John Valance
JValance Consulting
Copyright © 2011-2013: John Valance
Independent consultant
o Specialty is helping iSeries shops develop web applications, and
related skills
o Training, mentoring, consultation and coding
25+ years iSeries/AS400 experience
12+ years of web development experience
o Web scripting language of choice = PHP
Frequent presenter on web development topics
Trainer for Zend Technologies
o Teaches Intro to PHP for RPG programmers
Cover tips and techniques useful to
development of business applications in PHP on
System i
o Database paging
o File system processing / Writing CSV Content
o Email
o Session management / Cookies
You understand
o Basic PHP syntax
o Basics of web application coding in PHP
o Have done some basic DB2 applications with PHP
You are ready to go a little deeper
o Pick up a few ideas and “how-to” tips
Large Result Sets
o Don’t load all records on screen at once
o Show subset page by page
i.e. 20 to 50 records per page
Similar to Subfile
o But techniques very different, due to HTTP
Need mechanism / algorithm to allow user-controlled
page access
Need to use a scrollable cursor
o Option on db2_prepare(): 'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE
o This allows us to read a specific row number in result set
o High performance record-level access
Compute starting row number to retrieve as:
$rowNum = (PAGE_SIZE * $pageNum) - PAGE_SIZE + 1;
Retrieve $pageNum from HTML form field
o If not present, default to page 1
Add buttons on screen for Next, Previous
o These will request $page+1, $page-1
On first page, disable the “Previous” button
if ($pageNum == 1) $prevState = "disabled";
On last page, disable the “Next” button
After loading page, try to retrieve next record
If no more, disable the “Next” button
if (!$row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt, $rowNum))
$nextState = "disabled";
In HTML, echo $nextState and $prevState within the
button tags
Show Page X of Y
Add buttons for “First Page”, “Last Page”
First Page button is easy…
o Just request page = 1 when button clicked
o Disable the button if current page=1
Can use $prevState we calculated earlier
For X of Y, and last page, we need to know how many
pages there are in query result
o Note: Disable the last page button if currently on last page
Can use $nextState we calculated earlier
We need to know how many pages there are in query result
We need to do a separate SELECT to count number of rows in result
FROM <same table> JOIN <same joins>
WHERE <same conditions>
We can then calculate total pages as:
$numberOfPages =
ceil( (int)$row['ROW_COUNT'] / PAGE_SIZE);
Use ceil() function to round page number up.
By file, we mean IFS files, not object type *FILE.
o E.g., text files, PDF, images, Excel, CSV
PHP core includes numerous file system functions
Two types of file functions:
o File name-based
Dealing with the file as a whole
Receive a file name as parameter
o Resource-based
Open a file to read/write portions of the file’s contents
Receive a file “handleresource as input
Some File Name-based Functions
o bool file_exists ( $filename )
o string file_get_contents ($filename )
file_get_contents can use a URL as $filename
If it contains special characters, encode it with urlencode()
o int file_put_contents ($filename , $data)
o int file_size ($filename )
o bool copy ( $source , $dest )
o bool unlink ( $filename )
If no path specified, file is searched for in same folder as
php script
o Some functions allow option to use include_path to search for
First, open the file using fopen() function
o fopen() returns a file-handle resource
$fh = fopen(‘myfile.txt’, ‘a+’);
Use resource returned by fopen() to call functions to
read and write data
$text = fread($fh, file_size(‘myfile.txt’));
fwrite($fh, “some new text\n”);
Lastly, close the file resource using fclose()
resource fopen ( string $filename , string $mode )
o $mode is open mode for file processing:
See table on next slide for fopen mode options
Some resource-based functions
o string fread ( resource $handle , int $length )
o int fwrite ( resource $handle , string $string [, int $length ] )
o int fseek ( resource $handle , int $offset [, int $whence ] )
o bool feof ( resource $handle )
o bool fclose ( resource $handle )
Mode Function Read Write Pointer Overwrite Create
r open Yes No begin No No
r+ open Yes Yes begin No No
w open No Yes begin Yes Yes
w+ open Yes Yes begin Yes Yes
a open No Yes end No Yes
a+ open Yes Yes end No Yes
x create No Yes begin No No
x+ create Yes Yes begin No No
c open/create No Yes begin No Yes
c+ open/create Yes Yes begin No Yes
b binary file Specify b along with above mode flags if binary file
PHP has built-in CSV handling functions
o Resource-based functions – need to use fopen() to get $handle
int fputcsv ( resource $handle , array $fields )
o Parses the array $fields into a comma-separated string
o Write the string to the end of the file denoted by $handle
Strings automatically quoted if contain blanks or commas
Includes newline at end of CSV string
o Returns number of bytes written
array fgetcsv ( resource $handle )
o Reads one line from $handle
o Parses CSV content and returns an array containing an element for
each value in the CSV string
o Advances the file pointer to next line for looping
Easy to create a CSV file from an SQL query
Use db2_fetch_array()
o Returns an array of field values based on an SQL query
Pass returned array to fputcsv()
$conn = db2_connect ( "*LOCAL", "USER", "PSWD" );
$stmt = db2_prepare( $conn, "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE" );
db2_execute( $stmt );
$fh = fopen('mytable.csv', 'w');
while ( $row = db2_fetch_array( $stmt ) ) {
fputcsv($fh, $row);
Use db2_num_fields() and db2_field_name() functions
Add the following before reading/writing data rows:
for ($col = 0; $col < db2_num_fields($stmt); $col++)
$headings[] = db2_field_name( $stmt, $col );
fputcsv($handle, $headings); // first line of CSV file
If cryptic DDS field names, use ‘AS’ in SELECT
o SELECT CSCNUM as “Customer Number”,
CSNAME as “Customer Name”
Instead of writing to IFS, send it to user
o User will get a “File open/save” dialog
We can access the PHP output stream as a file resource
o php://output – Use this as filename in fopen()
o Specify mode = ‘w’ (write)
$handle = fopen("php://output", 'w');
Need to do two other things:
o Buffer output
Want to deliver the file all at once
o Specify content type and file name
Use header() function to set values in HTTP headers sent to browser
ob_start(); // start output buffering
// set file type and name in HTTP header
header("Content-type: application/csv;");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;
... do db2 query execute
$handle = fopen("php://output", 'w');
... write content to $handle as before
... after db2_close() and fclose():
// Flush output buffer - send entire file to browser
PHP mail() function
o Built-in to PHP core
o Simple, easy to use
o Best suited for text-only messages
bool mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string $headers] )
$to = '';
$subject = 'Test Email';
$message = 'Testing 1,2,3';
$headers = "From:\n" .
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
SMTP server/port is set in php.ini
Underlying protocols are complex
o based on RFC822
Can be done with mail() function, but not easy
o Requires understanding MIME formats
MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Best to use a package that makes it simple
o PEAR::Mail_Mime
o Zend Framework: Zend_Mail class
Zend Framework included with Zend Server (even CE)
Very simple interface
Great integration with other Zend products
To use Zend Framework classes in your code, add these two
lines at top of your script:
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
Note: path to Zend Framework library folder is already set in your include path by ZS installation
Example – sending plain text message:
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setFrom('', 'Our Company');
$mail->addTo('', 'J. Valance');
$mail->addTo('', 'John V.');
$mail->setSubject('Test Order Confirm');
$mail->setBodyText('This is to confirm your recent order...');
$pdf = file_get_contents('some_pdf_file.pdf');
$attach = $mail->createAttachment(
$attach->filename = 'brochure.pdf';
Note: application/pdf = Content-type
o Tells email client what program to open attachment with
o Other examples:
application/csv (Excel most likely)
Use $mail->setBodyHtml(‘…html content…’)
Should also setBodyText(‘…text content…’) for
recipients that only receive text
HTML emails can be tricky…
o Some email clients don’t handle them well / the same
Web-based clients
PDAs / Smart-phones
o A lot of companies stick to plain text notification emails
o Rules of thumb for successful HTML emails:
Use <table>s for layout (vs. CSS positioning etc.)
Specify CSS attributes inline, vs, style sheet
i.e. - as <tag style=“…”> attribute, no matter how redundant
o Images in HTML:
better to use external file references for images (vs. image attachments)
i.e. <img src=>
HTTP protocol is stateless
o There is no continuous connection to server
o Each request/response is completely independent of the next
Web applications need a mechanism to simulate a user
PHP makes this easy with session functions and session
Session variables are stored on the server by PHP
o Session variables are keyed by a session ID
o Session variables are accessed via the $_SESSION array
Session ID is stored in a cookie on the client
o This is triggered by PHP’s session_start() function
o Cookies are automatically sent with request by browser
Login Script:
session_start(); // must happen before any output
… validate user/pswd
$_SESSION['userid'] = $_POST['userid'];
… other processing
Application scripts include this at top:
if (! isset($_SESSION['userid'])
header('Location: login.php'); // redirect to login
exit; // always exit after redirect
echo “Hello “ . $_SESSION['userid'];
setcookie(session_name(),'',0,'/'); // expire cookie
header('Location: login.php'); // redirect to login
exit; // always exit after redirect
Session variables persist until one of these happens:
session_destroy() is called
browser windows are all closed
session cookie times out
o based on session.cookie_lifetime in php.ini
o this is unreliable – better to code your own session timeout logic
session garbage collection takes place
o based on session.gc_maxlifetime in php.ini
Session timeout logic
&& (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > 1800)) {
// last request was more than 30 minutes ago
session_destroy(); // destroy session data
session_unset(); // unset $_SESSION vars
// expire cookie
} else {
// update last activity time stamp
To persist user information beyond a session, set a
'mycookie', // name
‘Oreo’, // value
time()+(60*60*24*30), // expire in 30 days
Must call setcookie() before any browser output
o because cookies are set via response headers
Retrieve value via $_COOKIES array:
$cookieValue = $_COOKIES[‘mycookie’]; // ‘Oreo’
Database paging
o Scrollable cursor
o Specify starting row on db2_fetch
File system processing / Writing CSV Content
o File-based functions vs. Resource-based functions
o fputcsv() and fgetcsv()
o $download = fopen("php://output", 'w');
Use buffering
Specifying file name and type with header() function
o mail() – simple emails without attachments
o Zend_Mail – attachments / HTML
Session management / Cookies
o HTTP = stateless protocol
o session_start() / session_destroy()
o $_SESSION array
o setcookie() – persist information beyond session
John Valance
o JValance Consulting
o 802-355-4024
Contact me for source code