving customer retention by offering an immediate debit to pay the premium
amount before contract termination date. In addition to reducing contracting costs, the transfer
helps to avoid constraints when it comes to managing payment personal data used for card
payments, subject to PCI-DSS security requirements.
Another example is real-time prolongation of an existing insurance policy. This means we can
extend guarantees to a new mode of transport (electric scooters, mopeds, high-end vehicles,
etc.) or new activities, such as extreme sports. In order to be immediately effective, the
amendment signature will be followed by the premium payment in real time. This will improve
customer dialogue and reduce the number of disputes in case of claims.
Can we imagine scenarios where RtP triggers an ordinary transfer?
Yes, and in this instance, we will have another string to our bow to speed up the process of
phasing out the use of cheques by customers who are hesitant to switch to automatic direct
debits. This will provide us with a better alternative to interbank payment orders (the single-use
paper version of the direct debit). For some time, we have seen that this process has levelled out
and cheques are still subject to a great deal of fraud. Furthermore, RtP will enable us to replace a
fraction of ordinary transfers received, for which account lettering is tedious.
Interview with Isabelle Charlier and Benjamin Hort of Allianz
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As seen above, the EPC RtP scheme caters for a variety of implementations, in particular through its
multitude of options, and the possible declination to 2-, 3- and 4-party models. To illustrate, we have
highlighted below three use cases that have the potential to become mainstream, focusing on the
benefits of each one. Note that all rely on instant payment to benefit from the finality of payment.
To simplify these use cases (all in a 4-party model), each bank (for payers and payees) combines the
role of RtP Service Provider and of Payment Service Provider (PSD2 licensed financial institution) for
their respective customer (payer / payee). Of course, separate stakeholders may hold each of these
2.3.1. B2C mobility – Pay now
The first promising use case is a B2C payment in a mobility context. To ensure finality of payment, it
is implemented with the “Pay Now” feature.
Let’s say that a plumber performs a service at a private individual’s home and gets paid on the spot,
once the service has been concluded.
How RTP operates in B2C
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2.3.2. B2B Invoice presentment and payment - Planned pay later
For B2B payments, RtP offers huge potential for truly interoperable e-invoicing.
In this example, we will look at an automotive supplier wishing to improve its productivity for invoice
How RTP operates in B2B
In this use case, the payee’s e-invoicing solution could offer the option to settle several invoices
through one single payment; for instance, at the end of the month. When one SCT settles several RtPs
(and their attached invoices), EPC’s Extended Remittance Information (ERI) SEPA option could be an
efficient function to optimize reconciliations and to reduce the number of payments.
082010 - White paper GalittRequest-to-Pay
2.3.3. C2B POS purchase - Pay now
Our last significant use case applies RtP to in-store payment in a frictionless way, allowing the easy,
paperless reconciliation of sales with payments.
How RTP operates in C2B
Using end-to-end references, it is easy for the payee (merchant) to reconcile sales and payments.
Importantly, the whole process must be at least as quick as a card payment to ensure adoption by all
stakeholders. It may, however, fully coexist with card acceptance in order to reduce the use of cheques
and cash.
082010 - White paper GalittRequest-to-Pay
A vast market potential
across SEPA
3. A vast market potential across SEPA
First off, we have estimated future European RtP usage by projecting the current proportion of RtP
transactions in relation to the number of credit transfers in Australia, a geography where RtP has
already been rolled out and well documented. The aim is to approximate the volume of Europe’s
cashless transactions that could potentially switch to Request-to-Pay based solutions for B2B, B2C
and B2G use cases.
In parallel, for a deeper understanding of market needs, we have focused on B2C billers’ use cases,
where we see the first and most likely RtP quick win. To this end, a quantitative consumer survey
highlights the RtP benefits for payers, billers and their respective financial institutions.
4.1. RtP perspectives in the European ‘patchwork’ landscape
Each country in Europe has its own cashless payment culture: mostly either card-predominant (in pink
below) or credit-transfer dominant (in blue).
Number of retail payments transactions in Europe in 2018
(Total number of payments) Source: ECB (European Central Bank)
Overall, cards remain the most prolific payment method in Europe, accounting for 54 percent of all
payments. Card payments are especially used in daily purchases, such as food shopping, utilities,
entertainment, etc. Credit transfers, the second most-used payment method, account for 22 percent,
while direct debits, the third most-common method, account for 18 percent. (Cash payments have
not been
included in this analysis).
In a first approximation, we have used Australia’s figures for BPAY, the local interbank system for C2B
and B2B e-invoice settlement (EIPP), public sector included. It has now been widely used there for two
years. We are, therefore, projecting the Australian adoption rate onto European credit transfer
volumes two years after the SEPA RtP rollout, which is due to take place in full in 2022.
This gives us a rough market estimate for Request-to-Pay of 4.9 billion transactions per annum in 2025
linked to fully Europe-wide interoperable EIPP systems (to compare with the Australian reference).
This would exceed the current level of cheques, which is already low.
E-invoicing growth and interoperability are more likely to materialize since the EU Directive
2014/55/EC makes it mandatory by the end of 2020 to include an e-invoicing feature in every B2G
procurement relationship with regional or local public authorities. The aim is to make e-invoicing the
primary invoicing system in Europe. According to a Billentis survey
, e-invoicing has already
reached 5 billion consumer customers and 8 billion business and government customers.*
Koch, B., E-Invoicing / E-Billing: Billentis January 2019
The Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP) collects individual taxes, business taxes and the
central government’s non-tax revenue from regulatory and statutory fines, court-imposed fines,
miscellaneous income, etc. The treasury’s DGFiP is therefore acting as their (only) cash
management banker, with several offers for their receivables and payables: cheques (80M/year),
cards, transfers, and direct debits. In that field, DGFIP is in charge of the innovation and payment
Galitt: Could you tell us about the need for RtP within the DGFiP?
A.MANOUVRIER: The DGFiP is very involved in the dematerialization of payments for the
impots.gouv.fr website and for public entities, particularly on the subject of Instant Payment
and, more recently, that of Request Payment. The DGFiP intends to be a major player involved in
the development of RtP by becoming itself an RtP provider, while offering an RtP solution
coupled with Instant Payment. The DGFiP is considering the implementation of an application
offering an RtP solution while integrating all types of invoices for public entities. There are
several potential use cases already identified, such as the collection of the state's non-tax
revenue (registration or visa fees, for example); the collection of fines, sanctions and
miscellaneous penalties; the collection of local authority revenues (water, electricity, gas,
canteen, etc.); or management of payment schedules granted for the above-mentioned receipts
and/or tax revenues. The main target of RtP should be down payments made by cheques or
credit cards. In fact, RtP is not intended to replace all existing electronic payments, such as direct
debits, which have been working very well in income taxes.
Interview with Mr. Alexis MANOUVRIER - head of division “treasury system, banking
management” at DGFiP 16 september, 2020
4.2. An unfulfilled need: Toward a more flexible billing
From a biller point of view, direct debit is the most convenient cash-in instrument in terms of payment
automation. In comparison, credit transfers may only be automated on the payer’s side.
When billers roll out their own e-invoicing solutions, it must - until now - be adopted by a large
majority of customers, so that back-office cost savings can offset investment and communication /
education costs.
Otherwise, billers may reduce a fraction of time spent on reconciliation, but only after having correctly
identified the first cash-in for each customer. This excludes all one-shot use cases, especially when
the payer is different from the customer (third-party payer). Otherwise, as estimated by Billentis,
direct staff costs of preparing and sending out paper invoices are believed to be between €2.50 and
€10 per invoice. Receiving and settling paper invoices would be even more costly, at around €5 to €15
per invoice, since the reconciliation needs to be done by hand.
Furthermore, billers lack vision on missed payments, especially on people who would like to buy but
do not have the resources to do so. Request-to-Pay can reduce such payer avoidance due to a lack of
funds. In addition, it improves creditors’ cash-flow, when customers may opt for splitting a due
payment, instead of rejecting it in whole.
Both parties stand to win with RtP:
Billers will have a new payment feature for those customers who want to opt-in for / decide on
each single due payment
Consumers will better apprehend and plan their payables while retaining more control of
them, such as choosing how and / or when they settle it
Galitt: What are the benefits you see in the upcoming RtP (coupled with Instant Payment)?
A. MANOUVRIER: The first benefit is its instant nature, since payments would be delivered with
Instant Payment. The second benefit is the cost reduction. In fact, RtP would use Instant
Payment, which is charged at a lower rate compared to other payment methods, such as
cheques or credit cards. The last benefit is a better accounting management on processing and
reconciliation. Indeed, RtP reduces manual inputs and ensures delivery of payment to the right
Galitt: What stage are you at with the development of an RtP solution?
A. MANOUVRIER: The DGFiP has already been working on RtP use cases and thus completed
the first phase of reflection and requirements analysis. The second phase, which consists of
developing an RtP solution, would start in 2021, at the earliest. A service provider would be
chosen by the DGFiP and the Banque de France would be in charge of collecting the flows. The
final phase, which includes the tests, is expected to take place at the end of 2022 and will
certainly be achieved at the beginning of 2023.
“An easy, cost-effective way to increase our range of digital cash-in payment
ACOSS is the French Social Security scheme’s entity in charge of all receivables, such as
family benefits, sick leaves, pensions and professional injuries schemes. Tasked with
ACOSS’s Local Cash Management and Banking Relations, François Bechu is driving the
strategy of payment projects. 
What user benefits / advantages do you see in the upcoming RtP? 
F. BECHU: For us, RtP is an opportunity to extend our paperless receivables offer to employers,
small and large, on top of direct debit, card payment and so-called (French authorities-specific,
SDD-based) “remote e-payment” (télérèglement). From our viewpoint, SEPA Direct Debit’s
(SDD) mechanism is very handy but is constrained by the legal D+1 execution time. Moreover, it
has an eight-week unconditional dispute risk. Of course, this is very low for us, but non-existent
for credit transfer. Compulsory for some categories of employers, credit transfer guarantees
settlement on the planned D-day (two slots per month). Lastly, RtP certainly will contribute to
the erosion of cheque usage.
What would be the gains for ACOSS as an organization?
F. BECHU: RtP could allow us to initiate payment flows that, until today, do not originate from
our IT back-ends, but from ordering parties’ financial institutions. We should, therefore, improve
our receivables forecast and planning. We would be able to determine the key parameters of
future incoming credit transfers: initiation date, pre-filled reference data and status inquiries on
outstanding RtPs. In particular, as well as an instant payment, we could optimize our liquidity
management between paid-in and paid-out transfers. This would lead to an optimized cash flow
management and, ideally, to lower liquidity supply costs.
What about managing payment instruments?
F. BECHU: We expect a more attractive pricing for transactions. Thanks to credit transfer’s
current business model as well as the likely increased competition in the RtP service provider
domain -- we may even see some aggressive offers. Direct debit costs little nowadays, but card
payments, which stand for 1.5 percent of our transactions and 0.1 percent of amounts, account
for 60 percent of our payment charges. We have been offering this payment method to
accelerate conversion to paperless payments, especially for self-employed people. The average
value is €600, rising to €30,000 per single payment. However, our card acquirers do not offer us
any discount for such high-value payments. RtP should, therefore, incur a typical credit transfer
pricing, which is not amount-dependent and hence much lower.
Interview with François Bechu of ACOSS
RtP: A popular feature even for higher-income consumers
Consumers using automated payment methods, such as direct debit, generally belong to higher- or
medium-income categories, who value the ease of interference-free payment processing. However,
people from lower-income categories tend to rely more on cash and cheques, which offer a reliable
yet paper-based way to monitor and manage their expenses planned or otherwise.
Current economic uncertainty is poised to become an issue for a significant number of Europeans,
affecting, in particular, an increased share of short-term contracts and self-employed people.
To shine some light on this subject, Galitt conducted a quantitative research study in order to
understand people’s attitudes toward RtP as a new way to settle invoices. Four-hundred-and-fifty
consumers, representative of French society in terms of age, gender, socio-professional category and
national geography, answered an online questionnaire.
It emerged that 86 percent of the respondents have experienced difficulties paying their bills in the
last 12 months. More importantly, among those in financial difficulty, 77 percent have already
abandoned a purchase because of their financial situation. It is in this context that 71 percent of the
study’s participants said they were interested in RtP (25 percent said they were “very interested”),
especially concerning RtP’s function of delaying the full payment of an invoice or settling the invoice
for a partial amount and splitting the remaining amount in installments.
Finally, regarding the use of RtP, 70 percent of respondents said they would prefer to use email,
compared to WhatsApp (26 percent), a mobile app (26 percent) and Facebook Messenger (20 percent)
due to security concerns.
Do you already foresee an RtP-enabled project?
F. BECHU: RtP should support ACOSS’s ambition to embed payment in compulsory social
welfare reporting. We wish to offer a fluid, end-to-end journey to employers when they report
staff activity. We currently operate our own cash-in solutions for direct debit, remote e-payment
(“télérèglement”) and our dedicated offers. We also operate card acceptance under a white-label
model. Our ambition is to include the payment step in staff activity reporting, which we could
summarize asdeclare and pay. RtP would provide this link for employers who rely on credit
transfer only, since it would usher along the payment order.
Of course, payer friction will have to be reduced throughout the payment journey. Notable
points of attention, among others, will be entering and checking the payer’s IBAN account
identifier, as well as authenticating the payer customer.
Key recommendations for
on IT systems
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
4. Key recommendations for implementation in IT systems
The EPC’s Request-to-Pay scheme, integrated with SEPA’s payment schemes, has certain similarities
to existing bank-supported payment collection methods, including direct debit and capabilities
provided by proprietary e-invoicing and payment platforms. Indeed, ensuring the right to adherence
to all categories of trusted solution providers helps the reachability and deployment of RtP.
Nevertheless, the diversity of customer use cases, sometimes complex, may have to overcome
several obstacles in order to achieve wide adoption, especially when we consider, in detail, its
execution in an IT system and an already existing process.
4.1. The RtP ecosystem and a possible opportunity left to PISPs roles
As mentioned in part 2.2 of this white paper, multiple types of organizations can have roles in the RtP
ecosystem. RtP is not a payment service so there is no reason why other functions such as PSPs
couldn’t operate as part of an RtP framework. In fact, the functions that need to be performed as part
of the RtP solution can be done so by financial institutions (payment and credit institutions) as well as
payment processor and technical acceptance processors (PATs), CSMs (clearers) and non-financial
The representation below shows the different functions for each dedicated actor who is only
responsible for tasks concerning RtP, as well as exchange channels with clients and other RtP SP
and PISP for payment initiation.
Distribution of functions for each dedicated actor RTP-SP, PISP, PSP
(high-level vision)
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
However, PISPs could seize this opportunity and play a major role in bridging the gap between banks
and RtP service providers.
4.2. Adapting the implementation strategy to the specifics of each IT
The technical implementation of this new solution should be framed in its utility for commercial
purposes in order to rationalize costs and limit the risks on the existing infrastructure for each actor
involved in the process. Although the deployment of Request-to-Pay can be considered overall as an
end-to-end solution, it is necessary to plan for its implementation bearing in mind the following items:
Prioritize organized work, depending on the most-valued use cases for a fast return on
The need to offer real-time, widely available services
Level of service on which to position oneself, and the scope of IT systems impacted by these
Technology used in IT systems for all components interacting with RtP, and the focus on the
existing implementation for fund transfer management (ordinary SCT, SCT Inst and other
Consequence on interactions between existing components and those that will be executed,
mainly between RtP and payment - depending also on either a very urbanized approach,
segmenting the role per components, or an integrated approach, dealing with end-to-end RtP
and all the necessary functions in one component
Opportunity not to change applications of IT systems and even entrust the management of
RtP to a service provider
Other ongoing or upcoming projects impacting the payment sector (EPC’s regulatory
production, or EPI project for a retail European payment scheme)
Each stakeholder would have to adapt its implementation strategy according to its IT system.
Indeed, the reuse of all or part of certain components can be useful and result in cost savings. Hence,
investments can be optimized in order to assign to those services with higher-added value for
clients, therefore generating more revenue.
4.3. Implementation challenges to overcome
Request-to-Pay solutions can provide a range of different services; for instance, a receipt displayed in
a digital wallet with “Pay Now” and “Pay Later” buttons; a notification at the physical point of sale
that the funds have reached the merchant or notification and initiation of the next payment in a
conveyance chain. Nevertheless, several difficulties need to be addressed in terms of implementation,
such as:
Front-end channels to be set up according to each client’s segment and depending on the
products’ distribution and the client’ path
Life cycle of business functions for Request-to-Pay and payment ensuring overall cohesion:
management of the reconciliation between RtP and Payment, synchronization between the
two, links in case of dispute...
High availability and reactivity according to each use case, optimizing resources (avoids
oversizing or undersizing of technical infrastructures). The difficulty for this new service is to
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
estimate the volumes to be processed, in number as well as size. In fact, an RtP can carry
several attachments, the size of which is not standardized
The two additional implementation challenges are linked to the capacity to process and communicate
rapidly between different actors. It is also necessary to know how to manage necessary
synchronization situations between RtP and payment when the transaction fails. It is, therefore,
necessary to implement better processes for security and resiliency.
PSPs have a unique advantage in terms of customer trust and access within the payments ecosystem.
PSPs that take advantage of Request-to-Pay’s potential are better positioned to serve their
customers, both from a business and a consumer perspective. Moreover, providing an RtP solution
and making new channels available to their customers will be an additional advantage of the offers
but will require less effort, particularly because of the sensitive subject of their access security.
Urbanized distribution of banking functions and links with large corporate customers (high-level
From a technical and organizational point of view, PSPs have teams and infrastructures used for
initiation, execution, payment transfer and payment management. Moreover, they have developed
banking communication channels (SWIFT, EBICS, Web-banking, API, etc.) adapted to different types
of clients. This allows them to rely on a solid competence and existing components, having benefited
from their long experience in the payment sector. Although not perfect, PSPs can rely on their vision
of optimized repartition of IT system functions and their component software, knowing how to
combine those complementary features.
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
RtP has the potential to be the missing link in the European payments market, changing the entire
landscape as we know it. There is no doubt that RtP will increase the convenience of paying and
receiving money while reducing the friction and cost of collections. In particular, RtP holds the key to
unlocking the significant potential that instant payment has to offer, both for consumers and
In addition, with most Request-to-Pay enablers already in place, PSPs and other players can take
advantage of existing investments in infrastructure and SEPA systems to become significantly more
agile and innovative, by providing long-term payment products and services with the perspective of
the European Payment Initiative (EPI). Backed by the European decision-maker with an ambitious
agenda, EPI has reached the project implementation stage. While development and roll-out are yet
to be planned, EPI namely relies on RtP for several of its features.
Meeting market needs better than ever before for C2B and B2B use cases, as well as catering for a
large consumer acceptance and adoption, this new payment link is promised to become a corner-
stone of Europe’s, and maybe the global, economy.
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
About the authors
Emmanuel CARONPractice Manager, Regulation & Economics (Galitt)
With 20 years of experience in European card markets and payment systems/schemes,
Emmanuel is currently leading two consulting practices within Galitt: Payment
Regulation and Business Models. His recent areas of intervention cover regulatory
issues like PSD2, EBA standards, as well as addressing the challenge of Open Banking
for financial institutions, fintechs and e-merchants. He has the responsibility to deliver
cross-EU business model analysis and strategic and regulatory impact assessments for
banks, payment schemes, payment service providers and merchants. He also
moderates Galitt payment education sessions on European payment markets, both
card and SEPA instruments.
Guillaume DE LONGEAUX Manager, Retail Payments & Public Affairs
A Manager at Galitt since 2017, Guillaume is trilingual and enjoys a 20-year experience
in retail payments and compliance management. He implements the company’s
expansion in emerging services combining SEPA, open banking and cash management:
instant payment, card/transfer mix, seamless Strong Authentication. A Sciences Po
Paris graduate, Guillaume advises financial institutions in Public Affairs as well:
lobbying, interbank cooperation, regulatory authorisations. He also delivers Galitt’s
training courses on SEPA payments and on card markets in Europe, thanks to his early
career at French Groupement des Cartes Bancaires CB.”
Jules BE KUTI Economics & Regulatory Consultant (Galitt)
Jules is involved in opportunity and feasibility studies related to the regulation and
transformation of the payments market in Europe. Jules has also worked on regulatory
compliance issues such as internal control, gap analysis and remediation plan.”
Hugues LECLÈRE Product Strategy Manager, Payment Product Strategy
(Sopra Banking Sotware)
“In the world of Software for thirty years, Hugues has developed his experience by
working closely with customers, banks and corporates, and by building Sofware within
R&D teams. He is now Product Manager within the Payment Product Stategy teams in
Sopra Banking Software.”
082010 - White paper Galitt Request-to-Pay
Several other contributors have made this project possible:
Rémi Gitzinger Executive Director, Galitt
Hélène Kalem Practice Manager, Galitt
Diane Ribeiro Payment Consultant, Galitt
Cécile Rouhaud Benchmark Observatory, Galitt
Valérie Bellec Product marketing, payments, Sopra Banking Software
Will Kitson Head of content and research, Sopra Banking Software
Making payments
simple, efficient and
in everyday life
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