Whitworth Intramurals: Badminton Rules
Badminton Rules
Teams: Players must sign up through Fusion IM and be registered and paid to be eligible to participate. No exceptions.
Game Time: Both teams must have a minimum of one representative on the court/field at game time. Teams must meet
the minimum roster requirements by 5 minutes after the scheduled game time!
Roster Requirements: 2 players
Game Structure:
Games are played first to 11, win by 2. Matches are decided best 2 out of 3.
Field Specs:
Games will be played on Court 2* in the U-Rec.
*Court 2 is not always available, please be prepared to adjust.
Racquets and shuttles can be checked out by players at the front desk.
This sport is typically played as a Jan Term sport. All games will be scheduled on Fusion IM for games on Court 2 in the U-
Rec at a specific time. Please see “Section 7” of the IM policy regarding rescheduling, defaults, forfeits and no-shows. Be
sure to update your team time preferences prior to the start of the season.
Reporting Scores:
Since this league is not officiated, players must report scores by themselves. This can be done online at the Whitworth
Fusion IM page.
Game Play
1. Badminton is self-refereed using the honor system. Please be honest!
2. Rock-Paper-Scissors will determine first choice of service or side.
3. Sides and initial service will be switched upon completion of each game.
1. The first serve of the game is made from the right service court and received in the diagonal service court.
2. The second serve from the same player/team is made from the left service court and then continues to alternate
until the serve is earned by the other player/team.
3. In doubles, teams must change the server each time they win the serve back from the other team.
a. If the serving teams wins a point, the same server continues to serve following the alternating court
4. The losing side of a game always serves first in the next game.
1. A match is best 2 out of 3 games, with each game being to 11 points, win by 2
2. Every time there is a serve, there is a point scored.
3. The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
1. Teams are allowed one timeout per match.
Player/Team Conduct:
This league is NOT officiated. All disputes are to be settled calmly and professionally. If the players are incapable of
settling disputes calmly and diplomatically, the league will be dissolved, and no refunds will be available.
Nomad Rule:
Nomads are defined as IM participants who have paid and are eligible to play on a team during the current season and
have been requested to participate with another team so that a game can be completed. Teams automatically accept
the use of nomads and accept the outcomes that come from using nomads. Teams can use up to two nomads to
complete a roster, but teams are not allowed to play a nomad if they will have a bench. Captains are responsible for the
actions of their nomad, including sportsmanship. Nomads are not allowed to be used during playoffs!!
Blood Rule:
Any player who is bleeding must be substituted for until the bleeding stops. Players who refuse to leave the game due to
bleeding could potentially face suspension. If by removing the player who is bleeding the team falls below the minimum
number necessary to play, the following will apply: the game will be forfeited with no ability to reschedule.
Protest Policy:
Teams have the option of protesting any application or misinterpretation of a rule. No protest of a judgment call will be
considered. In the situation of no referee or IM official, a team may request a protest by calling a timeout and discussing
with the other players. If the teams cannot come to a consensus of the correct call, the game play will continue as
normal, and either of the teams may file a formal request to an IM staff member. Protest forms can be obtained by
going to the Whitworth U-Rec website and looking in the intramurals tab, or by speaking to an IM coordinator. These
forms must be filled out and submitted within 24 hours of the game. An IM staff member will review the protest, discuss
with both teams and make a decision. More information can be found by speaking to an IM staff member.
Updated: 12/13/18