code of ethics &
c nduct
©2006 PetSmart Store Support Group. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Letter from the Chairman and CEO .................................................................3
PetSmart Code of Ethics ...................................................................................... ..4
General Directions, Reporting and Certification ...........................................5
Quick Reference Policy Summaries....................................................................7
Business Policy Statements .................................................................................. 10
Antitrust Compliance ..........................................................................................................10
Asset Protection..................................................................................................................13
Pet Care and Safety ............................................................................................................14
Respect in the Workplace...................................................................................................15
Conflicting Interests.............................................................................................................16
Policy to Conduct Business Legally and Ethically and to
Maintain Accurate and Meaningful Financial Records........................................................20
Occupational Health and Safety..........................................................................................21
Environmental ....................................................................................................................22
Computer Usage................................................................................................................22
olitical Contributions and Public Service ............................................................................24
Compliance Program Administration and Information ............................... 25
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Associate Certification ............27
Dear Fellow Associate,
I am pleased to share with you the PetSmart Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. It contains
the policies that guide our actions, day to day. It reaffirms our commitment to the highest level
of ethical and legal conduct, which has served the Company well through our history.
This guide is designed as a resource. It gives you basic information about some of the more
important legal and policy standards that apply to you. It provides direction and limits. It
explains how to prevent or recognize and report potential violations. Adherence to these
guidelines is a requirement of continued employment for each of us.
Unethical or illegal conduct, even by one of us, ultimately can jeopardize the integrity of
PetSmart. Associates who violate these policies, whether for personal gain, perceived benefit
to the Company or for any other reason, will discredit all of us. As an informed Associate, you
can help prevent this by recognizing and reporting potential violations.
This guide cannot address all possible situations. You should use this reference and your own
good judgment when making choices and decisions. If you are in doubt or need assistance,
see the Compliance Program Administration and Information on page 25 of this guide or
contact the CareSmart Line at 1-800-738-4693.
After you have studied the contents of the guide, please complete the Code of Ethics and
Business Conduct Associate Certification Form in the manner described at the end of this
guide. You will periodically be asked to complete this Form to reaffirm your continued
understanding of and compliance with this Code.
Our achievements as a Company and as individuals require hard work and constant dedication
to high standards. As we strive to grow and improve our business, upholding these standards
is one of our most important priorities.
Philip L. Francis
Chairman of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
April 2006
PetSmart Code of Ethics
PetSmart believes it is imperative to: act with honesty and
integrity and engage in ethical conduct; avoid conflicts of
interest and disclose transactions or relationships that
could give rise to such a conflict; conduct our business in
accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations;
adhere to standards of safety and care for the protection
of our Associates, customers and their pets, the public
and the environment; provide information in all reports
and documents that is complete, fair, accurate, timely
and understandable; and promote these policies through
education, supervision and regular reviews.
General Directions
All Associates must read, understand
and use the PetSmart Code of Ethics
and Business Conduct (the “Code”) and
related policies. Every Associate has the
responsibility to recognize and avoid
or prevent situations that may cause
possible violations of the Code. If, after
reviewing the information in this guide
or PetSmart’s business policies, you
have questions about its content or
about how it relates to your job, you
should consult with your manager. If
your manager cannot answer your
questions, then your manager should
direct the question to his or her
supervisor or the Legal Department.
An essential element of this Code is the
responsibility and obligation you have as
an Associate to appropriately raise issues
of concern to appropriate individuals in
the Company. Issues of concern may
include a violation of this Code or any
other Company policy
, pet safety
concerns, harassment, discrimination, or
issues surrounding our financial records.
The Company has an open door policy,
which encourages Associates to raise
issues to an appropriate supervisor who
will address the issue.
Additionally, an Associate can anonymously
report an issue of concern through the
CareSmart Line, which is a call center
operated by a third-party. Our Legal
Department and Chief Compliance
Officer can be contacted directly to discuss
any issue of concern. Any issue reported
will be taken seriously and addressed
appropriately. Supervisors/Managers in
receipt of an issue of concern must take
appropriate action to address such issue.
When applicable, the issue should be
elevated to other appropriate individuals
to address.
In summary, it is imperative to report
violations of Company policy to an
appropriate individual. Failure to do so,
or failure to take appropriate action
when in receipt of an issue of concern,
is a violation of the Code.
Finally, every Associate has access to the
etSmart Audit Department at Store
Support Group, and the Vice P
General Directions,
Reporting and Certification
of Internal Audit periodically reports to
the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors on issues covered by the Code.
Management will work with Associates
to resolve reported matters where
appropriate. However, neglect of job
responsibilities or violations of the law
will never be condoned. These policies
must be followed and any Associate’s
failure to comply with them may
result in disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal.
Every salaried and certain other
designated Associates must review,
sign and forward the Code of Ethics and
Business Conduct Associate Certification
Form following the procedure described
at the end of the Code.
If you are at SSG, Associates will be
required to reaffirm their understanding
of the Code of Ethics and Business
Conduct by re-reading and completing
the Associate Certification Form
periodically (either online or using a
Certification Form). Any comments or
concerns should be reported on the
Certification Form or through the
CareSmart Line.
The Code of Ethics and Business
Conduct in this guide applies to
PetSmart and its subsidiaries. All
references to “PetSmart” and “the
Company” include PetSmart, Inc.,
its subsidiary companies, all affiliates
controlled by PetSmart or, if appropriate,
any one or more of them. All references
to “close relatives” would also include
anyone with whom an Associate has
a close relationship.
Antitrust Compliance
It is the policy of PetSmart to comply
with the antitrust laws of the United
States and with the laws regulating
competitive practices in all locations
where the Company does business.
This policy identifies and discusses how
Associates can avoid illegal and unethical
interactions with customers, suppliers
and competitors in situations involving
unlawful agreements, discriminatory
and predatory pricing, reciprocity, etc.
Asset Protection Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to have
controls that will aid in the detection
and prevention of fraud against the
Company. This policy is designed to
address intentional false representations
and the concealment of material facts for
the purpose of inducing another to act
upon it to his, her or the Company’s
detriment or injury.
Pet Care and Safety Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to maintain
high standards for the humane care and
treatment of pets. We seek to accomplish
this by ensuring all pet care procedures
are followed, by reporting and addressing
infractions and by encouraging our
customers to report to us any problems
they see.
Respect in the Workplace
It is the policy of PetSmart to provide
equal employment opportunity for all
Associates based solely on the
qualifications of each individual. This policy
describes and prohibits any form of
discrimination, harassment or retaliation
based on race, color, religion, age, sex,
pregnancy, sexual orientation, national
origin, veteran status, disability or other
protected status. The policy emphasizes
that no such discrimination or harassment
will be tolerated at PetSmart and we will
not retaliate against Associates who report
harassment or discrimination.
Quick Reference Policy
The following descriptions provide a brief summary of each business policy.
For complete information, refer to the policy statements beginning on page 10.
Policy on
Conflicting Interests
It is the policy of PetSmart to prevent
situations in which an Associate’s
interests are in conflict with those of the
Company. This policy explains the
responsibility of Associates and their
family members to avoid any action that
may interfere with the Associate’s
primary duty to serve the Company at all
times. Examples of areas covered
include illegal payments or gifts;
interactions with vendors, suppliers,
customers and competitors; and
securities trades and confidential
Policy to Conduct
Business Legally and
Ethically and to Maintain
Accurate and Meaningful
Financial Records
It is the policy of PetSmart to conduct
its business both ethically and legally and
to present its financial information in a
manner that will not mislead or misinform
those who receive and use it. This policy
explains improper use of corporate funds
to gain favorable treatment by regulatory
authorities and describes the
requirements for maintaining and
reporting financial information.
Occupational Health
and Safety Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to establish
and maintain a safe and healthy work
environment. This policy covers the
responsibility of management and
Associates to minimize the hazards
inherent in the workplace by using
appropriate processes, practices and
methods, and by providing timely
education and training.
Environmental Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to comply
with the environmental, health and safety
laws in the conduct of its business and to
exemplify the best contemporary industry
practices with respect to environmental
matters. The policy reviews the
Company’s commitment to continuous
improvement of our environmental
protection practices and to manage
environmental performance through
cooperation and active participation.
Computer Usage Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to utilize
common sense and good judgment while
using email, internet, local area networks,
network drives, software and hardware,
and to ensure Company information is
not inappropriately accessed or shared on
chat rooms or blogs. The policy reviews
each Associate’s obligations when using
these services.
Public Contributions and
Public Service Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to encourage
Associates to be actively involved in the
civic affairs of the communities in which
they live. This policy discusses restrictions
on political contributions and provides
guidance for individuals who speak on
behalf of the Company.
Compliance Policy
PetSmart complies with the antitrust
laws of the United States (“U.S.”),
and the local laws regulating
competitive practices.
The purpose of the antitrust laws is to
preserve our competitive free enterprise
system. These laws are based on the
belief that the public interest is best
served by vigorous competition and
will suffer from agreement or collusion
between competitors.
The antitrust laws are complex and in
many respects difficult to interpret and
apply. Associates in responsible positions,
however, should clearly understand these
basic principles and should seek advice
when uncertain. Associates should consult
the PetSmart Legal Department with
any questions or concerns pertaining
to the policy.
Impermissible Agreements
The Sherman Act and the Clayton Act
are the principal United States antitrust
laws. The following actions constitute
clear violations of one or both of
these statutes:
Impermissible Agreements
with Competitors:
1. To agree with one or more of our
competitors to fix prices or service
charges at existing levels, higher
levels or lower levels.
2. To agree with one or more of our
competitors on what to bid or pay
for any product or service, i.e., any
form of bid rigging.
3. To agree with one or more of our
competitors to fix other items and
conditions of sale, such as credit
terms, quantity discounts, freight,
packaging, etc.
4. To agree with one or more of our
competitors on the allocation of
customers or markets, whether
geographically or otherwise.
Impermissible Agreements with
Suppliers and Customers:
5. To obtain the agreement of any
supplier (i.e., any individual or
organization who sells products to
the Company) to fix resale prices, or
other terms and conditions of resale.
Business Policy Statements
Depending on the circumstances, the
following actions may be in violation of
the antitrust laws. Associates should
seek the advice of the PetSmart Legal
Department before taking any of the
following actions:
6. To agree with competitors or
suppliers not to deal with any other
person, whether that person is a
supplier, competitor or customer,
for example, a group boycott.
7. To force any customer to buy an
article as a condition of buying
another article (such as a tie-in sale);
to obtain the agreement of the
customer that it will buy all of its
product from the Company; or to
refuse to sell an article to any
customer unless it buys another
article or all of its products from
the Company.
8. To purchase goods or services from
a supplier on the condition that it will
purchase other goods or services
from the Company, which is known
as a reciprocal agreement.
Evidence of Agreements
with Competitors
or Suppliers
You should know that even if you clearly
understand and follow these antitrust
guidelines, actions you take in good
faith, with no intent to violate the law,
may nevertheless be violations. For
example, uniform prices alone are not
sufficient evidence to establish an antitrust
violation. On occasion, however, a judge
or jury has inferred an illegal agreement
or understanding with little
additional evidence.
These are the safest rules for
everyday business situations:
1. Don’t discuss prices, costs or suppliers
with a competitor. A competitor can
be any person or Company that
competes with any part of our
business. Don’t complain to suppliers
about another competitor’s resale
prices. If you are contacted by a
competitor complaining about the
Company’s prices or another
competitor’s prices, do not engage
in discussions. Instead, call the Legal
Department immediately or the toll
free CareSmart number at
2. Don’t discuss retail prices with
suppliers, and do not discuss
another competitor’s resale
prices with a supplier.
3. Don’t make statements to one
competitor complaining of price
cutting or inquire of a competitor
about whether it had quoted a
given price, even if the purpose
of the inquiry is to minimize the
risk of price discrimination.
(See Discriminatory Pricing below.)
4. Don’t have discussions (whether
face-to-face, over the telephone,
via email or in a chat room) with a
competitor concerning general
market conditions, present or future
prices, quantity discounts or other
terms of sale, or any supplier or
group of suppliers.
5. Don’t exchange current or future
price schedules with a competitor.
6. Don’t attend formal or informal
meetings of competitors (whether
held in a restaurant, hotel, club or
elsewhere). This applies especially to
a trade association “rump” session
at which any business matters are
discussed, unless either legal counsel
is present or the discussions are
limited to specific approved topics.
7. Don’t discuss costs with a competitor.
8. Don’t discuss with a customer its
purchase of other products if the
discussion is perceived to be a
threat, no matter how subtle, of
discontinuing sales to that customer if
it does not purchase other products.
In all of these cases, there is the risk
that, even though there may be no
illegal agreement or understanding, a
judge or jury might decide there has
been a violation. You should avoid any
action that may violate the antitrust laws,
but also any action that may give the
appearance of doing so.
Pricing Integrity
Discriminatory Pricing
The Robinson-Patman Act prohibits:
1. Price discrimination or differences
in price between purchasers of
products of like grade and quality
that may harm either competitors
or customers who pay the higher
prices. There are two basic
exceptions. One relates to “meeting
competition” situations, where a
lower price is granted in good faith
to meet, but not beat, a competitor’s
lawful lower price. In addition,
quantity discounts are permissible
where most, if not all, customers
can buy enough to take advantage
of the maximum discount. The other
exception, which is rarely available,
is when we can offer a lower price
when we realize cost savings in
dealing with a particular customer.
2. Commission or brokerage payments
to a customer, agent or representative
of a customer.
3. Discriminatory services, facilities or
payments to help a purchaser obtain
services or facilities. The services or
facilities referred to are those used
by the purchaser in the resale of
the product.
4. Inducing or receiving discriminatory
prices. This relates to a purchaser’s
conduct rather than a seller’s conduct.
The Robinson-Patman Act is difficult to
understand and apply. If you have
questions, contact the Legal Department
for advice.
Predatory Pricing
The antitrust laws of the U.S. prohibit
below-cost pricing if it is part of an effort
to gain or maintain a dominant market
position. In addition, the laws of some
states make sales below cost unlawful
even where the Company doesn’t have
market power. There may be some
circumstances where below
pricing can be justified. Advice of
the Legal Department should always
be sought prior to any product or
service being offered or purchased
at below cost.
Reciprocity (i.e., reciprocal buying) is
an unsound business practice that
frequently distorts purchasing decisions.
It is the policy of PetSmart to purchase
and sell products and services based on
superior quality, suitability, efficiency,
service and price. No attempt should
be made to position purchases or
potential purchases to promote sales
to any suppliers.
Asset Protection Policy
The corporate asset protection policy is
established to facilitate the development
of controls that will aid in the detection
and prevention of fraud against
PetSmart. It is the intent of PetSmart to
promote consistent organizational
behavior by providing guidelines and
assigning responsibility for the
development of controls and the
conduct of investigations.
This policy applies to any irregularity,
or suspected irregularity, involving
Associates as well as shareholders,
consultants, vendors, contractors,
and/or other parties with a business
relationship with the Company including,
but not limited to, such things as any
impropriety in handling or reporting
money or financial transactions.
Any investigative activity required will be
conducted without regard to the
suspected wrongdoer's length of
service, position/title, or relationship to
the Company. The Company has a
responsibility to detect and prevent
fraud, misappropriations and other
irregularities. Fraud is defined as the
intentional, false representation, or
concealment of a material fact for the
purpose of inducing another to act upon it
to his or her injury. Associates should be
familiar with the types of improprieties
that might occur within his or her area of
responsibility and be alert for any
indication of irregularity. Any irregularity
that is detected or suspected must
be reported immediately to the
CareSmart Line.
Complaint protocols have been
established under the CareSmart Line
for the investigation of all suspected
fraudulent acts as defined in the policy.
The investigator will have access to all
PetSmart records and personnel. If the
investigation substantiates that fraudulent
activities have occurred, the lead
investigator will issue reports to
appropriate recipients and, if required,
to the Board of Directors through the
Audit Committee in accordance with the
complaint protocol process. Investigation
results will remain confidential, unless
otherwise required by law, and will only
be discussed with appropriate parties.
Pet Care and Safety
Caring for pets is fundamental to who
we are, and each of us is responsible to
meet and maintain our high standards
for humane pet care and treatment.
PetSmart believes it is unacceptable for
even one pet, in even one PetSmart
store, to receive the wrong kind of care
or inadequate care.
Store Management is responsible for
communicating all pet care policies and
procedures to all Associates who handle
or care for our pets and ensuring they
are followed. Store Management is also
responsible for reporting humane pet
care violations to their District Managers
immediately upon learning of any
infraction. All Managers will annually be
asked to sign an acknowledgement
regarding the pet care and safety in
our stores.
We feel so strongly about caring for pets
in our stores that in each pet habitat area
there must be displayed a sign with a
toll-free telephone number for customers
to use to report any issues or concerns
about how we care for our pets.
Our policy strictly prohibits inhumane
treatment of any pet in our care and
requires Associates to follow the
Company’s written procedures for
handling pets.
Any ill or injured pets must be removed
from the sales floor immediately and not
returned until they are completely healthy.
Associates are required to seek
veterinary care for pets with anything
beyond a minor injury or illness, or
when the Associate is uncertain about
the pet’s condition.
PetSmart Associates are required to
report any instance of perceived
inhumane pet treatment to their Pet
Care Manager, Store Manager, District
Services Manager or District Manager.
All concerns will be investigated
immediately. Inhumane treatment of our
pets, or failure to report it when seen, is
not tolerated and is grounds for
immediate termination.
Respect in
the Workplace
It is the policy of PetSmart to provide
equal employment opportunity for all
Associates based solely on the
qualifications of each individual. This
policy describes and prohibits any form
of discrimination, harassment or
retaliation based on race, color, religion,
age, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
national origin, veteran status, disability
or other protected status. The policy
emphasizes that any such discrimination
or harassment will be not be tolerated
at PetSmart and there will be no
retaliation against Associates who report
harassment or discrimination.
No manager or supervisor may threaten
or suggest, either explicitly or implicitly,
that an Associate’s submission to or
rejection of sexual advances or requests
for sexual favors will either enhance or
adversely affect the Associate’s
employment. This includes Associate
evaluation, compensation, advancement,
assigned duties, or any other terms or
conditions of employment.
PetSmart policy and the law prohibit
any Associate from making derogatory
or degrading gestures or actions, or
using demeaning words concerning an
Associate’s race, color, religion, age, sex,
, sexual orientation, national
origin, veteran status, disability or other
protected status. Unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors,
and other verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature are also prohibited.
Conflicting Interests
It is the policy of PetSmart to prevent
situations in which an Associate’s
interests are in conflict with those of the
Company. This policy explains the
responsibility of Associates and their
family members to avoid any action that
may interfere with the Associate’s
primary duty to serve the Company at
all times. Examples of areas covered
include illegal payments or gifts;
interactions with vendors, suppliers,
customers and competitors; securities
trades; and confidential information.
Each PetSmart Associate has a duty to
be free at all times from any influence
that conflicts or appears to conflict with
the interests of the Company, or that
might deprive the Company of the
undivided loyalty of the Associate in
business dealings. To this end, an
Associate should not become involved
in any situation that may interfere with
his or her primary duty to serve the
Company at all times to the best of his
or her ability. Associates who should be
especially mindful of this duty include all
who may:
have authority to purchase or sell
goods or services on behalf of the
recommend or influence decisions
with respect to purchases or sales; or
have knowledge of or access to the
Company’s confidential information,
processes or activities.
It is impossible to present an exhaustive
list of actions that might give rise to a
conflict of interest. The following
guidelines should help indicate some,
but not all, areas where conflicts of
interest are most likely to arise:
1. Bribes, Kickbacks and
Other Payments
An Associate will not offer, accept or
pay any bribe, kickback or illegal gratuity
or payment, directly or indirectly, to or
from any person, organization or
governmental representative.
2. Financial Interests in Suppliers,
Customers or Competitors
A conflict of interest may exist where
an Associate or a close relative of an
Associate has a financial interest in, or is
engaged, directly or indirectly, in the
management of an organization that
deals with the Company as a vendor
supplier or contractor of the Company
or is a competitor of the Company.
The term “financial interest” means any
interest, direct or indirect, in the financial
success or failure of an enterprise,
regardless of the nature of that interest
or the manner of its acquisition. It
includes, for example, owning stock,
being a partner, being a creditor, or
any other arrangement in which an
Associate or close relative of an
Associate has an interest in or claim on
the assets or income of an enterprise.
A conflict of interest is unlikely, however, if
the financial interest is insubstantial and
consists solely of stocks or bonds listed
on a national security exchange or
customarily bought and sold in an over-
the-counter market. A financial interest
may be considered “substantial” if it
represents more than one percent of
the common stock of the enterprise
in which the investment is made, or if
it is a significant part of an Associate’s
or close relative’s assets.
3. Transactions or Competition
with the Company
A conflict of interest may exist where an
Associate or close relative of an
Associate buys, sells or leases any kind
of property, facilities, equipment or
services from or to, or in competition
with, the Company. A conflict may also
exist where any close relative of an
Associate renders services to the
Company other than as an Associate
or where an Associate seeks to direct
Company purchases or other transactions
to or through a close relative.
4. Transactions with Persons Doing
or Seeking to do Business with
the Company or in Competition
with the Company
A conflict of interest may exist where an
Associate or a close relative of an
Associate buys, sells or leases any kind
of property, facilities or equipment from
or to any organization or individual who
is doing or seeking to do business with
the Company or is a competitor of the
Company, or where he or she accepts
commissions, a share in profits, or
compensation in any form from any
such organization or individual.
5. Providing Services to Other
Organizations or Individuals
A conflict of interest may exist where an
Associate provides services to another
organization or individual that does
business with or is seeking to do
business with PetSmart or is a
competitor of PetSmart, or if the outside
employment interferes with the
Associate’s performance of duties for
the Company.
6. Gifts or Loans
An Associate should not accept gifts or
favors of significant value (cost more
than $50) or borrow money (other than
from an established banking or financial
institution), directly or indirectly, from
any organization or individual that is
doing or is seeking to do business with
the Company or is a competitor of the
Company. Any gift of significant value
(cost more than $50) must be returned
promptly to the donor with an
appropriate explanation.
The policy also applies to close relatives
of Associates. Should any supplier
contact you and suggest or offer any
payment, gift or anything of value
(cost more than $50) to you or any
Associate, discontinue the conversation
and contact the Legal Department at
SSG immediately.
If the gift is offered in conjunction with a
business-related function, activity or
holiday, you should do one of two
things. You should either decline, as set
forth above, or you may seek and
obtain the approval of the gift or activity
from the Senior Vice President of your
functional area or the Chief Operating
Officer or Chief Executive Officer,
as appropriate.
7. Entertainment
An Associate should not accept any
entertainment from any organization or
individual that is doing or seeking to do
business with the Company or is a
competitor of the Company if the
acceptance of the entertainment may
in any way influence the Associate not
to act solely in the best interests of
the Company.
8. Corporate Opportunities
An Associate should not appropriate to
him or herself or divert to others,
directly or indirectly, any business
opportunity that may be of interest to
the Company without first obtaining
written authorization from the
Chairman of the Board or his or her
designee after full disclosure of the
material facts. The fact that a particular
business opportunity is closely related to
an existing line of business of PetSmart,
or represents a desirable avenue of
expansion of PetSmart’s activities, is a
strong indication the Company would
be interested in the opportunity.
An Associate should not, directly or
indirectly, acquire, influence or assist
others in acquiring any real estate in
areas in which the Company may or
does have interests or development
activities. There are two exceptions to
this restriction. An Associate may
receive real property interests acquired
through inheritance, or through the
purchase of stocks listed on a national
security exchange or over the counter.
An Associate should not, directly or
indirectly, acquire, influence or assist
others in acquiring stock or a
participating interest in any enterprise
PetSmart is or may be taking steps to
acquire. This also applies to real
property interests owned, controlled
or in the vicinity of property owned
or controlled by PetSmart.
9. Speculation
An Associate should not deal in or
speculate in commodities, products,
materials, equipment or property
purchased or sold by the Company
10. Confidential Information
An Associate should not use or disclose
confidential Company information for
his or her personal profit or for the
advantage of anyone else. Each Associate
will be required to sign and abide by a
Confidentiality Agreement on accepting
employment with PetSmart.
Unless it is a legal requirement, or is
specifically authorized by a senior officer
of the Company, an Associate should
not disclose or release to anyone, or in
any forum, any decisions, plans,
competitive bids or any other
information concerning PetSmart, that
includes, but is not limited to, advertising
or marketing drawings, pictures, plans
or proposals, sales goals or plans,
information regarding employees and
any Company financial information.
Associates should secure PetSmart
information when it is in his or her
possession to ensure no accidental
disclosure or theft of such information.
11. Trading Securities on Inside
If, at any time, an Associate has material
inside information about the Company (or
any other Company, particularly another
Company with which PetSmart does
business), he or she must refrain from
trading the Company’s securities until the
information has been disseminated to the
general public and absorbed by the
marketplace. This prohibition includes
indirect as well as direct transactions, puts,
calls or any other interest in the securities.
Material information means information
that a reasonable investor might consider
important in deciding whether to hold,
buy or sell the securities involved. Insider
trading carries potential criminal and civil
In particular cases, it may be difficult to
determine whether information is
material. Any questions regarding the
possession of material information
should be asked prior to any purchase
or sale and should be brought to the
attention of the General Counsel of
PetSmart at Store Support Group in
Phoenix. Under no circumstances may
an Associate give material inside
information to any other person, either
specifically or in the form of a general
“tip.” The potential for tipping or an
unintentional disclosure of material inside
information, given the nature of
electronic chat rooms, internet
discussion boards, blogs or any similar
media for the distribution of opinions
and information, is significant in those
environments. As a result, all Associates,
including all directors and officers are
prohibited from using such media to
communicate about PetSmart or any
companies with which we do business,
other than for legally protected activities.
Policy to Conduct
Business Legally and
Ethically and to
Maintain Accurate
and Meaningful
Financial Records
It is the policy of PetSmart to conduct its
business both ethically and legally and to
present its financial information,
internally and externally, in a manner
that will not mislead or misinform those
who receive and use it. This policy
explains improper use of corporate
funds to gain favorable treatment by
regulatory authorities and describes the
requirements for maintaining and
reporting financial information.
In accordance with this policy, but
without limiting its generality, the
following rules are to be applied:
1. The use of Company funds or assets
for any unlawful or unethical purpose
is prohibited. For example, corporate
assets may not be used to influence
or obtain favorable treatment from
governmental or regulatory
authorities if doing so would violate
U.S. laws or the laws of any other
governing jurisdiction.
2. The establishment of any undisclosed
or unrecorded fund or asset
is prohibited.
3. The making of any false or
misleading entry on the Company’s
books or records is prohibited.
4. The making of any payment or other
disbursement to any third party for
any purpose other than as stated on
the voucher is prohibited.
5. The written or oral distribution of
any false or misleading financial
information or report, whether
internal or external, is prohibited.
6. Inappropriate use of labor dollars
or inaccurate reporting of labor
hours used or labor hours needed
is prohibited.
All corporate books, records and
accounts are to be kept in reasonable
detail. They must accurately and fairly
reflect corporate transactions and the use
of corporate assets in a manner that will
assist in the preparation of complete and
accurate financial reports. Each Associate
of the Company, including those without
financial reporting or accounting
responsibilities, is required to understand
and comply with this policy as it relates to
his or her individual job duties.
Occupational Health
and Safety Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to establish
and maintain a safe and healthy work
environment. This policy covers the
responsibility of management and
Associates to minimize the hazards
inherent in the workplace by using
appropriate processes, practices and
methods, and by providing timely
education and training.
At PetSmart, the Company believes all
injuries and occupational illnesses can be
prevented, and safety is a fundamental
responsibility of each Associate of the
Company. The Company also believes
safety and occupational health must be
integrated with our effort to sell high
quality products at competitive prices
and provide excellent customer service.
Therefore, for the well-being of all
Associates and as a matter of policy:
1. Management will promote safety on
and off the job; implement accident
prevention programs, systems and
techniques; and provide a work
environment in which identified
occupational health and safety
hazards are controlled when
elimination is not feasible.
2. Store or Facility Managers will be
responsible and accountable for
implementing a superior level of
safety performance; instituting work
practices which reflect safe and
efficient methods for accomplishing
the required tasks; correcting all
deficiencies promptly; and escalating
safety issues to the appropriate
parties for correction or modification.
3. All Associates will be expected to
perform their jobs in the safest
manner prescribed; conduct
themselves in a way that enhances
their personal safety and that of their
fellow workers and customers;
report workplace hazards and make
suggestions for their correction; and
cooperate and contribute toward the
overall success of the program.
These worthwhile objectives can only
be achieved with the commitment and
complete support of every Associate.
Environmental Policy
It is the policy of PetSmart to comply
with the environmental, health and
safety laws in the conduct of its business
and to exemplify the best contemporary
industry practices with respect to
environmental matters. The policy
reviews the Company’s commitment
to continuous improvement of our
environmental protection practices
and to manage environmental
performance through cooperation
and active participation.
In all locations where PetSmart does
business, there are laws and regulations
designed to protect the environment.
Some of the products sold or used by
PetSmart may be subject to these
environmental laws.
PetSmart is committed to operating its
business in an environmentally
responsible manner. Where possible,
use of regulated materials will be
minimized or avoided. Where regulated
materials are used, PetSmart will use
them in accordance with applicable
laws. PetSmart will cooperate fully with
regulatory or governmental authorities
on these matters.
Computer Usage
All Associates are required to become
familiar with and abide by the Computer
Usage Policy found on Fetch. Users are
also expected to use their common
sense and exercise good judgment
while using all Computer services,
including email, internet, LAN and
network drives (e.g., G:\, W:\, X:\),
software and hardware and printers.
The policy is designed to protect
Company assets and ensure Company
information is not inappropriately
accessed. Associates should report
information security violations
immediately to their supervisor.
Some specific activities that are strictly
prohibited under the Computer Usage
Policy include, but are not limited to:
Accessing confidential information that
is not within the scope of one’s work.
Misusing, disclosing without proper
authorization, or altering Company
or personnel information.
Any unauthorized, deliberate action
that damages or disrupts computing
systems or networks, alters their
normal performance, or causes them
to malfunction regardless of location
or duration.
Willful or negligent introduction of
computer viruses or other destructive
programs into Company systems or
networks or into external systems
and networks.
Unauthorized decryption or attempt
at decryption of any system or user
passwords or any other user’s
encrypted files.
Gaining unauthorized access to a
computing system or network.
Use, transmission, duplication or
voluntary receipt of material that
infringes on the copyrights,
trademarks, trade secrets or patent
rights of any person or organization.
Unauthorized downloading of any
programs or files for use without
authorization in advance from the IT
Department and the user’s manager.
Any conduct that would constitute or
encourage a criminal offense, lead to
civil liability, or otherwise violate any
regulations, local, state, national or
international law including, without
limitation. U.S. export control laws
and regulations.
Deliberate pointing or hyper-linking of
the Company Web sites to other
Internet/www sites whose content
may be inconsistent with or in
violation with the aims or policies of
the Company.
Transmission of any proprietary,
confidential or otherwise sensitive
information without the proper
authorization from a Company vice
president or above.
Acquisition, storage, dissemination,
creation, posting, transmission or
voluntary receipt of any unlawful,
offensive, libelous, threatening or
harassing material including, but not
limited to, comments based on
race, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, disability, religion
or political beliefs.
Forwarding of chain letters.
Participation in on-line contests,
forms of gambling or accepting of
promotional gifts.
Engaging in activities that waste or
monopolize computer and/or
network reports to the exclusion
of others.
Conduct of a business enterprise,
political activity, engaging in any form
of intelligence collection from clients
or business partners, engaging in
fraudulent activities or knowingly
disseminating false or otherwise
libelous materials.
Political Contributions
and Public Service Policy
PetSmart does not directly or indirectly
make contributions or other payments
or provide property or services to any
candidates for public office or to political
parties. Any Associate who makes a
political contribution personally should
ensure that he or she does not imply
that it is a contribution from the
Company. PetSmart encourages its
Associates to be actively involved in the
civic affairs of the communities in which
they live. When speaking on public
issues, however, Associates should do
so only as individual citizens of the
community, and must be careful not to
create the impression they are acting on
behalf of or representing the views of
PetSmart. The only exception to this is
Associates who have appropriate
authorization to speak on behalf of
the Company.
Each officer of the Company is
responsible for Company-wide
understanding and adherence to these
policies. The officer of the Company
with ultimate responsibility to ensure
compliance and enforce these policies
is the General Counsel. Any Associate
who requires clarification regarding a
policy described in this book, or
desires to report a violation of the
Code, should follow the procedures
set forth in this policy for reporting or
may contact the General Counsel at
Store Support Group in Phoenix at
1-800-738-1385. The toll-free
number for questions, or to report a
potential violation is the CareSmart
Line at 1-800-738-4693.
Periodically, reports will be provided
to the Chairman and to the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors
regarding Company-wide adherence
to the Code of Business Ethics.
An essential element of this Code is
the responsibility and obligation you
have as an Associate to appropriately
raise issues of concern to appropriate
individuals in the Company. Issues of
concern may include a violation of this
Code or any other Company policy,
pet safety concerns, harassment,
discrimination or issues surrounding
our financial records. The Company
has an open door policy, which
encourages Associates to raise issues
to an appropriate supervisor who will
address the issue.
Compliance Program
Administration and
Each of the policies in this guide and all other supplemental statements made by the
Company will be implemented in accordance with the following:
Additionally, an Associate can
anonymously report an issue of
concern through the CareSmart Line,
which is a call center operated by a
third-party entity. Our Legal
Department and Chief Compliance
Officer can be contacted directly at
1-800-738-1385 to discuss any issue
of concern. Any issue reported will be
taken seriously and appropriately
addressed. Supervisors/Managers in
receipt of an issue of concern must take
appropriate action to address such
issue. When applicable, the issue
should be elevated to other appropriate
individuals to address.
In summary, it is imperative to report
violations of Company policy to an
appropriate individual. Failure to do
so or failure to take appropriate action
when in receipt of an issue of
concern, is a violation of the Code.
Finally, every Associate has access to
the PetSmart Audit Department at
Store Support Group, and the Vice
President of Internal Audit periodically
reports to the Audit Committee of
the Board of Directors on issues
covered by the Code
Code of Ethics & Business
Conduct Associate
Certification Process
After reviewing this information in print
or online, you must complete a
Certification Form located on Fetch. If
you are reading this online, click this link
Ethics Certification and you will be
immediately directed to the form. If you
are unable to link to the certification
form at this time, it can also be found
on Fetch by searching “Code of Ethics”.
Completion of this certification is
mandatory. If you need help accessing
Fetch or need to complete the
certification in a written format, please
see your manager.
19601 NORTH 27